Вживіть відповідний присвійний займенник (my, our, your, his, her, its,
1. You should play with … own toys.
2. Robert couldn't use … notebook because it was broken.
3. The funny cat tried to catch … tail.
4. I hope you’ll enjoy … meal.
5. Anna drove … children to school.
6. I had … chest X-rayed.
7. We can bring … own instruments.
8. They often go to the Crimea because they love … nature.
9. She can't find … glasses.
10. He didn't give me … number.
Exercise 2
Поставте правильну форму присвійного відмінка
1. I can't stand olives for ______ bitter-sour taste. (they)
2. Do you want to know ______ exam results?. (you)
3. Have you already jumped on a trampoline? I guess it’s ______ turn. (I)
4. I liked all the Halloween costumes, but ______ costume was the most
extraordinary. (she)
5. We have unwrapped all the presents. ______ remained lying under the
Christmas tree. (you)
6. ______ worst nightmare is to fail an exam, but ______ is to get stuck
in an elevator. (I, he)
7. You’ve already tried ______ grilled chicken wings!(they)
8. This is (Kate) English course book.
9. My (daughter) room is on the second floor.
10. Don’t take (Lisa) bag. She will be offended.
11. This (world) association was created in 2003 in Japan.
12. Don’t take it, please. These are the (boys) toys.
13. This modern exhibition performs the best (Picasso) paintings. Don’t
miss it!
14. (Tom) new house is huge and really comfortable.
Exercise 3
Запиши словосполучення, подані у дужках, поставивши іменник у
присвійний відмінок.
Exercise 4
Поставте апостроф в потрібне місце і перекладіть речення:
There are a lot of women___ dresses here.
The chair___ back has broken.
Did you see birds___ nests?
There was an employee___ laptop.
Could you give me Steve____ number?
Where is the children_____ clothes?
My friend___ shoes are so beautiful.
The sheep___ wool is a source of income for them.
There are no problems with Mary____ teeth.
I was puzzled by the husband question.
These students work was amazing.
Where is Richard timetable?
The animals instincts are often learnt by many scientists.
Her uncle birthday is on the 6th of February.
What is the date of Jessi and Mike wedding?
Exercise 5
Знайдіть помилки у деяких реченнях.
1. Is it yours’ book ?
2. It isn't ours dog.
3. Childrens’ sleeping room.
4. His watermelon is very sweet.
5. Is this you room?.
6. Students’s exercise books.
7. The elephant hurt his leg.
8. It’s own place.
9. It's my birthday.
10. Theirs office.
11. Did you like mine present?
12. Maria brother.