Jmse 10 00344 - Revi
Jmse 10 00344 - Revi
Jmse 10 00344 - Revi
Marine Science
and Engineering
Review and Future Perspective of Geophysical Methods
Applied in Nearshore Site Characterization
Chia-Cheng Tsai 1,2 and Chun-Hung Lin 3, *
1 Bachelor Degree Program in Ocean Engineering and Technology, National Taiwan Ocean University,
Keelung 202301, Taiwan;
2 Center of Excellence for Ocean Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University, Keelung 202301, Taiwan
3 Department of Marine Environment and Engineering, National Sun Yat-sen University,
Kaohsiung 804201, Taiwan
* Correspondence:
Abstract: Seabed surveying is the basis of engineering development in shallow waters. At present,
geophysical survey methods mainly utilize sonars for qualitative surveying, which requires the
calibration of the results found through in situ drilling and sampling. Among them, the parameters
required for engineering designs are obtained from either in situ tests or laboratory experiments of soil
samples retrieved from drilling. However, the experience from onshore applications shows that the
physical quantities obtained through quantitative geophysical survey methods for shallow waters can
be indirectly used to estimate engineering parameters or directly as parameters for engineering evalu-
ation, which has high application potential. This review analyzes various geophysical survey methods
for nearshore site characterization (i.e., side-scan sonar, single/multi- beam sonar, sub-bottom profiler,
seismic reflection method, and underwater magnetometer) and challenges in their application, and
introduces quantitative geophysical survey methods (including the underwater seismic refraction
method, seismic surface wave method and underwater electrical resistivity tomography) that are
worth focusing on for future development. Three application difficulties have been identified, namely,
Citation: Tsai, C.-C.; Lin, C.-H. the lack of operational efficiency, appropriate operational equipment and systems, and sufficient
Review and Future Perspective of guidance for experimental shallow sea applications. It is hoped that comprehensive discussion of
Geophysical Methods Applied in these challenges will increase awareness leading to engineering improvements in the surveying and
Nearshore Site Characterization. J. measuring capabilities in shallow waters, further reducing the risk of geotechnical hazards.
Mar. Sci. Eng. 2022, 10, 344. https:// Keywords: underwater geophysical methods; shallow water; underwater seismic refraction method;
Academic Editor: Alfredo underwater surface wave method; underwater electrical tomography
L. Aretxabaleta
Figure 1. Classifications of geophysical methods based on survey results. (a) the physical value map
including the magnetic, electromagnetic, and self-potential methods (b) cross-section of interfaces
including the use of side-scan sonar, single/multi-beam sonar, sub-bottom profiler, seismic reflection
method, and ground-penetrating radar (c) spatial distribution of physical values including the seismic
refraction, seismic surface wave, electric resistivity tomography, and induced polarization methods.
J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2022, 10, 344 3 of 22
The results obtained in the second category of geophysical survey methods can iden-
tify the interface where the physical quantity changes; these methods include the use of
side-scan sonar, single/multi-beam sonar, sub-bottom profiler, seismic reflection method,
and ground-penetrating radar. These methods use elastic or electromagnetic waves for
detection, with the data being recorded in a time series. Following the signal processing of
the time series data, it is presented either as horizontal distance (side-scan sonar) or as a
vertical section. The image will show the location of the surface with the change in physical
quantity, detecting stratification or unknown objects in the seabed. The distance or depth of
this surface needs to be converted using the elastic or electromagnetic wave velocity of the
material; this velocity varies from substance to substance, and is usually obtained through
hypothesis or physical measurement. However, since it is difficult to obtain measurements
under certain conditions (e.g., in soil), the measurements are expressed in time without
being converted to depth.
The third category consists of geophysical survey methods in which the physical
quantities of the results are spatially distributed. This includes the seismic refraction,
seismic surface wave, electric resistivity tomography, and induced polarization methods.
After the physical data is collected, these methods use inversion technologies to obtain
the physical values below the survey line. Since the physical values of the material in the
layer as well as its location are considered in the inversion process, the physical values of
different positions below the survey line and the depth of the target object can be provided.
from these physical quantities. For example, Lu and Liang [4] used laboratory experiments
to investigate the S-wave velocity of the seabed in relation to its density and liquid limit,
showing that the S-wave velocity of the seabed can be used to estimate the density and
liquid limit; Gaiser [5] collected the P- and S-wave velocities of numerous seabed materials
and calculated their Poisson’s ratio, and then proposed an empirical correlation between
this ratio and seabed porosity. Further, Ayres and Theilen [6] used the empirical correlation
between S-wave velocity and strength of the local seabed material to analyze the slope
stability. Archie [7], Biella et al. [8], Klein and Santamarina [9], and others have suggested a
highly linear relationship between formation factor (soil electric conductivity divided by
the water electrical conductivity) and porosity; moreover, soil conductivity (the inverse of
electrical resistivity) can be used to estimate hydraulic conductivity ([8,10]).
