UHB Course Outline-BBA-Fall 2024
UHB Course Outline-BBA-Fall 2024
UHB Course Outline-BBA-Fall 2024
Course Outline
Psychology is the study of the human mind and behaviour. The course aims to familiarize students
with various concepts, theories, and research investigating human behaviour. The course examines
both theoretical and practical aspects of psychology. Core areas of study introduce the students to the
scientific bases of psychology, including research methods, perception, cognitive processes,
intelligence, and many more. The objective is to explore how psychology has contributed to
understanding individual, social, cultural diversity, and business.
Psychology is critical to the workplace. The concepts and knowledge acquired from psychological
concepts can enable managers at all levels of organizations to select, support, motivate and train
employees. The universality of Sensations, perceptions, and illusions may foster businesses to design
products, build better workspaces and foster healthy relationships. New findings in the field of
psychology can help increase productivity, identify training and development needs, and implement
policies. This course gently drives the students through various concepts and their application in the
business world.
CLO 1. Understand basic concepts and methods in psychology and their application in everyday life
specifically in management
CLO 2. Understand the styles of learning and memorising and their effect on decision-making
CLO 3. Learn to identify the problems, analyse and propose creative solutions through distinct
individual perceptions
CLO 4. Understand the role of personality, attitudes, and emotional intelligence in intra and
interpersonal relationships
CLO 5. Understand how to fight stress and maintain a work-life balance.
BBA Progroamme
BBA Programme Learning Objectives
Competency Goals (PLOs)
Students will be able to
On successful This course helps you to This course helps you This learning outcome
completion of the course, develop the following to develop the will be assessed in the
students should be able Program Learning following Program following items
to: Outcomes: Competency Goals:
Evaluation Schema
The course grade will be determined based on:
Description of Assessments:
A1. Class participation: The student participation in class will be assessed through group
presentations on a specified concept supporting it with daily life examples. The presentations would
also serve as a recapitulation for the rest of the class. This carries 5 marks
Participation in class discussions during the lectures will also be considered for the assessment.
Interaction during guest lectures will be counted as class participation. This carries 5 marks
A2. Project presentation- Result analysis and discussion of the test through a ppt presentation (5 marks for
Students will be able to The student either fails The student prepares and The student prepares and
prepare an organised and to prepare or submits a submits a document submits a document
logical document. document wherein the wherein the organisation wherein the organisation
organisation of the of the content, and the of the content, and the
content and inherent inherent logic is present, inherent logic is
logic are minimal and and there are only minor excellent with no
inadequate. shortcomings. significant or minor
Students will be able to Uses sources that are Uses sources that Uses sources that meet
examine the information inappropriate or not on adequately meet the the information needs.
from different sources topic. information need, though
little evidence of more Demonstrates vital skill
Demonstrates little or no than systematic in searching, selecting,
skill in searching, exploration. and evaluating sources to
selecting, and evaluating meet the information
sources to meet the Demonstrates adequate need; unique
information need. skill in searching, identification of uniquely
selecting, and evaluating salient resources.
sources to meet the
information need.
A5. End-term examination: A final exam will be a written test with a mix of objective and
subjective application-based questions to assess the concepts taught in the class. Situation-based
questions will be asked to enhance divergent thinking.
Teaching Method
The course will have a judicious mix of lectures, PowerPoint presentations, reference readings,
experiential learning, related videos, and cases. The facilitator will enhance the learning by relating
daily life occurrences to the concepts taught in the class. The cases will also be examples of real-
world phenomena where an issue will be seen from various perspectives to enhance divergent
thinking. The key to learning this way is to see many examples and situations, learn inductively from
different experiences and appreciate the other's viewpoint. The students are expected to go through
the readings and videos mentioned in the course outline and initiate discussions while learning the
respective content.
Morgan, C.T., King, R.A. Introduction of Psychology (7th ed.) Tata Mc Graw- Hill.
Session Plan
Readings 1.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pEWOqCMKqJw-
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wVhiezByMSU- threshold
3.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1nAy-I1OiDU- perceptual
5.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FryaH599ec0- gestalt
6. Chapter 3, Baron, R.A & Misra G. Psychology (5th ed.).Pearson
Readings 1.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TAc8yTjSD0I-
conditioning at workplace
workplace-11071.html- observational learning at workplace
working memory
6.https://www.simplypsychology.org/forgetting.html- causes of
7. Emerald packaging and reinforcement- pg 712
Readings 1.https://peopledynamics.co/personalities-workplace-importance/
Readings 1. https://courses.lumenlearning.com/suny-orgbehavior/chapter/7-
3 Chapter 13 Ciccarelli, S.K., White, N. Psychology (3rd ed.).
Prentice Hall.
4. Chapter 19, Richard Draft. The new era of
management.Cengage learning
Case Title & Number -------------------------
Pedagogy Lecture, participative discussion, videos, ppts, examples
Disability Support
Students who need support may register any time during the semester up until
a month before the end semester exam begins. Those students who wish to
continue receiving support from the previous semester, must re-register within
the first month of a semester. Last-minute registrations and support might not
be possible as sufficient time is required to make the arrangements for support.
The DSC maintains strict confidentiality about the identity of the student and
the nature of their disability and the same is requested from faculty members
and staff as well. The DSC takes a strong stance against in-class and out-of-class
references made about a student's disability without their consent and
disrespectful comments referring to a student's disability.
All general queries are to be addressed
to disabilitysupportcommittee@jgu.edu.in