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INDEX ............INTRODUCTION ..................... Brief Introduction To Oop ..................... Class ..................... Object ..................... Methods ..................... Inheritance .....................

Abstraction ..................... Encapsulation ..................... Polymorphism ............CLASS ..................... Class Properties ............OBJECT ..................... Creating Objects ..................... Declaration ..................... Instantiating A Class ..................... Initializing An Object ..................... Constructor ............THIS ..................... Using The This Keyword ............INHERITANCE ..................... What You Can Do In A Subclass ..................... Overriding ..................... Super ..................... Is Only Method ..................... Is First Method ..................... Is Also Method ..................... Overriding Constraints. ..................... Overriding Datamembers ............ENCAPSULATION ..................... Access Specifiers ............POLYMORPHISM ............ABSTRACT CLASSES ............PARAMETERISED CLASS ..................... Type Parameterised Class ..................... Value Parameterised Class

..................... Generic Parameterised Class ..................... Extending Parameterised Class ............NESTED CLASSES ..................... Why Use Nested Classes ............CONSTANT ..................... Constant Class ..................... Global Constant ..................... Instance Constants ............STATIC ..................... Static Class Properties ..................... Static Methods ..................... Static Lifetime Method. ............CASTING ............COPY ..................... Shallow Copy ..................... Deep Copy ..................... Clone ............SCOPE RESOLUTION OPERATOR ............NULL ............EXTERNAL DECLARATION ............CLASSES AND STRUCTURES ............TYPEDEF CLASS ..................... Forward Reference ..................... Circular Dependency ............PURE ............OTHER OOPS FEATURES ..................... Multiple Inheritence ..................... Method Overloading ............MISC ..................... Always Block In Classes INTRODUCTION Brief Introduction To Oop

Unlike procedural programming, here in the OOP programming model programs are organized around objects and data rather than actions and logic. Objects represent some concepts or things and like any other objects in the real Objects in programming language have certain behavior, properties, type, and identity. In OOP based language the principal aim is to find out the objects to manipulate and their relation between each other. OOP offers greater flexibility and compatibility then procedural language like verilog. Objects are key to understanding object-oriented technology. Look around right now and you'll find many examples of real-world objects: your system, your desk, your chair. Real-world objects share two characteristics: They all have state and behavior. System have state (name, color) and behavior (playing music,switch off). Identifying the state and behavior for real-world objects is a great way to begin thinking in terms of objectoriented programming. SystemVerilog is a object oriented programming and to understand the functionality of OOP in SystemVerilog, we first need to understand several fundamentals related to objects. These include class, method, inheritance, encapsulation, abstraction, polymorphism etc. Class It is the central point of OOP and that contains data and codes with behavior. In SystemVerilog OOPS , everything happens within class and it describes a set of objects with common behavior. The class definition describes all the properties, behavior, and identity of objects present within that class. Object Objects are the basic unit of object orientation with behavior, identity. As we mentioned above, these are part of a class but are not the same. An object is expressed by the variable and methods within the objects. Again these variables and methods are distinguished from each other as instant variables, instant methods and class variable and class methods. Methods We know that a class can define both attributes and behaviors. Again attributes are defined by variables and behaviors are represented by methods. In other words, methods define the abilities of an object. Inheritance

This is the mechanism of organizing and structuring program. Though objects are distinguished from each other by some additional features but there are objects that share certain things common. In object oriented programming classes can inherit some common behavior and state from others. Inheritance in OOP allows to define a general class and later to organize some other classes simply adding some details with the old class definition. This saves work as the special class inherits all the properties of the old general class and as a programmer you only require the new features. This helps in a better data analysis, accurate coding and reduces development time. In Verilog , to write a new definition using the exesisting definitioan is done inserting `ifdef conpilation controls into the exesisting code. Abstraction The process of abstraction in SystemVerilog is used to hide certain details and only show the essential features of the object. In other words, it deals with the outside view of an object. Encapsulation This is an important programming concept that assists in separating an object's state from its behavior. This helps in hiding an object's data describing its state from any further modification by external component. In SystemVerilog there are three different terms used for hiding data constructs and these are public, private and protected . As we know an object can associated with data with predefined classes and in any application an object can know about the data it needs to know about. So any unnecessary data are not required by an object can be hidden by this process. It can also be termed as information hiding that prohibits outsiders in seeing the inside of an object in which abstraction is implemented. Polymorphism It describes the ability of the object in belonging to different types with specific behavior of each type. So by using this, one object can be treated like another and in this way it can create and define multiple level of interface. Here the programmers need not have to know the exact type of object in advance and this is being implemented at runtime.

CLASS A class is an actual representation of an Abstrace data type. It therefore provides implementation details for the data structure used and operations.

EXAMPLE: class A ; // attributes: int i // methods: task print endclass Definition (Class) : A class is the implementation of an abstract data type . It defines attributes and methods which implement the data structure and operations of the abstract data type, respectively. Instances of classes are called objects. Consequently, classes define properties and behaviour of sets of objects. In SV classes also contain Constraints for randomization control. Class Properties:

Instance Variables (Non-Static Fields) : Technically speaking, objects store their individual states in "non-static fields", that is, fields declared without the static keyword. Non-static fields are also known as instance variables because their values are unique to each instance of a class (to each object, in other words);

Class Variables (Static Fields) : A class variable is any field declared with the static modifier; this tells the compiler that there is exactly one copy of this variable in existence, regardless of how many times the class has been instantiated.

Local Variables : Local Variables Similar to how an object stores its state in fields, a method will often

store its temporary state in local variables. The syntax for declaring a local variable is similar to declaring a field (for example, int count = 0;). There is no special keyword designating a variable as local; that determination comes entirely from the location in which the variable is declared , which is between the opening and closing braces of a method. As such, local variables are only visible to the methods in which they are declared; they are not accessible from the rest of the class.

Parameters : The important thing to remember is that parameters are always classified as "variables" not "fields".

Constants : Class properties can be made read-only by a const declaration like any other SystemVerilog variable.

