Review Article
Review Article
Review Article
Review Article
Transforming the Capabilities of Artificial Intelligence in GCC
Financial Sector: A Systematic Literature Review
Habib Ullah Khan ,1 Muhammad Zain Malik,1 Mohammad Kamel Bader Alomari,1
Sulaiman Khan ,1 Alanoud Ali S. A. Al-Maadid,2 Mostafa Kamal Hassan,1
and Khaliquzzaman Khan3
Department of Accounting and Information Systems, College of Business and Economics, Qatar University, Doha, Qatar
Department of Finance and Economics, College of Business and Economics, Qatar University, Doha, Qatar
College of Business Administration, American University in the Emirates, Dubai, UAE
Received 30 January 2022; Revised 4 March 2022; Accepted 21 March 2022; Published 5 April 2022
Copyright © 2022 Habib Ullah Khan et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly
cited. The publication of this article was funded by Qatar National Library.
Identity and access management is a business process framework that makes it easier to maintain genuine user identities and
regulate access to sensitive assets. The word “access control” refers to an organization’s policy for authorizing access
procedures, the mechanisms that implement and enforce the policy, and the model that the policy and procedures are built on.
Adopting new technology may give rise to specific cyber threats that decrease or degrade business operations. The paper has
designed to discuss the artificial intelligence-based access control system as a necessary component of governing and
safeguarding the financial sector’s information assets in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region. Due to the dynamic and
complicated nature of security rules for access control, organizations that employ web-enabled remote access in conjunction
with applications access deployed over several networks face various obstacles, including increased operational complexity and
monitoring concerns. Organizations spend a vast budget on securing their business. As the industry trend has shifted to
intelligent internet-based companies on the same side, the cyber threat has become a challenge for the researcher to find the
solution. A systematic research is conducted to fill the gaps in the existing literature by picking the most relevant research
papers (126) from the four most reputable online repositories based on the four research questions specified. These research
topics aim to evaluate the current situation from many perspectives and provide new avenues for future study to be studied
soon to maintain high security and authenticity inside financial sectors of the GCC’s countries.
sustainable ways throughout the world [9]. Because of the the interest of various investors, and the capital market
proliferation of portable devices and the availability of the order. Many investigators used AI to strengthen the security
Internet, mobile learning (M-learning) has exploded in pop- of information systems and interconnected devices in order
ularity in recent years. The success stories of next generation to overcome security concerns and dangers. AI approaches
mobile information systems have been supplemented by the assist machines in solving key issues in the same way that
usage of this unique technology in learning and training [10]. people do. AI can detect a variety of dangerous threats and
assaults that can affect an organization’s system. Using
Due to the unpredictability of the economic climate and machine learning and deep knowledge, AI approaches
fierce competition, even the well-run businesses are vulnera- respond in real time to numerous threats on the information
ble to failure and financial disaster. So, whether financial dif- system. Machine learning is a form of artificial intelligence
ficulty in publicly traded firms can be projected properly and that assists in identifying the ornament contained in incom-
quickly is dependent on the development of the company, ing data [17].
the interest of various investors, and the capital market order Meanwhile, AI is being imposed on the education indus-
[11]. Organizations are interested in altering their company try by the rapid advancement of information technology.
operations and incorporating computer-assisted technolo- Educational companies introduced the individual adaptive
gies to serve their clientele [12]. Criminal activity is rising learning system (IALP) to support student enrolment and
in our society daily. A huge number of threats and acts of probe. It aims to aided teaching system, personalized learn-
violence occur in the community due to this exponential ing that creates the classroom environment management,
growth. People require security systems and improved living individual evaluation, and institute administration system
conditions to provide serenity to their lives and raise their to support the student enrolment and probe [18]. Rapidly
living standards. As new technology evolves, it harms the changing needs, wants, and behavior of customers are
globe in the form of cyber-attacks [13]. Organizations and influencing world economics, financial institutions, coun-
individuals must endure harmful damage and cyber-attacks tries, the budget deficit, and business profitability and reve-
on their information systems. Any firm must take security nue aspects, while another view of economic development
action based on risk assessments in every period of informa- and financial crises, rapidly changing needs, wants, and
tion system modernization. There are other risk analysis behaviors of customers are influencing world economics,
approaches to choose from, but the qualitative method is financial institutes, countries, and the budget deficit. Thurai-
the most effective. The qualitative approach helps the com- singham discussed the effects of robots and artificial intelli-
pany to make timely decisions about information security gence on corporate economics and potential future study
[14]. Farooq and Otaibi [15] gave a paper at a symposium topics [19]. The technique and analysis of business trends
on reducing security risks in information systems. Informa- and projections concerning sales, income, profits, and
tion system security risk management is critical to an orga- expenditures are all part of business forecasting. The goal
nization’s commercial performance (ISSRM). The ISSRM of business forecasting is to give relevant data based on
ensures privacy, data security, and consistency. prophecy. Many businesses must gather this data in order