Based on these theoretical findings, an increasing number of cases have recently
emerged in which shallow water geophysical methods of the third category have been
applied in different engineering surveys: Punzo et al. [11] used the imaging profiles
obtained from the underwater seismic refraction method to create a 3D model of harbor
sediment and estimate its volume for use in further dredging planning. Caiti et al. [12],
Park et al. [13], Ritzwoller and Levshin [14], Bohlen et al. [15], Puech et al. [16], Shtivelman [17],
Park et al. [18], Kaufmann et al. [19], Hunter et al. [20], Boiero et al. [21], Paoletti et al. [22],
and Long et al. [23] used the underwater seismic surface wave method to measure the S-
wave velocity profiles of seabed sediments. Moreover, Johansen and Ruud [24] used the
underwater seismic surface wave method on ice floes to find seabed properties in the
arctic circle. Wilken et al. [25] used an underwater seismic surface wave method to survey
S-wave velocity profile of the seabeds to allocate possible sites for offshore windtower
installation, and subsequent dynamic analysis of monopile foundations.
Goto et al. [26] and Tartis et al. [27] used underwater electrical resistivity tomography
to survey natural gas hydrates in the seabed. Passaro [28] and Simyrdanis et al. [29] used
underwater electrical resistivity tomography to survey metal vessels buried under the
seabed. Rucker et al. [30], Apostolopoulos [31], Okyar et al. [32], and Dahlin et al. [33]
used underwater electrical resistivity tomography to survey seabed composition and
understand the distribution of sediments, which was used as a reference for dredging
planning. Apostolopoulos [31] used underwater electrical resistivity tomography to sur-
vey the location of the foundation of an older bridge under the seabed, which was used
for bridge maintenance and renovation planning. Dahlid and Loke [34] used underwa-
ter electrical resistivity tomography to survey seabed composition for the design and
planning of an undersea tunnel. Hermans and Paepen [35] combined land and marine
electrical resistivity tomography data in the intertidal zone to survey seawater intru-
sion. Tassis et al. [36] used underwater electrical tomography to survey fracture zones in
bedrocks. Papadopoulos et al. [37] applied underwater electrical tomography to investi-
gate the prehistoric submerged site within ultra-shallow waters.
Mouton and Robert [38] used the underwater seismic refraction method and seismic
surface wave method to classify sediment types within 10 m below the seabed, which was
applied to the planning of a submarine pipeline. Ronczka et al. [39] used both underwater
electrical resistivity tomography and underwater seismic refraction method to survey
prominent fracture zones in nearshore bedrock. Kritikakis et al. [40] combined underwater
electrical resistivity tomography, underwater seismic refraction method, and seismic surface
waves to survey underwater ruins buried under the seabed in shallow waters.
All the successful cases above demonstrate that the quantitative geophysical meth-
ods have high potential in nearshore site characterization. In the following sections, to
differentiate the existing and promising geophysical survey methods in category three, the
commonly applied side-scan sonar, single- and multi-beam sonar, sub-bottom profiler, seis-
mic reflection method and marine magnetic survey are categorized as common geophysical
methods, and geophysical methods capable of obtaining physical quantities in category
three are categorized as quantitative shallow water geophysical methods.
J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2022, 10, 344 5 of 22
Illustration of
Figure of the
the operation
operation of
of side-scan
When surveying, the acoustic wave is emitted diagonally downward at a small angle
When surveying, the acoustic wave is emitted diagonally downward at a small an-
toward the seabed; the signal (shown in Figure 2) is fan-shaped, covering more than a
gle toward the seabed; the signal (shown in Figure 2) is fan-shaped, covering more than a
single direction. Since the angle between the emitted waves and the seabed surface is
single direction. Since the angle between the emitted waves and the seabed surface is
relatively small, the travel distance can be converted to a horizontal distance, and since
relatively small, the travel distance can be converted to a horizontal distance, and since
there is almost no seabed penetration under such a high frequency signal, it is certain that
there is almost
all reflected no seabed
signals penetration
originate underthe
from or above such a highwithin
seafloor frequency signal,
the sonar it is Following
range. certain that
all reflected signals originate from or above the seafloor within the
the recording, the intensity of the received backscattered signals is color-coded, and sonar range. Follow-
obtained data is shown in Figure 3a. Initially, before the wave meets the seabed, there and
the recording, the intensity of the received backscattered signals is color-coded, is
the obtained data is shown in Figure 3a. Initially, before the wave meets
no backscattered energy from the signal. The blind spot, marked in black in the figure, is the seabed, there
backscattered energybetween
of the distance from thethe signal. The blind
side-scan sonarspot,
and themarked in black
seabed. Wheninthe thesignal
the result of the distance between the side-scan sonar and the seabed.