OBJECT Objects are uniquely identifiable by a name. Therefore you could have two distinguishable objects with the same set of values. This is similar to traditional programming languages like verilog where you could have, say two integers i and j both of which equal to 2. Please notice the use of i and j in the last sentence to name the two integers. We refer to the set of values at a particular time as the state of the object. EXAMPLE: class simple ; int i; int j; task printf(); $display( i , j ); endtask endclass

program main; initial begin simple obj_1; simple obj_2; obj_1 = new(); obj_2 = new(); obj_1.i = 2; obj_2.i = 4; obj_1.printf(); obj_2.printf(); end endprogram RESULT 20 40

Definition (Object) An object is an instance of a class. It can be uniquely identified by its name and it defines a state which is represented by the values of its attributes at a particular time. The state of the object changes according to the methods which are applied to it. We refer to these possible sequence of state changes as the behaviour of the object. Definition (Behaviour) The behaviour of an object is defined by the set of methods which can be applied on it. We now have two main concepts of object-orientation introduced, class and object. Object-oriented programming is therefore the implementation of abstract data types or, in more simple words, the writing of classes. At runtime instances of these classes, the objects, achieve the goal of the program by changing their states. Consequently, you can think of your running program as a collection of objects. Creating Objects As you know, a class provides the blueprint for objects; you create an object from a class. In the following statements ,program creates an object and assigns it to a variable: packet pkt = new(23, 94); driver drvr = new(pkt,intf);

The first line creates an object of the packet class, and the second create an object of the driver class. Each of these statements has three parts (discussed in detail below):

1. Declaration: The code set in bold are all variable declarations that associate a variable name with an object type.

2. Instantiation: The new keyword is a SV operator that creates the object.

3. Initialization: The new operator is followed by a call to a constructor, which initializes the new object. Declaration: Declaring a Variable to Refer to an Object Previously, you learned that to declare a variable, you write: type name; This notifies the compiler that you will use name to refer to data whose type is type. With a primitive variable, this declaration also reserves the proper amount of memory for the variable. You can also declare a reference variable on its own line. For example: packet pkt; If you declare pkt like this, its value will be undetermined until an object is actually created and assigned to it using the new method. Simply declaring a reference variable does not create an object. For that, you need to use the new operator. You must assign an object to pkt before you use it in your code. Otherwise, you will get a compiler error. A variable in this state, which currently references no object, can be illustrated as follows

(the variable name, pkt, plus a reference pointing to nothing): . During simulation, the tool will not allocate memory for this object and error is reported. There will not be any compilation error. EXAMPLE: class packet ; int length = 0; function new (int l); length = l; endfunction endclass program main; initial begin packet pkt; pkt.length = 10; end endprogram RESULT Error: null object access Instantiating A Class: The new operator instantiates a class by allocating memory for a new object and returning a reference to that memory. The new operator also invokes the object constructor. The new operator returns a reference to the object it created. This reference is usually assigned to a variable of the appropriate type, like: packet pkt = new(10); Initializing An Object Here's the code for the packet class: EXAMPLE class packet ;

int length = 0; //constructor function new (int l); length = l; endfunction endclass This class contains a single constructor. You can recognize a constructor because its declaration uses the same name as the class and it has no return type. The constructor in the packet class takes one integer arguments, as declared by the code (int l). The following statement provides 10 as value for those arguments: packet pkt = new(10); If a class does not explicitly declare any, the SV compiler automatically provides a noargument constructor, called the default constructor. This default constructor calls the class parent's no-argument constructor, or the Object constructor if the class has no other parent. Constructor SystemVerilog does not require the complex memory allocation and deallocation of C++. Construction of an object is straightforward; and garbage collection, as in Java, is implicit and automatic. There can be no memory leaks or other subtle behavior that is so often the bane of C++ programmers. The new operation is defined as a function with no return type, and like any other function, it must be nonblocking. Even though new does not specify a return type, the left-hand side of the assignment determines the return type.

THIS Using The This Keyword Within an instance method or a constructor, this is a reference to the current object , the object whose method or constructor is being called. You can refer to any member of the current object from within an instance method or a constructor by using this. The most common reason for using the this keyword is because a field is shadowed by a method or constructor parameter. For example, in the packet class was written like this

EXAMPLE class packet ; int length = 0; //constructor function new (int l); length = l; endfunction endclass but it could have been written like this: EXAMPLE: class packet ; int length = 0; //constructor function new (int length); this.length = length; endfunction endclass program main; initial begin packet pkt; pkt =new(10); $display(pkt.length); end endprogram RESULT 10

Each argument to the second constructor shadows one of the object's fields inside the constructor "length" is a local copy of the constructor's first argument. To refer to the legnth field inside the object , the constructor must use "this.length".

INHERITANCE Object-oriented programming allows classes to inherit commonly used state and behavior from other classes. Definition (Inheritance) Inheritance is the mechanism which allows a class A to inherit properties of a class B. We say ``A inherits from B''. Objects of class A thus have access to attributes and methods of class B without the need to redefine them. The following definition defines two terms with which we are able to refer to participating classes when they use inheritance. Definition (Superclass) If class A inherits from class B, then B is called superclass of A. Definition (Subclass) If class A inherits from class B, then A is called subclass of B. Objects of a subclass can be used where objects of the corresponding superclass are expected. This is due to the fact that objects of the subclass share the same behaviour as objects of the superclass. Superclasses are also called parent classes. Subclasses may also be called child classes or extended classes or just derived classes . Of course, you can again inherit from a subclass, making this class the superclass of the new subclass. This leads to a hierarchy of superclass/subclass relationships. The idea of inheritance is simple but powerful: When you want to create a new class and there is already a class that includes some of the code that you want, you can derive your new class from the existing class. In doing this, you can reuse the fields and methods of the existing class without having to write (and debug!) them yourself. A subclass inherits all the members (fields, methods, and nested classes) from its superclass. Constructors are not members, so they are not inherited by subclasses, but the constructor of the superclass can be invoked from the subclass. What You Can Do In A Subclass: A subclass inherits all of the public and protected members of its parent. You can use the inherited members as is, replace them, hide them, or supplement them with new members: The inherited fields can be used directly, just like any other fields.

You can declare a field in the subclass with

the same name as the one in the superclass, thus hiding it (not recommended).

You can declare new fields in the subclass that are not in the superclass.

The inherited methods can be used directly as they are.

You can write a new instance method in the subclass that has the same signature as the one in the superclass, thus overriding it.

You can write a new static method in the subclass that has the same signature as the one in the superclass, thus hiding it.

You can declare new methods in the subclass that are not in the superclass.

You can write a subclass constructor that invokes the constructor of the superclass, either implicitly or by using the keyword super.

Overriding Following example shows, adding new varibles, new methods, redefining existing methods. EXAMPLE: class parent; task printf(); $display(" THIS IS PARENT CLASS "); endtask endclass class subclass extends parent; task printf(); $display(" THIS IS SUBCLASS "); endtask endclass program main; initial begin parent p; subclass s; p = new(); s = new(); p.printf(); s.printf(); end endprogram RESULT THIS IS PARENT CLASS THIS IS SUBCLASS Super The super keyword is used from within a derived class to refer to members of the parent class. It is necessary to use super to access members of a parent class when those members are overridden by the derived class.

