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Cloud Computing Trends Nasser Elfadil

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Cloud Computing Trends: A Literature Review

Article in Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies · January 2020

DOI: 10.36941/ajis-2020-0008

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2 authors:

Nasser Taleb Elfadil Abdalla Mohamed

Canadian University Dubai Ajman University


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E-ISSN 2281-4612 Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies Vol 9 No 1
ISSN 2281-3993 www.richtmann.org January 2020

Research Article
© 2020 Nasser Taleb and Elfadil A. Mohamed.
This is an open access article licensed under the Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

Cloud Computing Trends: A Literature Review

Nasser Taleb
Associate Professor,
Canadian University Dubai, UAE

Elfadil A. Mohamed
Assistant Professor,
Ajman University, UAE

Doi: 10.36941/ajis-2020-0008


This study is a literature review on cloud computing cloud computing trends as one the fastest growing
technologies in the computer industry and their benefits and opportunities for all types of organizations. In
addition, it addresses the challenges and problems that contribute to increasing the number of customers
willing to adopt and use the technology. A mixed research study approach was adopted for the study, that is,
by collecting and analyzing both quantitative and qualitative information within the same literature review
and summarizing the findings of previous (related) studies. Results highlights the current and future trends
of cloud computing and exposes readers to the challenges and problems associated with cloud computing.
The reviewed literature showed that the technology is promising and is expected to grow in the future.
Researchers have proposed many techniques to address the problems and challenges of cloud computing,
such as security and privacy risks, through mobile cloud computing and cloud-computing governance.

Keywords: cloud computing trends, cloud computing challenges, cloud computing governance

1. Background

Companies have worked to store and protect data for decades, working to protect clients’ confidential
data. Firms developed cloud computing, as a way to provide secure data storage and processing
power for firms and private individuals. Many firms in many fields use cloud storage (Mei, Li, & Li,
2017). Cloud computing, now dubbed simply computing, uses Internet technology in dynamic
applications and storage. Cloud computing has five major characteristics (Armbrust, Fox, Griffith,
Joseph, Katz, Konwinski, & Zaharia, 2010): on-demand self-service; broad network access; resource
pooling; rapid elasticity; and measured service. In addition, cloud computing includes three major
types of services: Infrastructure as a Service, Platform as a Services and Software as a Service (Mell &
Grance, 2011). Furthermore, there are four different ways to use cloud computing: public cloud,
private cloud, community cloud, and hybrid cloud.
Advantages of cloud computing are availability of processing power, storage, flexibility,
scalability, and reducing overhead cost on the IT infrastructure (Rajaraman, 2014). Figure 1 illustrates
cloud-computing applications. Startup organizations have been able to take advantage of moving to a
cloud environment by channeling capital spending into operational spending, making cloud

E-ISSN 2281-4612 Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies Vol 9 No 1
ISSN 2281-3993 www.richtmann.org January 2020

computing attractive when cutting IT budgets. Use of cloud computing is most commonly adopted
by the smallest firms, whereas medium-sized firms have lower rates and the lowest rates are in firms
with about 100 employees (Bloom & Pierri, 2018). Larger firms have enough in-house computing
power. In contrast, cloud computing has some disadvantages (Ashari & Setiawan, 2011) such as
requirements for Internet access, speed, and direct access to resources. Therefore, companies may
find it quite risky to depend entirely on cloud-computing service providers. Any interruption in cloud
services could cause organizations great damage (Grigoriou, Retana, & Rothaermel, 2012).
Karkonasasi, Baharudin, Esparham, and Mousavi (2016) pointed out the main advantages: cost saving,
security, privacy, and reliability. Stakeholders anticipate these issues in adopting cloud computing
will be mitigated or eliminated in the future.

Figure 1: Cloud computing applications.