the seabed, it will start to maintain a certain level of backscattered energy, which When the signal
variesthe seabed,
slightly it will start
depending to maintain
on changes a certain roughness
in elevation, level of backscattered
of seafloor, andenergy, which
varies slightlyofdepending
composition the seabed.onWhen changes
thereiniselevation, roughness
a significant change in of seabed
seafloor, and material
conditions, or
when other objects of the seabed. When
are present on there is a significant
the seabed, change in
the backscattered seabed
energy conditions,
becomes muchor
when As the
other detected
objects object protrudes
are present from thethe
on the seabed, surrounding
backscatteredseabed, the seabed
energy becomes surface
behind the
greater. As thelocation will be
detected obscured.
object protrudes Thisfrom
presents a similar effect
the surrounding as when
seabed, thea seabed
flashlight sur-
face outward,
behind a shadowwill
the location willbeappear behind
obscured. anypresents
This object puta in front of
similar the light,
effect producing
as when a flash-
a shaded
light shines area withoutareflection
outward, shadow on willtheappear
recorded image,
behind which
any objectwill revert
put to normal
in front of theafter
a certain distance.
producing a shaded area without reflection on the recorded image, which will revert to
normal Forafter
eacha measurement,
certain distance. images of the seabed surface from both sides of the survey
are each
obtained, allowing the
measurement, images recorded reflected
of the seabedsignals to from
surface be presented
both sidesin aofcontinuous
the survey
sequence of images. Although it is technologically possible to use image stitching to present
path are obtained, allowing the recorded reflected signals to be presented in a continuous
the products of side-scan sonar as one whole image, when it comes to actual interpretation,
image sequences are still used to clearly identify the seabed topography and possible target
objects (as shown in Figure 3b). Furthermore, in addition to being able to detect target
objects, the length of the shaded area in an image sequence allows the height of the target
object to be estimated.
Its signal will be reflected from the seabed and received by the hydrophone close to the
sonar (Figure 4b). Through analysis of the signal, the sonar’s software records the time
of received ofreflected
images. signals
Althoughfromit the
is technologically possible
seabed (i.e., two-way to time),
travel use image stitching
after which the to
longitudinal wave velocity is used to calculate the seabed depth. To ensure greater accuracyin-
the products of side-scan sonar as one whole image, when it comes to actual
of the surveyimage sequences
results, the sonarare still usedfixed
is normally to clearly
on theidentify
hull of the
the seabed topography
surveying vessel, andand
the final target
resultsobjects (as shown
are obtained in Figurea 3b).
by combining Furthermore,
satellite positioninginsystem,
addition to being
motion able to
units, gyro compass (which accounts for swaying caused by waves) on the vessel, andheight
target objects, the length of the shaded area in an image sequence allows the tide
of the target
gauge (whichobject to bewater
converts estimated.
depth into an elevation value) nearby.
Figure 3.
3. (a) Schematicdiagram
(a) Schematic diagramofof a shipwreck
a shipwreck sonar
sonar recording
recording andside-scan
and (b) (b) side-scan sonar
sonar of of a ship-
a shipwreck
wreck recorded in Taiwan
recorded in Taiwan Strait. Strait.
3.1.2. ItSingle-
is worthand Multi-Beam
mentioning Sonar
three characteristics of the sonar. First, the signal emitted from
the sonar is concentrated in a small
Compared with the side-scan sonar, angle (called
which beam angle,
transmits itsusually
signal in
at the orderangle
a small from to
5–20 degrees, depending on the instrument). Since the emitted wave is
the seabed, when using a single- or multi-beam sonar, the signal is transmitted to thea cone-shaped
beam, the received signal is reflected from an area on the seafloor, called a footprint. As
seabed surface in a near-vertical manner. For surveying, the commonly used frequency
the depth increases, the footprint becomes larger. For example, if the angle of the signal is
is 10–400 kHz, depending on the required depth and resolution. The earliest form of so-
nine degrees, at a depth of 10 m, the signal’s footprint forms a circle 1.57 m in diameter.
