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123 - Weekly Update - Uttaran - 19 October - 24 October 2024

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Weekly update

Project: SHINE Organization: Uttaran

Name: Md. Mostafa Monwar, Designation: PM Period: 19 October – 24 October 2024
Sectors Sharing information
Major progress activities as below:
(Bullet point
including Output: 1.8
beneficiaries’ Activities: Day Observation:
information male & The International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction 2024.
In the year of 2024, we celebrate “The International Day for
Disaster Reduction 2024” on 21 October 2024 instead of 13
October 2024 due busy schedule of school at Alhaj Ali-
Achiya High School of Whykong union. In this year this day
focused on the theme of “empowering the next generation
for a resilient future”. The event was organized by a rally,
quiz competition, debate competition, football game, Ha-do-
do game, discussion session and prize giving ceremony.
Different committee members like SDMC, Student Council,
and Girls Club effectively participated in the program. Three
of our male staff joined the program. Approximately 450
participants presented at the program in where around 170
were female and around 180 were male participants.

Output: 2.1
Activities: Input support on Homestead gardening for
new camp beneficiaries:
In this week we have completed input (seed) distribution to
the disaster affected HG beneficiaries of FD-7 or camp
beneficiaries. We prepared a plan to distribute seed among
to the 1597 beneficiaries those who are affected by disaster.
We have 4 camp and total 3000 HG beneficiaries among
them we have identified 1597 beneficiaries for seed
distribution. Already we have distributed inputs (Seed) to all
beneficiaries. We have try to distribute seed house to house
in case of absent beneficiaries. Finally we have able
distribute seed to all disaster affected beneficiaries.
Following are the status of last week input
distribution( 19/10/2024 to 24/10/24)-

Sl. Distributed Total

Name of Camp Remarks
# Male Female Total
1 Camp-11 146 0 146
2 Camp-15 3 231 234
3 Camp-16 0 0
in last week
4 Camp-24 0 108 108
Total 149 339 488

In this week (19/10/24 to 24/10/24) LSP provided mentoring

Sectors Sharing information
support to the beneficiaries of new homestead gardening for
camp beneficiaries. They provided mentoring on preparation
for winter vegetables cultivation, water logging, seedling
production, intercultural operation etc. Following are the
status of mentoring support (MS) by the LSP and follow up
support by the staff.
Following are the LSPs Mentoring Support-
- How to provide trellises for bottle gourd, country bean,
Cucumber etc. crop.
- How to provide intercultural operation
- How to replace seedling if any seedling die of
- How to protect crop from the any insect or predator.
- How to communicate with DAE personnel of any other
actors if needed.

Sl. # Activities Female Male Total Remarks

1 MS by LSP 190 25 215
Follow up by
2 127 19 146
Total 317 44 361

Activities: Grant/Input support for new homestead
gardening farmer of host community:
In this week (19/10/24 to 24/10/24) LSP and staff provided
continuously mentoring support (MS) and follow up to the
host level HG beneficiaries. They discussed on following
- How to provide trellises for bottle gourd, country bean,
Cucumber etc. crop.
- How to provide intercultural operation
- How to replace seedling if any seedling die of
- How to protect crop from the any insect or predator.
- How to communicate with DAE personnel of any other
actors if needed.

Sl. # Activities Female Male Total Remarks

1 MS by LSP 112 15 127
Follow up by
2 75 10 85
Total 187 25 212

Output: 2.1
Activities: Grant/Input support for new commercial
farmers through paper voucher:
In this week (19/10/24 to 24/10/24) our respective LSP and
staff continuously supported and follow up to the
commercial farmers beneficiaries. They discussed on
following issues-
- How to harvest crop safely and marketing to the

Helvetas Bangaldesh
Sectors Sharing information
nearby market.
- How to get appropriate price when sale the crops.
- To provide biological pesticide if needed.
- To drainage extra water from the field.
- To ensure fencing around the field.

Sl. # Activities Female Male Total Remarks

1 MS by LSP 19 60 79
Follow up by
2 11 48 59
Total 30 108 138

Output 3.2
Activity: Capacity awareness raising through IPT
message delivery (Camp)
In this week we have organized an Interactive Popular
Theatre (IPT) at camp-24 by the participation of youth group
members. From host community youth group member also
participated at the event. One of our youth group member of
Hnila union participated at the event. The topic of the IPT
was reduced child marriage. Approximately 250
beneficiaries and local Rohingya people attended at the
event. Among them 90 were female and 160 were male
audience enjoyed the IPT. CIC and ACIC of camp-24
inaugurated the event. From the Uttaran PM and PO
participated at the event. Many others NGO personnel
presented at the event. The event held at Gas distribution
point of IOM. F Main topics were-
- Awareness build up on stop early marriage of child
- Reduce child marriage
- Bad effect of child marriage
- Government law about marriage (Not marriage under
18 for girls and 21 for boys)
- Build up social cohesion on reduce child marriage.

Coordination and Others:

- PM participated on budget review meeting at Helvetas

Cox’sBazar office.
- F&LO participated on Financial workshop, cash
Reduced, VAT & Tax calculation, Audit Findings
meeting at Helvetas Cox’sBazar office.
- Respective staff attended CIC’s monthly coordination
meeting at camp-15 on 22/10/24.
- A high official visitors from Helvetas visited our field
on 22/10/24.
- PO and respective staff communicated with UNO
officials of Teknaf upazila for closing certificate of
FD-6 on 23/10/24.
Finance, Admin &

Helvetas Bangaldesh
Sectors Sharing information
 Communicate with Senior Finance Officer of Helvetas
Logistic (input for financial issues.
purchase, cash  Bill voucher collection and adjust.
distribution, etc.)  Agricultural inputs (Seed) distributed to staff for
Challenge (Bullet
point but

Overcome (Way

 LSPs monthly meeting on 26/10/24.

 Monthly Staff Coordination meeting (date not fixed).
 Organize monthly meeting at three FPCSC
 Youth group Bi-monthly meeting.
 Follow up to new IGA beneficiaries house to house for
use of cash properly that’s they have received.
 Follow up visit to house to house and provide
Next week’s Plan technical support to HG beneficiaries.
(As bullet point  Follow up IGA beneficiaries and provide technical
activities name & support for business expansion.
target)  6 Integrated demo plots, 6 demo plots for technology
transfer follow up and provide technical support.
 6 Nursery follow up and provide technical support.
 Coordination with CiC, site development agencies,
Site Management and other relevant NGOs at camp
 Maintain good liaison and linkage with representative
of local government body.
 Weekly report preparation and submission.

Helvetas Bangaldesh

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