Source: From Gartner outlines 5 cloud computing trends—What they really mean, by U. Banerjee,
2019), retrieved March 10, 2019, from https://setandbma.wordpress.com/2012/04/24/gartner-5-cloud-

Extant literature describes past and present trends in cloud computing and its usefulness in helping
firms meet clients’ needs, placing them in a position to enhance their competitive status. Researchers
also discuss and expose readers to the main challenges and obstacles encountered when using cloud

2. Current Trends in Cloud Computing

Cloud computing has become a major asset for firms in vying to meet their clients’ need and enhance
their competitive status. Their mastery of efficient and effective data storage has promoted a need for
greater storage space. As a result, service providers must work to increase the capacity of online data
centers. Cloud computing has become an essential part of sustaining superior performance to
enhance competitive status (Baldini et al., 2017). Cisco (2018) estimated more that the cloud housed
547EB of data in 2018. As more storage space becomes available, firms are impacted positively,
allowing them to store greater amounts of data. These large caches of data allow companies to house,
analyze and gain helpful information on customers’ information, desires, and behaviors (Duan, Fu,
Zhou, Sun, Narendra, & Hu, 2015). Cloud computing also allows smaller firms to store and share data
as fees for cloud computing descend.
In recent years, hackers have found ways to compromise security in cloud computing, attacking

E-ISSN 2281-4612 Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies Vol 9 No 1
ISSN 2281-3993 www.richtmann.org January 2020

computers through Wannacry and Ransomware (Kitchen & Reiss, 2018), and placing cloud-
computing firms on guard. These continuing attacks alerted experts to increase their security and
response time. Hackers have gained considerable sophistication in their efforts, forcing companies to
invest time and effort in methods to detect malware (Baldini et al., 2017). Cloud computing providers
help firms in these efforts, working to keep data safe and confidential. Now, companies must work
harder to secure client’s information, often investing immense resources to maintain security and
avoid cybersecurity compromise. To do so, companies must hire experts who are able to defend data
against hackers. Figure 2 shows an increase in the number of organizations that are turning to cloud
computing as an alternative to run their applications.

Figure 2: 2016 trends in cloud computing.

Source: From Gartner outlines 5 cloud computing trends—What they really mean, by U. Banerjee,
2019), retrieved March 10, 2019, from https://setandbma.wordpress.com/2012/04/24/gartner-5-cloud-

Internet service providers work to enhance the quality of services on the Internet. Cloud-computing
services require the ability to meet increasing demand for speed and storage space globally (Dempsey
& Kelliher, 2017). By the inception of 2019, Internet service providers launched 5G networks with the
highest speeds available to date. South Korea was first to release 5G networks in April of 2019. These
increasing protocols will augment clients’ ability to load and access clients’ information. In turn 5G
presages quality Internet from which all users will benefits, allowing people and companies to send
and receive information in real-time.

E-ISSN 2281-4612 Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies Vol 9 No 1
ISSN 2281-3993 www.richtmann.org January 2020

Figure 3: Gartner curve of past and future trends.

Source: From Gartner outlines 5 cloud computing trends—What they really mean, by U. Banerjee,
2019), retrieved March 10, 2019, from https://setandbma.wordpress.com/2012/04/24/gartner-5-cloud-

3. Future Trends in Cloud Computing

Service providers are remunerated by organizations that use cloud-computing services. Large
multinational firms are beginning to generate proprietary cloud networks that meet their specific
needs. These very large firms find it lucrative to provide private cloud networks rather than using
those of general service providers (Varghese & Buyya, 2018). For example, Coca-Cola has huge
amounts of data and can develop a private network with high security that aligns with their particular
needs. IBM, one of the largest multinational computer companies, is developing private cloud
storage. Other multinational firms are likely to develop their own cloud systems, as well.
The overwhelming numbers of large companies have an IT department. As cloud service
providers increasingly develop more complex offerings, they will be able to customize the cloud to
answer the needs of each corporation, thereby allowing companies to outsource their IT departments
(Baldini et al., 2017). Companies will no longer need to invest funds in elaborate and expensive
computers and IT departments. Further, IT employees will need to learn how to manage applications
on the cloud. As cloud computing becomes common and user friendly, smaller firms and private
individuals will join large companies in choosing to use the cloud.
Many companies analyze data several times each year. To perform analytics, firms need
powerful computers. However, over time, cloud computing will encompass that analysis so firms can
access analytic information whenever they need it. Thus, organizations will not need their own
expensive computers to answer that intermittent need (Baldini et al., 2017). As these services become
increasingly less expensive, businesses will be able to contract for services only when needed. Thus,
conducting analytics on the cloud will reduce cost and risk, thereby increasing firms’ profits and
reducing costs and risks (Baldini et al., 2017).