EXAMPLE: class parent; task printf(); $display(" THIS IS PARENT CLASS "); endtask endclass class subclass extends parent; task printf(); super.printf(); endtask endclass program main; initial begin subclass s; s = new(); s.printf(); end endprogram RESULT THIS IS PARENT CLASS

The member can be a member declared a level up or be inherited by the class one level up. There is no way to reach higher (for example, super.super.count is not allowed). Subclasses (or derived classes) are classes that are extensions of the current class whereas superclasses (parent classes or base classes) are classes from which the current class is extended, beginning with the original base class. NOTE: When using the super within new, super.new shall be the first statement executed in the constructor. This is because the superclass must be initialized before the current class and, if the user code does not provide an initialization, the compiler shall insert a call to super.new automatically.

Is Only Method Programmers can override the existing code/functionality before existing code and

replaces with new code as shown in below example. EXAMPLE: class parent; task printf(); $display(" THIS IS PARENT CLASS "); endtask endclass class subclass extends parent; task printf(); $display(" THIS IS SUBCLASS "); endtask endclass program main; initial begin subclass s; s = new(); s.printf(); end endprogram RESULT: THIS IS SUBCLASS Is First Method Programmers can add new lines of code/functionality before existing code as shown in below example. EXAMPLE: class parent; task printf(); $display(" THIS IS PARENT CLASS "); endtask endclass class subclass extends parent; task printf(); $display(" THIS IS SUBCLASS "); super.printf();

endtask endclass program main; initial begin subclass s; s = new(); s.printf(); end endprogram RESULT: THIS IS SUBCLASS THIS IS PARENT CLASS Is Also Method Programmers can add new lines of code/functionality after the existing code as shown in below example. EXAMPLE: class parent; task printf(); $display(" THIS IS PARENT CLASS "); endtask endclass class subclass extends parent; task printf(); super.printf(); $display(" THIS IS SUBCLASS "); endtask endclass program main; initial begin subclass s; s = new(); s.printf(); end

endprogram RESULT: THIS IS PARENT CLASS THIS IS SUBCLASS Overriding Constraints. Programmers can override the existing constraint and replaces with new constraint as shown in below example. EXAMPLE: class Base; rand integer Var; constraint range { Var < 100 ; Var > 0 ;} endclass class Extended extends Base; constraint range { Var < 100 ; Var > 50 ;} // Overrighting the Base class constraints. endclass program inhe_31; Extended obj; initial begin obj = new(); for(int i=0 ; i < 100 ; i++) if(obj.randomize()) $display(" Randomization sucsessfull : Var = %0d ",obj.Var); else $display("Randomization failed"); end endprogram RESULT: Randomization sucsessfull : Var = 77 Randomization sucsessfull : Var = 86 Randomization sucsessfull : Var = 76 Randomization sucsessfull : Var = 89 Randomization sucsessfull : Var = 86 Randomization sucsessfull : Var = 76 Randomization sucsessfull : Var = 96

Overriding Datamembers Only virtual methods truly override methods in base classes. All other methods and properties do not override but provide name hiding. EXAMPLE class base; int N = 3; function int get_N(); return N; endfunction endclass class ext extends base; int N = 4; function int get_N(); return N; endfunction function int get_N1(); return super.N; endfunction endclass program main; initial begin ext e = new; base b = e; // Note same object! $display(b.get_N()); // "3" $display(e.get_N()); // "4" $display(e.get_N1()); // "3" - super.N end endprogram RESULT 3 4 3

ENCAPSULATION Encapsulation is a technique for minimizing interdependencies among modules by defining a strict external communication. This way, internal coding can be changed without affecting the communication, so long as the new implementation supports the same (or upwards compatible) external communication. Encapsulation prevents a program from becoming so interdependent that a small change has massive ripple effects. The implementation of an object can be changed without affecting the application that uses it for: Improving performance, fix a bug, consolidate code or for porting. Access Specifiers: In SystemVerilog, unqualified class properties and methods are public, available to anyone who has access to the objects name. A member identified as local is available only to methods inside the class. Further, these local members are not visible within subclasses. Of course, nonlocal methods that access local class properties or methods can be inherited and work properly as methods of the subclass. EXAMPLE: local variblg error class base; local int i; endclass program main; initial begin base b = new(); b.i = 123; end endprogram RESULT: Local member 'i' of class 'base' is not accessible from scope 'main' The above examples gives compilation error.

EXAMPLE: local varible access using method class base; local int i; task set(int j); i = j; $display(i); endtask endclass program main; initial begin base b = new(); b.set(123); end endprogram RESULT 123 EXAMPLE: local varible access in subclass class base; local int i; endclass class ext extends base; function new(); i = 10; endfunction endclass RESULT Local member 'i' of class 'base' is not accessible from scope 'ext'

A protected class property or method has all of the characteristics of a local member, except that it can be inherited; it is visible to subclasses. EXAMPLE: protected varible class base;

protected int i; endclass class ext extends base; function new(); i = 10; endfunction endclass EXAMPLE: protected varible in 2 level of inheritence class base; local int i; endclass class ext extends base; protected int i; endclass class ext2 extends ext; function new(); i =10; endfunction endclass In the above example, the varible i is overloaded in subclass with different qualifier. EXAMPLE: Error access to protected varible. class base; protected int i; endclass program main; initial begin base b = new(); b.i = 123; end endprogram RESULT Protected member 'i' of class 'base' is not accessible from scope 'main'

Within a class, a local method or class property of the same class can be referenced, even if it is in a different instance of the same class. EXAMPLE class Packet; local integer i; function integer compare (Packet other); compare = (this.i == other.i); endfunction endclass A strict interpretation of encapsulation might say that other.i should not be visible inside of this packet because it is a local class property being referenced from outside its instance. Within the same class, however, these references are allowed. In this case, this.i shall be compared to other.i and the result of the logical comparison returned.

POLYMORPHISM Polymorphism allows an entity to take a variety of representations. Polymorphism means the ability to request that the same Operations be performed by a wide range of different types of things. Effectively, this means that you can ask many different objects to perform the same action. Override polymorphism is an override of existing code. Subclasses of existing classes are given a "replacement method" for methods in the superclass. Superclass objects may also use the replacement methods when dealing with objects of the subtype. The replacement method that a subclass provides has exactly the same signature as the original method in the superclass. Polymorphism allows the redefining of methods for derived classes while enforcing a common interface.To achieve polymorphism the 'virtual' identifier must be used when defining the base class and method(s) within that class. EXAMPLE: without virtual class A ; task disp (); $display(" This is class A "); endtask endclass class EA extends A ; task disp (); $display(" This is Extended class A "); endtask

endclass program main ; EA my_ea; A my_a; initial begin my_a = new(); my_a.disp(); my_ea = new(); my_a = my_ea; my_a.disp(); end endprogram RESULTS This is class A This is class A EXAMPLE: with virtual class A ; virtual task disp (); $display(" This is class A "); endtask endclass class EA extends A ; task disp (); $display(" This is Extended class A "); endtask endclass program main ; EA my_ea; A my_a; initial begin my_a = new(); my_a.disp(); my_ea = new(); my_a = my_ea;

my_a.disp(); end endprogram RESULTS This is class A This is Extended class A

Observe the above two outputs. Methods which are declared as virtual are executing the code in the object which is created. The methods which are added in the subclasses which are not in the parent class canot be acessed using the parent class handle. This will result in a compilation error. The compiler check whether the method is exesting the parent class definition or not. EXAMPLE: class A ; endclass class EA extends A ; task disp (); $display(" This is Extended class A "); endtask endclass program main ; EA my_ea; A my_a; initial begin my_ea = new(); my_a = my_ea; my_ea.disp(); my_a.disp(); end endprogram RESULT: Member disp not found in class A

