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Cloud Computing and 5G Challenges and Open Issues

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International Journal of Advances in Applied Sciences (IJAAS)

Vol. 11, No. 3, September 2022, pp. 187~193

ISSN: 2252-8814, DOI: 10.11591/ijaas.v11.i3.pp187-193  187

Cloud computing and 5G challenges and open issues

Arif Ullah1, Hanane Aznaoui2, Canan Batur Şahin3, Mahanz Sadie4, Ozlem Batur Dinler5,
Laassar Imane6
School of computing, Riphah International University, Faisalabad, Pakistan
Department of Computer Science, Cadi Ayyad University, Marrakech, Morocco
Department of Computer Engineering, Ramhormoz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ramhormoz, Iran
Department of Computer Engineering, Siirt University, Siirt, Turkey
Department of Software Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Malatya Turgut Ozal University, Malatya, Turkey
Department of Mathematics, Ibn Tofail University, Kénitra, Morocco

Article Info ABSTRACT

Article history: The obtainable fourth-generation technology (4G) networks have been
extensively used in the cloud application and are constantly evolving to
Received Jan 3, 2022 match the needs of the future cloud applications. The fifth-generation (5G)
Revised Feb 10, 2022 networks are probable to immense expand today's cloud that can boost
Accepted Apr 15, 2022 communication operations, cloud security, and network challenges and drive
the cloud future to the edge and internet of things (IoT) applications. The
existing cloud solutions are facing a number of challenges such as large
Keywords: number of connection of nodes, security, and new standards. This paper
reviews the current research state-of-the-art of 5G cloud, key-enabling
5G technologies, and current research trends and challenges in 5G along with
Cloud cloud application.
Internet of things
Technologies This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA license.

Corresponding Author:
Arif Ullah
School of computing, Riphah International University
Peshawar Rd, near Hajj Complex I-14, Islamabad, Islamabad Capital Territory 46000, Pakistan
Email: arifullahms88@gmail.com

Cloud computing (CC) is a general term for anything that involves delivering hosted services over
the internet. Cloud providers are competing with each other and they constantly expand their services in
order to differentiate themselves. CC is named as such because the information being accessed is found
remotely in the cloud or a virtual space. CC has succeeded in bringing change in different fields of life. CC is
a two-decade-old technology that works using the virtualizations rule. A virtual machine (VM) is one of the
main elements of virtualization in CC that represents a physical server in the VM [1]. The evolution of fifth-
generation (5G) networks is becoming available as a major driver of the growth of the internet of things (IoT)
and cloud application applications. The 5G networks are expected to massive expand today’s IoT and cloud
that can boost cellular operation. The development of 5G will be based on the groundwork created by fourth-
generation technology long-term evolution (4G LTE), which will provide user's voice, data, and the internet
[2]. The 5G will significantly increase the talent and speed to offer dependable and speedy connectivity to the
future cloud technology and IoT. 5G is the 5th development of cloud technology; the formal standard was
customary in 2017 by the third generation partnership project (3GPP) to define the prerequisite of the 5G
network, and the second phase of 5G, 3GPP release 16, is conventional to be released curtly [3].

