Computer Vision Notes
Computer Vision Notes
Computer Vision Notes
IMAGE FORMATION: Geometric Camera Models, Intrinsic and Extrinsic Parameters, Geometric
Camera Calibration – Linear and Non – linear approach, Light and Shading - Inference from, Modeling
Inter reflection, Human Color Perception.
Computer Vision
Computer vision is a field of artificial intelligence (AI) that uses machine learning and neural
networks to teach computers and systems to derive meaningful information from digital images,
videos and other visual inputs—and to make recommendations or take actions when they see
defects or issues. If AI enables computers to think, computer vision enables them to see, observe
and understand.
• Computer vision needs lots of data. It runs analyses of data over and over until it discerns
distinctions and ultimately recognize images. For example, to train a computer to recognize
automobile tires, it needs to be fed vast quantities of tire images and tire-related items to
learn the differences and recognize a tire, especially one with no defects.
• Two essential technologies are used to accomplish this: a type of machine learning
called deep learning and a convolutional neural network (CNN).
• Machine learning uses algorithmic models that enable a computer to teach itself about the
context of visual data. If enough data is fed through the model, the computer will “look” at the
data and teach itself to tell one image from another. Algorithms enable the machine to learn
by itself, rather than someone programming it to recognize an image.
• A CNN helps a machine learning or deep learning model “look” by breaking images down into
pixels that are given tags or labels.
• It uses the labels to perform convolutions (a mathematical operation on two functions to
produce a third function) and makes predictions about what it is “seeing.”
• The neural network runs convolutions and checks the accuracy of its predictions in a series
of iterations until the predictions start to come true
• Computer vision is a fascinating field that seeks to develop mathematical techniques capable
of reproducing the three-dimensional perception of the world around us.
• Vision is an inverse problem, where we seek to recover unknown information from
insufficient data to fully specify the solution.
• To solve this problem, it is necessary to resort to models based on physics and probability, or
machine learning with large sets of examples.
How an Image is Formed
• Before analyzing and manipulating images, it’s essential to understand the image
formation process. As examples of components in the process of producing a given image:
1. Perspective projection: The way three-dimensional objects are projected onto a two-
dimensional image, taking into account the position and orientation of the objects relative to the
2. Light scattering after hitting the surface: The way light scatters after interacting with
the surface of objects, influencing the appearance of colors and shadows in the image.
3. Lens optics: The process by which light passes through a lens, affecting image formation
due to refraction and other optical phenomena.
4. Bayer color filter array: A color filter pattern used in most digital cameras to capture
colors at each pixel, allowing for the reconstruction of the original colors of the image.
Focus is one of the main aspects of image formation with lenses. The focal length, represent f by is
the distance between the center of the lens and the focal point, where light rays parallel to the
optical axis converge after passing through the lens.
The focal length is directly related to the lens’s ability to concentrate light and, consequently,
influences the sharpness of the image. The focus equation is given by:
• Mathematical Formulation:
1. Ray Formation: To determine the ray of light that intersects the object and passes through
the pinhole, we can subtract the camera position from the object position. This gives us a
direction vector for the ray: (X — C_x, Y — C_y, Z — C_z).
2. Ray Projection: The next step is to project the ray onto the image plane. We can achieve
this by scaling the direction vector by the distance f and dividing it by the magnitude of the
vector. This normalization step ensures that the vector represents a unit direction: (f * (X
— C_x) / ||P||, f * (Y — C_y) / ||P||, f * (Z — C_z) / ||P||).
3. Image Coordinates: Now we have a ray in 3D space that passes through the pinhole and
intersects the object. To obtain the corresponding image coordinates, we need to find the
intersection point of the ray with the image plane. Let’s denote the image coordinates as
(u, v). We can compute them using similar triangles:
u = (X — C_x) / (Z — C_z)
v = (Y — C_y) / (Z — C_z)
These equations give us the image coordinates (u, v) for a given object point (X, Y, Z) in the 3D
world. By repeating this process for each object point, we can generate the image formed by the
pinhole camera.
• When it comes to forming images for computer vision, there are several challenges that
researchers and developers often encounter. Here are some of the common challenges:
1. Variability in lighting conditions: Lighting conditions can greatly affect the appearance
of an image, making it challenging to extract meaningful information. Shadows, reflections,
and uneven illumination can distort or obscure the objects of interest.
2. Variability in scale and viewpoint: Objects can appear at different scales and viewpoints
in images. This variation makes it difficult to develop algorithms that can recognize objects
reliably under different perspectives or sizes.
3. Occlusions: Objects in real-world scenes are often partially or completely occluded by
other objects or by the scene itself. Occlusions can make it challenging to accurately detect
and recognize objects in an image.
4. 4.Background clutter: Images can contain complex and cluttered backgrounds that can
distract or confuse computer vision algorithms. It becomes difficult to separate the objects
of interest from the surrounding clutter.
5. 5.Intra-class variability: Objects belonging to the same class can exhibit significant
variations in appearance, shape, texture, and color. For example, different breeds of dogs
or variations in handwritten characters can pose challenges in accurately classifying or
recognizing them.
6. 6.Limited training data: Collecting and annotating large-scale datasets for training
computer vision models can be time-consuming and expensive. Limited training data can
lead to overfitting or poor generalization performance of the models.
7. 7.Computational complexity: Many computer vision tasks, such as object detection or
semantic segmentation, require analyzing and processing large amounts of data. These
tasks can be computationally demanding and may require specialized hardware or
efficient algorithms to achieve real-time performance.
8. 8.Robustness to noise: Images can be corrupted by various types of noise, including
sensor noise, compression artifacts, or environmental factors. Ensuring that computer
vision algorithms are robust to noise and can provide accurate results is a significant
9. 9.Ethical and privacy concerns: Computer vision systems have the potential to invade
privacy or be used for unethical purposes. Addressing concerns related to data privacy,
bias, fairness, and accountability is crucial for the responsible development and
deployment of computer vision technologies.
• Before lenses came into existence, pinholes were used to capture images.
• World’s first camera model was invented using this model. F
• or a pinhole camera, a hole of the size of a pin is created on one side of a box and a thin
paper on the other side of the box.
• The light entering this hole will then project the image of the world on the paper.
• The image captured will be upside down i.e. an inverted image.
• Images are one of the most commonly used data in recent deep learning models.
• Cameras are the sensors used to capture images. They take the points in the world
and project them onto a 2D plane which we see as images.
• This transformation is usually divided into two parts: Extrinsic and Intrinsic.
• The extrinsic parameters of a camera depend on its location and orientation and
have nothing to do with its internal parameters such as focal length, the field of view,
• On the other hand, the intrinsic parameters of a camera depend on how it captures
the images. Parameters such as focal length, aperture, field-of-view, resolution, etc
govern the intrinsic matrix of a camera model.
• These extrinsic and extrinsic parameters are transformation matrices that convert
points from one coordinate system to the other. In order to understand these
transformations, we first need to understand what are the different coordinate
systems used in imaging.
• The rays pass the center of the camera opening and are projected on the 2D plane on the
other end.
• The 2D plane is what is captured as images by the camera.
• It is a lossy transformation, which means projecting the points from the camera coordinate
system to the 2D plane can not be reversed (the depth information is lost — Hence by
looking at an image captured by a camera, we can’t tell the actual depth of the points).
• The X and Y coordinates of the points are projected onto the 2D plane. The 2D plane is at f
(focal-length) distance away from the camera. The projection Xi, Yi can be found by the law
of similar triangles (the ray entering and leaving the camera center has the same angle
with the x and y-axis, alpha and beta respectively).
Camera calibration is a fundamental task in computer vision crucial in various applications such as
3D reconstruction, object tracking, augmented reality, and image analysis. Accurate calibration
ensures precise measurements and reliable analysis by correcting distortions and estimating
intrinsic and extrinsic camera parameters.
Light and Shading - Inference from
Light designates the interaction between materials and light sources. Shading is the process of
determining the colour of a pixel.
Light and shading play crucial roles in computer vision, influencing how images are captured,
processed, and interpreted. Here’s a breakdown of their importance and how they affect computer
Illumination Variability: The amount, direction, and color of light can vary greatly,
affecting how objects appear in images. For example, a scene illuminated from the side can
cast shadows and create highlights that alter the perceived shape and texture of objects.
Light Sources: Different types of light sources (e.g., natural sunlight, incandescent bulbs,
fluorescent lights) have distinct spectral properties and intensity levels, which can affect
the color and brightness of the captured image.
Shadows: Shadows provide depth information and can be used to infer the 3D structure
of objects. However, shadows can also complicate object detection and recognition if they
obscure parts of an object or create misleading visual cues.
Highlights: Bright spots where light directly reflects off surfaces can give clues about
material properties and surface orientation. They can also affect how textures are
4. Applications:
Machine Learning: Modern computer vision systems often use machine learning and
deep learning to learn how to handle variations in lighting and shading automatically.
Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and other architectures can be trained on large
datasets with varied lighting conditions.
Physical Models: Some approaches involve modeling the physical properties of light and
shading, such as using the Lambertian reflectance model or more complex bidirectional
reflectance distribution functions (BRDFs).
In computer vision, inter-reflection refers to the phenomenon where light rays bounce off
surfaces and affect the appearance of neighboring surfaces. Modeling inter-reflection is crucial
for accurate scene understanding and rendering. Here are some common approaches and
techniques used to model inter-reflection in computer vision:
PBR models simulate the behavior of light in a physically accurate way, including inter-
reflections. They use techniques like ray tracing or path tracing to calculate how light
interacts with surfaces and how those interactions affect neighboring surfaces.
Radiosity is a method for computing global illumination in scenes with diffuse surfaces. It
accounts for inter-reflections by solving the rendering equation, considering how light is
emitted, reflected, and absorbed by surfaces, and how this affects the light arriving at other
Monte Carlo methods, such as Monte Carlo ray tracing, are used to simulate the behavior
of light rays in a scene. They can simulate complex light interactions, including inter-
reflections, by tracing paths of light rays and computing their interactions with surfaces
and other light sources.