nar surveying, which can be seen in Figure 4a, uses a single beam and is known as a sin-
At a depth of 20 m, this circle will thus be 3.15 m in diameter. Therefore, as the water
gle-beam sonar. Its frequency does not allow for effective penetration of the seabed. Its
signal will be reflected from the seabed and received by the hydrophone close to the so-
nar (Figure 4b). Through analysis of the signal, the sonar’s software records the time of
received reflected signals from the seabed (i.e., two-way travel time), after which the
J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2022, 10, 344 8 of 22
depth increases, the horizontal resolution of the seabed elevation will decrease. Second,
different frequencies of emitted waves have different levels of penetrating depth. When
using different frequencies to survey a seabed with a higher proportion of fine-grained
sediments, the signal will be affected by the suspension sediments, resulting in differences
J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2022, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 23
in the obtained water depths. Third, since the water depth is obtained by converting the
longitudinal wave velocity, and the longitudinal velocity in shallow waters does not vary
much with depth, the average value is generally around 1500 m/s. However, in special
cases, such as wave
water withis used toamount
a large calculate
of the seabed sediments,
suspension depth. To ensure greaterinac-
the difference
curacy of the survey results, the sonar is normally fixed on the hull of
longitudinal wave velocity may be greater, making the depth conversion less accurate. the surveying
such andathe
cases, final
better results to
approach are obtained
obtain more by combining
accurate depth aresults
satellite positioning
would system,
be to measure
the reference
seawater units,
velocity gyro
of the compassarea.
surveying (which accounts
When for swaying
interpreting caused
the results and by waves)a on
project, these
the vessel, effects
and should(which
tide gauge be taken into consideration.
converts water depth into an elevation value) nearby.
Figure 4.
Figure 4. Illustrations
Illustrations of of (a)
(b)(b) raw
raw datadata received
received by by
single-beam sonar,(c)(c)measurement
measurement of of multi-beam
multi-beam sonar,
sonar, and and (d) example
(d) example of theofcontour
the contour
map ofmap
the of
the elevation
elevation of theofseabed.
the seabed.
It recent years,
is worth with advances
mentioning threeincharacteristics
technology, the multi-beam
of the sonar.sonar hasthe
First, been developed.
signal emitted
It combines
from several
the sonar single beaminsonars,
is concentrated a smalleach transmitting
angle (called beama signal
angle,with a small
usually beam
in the order
from 5–20 degrees, depending on the instrument). Since the emitted wave in
creating a combined detection range of more or less 160 degrees, as can be seen is a
cone-shaped beam, the received signal is reflected from an area on the seafloor, called a
footprint. As the depth increases, the footprint becomes larger. For example, if the angle
of the signal is nine degrees, at a depth of 10 m, the signal’s footprint forms a circle 1.57
m in diameter. At a depth of 20 m, this circle will thus be 3.15 m in diameter. Therefore,
J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2022, 10, 344 9 of 22
Figure 4c. This allows the sonar to survey a larger area in a single session, increasing seabed-
detection efficiency, and has become the mainstream technology for bathymetry survey
recently [43,44]. However, since some of the beams are emitted from a larger angle, sonar
clutter creates interference problems. Thus, in very shallow waters (water depth < 10 m),
its application is not ideal, and single-beam sonars are still preferred. As the sonar only
retains the depth and location of the seabed surface, the data obtained are points from
different spatial locations forming a point cloud. These point clouds can be visualized by
using colors to indicate elevation/depth (see Figure 4d), or simply by using contour maps.
Figure 5. Illustrations of (a) the measurement of sub-bottom profiler sonar and (b) signal received by
Figure 5. Illustrations of (a) the measurement of sub-bottom profiler sonar and (b) signal received
the sub-bottom profiler sonar; (c) example of a sub-bottom profiler image.
by the sub-bottom profiler sonar; (c) example of a sub-bottom profiler image.
Since multi-channel receivers are used for data recording, a more complex signal
3.1.4. Marinemethod
processing SeismiccanReflection
be used Method
to improve data quality. First, it is necessary to locate the
position of the data that generate
When using the marine seismic thereflection
and receive signals waters,
in shallow at different locations.
the focus is on
Then, after determining the position of each shot and its corresponding
surveying the soil structure at a deeper depth. A boomer or a sparker would be the receiver, a set of
source the sameAs
vibration. shot point,inand
shown whose
Figure receivers
6a, haveof
the source the same midpoint,
vibration is towedarebehind
this is known
survey as the Common
vessel, followed Depth
by a series ofPoint (CDP). Finally,
hydrophones (calledtoacarry out sequence
streamer) recordinganalysis
the re-
of CDP
flected data, During
waves. which includes predictive
the recording, deconvolution,
the source continuesmultiple
to emit suppression,
vibrations at velocity
set inter-
vals, and the signal generated by each shot is recorded and stored. the reflected signal
analysis, and normal moveout correction, the data are stacked to obtain
data of the CDP. All the processed data are gathered according to the CDP position, and
Since multi-channel receivers are used for data recording, a more complex signal
the data are then further proceeded with F-X deconvolution and migration [45]. After the
processing method can be used to improve data quality. First, it is necessary to locate the
complex signal processing, the gathered seismogram is presented as shown in Figure 6b.
position of the data that generate the vibration and receive signals at different locations.
