Techno-Elementals by David Spangler
Techno-Elementals by David Spangler
Techno-Elementals by David Spangler
By David Spangler
© Copyright 2012-2018 David Spangler
All rights reserved. Except for the quotation of short passages for the purpose
of criticism and review, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored
in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior consent
the copyright holder and publisher. David Spangler has asserted his right to
be identified as the author of this work.
Published by:
Lorian Press LLC
Holland MI 49424
The material in this book began as an experimental and exploratory class,
evolved into an issue of my esoteric journal, Views from the Borderland, and
now has become a book. In this process, I would like to acknowledge the
many discussions and conversations on this topic I have had with those who
participated in my class and in the online Forums based on the journal issue.
Thank you, everyone, both for your willingness to join in the exploration and
for your thoughts which helped sharpen my own.
I particularly want to thank my Lorian colleagues, Jeremy Berg and
Timothy Hass, who have been road-testing these ideas in workshops of their
design and my friend, John Matthews, who has been doing pioneering work
in the shamanic exploration of cyberspace. They have all contributed deeply
to the evolving understanding of these subtle beings who share our world
with us.
I also want to thank my wife, Julia, without whose support and insights
none of my work would be possible. Besides being my primary editor, she
helps bring these concepts down to earth where they need to be.
Finally, I want to acknowledge with love and gratefulness my subtle
colleagues who have been my own companions and guides into
understanding the realms of the techno-elementals and other non-physical
realities. There is so much more to discover and understand, but thanks to
you, we have made a start.
I dedicate this book to all who seek to bring love into our world, to bless
the life in the things we make, and thereby manifest wholeness for all
creatures on the earth, physical and subtle.
When I was eighteen, my father bought me my first car so that I could
drive back and forth from college. It was a four-year old, 1959 Chevy Impala
that had belonged to my cousin. It was at the time one of the most popular
cars in America, possessing a distinctive sleek look with tailfins that flared
horizontally outward rather than upward.
It had been a reluctant purchase, though. My Dad was a protective father,
and the idea of me behind the wheel out in traffic where anything might
happen gave him nightmares. It wasn’t that he doubted my driving skills. It
was all the other “damn fools on the highway” that gave him pause. Having
lived through my two sons and two daughters becoming drivers, I can now
understand the worries that can grip a father’s heart when his children first
begin to navigate the highways, but at the time, his fears both amused and
frustrated me.
Where Dad was concerned, my car had two strikes against it. The first
was that it was my car, and I was driving it rather than being safe on a bus or
with him behind the wheel. The second was that it wasn’t a Volkswagen
Beetle. Dad had only owned Beetles since we returned from Morocco in
1957, and he thought this unique-looking German car was about the best in
the world. However, Dad had gotten a very good deal on the Impala from my
cousin who had practically given it to us as a favor to me; financially, he’d
been unable to pass it up.
I loved my car. Frankly, at that point in my life, I would have loved any
car that I could call my own, but the Impala with its impressive tailfins was, I
felt, just about the coolest car on the road. It was my spaceship!
My Dad, though, disliked it thoroughly and saw it as a necessary evil.
This led to an interesting turn of events. When I drove the car by myself,
everything worked perfectly. I never had any trouble with it. That car and I
had a love affair going, and the purr of its engine as I drove along the
highway was like angels singing.
However, whenever my Dad got in the car with me, or, more rarely,
attempted to drive it, something always went wrong. It was always a little
thing, some rattling here or some knocking there; maybe a window didn’t
work right, or the car would momentarily stall when he tried to start it up. It
was never enough to put it in a garage, but it was something annoying. Dad
concluded that the car was a piece of junk, which only increased his worrying
when I drove it.
I was intrigued by this phenomenon and laughingly told Dad that the car
didn’t like him because he was hurting its feelings. It was a joke, but the
more it happened, the more convinced I became that something like that was
going on. So, I investigated.
I have always been able to perceive beyond the range of the five senses
into what I call the “subtle” dimensions of the world. Here I find a non-
physical ecosystem every bit as diverse and rich as the one we see in the
physical world around us. Further, this subtle ecosystem overlaps and
integrates in a variety of ways with our material universe. Objects that appear
inert and non-living to us with our physical senses may be filled with life in
the subtle realm. The experience of the universe as fully and totally alive was
well-known to our ancestors; it’s only within the past three hundred years or
so, since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, that our Western society
has forgotten this in its exclusive focus upon material reality.
I think of this subtle world with all its diversity and interconnectedness as
Earth’s “second ecology.” It’s deeply woven into and interdependent with
the physical ecology with which we are familiar. We ignore this “second
ecology” to our detriment, especially at a time when we need to find ways to
reestablish and reaffirm our wholeness with our planet. To think and speak
of the subtle realms merely as fantasy or folklore, as the supernatural or
mystical, is to misunderstand its nature and to blind ourselves to the richness
and gifts of life which it offers.
When I looked into the subtle energy fields around my car, I did find a
being that had integrated itself into those fields. My car had become a link
for it with the physical world and even more importantly, with the human
world. At the time, I did not have enough experience to understand what this
meant or why it might be important. I simply knew that there was a
consciousness surrounding and permeating my car that responded in one way
to my love and appreciation for it and another way to my Dad’s dislike. For
me, it worked perfectly. For my Dad, it created problems. Not so different
from how people react!
This was my introduction to the species of subtle beings I have come to
call “techno-elementals.” These are subtle beings that align themselves with
human technology and artifacts. Fifty years later, I decided to write about
I have written two books on the subtle worlds—Subtle Worlds: An
Explorer’s Field Notes and Working with Subtle Energies. I also write an
esoteric journal, Views from the Borderland. This journal, published four
times a year by the Lorian Association, provides me with an opportunity to
share my observations, experiences, and communications from encounters
and explorations of the subtle realms. These are my personal “field notes,”
and through them, I seek to introduce people to the reality, the wonder, and
the naturalness of the non-physical world around us.
In 2012, I dedicated the fourth issue of this journal to the topic of techno-
elementals. This volume was only available to those who subscribed to my
journal that first year of its existence and has never been sold to the general
public. Yet, given the importance of techno-elementals in our lives, the
information it contains deserves a wider audience, I believe. Therefore, I’m
happy to offer another exploration of these beings in this book, with new
material not present when I first wrote about them in my journal.
