P3 It’s hard to define American culture (point 1)
P4 History (of how USA culture come to be)
P5 A nation of Immigrants
P8 Immigration patterns in the 1900s
P9 changes in the Immigration Act (Law)
P10 Newborn birthrates for U.S. Immigrants 1990-
P11 21st century, fewer Europeans
P12 & 13 Hispanic growth (& decline) in USA
P14 minority > majority (white)
P18 interracial people/races are increasing
P19 how Americans would like to be identified
P20 Americans are Americans (prefers no other term)
P21 x
P22 How culture brought together the Americans
P23 The observer of American Democracy (AdT)
P24 x
P25+26 The upcoming chapters in this book
1. The immense size of the country. & Its great ethnic
diversity. (P3)
2. "A Nation of Immigrants" (P5)
1. IL Not allowed
2. BI Two
2. MULTI Three or more
3. IMMI move to another country to live
3EMI Leave your own country
4. INTER Crossed-section