Different to the sub-bottom profiler data, the envelope of the signal is usually not calculated
when the processed vibration signal is presented. Instead, the vibration signal is presented
directly. Finally, these results are used for stratigraphic interpretation.
position, and the data are then further proceeded with F-X deconvolution and migration
[45]. After the complex signal processing, the gathered seismogram is presented as
shown in Figure 6b. Different to the sub-bottom profiler data, the envelope of the signal
is usually not calculated when the processed vibration signal is presented. Instead, the
J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2022, 10, 344 vibration signal is presented directly. Finally, these results are used for stratigraphic
11 ofin-
Figure 6. (a) Illustration of the measurement of marine seismic reflection method. (b) Profile image
Figure 6. (a) Illustration of the measurement of marine seismic reflection method. (b) Profile image
of marine seismic reflection method (after [45]).
of marine seismic reflection method (after [45]).
3.2. Underwater Magnetometer
3.2. Underwater Magnetometer
The underwater magnetometer is a method used to survey the horizontal distribution
of anThe underwater
anomaly magnetometer
in magnetic force onisora method
below the used to survey
seabed the During
surface. horizontal distribu-
tion of an anomaly
surveying, in magnetic
it can mainly force on orthe
help in examining below the seabed
horizontal surface.
position During engineer-
of semi-buried or buried
ing surveying,
objects it canferromagnetic
containing mainly help in examining
material the horizontal
underwater. position ofmaterial
Ferromagnetic semi-buried or
includesobjects containing
materials ferromagnetic
containing material
iron or steel. underwater.
The underwater Ferromagnetic
magnetometer material
needs to be
towed behind
usually includes the survey vessel
materials and asiron
containing close
orto the seabed
steel. as possible.
The underwater If the survey needs
magnetometer vessel
is an iron/steel vessel, the underwater magnetometer is usually towed at least 2.5-fold
the vessel length behind, to reduce the influence of the vessel itself on the measurement
results [46,47].
The underwater magnetometer survey results are shown in Figure 7a, which shows the
distribution of the measured location and magnetic force (the figure shows the measured
time in sequence, and has not been redrawn in accordance with spatial location). In this
data, the magnetic intensity is the sum of the earth’s magnetic field, the induced magnetic
field of the regional geology, and anomalies caused by the target object. Although the
magnetic signal created by the target object usually has a higher frequency, the magnetic
disturbance caused by the target object is small and difficult to identify if the signal has not
been separated from the total magnetic field. As a result, it is usually necessary to deduct the
regional magnetic field intensity before presenting the results. After graphing the residual
magnetic intensity according to its horizontal spatial position, a contour plot can be created
duced magnetic field of the regional geology, and anomalies caused by the target object.
Although the magnetic signal created by the target object usually has a higher frequen-
cy, the magnetic disturbance caused by the target object is small and difficult to identify
if the signal has not been separated from the total magnetic field. As a result, it is usually
J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2022, 10, 344 necessary to deduct the regional magnetic field intensity before presenting the results. 12 of 22
After graphing the residual magnetic intensity according to its horizontal spatial posi-
tion, a contour plot can be created by color-coding the intensity (see Figure 7c). From
this image, the locations
by color-coding of anomalies
the intensity (see Figurecan
7c).be interpreted.
From When
this image, interpreting
the locations the mag-
of anomalies
can beanomalies of man-made
interpreted. objects such
When interpreting as iron/steel
the magnetic ship or
anomalies ofaircraft
man-madewreckages, posi-
objects such
tive and negative
as iron/steel values
ship or usually
aircraft appear
wreckages, next to
positive andeach other,values
negative resulting from
usually the dipole
appear next
to each other,
character resulting
of the from themagnetic
object induced dipole character
field. of the object induced magnetic field.
Figure 7.
Figure (a) Total
7. (a) Total magnetic field; (b)
(b) Residual
Residual magnetic
magnetic field;
(after [48]).
the longitudinal waves touch the seabed, will be transmitted downward again. This means
that multiple reflected signals that detect the same interface will continuously appear at
very similar times, thereby interfering with the target signal. In addition, in these shallow
waters, waves and coastal currents cause severe interference. Consequently, even if multiple
reflections from the sea surface can be avoided, it is difficult to obtain clear images from
side-scan sonar surveys since they require a stable flow field [49–51].
Kim and Park [58] used the results of the seismic surface wave method to measure the den-
sity of a field after dynamic compaction, in order to evaluate its effectiveness. Lin et al. [59]
used the S-wave velocity obtained through the seismic surface wave method for the as-
sessment of seismic-induced liquefaction potential of soil. Fratta et al. [60] combined
longitudinal wave velocity with time-domain reflectometer measurements for rapid de-
tection of in situ density. Madun et al. [61] applied the seismic surface wave method to
examine the effectiveness of stone columns on ground improvement. Lin et al. [62] used the
seismic surface wave method to examine the overall improvement rate by looking at the
difference in S-wave velocity measured before and after jet grouting for site improvement.