I always begin each issue of Views from the Borderland with the
following caveat:
All the following material is based on my personal observation. While I
present it as accurately and clearly as I am able, it is subject to the
limitations of my own experience, understanding, bias, perceptual abilities,
and skills of interpretation. While I have years of experience in this area, I
am most certainly not infallible. I am still exploring and learning. Another
person, making the same contacts or observing the same phenomena as I,
might have a different perception or a different interpretation and
understanding. This being said, I invite you to join with me in exploration. If
anything here resonates with your mind and heart, may it be a blessing and a
help to you.
This is especially true of this book. It should be seen as part of an
ongoing exploration, a beginning venture into understanding the nature of
some of the subtle beings that share our lives with us. To this end, each
chapter is a “Field Note,” an observation I’ve made, and not in any way the
final statement on the subject. In all respects, this book is only a beginning,
first steps in exploring a specific aspect of the vast, complex, and wondrous
ecosystem of the subtle realms. I hope it will be helpful in encouraging and
assisting further exploration and discovery.
Because of the nature of the material, this is a book of esoteric ideas and
concepts, many of which may be unfamiliar to you. I have tried to keep
things as simple as possible while still covering the territory and providing
insights into the nature of the beings in question. I have felt the need to go
into as much detail as I’ve been able to perceive. But if you find this to be
more detail than you want, please feel free to skip ahead to Field Note 19,
“Roomies.” It, plus the Exercises and Examples at the end, contains the
practical, “how-to” information of what we can do in relationship to the
techno-elementals in our lives, which, after all, is the most important thing to
This is a plastic sculpture of Yoda, the Jedi Master from George Lucas’s
Star Wars films. This iconic figure sits on my desk and stares at me while I
Here, upon clairvoyant investigation, are layers or frequencies of energy
similar to those I perceive with my chalice, but their expression is very
different. There are the deep elementals of substance, in this case, a mix of
organic materials. As far as I can tell, there is no Deva or Elemental of
Plastic as such; it is itself an artifact of our technology.
There is also a “Goldilocks Field” of living, sentient energy—the field of
purpose and identity—but it is undifferentiated, again as far as I can
determine. There is no “spirit of Yoda sculpture” the way there is a spirit of
the chalice. The living field around the chalice knows it is a chalice. The
plastic that makes up Yoda knows it’s plastic but doesn’t know it’s a figure
of Yoda—or a figure of anything, for that matter.
Largely, this is because this is not a hand-crafted object but one
manufactured, presumably by the thousands (there are a lot of Star Wars
Yoda fans!) in a factory by programmed machines.
However, there is still an energy of human intent and design. It still
possesses a hybrid energy field. After all, someone thought up Yoda in the
first place and created the first Yoda figure, the puppet used in the movies.
Likewise, some artist made the mold for this sculpture, perhaps as a computer
file. Plastic, much less dead, organic plant and animal matter from millions
of years ago, did not just arrange itself spontaneously to look like Yoda. One
doesn’t drill oil wells and find little statues of Yoda coming up from the earth
along with the petroleum from which plastic is synthesized. So, human
imagination, thought, and design was involved in creating my little Yoda.
But unlike my chalice, where the human presence was in direct one-to-one
touch with the apple wood, here the human presence is distant in time and
space and masked by the automated manufacturing process. The idea of
Yoda exists in the mind of humans, but the plastic that forms the body of
Yoda is touched and molded by machines.
I found this statue of Yoda in a store. When I bought it and brought it
home, it was energetically just a neutral artifact, alive in the sense that all
things are alive, but not particularly differentiated. It had the unique shape of
Yoda on the outside, but its energy field could have belonged to a block of
plastic or a stone.
However, Yoda is an iconic figure for me. He represents the archetype of
the wise and powerful elder in touch with the deep mysteries and forces of
the universe. He is the shaman, the medicine man, the adept, the teacher, the
initiator. He is a master of the Force that unites all life and binds the cosmos
together. For me, as for many others, he is a rich and powerful imaginal
figure. (Years ago, I met a Zen abbot who was the head teacher or roshi of
his monastery. He met me wearing a T-shirt emblazoned with the figure of
Yoda. This was not what I had expected to see him wearing, so he grinned
and patted his chest. “My lineage,” he said, which immediately endeared him
to me. “Mine, too,” I replied!)
To me, the figure of Yoda means something. It is an icon, a portal, into
something ineffable. I have projected that meaning onto this little statue,
energizing it with my love and appreciation. As a consequence, the living
field of this artifact is no longer neutral. It resonates to the archetype of
wisdom and connection that Yoda represents to me. It also resonates to the
field of imagination that Yoda occupies within the minds and hearts of Star
Wars fans because I share that collective imagination.
Do I see a small “Yoda being” attached to this statue the way I see a
“Grail being” attached to my chalice? No. The idea of Yoda, though
widespread, doesn’t have the deep roots in human consciousness as does that
of the cup, chalice, or Grail, an archetypal container that has been part of
human civilization for thousands of years and one that has figured in many
rituals in many cultures. Its living field reflects and is shaped by my own
Yoda projections and meanings, that is, how the idea of Yoda lives in me, not
how it might live independently in this statue.
If a human artist created a Yoda figure by hand and invested it through
his or her love and artistic thought and design with all the resonances to the
archetypal Wise Old Man, then it would be different. Then the living field of
such a Yoda would likely manifest a “Yoda spirit.” But as it stands, no such
dedicated intention went into its manufacture in the factory.
Still, its field of identity and purpose is an environment resonating to an
energy of human intention, and as such, it can attract other kinds of subtle
beings who find that environment nourishing and who might use it as a
temporary link with my human world. If a Yoda-shaped being did appear to
me, it most likely would not be something generated by the statue itself but a
“Rider,” something like the equivalent of a microbial organism living in the
microbiome of my digestive system.
I have not “talismanized” the statue of Yoda, so it is not by itself
connected to transpersonal, transcendent, or spiritual energies. When I see
Yoda sitting on my desk, I can in the moment feel connected to such energies
myself, but that is a different thing, one in which an imaginative image is an
inspirational catalyst for contact with higher energies. My statue can act as
such an image, but, unlike my chalice, it is not a conduit for those energies in
These two examples I have used to illustrate the kind of subtle energy
fields that can exist around our artifacts are different from each other. One is
a hand-crafted wooden chalice and the other is a mass-produced plastic
statue. However, there are three things they have in common. The first is
that, as I discussed in Field Note #1, both are extensions of the energy field of
human consciousness and thought. Both give access to the realm of human
imagination. One resonates with all the thoughts and feelings around cups,
grails, chalices, and their mythic and spiritual meanings in human evolution.