E-ISSN 2281-4612 Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies Vol 9 No 1
ISSN 2281-3993 www.richtmann.org January 2020

3.1 Mobile Cloud-Computing Trend

Due to the wide availability and advances in smartphones, mobile cloud computing must be
addressed in supporting applications and needed computational power. Therefore, mobile cloud
computing can be thought of as combining mobile computing and cloud computing. A. R. Khan,
Othman, Madani, and Khan (2013) defined mobile computing as the integration of cloud computing
with mobile devices to provide mobile devices with computational power, memory, and storage. In
another paper, Huang (2011) dubbed mobile cloud computing mobicloud computing. Important issues
concerning mobile cloud computing are applications, security, and unified standards (A. R. Khan et
al., 2014). Mobile cloud computing may extend smartphone hardware and battery life.
Issues and challenges of mobile cloud computing are performance, resources, and techniques
(Akherfi, Gerndt, & Harroud, 2018). Having a standard architecture would substantially improve
mobile devices’ capabilities in cloud processing and storage-power resources (Akherfi et al., 2018).
Nowadays, mobile cloud computing is considered quite important for online social network
services such as gaming, image handling, video processing, and general e-business. Several generic
surveys pointed to the importance of mobile cloud computing. Fan, Cao, and Mao (2011) discussed
two mobile-cloud application models, those of Marinelli (2009) and cloudlets by Satyanarayanan,
Bahl, Caceres, and Davies (2009). Fan et al. highlighted the significance of intelligent access schemes.
Klein, Mannweiler, Schneider, and Schotten (2010); Dinh, Lee, Niyato, and Wang (2013); and Guan,
Ke, Song, and Song (2011) discussed generic issues of a mobile cloud. Kovachev, Cao, and Klamma
(2011) compared application models.

3.2 Quantum Computing Trend

Quantum is one of hottest topics in the cloud industry that challenge the present state of cloud
computing and might transform it totally. Service providers are trying to cut-throat competition and
in such a scenario Quantum Computing is heading to take over the cloud computing in the near

3.3 Hybrid Cloud Solutions Trend

In addition to other anticipated cloud computing trends, Hybrid Cloud Solutions are expected to take
its place very soon in the domain of cloud computing. Moreover, Hybrid Cloud Solutions are known
for being dynamic, cost-effective, and also can adapt to the market vibrant needs. With Hybrid Cloud
Solutions, it is possible to attend to these market demands due to the rise of competition by large-
scale enterprises.

3.4 Automation Trend

Cloud adoption is necessary and increasing quickly, which means that organizations have to deal
with more computing; this will result in more data and application resources. This would require
more admin jobs and time-consuming tasks. The automation of execution will reduce repetitive jobs,
reduce errors and increase productivity. Therefore, companies of all sizes should aim to automate
different processes. Automation will help simplify cloud administrators’ jobs by saving cost and time.

4. Cloud-Computing Challenges

Adopting cloud computing has many challenges and problems. This section discusses the main
challenges and problems that might hinder the adoption of cloud computing that must be addressed
to convince organizations to embrace this emerging technique.

E-ISSN 2281-4612 Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies Vol 9 No 1
ISSN 2281-3993 www.richtmann.org January 2020