Artificial intelligence (AI) is defined as “the practice of to achieve their objectives [20]. The following are the main
making machines intelligent, with intelligence being the contribution of this systematic analysis:
attribute that allows an entity to function correctly and pre-
dictably in its environment.” Artificial intelligence (AI) is the (i) For recognizing the difficulties facing or faced by
capacity of a machine to work intelligently by accurately financial sector of GCC region most typically
reading incoming inputs and applying these teachings to
(ii) To describe many strategies offered to address these
achieve defined objectives and activities via a flexible design
difficulties, as well as where these solutions fall short
[16]. It is a result of human intelligence. AI is the intelligent
base software that focuses on various human intelligence (iii) How artificial intelligence-based solutions have
systems compound operations such as image processing, been used to handle these problems and how they
decision-making, speech recognition, and language process- may be enhanced to ensure high levels of security
ing. AI is a fictional technology that has altered many aspects and authenticity, and
of our life, including transportation, health, marketing,
banking, and shopping [17]. In this industrial revolution, (iv) To identify the social and economical importance of
artificial intelligence (AI) is playing a key role. It can guard AI on our lives and other government and nongov-
against cyber-attacks, viruses, and illegal access to the infor- ernment organizations
mation system. AI can help with a variety of cybersecurity (v) Based on this systematic analysis, new research
challenges. Multiple AI approaches, such as deep learning, directions must be proposed to ensure the safety
machine learning, and concept of knowledge, can be used and security of the organizations for both
to reduce the cyber threat [7]. employees and employers
Due to the unpredictability of the economic climate and
fierce competition, even the well-run businesses are vulnera- The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2
ble to failure and financial disaster. So whether financial dif- represents the background study, while Section 3 outlines
ficulty in publicly traded firms can be projected properly and the systematic protocol followed for this assessment work.
quickly is dependent on the development of the company, Section 4 details the assessment criteria followed for
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Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 3
Artificial intelligence
Access control
Financial sector
Research questions
GCC region
Identification of identification
research problem Selection of four most
relevant research
Search strategy
Keywords identification
Searching libraries Query formulation
Query tuning based on
the online repositories
evaluation purposes. Section 5 briefly explains the results Table 2: Articles selection and final database development process.
and discussion section. Section 6 presents the limitations of
this research work followed by the conclusion in Section 7 Papers Papers Papers selected
of the paper. selected selected based based on content
based on title on abstract provided
IEEE Xplore 252 96 35
2. Background Study
ScienceDirect 244 127 39
Artificial intellect (AI) is a new scientific technology that Hindawi 231 96 27
may simulate and expand human intelligence technology Springer
applications. AI is a study area at the crossroads of social sci- 211 66 25
ence, natural science, and technological science. AI can pro- Total 126
cess information in a way that is akin to human thinking and
awareness. AI employs a procedural way to develop and
extend the core of intelligence, resulting in a new sort of of various modifications. The ever-increasing revenue from
intelligent computer that behaves similarly to humans. The cryptocurrencies, especially in the heavily regulated crypto
researchers investigated the influence and impact of AI on industry, has taken control of exchanges and even special-
stakeholders, consumers, and businesses in the industry to ized bank services as a new asset [6]. Machine vision remains
improve the business [1]. Artificial intelligence (AI) has a difficult issue that draws scholars to conduct research in
become a danger to people who labour manually as new this area. Machine vision systems (MVS) that are inspired
information technology has been implemented. This danger by human vision systems have been developed (HVS) [7].
exists for financial institutions as well. Despite this, invest- Artificial intelligence (AI) is a broad area of development
ment in AI FinTech has not slowed due to the uncertainty that can offer a variety of advantages to enterprises. Follow-
that AI provides to mandatory customers, operators, and ing an immense quantity of data and a large increase in com-
financial controllers. AI offers various social benefits to puting capabilities over the last few years, businesses have
increase its credibility in financial institutions and win pub- increasingly resorted to AI to generate economic value [8].
lic acceptance [2]. Global financial services are being reshaped as a result of fast
Small enterprises contribute significantly to a country’s technological advancements and increased competition. AI
economy. Almost 98 percent of businesses in the United has recently attracted a lot of attention [9]. Organizations
States are small businesses with less than 100 employees. have implemented AI applications to generate more business
These companies employ a total of 36% of the workforce. value in increased sales, revenue, enhanced company effi-
It represents a market sector eager to improve its businesses ciency, and cost savings [10]. According to a recent study
using modern information technologies [3]. Because of published in the MIT Sloan Management Review, more than
blockchain technology, corporate governance has taken a 80% of businesses see AI as a planned opportunity. AI is
new direction. A reliable and effective GITS (global informa- viewed as a tool to achieve a competitive edge by over 85%
tion transmission system) will require a reliable value to the of respondents [11]. Various firms invest in AI technology
transmission system, the cornerstone of blockchain technol- to deal with organizational challenges and revenue develop-
ogy. A reliable and effective GITS (global information trans- ment; nevertheless, some businesses fail to see AI’s
mission system) will require a reliable deal to the worth [12].