Holding my chalice, for instance, I can find myself in touch with the whole
imaginal world of King Arthur and the quest for the Holy Grail, a powerful
image in the Western mystical and esoteric traditions. On the other hand, my
statue of Yoda resonates with the stories of Star Wars and the Force, which
have become engraved in the popular imagination, and beyond them, to their
roots in the heroic narrative—the Hero’s Journey described by mythologist
Joseph Campbell—that is so much a part of Western culture. In other words,
if I choose to attune to this level, each of these artifacts is connected to a
“cloud” of related images and thought-forms existing within the collective
imagination and thinking of humanity. This cloud, in turn, can resonate to
the artisanal, creative forces that are part of humanity’s spiritual heritage and
power—and, in the case of my chalice, it does so resonate.
This “cloud” of human energy and thought, intention, and imagination
creates an energetic environment that is attractive to subtle beings who wish
to learn from and be nourished by our quality of beingness. Just as we may
study the art of an ancient culture to discover what the people of that culture
may have been like, so subtle beings can align with the energy fields of our
artifacts as a way of understanding who we are, what we are like, and the
spiritual mysteries and forces enfolded in our incarnational process. This is
potentially as true for my Yoda—or any of the other iconic action figures that
I have arrayed along my desk—as it is for my chalice or for any other artifact
in my house, including the house itself. I shall have more to say about these
subtle beings, whom I think of as “Riders,” in the next Field Note.
There is another field of energy that can be found around our artifacts.
As I discussed in Field Note #1, it is an aura of psychic connection, the
“Velcro field” that can pick up and hold stray subtle energies moving through
the environment. How active (or “sticky”) this field is depends on a number
of factors, including the substance from which the object is made, its use
within the human world, and so on. People sit on my sofa in the living room
all the time, for instance, and it is more involved in the activity of people
coming and going. Yoda, on the other hand, is tucked away on my desk
where I can see him but the statue is relatively removed from the flow of
energy moving through the house; also, I’m pretty much the only one who
handles it, and even then, I don’t do so very often. Potentially, it’s not as
much of a “psychic lint collector” as my sofa.
My chalice and my Yoda are two simple objects. The subtle energy
environments that surround things such as machinery or buildings, not to
mention computers, are more complex. The basic principle, though, is the
same. What we create lives in its way in the subtle realms and forms
opportunities for relationships and connections that offer new possibilities for
nourishment, learning, and evolution. We create, both physically and
energetically, environments that otherwise would not exist, environments of
the techno-elementals.
Handmade by Ron in his studio, the Sidhe Gate contains the Sidhe Glyph
first presented by John Matthews in his excellent book, The Sidhe, as a
meditative symbol for connecting with these beings. This glyph is mounted
in such a way that it can turn, so that the “gate” can be open or closed. Ron
creates these artifacts in attunement with his Sidhe allies so that each one can
act as a point of contact with the energy field of the Sidhe realm. I have often
used it to facilitate my own connection with these beings when it has been
appropriate to do so. [If you would like information about these portable
Sidhe Gates, Ron’s website is ]
Another, larger example of a subtle ally aligned with a particular artifact
is the being I call my “House Angel.” A house is definitely a human artifact,
a product of our creative and technological skills, and like our bodies, it is a
whole thing in itself while also containing a great many distinct parts. All
houses—indeed, all buildings—have an energy field of their own which is
influenced and shaped by their shape and function and also by what happens
within them, the energetic activities which they contain. Like the “life-field”
of any artifact, not all the eight functions may be in evidence or equally
active. If the subtle field is not well developed, as is the case with many
artifacts, it may exhibit a minimum of ability to connect, much less to be
holopoietic or experience emergence. In other words, depending on the
strength and activity of the field and the functions that are engaged and
operating, it can exist anywhere along a wide spectrum of sentiency and
interaction with human energy and consciousness.
In the case of my house, though, I have a daily practice of attuning to the
overlighting sentiency of the structure, acknowledging and treating the life of
my house as an ally and partner in my activity within and around the house. I
consciously take time each day to link it through my own energy with the
subtle energies in the natural environment, in particular the blessings radiated
by the “Lady of the Lake” and by the surrounding mountains. As a
consequence, in the subtle environment, the spirit of my house is very alive
and present. It becomes an active conduit of blessing and spiritual energy for
everything contained within the house and for all who enter it.
This segues into the fourth category of techno-elemental, the
sacramentals. These are highly evolved spiritual beings, often angels or
Devas of some nature, who use an artifact as a point of connection with us in
order to transmit blessings or to offer energies that can enhance and nourish
our own life and spiritual evolution. Such beings are often found
overlighting (or at least attuned to) sacred buildings such as churches,
synagogues, and mosques. But smaller artifacts can be aligned with such
advanced spiritual allies as well. For instance, when I use my chalice as a
sacramental object, it becomes a touch point for the energy of an angelic ally.
The difference between an “ally” and a “sacramental” is not always
obvious; indeed, in many cases, they may be the same. But my rule of thumb
is that an ally is a source of energetic assistance for everyday activity with
which I may be engaged and is not necessarily concerned with or able to
directly assist my spiritual development. It generally functions within the
subtle environment in which I am living. A sacramental, on the other hand, is
generally one of a class of beings, usually angelic in nature, that promote and
assist our spiritual unfoldment and wholeness. It acts from a higher
frequency of life beyond the subtle environment and works more through the
inductive influence of presence than through the transmission of specific
subtle energies.
It’s important to remember that allies and sacramentals do not inhabit the
artifacts with which they are connected. They may reside in their energy
fields for a time if appropriate, but usually it has been my observation that
they are linked to the energy of the artifact much as, say, a security company
may be linked electronically to my home so that it is aware if an alarm goes
off and can take action. The ally or sacramental can become aware and
respond if the artifact to which it is linked “goes off” and sends an
For example, with my Sidhe Gate, the Sidhe don’t live in it nor does
simply rotating the metal glyph open my consciousness into their realm. I
have to create that openness within myself though love, intention, attention,
and presence. But it does serve as a lens to focus my intent to make contact.
It acts as a talisman to give power to my desire and intent to connect with
them. It “sets off an alarm,” so to speak, that resonates into their realm. This
may or may not actually produce a contact; nothing is being forced or
coerced. But if all else is equal, then the presence of this “lens” or “gate” as
an attuned artifact can facilitate the inner connection between my
consciousness and that of a responding Sidhe.