These models simulate the transport of light through a scene, considering how light from
different sources interacts with surfaces and how that light is redistributed through
reflections and refractions. Techniques like Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution
Function (BRDF) and Bidirectional Surface Scattering Distribution Function (BSSRDF) are
used to model these interactions.
5.Image-based Techniques:
In some cases, inter-reflections can be estimated directly from images using computer
vision techniques. For example, methods based on photometric stereo or shape-from-
shading can infer surface properties and inter-reflection effects from multiple images of
the same scene under different lighting conditions.
6.Deep Learning Approaches:
Recent advances in deep learning have also been applied to modeling inter-reflections.
Neural networks can learn to infer inter-reflection effects from images or to enhance the
realism of rendered scenes by considering light transport properties.
EARLY VISION: Linear Filters - Convolution, Fourier Transforms, Sampling and Aliasing, Filters as
Templates, Correlation, Local Image Features - Computing the Image Gradient, Gradient Based Edge
Detectors, Orientations, Texture - Local Texture Representations Using Filters, Shape from Texture.
Early Vision
• Early vision in computer vision refers to the initial stages of processing visual information,
where the focus is on low-level features and basic image characteristics.
• These stages are crucial for extracting fundamental elements from visual data, which serve
as building blocks for higher-level interpretation and understanding.
Linear Filters
In the context of early vision in computer vision and image processing, linear filters play a
crucial role in basic operations that mimic initial stages of human visual perception.
These filters are typically applied to raw pixel data to extract fundamental features or
enhance certain aspects of images. Here are some key applications of linear filters in early
1.Edge Detection:
Sobel Filter: Detects edges by computing the gradient magnitude in both horizontal
and vertical directions.
Prewitt Filter: Similar to Sobel but uses slightly different coefficients.
Roberts Cross Operator: Uses a 2x2 kernel to detect edges at 45-degree angles.
• Gaussian Filter: Smooths images by applying a Gaussian kernel, which reduces high-
frequency noise and blurs the image slightly.
• Mean Filter: Replaces each pixel value with the average of its neighboring pixels,
effectively reducing noise and smoothing the image.
3.Feature Extraction:
Laplacian of Gaussian (LoG) Filter: Enhances edges and detects features by first applying
a Gaussian smoothing filter and then computing the Laplacian of the resulting image.
Difference of Gaussians (DoG) Filter: Similar to LoG but approximated by the difference
between two Gaussian-blurred versions of the image.
4.Texture Analysis:
Gabor Filter: Used for texture analysis and feature extraction. It is a complex wavelet filter that
resembles the response of simple cells in the human visual cortex.
5.Corner Detection:
Fourier Transform Filters: While not strictly linear in the spatial domain, filters based on
Fourier transforms are used to analyze frequency components of images.
• Linear filters are characterized by their convolution operation, where a small matrix (kernel) is
applied to each pixel of the image.
• The output value for each pixel is typically a linear combination of the neighboring pixel values
weighted by the kernel coefficients.
• These filters are computationally efficient and widely used in early vision tasks such as
preprocessing for higher-level vision algorithms, feature extraction, and image enhancement.
What is Convolution?
• Convolution in image processing involves applying a small matrix called a kernel or filter
to an image.
• The kernel is typically a square matrix (e.g., 3x3 or 5x5) with numerical values that define
how the operation modifies the image.
• Convolution is carried out by sliding this kernel over the image and computing a weighted
sum of the pixels that overlap with the kernel at each position.
1.Kernel Definition: Define a kernel matrix that represents the operation you want to perform
on the image. For example, a Gaussian blur can be achieved using a Gaussian kernel matrix.
2.Positioning the Kernel: Place the kernel matrix over the top-left corner of the image.
3.Element-wise Multiplication: Multiply each element of the kernel matrix with the
corresponding pixel value in the image.
4. Summation: Sum up all the multiplied values to get the new pixel value for the center position
of the kernel.
5. Slide Over: Slide the kernel to the right (and possibly down) to repeat the process for all
positions in the image, computing a new value for each pixel based on its neighborhood.
1. Smoothing and Blurring: Gaussian and mean filters use convolution to blur images,
reducing noise and detail.
2. Edge Detection: Filters like Sobel and Prewitt use convolution to highlight edges by
detecting changes in intensity.
3. Feature Extraction: Convolution with specialized kernels like Gabor filters can extract
features such as textures, orientations, and frequencies from images.
4. Image Sharpening: Convolution can enhance edges and details in images by emphasizing
high-frequency components.
Properties of Convolution:
Fourier Transform
Frequency in images is the rate of change of intensity values. Thus, a high-frequency image is the
one where the intensity values change quickly from one pixel to the next. On the other hand, a low-
frequency image may be one that is relatively uniform in brightness or where intensity changes
very slowly. Frequency” means the rate of change of intensity per pixel. Let's say you have some
region in your image that changes from white to black. If it takes many pixels to und ergo that
change, it's low frequency. The fewer the pixels it takes to represent that intensity variation, the
higher the frequency.
• Sampling and aliasing are fundamental concepts in computer vision and signal processing
that are crucial for understanding how images and videos are captured, processed, and
• Here’s a breakdown of these concepts and their relevance to computer vision:
• Sampling is the process of converting a continuous signal (such as a visual scene) into a
discrete set of values.
• In the context of images, this involves measuring the intensity of light at specific locations
on a grid.
Sampling in Images:
• Pixels: An image is sampled into a grid of pixels, where each pixel represents the color or
intensity at that point.
• Resolution: The resolution of an image is determined by the number of pixels in the grid.
Higher resolution means more pixels and more detailed information.
Sampling Rate:
• Spatial Sampling Rate: In images, this is the density of the pixel grid. Higher spatial
sampling rates result in higher resolution images.
• Temporal Sampling Rate: In video, this refers to the number of frames per second (fps).
Higher frame rates lead to smoother motion.
Aliasing occurs when a signal is sampled at a rate insufficient to capture its variations accurately,
leading to distortions or artifacts.
Aliasing in Images:
• Visual Artifacts: When an image is under sampled, patterns that are finer than the pixel
grid may not be represented accurately. This can lead to artifacts such as moiré patterns or
jagged edges (also known as "jaggies").
• Nyquist Theorem: To avoid aliasing, the sampling rate should be at least twice the highest
frequency present in the image (known as the Nyquist rate). For images, this means the pixel
density should be high enough to capture the details.
To overcome Aliasing
1. Anti-Aliasing:
• Filtering: To reduce aliasing, anti-aliasing filters can be applied before sampling. For
images, this often involves applying a low-pass filter to smooth out high-frequency details
that could cause aliasing.
• Subsampling: Techniques such as supersampling or multisampling can help by sampling
at a higher resolution and then averaging the results to reduce artifacts.
Filters as Templates
• In computer vision, filters are essential tools used to manipulate and analyze images.
• Filters as templates, are often referred to the concept of template matching or using filters
in the context of convolutional operations.
1. Template Matching
• Template matching is a technique used to find a sub-region within an image that matches
a given template. Here’s how it works:
• Template: A small image or pattern that you want to locate in a larger image.
• Matching Process: The template is slid over the larger image (or vice versa) to check how
well it matches different parts of the image. This is typically done using similarity
measures like correlation or distance metrics.
• Result: The location where the template best matches the region in the image is identified.
• Template matching is commonly used in tasks such as object detection and facial
2. Convolutional Filters
• In the context of image processing, convolutional filters (or kernels) are used to apply
various transformations to an image.
• These filters can be thought of as templates that are convolved (slid over) the image to
produce different effects. Here’s how convolution works:
• Kernel/Filter: A small matrix (template) used to perform convolution with the image.
This matrix defines the type of transformation to apply, such as edge detection, blurring,
or sharpening.
• Convolution Operation: The kernel is applied to every pixel in the image by computing a
weighted sum of the pixel values within the kernel’s area. This operation generates a new
image based on the filter’s effect.
• Result: The output is a transformed image where features such as edges, textures, or
patterns are enhanced or detected.
• Correlation having similar operating steps as convolution operation which also takes an
input image and another kernel and traverses the kernel window through the input by
computing a weighted combination of pixel neighborhood values with the kernel values
and producing the output image.
• From above it is clear that only difference between correlation and convolution is that
convolution flips the kernel twice (with regards to the horizontal and vertical axis) before
computing the weighted combination.
• Whereas correlation maintains the original orientation of the kernel. It’s often used in tasks like
template matching, where the orientation of the kernel matters for finding occurrences of the
Why correlation ?
• Commutative in Nature : It means it does not distinguish between the input signal and
the filter kernel, whereas convolution is not commutative. This means correlation is more
suitable for tasks where directionality is not a concern, such as template matching or
feature extraction.
• Template matching capabilities : Correlation is performe’s better template matching as
compared to convolution as template matching tasks, where a smaller template image is
compared with regions of a larger image to find occurrences of the template. In template
matching, the orientation of the template in the larger image may not matter, so correlation
is preferred over convolution.
• Cross-Correlation in Registration: In image registration tasks, cross-correlation is often
used to align two images. Cross-correlation measures the similarity between two images
as one is shifted relative to the other. Convolution wouldn’t be suitable for this task as it
requires flipping one of the images, which isn’t desirable for registration purposes.
• Simplicity : Sometimes, using correlation may lead to simpler algorithms or
interpretations compared to convolution. For certain tasks, especially in introductory
contexts, correlation may be easier to understand and implement.
Local Image Features
• Local image features are a crucial component in computer vision, especially for tasks like
object recognition, image matching, and scene understanding.
• These features capture information about small regions of an image, which can then be
used to identify and analyze patterns and structures within the image.
Key Concepts
1. Feature Points: These are distinctive points in an image that can be reliably detected and
matched. They often correspond to corners, edges, or blobs.
2. Descriptors: Once feature points are identified, descriptors are used to describe the
appearance of the local region around each feature point. These descriptors help in
comparing and matching feature points across different images.
Popular Algorithms
1. Detection: Finds key points in the image and assigns them a scale and orientation.
2. Description: Generates a descriptor based on the local image gradients around
each key point, which is invariant to scale and rotation.
• Detection: Similar to SIFT but optimized for speed using integral images and a different
key point detector.
• Description: Uses a Hessian matrix-based approach for the descriptor, which is also scale
and rotation invariant.