4.1 Cloud-Computing Governance

Past and the current decade have witnessed a wide adoption and use of cloud computing. Due to the
importance of cloud computing for improving organization performance, its governance plays an
important role for decision-makers. Cloud-computing governance can be considered part of the
general umbrella of IT governance. Researchers have offered several definitions for the term IT
governance. Brandis, Dzombeta, Colomo-Palacios, and Stantchev (2019) defined IT governance as “IT
governance is about the configuration of organizational resources to ensure effective management”
(p. 1). An important aspect of IT governance is the alignment of IT objectives with corporate strategy.
A compelling need exists for cloud-computing governance and how it can be implemented. In a
recent work, Bounagui, Mezrioui, and Hafiddi (2019) presented a new cloud-computing–governance
framework based on endorsed IT models: ITIL, Control Objectives for Information and Related
Technologies (COBIT), and ISO/IEC 27001/2. The proposed framework aims to develop evaluation
and integration approaches with IT models.
One issue that might hinder the adoption and use of cloud computing is compliance with
general regulations and laws for customers and cloud providers. Kundu, Sura, and Sharma (2018)
proposed a framework aimed at helping organizations cope with compliance aspects in their cloud-
oriented environments. The proposed framework has been implemented in two organizations. The
results are encouraging and may lead adopter organizations to fewer reported compliance violations,
higher contribution of cloud computing to overall quality of service, and organizational-compliance
Another important issue related to cloud-computing governance is the lack of expertise in
handling cloud-computing-based IT control. S. N. Khan, Nicho, Takruri, Maamar, and Kamoun (2019)
tried to link cloud computing and IT governance to humane arrangements, validating and ranking
role assigning and taking components through in-depth interviews with 12 IT decision-makers and 44
Information Systems Audit and Control Association members, engaged as panelists in a Delphi-
technique implementation. The S. N. Khan et al. study indicates that skills and competencies are
prioritized determinants of IT controls, whereas IT security, risk, and compliance emerge as
capabilities crucial in evaluating and managing cloud-computing service providers. Such results
should be subjected to further investigation to consider different regions.
Hardware systems have become quite complex and the complexity is exacerbated by the
adoption of cloud computing. To alleviate such complexity Kundu et al. (2018) presented a vision on
how hardware-system development and governance should be carried out. They suggested applying a
fresh approach to the problem of hardware development and verification, going from a black-box-
driven model to a white-box model to improve trust, reliability and efficiency in a dynamic,
collaborative, and accountable manner.
Despite the huge benefits that cloud computing can deliver for organizations, many
corporations remain skeptical of adopting the technology. The main reason might be attributed to
poorly understood factors that inhibit adopting and using the technology. To address this problem,
Borgman, Bahli, Heier, and Schewski (2013) proposed a framework based on a technology–
organization–environment model with a goal of discerning the factors that influence companies’
decisions to use cloud computing. Borgman et al. study showed that the technology and organization
companies engage affects their ability to implement their goals.
The authors divide the challenges related to the cloud computing governance into management
problems and hardware compliance problems. While the issue of hardware compliance has received
greater attention and viable solutions were introduced, however, the management problem still
needs further investigations and solutions. The authors suggest drafting international IT compliance
regulations that can be adopted by cloud computing service providers all over the world. These
compliance regulations should be applicable for both customers and the service providers in case of
any dispute that might surface in the future between the two parties. This approach is expected to
expel the customers’ fear from adopting the cloud computing technology.

E-ISSN 2281-4612 Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies Vol 9 No 1
ISSN 2281-3993 www.richtmann.org January 2020