Lin et al. [63] used electrical resistivity tomography to examine the pile diameter and
completeness of soilcrete columns. The engineering problems tackled in land-based case
studies such as the investigation of unstable strata, soil improvement effectiveness testing,
soil liquefaction due to earthquakes, and safety inspection of dams, are also important
and needed in nearshore engineering, showing that quantitative geophysical methods for
shallow waters have not been fully explored in engineering operations, and possess high
potential for development.
velocity of the stratum and, therefore, is less sensitive to the longitudinal velocity and
density of the soil layer. The process of underwater surface wave analysis is shown in
Figure 9a. After the signal recorded by hydrophones or geophones, the phase velocity
of surface waves at different frequencies can be obtained by dispersion curve analysis.
Subsequently, the shear wave velocity of the layered structure is inverted, based on layered
model assumption. Each measurement can obtain a one-dimensional shear wave velocity
profile. In practice, the velocity is represented by the halfway point of the survey line.
By continuously moving the location of the survey line, all the collected 1D shear wave
J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2022, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 15 of 23
velocity profiles at different locations can be converted into a two-dimensional image, as
can be seen in Figure 9b.
Figure 8.
Figure (a) Illustration
8. (a) Illustration of
of the
the Underwater Seismic Refraction Method (USRM). (b) 2D
2D Vp
Vp image
retrieved from
from USRM
USRM (after [11]).
4.3. Underwater
To make Electrical Resistivity
the number of Tomography
travel-time (UERT)
curves large enough to conduct
The surveying
two-dimensional principle ofanalysis,
stratigraphic underwater it is electrical
necessaryresistivity tomography
to distribute multiple is based
shot on
the injection of low-frequency electric currents into the seabed through
evenly inside and outside the survey line. Usually, there will be 5–7 shot points inside two electrodes at
different locations, after which, the voltage difference at another two locations
the survey line, and one shot point on each side outside the survey line. The first-arrival is measured
by electrodes.
time would be Eachpicked measurement
for each shotisto made
createin aa travel-time
group of four electrodes.
curve. Following
After which, the
the trav-
measurement, the voltage and current values are used to calculate the
el-time tomography is applied to back-calculate the two-dimensional velocity profile. As apparent resistivity
of the tested
shown layer
in Figure 8b,using the electrostatic
the velocity distribution theory. Thebelow
of soils effective
the depth of is
seafloor theusually
resistivity is dependent on the distance between the electrodes (see Figure
pressed using different colors. This velocity is generally the longitudinal wave velocity 10a). During
the measurement
(P-wave process,
velocity, or thecan
Vp), but electrodes
also be arethe switched
shear wave and the spacing
velocity is altered
(S-wave velocity,to obtain
or Vs)
apparent resistivity data at different
when specialized vibration sources are used. locations and depths of influence (with the advance
Figure 9. (a)
9. (a) Illustration
Illustration of of
thethe procedure
procedure ofof Underwater
Underwater Seismic
Seismic SurfaceWave
Surface WaveMethod
vs.vs. image
image from
from USWM
USWM (after
(after [38]).
4.4. Challenges in the Application of Quantitative Geophysical Methods for Nearshore Site
Underwater Electrical Resistivity
and Future Tomography
Development (UERT)
reviewedprinciple of underwater
above, quantitative electrical resistivity
geophysical methods havetomography is based
high potential toon
in of low-frequency
nearshore electric currents
site characterization and into the seabed
in solving through
engineering two electrodes
problems. However,at
as difficulties in the application of these geophysical methods exist, they are still not widely
used for surveying shallow waters. The three main difficulties are as follows:
1: Shortcomings in operational efficiency
Quantitative geophysical methods for nearshore site characterizations require high-
density data to invert the physical quantities of materials, and usually require multi-
channel equipment. The operation of these geophysical methods can be divided into
three categories: boat tow, deep tow, and settle down on seabed. The boat tow and deep
tow methods allow for continuous data collection, which makes the surveying efficient.
However, they need to discard some information to earn the efficiency. For example, the
boat tow UERT measures the seawater column and seabed simultaneously. Seawater as
the intermediate medium, with very low electrical resistivity, reduces the sensitivity of
different locations, after which, the voltage difference at another two locations is meas-
ured by electrodes. Each measurement is made in a group of four electrodes. Following
the measurement, the voltage and current values are used to calculate the apparent re-
sistivity of the tested layer using the electrostatic theory. The effective depth of the ap-
J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2022, 10, 344 parent resistivity is dependent on the distance between the electrodes (see Figure 17 of10a).