• Detection: Uses the FAST key point detector to find features and then computes
• Description: Employs the BRIEF descriptor, modified to be rotation invariant, making it
efficient and suitable for real-time applications.
• Detection: Aimed at detecting features in nonlinear scale spaces, improving the detection
of features in different scales.
• Description: Uses binary descriptors, which are more computationally efficient.
• Computing image gradients provides essential information about the structure and
boundaries within an image, making it a foundational element in many computer vision tasks.
Key Concepts
1. Image Gradient: The gradient of an image at a point represents the direction and
magnitude of the greatest rate of intensity change at that point. It’s essentially a vector
that points in the direction of the most significant change in intensity.
Computation Methods
• Edge Detection: The gradient magnitude helps identify edges in an image, which are areas
of high intensity change. Edge detection algorithms like Canny use gradients to find and
refine edges.
• Feature Detection: Gradients are used in algorithms for detecting and describing local
features, such as in the SIFT or SURF algorithms.
• Image Segmentation: Gradients can help segment an image into different regions based
on intensity changes.
• Image Enhancement: Techniques like sharpening or contrast adjustment often rely on
gradient information.
• Gradient-based edge detectors are essential tools in computer vision for identifying and
locating edges within an image.
• These detectors rely on calculating the gradient of the image intensity to find areas of
significant change, which typically correspond to edges.
1. Sobel Operator
• Description: The Sobel operator calculates the gradient of the image intensity at each
pixel using convolution with Sobel kernels. It provides estimates of the gradient in the
horizontal and vertical directions.
1. Convolve the image with Prewitt kernels to obtain gradients GxG_xGx and GyG_yGy.
• Description: The Roberts Cross operator uses diagonal kernels to detect edges. It’s
particularly good at detecting edges in images with sharp intensity changes.
5. Laplacian of Gaussian (LoG) Detector
• Description: The LoG operator detects edges by first smoothing the image with a Gaussian
filter and then applying the Laplacian operator to detect zero-crossings where the
intensity changes sign.
• Process:
• Smoothing: Convolve the image with a Gaussian filter.
• Laplacian: Apply the Laplacian operator to the smoothed image to detect edges.
• Zero-Crossing: Identify edges as zero-crossings in the Laplacian response.
• Applications: Edge detection, particularly in noisy images.
• Description: These filters compute image gradients by convolving the image with
Gaussian derivative filters.
• They are useful for capturing edges at different scales and are less sensitive to noise
compared to the Sobel operator.
1. Orientation of Edges:
• In computer vision, "texture" refers to the surface quality or pattern of an object that can be
described by its spatial arrangement of colors, intensities, or patterns.
• Texture is crucial in various computer vision tasks because it provides information that helps in
object recognition, classification, and scene understanding.
1. Texture Features
• Statistical Features: These include properties like mean, variance, skewness, and kurtosis of
pixel intensity values. The Gray-Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) is often used to derive statistical
features such as contrast, correlation, energy, and homogeneity.
• Structural Features: These describe the arrangement of texture elements or patterns. Examples
include the size, shape, and orientation of texture elements.
• Spectral Features: Texture can be analyzed in the frequency domain using techniques like
Fourier Transform, where different textures are represented by their frequency components.
• Gray-Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM): Computes how often pairs of pixel with
specific values occur in a specified spatial relationship. This matrix can be used to extract
texture features.
• Local Binary Patterns (LBP): A simple yet effective texture descriptor that compares
each pixel with its neighbors to form a binary pattern. These patterns are then used to
characterize texture.
• Gabor Filters: These are used to analyze textures by convolving the image with a set of
filters at different orientations and frequencies.
• Wavelet Transform: This method breaks down an image into components at different
scales, capturing texture information at multiple levels.
Applications of Texture Analysis
• Object Recognition: Identifying and classifying objects based on their surface patterns.
• Image Segmentation: Dividing an image into regions with similar texture characteristics.
• Medical Imaging: Analyzing textures in medical scans (e.g., MRI, CT) to detect
abnormalities or diagnose diseases.
• Quality Control: Inspecting surfaces in manufacturing to detect defects or inconsistencies
• Local texture representations using filters are a fundamental concept in image processing
and computer vision.
• They involve analyzing and extracting features from images by applying different filters.
• These filters help to capture various aspects of the local texture, such as edges, patterns,
and variations in intensity. Here’s a breakdown of the key ideas and methods involved:
• Local texture representations are used to understand and describe the texture patterns
within a small region of an image. This can be crucial for various applications such as:
• Image Segmentation: Differentiating between different regions based on texture.
• Object Recognition: Identifying objects based on their texture patterns.
• Image Classification: Categorizing images based on texture characteristics.
1. Convolutional Filters: These are small matrices (kernels) that are convolved with the image
to detect specific features. Common types include:
• Sobel Filters: Used for edge detection by emphasizing gradients in the horizontal and
vertical directions.
• Gaussian Filters: Smooth the image by blurring, which helps to reduce noise and detail.
• Laplacian Filters: Detects regions of rapid intensity change and is used for edge detection.
2. Gabor Filters: These are used for texture representation and analysis. They are particularly
effective in capturing frequency and orientation information from the image. Gabor filters can be
seen as a bank of filters with different frequencies and orientations.
3. Local Binary Patterns (LBP): LBP is a simple yet effective method for texture classification. It
compares each pixel with its neighbors and encodes the result as a binary number. This captures
local texture information by focusing on the contrast between neighboring pixels.
4. Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM): This method analyzes the spatial relationship
between pixels. It computes various texture features like contrast, correlation, and homogeneity by
looking at how often pixel pairs with specific values occur in the image.
5. Wavelet Transforms: These are used to analyze texture at multiple scales. Wavelet transforms
decompose an image into different frequency components, allowing for multi-resolution analysis of
• "Shape from texture" is a technique in computer vision and image processing used to infer
the 3D shape of an object based on its texture patterns.
• This method relies on the understanding that textures can provide clues about the
underlying surface structure. Here's a comprehensive look at the concept and how it
• Textures in images are not uniformly distributed; they often follow certain patterns that
change with the surface's orientation and curvature.
• By analyzing these texture patterns, we can infer information about the 3D shape of the
surface on which the texture is applied.
Key Principles
1. Texture Gradient: As an object's surface curves or tilts, the texture pattern changes in a
predictable way. A texture gradient refers to the change in texture pattern over distance.
By analyzing these gradients, you can estimate surface orientation.
2. Texture Compression and Expansion: When a surface is sloped, textures appear
compressed or expanded. For example, texture elements might appear larger or smaller,
or more densely packed, as the surface tilts away from the viewer. By measuring these
changes, one can infer surface curvature.
3. Surface Orientation: The orientation of the surface can be inferred by observing how
texture elements align. If a texture is applied to a flat surface, its orientation remains
consistent, but if the surface is curved or inclined, the texture will deform accordingly.
1. Pattern Analysis:
• Parallel Texture Lines: If textures are parallel lines, their apparent convergence or divergence
can indicate surface tilt or curvature.
• Repeated Patterns: If the texture consists of repeating elements, changes in their apparent size
or spacing can indicate changes in surface depth or orientation.
2. Texture Gradient Method:
• Texture Gradient Extraction: Compute gradients in the texture pattern to understand how the
texture changes across the surface. This involves detecting variations in texture elements and
their relative distances.
• Depth Estimation: Use these gradients to estimate the depth of the surface at different points.
This can be done by comparing the observed gradient with the expected gradient from a known
texture pattern.
3.Photometric Stereo:
Multiple Light Sources: Capture multiple images of the same scene under different lighting
conditions. Changes in texture shading due to lighting variations can help infer surface normals
and, subsequently, the shape of the object.
3D Reconstruction: Combine texture information with camera motion data to reconstruct the
3D shape of an object. This technique involves capturing multiple views of the object and using the
texture patterns to assist in depth estimation.
Deep Learning Models: Train neural networks to recognize texture patterns and infer shape
information. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) can be used to learn texture features and their
relationship to 3D shapes from large datasets.
Mid-Level Vision
• In computer vision, "mid-level vision" refers to the processing and analysis of visual
information that falls between low-level features and high-level object recognition.
• It involves intermediate stages of visual understanding that help bridge the gap between
raw pixel data and high-level semantic interpretation.
• Mid-level vision typically includes the following:
Segmentation by Clustering
1. Feature Extraction:
• Color Features: Extract color information from each pixel, which could be in RGB, HSV, or
another color space.
• Texture Features: Analyze texture patterns, which can be captured using methods like
Local Binary Patterns (LBP) or Gray-Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM).
• Other Features: Depending on the application, you might use other features like intensity,
gradients, or more complex descriptors.
2. Choosing a Clustering Algorithm:
• Several clustering algorithms can be used for image segmentation. Some popular ones
K-Means Clustering:
Algorithm: K-Means partitions the pixels into K clusters by minimizing the variance
within each cluster.
Process: Initialize K cluster centroids, assign each pixel to the nearest centroid, update
centroids based on the mean of assigned pixels, and repeat until convergence.
Advantages: Simple and effective for images where regions have distinct color or texture
Disadvantages: Requires the number of clusters K to be specified and can be sensitive to
• Algorithm: Mean Shift finds clusters by iteratively shifting data points towards the mean
of their local neighborhood.
• Process: Start with a set of points, shift each point towards the mean of its neighborhood,
and update clusters based on the convergence of points.
• Advantages: Does not require specifying the number of clusters beforehand and can
handle varying cluster shapes.
• Disadvantages: Can be computationally expensive and may require careful tuning of
parameters like bandwidth.
• Algorithm: DBSCAN groups pixels based on density, identifying clusters of varying shapes
and sizes.
• Process: Define core points with a minimum number of neighbors and expand clusters
from these core points.
• Advantages: Can find clusters of arbitrary shapes and handle noise.
• Disadvantages: Sensitive to parameters like the radius and minimum points, and might
struggle with varying densities.
• Smoothing: Apply smoothing techniques to refine the boundaries between segments and
reduce noise.
• Merging/Splitting: Adjust the segments by merging similar regions or splitting large
segments if necessary.