transmission system, the cornerstone of blockchain technol-
ogy. By employing cryptography, blockchain creates a mutu- 3. Research Protocol
ally dispersed system that may achieve an agreement
without personal intervention. By using cryptography, SLR examines and determines a subject of interest by identi-
blockchain creates a mutually dispersed system that may fying a set of most relevant research questions in the selected
execute a contract without personal intervention. Blockchain research domain. In the SLR process, the research questions
is a consensus method that acknowledges the advantages of serve as a cornerstone. SLR uses a thorough, reliable, and
reaching an agreement between two or more devices without verifiable technique to offer a fair appraisal of a research sub-
the need of humans. Blockchain applications and cyber- ject [21]. Many academics in diverse domains like healthcare
physical systems are transforming traditional business systems [22], networking [23], crowdsourcing [24], and
models, technical procedures, and industrial processes. The many others use SLR work to explore the extant and identify
Bitcoin network’s blockchain symbolizes 1.0 technology [4]. the gaps in the literature and define new research direction
An information system innovation is a sophisticated for the researchers to explore. This SLR method summarizes
mechanism for administering distributed ledgers to the the literature on artificial intelligence and machine learning
blockchain [5]. The key features of the traditional notebook approaches used in financial institutions. Following are the
system have aroused interest in blockchain technology due list of the objectives that are aimed to be achieved by this
to frequent validations of operational transactions for valid- systematic research work.
ity, the secrecy of the encoded parties to the transaction, the Analyze the current research activity in light of the four
inaccessibility of the control center, and the establishment of research topics that have been defined. These questions aim
money. Cryptocurrencies are the well-known real-world to outline the existing based on AI models developed to
solution to this new technology. It has about 2000 variations ensure high security in organizations, different types of
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Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 5
Springer link
20% IEEE xplore
Science direct
Number of articles
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
threats that employees in organizations commonly face, dif- 3.1. Research Question. Research questions (RQ) are just
ferent architectures and tools suggested for mitigating the like the corner stone of any SLR work. The most relevant
security risks faced during unwanted situations, and differ- and highly precised RQs (by considering different aspects
ent implications of AI on diverse domains within the in a certain topic of interest) ensure the validity and appli-
organization. cability of the SLR work. To conduct this SLR work, we
This SLR project attempts to identify significant flaws in formulated a set of four RQs to explore the proposed field
existing solutions and propose new future research areas to from different aspects. The details regarding the research
fill up the gaps. These new study paths will eventually aid questions and the underlined descriptions are detailed
firms and staff in assuring high authenticity for their security below in Table 1.
ways, preventing data leaking, and combating intruder
attacks. 3.2. Keyword Finalization. After formulating the research
The most relevant research publications were chosen questions, the new activity is to identify the most suitable
from four peer-reviewed internet sources for this SLR pro- keywords that resultantly helped in accumulating relevant
ject. The researchers will be able to discover the most rele- articles from the selected online repositories. The finalized
vant research publications in the AI area and analyses most relevant articles retrieved are “SECURITY, SAFETY,
them using this list of the most relevant research articles. RISKS, THREATS, MITIGATE, MINIMIZE, EMBEDDED,
This SLR paper is being carried out following the guide- DEPPLY, EVIDENCE, PROOF, CAPABILITY, ABILITY,
lines defined by Mishra and Yadav and Daya [26, 27]. The ORGANIZATION, SECTOR, INSTITUTE, IMPACT, OR
review protocol of this SLR has depicted in Figure 1. It con- EFFECT.” These keywords are used for the query develop-
sists of seven main steps: (1) selection of research q, (2) iden- ment according to the database requirements and tuned fur-
tification of research question, (3) search strategy, (4) ther for best outcomes (for the retrieval of satisfactory results
selection appropriate studies, (5) review online libraries for in terms of relevant articles).
most relevant papers selection, (6) quality assessment, and
(7) conclusion and future direction. All these stages are 3.3. Query Selection. To accelerate the articles accumulation
described with full description in Figure 1. process from the selected peer-reviewed libraries, the query
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6 Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing
S. Type of security
Description References
no threat
Cyber security has become a topic of worldwide concern and relevance. More than 50
countries have already released a policy statement defining their official positions on
cyberspace, cybercrime, and cyber security. Participants with a prior understanding of cyber
security could differentiate between distinct cyber-attacks; however, beginner participants were
not sensitive to the assault types. For security analysis in corporate networks, it is critical to
capture the unpredictable parts of cyber security. However, there has been little research into
whether modelling techniques accurately capture such uncertainty, as well as how to design
models that are effective in reality. An attack graph depicts the logical causation relationships
across numerous privileges and configuration settings in an enterprise network, illustrating
probable multistage assaults. Traditional methodologies and technologies to collect, parse,
normalize, search, analyze, display, and explore the massive amount of security events gathered
by security information and management systems are increasingly reaching their physical
limits in many businesses (SIEM). Traditional SIEM devices are meant to statically correlate
1. Cyber security security events and provide warnings for possible cyber threats in any security operations
center (SOC). Every day, billions of security events are generated by a typical company
network with thousands of IT systems. The risk management process aids executive decision-
making, helping managers and owners to fulfill their fiduciary duty of safeguarding their
companies’ assets. This critical procedure should not take a long time to complete. The strategy
used by an organization to ensure the confidentiality, availability, integrity, nonrepudiation,
accountability, authenticity, and dependability of its IT systems is known as information
security. The potential use of artificial intelligence technology to ensure data protection. The
benefits of utilizing machine learning to analyze data security incidents are demonstrated. A
look at some of the most popular commercial information security tools today. The objective
of AI applications is to solve problems that take an expert a long time to solve in a short
amount of time. The generated model is capable of performing the needed activities in the
same manner as an expert advisor. Furthermore, the built software may be utilized by virtually
anyone, even if an expert is not present in the business
The security risks associated with each cloud delivery model differ and are based on a variety of
factors, including the sensitivity of information assets, cloud topologies, and security measures
implemented in a specific cloud environment. For a better knowledge of essential areas of
emphasis in the cloud computing environment, as well as detecting threats and vulnerabilities,
use this information risk management approach. Selecting a technique for conducting an
information security risk analysis can be difficult for businesses. There are a variety of risk
Information security analysis approaches accessible today, some of which are qualitative and others of which are [5, 17, 21–23,
risk (ISR) quantitative. The purpose of all of these approaches is to calculate the total risk value. Based on 35–38]
its unique requirements, an organization must choose the best technique. The main goal of
information security is to protect an organization’s important resources, such as hardware,
software, and financial resources, as well as tangible and intangible assets. An organization’s
security objectives can be addressed by using appropriate security procedures and policies.
