MayJune 2016 - IGCSE Sociology - Paper - SC Query
MayJune 2016 - IGCSE Sociology - Paper - SC Query
MayJune 2016 - IGCSE Sociology - Paper - SC Query
0495 s16
(a) What is meant by the term ‘culture’? [2]
(c) Explain how the peer group can encourage conformity. [6]
13 4
21 3 ‘Weber believed that social class is based on the economic market place...while it is possible to
make out broad classes within which people share broadly similar life chances, there is also a finely
graded ladder of classes based on occupations. He distinguished between market situation... and
the work situation. An individual’s position on the ladder involves not only income but also their
(b) Describe two examples of inequality, apart from social class. [4]
(e) To what extent has social class changed in modern industrial societies? [15]
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