• Edge Detection: Sometimes combined with edge detection methods to enhance segment
4. Evaluation:
• Quantitative Measures: Assess segmentation quality using metrics like the Davies-
Bouldin index, Silhouette score, or the Adjusted Rand Index.
• Visual Inspection: Check the segmented regions visually to ensure they align with the
expected structures or regions in the image.
Segmentation by clustering is versatile and can be adapted to various types of images and
applications. The choice of clustering algorithm and features will depend on the specific
characteristics of the images and the goals of the segmentation task.
• The Watershed algorithm is a powerful technique used in mid-level vision for image
• It’s particularly effective for segmenting images where objects or regions are separated by
varying intensity levels.
• The segmentation process will take the similarity with adjacent pixels of the image as an
important reference to connect pixels with similar spatial positions and gray values.
• The algorithm is inspired by the concept of watershed in geography, where water flowing
from different sources eventually meets at certain points, forming distinct basins.
1. Gradient Computation:
The Watershed algorithm starts by computing the gradient of the image. The gradient
represents the intensity changes and highlights the boundaries between different regions.
Typically, a gradient image is obtained using edge detection methods like Sobel or using
morphological gradient operations. This gradient image helps to find the edges of objects
in the image.
2.Markers Initialization:
• Markers are initial seeds or points that indicate the starting regions for segmentation. They
are placed in regions that are known to belong to specific segments or objects.
• Markers can be manually defined, automatically generated using techniques like
connected component analysis, or determined through other methods like thresholding.
3.Flooding Process:
• Imagine the gradient image as a topographic surface with varying heights. The idea is to
simulate "flooding" the surface from the marker points.
• Starting from each marker, the algorithm floods the gradient image, expanding the regions
until different markers meet or boundaries are encountered. As the water rises, it fills up
the different basins, which correspond to the segmented regions.
4.Region Boundaries:
• The boundaries where different markers meet during the flooding process form the
segmented regions.
• The final result is an image where different regions are separated by watershed lines,
indicating the boundaries of different objects or segments.
Steps in Detail
1. Preprocessing:
• Convert the image to grayscale if it’s in color, as the Watershed algorithm typically
operates on single-channel images.
• Apply a smoothing filter (like Gaussian blur) to reduce noise and improve
segmentation quality.
2. Gradient Computation:
• Compute the gradient magnitude of the image to highlight edges. This step is crucial
as it helps to identify the boundaries between regions.
3.Markers Placement:
• Create markers for the foreground (objects of interest) and background. Foreground
markers are placed inside the objects, and background markers are placed in areas that
should be segmented as background.
• Use the markers and gradient image to run the Watershed algorithm. This process will
segment the image into different regions based on the gradient and marker information.
5. Post-processing:
• Clean up the segmented regions by removing small, noisy segments or merging regions if
• Techniques like morphological operations (e.g., erosion, dilation) can be applied to refine
the segmentation results.
Segmentation Using K-means
• Segmentation using K-means clustering is a widely used technique in mid-level vision for
partitioning images into distinct regions based on color, texture, or other features.
• The K-means algorithm is simple yet effective, particularly when the number of segments
is known or can be reasonably estimated.
1. Initialization:
1. Select K: Choose the number of clusters (K) you want to partition the image into.
This number needs to be specified before running the algorithm.
2. Initialize Centroids: Randomly select K initial centroids (or cluster centers) from
the image data. These centroids represent the initial guesses for the center of each
2.Assignment Step:
• Assign Pixels to Clusters: For each pixel (or feature vector) in the image, calculate its
distance to each centroid. The distance metric is usually Euclidean distance.
• Cluster Assignment: Assign each pixel to the cluster whose centroid is closest to it. This
step effectively partitions the image into K regions based on the initial centroids.
3. Update Step:
• Recompute Centroids: After all pixels have been assigned to clusters, recalculate the
centroids of each cluster. The new centroid is typically the mean of all pixels assigned to
that cluster.
4. Repeat Steps:
• Iterate: Repeat the assignment and update steps until the centroids no longer change
significantly, or a maximum number of iterations is reached. Convergence is achieved
when pixel assignments stabilize and centroids are consistent.
• Segmented Image: The result is an image where each pixel is assigned a cluster label,
effectively segmenting the image into K regions. Each region corresponds to a cluster of
similar pixels based on the chosen features.
1. Preprocessing:
• Convert to Suitable Feature Space: If the image is in color, convert it to a suitable
feature space like RGB or HSV. You may also choose to work with grayscale images,
depending on the application.
• Flatten Image: Convert the 2D image into a 1D array of pixel values or feature
vectors. Each pixel is treated as a data point with its color (or other features) as
2. Apply K-Means Algorithm:
• Select Number of Clusters (K): Choose the number of desired segments or regions.
• Run K-Means: Apply the K-means algorithm to the pixel data. This involves initialization,
assignment, and update steps as described above.
3.Reshape Output:
• Reshape Labels: Convert the cluster labels back into the 2D image shape. Each pixel's label
indicates the segment to which it belongs.
• Visualize Segmentation: Display or visualize the segmented image, where each segment
is represented by a different color or intensity.
4. Post-Processing
K-means clustering provides a foundational method for image segmentation, offering a balance
of simplicity and effectiveness. It is particularly useful when working with images where regions
can be approximated as clusters in feature space.
• In computer vision, grouping and model fitting are crucial techniques for understanding
and interpreting visual data.
1. Grouping
a. Segmentation
• Thresholding: Simple method where pixels are grouped based on intensity or color
• Clustering-based: Techniques like K-means or Mean Shift that group pixels with similar
• Region-based: Methods that group neighboring pixels based on similarity criteria (e.g.,
Region Growing).
• Graph-based: Algorithms like Normalized Cuts or Graph Cuts that partition the image into
segments based on graph theory.
b. Feature Grouping
• Feature Matching: Involves grouping key points or descriptors (e.g., SIFT, SURF) from
different images to find correspondences.
• Object Proposal: Techniques like Selective Search that generate candidate regions where
objects might be located and group these regions for further analysis.
c. Clustering
2.Model Fitting
• Model fitting involves finding the best model that describes or fits the observed data. In
computer vision, this typically means fitting geometric models to data points or features.
Key aspects include:
a. Geometric Transformations
• Homography: A transformation used to map points from one plane to another, useful in
tasks like image stitching.
• Affine Transformation: Used for modeling transformations like rotation, translation, and
• Perspective Transformation: Models how a 3D scene is projected onto a 2D image.
b. Parameter Estimation
• Least Squares: Commonly used to minimize the difference between the observed data and
the model’s predictions.
• RANSAC (Random Sample Consensus): A robust method to estimate parameters by
iteratively fitting the model to random subsets of data and identifying inliers.
• Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE): Estimating parameters by maximizing the
likelihood of the observed data given the model.
• Template Matching: Fitting a pre-defined template to parts of the image to detect objects.
• Machine Learning Models: Using classifiers (e.g., SVM, neural networks) trained on
annotated data to recognize objects.
• The Hough Transform is a pivotal algorithm in computer vision and image processing,
enabling the detection of geometrical shapes such as lines, circles, and ellipses within
• By transforming image space into parameter space, the Hough Transform leverages a
voting mechanism to identify shapes through local maxima in an accumulator array.
• Typically, this method detect lines and edges, utilizing parameters like rho and theta to
represent straight lines in polar coordinates.
• This algorithm is essential in various applications, from edge detection and feature
extraction to more complex tasks like circle detection and generalized shape identification.
Why is it Needed?
• In many circumstances, a pre-processing stage can use an edge detector to obtain picture
points or pixels on the required curve in the image space.
• However, there may be missing points or pixels on the required curves due to flaws in
either the image data or the edge detector and spatial variations between the ideal
line/circle/ellipse and the noisy edge points acquired by the edge detector.
• As a result, grouping the extracted edge characteristics into an appropriate collection of
lines, circles, or ellipses is frequently difficult.
How Does the Hough Transform Work?
• The accumulator array, sometimes referred to as the parameter space or Hough space,
is the first thing that the Hough Transform creates.
• The available parameter values for the shapes that are being detected are represented by
this space.
• The slope (m) and y-intercept (b) of a line, for instance, could be the parameters in the
line detection scenario.
• The Hough Transform calculates the matching curves in the parameter space for each
edge point in the image.
• This is accomplished by finding the curve that intersects the parameter values at the spot
by iterating over all possible values of the parameters.
• The “votes” or intersections for every combination of parameters are recorded by the
accumulator array.
• In the end, the program finds peaks in the accumulator array that match the
parameters of the shapes it has identified. These peaks show whether the image
contains lines, circles, or other shapes.
• A line can be described analytically in various ways. One of the line equations uses the
parametric or normal notion: xcosθ+ysinθ=r. where r is the length of a normal from the
origin to this line and θ is the orientation
• The known variables (i.e., x i,y i ) in the image are constants in the parametric line
equation, whereas r and are the unknown variables we seek.
• Points in cartesian image space correspond to curves (i.e., sinusoids) in the polar Hough
parameter space if we plot the potential (r, θ) values specified by each.
• The Hough Transform algorithm for straight lines is this point-to-curve transformation.
• Collinear spots in the cartesian image space become obvious when examined in the Hough
parameter space because they provide curves that overlap at a single (r, θ) point.
• A and b are the circle’s center coordinates, and r is the radius.
• The algorithm’s computing complexity increases because we now have three coordinates
in the parameter space and a 3-D accumulator.
• (In general, the number of parameters increases the calculation and the size of the
accumulator array polynomially.) As a result, the fundamental Hough approach described
here only applies to straight lines.
• Fitting curved structures in mid-level vision involves understanding and processing visual
information to recognize and model shapes that are not strictly linear.
• Mid-level vision bridges the gap between low-level processes (like edge detection) and
high-level object recognition. Here’s a general overview of how fitting curved structures is
approached in mid-level vision:
• Edge Detection: Initial steps often involve detecting edges using methods like the Canny
edge detector or the Sobel operator. These edges provide the starting points for identifying
• Curve Models: Common models for representing curves include splines (like B-splines or
cubic splines), parametric curves (such as Bézier curves), and mathematical functions (like
circle or ellipse equations).
