Distance and Direction Practice
Distance and Direction Practice
Distance and Direction Practice
turned left and walked 68 m. He then turned to carefully and answer the questions given beside.
south and walked 22 m then he took a left turn
and walked 44 m. After that he turned right and A$B means A is to the north of B.
walked 18 m and finally he turned left to and A&B means A is to the east of B.
walked 48 m. A*B means B is to the west of A.
A%B means B is to the south of A.
1.What is shortest distance between starting and A@BC means A stands exactly in the middle of
end point and in which direction is Ankush from the horizontal line BC.
starting point? A!BC means A stands exactly in the middle of
vertical line BC.
2.What is the total distance travelled by Ankush in
south direction during the entire journey? Note- A6m$B means A is 6m to the north of B and
so on.
Q) Anitha and Kathir are two friends studying in
the XYZ Arts College. Anitha starts walking from Answer the questions on the basis of given
her house in north direction. After walking 120m, expression – D12m$T5m*H3m&K6m%L!KU
she reached the Axis Bank. Then she turns and
walks 40m in north-east direction. Then she turns 6. With respect to the given expression, four of the
90 degree clock wise direction and walks 30m to following five are alike in a certain way and thus
reach Kathir’s house which is in the east of the form a group. Which of the following does not
Axis Bank. Then from Kathir’s house both of them belong to the group?
walk 130m in south-east direction to reach their
college which is east of Anitha’s house. A) KT B) LU C) UK D) DT E) KH
3. What is the shortest distance between Anitha’s 7. If V is situated towards the north-east of L such
House and XYZ Arts College? that it lies exactly in the middle of LT, then H is in
which direction from V?
4. What is the shortest distance between Anitha’s
House and Kathir’s House? 8. In the given expression, find the shortest
distance between H and D?
Q) Ankush went to the market to visit eight shops
– Shop-1, Shop-2, Shop-3, Shop-4, Shop-5, Shop-6, 9. If in the given expression,Y4m*U , then which of
Shop-7 and Shop-8, but not necessarily in the the following is definitely true?
same order. He starts from Shop-1 and walks I. The distance between H and Y is 12m.
towards Shop-3 which is at distance of 24 m II. Y is in south-east of H.
towards east. He then turns left and walks 16 m to III. T is in the north-west of Y.
reach Shop-5. Then he walks 57 m southwest to
visit Shop-2, which is towards the south of Shop-1, 10. If in the given expression, X4m$H, then find the
crossing the path which goes through the shortest distance between K and X?
midpoint of the line joining Shop-1 and Shop-3.
After visiting Shop-2, he walked 40 m in east 11. A child is looking for his father. He went 90
direction and reached Shop-7. He then walked 50 metres in the east before turning to his right. He
m left to reach Shop-8 and then walked 16 m right went 20 metres before turning to his right again to
to reach Shop-4 and to reach the last shop he look for his father at his uncle’s place 30 metres
walked 35 m towards right. from this point. His father was not there. From
5.What is the shortest distance between Shop-3 there, he went 100 metres to his north before
and Shop 6? meeting his father in a street. How far did the son
meet his father from the starting point?
12. A man is facing west. He turns 45° in the turn, and walk for 15 m after that he took a right
clockwise direction and then another 180° in the turn and walked 15 m more. In which direction is
same direction and then 270° in the anti-clockwise the man facing now?
direction. Which direction is he facing now?
17. A directional post is established on a crossing.
13. Point A is 30 m to the east of point B. Point C is In an accident it was turned in such a way that the
10 m to the south of point A. Point D is 15 m to the arrow which was first showing /! is now showing &.
west of point C. Point E is exactly in the middle of A passerby went in a wrong direction thinking it to
the points D and F. Points D, E and F lie in a straight be ?. In which direction is he actually travelling
line. The length of the DEF is 20 m. Point F is to the now?
north of point D. Point G is 15 m to the east of
Point F. How far and in which direction is point G 18. Anuj walked 10 m towards West from his house
from point A? then he walked 4 m after turning to his right. After
this he walked 10 m turning to his right and in the
14. Two cars A and B, which are 500 km apart, start end he walked 5 m after turning 45° in clockwise
moving towards each other on a straight road at a direction. In what direction is he now from his
certain point of time. The speed of car A is 57 starting point?
km/hr and that of car B is 40 km/hr. After first hour
car A which is moving from west to east takes a left A) &? B) &! C) /? D) / ! E) None of these
turn, runs for 40 minutes and reaches point K
whereas the other car which was moving from east Q) Each of the following questions is based on the
to west, keeps running on the road till 1.5 hours following information:
and then takes a left turn, runs for half an hour and 8-trees → mango, guava, papaya, pomegranate,
reaches point L. What is the difference between lemon, banana, raspberry and apple are in two
the vertical and horizontal distances between the rows 4 in each facing North and South.
two points K and L? Lemon is between mango and apple but just
opposite to guava.
15. One fine morning on his morning walk, Kapil Banana is at one end of a line and is just next in the
noticed Seeta who was doing Soorya namaskar right of guava or either banana tree is just after
facing the rising sun. He went to her, greeted her guava tree.
Good Morning and took a left turn. In which Raspberry tree which at one end of a line, is just
direction, is he walking now? diagonally opposite to mango tree.