During the measurement process, the electrodes are switched and the spacing is altered
to obtain apparent resistivity data at different locations and depths of influence (with the
the seabed of measurement.
technology, nowadays,
Further, thethe data
rate are data
of the obtained through
acquisition automated
needs switching
to be considered
for continuous of measurement.
electrodes at different spacingfor
A better practice and locations).
collecting UERTThe
datadata are oftentheex-
is switching
pressed as a two-dimensional
measurement pseudo-section,
electrodes at different and the in
locations. However, two-dimensional
order to meet the resistivity pro-
rate of data
file the data
distribution can collection
be invertedintensity must data
from these be reduced, which affectstechniques
using tomography the resolution
ure 10b). of the results.
Figure 10.
10. (a)
(a) Illustration
Illustration of the static
of the static survey
survey of
(UERT). (b) 2D electrical resistivity image from UERT (after [29]).
(UERT). (b) 2D electrical resistivity image from UERT (after [29]).
4.4. Challenges
The deepin themethod
tow Application
can ofreduce
Quantitative Geophysical
the impact Methods
of seawater. for Nearshoretowing
Continuously Site a
long series of sensors
Characterization closeDevelopment
and Future to the seabed surface to collect data means it can easily hit
or get entangled in protrusions, causing
As reviewed above, quantitative geophysical damage to methods
the equipment.
have highTherefore, stationary
potential to be ap-
plied in nearshore site characterization and in solving engineering problems.reliability
measurement is more desirable than deep tow measurement if the resolution and However,
are required in engineering applications. However, more working time is not the only effort
as difficulties in the application of these geophysical methods exist, they are still not
needed to be offered in stationary measurement. The directional change in tidal current is
widely used for surveying shallow waters. The three main difficulties are as follows:
usually significant in nearshore areas. It would limit the working time if the survey vessel
1: Shortcomings in operational efficiency
was anchored for stationary measurement.
Quantitative geophysical methods for nearshore site characterizations require
In the short term, a countermeasure of insufficient efficiency of quantitative geophys-
ical methodsdata to invertwaters
for shallow the physical quantities ofwith
is complementary materials,
common andmarine
require mul-
ti-channel equipment. The operation of these geophysical methods
methods which are highly efficient but cannot obtain physical quantities of materials, can be divided
three categories: boat tow, deep tow, and settle down on seabed. The boat
quantitative geophysical methods can obtain these at the cost of efficiency. When surveying tow and deep
tow methods
a large allow formethods
area, common continuous data
with highcollection,
can be makes
used the
first.surveying efficient.
Then, after the
However, theyresults
initial survey need have
to discard
furthersome information
limited the survey toarea
earninthe efficiency.
accordance Forengineering
with example, the
boat tow UERTquantitative
requirements, measures the seawater column
geophysical methodsand canseabed simultaneously.
be applied for more detail Seawater
However, in the long term, improvement in equipment and optimized analytical programsof
intermediate medium, with very low electrical resistivity, reduces the sensitivity
andseabed measurement.
algorithms Further, the rate of the data acquisition needs to be considered
are still needed.
2: Lack of appropriate
for continuous measurement. application
A better equipment
practice forand systemsUERT data is switching the
As mentioned, the lack of appropriate equipment with high application efficiency
is one of the problems that needs to be fixed. Other shortcomings in existing equipment
and measurement systems for seabed positioning remain. In the practical applications,
the underwater seismic refraction method and seismic surface wave method are often
combined for surveying sub-seafloor depth to 20 m. This is very suitable when planning
the installation of submarine pipelines or similar projects as it utilizes a one-sided shot
J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2022, 10, 344 18 of 22
point survey [38,64,65]. The most commonly used seismic system is the airgun as the
acoustic source and a deep-towed streamer as the receivers. The SHRIMP system, which
was designed by Puech et al. [66] (later named the GAMBAS® system by the Fugro NV,
Leidschendam, Netherlands) falls into this category. By using stop-and-go winches, the
survey vessel can be operated continuously, i.e., without stopping, allowing this system
to operate in water depths from 10 m up to 350 m [21,64]. However, the seismic airgun
requires a highly efficient air compressor with great capacity, and the survey vessel used
must be of a certain tonnage. Additionally, a certain distance from both the surface and
seabed is required, which makes the seismic airgun not suitable for shallow waters (<10 m),
let alone intertidal areas. Alternatively, since a relatively large wavelength (low frequency,
basically less than 10 Hz) is required to obtain sufficient depth information for USSWM,
either the weight-drop [67,68] or the shotgun [18,69] could be used as a replacement for
very shallow waters (<10 m) or intertidal zones. However, the weigh-drop requires the
weight to be lifted to a certain height to free fall before it hits the seabed surface, which
makes this method highly inconvenient. Additionally, the hit position of the weight is
difficult to control after the drop, making it difficult to superimpose signals and relocate
after the operation is completed. The shotgun is relatively convenient, but its use may be
restricted under the laws of different countries, hence, very few cases have been recently
published. Because of these, it is necessary to further develop suitable sources of vibration
for surveying in both very shallow waters and intertidal zones.