• Least Squares Fitting: This involves minimizing the difference between the observed data
points and the curve model. For example, fitting a quadratic or cubic polynomial to a set of
edge points.
• RANSAC (Random Sample Consensus): A robust method that can handle outliers. It
iteratively fits a model to a subset of the data and evaluates its consistency with the rest of
the data.
• Hough Transform: A popular technique for detecting curves by transforming the edge
points into a parameter space and identifying curves through accumulator cells.
• Region Growing: This technique groups pixels or edges into segments based on similarity
criteria and can be used to fit curves within these segments.
• Active Contours (Snakes): A method where a curve evolves to fit the boundary of an
object. The curve adjusts iteratively based on energy minimization principles, considering
both internal smoothness and external image features.
4. Feature Integration
a. Object Detection:
• Initial Detection: Each frame of the video is processed using an object detection algorithm
to identify and localize objects. Popular algorithms include YOLO (You Only Look Once),
SSD (Single Shot MultiBox Detector), and Faster R-CNN. These algorithms provide
bounding boxes and class labels for detected objects.
• Feature Extraction: Key features are extracted from the detected objects to aid in tracking.
This might include color histograms, texture patterns, or deep learned embeddings.
2. Tracking
a. Initialization:
• Object Initialization: The detected objects from the first frame are used to initialize the
tracking process. Each object’s position and appearance are recorded.
b. Tracking Algorithms:
• Kalman Filter: Used to predict the future position of objects based on their current
trajectory and movement model. It helps to handle noise and small occlusions.
• Particle Filter: Utilizes a set of samples (particles) to represent the possible states of an
object. It’s useful for complex motion models and scenarios where objects undergo
significant changes.
• Correlation Filters: Track objects by comparing the appearance of the object in the current
frame with a reference appearance model. Methods like KLT (Kanade-Lucas-Tomasi)
tracker use this approach.
• Optical Flow: Computes the apparent motion of objects by analyzing changes in pixel
intensity between frames. It’s useful for tracking objects based on how they move across
the image.
3. Integration of Detection and Tracking
a. Re-detection:
b. Data Association:
• Matching: Detected objects are matched to existing tracks based on features, appearance,
and proximity. Techniques such as the Hungarian algorithm for assignment or metrics like
Intersection over Union (IoU) are used.
c. Track Management:
• Track Initialization: New tracks are created for newly detected objects that do not match
existing tracks.
• Track Termination: Tracks are terminated if the object is no longer detected or has been
lost for an extended period.
4. Applications
5. Challenges
• Occlusion: Objects may be blocked by other objects or people, making detection and
tracking difficult.
• Appearance Changes: Variations in lighting, scale, or object deformation can impact
tracking accuracy.
• Computational Complexity: Real-time processing requires efficient algorithms and
significant computational resources.
• Drift: Over time, tracking accuracy might degrade, especially if the initial detection was not
a. Object Initialization:
• Initial Detection: The object to be tracked is first detected in the initial frame. This can be
done using object detection algorithms or manual selection. The object is usually
represented by a bounding box or a mask.
b. Feature Extraction:
• Appearance Model: Features are extracted from the object to create an appearance model.
This can include color histograms, texture patterns, or features from a pre-trained deep
learning model (e.g., using convolutional neural networks).
2. Tracking Process
a. Template Matching:
• Template Creation: A template or reference image of the object is created from the initial
frame. This template captures the object’s appearance and is used for matching in
subsequent frames.
• Template Matching Techniques: Methods like cross-correlation, normalized cross-
correlation, or more advanced techniques like the Sum of Absolute Differences (SAD) or
the Sum of Squared Differences (SSD) are used to find the best match for the template in
each new frame.
b. Tracking Algorithms:
• Correlation Filters: Algorithms like the Discriminative Correlation Filter (DCF) are used to
track objects by learning an appearance model and finding the best match in each frame.
The object’s position is updated based on the location with the highest correlation score.
• Mean-Shift and CAMShift: Mean-Shift tracking iteratively moves the object’s position to the
peak of the color histogram or probability distribution in each frame. CAMShift
(Continuously Adaptive Mean-Shift) adapts the window size and orientation to handle
scale and rotation variations.
c. Motion Models:
• Constant Velocity Model: Assumes the object moves with a constant velocity. This can be
used to predict the object's position in future frames and improve tracking robustness.
• Translation Only Model: Assumes the object primarily undergoes translations with
minimal changes in shape or appearance.
a. Error Correction:
• Error Handling: If tracking errors occur (e.g., due to occlusion or appearance changes),
methods like re-initialization or re-detection of the object can be employed to correct
• Drift Correction: Techniques like re-aligning the template or adjusting the appearance
model can help correct tracking drift over time.
b. Adaptive Models:
• Model Update: The appearance model is updated periodically to adapt to changes in the
object's appearance due to lighting, scale, or deformation. This helps maintain tracking
accuracy over longer sequences.
• Tracking objects using Linear Dynamical Models with Kalman Filters is a powerful
technique in computer vision and control systems.
• This method leverages the Kalman Filter algorithm to estimate the state of a dynamic
system (such as the position and velocity of an object) over time, based on noisy and partial
• Here’s a detailed explanation of how it works:
State Representation:
3. Kalman Filter Algorithm
• The Kalman Filter algorithm consists of two main steps: Prediction and Update.
Prediction Step:
• State Prediction: Predict the next state based on the current state and the state transition model:
Update Step:
• Measurement Residual: Calculate the difference between the actual measurement and the predicted
3. Applications
• Object Tracking: Predict and track the position and velocity of objects in video sequences or real-time
• Navigation Systems: Estimate the position and velocity of vehicles or aircraft.
• Control Systems: Apply in robotics for trajectory estimation and control.
4. Challenges and Considerations
• Linear Assumption: The Kalman Filter assumes linear dynamics and Gaussian noise. If the system or
noise is highly non-linear, extensions like the Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) or Unscented Kalman Filter
(UKF) may be required.
• Model Accuracy: Accurate modeling of the state transition and measurement models is crucial for good
performance. Incorrect models can lead to poor tracking results.
• Computational Complexity: While the Kalman Filter is computationally efficient, real-time
implementations in complex scenarios might require optimizations.
• The Kalman Filter is an efficient recursive algorithm used to estimate the state of a linear dynamical
system from noisy measurements.
• By predicting the state and updating it with new observations, it provides a robust method for tracking
objects, estimating positions, and controlling systems.
HIGH-LEVEL VISION: Registration, Registering Rigid and Deformable Objects, Smooth Surfaces and Their
Outlines - Contour Geometry, Koenderink’s Theorem, The Bitangent Ray Manifold, Object Matching using
Interpretation Trees and Spin Images, Classification, Error, and Loss.
• High-level vision in computer vision refers to the interpretation of complex visual information and
understanding scenes or objects in a way that is meaningful for tasks like object recognition, scene
understanding, and activity recognition.
• It contrasts with low-level vision, which focuses on basic image processing tasks such as edge detection,
color analysis, and texture extraction.
• Registering rigid and deformable objects in computer vision involves aligning images or data sets where
the objects of interest can either be assumed to be rigid (i.e., having fixed shape and structure) or
deformable (i.e., able to change shape).
• The techniques for each type of registration differ due to the nature of the objects and the transformations
Rigid Registration
• Rigid registration deals with aligning objects where the transformations are constrained to rotations and
• This means the object maintains its shape and size, and the only changes between images are due to the
viewpoint or position of the object.
• Rigid objects do not change their shape or size during registration, only their position and orientation may
change. The goal is to align these objects such that their geometric shapes match perfectly.
1. Feature-Based Methods:
1. Keypoint Detection: Extract features like corners or edges from the images using algorithms such
as SIFT (Scale-Invariant Feature Transform), SURF (Speeded-Up Robust Features), or ORB
(Oriented FAST and Rotated BRIEF).
2. Feature Matching: Match these features across different images to establish correspondences.
3. Transformation Estimation: Compute the rigid transformation (rotation and translation) that
aligns the matched features. Methods such as the RANSAC (Random Sample Consensus)
algorithm are often used to handle outliers.
2. Direct Methods:
• Iterative Closest Point (ICP): An optimization algorithm used to minimize the distance between points on
the surfaces of the rigid objects. It iteratively refines the alignment of two point clouds.
• Least Squares Optimization: Compute the rigid transformation that minimizes the sum of squared
distances between corresponding points or features.
3. Affine Transformation:
• For scenarios where a slight scale change or skew might be acceptable, affine transformations can be
used. They involve rotation, translation, scaling(Changes the size of an object by multiplying its original
coordinates by a scaling factor. Scaling can be used to expand or compress the dimensions of an object)
and shearing(Slants or distorts the shape of an object by adding a multiple of one coordinate to the other).
• Scaling and shearing are examples of linear transformations that can be applied to 2D or 3D point
Deformable Object Registration
• Deformable objects can change their shape and size. Registering such objects involves more complex
methods to account for these variations.
1. Thin-Plate Splines (TPS): A method used for smooth and flexible deformations. TPS can model
complex warps by minimizing bending energy.
2. B-splines: These allow for flexible and local adjustments to model deformations smoothly.
2. Variational Methods:
• Active Contour Models (Snakes): These models evolve to fit the contours of the object by minimizing
an energy function that incorporates image gradients and smoothness constraints.
• Level Set Methods: These methods evolve a contour or surface to capture the shape of the object while
accounting for changes in topology.
• Deep Learning: Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and other deep learning models can learn
features and deformations directly from data. Models such as deformable object detection networks can
be trained to handle a wide variety of deformations.
4.Registration Algorithms:
• Demons Algorithm: A technique for non-rigid registration that uses a transformation field to warp one
image to align with another.
• Normal Mixture Models: For statistical modeling of deformations, these models can capture variations
across multiple instances of deformations.
5. Elastic Registration:
• Elastic Deformation Models: Use spring-like forces to model deformation, applying elasticity principles
to align images or shapes.
• Smooth surfaces and their outlines are crucial concepts in computer vision, computer graphics, and
geometric modeling.
Smooth Surfaces
• Smooth surfaces are those without abrupt changes in curvature. They are often modeled mathematically
and visualized using various techniques.