The categories of artifactal, rider, ally, and sacramental are just my ways
of classifying a realm of subtle organisms—the techno-elementals attracted to
and influenced by our creations—that is itself a complex ecosystem. They
are terms of convenience. Efforts at classification are hampered by the fact
that boundaries are much more fluid and intermingling in the subtle realms
than in the physical. It’s easy to tell a pine tree from a maple tree; it’s not as
easy to distinguish a nature spirit from an elemental or an angel from a Deva.
It takes careful discernment based on observation of function and a sensitivity
to nuances of vibration and energy. Even with over sixty years of practice, I
still can get it wrong.
Further, there are two other categories that I haven’t included yet in this
discussion but which play an increasingly powerful role in human affairs.
These are the subtle beings associated with electricity and with the creation of
cyberspace and artificial intelligence. They are different enough from the
other four as to merit Field Notes of their own later in this book.
Though I’ve coined terms to describe these different categories of subtle
beings, we have to be careful not to place more weight of meaning or
significance upon them than they can bear. They are as much poetic as
taxonomic terms. Being a “naturalist” of the subtle realms is as much art as it
is science; my scientist friends would say it’s more so!
One thing to keep in mind is that from the perspective of all subtle
beings, from the simplest elemental to the most complex and evolved cosmic
archangel, everything—and I do mean everything—is alive and sentient. All
subtle beings live in a universe populated only by subjects. There are no
“things.” Everything is a “thou.” Nothing is an “it.” It is only we who can
fail to appreciate this, and this is as much a failing of how we think and what
we accept as reality as it is a matter of lacking the psychic abilities or talents
to see the subtle realms. We lose ourselves in thought worlds of our own
creation, mirror realms in which we see only ourselves and fail to see the
immense wonder, depth, splendor, and above all, life of the larger world
around us. It is this human tendency to create and live in our own artificial
worlds of thought and belief, imagination and construction, that ultimately
creates the problems, even dangers, that techno-elementals can pose.
Figure 1
For reference sake, Figure 1 provides a simple illustration of the techno-
elementals and subtle energy fields I’ve discussed in this and the previous
Field Note (note that in this diagram, the artifact has been “talismanized,”
hence it possesses a talismanic field that connects to an ally and a
sacramental). This is an idealized picture. Not all artifacts have all four of
the techno-elementals I’ve discussed present. All have artifactals, as well as
elementals of substance. Beyond that, it depends on circumstances and on
the nature of the artifact itself.
When I stand in my living room (acknowledging that it truly is a “living”
room, a space filled with subtle life), the techno-elementals I perceive when I
attune to them are as diverse as the different flowers in my wife’s garden
outside. For instance, there is a beautifully carved wooden end table between
two of our sofas that belonged to my wife’s great-grandmother and has been
passed down through the generations to her grandmother, her mother, and
now to her. It appears to be hand-crafted, most likely in the late Nineteenth
Century, though at this point, we have no way of determining this. The
artifactal I feel within it is like an elder. The energy around it is very calm
and deep; in some ways, when I attune to it, it’s like being in the presence of
an old well. At the same time, I’m aware of a connection to a Rider, in this
case the overlighting spirit or angel of my wife’s maternal family line. This
is not a strong presence, but it is there, like an old address or phone number
that could, if desired, put one in touch with a distant relative. This connection
or vibration rests within the energy field of this table like a blessing.
By contrast, there is a small, branching, metal candelabra that holds three
candles resting on the mantle of the fireplace. I occasionally use these for
simple rituals of lighting a candle for someone who is in need of blessing.
When I do, a field develops around this artifact that is linked to a
Sacramental, a spiritual ally that augments the blessing. Otherwise, though,
the energy field around this candelabra is not particularly strong. I do not get
a sense that its artifactal is particularly developed or sentient. If the artifactal
of the table is old, this one is very young.
In other words, some of the objects and artifacts in my living room have
strong fields and are an energetic presence while others do not and are not. A
few have Riders or, at times, Sacramentals; most do not. The point is that
techno-elementals are every bit as diverse as every other form of life on
earth. In this book, I am generalizing about them in order to keep things
simple, but this is like talking about plants as a single category when we all
know that in the world, plants manifest in a bewildering and wondrous array
of different species.
Figure 2:
Emergence as a Shared Function
Most elementals and artifactals are either simple in their internal make-up
or focused on a particular task. Either condition makes them unable to
generate on their own the intention and energy necessary to form the
holopoietic connections that enable Grail Space to emerge. They require
help to do so, and this help normally comes from higher frequencies of
consciousness such as nature spirits, Devas, and angels. More complex
subtle organisms are capable of generating a field of emergence or Grail
Space internally as they are themselves living systems of relationship and
connection that can form the necessary connections, and they can produce the
quality of will and love that is necessary to do so. This means part of their
evolution can be internal and self-generated. But there are levels of evolution
that even the most advanced Being cannot accomplish on its own but only in
cooperation and co-creative synergy with others.
As incarnated human beings, we also are essentially complex subtle
organisms, at least in the non-physical dimensions of our nature. Each of us
is a blend of four different levels of functioning: the physical or
physiological, the psychological, the spiritual, and the subtle energetic. All
four of these make essential contributions to our overall health and well-
being and are part of the web of internal relationships that form our whole,
integrated incarnational system. It is this system that can, when properly
activated by intention and love, create our own inner Grail Space, a key
practice in our own spiritual evolution.
What is important to realize is that no organism, subtle or physical, is
isolated from its environment. Therefore, the integration and wholeness of
any being needs to include its relationship and interactions with the world
around it. I illustrate this is Figure 4. Note that every element in this system
touches upon and affects in some manner every other element. These
connections and interactions can be obstructed or diminished. For example, I
could live in my mind, ignoring my body, my soul, and my subtle energy
field, paying minimal attention to the world around me. Or I might focus
exclusively upon my physical and psychological well-being, ignoring the
subtle side of my nature and ignoring the welfare of others in my
environment. I might, on the other hand, pay too much attention to my non-
physical side, becoming excessively ascetic and seeking to “overcome” or
even eliminate my personality, thereby allowing the health and development
of my mind, my emotions, and body to suffer.
All of these efforts to privilege one side of our nature over the others—or
to go to extremes either in selfishness, ignoring the world, or in service,
ignoring ourselves—will damage our integration and wholeness, making the
unfoldment of an inner Grail Space less likely.