4.2 Cloud-Computing Security

Computer security remains a critical and vital subject for scientists and practitioners. The problem is
aggravated by the introduction of cloud computing because customers lack full control of the
resources provided by cloud-computing service providers. Security in cloud computing is more
challenging for customers and cloud-computing providers. IT governance offers visibility and IT
control; therefore, efforts toward corporate governance can reduce operation risks, can establish
compliance, and can protect the invested value (Suicimeczov & Georgescue, 2014). To address cloud-
computing security, mechanisms are needed to enhance and protect users from intrusion and attack.
Researchers have long recognized the importance of protecting computer data from unauthorized
access. Researchers discussed a three-way authentication approach that helps in data security (Dangi
& Pawar, 2019). The approach proposed would help in effective three-factor security with low
computational parameters that are effective while looking at security aspects compared to previously
defined authentication techniques in cloud security.
The protection of data from being tampered with by the cloud provider is a formidable task,
especially if hackers are colluding with the cloud provider. To address such problems, Cao, Zhang,
Liu, Zhang, and Neri (2019) proposed a technique based on blockchain technology. In using this
technique, data will be stored in the public blockchain as transactions and will be modified only by
authorized people. Security analysis and performance evaluation of the proposed technique
demonstrates it can provide strong security guarantees with a high efficiency. To prevent leaking
sensitive data to the cloud service provider, cryptographic methods can be used to ensure verifiability
and privacy (Zhao, Hu, Song, & Zhao, 2019).
One method used to address the security and privacy issues of cloud computing is by
introducing data encryption. However, the encryption of data increases the computational overhead
and hence has a negative impact on the speed of data searches and retrieval. To alleviate such
problems and gain the best results in obtaining encrypted data from outside sources and reducing the
computational overhead of cloud servers, Q. Zhang, Wang, and Liu (2019) suggested a scheme for
cloud environments. Their idea was to use matrix encryption to ensure user privacy (Q. Zhang,
Wang, & Liu, 2019). The researchers suggested a cooperative method of preserving personalized
searches that would maintain the privacy of the user. Another interesting method used to address the
problem of cloud-computing security is a lightweight-secure-conjunctive-keyword-search scheme in
hybrid cloud environments (LCKS) based on a ciphertext-policy ABE algorithm, which supports file-
owner authorized conjunctive keyword searches for multiple parties (He, Zhang, Li, Jin, & Zhang,
2019). The LCKS security analysis and performance evaluation indicate it is secure, highly efficient,
and well suited for the hybrid cloud.
Researchers who address the complexity of encrypted data are increasing in number. Recently
Manoharan and Ruba Soundar (2019) proposed an effective securable fuzzy-logic-based ranking
mechanism for document searching on outsourced cloud data. Their approach employs elliptic-
curve-cryptograph (ECC)-based encryption and a fuzzy-logic based ranking scheme over the
encrypted data to retrieve documents from the cloud. The experimental analysis of the approach
indicated it is highly secure and efficient and exhibits better recall and precision in the information-
retrieval system to address the document-retrieval process.
Cloud computing users must be aware of the vulnerabilities and the type of attack that might
occur in cloud computing. Asvija, Eswari, and Bijoy (2019) conducted an excellent survey that
attempted to highlight the significant vulnerabilities and expose readers to the various existing
attacks related to hardware-assisted virtualization, as it has become the most widely used form of
virtualization in building modern-day massive data centers and cloud infrastructures. Security
remains one of the greatest challenges that keep many organizations from adopting the technology.
Although numerous researchers have introduced many privacy-preserving models and security
mechanisms in recent years, many customers were not convinced by these mechanisms. Recently
Prabhu Kavin and Ganapathy (2019) proposed a new Chinese-remainder-theorem (CRT)-based data-

E-ISSN 2281-4612 Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies Vol 9 No 1
ISSN 2281-3993 www.richtmann.org January 2020

storage mechanism for storing user data securely in a cloud database. The proposed model adopts
two encryption schemes that use new formulas to perform the first and second encryption and also
uses a new formula to decrypt the cloud data. Prabhu Kavin and Ganapathy’s data-storage security
model outperformed existing models.
Cloud computing security is challenging and the problem becomes more complicated if we
move to mobile cloud security. Many researchers have proposed solutions to alleviate such problems.
For example, Dey, Ye, and Sampalli (2019) proposed a machine-learning-based intrusion-detection
scheme for mobile clouds involving heterogeneous client networks. Their proposed scheme is highly
effective in intrusion detection, does not require rule updates, and its complexity can be customized
to suit the requirements of the client networks.
The methods used for protecting computer data from unauthorized access and modifications
can be classified into two main categories. The first type use encryption and decryption. While
methods using such approach are very reliable in protecting the computer data from unauthorized
access, however, the methods are not efficient especially for data that need stringent requirements
for storage and retrieval, because the encryption and decryption take considerable amount of time.
The authors in this paper suggest that customers willing to adopt cloud computing have to conduct
thorough investigations about their needs and whether efficiency is of paramount importance for
them before choosing this methods or the cloud computing service providers adopting such
The second type of methods that can be used for securing the data from unauthorized access
and modifications, specially the internal threat, are based on Blockchains, a new technology that can
be used to protect the customer from internal threat that might be committed by personnel of the
cloud computing service providers.