Artificial intelligence technology excels at supervising and managing tasks in which humans
fall short, hence, its use in networking has increased performance and security.
A network risk assessment evaluates the network(s) that your company and workers utilize on
a daily basis. Using risk assessment tools, the evaluation helps identify the threats to your
essential systems and sensitive data. Cyber-attacks are growing more complicated, and reliable
intrusion detection is becoming more difficult (ID). Failure to prevent infiltration can
compromise security services such as data integrity, privacy, and availability. The fast growth
of computer networks (CNs) has changed how people think about network security. Intrusion
detection systems (IDS) are used to detect all types of computer activity and hostile network [24, 26, 27,
3. Network security
(NW) traffic that standard firewalls cannot detect. Personal computer users, businesses, and 33]
the military have all become more concerned about network security. With the introduction of
the internet, security has become a big concern, and studying the history of security helps for a
better understanding of how security technologies emerged. Many security issues were possible
due to the internet’s structure. Firewalls and encryption methods are used by many enterprises
to protect themselves from the internet. Businesses construct an “intranet” to stay connected to
the internet while protecting themselves from potential risks.
The attribute or state of being safe, such as being devoid of danger, employment stability,
4. Security and safety freedom from dread or anxiety, freedom from the risk of being laid off. With changes made [17, 39–43]
both worldwide and nationally, technological breakthroughs improve the way we live. These
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Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 7
Table 3: Continued.
S. Type of security
Description References
no threat
technological advancements also have unintended consequences in the form of security risks.
The use of artificial intelligence (AI) allows to solve complicated problems in the same way that
people do. The artificial intelligence (AI) technology detects several assaults that threaten the
application and system security of a company. The state of being safe the absence of the
possibility of damage, danger, or loss. The ability to avoid or minimize damage, risk, or loss. A
contraption or mechanism used to avoid harm or risk. Risk, safety, and security are all ideas
that have attracted a lot of scholarly attention. There are a number of assumptions concerning
their nature and relationship that have been made. Risk, safety, and security are often used in
everyday discourse, in addition to academic contexts.
is formulated (“SECURITY” OR “SAFETY” OR “RISKS” OR based on the title, abstract, and content of the research piece.
“THREATS”) AND (“MITIGATE” OR “MINIMIZE”) AND The next paragraph contains a detailed summary of the
(“EMBEDDED” OR “DEPPLY”) AND (“EVIDENCE” OR compiled research publications.
TOR” OR “ ORGANIZATION “ OR “INSTITUTE” OR 3.4. Review Online Libraries and Final Article Database
“IMPACT” OR “EFFECT”). This query is fine-tuned depend- Development. We selected four of the most peer-reviewed
ing on the gathered results and the libraries that have been online repositories to accumulate the most relevant research
chosen. The 126 most relevant research papers are picked articles for the proposed SLR work, including Hindawi,
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8 Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing
Types of impacts Description References
Because the mobile channel may accommodate practically any sort of payment, financial theft
in the IoT ecosystem is a rapidly expanding concern. Financial fraud in mobile payments has
emerged and is becoming more widespread as a result of the fast development of mobile
commerce and the IoT environment. Financial fraud causes financial loss in the real world;
1. Fraud detection [59, 60]
hence, a highly precise approach of financial fraud detection in an IoT context is required.
Furthermore, our technique suggested a machine-learning-based overall procedure for
identifying financial fraud and compared it to artificial neural networks for detecting fraud
and processing vast volumes of financial data.
Product lifecycle management (PLM) encompasses a wide range of technical, business, and
management operations that occur throughout the lifespan of a product, from the conception
New product
2. of an intangible notion through the recycling of a finished product. AI theories, algorithms, [61]
and technologies to distinct stages of PLM (i.e., product design, production, and service) in
the context of smart manufacturing.