An Integrated System of Incarnation Forming a Grail Space
An objective in Incarnational Spirituality is to honor these five elements
(counting the environment) and the co-creative relationships between them.
With loving intention and attention, we can create a state of wholeness within
ourselves and between ourselves and our environment that brings Grail Space
into being both internally and around us. I write about this in detail in my
books Journey into Fire and Partnering with Earth.
To achieve this, we have to transcend the materialistic worldview so
common in our culture. We are not taught to see ourselves in wholeness.
Aspects of our nature are left out. For the most part, our society is focused
primarily on the interactions of just the psychological and the physiological
elements. While for many, the spiritual dimension is a major and important
factor in their lives, it is often presented in ways that make it seem distant or
difficult to attain. As for the subtle energetic side of our nature, this remains
largely unknown, ignored, or misunderstood.
Another stumbling block can be learning to understand the value of both
the individual and the group. There is a natural limit to how far any being, no
matter how advanced, can evolved on its own. Evolution is a collective
endeavor. We cannot transcend this limit without forming loving and
holopoietic connections with the world around us. This is certainly true at
the soul level where our souls function in mutually supportive evolutionary
clusters and groups—in effect in “soul-created Grail Spaces.” If spiritual and
consciousness development is our goal, then we need each other and we need
the world in all its dimensions.
Looked at from “the top down,” so to speak, the whole universe, with all
its interconnections, interrelationships, entanglements, and interdependencies
is a cosmic Grail Space, a grail of evolution, in which and through which the
Sacred is emerging. The principle of evolution through connection runs the
gamut from galaxy to atom.
This process is dynamic. New connections and relationships are
constantly being discovered and formed, some existing only a short time,
some lasting for eons. When patterns of connection outlive their usefulness,
they are dissolved and connections broken, allowing something new to form
and take its place. As this happens, grail spaces disappear and new grail
spaces emerge.
Yet at times, connections are dimmed or broken that should not be. A
grail can be shattered, its space dispersed or never properly formed before it
has fulfilled its function. Emergence is blocked or denied. In such situations,
life is not living up to its full potentials.
This is the situation affecting many of the techno-elementals in
relationship to humanity. Understanding why this is so allows us to
understand the challenges that the techno-elementals pose as well as the
means for resolving them. This is what we will explore in the next Field
The Techno-Elemental “Bridge”
As this picture suggests, all the participants in these various planetary
physical and subtle ecosystems are held within the life-field of Gaia, the
World Soul, and all contribute to its evolution and wholeness. The Earth
becomes an expression of partnership and co-creation between the spiritual
nature and potentials of humanity and the spiritual nature of the world. What
we create may re flect human needs and purposes but it is integrated
energetically with the environments around us, both physical and subtle.
This integration means that the life-forces flowing from the spiritual
forces and intelligences within nature—the Devas, the nature spirits, and so
forth—have clear access to the life embodying itself within human artifacts.
I can illustrate this by referring to a revised version of Figure 3 from the
previous Field Note:
A Connected, Integrated State
The artifactal embodies the eight primary functions, as we have discussed
earlier, but in this case, its identity is blended with the human imagination
and purpose that gave form, structure, and function to whatever kind of
artifact it is (and understand that this is a very simplified, generic schematic
of subtle energy relationships).
What is important is that in this connected state, there is a flow of subtle
energies of various kinds into the artifactal from different appropriate sources
in the subtle realms. This flow is stimulating and nourishing to the
expression of its functions, enhancing its vitality and life. If it is a simple
subtle organism, as many artifactals are, then this flow may also draw forth,
energize and facilitate that intention that creates the kind of holopoietic
connections necessary to bring grail space into being. Otherwise, if the
artifactal is more complex because it is embodying a complex structure,
machine or artifact, then it may be able to produce this from within itself.
But even then, it is assisted by the vitalization and stimulation provided by
connection with the overall Devic realms of nature and Gaia.
In turn, this vitalization and emergence leads the artifactal to radiate its
own energy, its own “self-Light,” that can bless and energetically serve both
its local environment and the larger wholeness of Gaia itself. So, there is
reciprocation: a positive flow of energy into the artifact and its life and a
positive flow of energy from the artifact and its life. In such a process, the
human beings who are using, interacting with, or living within the artifact
have their own subtle lives and energy fields enriched. It’s truly a win-win
Unfortunately, for the most part and in most places, we are not living in
such an ideal world in which everything is functioning with wholeness and
integration as it should.
However, the challenge is that human imagination and purpose is often at
odds both with our deeper soul wisdom and principles—and thus at odds with
its artisanal spirit and potentials—and with the natural world around us and
with the holistic efforts of the Devas and nature spirits that fill and bless that
world. At this stage in our collective evolution, the human world of
creativity and building becomes turned inward to our own benefit and
purposes. We become disconnected from Gaia. When this happens, the
subtle life within or associated with our artifacts becomes similarly
disconnected as it is surrounded, enclosed, and shaped by humanity’s
collective energy. The bridge between humanity and nature becomes broken
and, as we have seen in previous Field Notes, the techno-elementals become
a breed apart, aligned more with humanity than with nature or with Gaia as a
whole. Now we have this situation:
The Broken Bridge
This situation is complex. The disconnection between humanity and the
rest of the world can manifest in many different ways energetically. For that
matter, in some parts of the world where the connections between human
beings and nature remain strong, the “bridge” may not be broken at all; in
such places, techno-elementals may continue in good connection and flow
with spiritual sources. But in much of our modern society, this is not the
This can create different problems for us and for the techno-elemental life
that fills our built world, but there are four consequences of which I am most
aware. There may well be others, but it’s these four I want to focus on in
these Field Notes. I think of them as Internal, Environmental,
Incarnational, and Evolutionary.
The first problem is internal to the artifactals and to the techno-elemental
kingdom as a whole. It is a dimming of the vitality, the energy, and the Light
within the functions of the subtle organism.
This dimming creates an effect in the surrounding subtle environment.
This effect will impact the techno-elementals that are present but it can also
impact the humans who are sharing that environment. It also increases the
likelihood of psychic pollution and energetically stagnant conditions that can
make possible the existence of negative forces I think of as “dark riders.”
The lack of connection between the techno-elementals, particularly the
artifactals, and the larger spiritual world can create a feedback loop that turns
our creative energy, particularly will, back upon us to create a form of echo
chamber. This can impact our incarnational activity, subverting our
Sovereignty in unconscious ways. In a peculiar way, we create the artifact
and then it shapes us.