Journal homepage: http://ijaas.iaescore.com

188  ISSN: 2252-8814

In the past two decades, CC has progressed rapidly due to an increase in the user’s demand and to
ensure better services to the client. CC is considered a modern technology due to the equipment of elastics,
flexible and on-demand storage for use. High computing and storage services can get any user and
organization at a low cost without investing much in the infrastructure [4]. CC architecture comprises two
main parts which are the front end and back end where different components in terms of storage, runtime,
service, and security work in the back-end application and service work in the front end. Cloud architecture
not only defines the components but also the relationship between them. These components are connected
with the help of the internet [5].
According to Chang and Ramachandran, there are four types of CC that are used in different fields
of life with specific rules and respective specifications [6]. Public cloud, this type of CC is connected to the
data center and get resources from the data center and share these resources with different organization and
user. It is not secure as private and is less expensive than private. Different organizations control and share
the public cloud with a specific rule and management system [7]. A private cloud is designed for a single
organization and is also known as the internal cloud. It is established within the organization or connected
with a third party and it is more secure as compared to other types of computing. Private CC is established
for the requirement of a third party or the demand of a third party. It is more secure and reliable due to the
restriction and rules therefore it becomes more expensive than other types of CC [8]. Hybrid cloud it is the
combination of public and private clouds with their respective strength and weaknesses. Organizations
attempt to achieve the best from both types of the cloud and also known as the federation cloud. It is the
intermediate between private and public because sometimes the user who uses the public cloud shift to the
private cloud because they suddenly need more secure data. This process can be done with the help of the
hybrid cloud [9]. Community cloud is a cloud service model which provides service to a limited number of
individuals or organizations that are managed and secured by all participating organizations or a third-party
managed service provider. Community clouds are a hybrid form of private clouds built and operated
specifically for a targeted group. These communities have similar cloud requirements and their ultimate goal
is to work together to achieve their business objectives [10], [11].
Each type of CC consists of different characteristic and a details explanation of CC characteristics
are given in the next section. CC provides high availability and some benefits for every type of user in a
different field [12]. Availability is one of the main pillars of an information system where it refers to the
uptime of the system and network of systems where they collectively provide service during its usage. The
traditional systems are limited on local installations when they shift into CC where the entire organization
can use the available service of CC along with the end user [13]. When it is time for information and
technology (IT) infrastructure for establishment then an organization decides on the bases of availability
because it is the main key decision factor. Availability has been the major concern in distributed systems
because highly available services in CC are the main element for the satisfaction of cloud users [14].
Scalability is the attribute that presents the ability of the software, network, and process of an organization to
manage the increase in user demand. Normally scalability means frequent speed in CC in which the ability of
a system or product to continue working after its context changes like volume or size to meet the user need.
Scalability is a sign of stability and competitiveness which means the organization or network system is
ready to handle the influx of demand according to changing needs and updates of the system.
Due to the property of scalability in CC lots of companies are shifting to CC [15], [16]. Cloud
security is also known as CC security which consists of different policies, controls, procedures, and
technologies that work together to protect cloud-based systems, data, and infrastructure from unauthorized
access. Cloud security is a joint responsibility of the cloud provider and business owner or end-user. Security
addresses both physical and logical issues in different models and layers [17]. Cloud automation is a broad
term that refers to the processes tools and resources that are used by an organization to reduce manual efforts
and is associated with managing CC workloads. It can be applied to different types of CC. Cloud automation
is a fundamental building block for CC. It can be applied in a software layer where a complex system is used
to configure and roll out the system balances for the network system. The aim is to make all activities related
to computing as fast, efficient, and handoff as possible thought for the use of the various systems [18].
Virtualization is one of the main characteristics of CC which refers to as virtual rather than actual
something. The virtualization concept was started in 1960 and early 1970 when International Business
Machines Corporation (IBM) spent considerable time introducing more reliable and time-sharing technology.
The step used for making VM is virtualization where the system runs on the operating system at a time and
some resources are unutilized. For that reason, virtualization is used to make a multi-operating system with
single physical resources. Nowadays physical resources are also used in virtualization systems [19].
Application layer. It consists of a cloud application that is used in a different field. It is the highest level of
the hierarchy and works as an automatic scaling feature. The application layer defines the commands,