Despite the rapid development of information science and technology, as well as computer
networks, in the last decade, interdisciplinary research that promotes cross-fertilization of
disciplines, and the application of research methods used in many other disciplines to
Financial prediction
3. financial market forecasting, it remains extremely difficult to predict the current and future [62]
state of financial markets. Due to the support of current financial market theories, as well as
the relationship between global financial markets and the particular of the forecasting time
horizon, financial market forecasting is a difficult study issue.
Enterprise green operation is a commercial activity that incorporates environmental
preservation into the whole operation and management process of a company. It necessitates
that environmental preservation be the driving principle of corporate operations and that
Internet supply chain every link of business management be founded on it. Furthermore, with the liberalization of
4. [63]
finance the financial sector, banks are no longer the exclusive source of supply chain finance in the
nation, owing to the enormous financing demands of SMEs. The use of the internet and big
data technologies to address the problem of information symmetry in small and medium-
sized firms, as well as to break the chicken-neck of small and medium-sized business finance.
The interest rate at which banks lend money to one another in the money market is known as
the interbank offer rate. Shibor can correctly and timely represent the capital supply and
demand connection in the money market as a market-oriented core interest rate, and its
5. Interbank offered rate [64]
changes will immediately transmit and impact China’s financial sector. Research is to forecast
and investigate the volatility and trend of interbank offer rates, which are the rates at which
banks lend money to one another in the money market.
In today’s competitive market, both businesses and academic institutions place a premium on
financial performance evaluation studies. The quality of financial performance has a direct
impact on the long-term viability of businesses. Enterprises are paying greater attention to the
Financial performance use of financial performance assessment analysis to promote the sound growth of the entire
6. [65, 66]
evaluation company as the enterprise management concept deepens. The study-related variables
effecting company financial performance, debt-paying capacity, and relevant indicators are
chosen from the four aspects of profitability, operation ability, and development ability to
design the financial performance assessment system.
Network flaws in the existing e-commerce operating paradigm, such as network chaos and
unequal network distribution, impede economic growth and advancement. Through
7. E-commerce independent screening and an artificial intelligence system improves and analyses the [4]
assembly of e-commerce websites and merges the internet economics with online website
Currently, there is a growing tendency in enterprises to look at artificial intelligence and
nonartificial intelligence for new product innovation and success. The goal of the continuing
New product research is to look into the function of artificial and nonartificial intelligence in new product
8. [61]
innovation success, as well as the moderating effect of new product innovation in Chinese manufacturing
companies. The findings revealed that both artificial and nonartificial intelligence had a
favourable and substantial relationship with new product success.
The continued growth of AI has provided humanity with a plethora of new and unique
experiences, as well as a variety of potential future services. Artificial intelligence is an
9. Accounting [67]
unavoidable scientific and technical outcome of human civilization, as well as a future trend
in human growth. In human civilization, accounting is an important financial analytical
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Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 9
Table 5: Continued.
Types of impacts Description References
work. Accounting’s intelligentization is a microcosm of societal progress. Artificial
intelligence can be used to improve financial accounting and support societal development
with quicker and smarter services.
The linked contents of AI and big data, extensively examines the growth of the financial
industry, and demonstrates the application of AI and big data in the area of finance and big
10. data. In the context of big data, a risk evaluation approach for financial information [68]
management systems. This approach creates logical nodes based on the system module and
then creates a risk estimate model by looking for logical relationships between data.
Artificial intelligence is a technological advancement that involves the use of computer
systems to do tasks that would normally need human intelligence. This was credited to
artificial intelligence management’s capacity, as a computer technology, to create, process,
11. Financial crisis and analyze vast amounts of data at once, as opposed to when people are utilized, to assist [69, 70]
managers in making speedy decisions because the analysis findings are accessible in real time.
According to the study, financial management has a critical role in reducing risks, financial
crises, and improving financial performance efficiency in a company or organization.
For operational and marketing factors, the present banking business is strongly reliant on
technical artifacts backed by intelligent systems. However, the characteristics that enable
practice between such technical interfaces and management acceptance have lagged, resulting
in a knowledge gap. The paper discusses the influence of AI in financial innovation and the
[6, 34, 38, 48,
12. Banking information safety management system (ISMS) in bank financial innovation in the span of
AI. Big data, cloud computing, and other technologies have become extensively employed in
business and life as a result of the continual development of numerous new internet
technologies. The advancement of artificial intelligence technologies has been aided by the
expansion of data size and processing capabilities.
A macro view is desperately needed to examine the general nature of AI implementations and
how enforcement should be handled within the new frontier of AI technology. The main
13. Financial sector parameters of the service robotics market include growth rates, volumes, and the scope of [6, 75–78]
service robots, key players are identified. Researchers want to introduce the service of robots
to the financial sector.