To access the varible or method which are only in the subclass and not in the parent class, revert back the object to the subclass handle. EXAMPLE: class A ; endclass class EA extends A ; task disp (); $display(" This is Extended class A "); endtask endclass program main ; EA my_ea; A my_a; initial begin my_ea = new(); my_a = my_ea; just(my_a); end endprogram task just(A my_a); EA loc; $cast(loc,my_a); loc.disp(); endtask RESULT This is Extended class A

Let us see one more example, A parent class is extended and virtual method is redefined in the subclass as non virtual method. Now if furthur extention is done to the class, then the method is still considered as virtual method and Polymorphism can be achived still. It is advised to declare a method as virtual in all its subclass, if it is declared as virtual in baseclass , to avoid confusion to the end user who is extend the class. EXAMPLE:

class A ; virtual task disp (); $display(" This is class A "); endtask endclass class EA_1 extends A ; task disp (); $display(" This is Extended 1 class A "); endtask endclass class EA_2 extends EA_1 ; task disp (); $display(" This is Extended 2 class A "); endtask endclass program main ; EA_2 my_ea; EA_1 my_a; initial begin my_ea = new(); my_a = my_ea; my_a.disp(); just(my_a); end endprogram task just(A my_a); EA_1 loc; $cast(loc,my_a); loc.disp(); endtask RESULT This is Extended 2 class A This is Extended 2 class A


With inheritance we are able to force a subclass to offer the same properties like their superclasses. Consequently, objects of a subclass behave like objects of their superclasses. Sometimes it make sense to only describe the properties of a set of objects without knowing the actual behaviour beforehand Abstract classes are those which can be used for creation of handles. However their methods and constructors can be used by the child or extended class. The need for abstract classes is that you can generalize the super class from which child classes can share its methods. The subclass of an abstract class which can create an object is called as "concrete class". EXAMPLE: useing abstract class virtual class A ; virtual task disp (); $display(" This is class A "); endtask endclass class EA extends A ; task disp (); $display(" This is Extended class A "); endtask endclass program main ; EA my_ea; A my_a; initial begin my_ea = new(); my_a = my_ea; my_ea.disp(); my_a.disp(); end endprogram RESULT This is Extended class A This is Extended class A EXAMPLE: creating object of virtual class

virtual class A ; virtual task disp (); $display(" This is class A "); endtask endclass program main ; A my_a; initial begin my_a = new(); my_a.disp(); end endprogram RESULT Abstract class A cannot be instantiated

Virtual keyword is used to express the fact that derived classes must redefine the properties to fulfill the desired functionality. Thus from the abstract class point of view, the properties are only specified but not fully defined. The full definition including the semantics of the properties must be provided by derived classes. Definition (Abstract Class) A class A is called abstract class if it is only used as a superclass for other classes. Class A only specifies properties. It is not used to create objects. Derived classes must define the properties of A.

PARAMETERISED CLASS Type Parameterised Class At the time, when we write down a class definition, we must be able to say that this class should define a generic type. However, if we don't know with which types the class will be used. Consequently, we must be able to define the class with help of a placeholder to which we refer as if it is the type on which the class operates. Thus, the class definition provides us with a template of an actual class. The actual class definition is created once we declare a particular object. Let's illustrate this with the following example. Suppose, you want to define a list class which should be a generic type. Thus, it should be possible to declare list objects for integers, bits,objects or any other type.

EXAMPLE class List #(type T = int); //attributes: T data_node; ...... ...... // methods: task append(T element); function T getFirst(); function T getNext(); ...... ...... endclass The above template class List looks like any other class definition. However, the first line declares List to be a template for various types. The identifier T is used as a placeholder for an actual type. For example, append() takes one element as an argument. The type of this element will be the data type with which an actual list object is created. For example, we can declare a list object for "packet" if a definition fot the type "packet" exists: EXAMPLE List#(packet) pl; // Object pl is a list of packet List#(string) sl; // Object sl is a list of strings The first line declares List#(packet) to be a list for packets. At this time, the compiler uses the template definition, substitutes every occurrence of T with "packet" and creates an actual class definition for it. This leads to a class definition similar to the one that follows: EXAMPLE class List { //attributes: packet data_node; ...... ...... // methods: task append(packet element); function packet getFirst(); function packet getNext(); ...... ...... } This is not exactly, what the compiler generates. The compiler must ensure that we can

create multiple lists for different types at any time. For example, if we need another list for, say "strings", we can write: EXAMPLE List#(packet) pl; // Object pl is a list of packet List#(string) sl; // Object sl is a list of strings In both cases the compiler generates an actual class definition. The reason why both do not conflict by their name is that the compiler generates unique names. However, since this is not viewable to us, we don't go in more detail here. In any case, if you declare just another list of "strings", the compiler can figure out if there already is an actual class definition and use it or if it has to be created. Thus, EXAMPLE List#(packet) rcv_pkt; // Object rcv_pkt is a list of packet List#(packet) sent_pkt; // Object sent_pkt is a list of packet will create the actual class definition for packet List and will reuse it for another List. Consequently, both are of the same type. We summarize this in the following definition: Definition (Parameterized Class) If a class A is parameterized with a data type B, A is called template class. Once an object of A is created, B is replaced by an actual data type. This allows the definition of an actual class based on the template specified for A and the actual data type. We are able to define template classes with more than one parameter. For example, directories are collections of objects where each object can be referenced by a key. Of course, a directory should be able to store any type of object. But there are also various possibilities for keys. For instance, they might be strings or numbers. Consequently, we would define a template class Directory which is based on two type parameters, one for the key and one for the stored objects. Value Parameterised Class The normal Verilog parameter mechanism is also used to parameterize a class. EXAMPLE class Base#(int size = 3); bit [size:0] a; task disp(); $display(" Size of the vector a is %d ",$size(a)); endtask endclass

program main(); initial begin Base B1; Base#(4) B2; Base#(5) B3; B1 = new(); B2 = new(); B3 = new(); B1.disp(); B2.disp(); B3.disp(); end endprogram RESULT Size of the vector a is 4 Size of the vector a is 5 Size of the vector a is 6

