Arthrex Meniscal Cinch
Arthrex Meniscal Cinch
Arthrex Meniscal Cinch
Use an arthroscopic probe as a Switching Stick by cupping the open cannula tip of the Meniscal Cinch around the shaft of the probe
and sliding the cannula into the joint. An Arthrex Shoehorn Cannula or PassPort Button Cannula™ may also be used.
Hold the Meniscal Cinch by placing the index finger above the cannula, the middle finger below the cannula and the first trocar
pinched between the base of the thumb and index fingers. Deploy the implant by squeezing the trocar and handle together.
Dealing with Resistance of the Trocar through the Meniscus and Capsule
If resistance is encountered while trying
to pass the implant, it is important not
to push too firmly on the handle of
the Meniscal Cinch as this could cause
damage to the meniscus from the tip
of the cannula. It is best to advance the
trocar all the way to the depth stop,
allowing the trocar to come out of the
cannula in the joint.
Keep controlled forward pressure of the trocar while rotating back and forth 90˚. This can be done using a one-handed tech-
nique. Since the depth stop is already bottomed out, the trocar is inserted until the tip of the cannula touches the meniscus.
This signals appropriate insertion depth.
Removing Excess Suture Slack between Implants
When advancing the second implant forward, excess suture tends to accumulate in the joint and cause difficulty with visualiza-
tion. This slack can be reduced by gentle tension on the external suture while advancing the second implant forward. Once
the implant is visible out of the cannula, stop pulling the suture. If no slack was taken out, gently move the cannula away from
the excess suture and advance the implant through tissue. Important: Do not put tension on external suture before second trocar
is released from the locked position in the depth stop as this can cause the second implant to deploy prematurely. Once unlocked,
push the second trocar forward before pulling slack from the suture.