Int J Adv Appl Sci, Vol. 11, No. 3, September 2022: 187-193
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responses, data types, and status reporting supported by the protocol. This layer is the only layer that directly
connected or interacts with the end user. It provides different applications for user such as simple mail
transfer protocol, file transfer, surfing the internet, chatting with friends, email clients, network data sharing,
and various forms of file and data operations [20].
Platform layer, this layer consists of an operating system and application framework and sits on top
of the infrastructure layer. The primary purpose of this layer is to minimize the burden of developing an
application or reduce the complicity of development rule work under VM. Different application
programming interface (API) and applications are used for storage data-based and logical web applications
The infrastructure layer, this layer creates a pool of resources for storage computing resources with
the help of a technology known as virtualization. It allows infrastructure as a service (IaaS) customer to
create and discard VM and networks as per their business requirements. They pay for the services they
consumed. IaaS removes the necessity for the consumer to invest in procuring and operating physical servers,
data storage systems, and other networking resources [22].
Hardware layer, this layer is responsible for the management of all physical resources of CC which
includes physical servicer, routers, switches, power, and cooling systems along with different resources. The
hardware layer is typically implemented in the cloud data center where it consists of thousands of different
physical resources and they are connected with different rules and regulations [23]. All layers are important
due to their different operation and connectivity with each other. Different layers play an important role in
However, this study only focuses on the platform layer because the development of CC requires the
optimization of the different services of a different virtualized system. Therefore, the different researchers
used load balancing techniques implemented in the platform layer of CC [24]. The platform layer is the
important layer of CC because it includes different operating systems and software development frameworks
that provide a resource to the end user [25]. In a few years, a CC has experienced remarkable growth in
economic models and development models. All activities happened due to the platform layer of CC.
Different virtualization systems are controlled and developed with the help of this layer because it deals with
software and virtualization systems and VM are one of the main elements of this layer [26].

The evolution of 5G networks is becoming more readily available as a major driver of the growth of
IoT and cloud application applications. The 5G networks are expected to massive expand today’s IoT and
cloud that can boost cellular operations. The development of 5G will be based on the groundwork created by
4G LTE, which will provide user voice, data, and the internet. The 5G will significantly increase the aptitude
and speed to offer dependable and speedy connectivity to the future cloud technology and the IoT 5G is the
5th invention of cloud technology; the formal standard was customary in December 2017 [27]. 3GPP to
define the requirement of the 5G network, and the second phase of 5G, 3GPP Release 16, is predictable to be
released shortly. The 5G network makes use of a high-band spectrum (referred to as millimeter-wave) for
very high speed and low latency [28]. Table 1 presents the comparison of technologies.

Table 1. Comparison of recent generations of 5G network

Information 2G 3G 4G 5G
Year of
1993 2001 2009 2018
Multiple-input multiple-
Wideband code- Telecommunications engineering
Global system for mobile output (MIMO),
Technology division multiple (TE), Worldwide interoperability
communications (GSM) Millimeter-wave
access (WCDMA) for microwave access (WiMAX)
Time division multiple Orthogonal frequency
Access access (TDMA), code division multiplexing
system division multiple access (OFDM), beam division
(CDMA) multiple access (BDMA)
Circuit, packet Circuit, packet Packet Packet
Public switched telephone
Network PSTN Packet network Internet
network (PSTN)
Narrowband Broadband Ultra-broadband Wireless world wide web
30–300 gigahertz
Bandwidth 25 megahertz (MHz) 25 MHz 150 MHz
(GHz) [29]

Cloud computing and 5G challenges and open issues (Arif Ullah)

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By increasing the number of connected devices to internet, a high communication and computation
capacity will be required to meet demands of future applications like, massive IoT and cloud applications
requiring data sharing and processing. 5G will need to be efficiently maintain a larger and diverse set of
devices. With the predictable rise of machine-to-machine communication, a single microcell may need to
support 10,000 or more low-rate devices along with its established high-rate mobile users. This will require
wholesale changes to the control plane and network management relative to 4G, whose overhead channels
and state machines are not designed for such a diverse and large subscriber base [30]. Figure 1 presents the
structure of 5G.

