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This agreement made and entered into by and between:

The DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, and Executive Department of the Republic of the Philippines with principal address at Elliptical Road, Diliman, Quezon City and the AGRICULTURAL COMPETITIVENESS ENHANCEMENT FUND EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (ACEF EXECOM) represented herein by PROCESO V. ALCALA in his official capacity as Secretary hereinafter referred to as the DA-ACEF Execom, -andThe RAMON MAGSAYSAY TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY, a government institution of higher learning organized and operating under _______, with principal office at ___________________________ and represented by its _______________, _________________, hereinafter referred to as RMTU.

WITHNESSETH THAT: WHEREAS, the DA-ACEF Execom desires to support FOURTEEN (14) deserving students through their campus and therefore is allocating a mutually agreed sum of money with the amount of NINE HUNDRED NINETY NINE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED SIXTY PESOS (P999,660.00) for the whole duration of the program;

WHEREAS, the RMTU is willing and in fact accepts the above-mentioned offer;

NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the above premises and their mutual covenants hereinafter set forth, the parties hereto have agreed as follows:

1. TITLE AND SCOPE OF THE GRANT This grant shall be known as the DA-ACEF Scholarship Program. The Grant shall be open to incoming college, post secondary, returning students, and other qualified and interested applicant who intends to pursue a degree, a diploma or a certificate course in agriculture, fishery or forestry and other courses useful to agriculture and fisheries development.

2. OBJECTIVES The scholarship grant herein established shall be utilized to provide full support until graduation to FOURTEEN (14) scholars who will enroll in a 4-year degree program in their campus as students pursuing the degree, diploma or certificate courses in agriculture, fishery and forestry or other courses useful to agriculture and fisheries development.

3. QUALIFICATIONS OF THE SCHOLARSHIP APPLICANT a. The student must be a Filipino citizen; b. Incoming college, post secondary, returning students, and other qualified and interested applicant; c. He/She intends to enroll at any SUCs and other TESDA-managed and supervised postsecondary education and training institutions; d. He/She must be in need of financial assistance. e. He/She must be physically and mentally fit to undergo education; f. He/She must be of good moral character; and g. He/She must not be a recipient of any government scholarship grant of similar nature. 4. AREAS OF SPECIALIZATION THAT WILL BE COVERED BY THE SCHOLARSHIP a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. Bachelor of Science in Agriculture; Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Chemistry; Bachelor of Science in Food Technology under the College of Agriculture; Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Economics; Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness Management; Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Engineering; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine; Bachelor of Science in Fisheries; Bachelor of Science in Forestry; Other Agriculture related degree courses; Diploma and certificate courses in agriculture, fishery or forestry and other courses useful to agriculture and fisheries development; and l. Biotech and/or other cutting edge technology courses. 5. APPLICATION AND SCREENING PROCEDURES Application forms may be obtained and filed with the Office of the Student Affairs of the RMTU. The competitive examination, interview and selection will be conducted by the RMTU Scholarship Committee. The RMTU shall advise the DA-ACEF-Execom in writing regarding the names and addresses as well as the courses of the successful candidates. The RMTU shall then notify in writing each grantee of his/her selection.

6. PROGRAM OF SCHOLARSHIP Each grantee shall continue to enjoy his/her scholarship until graduation from RMTU provided he/she meets the following obligations: a. b. c. d. e. Must maintain a GPA of 2.50 every semester; Must not have any conditional or failing grades; Must not drop any subject; Must take the full semestral load; Must not be subjected to disciplinary action carrying a penalty of one month suspension or more; f. Must not be convicted of any administrative and criminal charges. g. Must participate in agricultural and fishery community service such as service to farmers, livestock raisers and fisher folks under the SUC agriculture and fishery extension program either as part of field research or an Adopt-A-Farm, Adopt-A-Fish farm, Adopt-AForest Program of the SUC Extension Office; and

h. Must enter into a contract of agreement with the government to render service (for every year of full scholarship the scholar shall serve two years in the government). The enjoyment by the grantee of his scholarship shall automatically and completely terminate under any of the following grounds: a. He/She fails to meet the above stated academic requirements; b. He/She abandons or relinquishes his/her study grant; c. He/She fails to enroll or drops his/her courses in any semester, provided that if his/her non-enrolment or dropping of courses is due to a disabling sickness, the continuation of his/her scholarship program will be considered on a case to case basis by the DA-ACEFExecom and the RMTU. d. He/She shifts to another course other than those specified by this agreement; e. He/She is found guilty of grave misconduct or misdemeanor in accordance with the existing SUCs policies, rules and regulations. 7. FINANCING AND OBLIGATION OF THE PARTIES A. The DA-ACEF Execom shall: 1. Allocate the amount of P999,660.00 for the 4-year program starting the first semester of School Year 2009-2010 up to second semester of School Year 20122013 funding for the initial amount of P268,420.00 shall be released for School Year 2009-2010. Basic Yearly Expenditures (for 14 Scholars) NO. OF SCHOLARS 8 6 14 TUITION AND OTHER SCHOOL FEES 72,920.00 55,500.00 128,420.00