1. Mathematical Representation:
• Parametric Surfaces: Represented by equations involving parameters. Common examples include Bézier
surfaces, B-splines, and NURBS (Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines). These are used to create smooth and
flexible shapes.
• Implicit Surfaces: Defined by an equation F(x,y,z)=0F(x, y, z) = 0F(x,y,z)=0. Examples include spheres
and toruses. Implicit surfaces are particularly useful for modeling complex shapes where explicit
parameterization is challenging.
• Subdivision Surfaces: Created by recursively refining a base mesh (e.g., Catmull-Clark subdivision).
These surfaces smooth out as the mesh is refined, making them suitable for high-quality modeling.
2.Surface Smoothing:
• Gaussian Smoothing: Applies a Gaussian filter to smooth the surface, often used in image processing to
reduce noise.
• Laplacian Smoothing: Adjusts vertices of a mesh based on the average of neighboring vertices, useful
for mesh refinement and noise reduction.
• Bilateral Filtering: Preserves edges while smoothing the surface, balancing noise reduction and edge
3.Surface Fitting:
• Least Squares Fitting: Minimizes the difference between the observed data points and the fitted surface.
• RANSAC (Random Sample Consensus): Robustly fits surfaces to noisy data by iteratively selecting
subsets of data points.
Outlines or contours of smooth surfaces are the curves or lines that define the boundary or significant features of
a surface.
1. Edge Detection:
1. Gradient-Based Methods: Techniques like the Sobel or Canny edge detectors find edges by
detecting significant changes in intensity or gradient magnitude.
2. Zero-Crossing Methods: Detect edges by identifying points where the second derivative of the
image intensity function crosses zero.
2. Contour Extraction:
• Level Set Methods: Evolve contours to match the edges of the object by minimizing an energy function
that incorporates edge information and smoothness constraints.
• Active Contours (Snakes): Refine contour shapes to fit the object boundaries by minimizing an energy
function that balances edge attraction and smoothness.
3. Shape Analysis:
• Fourier Descriptors: Represent contours using frequency components, useful for shape recognition and
• Curvature Analysis: Analyze the curvature of contours to understand shape properties and identify
significant features.
4.Boundary Extraction:
• Region Growing: Start from seed points and grow the boundary by adding neighboring pixels that satisfy
certain criteria (e.g., similarity in intensity or color).
• Watershed Transform: Segment the image by treating it like a topographic surface, where boundaries
correspond to watershed lines.
1. Computer Vision:
a. Object Detection and Recognition: Smooth surfaces and their outlines help in detecting and recognizing
objects by identifying their shapes and boundaries.
b. 3D Reconstruction: Smooth surface modeling is essential for reconstructing 3D shapes from multiple 2D
2. Computer Graphics:
a. Surface Rendering: Smooth surfaces are used to create realistic visual representations of objects in graphics
and animation.
b. Mesh Refinement: Smooth surfaces improve the visual quality of 3D models by refining their mesh
3. Medical Imaging:
a. Organ Segmentation: Outlines and smooth surface models help in segmenting and analyzing organs and
other structures from medical scans.
4. Robotics:
a. Path Planning: Understanding smooth surfaces and their contours aids in planning robot trajectories and
avoiding obstacles.
Koenderink’s Theorem
• Koenderink's Theorem is a significant result in computer vision and differential geometry, particularly in
the study of shape perception and the structure of visual information.
• It deals with the properties of the visual system in relation to the shapes and contours of objects.
Koenderink's Theorem
• Koenderink's Theorem, formulated by Jan Koenderink, addresses the following key insights:
1. Curvature Properties: The theorem provides a fundamental relationship between the curvatures of a 3D surface
and its projection onto a 2D image. Specifically, it describes how the intrinsic curvature of a surface (the way
it bends in space) affects the way that surface appears in a 2D image.
2. Shape from Shading: One of the practical applications of Koenderink’s Theorem is in shape-from-shading
• It helps in understanding how variations in shading can be used to infer surface geometry.
• By analyzing the curvature information encoded in the shading of an image, one can reconstruct the 3D shape
of the surface.
3.Local Curvature Estimates: The theorem also addresses how local curvature estimates can be derived from the
image’s intensity variations. This is important for algorithms that aim to recover the shape of an object from its 2D
Mathematical Insight
• Koenderink’s Theorem is rooted in the concept of differential geometry, which deals with the properties
of surfaces using calculus.
• The theorem provides a link between the Gaussian curvature and mean curvature of a surface and the
image curvature observed in a 2D projection.
Key Components
• Gaussian Curvature: Measures how the surface curves in different directions at a point. It's the
product of the principal curvatures.
• Mean Curvature: Measures the average rate of surface bending and is the average of the principal
• Koenderink’s results show that these intrinsic properties of a surface influence how it appears in a 2D
• For example, if you have an image of a curved surface, the curvatures can be analyzed to deduce the
surface’s shape.
2. Shape-from-Shading: The theorem is particularly relevant in algorithms that use shading information to
infer the 3D structure of a surface. It helps in understanding how variations in light intensity correspond
to surface geometry.
3. Object Recognition: Accurate recognition of objects can benefit from understanding the relationship
between surface curvature and image appearance, aiding in more robust recognition systems.
4. Visual Perception: The theorem also provides insights into how the human visual system interprets
shapes and surfaces based on curvature information.
Koenderink's Theorem is a powerful tool for linking the geometric properties of surfaces to their visual
representation, making it a cornerstone in understanding and developing computer vision techniques for 3D shape
reconstruction and recognition.
• The concept of the Bitangent Ray Manifold is an advanced topic in computer vision and computer
graphics, related to the study of how light interacts with surfaces and how these interactions can be used
for various visual tasks.
• It is particularly relevant in the context of shape-from-shading, photometric stereo, and 3D
• Surface Normals: In computer vision, the normal vector at a point on a surface is crucial for
understanding how light interacts with the surface. The normal vector is perpendicular to the surface.
• Bitangent Rays: These are rays that lie in the plane formed by the surface normal and the view direction.
They are useful in understanding how light that is reflected off a surface from different angles contributes
to the visual appearance of that surface.
2. Ray Manifolds
• A ray manifold represents the set of all possible rays that could be emitted from or received by a surface.
In the context of bitangent rays:
• Bitangent Ray Manifold is the collection of rays that lie in the bitangent plane, which is defined by the
bitangent vector and the surface normal.
1. Shape-from-Shading
• Reconstructing 3D Shapes: By analyzing how the intensity of light changes across an image, algorithms
can infer the surface shape.
• The bitangent ray manifold provides a geometric framework for understanding how different light paths
contribute to shading variations, aiding in the reconstruction of the 3D shape from a single image.
2. Photometric Stereo
• Surface Geometry Recovery: Photometric stereo uses multiple images of a surface under different
lighting conditions to recover its 3D shape.
• The bitangent ray manifold helps in understanding how different lighting directions interact with the
surface and how these interactions are captured in the images.
3. Reflectance Models
• Surface Appearance: By modeling how light reflects off a surface, bitangent rays help in creating
accurate reflectance models. These models are used for realistic rendering and for understanding how
surfaces appear under different lighting conditions.
Mathematical Perspective
• Parameterization: The manifold can be parameterized using the surface normal and bitangent directions.
This helps in mapping out the set of possible bitangent rays for a given surface.
• Ray-Surface Interaction: Equations describing the interaction between rays in the bitangent manifold
and the surface can be used to derive constraints and solve for unknown surface properties.
Practical Considerations
• Algorithm Design: Designing algorithms to exploit the bitangent ray manifold requires a good
understanding of both the mathematical properties of ray manifolds and the physical properties of light
• Computational Efficiency: Efficiently computing and utilizing the bitangent ray manifold involves
careful consideration of computational resources, especially when dealing with high-resolution images
and complex scenes.
• In summary, the bitangent ray manifold is a sophisticated concept in computer vision that provides
insights into how surface geometry and light interaction affect image appearance.
• It plays a crucial role in various applications involving shape reconstruction, surface analysis, and
realistic rendering.
• Object matching is a fundamental problem in computer vision, where the goal is to identify and match
objects between different images or scenes.
• Two techniques that are particularly relevant for this task are Interpretation Trees and Spin Images.
• Each of these approaches addresses the problem from different angles, and they can be used either
separately or in combination to improve matching accuracy.
1. Interpretation Trees
• Interpretation Trees are used for object recognition and matching by representing and comparing the
spatial relationships between features in a scene. Here's a detailed breakdown of how they work:
• Feature Representation: Interpretation Trees represent objects based on the spatial relationships
between features. Features are typically points, edges, or regions extracted from the object in the image.
• Tree Structure: Each node in the tree represents a feature, and the branches represent the spatial
relationships (e.g., distance, angle) between these features.
1. Feature Extraction: Extract key features from the images of the objects to be matched.
2. Tree Construction: Build an interpretation tree for each object based on the extracted features and their
spatial relationships.
3. Matching: Compare the interpretation trees of the objects. This involves checking the similarity between
the trees based on feature correspondences and spatial relationships.
• Robustness to Transformations: Interpretation Trees are robust to changes in scale, rotation, and partial
occlusions because they focus on relative spatial relationships rather than absolute positions.
• Structured Representation: They provide a structured way to represent and compare objects, making it
easier to handle complex shapes and relationships.
2. Spin Images
• Spin Images are a shape descriptor used for 3D object recognition and matching. They capture the shape
of an object in a way that is invariant to rotation and translation. Here’s how Spin Images work:
• 3D Shape Representation: Spin Images represent the local shape around a point on the object's surface
by projecting it onto a 2D histogram. This histogram captures the distribution of points around the
reference point in terms of distance and angle.
1. Feature Point Selection: Select key points on the surface of the 3D object.
2. Spin Image Calculation: For each feature point, compute the Spin Image by projecting the surface
points around the feature point onto a 2D plane. The resulting image is a histogram of point distributions
relative to the feature point.
3. Matching: Compare Spin Images from different objects. This involves computing similarities between
the histograms to find correspondences between the objects.
• Invariance to Orientation: Spin Images are invariant to rotation and translation, making them effective
for matching objects in different orientations.