4.3 Data Privacy

One of the greatest challenges of cloud computing is the privacy issue. Several studies have worked to
address such challenges and problems. In the area of Internet of Things (IoT), devices are configured
to access content or resources from multiple resources of variously integrated devices at the edge,
which raises the issue of data privacy. To address such problems, Duan, Lu, Zhou, Sun, and Wu (2019)
proposed to model the privacy content of multiple sources by mapping them as resources of types of
data, information, and knowledge in the well-known DIKW architecture. Their proposed model
provided a protection solution according to explicit and implicit divisions for privacy targets for
typed data.
The healthcare sector has witnessed substantial increases in the use of cloud computing for the
storage of patient medical information. Protecting patient medical data stored in the server from
unauthorized personnel is very important for patients. The problem is exacerbated when the data are
stored in the cloud-computing environment. Preserving privacy becomes a major concern for
patients. Patients are concerned about the privacy of their data being stored on a cloud server. For
this reason, healthcare providers must find solutions that guarantee the protection of patient data.
Researchers have proposed myriad solutions to address issues of the medical-data privacy. To
address this problem, X. Zhang, Zhao, Mu, Tang, and Xu (2019) suggested using elliptic curve
cryptography for medical cyberphysical systems that would be identity-based and proxy-oriented way
to outsource public auditing. Interestingly, the proposed system preserves data privacy while
simultaneously allowing any third-party auditor to audit the medical data efficiently, without
retrieving the entire medical data.
W. Li et al. (2018) proposed a novel attribute-based encryption scheme for fine-grained and
flexible access control to personal health records (PHRs) data in cloud computing. Their proposed
scheme generates shared information through a common-access subpolicy based on different
patients’ access policies. Then, the scheme combines the encryption of PHRs from different patients.
The proposed scheme is quite efficient in time and adheres to a ciphertext-policy attribute-based

E-ISSN 2281-4612 Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies Vol 9 No 1
ISSN 2281-3993 www.richtmann.org January 2020

encryption scheme.
Further improvements in preserving medical-data privacy are needed. Recently Kumar, Ahmad,
and Kumari (2019) discovered several security flaws in a cloud-assisted authentication and privacy-
preservation scheme for a telecare medical information system (TMIS). Examples of the discovered
security flaws include message-authentication failures in health care center uploads and
impersonation attacks in the patient data-upload phase. Kumar et al. proposed a protocol that
addresses the problems of a cloud-assisted authentication and privacy-preservation scheme. Working
solutions to address data privacy in cloud computing apply encryption and decryption algorithms
such as a homomorphic encryption algorithm, which has the serious limitation of supporting only
limited data types. To handle this problem, Min, Yang, Sangaiah, Bai, and Liu (2019) proposed a
parallel fully homomorphic encryption algorithm that supports floating-point numbers. The
proposed algorithm uses the characteristics of multi-nodes in the cloud environment to conduct
parallel encryption through simultaneous group-wise ciphertext computation.
To encourage healthcare providers to use the cloud server to store their patients’ medical data,
many studies have been proposed to quell fear about the privacy of the data. Essa, Hemdan, El-
Mahalawy, Attiya, and El-Sayed (2019) suggested an intelligent security system, dubbed Intelligent
Framework for Healthcare Data Security that would allow medical staff to gain and process large
amounts of data. The proposed system would have less impact and thus less staff time, in data
Liu, Liu, Jiang, Zhao, and Wang (2018) proposed a new solution to protect patient private data.
In this solution, they proposed the use of a blockchain-based scheme to secure the sharing and
trading of x-ray medical-image data based on blockchain. The procedure used to secure the x-ray
data followed three steps: first the assigned x-ray data are transmitted to the cloud using the message
queuing telemetry-transport protocol. Second, the patient image data are encrypted using a hashing
algorithm. Third is applying a watermark to the image data and finding generating blocks through
the agreement mechanism of the block. Although the solution seems fine, further investigation about
its viability is required.
Additional solutions have been proposed to protect the privacy of medical data stored in the
cloud based on data encryption. However, the encryption of data limits the ability of the cloud center
to process the data. To address this problem, researchers proposed schemes based on fully
homomorphism concepts for privacy protection and data processing of medical data (X. Wang, Bai,
Yang, Wang, & Jiang, 2019).
Another prominent protocol for protecting the privacy of patient medical data that is widely
used is the three-factor authentication protocol. Although the protocol is verified at the user side, a
high chance exists that the data might be compromised. D. Xu, Chen, Zhang, and Liu (2018) proposed
a novel, efficient, truly three-factor authentication protocol for TMIS. In this proposed protocol, the
three factors (password, smart card, and biometric) are verified at the server side. As claimed by its
inventor, the performance of the protocol is quite efficient and suitable for TMIS.
The research that aims to address the data-privacy problem in cloud computing continues to
increase. Researchers have proposed several new algorithms and techniques. Cryptosystem-based
methods are an example of methods that employ high computing power of cloud servers that
preserve data privacy. The main characteristic of these methods is to allow sharing and provide
multi-user independent services. The encryption of data on the server side results in delays in the
allocation and release of resource sharing by the cloud-computing server. To address this problem, J.
Li, Wang, Huang, Wang, and Xiang (2019) proposed a decentralized cryptographic protocol for multi-
user consensus systems. Based on this protocol, the researchers designed a decentralized multi-role
e-voting protocol using the CRT, where each role’s election aligns with a sub-access structure.
Another problem that faces cloud-computing clients is the choice of the cloud-computing
service provider, determining which cloud-computing service provider would better protect the
confidentiality of data. Cloud-computing service providers and clients’ practices should align, spelled
out in security-level agreements. Silva, Silva, Rocha, and Queiroz (2019) proposed a model to