Finally, our sense of what it means to be human can be narrowed and
shaped by our technology, impacting our collective evolution. We can find
ourselves living out as a species the ancient legend of the Golem, a creation
of human beings that then turns and becomes a threat to its creators.
Techno-elementals and their subtle energies are involved in all four of
these impacts upon us. Understanding how this happens gives us insights
into what we can do to avoid these consequences and restore wholeness to
ourselves, our artifacts, and our world.
A Blocked Artifactal
Now the human energy of our purpose and imagination is acting as a
barrier to connection with the larger spiritual and subtle worlds. This
weakens or even blocks the natural flow of enlivening and supportive
energies from those worlds into the life-systems of the techno-elementals,
particularly the artifactals, associated with that artifact.
In the process, all the functions of the subtle organism are diminished. Its
generativity is reduced, its metabolism is slowed down, its power to connect
with other subtle organisms, techno-elementals, nature spirits, and on,
particularly in holopoietic ways, is weakened or blocked, and its ability to
create or co-create Grail Space and thus to evolve is similarly weakened or
To put it simply, the Light within this subtle life is dimmed, its radiance
diminished. Its innate capacity to participate in Gaia’s life is likewise
diminished. The result is that the life within our built environments and the
capacity of these environments and the things in them to support our own
subtle well-being, is also reduced.
As I said, this is a complex topic for, like any ecosystem, the interplay
and interactions between humanity and the subtle organisms that comprise
both the natural and the humanly-built worlds are many and varied. Take my
two hospitals, for instance. Each is a building containing hundreds of
thousands of artifacts. Among these, many will be “dimmed” and many will
be radiant, depending on what went into their manufacture but even more
importantly the relationship that human beings have with them. For as we
will see, the simple act of loving and appreciating an object can act like a
breath of air upon an ember, causing it to reignite into a flame.
When I write about these hospitals as “artifacts,” I am speaking generally
of them as structures which, apart from all that they contain, have their own
energetic radiance. Both hospitals were created to be places of healing and
both hospitals were created as businesses needing to generate income to
survive. However, in the case of the first hospital, the dominant human
purpose was to make a “temple of healing” and in the case of the second, it
was commercial success. The difference in emphasis shows up in the energy
fields of the hospitals. Even today, for all that it has improved, the subtle
presence of the newer, second hospital seems to me still not as energetically
connected and integrated with its natural environment, in spite of the vitality
and beauty of that environment itself, as the first hospital is with its
surroundings, even though it is mainly in a commercial district of its town.
Whatever the impact of human thought and emotion upon them, subtle
organisms cannot die. Their Light and life cannot be extinguished.
However, they can be “dimmed” to a point of dormancy or inertness in which
they become obstructions to the flow of subtle energies. The consequences
of this are the subject of the next Field Note.
A twenty-minute drive from my house brings me to one of the natural
wonders of our area, Snoqualmie Falls, where the Snoqualmie River plunges
268 feet over a cliff as it makes its way to Puget Sound. This site has long
been considered sacred by the local Native American tribes, and it’s not
difficult to see why. Even without any sensitivity to the subtle energies of the
place, the setting itself is beautiful and inspiring.
In 1916, a lodge was built on the rise overlooking the Falls. Since then, it
has expanded into a large, luxury resort with an adjoining park where
families can picnic and enjoy the setting and the view and even hike a trail
down the cliff to the river below. It was often a favorite place to take our
children when they were young.
There is another trail that leads to the Falls. This one approaches from
the lower Snoqualmie River and is a long hike through rough, forested
terrain. Eventually, you come out at the bottom of the Falls, across the river
from the trail descending down the cliff from the lodge.
One day, we decided to visit the Falls using this trail. As we were hiking
along, I suddenly entered into an altered state of awareness and found myself
seeing everything around me from the perspective of one of the nature spirits
of the forest. It was an awesome moment. I’ve never taken psychedelic
drugs of any kind, but I could imagine it was the kind of thing a person “on a
trip” might experience. I found myself in the midst of a riot of conversations
going on between the bushes, the trees, the shrubs, the stones, the soil,
everything around me, a conversation conducted in bursts and currents of
color, energy, and what seemed to me to be a constant exchange of
molecules. I remember thinking, “It’s all chemistry! Everything is
This state lasted maybe five minutes or so as I walked along. I could feel
and at times see the small nature spirits active within the forest and felt
myself held within the energy field of a larger being, whose perspective I
seemed to be sharing.
All at once, we topped a rise, and before me, though a clearing in the
branches, I could see the Falls ahead of us and the lodge sitting next to them.
To my surprise, instead of a beautiful building—and the lodge is beautiful—I
saw something dark and unpleasant. For all the activity of the humans in and
around the lodge, who generated their own kind of lively subtle energy, to the
nature spirit whose consciousness I was temporarily sharing, the building was
energetically dead, creating a zone that seemed to obstruct the flow of subtle
life around it. It was like seeing a patch of dead skin on an otherwise healthy
Around it, I sensed a turbulence of force in the subtle environment, like
water rushing around a boulder placed into a river. It felt as if currents of
energy were being blocked or diverted in some manner that I couldn’t fully
perceive or understand. Yet, I could feel the disharmony that was the result.
Something akin to what in Britain is called a ley line was being
The thought and energy that goes into the lodge is largely commercial—
it’s a spa and resort, after all, and an expensive one! Creating energetic
harmony and connection with the surrounding environment was probably not
the uppermost thought in its construction. The result, at least as far as the
nature spirit who showed me this was concerned, is a subtle form that acts as
an obstruction rather than a partner to the subtle energies of the land. It
doesn’t heighten the beneficial effects of the ley line as much as it diminishes
In an ideal situation, life-supporting, life-nourishing, and life-
empowering subtle energies flowing through the subtle environments of the
world would flow in an unobstructed manner through the domains of nature,
humanity, and our artifacts, as the sketch following indicates.