Because of the widespread use of robots and artificial intelligence (AI) in a variety of
industries, including autodriving, healthcare, military, mass media, service sector, large sets of
information searching (legal records), financial services, and new business models, both
14. developed and emerging market economies place a high value on AI development. The [79, 80]
revealed scientific governance-based system will be constructed under the premise of
responsible research innovation, with the researcher’s objective being to establish a
governance framework for AI.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a technology discipline that stands out for what it can do and the
benefits it can bring to a variety of industries. Internal auditing might benefit from
incorporating AI into its activities, namely, through the automation of audit procedures that
make them faster and more efficient, allowing internal auditors to take on more complicated
15. Internal audit [48, 81, 82]
jobs. Financial fraud and economic losses have paved the way for the development of
trustworthy financial big data audit methods. It will assist internal auditors in deducing frauds
in a systematic manner while also improving their skills. Internal auditors must adapt to AI’s
new innovation in order to help firms without losing sight of their goals.
Some study subjects appear to have lasted the test of time as sophisticated technologies in
education grow over time, while others have seen peaks and troughs. The goal of the study is
to create an international standard-based cyber security system for university education. Each
doctrine is recommended to be constructed as a workflow for a certain application area,
consisting of modules reflecting the necessary fields of knowledge, based on the ideology of
16. Education sector [18, 83]
knowing areas and application areas. Through so-called adaptive learning systems, it is
possible to significantly improve education by introducing dynamic principles and
customization in the curriculum. Furthermore, the management of adaptation may be
accomplished using artificial intelligence technologies, which the authors have expertise with
in the field of cybersecurity.
The current and potential consequences of artificial intelligence- (AI-) based applications, as
17. Financial services [2, 76, 84]
well as technical difficulties linked to behavioral finance, are the subject of this research.
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10 Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing
Table 5: Continued.
Types of impacts Description References
However, the financial services industry has seen tremendous progress in the field of AI-based
applications, particularly in behavioral finance.
Based on the input data, a genetic programming-based model is recommended to assure
improved customer satisfaction with services. Customers are frequently exploited and
Validation for quality
18. subjected to other disruptions in conventional banking and other financial institutions. To [85]
of service
address this issue, the authors have presented an effective method for providing and ensuring
high-quality services
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a broad category of technologies that may provide enterprises
with a variety of benefits in terms of increased economic value. Following a deluge of data and
a significant growth in computing capability, companies have increasingly turned to AI to
create commercial value during the last several years. Business process optimization based on
19. Business [8, 86]
artificial intelligence (AI) has a substantial influence on a country’s economic progress. We
contend that the deployment of artificial neural networks in business processes will aid in
optimizing these processes and guaranteeing the appropriate degree of functionality and
compliance with the foundations of sustainable development.
The state-of-the-art AI methodologies for AML, and then propose a framework for next-
generation AML solutions that incorporates advanced natural language processing and deep-
learning algorithms. Our methodology uses unstructured external data to help domain
20. specialists, with the goal of reducing the human investigator’s burden. The study [87, 88]
demonstrates the disparity between traditional AML approaches and cutting-edge AI. It
emphasizes fresh AI directions that can aid in the development of the AML pipeline, as well
as an accessible solution with a lower false positive rate and greater flexibility.
Artificial intelligence (AI) technology has recently received a lot of interest in the industrial
industry. It attracts a lot of attention as a crucial technology in smart manufacturing and the
industry 4.0 agenda. Product lifecycle management (PLM) encompasses a wide range of
21. Product life cycle [89]
technical, business, and management operations that occur throughout the lifespan of a
product, from the conception of an intangible notion through the disposal of a completed
Artificial intelligence (AI) has lately acquired traction and attention, resulting in a surge in
interest and investment in the field. In comparison to other businesses, nonmanufacturing
enterprises and firms with limited information technology skills or low credit ratings incur a
22. Investment in firm [90]
more unfavourable impact. The data imply that the majority of investors consider AI
investment announcements to be unpleasant news. Following that, the characteristics
influencing shareholders’ reactions to AI adoption are discussed.
The methods and tactics used to forecast company trends such as sales, expenditures, and
profits are referred to as business forecasting. The goal of business forecasting is to make
better strategies based on these accurate forecasts. Many firms believe that gathering
23. Business forecasting knowledge about the future is critical to ensuring future organizational performance. [91]
Managers may make better judgments through improving forecasting progression. A
recommendation system including graphical services, database function, reporting, interface,
mathematics, and cosmological constants was created for connection recognition.
Corporate governance (CG) is important in a company’s commitment to and adoption of
ethical standards across the board, as well as in interactions with workers, customers,
creditors, shareholders, and regulators. The influence of artificial intelligence’s continual
advancement and adaption on corporate governance. It evaluates the appropriateness,
[60, 66, 77,
24. Corporate governance practicality, and responsibility of automating board-level decision-making to guarantee
successful corporate governance using three lenses—the business, technology, and society
lenses. AI can assist in freeing up government labour by automating repetitive operations,
resulting in faster transactions in the delivery of government services and more correctly
analyzing the effects of policy alternatives.