Instances of this class can then be instantiated like modules or interfaces: EXAMPLE vector #(10) vten; // object with vector of size 10 vector #(.size(2)) vtwo; // object with vector of size 2 typedef vector#(4) Vfour; // Class with vector of size 4 Generic Parameterised Class A specialization is the combination of a specific generic class with a unique set of parameters. Two sets of parameters shall be unique unless all parameters are the same as defined by the following rules:

a) A parameter is a type parameter and the two types are matching types.

b) A parameter is a value parameter and both their type and their value are the same. All matching specializations of a particular generic class shall represent the same type. The set of matching specializations of a generic class is defined by the context of the class declaration. Because generic classes in a package are visible throughout the system, all matching specializations of a package generic class are the same type. In other contexts, such as modules or programs, each instance of the scope containing the generic class declaration creates a unique generic class, thus, defining a new set of matching specializations. A generic class is not a type; only a concrete specialization represents a type. In the example above, the class vector becomes a concrete type only when it has had parameters applied to it, for example: typedef vector my_vector; // use default size of 1 EXAMPLE vector#(6) vx; // use size 6 To avoid having to repeat the specialization either in the declaration or to create parameters of that type, a typedef should be used: EXAMPLE typedef vector#(4) Vfour; typedef stack#(Vfour) Stack4; Stack4 s1, s2; // declare objects of type Stack4 Extending Parameterised Class A parameterized class can extend another parameterized class. For example: EXAMPLE class C #(type T = bit); ... endclass // base class class D1 #(type P = real) extends C; // T is bit (the default) Class D1 extends the base class C using the base classs default type (bit) parameter.

class D2 #(type P = real) extends C #(integer); // T is integer Class D2 extends the base class C using an integer parameter. class D3 #(type P = real) extends C #(P); // T is P Class D3 extends the base class C using the parameterized type (P) with which the extended class is parameterized.

NESTED CLASSES A nested class is a class whose definition appears inside the definition of another class, as if it were a member of the other class. The SystemVerilog programming language allows you to define a class within another class. EXAMPLE class StringList; class Node; // Nested class for a node in a linked list. string name; Node link; endclass endclass class StringTree; class Node; // Nested class for a node in a binary tree. string name; Node left, right; endclass endclass // StringList::Node is different from StringTree::Node Nesting allows hiding of local names and local allocation of resources. This is often desirable when a new type is needed as part of the implementation of a class. Declaring types within a class helps prevent name collisions and the cluttering of the outer scope with symbols that are used only by that class. Type declarations nested inside a class scope are public and can be accessed outside the class Why Use Nested Classes

There are several compelling reasons for using nested classes, among them:

It is a way of logically grouping classes that are only used in one place.

It increases encapsulation.

Nested classes can lead to more readable and maintainable code. Logical grouping of classes : If a class is useful to only one other class, then it is logical to embed it in that class and keep the two together. Nesting such "helper classes" makes their package more streamlined. Increased encapsulation : Consider two top-level classes, A and B, where B needs access to members of A that would otherwise be declared private. By hiding class B within class A, A's members can be declared private and B can access them. In addition, B itself can be hidden from the outside world. More readable, maintainable code:Nesting small classes within top-level classes places the code closer to where it is used.

CONSTANT SystemVerilog adds another form of a local constant, const. A const form of constant differs from a localparam constant in that the localparam must be set during elaboration, whereas a const can be set during simulation, such as in an automatic task. Constant Class

An instance of a class (an object handle) can also be declared with the const keyword. EXAMPLE const class_name object = new(3,3,4);

In other words, the object acts like a variable that cannot be written. The arguments to the new method must be constant expressions. The members of the object can be written (except for those members that are declared const). Global Constant Global constant class properties include an initial value as part of their declaration. They are similar to other const variables in that they cannot be assigned a value anywhere other than in the declaration. EXAMPLE class Jumbo_Packet; const int max_size = 9 * 1024; // global constant byte payload []; function new( int size ); payload = new[ size > max_size ? max_size : size ]; endfunction endclass EXAMPLE: error : chaning const varible class A ; const int i = 10; endclass program main ; A my_a; initial begin my_a = new(); my_a.i = 55; end endprogram RESULT

Error : Variable 'i' declared as 'const' . Instance Constants Instance constants do not include an initial value in their declaration, only the const qualifier. This type of constant can be assigned a value at run time, but the assignment can only be done once in the corresponding class constructor not from outside or any other method. EXAMPLE class A ; const int i; function new(); i = 20; endfunction endclass program main ; A my_a; initial begin my_a = new(); $display(my_a.i); end endprogram RESULT 20 EXAMPLE: error : assignment done twice class A ; const int i; function new(); i = 20; i++; endfunction endclass

RESULT Instance constants assignment can only be done once EXAMPLE: error : assignment in other method class A ; const int i; task set(); i = 20; endtask endclass RESULT Instance constants assignment allowed only in class constructor.

Typically, global constants are also declared static because they are the same for all instances of the class. However, an instance constant cannot be declared static because that would disallow all assignments in the constructor

STATIC Static Class Properties A static property is a class variable that is associated with the class, rather than with an instance of the class (a.k.a., an object). This means that when it is changed, its change is reflected in all instances of the class. Static properties are declared with the static keyword. If you need to access a static property inside a class, you can also use the magic keywords "this" and "super", which resolve to the current class and the parent of the current class, respectively. Using "this" and "super" allows you to avoid having to explicitly reference the class by name. EXAMPLE: Using object name class A ; static int i; endclass

program main ; A obj_1; A obj_2; initial begin obj_1 = new(); obj_2 = new(); obj_1.i = 123; $display(obj_2.i); end endprogram RESULT 123

The static class properties can be accessed using class name. EXAMPLE: using class name class A ; static int i; endclass program main ; A obj_1; initial begin obj_1 = new(); obj_1.i = 123; $display(A::i); end endprogram RESULT 123

The static class properties can be used without creating an object of that type.

EXAMPLE: without creating object class A ; static int i; endclass program main ; A obj_1; A obj_2; initial begin obj_1.i = 123; $display(obj_2.i); end endprogram RESULT 123 EXAMPLE: using the object name, without creating object class A ; static int i; endclass program main ; A obj_1; initial begin obj_1.i = 123; $display(A::i); end endprogram RESULT 123 Static Methods Methods can be declared as static. A static method is subject to all the class scoping and access rules, but behaves like a regular subroutine that can be called outside the class.

