GNM Question
GNM Question
GNM Question
1. (a) Select the most appropriate word from the following and (05)
complete the sentence. :-
(i) Calcium is the nutrient necessary for ...................... •
(a) Carbohydrate metabolism (b) Wound healing
(c) For normal bones and teeth (d) Iron metabolism.
(ii) Anganwadi in rural area is a component of ...................... .
(a) Mid day meal (b) I.C.D.S.
(c) School health (d) M.C.H.
te true or false:- ·
(c) Sta d' ted from India.
. . . not erra ica
( ') Poliomyehtis is 1 . s
i • •ves 9 ca one .
(ii) 1 gm. of protem gi d t healthy life style.
(iii) People should not a
(iv) Permanent hardness o
water is due to presence of calcium
(b) State the difference between the following (any two) : - (10)
(i) Waterborne diseases and Airborne diseases.
(ii) Hospital and Community health nursing.
(iii) Slow sand filter and Rapid sand filter.
4. Answer the following questions :-
(b) How will you manage the fever and diarrhoea ? (04)
(c) What ANC advice will you give to Mrs. Surekha and Health (05)
education to .her family ?
(d) Write the advantages of copper-' T' 380 A. (03)
[Turn over
CoN 359 (05)
true or false :- 1· .
(c) State d t f protein metabo ism.
. end pro uc o
(i) Glucose is b h dr te aives 16 calories.
ams of car o y a e~
(.ii) Four gr Chart monitors the progress of a pregnant
(iii) Road to Health
women. · di al
. is best method of refuse spos .
(iv) Compos mgt . .
t .1 t' on is good air circulation m a room.
(v) Cross Ven 1 a 1
~ ·-
eral Nursing
First year
Community Health Nursing
Thursday 28 th January 2021
[Time: 8: 30 am to 11 :30 am]
Total Marks - 75
andidate must write her/ his seat number in ENGLISH.
answer of each question on new page.
) Select the most appropriate answer from the following and complete the statement. (05)
. (any five)
Que. 3 (A) Define the followmg
1) Epidemiology
2) Communication
~) Health educati_on
f) Health
5) Safe water
6) Sewage
a) Describe the sources of water?
b) What is the importance and requirement of water?
c) Describe water purification on a small scale?
(J,tf-\~ .
(Including Community Nursing-I, Environmental ,H,-giene,
Health education and Communication Skills, Nutrition)_
• • " .. .. ; f li • : 1 ~. ' •.
[ TIME : 9-00 A.M. TO 12-00 NOON]
(TOTAL -~wucs-75)
1. The Candidate must write ·h er/ his Seat Number in ENGLISH. · ·
2. Please note that the q~estion paper set in ENGLISH version is final for any
doubt in MARATHI paper.
1. (a) Select the most appropriate words from ·the foll~wing ·and (05)
complete the statement :- · ·
(i) ..................... is a primary unit of health .
. , (a)_ Family (b) _ ~~ciety. ..
(c) Community (d)" Na'tio1r?·'· ·'' \ ··
(ii) World Health Day is celebrated oii .. ;........ :.......... : ·
(a) 8th March ._(.b)- 7th April
(c) 12th May (d) 21st June.
(iii) Anganwadi of Rural Community is component oL ................ .
Programme. ·
(a) Mid Day Meal '"('oJICDS .
(c) School health (d) Janani Surksha Yojana. ·
• . .................
(iv) One gm Off:at gives . .. calories.
4 ·~ 9
(a) ---fd> 20.
(c) 15 . · t
. is
(v) .B.C.G. Vaccination . given
. t o protect the
. child agams
........ .................
(b) Match the following :-
.S / ::·l 'k. ; ' , . . · :.,. r>·, ·,r ·, ,:·:•:,r =:: ...•:·\ (OS)
r-rv·•f~ '--•,,. or fal,e,
;, . -~
rl . '
t-.. J !•.. ., ! , . . •. , · -
1 . (A) Select the most appropriate words from the following and complete the
statement : · · (5)
(i) The population for the Primary Health Centre for the plain area is
(a) 50,000 (b) 30,000 (c) 20,000 . (d) 25,000
(ii) Deficiency of protein in diet causes . . . .
(a) Malnutrition (b) Rickets (c) Beri-Beri (d) Deafness .
' . .
(iii) The International Yoga Day is celebrated every year on ·~ ·.
(a) Th April (b) 12th May (c) 21 st .June (d) 2nd October
(iv) BCG Vaccine is given as prevention against--,----·Diseases. '.
(a) Measles (b) Polio (c) Hepatitis (d) _Tube~culos1s
(v) The disease caused by Anopheles type of mosquito is -
(a) Malaria (b) Yellow fever
(c) Dengue (d) Chikungunya fever
(B) Match the following : (5)
'A' Section . 'B' Section
(i) Amla
(ii) Home Visit (b) Deep Well
(iii) Ground Water (c) Backbone of MCH
(iv) Blackboard (d) Vitamin "C" .
(v) Rice (e) . Carbohydrates
5. Answer the following questions.
(a} Define Health and write characteristics of Healthy Individuals.
(b} Write latest National Immunisation Schedule. (2+3)
(c) Write the causes of population explosion. (5)
OR (5) '
(a} Define communication.
(b} Write in brief about communication process. (2)
(c) Explain types of communication. (5)
{d) List barriers of communication. (5)