E-ISSN 2281-4612 Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies Vol 9 No 1
ISSN 2281-3993 www.richtmann.org January 2020

calculate service-provider reliability. Their model measures solutions and mitigation of breaches in
security. The Silva et al. model anticipates the ability to categorize services and develop abstract
methods of defining emphases in the structure of the data storage to maintain privacy and enhance
Among research areas that received considerable attention is mobile cloud computing. The
proliferation of smart phones has encouraged the need to outsource data storage to the cloud server.
Such requirements raise the issue of data privacy. Among the solutions used to protect data privacy is
the use of encryption before sending the data to the cloud server. At the same time, users need to
retrieve the data quite quickly and ensure the integrity of the queried data. To reduce the overhead of
searching the data, Z. Xu, Lin, Sandor, Huang, and Liu (2019) presented a study that allowed searches
for data belonging to specific ranges. Their proposed work achieved data privacy and query-result
completeness verification using an encrypted data index and the vector-neighbor chain. Their work
also addressed the limitation of stringent mobile devices by designing a lightweight protocol based
on linear algebra operations for 1-dimensional and multidimensional data.
Encrypting and decrypting the data at the cloud server has proven its viability as an acceptable
technique to preserve the privacy of data. Y. Wang, Ding, Wu, Wei, Qin, and Wang, (2018) proposed
a technique that guarantees the privacy of road-condition data stored in the cloud server in
ciphertext format, which requires that the cloud server can distinguish the reported data from
different vehicles in ciphertext format for the same place without compromising their confidentiality.
To ensure the security and integrity of data stored in the cloud server, provides can use various
cryptographic tools such as cryptography based on identify and cryptography lacking certificates.
This method would mitigate the escrow problem that seems intrinsic to identity-based cryptography
(Wu, Mu, Susilo, Guo, and Zhang, 2019).
In mobile computing, many users share information through the mobile cloud. To address the
problem of data privacy stored in the cloud server, data owners usually encrypt their data before
outsourcing them to the cloud server (Cui, Zhou, Xu, & Zhong, 2019). Data encryption is a viable
solution for preserving data privacy, but does not come without cost. The major problem of data
encryption is the lack of efficiency. The encryption and decryption of the data takes considerable
time and resources. The problem becomes more serious in the case of IoT devices, which have
resource constraints. Zhou et al. (2019) presented a new fog-assisted privacy-preserving IoT data-
search framework such that the data from each IoT device is collected by a fog node, stored in a
predetermined document and outsourced to the cloud server. The users search the data through the
fog nodes, and the fine-grained search management is maintained at the document level.
Based on this framework, Zhou et al. (2019) proposed two searchable encryption schemes:
credible fog-node assisted searchable encryption and semi-trusted fog-node assisted searchable
encryption. The performance of the proposed schemes is feasible and highly efficient. Although many
solutions have been proposed to address the computation overhead of the encryption and decryption
of data stored in the client and cloud server, the problem of IoT devices continues to need
improvement. Chen et al. (2019) deviated from conventional software-based solutions and proposed a
secure and efficient remote-monitoring framework called SRM. The framework uses the latest
hardware-based trustworthy computing technology such as Intel SQX. The proposed framework
shows that SRM can protect user data privacy against unauthorized parties with minimum
performance cost compared to existing software-based solutions.
Protecting the privacy of personal multimedia data generated in large volume also has received
interest from researchers. Magdy, Abouelseoud, and Mikhail (2019) investigated several features for
use in building a privacy-preserving content-based image-retrieval system. The results they obtained
are insightful, offering interesting trade-offs between security, computational efficiency, and
The large increase in the generation and storage of sensitive personal data in the cloud server
raises immense concerns about the privacy of such data. Domingo-Ferrer, Farràs, Ribes-González,
and Sánchez (2019) conducted a survey that covers technologies that allow privacy-aware outsourcing