CAMPUS Botolan Candelaria (College of Fisheries) TOTAL

STIPEND 80,000.00 60,000.00 140,000.00

TOTAL 152,920.00 115,500.00 268,420.00

2. Demand a Terminal Report from the RMTU reflecting the actual expenditures from the amount transferred and received by RMTU. The liquidation documents should be duly audited in accordance with existing accounting rules as well as other relevant COA regulations; 3. Demand from the RMTU the refund of the full amount released should any of the cases mentioned in B-4 occur; B. The RMTU Shall: 1. Sign an Official Acknowledgement Receipt for the amount of the Fund; 2. Spend the Fund in accordance with the following items of expenditures; 3. Ensure that the Scholarship Program requirements are implemented according to the plans, programs and priorities of DA-ACEF-Execom;

4. Return/refund to the DA-ACEF Execom the full amount released in any of the following cases: a. Misappropriation of funds without prejudice to the filing of administrative and/or criminal charges as the circumstances may warrant; b. Non-compliance with any provision stated in the agreement; and c. Commission of any act inconsistent with or contrary to the spirit and avowed intent of this agreement. 5. Return/refund to the DA-ACEF-Execom (a) that portion of the fund which remains unused after the completion of the project and (b) any disallowed amount after the financial audit pursuant to Section 4 (g), COA Circular No. 194-013 dated December 13, 1994. 6. Submit to DA-ACEF-Execom quarterly report for disbursement together with the COA requirements on Report of Checks Issued (RCI) and Report of Disbursement (RD). 7. Require each scholar to sign a Deed of Undertaking, specifying the duties and obligations of each student granted a scholarship under the DA-ACEF Scholarship Program, to wit: a. The scholar should finish the degree program within the period stipulated in the Deed of Undertaking; b. The scholar will refund the total amount that was spent for him/her by the DAACEF Scholarship Program in the event he/she fails to complete and finish the degree program within the period specified in his/her Deed of Undertaking;

c. The scholar shall render service to the Government immediately after finishing the degree program for which he/she was granted a scholarship for such period of time to be specified in the Deed of Undertaking which should not be less than Two (2) Years for every full year of scholarship. Should the scholar fail to render the required period of government service, he/she will be required to refund the total amount spent for his/her scholarship. 8. Remit to DA-ACEF the amount refunded by the scholars who failed to finish the degree program and/or failed to render the required government service.

8. PROGRESS REPORT The grantee(s) enjoying the herein established grant shall make individual report on the progress of their work, including subjects taken, grades obtained and studies made and the results thereof, at the end of each semester and submit the same to the DA-ACEF Execom through the Dean. A final copy shall be submitted on the completion of the course covered by the grant.

9. REVISION AND/OR TERMINATION OF GRANT The conditions and period of the scholarship grant established may be revised or altogether terminated by the DA-ACEF Execom upon written notice to the Director of the Office of Student Affairs, and the Dean of the specific College at least three (3) months prior to the end of any school year operation.

10. EFFECTIVITY The DA-Agricultural Competitiveness Enhancement Fund Scholarship Grant in RMTU shall take effect beginning the first Semester of School Year 2009-2010 and will end 2nd semester of School Year 2012-2013.

IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties have executed this instrument through their duly authorized officers on the dates and places indicated herein below:






______________________________ PRESIDENT


BELINDA A. GONZALES Undersecretary for Administration and Finance

___________ WITNESS__________ DESIGNATION

EDUARDO C. NOLASCO Assistant Secretary Administration and Finance Chairman, ACEF National and Technical Committee

___________ WITNESS_________ DESIGNATION

REDENTOR S. GATUS Regional Executive Director Regional Field Unit III San Fernando, Pampanga

___________ WITNESS__________ DESIGNATION


REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES ) ____________________________) S.S. ____________________________)

Before me, a Notary Public, personally appeared, PROCESO V. ALCALA with Community Tax Certificate No. ________________ issued at _______________ on _______________________ and _________________________ with Community Tax Certificate No. _______________ issued at _________ on ________________, known to me to be the same persons who executed the foregoing instrument and who acknowledged to that the same is their free and voluntary act and deed and of the entities they respectively represent. The foregoing instrument consists of six (6) pages including the page on which this Acknowledgement is written, signed by the parties and their instrumental witnesses on each and every page thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereto set my hand and affixed my notarial seal on this _____ day of _______, 2010 at _____________, Philippines.

Doc. No. _______ Page No. _______ Book No. _______ Series of 2010

_____________________ Notary Public

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