EXAMPLE class A ; static task incr(); int j; //automatic variable j++; $display("J is %d",j); endtask endclass program main ; A obj_1; A obj_2; initial begin $display("Static task - static task with automatic variables"); obj_1 = new(); obj_2 = new(); obj_1.incr(); obj_2.incr(); obj_1.incr(); obj_2.incr(); obj_1.incr(); $display("Static task - Each call to task will create a separate copy of 'j' and increment it"); end endprogram RESULT Static task - static task with automatic variables J is 1 J is 1 J is 1 J is 1 J is 1 Static task - Each call to task will create a separate copy of 'j' and increment it

A static method has no access to nonstatic members (class properties or methods), but it can directly access static class properties or call static methods of the same class. Access

to nonstatic members or to the special this handle within the body of a static method is illegal and results in a compiler error. EXAMPLE class A ; int j; static task incr(); j++; $display("J is %d",j); endtask endclass program main ; A obj_1; A obj_2; initial begin obj_1 = new(); obj_2 = new(); obj_1.incr(); obj_2.incr(); end endprogram RESULT A static method has no access to nonstatic members (class properties or methods).

Static methods cannot be virtual. EXAMPLE class A ; int j; virtual static task incr(); $display("J is %d",j); endtask endclass RESULT Error : Static methods cannot be virtual.

The static methods can be accessed using class name. EXAMPLE: using class name class A ; static task who(); $display(" Im static method "); endtask endclass program main; initial A.who(); endprogram RESULT Im static method.

The static methods can be used without creating an object of that type. EXAMPLE: without creating object class A ; static task who(); $display(" Im static method "); endtask endclass program main; A a; initial a.who(); endprogram RESULT Im static method. Static Lifetime Method.

By default, class methods have automatic lifetime for their arguments and variables. All variables of a static lifetime method shall be static in that there shall be a single variable corresponding to each declared local variable in a class , regardless of the number of concurrent activations of the method. EXAMPLE class A ; task static incr(); int i; //static variable $display(" i is %d ",i); i++; endtask endclass program main; A a; A b; initial begin $display("Static lifetime - non static task with static variables"); a = new(); b = new(); a.incr(); b.incr(); a.incr(); b.incr(); a.incr(); $display("Static lifetime - Each call to task will use a single value of 'j' and increment it"); end endprogram RESULT Static lifetime - non static task with static variables i is 0 i is 1 i is 2 i is 3 i is 4 Static lifetime - Each call to task will use a single value of 'j' and increment it

Verilog-2001 allows tasks to be declared as automatic, so that all formal arguments and local variables are stored on the stack. SystemVerilog extends this capability by allowing specific formal arguments and local variables to be declared as automatic within a static task, or by declaring specific formal arguments and local variables as static within an automatic task. By default, class methods have automatic lifetime for their arguments and variables. EXAMPLE class packet; static int id; //----static task using automatic fields ---// static task packet_id(); int count; // by default static task fields are automatic id=count; // writing in to static variable $display("id=%d count=%d",id,count); count++; endtask function new(); int pckt_type; pckt_type++; $display("pckt_type=%d",pckt_type); endfunction endclass program stic_1; packet jumbo,pause,taggd; initial begin jumbo=new(); jumbo.packt_id(); pause=new(); pause.packt_id(); taggd=new(); taggd.packt_id(); end

endprogram RESULTS pckt_type= 1; id= 0; count= 0 pckt_type= 1; id= 0 ; count= 0 pckt_type= 1; id= 0; count= 0

SystemVerilog allows specific formal arguments and local variables to be declared as automatic within a static task, or by declaring specific formal arguments and local variables as static within an automatic task. EXAMPLE class packet; static int id,pckt_type; //---static task with static field----// static task packt_id(); static int count; //explicit declaration of fields as static id=count; //writing in to static variable $display("id=%d count=%d",id,count); count++; endtask function new(); pckt_type++; $display("pckt_type=%d",pckt_type); endfunction endclass program stic_2; packet jumbo,pause,taggd; initial begin jumbo=new(); jumbo.packt_id(); pause=new(); pause.packt_id(); taggd=new(); taggd.packt_id(); end endprogram

RESULTS pckt_type= 1; id= 0 count= 0; pckt_type= 2; id= 1 count= 1; pckt_type= 3 ; id= 2 count= 2;

CASTING It is always legal to assign a subclass variable to a variable of a class higher in the inheritance tree. EXAMPLE class parent; int i = 10; endclass class subclass extends parent; int j; function new(); j = super.i; $display("J is %d",j); endfunction endclass program main; initial begin subclass s; s = new(); end endprogram RESULT J is 10

It is never legal to directly assign a superclass variable to a variable of one of its subclasses. However, it is legal to assign a superclass handle to a subclass variable if the superclass

handle refers to an object of the given subclass. SystemVerilog provides the $cast system task to assign values to variables that might not ordinarily be valid because of differing data type. To check whether the assignment is legal, the dynamic cast function $cast() is used . The syntax for $cast() is as follows: task $cast( singular dest_handle, singular source_handle ); or function int $cast( singular dest_handle, singular source_handle ); When called as a task, $cast attempts to assign the source expression to the destination variable. If the assignment is invalid, a run-time error occurs, and the destination variable is left unchanged. EXAMPLE : $cast as task class B; virtual task print(); $display(" CLASS B "); endtask endclass class E_1 extends B; virtual task print(); $display(" CLASS E_1 "); endtask endclass class E_2 extends B; virtual task print(); $display(" CLASS E_2 "); endtask endclass program main; initial begin B b; E_1 e1; E_2 e2; e1 = new(); $cast(b,e1); b.print(); end endprogram

RESULT CLASS E_1 EXAMPLE : $cast as task with error class B; virtual task print(); $display(" CLASS B "); endtask endclass class E_1 extends B; virtual task print(); $display(" CLASS E_1 "); endtask endclass class E_2 extends B; virtual task print(); $display(" CLASS E_2 "); endtask endclass program main; initial begin B b; E_1 e1; E_2 e2; e1 = new(); $cast(e2,e1); end endprogram RESULT Error: Dynamic cast failed

When called as a function, $cast attempts to assign the source expression to the destination variable and returns 1 if the cast is legal. If the cast fails, the function does not make the assignment and returns 0. When called as a function, no run-time error occurs, and the destination variable is left unchanged. It is important to note that $cast performs a

run-time check. No type checking is done by the compiler, except to check that the destination variable and source expression are singulars.

EXAMPLE : $cast as function class B; virtual task print(); $display(" CLASS B "); endtask endclass class E_1 extends B; virtual task print(); $display(" CLASS E_1 "); endtask endclass class E_2 extends B; virtual task print(); $display(" CLASS E_2 "); endtask endclass program main; initial begin B b; E_1 e1; E_2 e2; e1 = new(); //calling $cast like a task //Return value is not considered $cast(b,e1); which_class(b); e2 = new(); //calling $cast like a task //Return value is not considered $cast(b,e2); which_class(b); end endprogram

task which_class(B b); E_1 e1; E_2 e2; //calling $cast like a function //Return value is considered for action if($cast(e1,b)) $display(" CLASS E_1 "); if($cast(e2,b)) $display(" CLASS E_2 "); endtask RESULT CLASS E_1 CLASS E_2

When used with object handles, $cast() checks the hierarchy tree (super and subclasses) of the source_expr to see whether it contains the class of dest_handle. If it does, $cast() does the assignment. Otherwise, the error is issued. Assignment of Extended class object to Base class object is allowed. It is Illegal to assign Base class object to Extended class. EXAMPLE class Base; endclass class Exten extends Base; endclass program main; initial begin Base B; Exten E; B = new(); if(!$cast(E,B)) $display(" Base class object B canot be assigned to Extended class Handle."); // Deallocate object B B = null; E = new(); if(!$cast(B,E))

$display(" Extended class object E canot be assigned to Base class Handle."); end endprogram RESULT Base class object B canot be assigned to Extended class Handle.