• Local Shape Descriptor: They provide a robust local shape descriptor that captures the geometry around
a specific point on the surface.
• In practice, combining Interpretation Trees and Spin Images can leverage the strengths of both methods:
1. Feature Extraction with Spin Images: Use Spin Images to describe local surface patches or features.
2. Hierarchical Matching with Interpretation Trees: Build an interpretation tree based on these features
and their spatial relationships. Use this tree to handle global object structure and relationships.
• This combined approach can improve matching accuracy by using detailed local shape information from
Spin Images and structured spatial relationships from Interpretation Trees. This is particularly useful in
scenarios with complex shapes, varying orientations, and partial occlusions.
• Interpretation Trees focus on the hierarchical and spatial relationships between features, providing a
robust structure for object recognition and matching.
• Spin Images capture local shape information around key points and are invariant to transformations,
making them useful for recognizing and matching 3D shapes.
• By integrating both methods, you can achieve more accurate and robust object matching, handling a
wider range of variations in object appearance and positioning.
• In computer vision, classification, error, and loss are fundamental concepts used to evaluate and improve
the performance of models, particularly in tasks like image recognition, object detection, and
segmentation. Here’s an overview of these concepts:
• Classification in computer vision refers to the task of assigning an input image (or a part of an image) to
one of several predefined categories or classes. This is typically achieved using machine learning
algorithms, particularly deep learning models such as Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs).
Key Aspects
• Class Labels: The predefined categories that the model can predict. For example, in an image
classification task, class labels might include "cat," "dog," "car," etc.
• Training Data: Images that are labeled with their respective classes, used to train the model.
• Predictions: The output of the model, which assigns a class label (or a probability distribution over class
labels) to an input image.
• Object Detection: Identifying objects within an image and classifying each object (e.g., detecting and
classifying multiple objects like "car" and "pedestrian" in a street scene).
• Semantic Segmentation: Classifying each pixel in an image into predefined categories (e.g., "road,"
"sky," "building").
• Error quantifies the discrepancy between the model’s predictions and the actual ground truth labels. It's a
measure of how well or poorly the model performs.
Types of Error
• Classification Error: The proportion of incorrect predictions out of the total predictions. For example, if a
model incorrectly classifies 3 out of 100 images, the classification error rate is 3%.
• Confusion Matrix: A table that summarizes the performance of a classification algorithm by showing the
true positives, false positives, true negatives, and false negatives. It helps in understanding the types of
errors made by the model.
• Loss is a measure of how well the model’s predictions match the ground truth, expressed as a numerical
value. It quantifies the penalty for errors and guides the optimization process during training.
• Cross-Entropy Loss: Commonly used for classification tasks, it measures the difference between the
true class distribution and the predicted probability distribution. For binary classification, it's often
referred to as Binary Cross-Entropy, and for multi-class classification, it's referred to as Categorical
Mean Squared Error (MSE): Used in regression tasks and measures the average squared difference
between predicted and actual values. While not typical for classification, it's used in tasks involving
continuous outputs.
• Hinge Loss: Often used for Support Vector Machines (SVMs), it penalizes predictions based on the margin
between classes. It’s suitable for binary classification tasks.
• Gradient Descent: A common optimization algorithm used to minimize the loss function by iteratively
updating the model parameters in the direction that reduces the loss.
• Backpropagation: In deep learning, backpropagation computes gradients of the loss function with
respect to the model parameters, which are then used to update the weights during training.
OBJECT DETECTION AND RECOGNITION: Detecting Objects in Images - The Sliding Window Method,
Face Detection, Detecting Humans, Boundaries and Deformable Objects, Object Recognition – Categorization,
Selection, Applications – Tracking People, Activity Recognition.
• Detecting objects in images is a fundamental task in computer vision, crucial for various applications
such as autonomous driving, surveillance, and robotics.
Key Concepts
2. Bounding Boxes:
• Rectangular areas that enclose detected objects, defined by coordinates (x, y) for the top-left corner
and width and height.
3. Class Labels:
• Categories assigned to detected objects, such as "car," "person," or "dog.“
1. Traditional Approaches:
Haar Cascades: A machine learning object detection method based on feature extraction and classifiers,
often used for face detection.
HOG (Histogram of Oriented Gradients): Extracts features based on the gradients of image intensity,
commonly used with classifiers like SVM.
• A classical method that involves moving a window across the image and classifying each
segment. It can be computationally intensive but is foundational for understanding object detection.
• Part of the Faster R-CNN architecture, RPNs generate proposals (potential bounding boxes) which are
then refined and classified.
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs): Used to automatically learn features from images. CNNs are
the backbone of many modern detection systems.
YOLO (You Only Look Once): A real-time object detection system that frames detection as a single
regression problem, predicting bounding boxes and class probabilities simultaneously.
SSD (Single Shot MultiBox Detector): Similar to YOLO but uses multiple feature maps at different
scales to detect objects, balancing speed and accuracy.
• DETR (DEtection TRansformer): A new approach that combines transformers with CNNs for end-to-
end object detection, achieving high accuracy with fewer post-processing steps.
Evaluation Metrics
• Mean Average Precision (mAP): Measures the precision and recall across different intersection-over-
union (IoU) thresholds, commonly used to evaluate the performance of detection algorithms.
• IoU (Intersection over Union): A metric used to determine the overlap between the predicted bounding
box and the ground truth box.
The sliding window method is a classical technique for object detection in images. It involves moving a fixed-
size window across an image and classifying the content within that window.
1. Move the window across the image in a step-wise fashion, typically both horizontally and
vertically. The step size can vary; smaller steps provide more detailed coverage but increase
computational cost.
3. Extract Features:
For each position of the window, extract features that can help in classifying the content.
Common techniques include:
Use a classifier (like SVM, decision trees, or neural networks) to determine if the content within the
window corresponds to the object of interest. This can be a binary classification (object present vs. not
• To detect objects of varying sizes, the window can be resized, and the process is repeated for each scale.
6. Non-Maximum Suppression:
• After classifying multiple overlapping windows, apply non-maximum suppression to eliminate duplicate
detections and keep the most confident ones.
• Computationally Expensive: Sliding the window over every possible position and scale can be very
slow, especially for high-resolution images.
• Redundant Computation: Many windows might contain similar information, leading to inefficiencies.
• Using Region Proposal Networks (RPNs): Modern approaches often combine the sliding window
method with more advanced techniques like RPNs in convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to improve
efficiency and accuracy.
• Integrating Deep Learning: Utilizing deep learning models (like YOLO, SSD) can significantly
enhance performance by learning features directly from the data.
Face Detection
• Face detection, also called facial detection, is an artificial intelligence (AI)-based computer technology
used to find and identify human faces in digital images and video.
• Face detection technology is often used for surveillance and tracking of people in real time. It is used in
various fields including security, biometrics, law enforcement, entertainment and social media.
• In face analysis, face detection uses facial expressions to identify which parts of an image or video should
be focused on to determine age, gender and emotions.
• In a facial recognition system, face detection data is required to generate a faceprint and match it with
other stored faceprints.
• Face detection applications use AI algorithms, ML, statistical analysis and image processing to find
human faces within larger images and distinguish them from nonface objects such as landscapes,
buildings and other human body parts.
• Before face detection begins, the analyzed media is preprocessed to improve its quality and remove
images that might interfere with detection.
• Face detection algorithms typically start by searching for human eyes, one of the easiest features to
• They then try to detect facial landmarks, such as eyebrows, mouth, nose, nostrils and irises.
• Once the algorithm concludes that it has found a facial region, it does additional tests to confirm that it
has detected a face.
• To ensure accuracy, the algorithms are trained on large data sets that incorporate hundreds of thousands
of positive and negative images.
• The training improves the algorithms' ability to determine whether there are faces in an image and where
they are.
• Face detection software uses several different methods, each with advantages and disadvantages:
• Viola-Jones algorithm: This method is based on training a model to understand what is and isn't a face.
Although the framework is still popular for recognizing faces in real-time applications, it has problems
identifying faces that are covered or not properly oriented.
• Knowledge- or rule-based: These approaches describe a face based on rules. Establishing well-defined,
knowledge-based rules can be a challenge, however.
• Feature-based or feature-invariant. These methods use features such as a person's eyes or nose to
detect a face. They can be negatively affected by noise and light.
• Template matching. This method is based on comparing images with previously stored standard face
patterns or features and correlating the two to detect a face. However, this approach struggles to address
variations in pose, scale and shape.
• Appearance-based. This method uses statistical analysis and ML to find the relevant characteristics of
face images. The appearance-based method can struggle with changes in lighting and orientation.
• A region-based CNN, also called an R-CNN, generates proposals on a CNN framework that localizes
and classifies objects in images.
• These proposals focus on areas, or regions, in a photo that are similar to other areas, such as the pixelated
region of an eye.
• If this region of the eye matches up with other regions of the eye, then the R-CNN knows it has found a
• However, CNNs can become so complex that they "overfit," which means they match regions of noise in
the training data and not the intended patterns of facial features.
• While region proposal network-based approaches such as R-CNN need two camera shots -- one for
generating region proposals and one for detecting the object of each proposal -- SSDs only require one
shot to detect multiple objects within the image.
• Therefore, SSDs are faster than R-CNN. However, SSDs have difficulty detecting small faces or faces
farther away from the camera.
• Background removal. If an image has a plain, mono-color background or a predefined, static one,
removing the background can reveal the face boundaries.
• Skin color. In color images, skin color can sometimes be used to find faces; however, this might not
work with all complexions.
• Motion. Using motion to find faces is another option. In real-time video, a face is almost always moving,
so users of this method must calculate the moving area. One drawback of this approach is the risk of
confusion with other objects moving in the background.
• As a key element in facial imaging applications, such as facial recognition and face analysis, face
detection creates various advantages for users, including the following:
• Improved security. Face detection improves surveillance efforts and helps track down criminals and
terrorists. Personal security is enhanced when users use their faces in place of passwords, because there's
nothing for hackers to steal or change.
• Easy to integrate. Face detection and facial recognition technology is easy to integrate, and most
applications are compatible with the majority of cybersecurity software.