A growing body of research on intelligent systems/artificial intelligence (AI) in marketing has
revealed that AI can imitate people and perform tasks in an ‘intelligent’ manner. The
paradigm provides systematic guidelines for how human marketers and consumers might
25. Marketing collaborate with AI in marketing, which has substantial consequences for retailing, which [95, 96]
serves as the interface between marketers and customers. For informed consumption
decisions, marketers should optimize the mix and timing of AI-HI marketing teams,
consumers should comprehend the complementarity between AI and HI capabilities, and
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Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 11
Table 5: Continued.
Types of impacts Description References
researchers can examine creative methods to and boundary conditions of collaborative
Identifies the danger of severe financial irregularities occurring in the firm based on the yearly
financial accounts. These anomalies might be related to many sorts of fraud that do not
26. Financial statement [97]
always influence the yearly financial accounts. The fact that anomalies are large-scale and will
have a significant influence on the company’s reputation is a distinguishing attribute of them.
In both business and society, artificial intelligence (AI) is gaining traction. The earliest uses of
AI in banking were effective; nevertheless, AI is mostly used in investment banking and
27. Commercial bank backend services that do not interact with customers. Using an AI-based system in [88, 98]
commercial banks to decrease loan losses, enhance payment processing security, organize
compliance-related labour, and boost customer happiness.
Quality client experiences, cost control, and a company’s agility in the face of market
possibilities and uncertainties are all dependent on supply chains. Companies desire speed,
dependability, and traceability while keeping in mind budgetary constraints, deadlines, and
28. Supply chain [99]
inventory management. Supply chains today are substantially different from those of only a
few years ago, and they are still evolving in a highly competitive environment. Technology
that can cope with the rising complexity of dynamic supply chain operations is required.
Big data algorithmic systems (BDAS), which are frequently based on machine learning,
neural networks, and other kinds of artificial intelligence, are made possible by the advent of
big, open, and linked data (BOLD) (AI). When a result, as systems are increasingly asked to
29. Data governance make decisions that affect individuals, communities, and society as a whole, failures cannot be [100]
allowed, and they must adhere to strict legal and ethical criteria. They all, however, rely on
data that is not just large, open, and interconnected, but also diverse, dynamic, and
transmitted at high rates in real time.
The industrial age, which mankind began long ago with the invention of steam power,
resulted in rudimentary automation in manufacturing. Electronics, nanotechnology,
breakthroughs in medicine, health, and digital applications, among other things, have all
accelerated mechatronics research in recent years. The study demonstrates that altering the
way businesses are conducted via the use of innovative technologies will have new effects on
Business and
30. day-to-day operations as well as the export of these nations’ economies to the global [101]
economy. As AI and robotics improve, many substances and services related to business and
economics will face serious threats, exposures, hits, change, and opportunities, such as
performance, jobless ratio, management, customer relationship management, sales, strategic
planning, mass production, CRM analytics GDP, purchasing power parity, inflation, money,
central banks, banking system, training, accounting, taxes, coaching, and so on
Cash flow is currently one of the most essential notions in financial analysis. Large
commercial banks’ financial strategy relies heavily on cash flow forecasting. Forecasting cash
flow is an essential aspect of the region’s cash flow management process. In the event of a
31. Cash flow forecasting error, there may be a cash shortage in one of the currencies or an overflow of bank [102]
branch vaults, necessitating additional charges for strengthening or exporting money. Many
variables impact money movement, including political, economic, and geographical
The goal of this study is to assess the adoption of OD technology in Kuwait and to obtain
company owners’ perspectives on the concept’s capacity to be adopted. Our strategy for
32. Open data getting various opinions and points of view concerning this technology was to create an [103]
online and hardcopy survey. We aimed to concentrate on the private sector, and we targeted
individuals who operate a business and want to provide better services to their clients.
The impact of corporate social responsibility disclosure (CSRD) on earnings quality (EQ) in
Gulf Cooperation Council member nations is investigated in this study (GCC). Corporate
33. Earnings equity social responsibility (CSR), which has gotten a lot of attention in accounting and finance, has [72]
piqued the interest of accounting scholars. CSR has always combined social and corporate
Academics and scholars have been paying close attention to business sustainability and social
responsibility in recent years. It has long been recognized that corporate financial
34. Annual reports [72]
performance is linked to, among other things, long-term corporate economic growth. All
firms are encouraged to voluntarily report all aspects of their sustainability in order to
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12 Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing
Table 5: Continued.
Types of impacts Description References
improve the accountability and transparency of their operations and assist investors in
properly valuing them.
The majority of equity issuances occur in local markets, whereas bonds and loans are typically
issued globally, have long maturities, and have minimal credit risk. In comparison to
worldwide norms, the Arab region’s issuing corporations are quite substantial. While the
35. Firm financing [73, 104]
sums raised in the stock and credit markets (as a percentage of GDP) are high by
international standards, bond issuance activity is low. Bond finance, on the other hand, has
grown in importance over time.
The stock markets in the Middle East are expanding at a breakneck speed. The goal is to
identify the stock markets of Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United
36. Stock market [105, 106]
Arab Emirates’ market dynamics and real-time interactions. While return behavior is
certainly not uniform, there is evidence of growing market integration.