COPY The terms "deep copy" and "shallow copy" refer to the way objects are copied, for example, during the invocation of a copy constructor or assignment operator. EXAMPLE: class int endclass program initial begin B B b1 b1.i b2 $display( end endprogram RESULTS: 123 B; i; main; b1; b2; new(); 123; b1; );

= = = b2.i

In the above example, both objects are pointing to same memory. The properties did not get copied. Only the handle is copied. Shallow Copy

A shallow copy of an object copies all of the member field values. EXAMPLE: class B;

int endclass program initial begin B B b1 b1.i b2 b2.i $display( $display( end endprogram RESULTS: 123 321

i; main; b1; b2; new(); 123; b1; 321; ); );

= = = = b1.i b2.i new

This works well if the fields are values, but may not be what you want for fields that point to dynamically allocated memory. The pointer will be copied. but the memory it points to will not be copied -- the field in both the original object and the copy will then point to the same dynamically allocated memory, which is not usually what you want. The assignment operator make shallow copies. EXAMPLE: class int endclass class A endclass program initial begin B B b1

A; i; B; a; main; b1; b2; new();

b1.a b1.a.i b2 $display( $display( b1.a.i $display( $display( end endprogram RESULT 123 123 321 321

= = = b1.a.i b2.a.i = b1.a.i b2.a.i new

new(); 123; b1; ); ); 321; ); );

In the above example, the varible i is changed to which is inside the object of . This changes in seen in also because both the objects are pointing to same memory location. Deep Copy

A deep copy copies all fields, and makes copies of dynamically allocated memory pointed to by the fields. To make a deep copy, you must write a copy constructor and overload the assignment operator, otherwise the copy will point to the original, with disasterous consequences. EXAMPLE: class int endclass class A task this.a endtask endclass program main; copy(A = new

A; i; B; a; a); a;

initial begin B B b1 b1.a b1.a.i b2 b2.copy(b1.a); $display( $display( b1.a.i $display( $display( end endprogram RESULTS: 123 123 321 123 Clone

= = = = b1.a.i b2.a.i = b1.a.i b2.a.i new

b1; b2; new(); new(); 123; b1; ); ); 321; ); );

A clone method returns a new object whose initial state is a copy of the current state of the object on which clone was invoked. Subsequent changes to the clone will not affect the state of the original. Copying is usually performed by a clone() method method of a class which is user defined. This method usually, in turn, calls the clone() method of its parent class to obtain a copy, and then does any custom copying procedures. Eventually this gets to the clone() method of Object (the uppermost class), which creates a new instance of the same class as the object and copies all the fields to the new instance (a "shallow copy"). After obtaining a copy from the parent class, a class's own clone() method may then provide custom cloning capability, like deep copying (i.e. duplicate some of the structures referred to by the object) . One disadvantage is that the return type of clone() is Object, and needs to be explicitly cast back into the appropriate type (technically a custom clone() method could return another type of object; but that is generally inadvisable). One advantage of using clone() is that since it is an overridable method, we can call clone() on any object, and it will use the clone() method of its actual class, without the calling code needing to know what that class is (which would be necessary with a copy

constructor). EXAMPLE: ???? Index Introduction Class Object This Inheritance Encapsulation Polymorphism Abstract Classes Parameterised Class Nested Classes Constant Static Casting Copy Scope Resolution Operator Null External Declaration Classes And Structures Typedef Class Pure Other Oops Features Misc

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EXAMPLE: class Base; typedef enum {bin,oct,dec,hex} radix; task print( radix r, integer n ); $display(" Enum is %s ",r.name()); $display(" Val is %d",n); endtask endclass program main; initial begin Base b = new; int bin = 123; b.print( Base::bin, bin ); // Base::bin and bin are different end endprogram RESULT: Enum is bin Val is 123

In addition, to disambiguating class scope identifiers, the :: operator also allows access to static members (class properties and methods) from outside the class, EXAMPLE: class Base; typedef enum {bin,oct,dec,hex} radix; task print( radix r, integer n ); $display(" Enum is %s ",r.name()); $display(" Val is %d",n); endtask endclass program main; initial begin

int bin = 123; Base::print( Base::bin, bin ); // Base::bin and bin are different end endprogram RESULT: Enum is bin Val is 123

Scope resolution operator :: can be used to access to public or protected elements of a superclass from within the derived classes. EXAMPLE: class Base; typedef enum {bin,oct,dec,hex} radix; endclass class Ext extends Base; typedef enum {dec,hex,bin,oct} radix; task print(); $display(" Ext classs :: enum values %d %d %d %d ",bin,oct,dec,hex); $display(" Base classs :: enum values %d %d %d %d ",Base::bin,Base::oct,Base::dec,Base::hex); endtask endclass program main; initial begin Ext e; e = new(); e.print(); end endprogram RESULT: Ext classs :: enum values 2 3 0 1 Base classs :: enum values 0 1 2 3

In SystemVerilog, the class scope resolution operator applies to all static elements of a class: static class properties, static methods, typedefs, enumerations, structures, unions, and nested class declarations. Class scope resolved expressions can be read (in expressions), written (in assignments or subroutines calls), or triggered off (in event expressions). They can also be used as the name of a type or a method call.

The class scope resolution operator enables the following:

Access to static public members (methods and class properties) from outside the class hierarchy.

Access to public or protected class members of a superclass from within the derived classes.

Access to type declarations and enumeration named constants declared inside the class from outside the class hierarchy or from within derived classes.