Figure 1. Architecture of 5G [31]


In harmony with the increase in the computational require from the base stations, in the upcoming
5G networks, energy efficiency needs to be scaled up by 100–1,000 times in distinction with the established
4G network [32]. The transmission ranges would have been scaled down due the dense small cell operation
the energy efficiency evaluation will potentially revolve around the computational side as compared to the
transmission side previously. Scheduling schemes should be improved to involve a most favorable number of
antennas and bandwidth for resource allocation in different technologies. The trade-off between spread and
computational power should be optimized considering the effects of the kind of transmission technology
involved. Software defined networking might be a latent fix for this issue, yet it needs further searching.
Moreover, Wubben et al. [33] proposed the midway delays from source to destination to be included in the
energy efficiency formulation for an even more practical inference [34].


The 5G cloud is anticipated to provide applications with real-time, on-demand, online, identifiable,
and social experiences. Which requires the 5G-cloud architecture should be able to be end-to-end
synchronized, featuring agile, automatic, and gifted operation during each phase [35]. Figure 2 presents the
structure of 5G architecture based on the cloud.
The 5G-cloud architectures are expected to provide the as i) Provide logically independent networks
according to requirements of applications and resource for different technologies; ii) Use cloud-based radio
access network (RAN) to recreate RAN to provide gigantic connections of multiple standards and realize on-
demand deployment of RAN functions, required by 5G [37]; iii) Simple core network architecture to
implement on-demand configuration of network functions; iv) the architecture of the future global mobile
telecom- medications, in which the 5G networks are expected to provide. Enhanced mobile broadband with
cloud-based on 5G; and v) the ultra-reliable and low latency communications and massive machine type
communications and services with different technologies [38].

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Figure 2. 5G architecture based on cloud [36]

In this paper, we provide review efforts in 5G-based cloud applications. The new studies touch on
several paradigms like 5G, based cloud application, IoT, and edge computing. The paper presents
information about 5G-based cloud applications and IoT-based applications where different standardization is
discussed. In the last section of the paper, we present the structure of cloud applications and their role in
upcoming applications along with future-based research.

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Arif Ullah Completed my Ph.D. in Cloud computing with 2 years of experience

in Teaching and Research. My area of expertise in Cloud computing, IoT. Areas of interest
include Software Defined Networking (SDN), Load Balancing, switches Migration, WSN,E-
Learning , AI ,WSN, & Security. He can be contacted at email: arifullah@riphahfsd.edu.pk.

Int J Adv Appl Sci, Vol. 11, No. 3, September 2022: 187-193
Int J Adv Appl Sci ISSN: 2252-8814  193

Hanane Aznaoui woking as Rsearch Assistant at Laboratory of Applied

Mathematics and Computer Science. Department of Computer Science. Research Interset are
Routing Protocols, Routing, Wireless Sensor Network, Computer, Networking, Network,
Communication, Network Simulation. She can be contacted at email: h.aznaoui@gmail.com

Canan Batur Şahin receive her diploma and Phd degrees in Computer
Engineering from Yildiz Technical University. Her research interests include Software
Engineering, Artificial intelligence and Optimization. She can be contacted at email:

Mahanz Sadie received the Ph.D. Degree in Computer, Architecture at

Department of, Computer Engineering, Science, and Research Branch, Islamic, Azad
University, Tehran, Iran. Since 2013, she has been with the Department of Computer
Engineering, Islamic Azad University, Ramhormoz Branch. Indeed, she is a member of
young.Researchers club since 2010 till now. Her current research interests include Network on
Chips, Photonic Network on Chips, Multi-processors, Sensor Networks, Machine Learning
and Computer. She can be contacted at email: m.rafie@srbiau.ac.ir.

Ozlem Batur Dinler is work in Computer Engineering Department, Siirt

University, Turkey. His research interests include Artificial Intelligent, machine learning, and
deep learning and software engineering. She can be contacted at email:

Laassar Imane Working as Research Assistant Department of Mathematics,

Université Ibn Tofail at Morocco.Research Intreast are rtificial Intelligence, Computer
Security and Reliability, Computing in Mathematics, Natural Science, Engineering and
Medicine. She can be contacted at email: imane.laassar@gmail.com.

Cloud computing and 5G challenges and open issues (Arif Ullah)

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