Unobstructed Flow of Gaian Life-Energies
This flow of life-force contributes to the overall health and wholeness of
the planetary system and its interrelated subtle and physical ecosystems. If
this flow is obstructed, then any subtle organisms affected by that obstruction
may well experience less life-energy to work with and less stimulation for
their own evolution. Their ability to participate in the collective function of
emergence as represented by Grail Space may be diminished, as I have
I want to go back to the experience I recounted in Field Note 3. You will
remember that I was alerted by a nature spirit to observe a ribbon of golden
Light descending upon the neighborhood, or at least that is how my mind and
inner vision interpreted what was happening. This was not the first or only
time I’ve been aware of this phenomenon. As I said, I’m aware of currents of
blessing radiating out from the great Deva overlighting Mt. Rainier to the
south of where I live and from other similar Devas overlighting the
mountains that surround the Puget Sound area. Likewise, on a smaller scale,
I’m aware at times of Light radiating into the neighborhood from the being I
call the Lady of the Lake overlighting Lake Sammamish. There is nothing
unusual about this; such currents or emanations of life-force and blessing
from higher-frequency beings is a vital part of subtle ecosystems everywhere.
Subtle energy outpourings and blessings like the golden ribbon I saw
descending like mist onto my neighborhood are eventually absorbed by the
elementals, nature spirits, and other subtle beings and spirits, enhancing both
the non-physical and physical life of the area. However, it is not absorbed
equally. The soil, the plants, the trees, and I imagine, the animals that make
up the neighborhood seemed to take it in easily. But cars, houses, light posts,
and other artifacts not so much. It depended on the vitality and
connectedness of the techno-elementals associated with those artifacts. Some
were very responsive, others—as far as I could tell—not so much.
Over the years, as I’ve walked through my neighborhood, I have noticed
that some houses are surrounded and filled with a vital energy field while
others are less so, and a few seem to have no energetic life to speak of, even
though they are not empty but are homes to families. A diminished house-
field doesn’t necessarily tell me anything about the occupants of the house,
only that the techno-elementals of that structure are largely ignored and are in
what in a human being would be an unconscious or barely conscious state, a
condition not at all unusual for artifacts in the modern world.
In the modern world, we are increasingly creating artifacts and
environments that diminish or break the natural connections between the
larger subtle environment and the techno-elementals, particularly the
artifactals, often to their detriment. Rather than the unbroken flow we saw in
Figure 10, now the situation looks like this:
Obstructed Flow of Gaian Life-Energies
It is as if the life-energy, the sentiency, within our artifacts becomes inert,
which can act as a drag upon the whole of the subtle environment. When
sensitives talk about how “dense” matter is, it is this condition surrounding
and affecting the energy fields of our artifacts that they may be experiencing.
Again, I want to stress that not all artifacts and structures are
disconnected from the flow of subtle energies. Our cities, towns, villages,
and countrysides are filled with buildings that are both connected to and
resonant with the subtle realms and those that are not, that act as boulders in a
flowing stream.
It’s way too simplistic to say that cities are disconnected simply because
they are human artifacts. This is not a “city vs. nature” affair. It’s quite
possible for areas in nature to become energetically enclosed and
disconnected as well. The main difference is that if and when this occurs in a
non-human environment, there are subtle forces and beings—functioning a
bit like a human immune system—that can respond to restore harmony,
balance, and connectedness. In a human environment, this is less automatic
and can be problematic since the constant barrage of human thought and
emotion can make the work of such beings difficult. It’s hard to clean a wall
if someone is continually marking it up!
This is an environmental challenge, much as pollution is in the physical
world. The problem is that we don’t recognize the problem. We can be aware
when a place doesn’t “feel right” or has a “bad atmosphere,” but in our
materialistic society, we generally don’t grasp how deep or extensive an
effect this can be. We don’t recognize the impact of subtle energies nor how
that impact can affect our bodies and our minds and emotions. Equally, we
don’t recognize how our own thinking and feeling can affect the subtle
environment around us. We know how our minds and emotions affect our
bodies and vice versa. The links between our psychology and our physiology
are well-explored. Similarly, many people have an understanding and an
experience of how the spiritual dimension affects their lives. What we lack is
a comparable understanding of how we are affected by what happens in the
subtle environment around us. If the energy-life of our artifacts and the
artifactals within them is diminished, our subtle life can be diminished as
well. We are deprived of whatever Light they might ordinarily give us, but
even more, we are cut off from the vitalizing flows of subtle energies and
life-force from the spiritual realms of nature. Living in the midst of human-
generated energy fields, we end up stewing in our own psychic juices.
An example of what I mean occurred when I was invited to do a
workshop at a spiritual conference center in the early Eighties. When I began
my workshop, I felt like I was having to “push through” a fog. I could sense
the participants feeling uneasy and even irritable in ways that had nothing to
do with anything I was saying.
During a break, I used my inner perception to examine the room
(something I should have done right off the bat), and discovered that the
walls were covered with “psychic grime.” It was evident that this was the
cause of the unpleasant feelings in the room. I asked one of the people
running the center what the room was used for, and she said that it was where
they regularly held Primal Scream and other types of psychologically
cathartic workshops. In effect, people were regularly dumping their negative
emotions and thoughts into the subtle environment of the room where it was
being soaked up like psychic lint and soot by the walls and ceiling and floor.
This had been going on for months, and during this time, no one was doing
any kind of energy hygiene or cleansing in the room after all the emotional
discharging was finished.
I called on my own subtle allies and the spiritual allies of the center itself
and did an energy cleansing during the lunch break. That took care of the
problem, and the workshop continued in a refreshed and vitalized atmosphere
that everyone could feel and appreciate.
This was a mild case of energetic soot caused by techno-elementals being
unable to refresh and recharge themselves. The conference center in
question was run by dedicated people whose intent to serve people
psychologically and spiritually brought its own Light into the place that
helped compensate. However, in places where human suffering and violence
are the norm, especially over time as a result of intent, and where hatred, fear,
and other negative emotions have been prevalent, a subtle energy
environment can be created that invites and sustains truly malicious and
hurtful “dark riders.” They become insulated from the Light by the
disconnectedness of the artifactals within the structure or within the artifacts
used to create harm.
Such dark riders can be anything from human-generated thought-forms to
subtle lifeforms broken and damaged in themselves. They can exert a
negative and malevolent influence on the subtle environments and the minds
and emotions of those who participate in such environments or who use
artifacts corrupted in this manner. Cleansing such a situation requires special
resources and skills, a deep capacity for love and for equanimity and peace,
and an unshakable attunement to the Sacred. Like cleaning up a toxic waste
dump on the physical, it is something that requires knowledge, training, and
the right equipment. It’s not something to be tackled in a casual or
unprepared way.