NULL The Null is perhaps the most "intelligent" pattern of all. It knows exactly what to do all the time, every time. Its does nothing. The Null is somewhat difficult to describe, since it resides in an abstract hierarchy tree, having no particular place at all, but occupying many roles. It is somewhat like the mathematical concept of zero: it is a placeholder, but is in itself nothing, and has no value. Null Object is a behavioral pattern designed to act as a default value of an object in most OOPs tools. These references need to be checked to ensure they are not null before invoking any methods, because one can't invoke anything on a null reference; this tends to make code less readable. If you forgot to creat an object ane passed it to method, where the method has some operation on the object, the simulation fails. So , If the method is expecting an object , then check weathe the object

is created or not else take nessesary action. The advantage of this approach over a working default implementation is that a Null Object is very predictable and has no side effects. EXAMPLE class B; task printf(); $display(" Hi "); endtask endclass program main; initial begin B b; print(b); end endprogram task print(B b); if(b == null) $display(" b Object is not created "); else b.printf(); endtask RESULT: b Object is not created

EXTERNAL DECLARATION Class methods and Constraints can be defined in the following places:

inside a class.

outside a class in the same file.

outside a class in a separate file. The process of declaring an out of block method involves:

declaring the method prototype or constraint within the class declaration with extern qualifier.

declaring the full method or constraint outside the class body. The extern qualifier indicates that the body of the method (its implementation) or constraint block is to be found outside the declaration. NOTE : class scope resolution operator :: should be used while defining. EXAMPLE: class B; extern task printf(); endclass task B::printf(); $display(" Hi "); endtask program main; initial begin B b; b = new();

b.printf(); end endprogram RESULT: Hi

CLASSES AND STRUCTURES class differs from struct in three fundamental ways:

SystemVerilog structs are strictly static objects; they are created either in a static memory location (global or module scope) or on the stack of an automatic task. Conversely, SystemVerilog objects (i.e., class instances) are exclusively dynamic; their declaration does not create the object. Creating an object is done by calling new.

SystemVerilog objects are implemented using handles, thereby providing C-like pointer functionality. But, SystemVerilog disallows casting handles onto other data types; thus, unlike C, SystemVerilog handles are guaranteed to be safe.

SystemVerilog objects form the basis of an Object-Oriented data abstraction that provides true polymorphism. Class inheritance, abstract classes, and dynamic casting are powerful mechanisms that go way beyond the mere encapsulation mechanism provided by structs.

TYPEDEF CLASS Forward Reference A forward declaration is a declaration of a object which the programmer has not yet given a complete definition. The term forward reference is sometimes used as a synonym of forward declaration. However, more often it is taken to refer to the actual use of an entity before any declaration. The SystemVerilog language supports the typedef class construct for forward referencing of a class declaration. This allows for the compiler to read a file from beginning to end without concern for the positioning of the class declaration. EXAMPLE: class Y ; X x; // refers to Class X, which is not yet defined endclass class X; int i; endclass RESULT Error : Class X is not defined

When the compiler encounters the handle x of class type X referred to in class Y, it does not yet know the definition for class X since it is later in the file. Thus, compilation fails. To rectify this situation, typedef is used to forward reference the class declaration. EXAMPLE: typedef class X; class Y ; X x; // refers to Class X, which is not yet defined endclass class X; int i; endclass The typedef of class X allows the compiler to process Y before X is fully defined. Note that typedef cannot be used to forward reference a class definition in another file. This must be done using the inclusion of a header file.

Circular Dependency A Circular dependency is a situation which can occur in programming languages wherein the definition of an object includes the object itself. One famous example is Linked List. EXAMPLE: class Y ; int i; Y y; // refers to Class Y, which is not yet defined endclass As you seen, there is a compilation error. To avoid this situation, typedef is used to forward reference the class declaration and this circular dependency problem can be avoided.

PURE As we have already seen in the previous topics , a virtual method may or may not be overridden in the derived lasses. It means, it is not necessary for a derived class to override a virtual method. But there are times when a base class is not able to define anything meaningful for the virtual method in that case every derived class must provide its own definition of the that method. A pure virtual method is a virtual method that you want to force derived classes to override. If a class has any unoverridden pure virtuals, it is an "abstract class" and you can't create objects of that type. " pure virtual function " or " pure virtual task " declaration is supposed to represent the fact that the method has no implementation. There are two major differences between a virtual and a pure virtual function, these are below:

There CAN'T be a definition of the pure virtual function in the base class.

There MUST be a definition of the pure virtual function in the derived class. EXAMPLE: class Base; pure virtual task disp(); end class program main initial begin Base B; B = new(); B.disp(); end endprogram RESULT Error: pure virtual task disp(); must be overridden in derived class

OTHER OOPS FEATURES Multiple inheritence and Function overloading and the OOPs features which are not supported by System Verilog. Multiple Inheritence Multiple inheritance refers to a feature of some object-oriented programming languages in which a class can inherit behaviors and features from more than one superclass. This

contrasts with single inheritance, where a class may inherit from at most one superclass. SystemC supports multiple inheritance, SystemVerilog supports only single inheritance. Multiple inheritance allows a class to take on functionality from multiple other classes, such as allowing a class named D to inherit from a class named A, a class named B, and a class named C. EXAMPLE: class A; ..... endclass class B; ...... endclass class C; ...... endclass class D extends A,B,C; ..... endclass Multiple inheritance is not implemented well in SystemVerilog languages . Implementation problems include:

Increased complexity

Not being able to explicitly inherit from multiple times from a single class

Order of inheritance changing class semantics.

Method Overloading Method overloading is the practice of declaring the same method with different signatures. The same method name will be used with different data type . This is Not Supported by SystemVerilog as of 2008. EXAMPLE: task my_task(integer i) { ... } task my_task(string s) { ... } program test { integer number = 10; string name = "vera"; my_task(number); my_task(name); }

MISC Always Block In Classes SystemVerilog doesnot allow to define always block in program block or class, as these are meant for testbench purpose. Example to show the implimentation of always block in program block. EXAMPLE: program main; integer a,b; initial repeat(4) begin #({$random()}%20) a = $random(); #({$random()}%20) b = $random(); end initial

always_task(); task always_task(); fork forever begin @(a,b); $display(" a is %d : b is %d at %t ",a,b,$time); end join_none endtask endprogram RESULT a is -1064739199 : b is x at 8 a is -1064739199 : b is -1309649309 at 25 a is 1189058957 : b is -1309649309 at 42 a is 1189058957 : b is -1992863214 at 47 a is 114806029 : b is -1992863214 at 48 a is 114806029 : b is 512609597 at 66 a is 1177417612 : b is 512609597 at 75 a is 1177417612 : b is -482925370 at 84

Example to show the implimentation of always block in class. EXAMPLE class Base; integer a,b; task always_task(); fork forever begin @(a,b); $display(" a is %d : b is %d at %t ",a,b,$time); end join_none endtask endclass

program main; initial begin Base obj; obj = new(); // start the always block. fork obj.always_task(); join_none repeat(4) begin #({$random()}%20) obj.a = $random(); #({$random()}%20) obj.b = $random(); end end endprogram RESULT a is -1064739199 : b is x at 8 a is -1064739199 : b is -1309649309 at 25 a is 1189058957 : b is -1309649309 at 42 a is 1189058957 : b is -1992863214 at 47 a is 114806029 : b is -1992863214 at 48 a is 114806029 : b is 512609597 at 66 a is 1177417612 : b is 512609597 at 75 a is 1177417612 : b is -482925370 at 84

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