Recent advancements and changes in corporate governance (CG), as well as the ongoing
discussion in the international accounting literature over the implementation of IFRS, have
revealed a number of major deficiencies that have yet to be addressed. Many issues
37. IRFS [94, 107]
concerning the role of CG in the implementation of IFRS, particularly in Gulf member
nations, remain unaddressed. Almost all prior research on the influence and link between CG
and IFRS adoption was conducted in wealthy nations.
Advancements in information and telecommunications technologies, information technology
(IT) governance has become increasingly important in enterprises and organizations. IT
38. IT governance [34]
governance has evolved into a valuable asset for every business, and it is now seen as a key to
success and profit generation.
Human resources Artificial intelligence is a true corporate innovation that will have a significant influence on
39. [108]
management how workers operate, particularly in the human resources and employment departments.
different threats reported in the extant and find out what a wide range of cutting-edge applications in a variety of
type of new threats are available, or we face in common. fields. It has reduced human labour in numerous research
Table 3 represents the list of security threats most reported disciplines, such as text recognition, by offering automated
in the literature. applications [56, 57], network security [57], and healthcare
domain [51, 58]. Table 5 represents the list of social and eco-
5.2. By Utilizing AI Capabilities as Evidence, How Many nomical impacts of the artificial intelligence in different
Proactive Approaches Are Proposed to Counter financial organizations.
Organizational Security Risks in the GCC Region? This
research question has offered a variety of ways for securing 6. Limitations
systems within an organization by utilizing AI capabilities.
The major goal of this research topic is to describe the many This research article has outlined 126 most relevant articles
proactive techniques to reducing security risk. Table 4 shows by analyzing the techniques developed to restrict unautho-
a list of several sorts of security risk mitigation techniques rized access in the organizations. Besides some key advan-
that have been recommended for use within businesses. tages, the following are the limitations of this systematic
5.3. Based on the Extant Findings, How Can We Improve the
Capabilities of the Available Authentication Systems in the (i) Only four most peer-reviewed research libraries are
GCC Organizations? Most firms compete not only in their selected for the articles accumulation and down-
field of competence but also in being the leaders and innova- loading purposes. Though there are a massive num-
tors in the use of new applications and innovative technol- ber of online repositories exist. Still, our prime
ogy. This fast growth in reliance on technology and its concern was to select only those extensively
usage to process meaningful data has become a key audit searched and reviewed libraries by most researchers
problem for any firm [48]. In our current technology age,
artificial intelligence and machine learning models have (ii) This SLR work is executed only for ten years, but
been widely proposed for a variety of research topics span- the papers are published daily in artificial
ning from healthcare [49] to navigation systems [50, 51], intelligence
face recognition to object detection and recognition [52, (iii) Only published research work is selected for assess-
53], and many others. The usage of mobile devices with ment and analysis purposes. No under-review or the
access to vital resources is increasing, which increases the work under simulations in the labs is considered for
attack surface of digital assets. A smartphone or laptop can evaluation and analysis purposes
now be used to access a private company’s network or data.
The goal is to identify the many technologies involved in the (iv) The papers are accumulated using keywords and
implementations of continuous authentication, as well as the formulated queries. So, if an article has no synonym
assessment methodologies and application cases [54]. This matching the keywords, that paper was skipped
study attempts to present the recommended ways in the field during the article accumulation process. Also, if a
of financial organization to ensure high security and authen- paper has only a word relevant to artificial intelli-
ticity, taking into account the varied applications of AI and gence or machine learning, that paper was also
machine learning techniques. Researchers throughout the skipped (if it fails to satisfy the selected research
world have presented several ways based on both deep and question or has no content pertinent to financial
shallow architectures to assure high security and resist unau- organizations)
thorized access to security systems within businesses, and
overall identification and recognition rates are comparably 7. Conclusions
much better.
To tackle the low accuracy rates of multiclass issues AI has demonstrated exceptional skills in a variety of disci-
while also reducing simulation time, the researchers focused plines, including the financial and regulatory industries.
on hybrid models (deep-deep architectures, deep-shallow Financial sectors in GCC countries are facing serious issues
architectures, and so on), in which one architecture/classifier in terms of security, safety, and fraudulent activities as a
does one task while the other performs another. This cuts result of the rise of information technology and smart apps.
down on simulation time while ensuring excellent recogni- These challenges are significant roadblocks to financial com-
tion rates. Using data fusion-based hybrid deep learning panies’ success, and in most situations, they result in signif-
models, such models are presented for face verification icant losses in the form of cash loss, information theft, and
[55], and many others. Given the importance of hybrid so on. This work gives a systematic analysis by assessing
models, integrating sophisticated hybrid and AI models the most relevant research publications gathered from
within financial institutions is the greatest way for providing peer-reviewed online repositories in order to address these
high security for clients and investors. challenges and present new future research paths for assur-
ing high security, privacy, and safety. These articles were
5.4. What Are the Social and Economic Impacts of AI on assessed for (1) recognizing the difficulties facing or faced
Financial Bodies Operating in the GCC Region? Artificial by financial sector of GCC region most typically, (2) to
intelligence has a wide range of effects on our lives and has describe the many strategies offered to address these
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