• Automated identification. In the past, identification was manually performed by a person; this was
inefficient and frequently inaccurate. Face detection allows the identification process to be automated,
saving time and increasing accuracy.
• Massive data storage burden. The ML technology used in face detection requires a lot of data
storage that might not be available to all users.
• Inaccuracy. Face detection provides more accurate results than manual identification processes, but it
can also be thrown off by changes in appearance, camera angles, expression, position, orientation, skin
color, pixel values, glasses, facial hair, and differences in camera gain, lighting conditions and image
• A potential breach of privacy. Face detection's ability to help the government track down criminals
creates huge benefits. However, the same surveillance can let the government observe private citizens.
Strict regulations must be set to ensure the technology is used fairly and in compliance with human
privacy rights.
• Discrimination. Experts have raised concerns about face detection's inaccuracy in recognizing people of
color, mostly women, and how that issue could result in falsely connecting people of color with crimes
they didn't commit. These worries are part of a broader concern about racial biases in machine
learning algorithms.
Detecting Humans
• Human detection is a subfield of object detection. An object detection system that can identify humans in
an image is called a human detection system. Let us look at some of the approaches through which we
can do human detection.
Early approaches for Human Detection
• Let us discuss some of the early approaches used for human detection.
• These approaches require less computing power than modern techniques and are readily available in
computer vision libraries such as OpenCV.
Haar Cascades
• OpenCV provides Haar Cascade-based object detection and contains pre-trained models for face
detection, full-body detection, upper body detection, and lower body detection.
• Let us discuss some of the early approaches used for human detection.
• These approaches require less computing power than modern techniques and are readily available in
computer vision libraries such as OpenCV.
Haar Cascades
• OpenCV provides Haar Cascade-based object detection and contains pre-trained models for face
detection, full-body detection, upper body detection, and lower body detection.
• Modern approaches for human detection mainly consist of deep convolution neural networks. Modern
object detection systems based on CNN are very accurate and can detect objects belonging to multiple
• Deep neural networks tasks can be solved by using TensorFlow. TensorFlow is an open-source API
provided by Google. We will talk about three models that can be implemented by using TensorFlow,
which can detect humans. Let us look at some of the popular deep neural networks.
SSD Mobilenet V1
• Mobilenets are light convolutional neural networks that can be implemented on mobile applications using
• SSD stands for single shot detector. It can learn to predict the bounding boxes and classify them in one
go. SSD can be trained end-to-end.
Faster RCNN Inception V2
• This model is used for object detection and is faster than RCNN and FastRCNN.
• It is used in many real-life object detection tasks and is even used in self-driving cars.
• RCNN stands for region-based convolution neural network and works by dividing the image into
different features or regions and classifying them.
• Faster RCNN model can provide good accuracy in less time if GPU acceleration is enabled.
• NASNet is one of the most accurate models available, and it can detect humans easily. Below are some of
the results shown by NASNet.
• YOLO (You only look once) is a real-time object detection system. YOLO passes the image through a
network only once and detects the object, unlike the RCNN discussed above that performs object
detection on the image regionally.
• YOLO is very fast and hence, very popular for object detection. YOLO splits the input image into mxm
grids and generates two bounding boxes and class probabilities for each grid.
Comparison of the models
Object recognition
• Object recognition in computer vision involves two main components: categorization and selection.
Here’s a deeper dive into each aspect:
1. Categorization
• Definition: Categorization refers to the process of identifying and classifying objects in an image based
on their visual features. The goal is to assign a label or class to each detected object.
• CNNs are the cornerstone of modern image classification. They consist of multiple layers that
learn hierarchical features from images, enabling them to classify objects accurately.
Transfer Learning:
• This involves using pre-trained models (like VGG, ResNet, or Inception) on large datasets (like
ImageNet) and fine-tuning them on a specific task, which saves time and resources.
Multi-Class Classification:
• The model predicts one class from multiple categories (e.g., distinguishing between a cat, dog, or car).
Multi-Label Classification:
• The model can predict multiple labels for a single image (e.g., an image containing both a dog and a cat).
Feature Extraction:
• Techniques like SIFT (Scale-Invariant Feature Transform) or HOG (Histogram of Oriented Gradients)
can be used to extract important features that assist in categorization.
2. Selection
Definition: Selection refers to identifying the location of objects within an image, typically by drawing bounding
boxes or creating masks around them. It’s about localizing the objects.
Object Detection:
• Bounding Box Detection: This involves identifying the coordinates of a box around each detected
object. Techniques include:
a. YOLO (You Only Look Once): A real-time object detection system that predicts bounding boxes and class
probabilities simultaneously.
b. SSD (Single Shot MultiBox Detector): Similar to YOLO but uses a different approach for detection.
• Combines region proposal with CNNs to detect objects. Variants like Fast R-CNN and Faster R-CNN
improve efficiency by streamlining the process of generating region proposals.
Instance Segmentation:
• This technique goes further than bounding boxes by providing pixel-wise masks for each object instance.
Mask R-CNN is a popular model that can perform both object detection and instance segmentation.
Semantic Segmentation:
• Classifies every pixel in an image into categories, treating all instances of a category the same (e.g., all
pixels labeled as "car" regardless of the number of cars).
• Autonomous Vehicles: Detecting and classifying pedestrians, vehicles, and road signs.
• Retail: Analyzing customer behavior and inventory management through object recognition.
• Healthcare: Assisting in medical image analysis (e.g., identifying tumors in radiology images).
• Variability in Appearance: Differences in lighting, angles, and occlusions can significantly affect
detection accuracy.
• Computational Complexity: Balancing the trade-off between accuracy and processing speed, especially
in real-time applications.
• Dataset Bias: Ensuring the training data is diverse to improve the model's ability to generalize across
different environments.
• TensorFlow and PyTorch: Widely used for building and training deep learning models.
• OpenCV: Provides tools for image processing and traditional computer vision tasks.
• Detectron2: A framework for object detection and segmentation developed by Facebook AI Research.
• By effectively combining categorization and selection, object recognition systems can robustly identify
and localize objects, enabling a wide range of applications across different fields.
Tracking People
• Tracking people in computer vision is a fascinating area that involves several techniques and algorithms
to identify and follow individuals across frames in video sequences.
1. Detection vs. Tracking
• Detection: Identifying objects (like people) in individual frames using methods like Convolutional Neural
Networks (CNNs).
• Tracking: Continuously following detected objects across frames, often using information from previous
2. Tracking Algorithms
• Kalman Filter: A probabilistic algorithm used for estimating the state of a moving object. It predicts the
object's future position based on its current state and motion model.
• Particle Filter: Similar to Kalman filters but can handle non-linearities and non-Gaussian noise better.
• Optical Flow: Analyzes motion between two image frames based on pixel intensity changes to track
• Mean Shift and CAMshift: Techniques that locate the peak of a probability distribution, commonly used
for tracking objects based on color histograms.
• YOLO (You Only Look Once): A real-time object detection system that can be combined with tracking
• SORT (Simple Online and Realtime Tracking): Utilizes object detections from YOLO or other
detectors and applies Kalman filtering for tracking.
• DeepSORT: An extension of SORT that incorporates appearance features (using deep learning) to
improve tracking accuracy.
• This involves tracking multiple individuals simultaneously, requiring robust data association methods to
match detections to existing tracks.
5. Challenges
• Occlusions: When people overlap or are temporarily blocked, tracking becomes difficult.
• Appearance Changes: Variations in clothing, pose, or lighting can hinder tracking accuracy.
• Real-Time Processing: Achieving high accuracy while maintaining a fast processing speed is crucial for
applications like surveillance.
6. Applications
• Metrics like Multiple Object Tracking Accuracy (MOTA) and Multiple Object Tracking Precision
(MOTP) are used to assess the performance of tracking systems.
• OpenCV: A popular library with functions for both detection and tracking.
• TensorFlow and PyTorch: Frameworks for implementing deep learning-based detection and tracking
• By combining these techniques and continuously improving algorithms, the accuracy and robustness of
person tracking in computer vision continue to advance.
Activity recognition
• Activity recognition in computer vision involves identifying and classifying specific actions or behaviors
performed by individuals in images or video sequences.
• It plays a crucial role in various applications, from surveillance and human-computer interaction to
healthcare and sports analytics.
• Static Activity Recognition: Identifying actions from still images (e.g., identifying a person reading).
• Dynamic Activity Recognition: Classifying actions in video sequences (e.g., walking, running, jumping).
3. Techniques Used
• Traditional Models: Support Vector Machines (SVM), Random Forests, and Hidden Markov Models
(HMM) were commonly used for activity recognition before deep learning became prevalent.
• Deep Learning: Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) for spatial feature extraction, combined with
Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) or Long Short-Term Memory networks (LSTMs) for temporal
sequence analysis.
• Several publicly available datasets are used for training and benchmarking activity recognition systems:
• HMDB51: A dataset with 51 action categories, featuring clips from movies and daily life.
• Kinetics: A large-scale dataset containing diverse human actions collected from YouTube.
4. Challenges
• Variability in Actions: Differences in how people perform the same action (e.g., running vs. jogging).
• Occlusion: Objects or people being partially blocked can hinder recognition accuracy.
• Context Dependence: The same action might be interpreted differently depending on the context (e.g., a
person waving can mean greeting or signaling).
5. Applications
• Healthcare: Monitoring patients' movements and activities for rehabilitation or elderly care.
• Human-Computer Interaction: Enhancing user experience by recognizing gestures and actions for
control and interaction.
• Sports Analytics: Analyzing player movements and actions for performance evaluation and coaching.
• Smart Homes: Detecting activities within a home to assist with elderly care or provide security alerts.
6. Evaluation Metrics
• To assess the performance of activity recognition systems, metrics such as accuracy, precision, recall, and
F1 score are commonly used. Additionally, confusion matrices can help visualize misclassifications
among different activities.
7. Future Directions
• Multi-Modal Approaches: Combining video data with other modalities like audio or sensor data (e.g.,
wearables) for improved accuracy.
• Real-Time Processing: Enhancing algorithms to process video streams in real-time for applications like
surveillance and interactive systems.
• Transfer Learning: Utilizing pre-trained models on large datasets to improve performance on smaller,
domain-specific datasets.