E-ISSN 2281-4612 Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies Vol 9 No 1
ISSN 2281-3993 www.richtmann.org January 2020

of storage and processing of sensitive data to public clouds. The researchers reviewed masking
methods for outsourced data based on data splitting and anonymization, in addition to cryptographic
methods covered in other surveys.
Analytics functions work to extract knowledge and support decision-making. The quality of
decision-making depends on preserving data privacy and data quality. Alabdulatif, Khalil, Kumarage,
Zomaya, and Yi (2019) introduced a scalable, cloud-based model to provide a privacy-preserving
anomaly-detection service for quality-assured decision-making in smart cities. They employed
homomorphic encryption to preserve data privacy during the analysis and a MapReduce-based
distribution of tasks and parallelization to overcome computational overhead associated with
homomorphic encryption.
Among the prominent methods in use to protect data privacy in the cloud and provide
structured access control is ciphertext (W. Li et al. 2018; Min et al. 2019; Y. Wang et al., 2018). Yu et al.
(2019) proposed a scheme with a direct-attribute revocation mechanism. Their idea was to use
multiple authorities with encryption of attributes of a ciphertext policy. Based on their proposed
revocation mechanism, remaining users need not update their secret keys when revocation happens.
As claimed by their inventors, the scheme is more efficient than similar work in the encryption,
decryption, and revocation stages.
The issue of data privacy remains one of the hottest challenges in cloud computing due to the
proliferation of IoT devices that have resources constraint and at the same time there is a compelling
need to improve the security to protect the customer private data. The authors in this paper suggest
the development of efficient algorithms and protocols that run under resource constrains and
without giving up the high level of security required to protect he private data.

5. Conclusion

In summary, cloud-computing trends are poised to answer companies’ current and future needs.
Because technology is essential to firms, cloud computing allows companies to store and access their
data at any time. This feature has caused cloud computing to become increasingly popular very
quickly. Over time, services providers are working to increase the number of services they provide,
which are likely to include enhanced analytics services. Various benefits arise from the use of cloud-
computing and cloud-storage services. Foremost is security of data. Over time, more and more
businesses will store their data in the cloud and will contract with service providers to perform data
analytics using the cloud. Even more notable is that, in the future, companies will have no other
option than to store their data in the cloud. Business competition will rest largely on data safety and
the ability to share and access data. Organizations are likely to become increasingly interdependent.
Companies require a reliable cloud-computing environment that meets their needs and desires.
Optimally, global enterprises will develop a plan to improve their use of cloud computing. To align
with those plans, Internet service providers will enhance Internet speeds and reduce times when
computers are offline, enabling users to rely on the cloud to access data instantly. Companies that do
not join in this effort are likely to be less competitive.


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