For underwater electrical resistivity tomography, as mentioned above, the best survey
results are obtained using a stationary setup. However, as soon as the instruments are
submerged, the influence of tides make the recording time extremely limited. To shorten
this time, there are two different directions for development. One is to develop a multi-
channel recording device that can quickly record data from multiple locations at the same
time, reducing the time spent on repeatedly sending currents at fixed points due to channel
limitations, thereby increasing efficiency. However, and secondly, a suitable electrode
array needs to be developed before the multi-channel capabilities of this device can be
fully utilized.
In addition, when using any of the three quantitative geophysical methods introduced
here, the use of multi-channel sensors for data acquisition makes it difficult to locate the
position of each sensor after it is placed on the seabed. Consequently, the development of
cost-effective underwater positioning equipment is also warranted. From these examples,
the level of commercialization of quantitative geophysical equipment for shallow waters
is still far less than that of land or deep-sea equipment. Active investments in Research
and Development, and construction are required before these methods can be universally
applied in an efficient and cost-effective manner.
3: Insufficient guidance for experimental shallow sea applications
Although quantitative geophysical methods have long been developed, the equipment
and analytical algorithms continue to be upgraded and improved. Basically, there are no
standard operation procedures for these methods. Instead, only testing guidelines are
available to plan tests and design field configuration (e.g., sensor spacing and survey line
length). Additionally, these guidelines are used as reference for application procedures and
data analysis, as well as for the presentation and interpretation of results. For example,
the U.S. Federal Highway Administration has established an application manual for the
application of geophysical methods to highway-related problems [70]. The Society of
Exploration Geophysicists of Japan has established an application manual for geophysical
methods to be used in geotechnical and environmental applications [71]. Foti et al. [72]
proposed application guidelines for the seismic surface wave method.
Nevertheless, quantitative geophysical methods for nearshore applications are rel-
atively lacking. On the one hand, their applications are still limited to a few specific
institutions. They are not as widely used as land-based methods; relatively little relevant
knowledge and experience is publicly shared, and the accumulation of engineering appli-
cations is insufficient. On the other hand, it is still difficult to establish relevant guidelines
J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2022, 10, 344 19 of 22
when the equipment and operation methods are in need of further improvement. Nonethe-
less, the establishment of relevant guidelines has a great impact on the promotion and
popularization of emerging technologies, for instance, by defining various measurement
parameters for underwater seismic surface wave method, setting up the relative distance
of receivers, calculating the maximum possible distance between the streamer and seabed,
establishing the analytical capabilities and electrode setup for the underwater electrical
resistivity method, and so on. The above documentations should be gradually established
through numerical simulation and field experience to create guidelines for the application
of these quantitative geophysical methods in nearshore site characterizations.
5. Conclusions
As the demand for marine energy (e.g., offshore wind energy) increases worldwide,
engineering development is moving into the coastal and marine environment, and with
it, surveying in nearshore and shallow waters is increasing. These surveys are mainly
conducted using comprehensive geophysical methods in combination with more localized
geotechnical surveys. This paper reviewed the common geophysical methods for shal-
low waters, such as the underwater magnetometer, side-scan sonar, single/multi- beam
sonar, sub-bottom profiler, and seismic reflection method, as well as the difficulties in
their implementation. The use of quantitative geophysical methods to solve the limited
information acquired below the seabed is proposed, highlighting the inability to obtain
material properties of the seabed, using international case studies to illustrate the great
potential of physical quantities obtained using quantitative geophysical methods as rele-
vant applications for engineering properties. At present, the application of quantitative
geophysical methods for nearshore applications is still relatively limited in practice. For
this reason, the three challenges in the application of quantitative geophysical methods are
summarized, namely, the lack of operational efficiency, appropriate operational equipment
and systems, and sufficient guidance for experimental shallow sea applications. These
challenges need to be actively addressed if the potential of geophysical methods for shallow
waters is to be fully realized. The authors hope that the academic community will conduct
further research related to the theories, measurement techniques, and analysis methods
of these methods to tackle the insufficient operational efficiency. Cooperation between
the industry and academia to develop appropriate operational equipment and systems is
encouraged to complete commercialization of these high potential technologies. At the
same time, guidelines for related engineering applications will be established by official or
related associations based on relevant experience through practical applications in order to
enhance the survey and measurement capabilities in nearshore site characterizations.
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