Computer Vision
Computer Vision
Computer Vision
Image Acquisition
Image acquisition is the first step in image
processing. This step is also known as preprocessing
in image processing. It involves retrieving the image
from a source, usually a hardware-based source.
Image Enhancement
Image enhancement is the process of bringing out
and highlighting certain features of interest in an
image that has been obscured. This can involve
changing the brightness, contrast, etc.
Color Image Processing
Color image processing includes a number of color
modeling techniques in a digital domain. This step
has gained prominence due to the significant use of
digital images over the internet.
Compression is a process used to reduce the
storage required to save an image or the
bandwidth required to transmit it. This is done
particularly when the image is for use on the
Segmentation is one of the most difficult steps of
image processing. It involves partitioning an image
into its constituent parts or objects.
Recognition assigns a label to an object based on its
Applications of Image Processing
• Image Reconstruction
• Face Detection
Benefits of Image Processing
The implementation of image processing techniques has
had a massive impact on many tech organizations. Here are
some of the most useful benefits of image processing,
regardless of the field of operation:
• The digital image can be made available in any desired
format (improved image, X-Ray, photo negative, etc).
• It helps to improve images for human interpretation.
• Information can be processed and extracted from
images for machine interpretation.
• The pixels in the image can be manipulated to any
desired density and contrast.
• Images can be stored and retrieved easily.
• It allows for easy electronic transmission of images to
third-party providers.
Image Processing Computer Vision
Image processing is mainly
focused on processing the Computer vision is focused on extracting
raw input images to information from the input images or
enhance them or videos to have a proper understanding of
preparing them to do them to predict the visual input like
other tasks human brain.
• Edge Detection.