Fortunately, most of our environments, at least in my experience, do not
attract nor can they sustain such truly negative and evil dark riders. But
unless efforts are made to keep our energetic subtle environments clean and
the techno-elementals blessed and aligned—something I will discuss in more
detail in a later Field Note—any environment can accumulate a layer of
energetic soot. When this happens, negative emanations born of our own
emotions and thoughts can linger and be an influence upon us longer than
they might be otherwise. Our own subtle energy resources can be diminished
in response.
The disconnection and diminishment of vitality and Light I have been
describing primarily affects the artifactals and, as I pointed out, the kind of
“riders” that may attach to them. Other types of allies and Sacramentals are
less affected in themselves, but the diminished energetic conditions can make
it more difficult for them to connect and align with a given artifact, whether
it’s an object like my chalice or a structure like a building. They may wish to
help but find it energetically difficult to do so. I may invoke a higher-
frequency spiritual being, such as an angel, to overlight a particular object
like my chalice, but if I have not cleansed its energy field and awakened its
own inherent sentiency and life, the invocation may not “stick.” No talisman
is created, nor is any Sacramental or ally aligned, though I might pretend that
these things have happened simply because I did an invocation or ritual.
Engaging with Techno-Elementals
In Field Note 13, I discussed the collaborative, co-creative function of
emergence, a key factor in the evolution of life and consciousness. I used the
image of Grail Space as a way of imagining this function. With this in mind,
one of the most important things we can do to assist the techno-elemental
(and, for that matter, natural elemental) life around us is to use our internal
ability to create Grail Space to do so externally. As I described in the earlier
Field Note, human subtle energies can block artifactals from the connection
with nature spirits that would ordinarily draw out and enhance their
evolutionary potentials by co-creating Grail Space with them. Since we have
drawn these beings into our world, we have a responsibility to provide this
help, and we can do so using our own capacity to form Grail Space.
Using intention and love, we can reach out to the life and Light within the
subtle organisms in our environment, inviting them to join us and participate
in jointly bringing a Grail Space into being. Such a space creates a field that
empowers and heightens the evolutionary processes of all who take part. We
are sharing our Grail Space-making capacity with those subtle lives who
normally cannot do so on their own.
In the Appendix, I offer a suggested exercise in creating Grail Space.
Mostly, we want to remember that the lives within the artifacts that
surround us in our environments are in our care. They all deserve our love,
whether artifactals, riders, allies, sacramentals, or electro-elementals. We are
a contributing factor to their well-being and evolution, sometimes the most
powerful factor. It is our responsibility as human beings not to diminish
them, burden them with negativity, or disconnect them from their natural
surroundings or from their evolutionary drive. We are partners in revealing
and manifesting the sacredness that is within all creation. We are roomies in
the university of Gaian life and spiritual evolution.
Generally speaking, each time we hold or use an artifact, or enter a
building or a room, or gaze upon something someone has created, we have an
opportunity to engage with techno-elementals. The simplest way to do so is
to acknowledge and affirm their presence and their life as fellow evolving
beings, to appreciate them for what they are and what they do—for the
sacredness within them—and to send them love and blessing in whatever
manner is appropriate. In other words, be aware that you are always in the
midst of life and honor it accordingly.
When you are in a building or in your own home, a simple approach is to
attune to an angel or Deva overlighting that building, or your home, and, after
greeting it with appreciation and love, ask it to bless all the subtle lives—and
the physical ones, too—that are within its field of awareness, which generally
will mean within that structure. When you make connection in your own
mind between the techno-elementals and the overlighting angelic or Devic
intelligence, it adds your energy to the connections that are already there and
strengthens them.
If you would like to do something more specific to engage with the
techno-elementals of your world, here are two fundamental exercises—Touch
of Love and Grail Space—to get you started.
The Exercise
• Begin by standing in your own Sovereignty, in the felt sense of your
unique identity and your connection to your soul and to the sacred. If
you wish, you can imagine this Sovereignty as a “spine” of Light within
you, an axis around which your physical and subtle bodies develop and
• Imagine this spine of Light becoming brighter and brighter as it unfolds
from the love within your Soul and within the Sacred of which it is a
part. As this Light becomes brighter within you, it expands and enfolds
• Imagine yourself standing in an oval of Light emanating from your
“spine” of Sovereignty and individuality, an oval that surrounds you on
all sides, top and bottom, connecting you with the energies of the world.
It forms and radiates from you as a personal Grail, an incarnational field
holding sacredness.
• Everything in your immediate environment is an expression of the
Sacred. Everything you see participates in the primal Grail Space.
Everything has within itself a “spine” of incarnational intent and Light,
its own form of Sovereignty and identity, its own purpose and
evolutionary spirit. Imagine yourself surrounded with a multitude of
“grails of Light” emanating from everything in the space around you. In
your heart, acknowledge and give honor to the presence of all these
“spines” or “grails” of incarnational and sacred Light.
• Imagine the aura of your internal, personal Grail of sacredness and
incarnational Light expanding into the room, joining in love with the
myriad multitude of Lights all around you, inviting them into an alliance
and collaboration with you. Feel your Light augmenting and blending
with the Lights around you, feel their Lights blending with and
augmenting your own. You are forming a subtle partnership with your
environment and everything seen and unseen within it. Feel this
partnership turning your immediate, local environment into a Grail that
you and all the things around you collaborate to create, a Grail you share.
• The felt sense of this partnership and the field of reciprocal energy that
generates it is the Grail Space. It is a field of collaborative partnership
and support in the incarnational process with everything around you in
your local space, a partnership and fellowship that can receive and hold a
Presence of sacredness, a presence of Gaia.
• Standing in this Grail Space, acknowledge this Presence of sacredness
heightened in yourself and your environment. Imagine it being held in
this space, doing whatever it needs to do to foster wholeness and well-
being within your surroundings and then overflowing into the larger
world beyond, a source of energy, blessing, love, and life.
• Stay in this Grail Space as long as feels comfortable. When you feel tired
or restless, simply draw your Self-Light back into yourself, giving thanks
to your energy partners for their participation. Imagine their incarnational
light moving back into themselves as well, knowing the environment you
share will resonate with the Light and Presence you have collectively
invoked for as long as it is able.
• Stand in your Sovereignty, acknowledging your wholeness your integrity,
your identity, and your connection to the Sacred. Then go about your
daily affairs.
If you would like to explore other exercises for working with subtle
energies and subtle beings, please see my book, Working with Subtle
Energies. If you would like information about the principles of Incarnational
Spirituality, please see my book, Journey into Fire. In addition, the Lorian
Association offers classes and workshops in these topics. For information,
please see our website,