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A Level 3 adventure for the world’s greatest roleplaying game.

Table of Contents
Introduction 3 Act 3: The Eclipse 13
Type of Adventure 3 Final Preparations 14
Roleplaying 3 Gathering Allies 14
Adventure Background 3 The Eclipse 14
Blessing of Selune 14
Act 1: Shadows over Silverpine 4 Final Confrontation 15
Eldara Maiven 4 Setting the Scene 15
Eldara’s Suggestions 4 Eldara’s Plea 15
Fara Greenleaf 5 The Battle Starts 15
Investigation the Patients 5 Final Combat Encounter 16
Raynor Braun (Guard Captain) 5 Enemies 16
Raynor’s Clues 6 Loot 16
Nyxara, Eldara, and Raynor Stat Blocks 17
Act 2: The Dark Plot 7
Overheard Information 7 Concluding the Adventure 18
The Plans (If Looted) 8 Celebrating the Victory 18
Interrogation Information 8 Story Awards 18
Combat Encounter 8 Rebuilding and Moving Forward 18
Returning to Eldara 9 Final Thoughts on Success 18
The Library - Beth Hathaway 10 Failed Outcome 18
Researching the Books 10 The Town’s Descent 18
Information Gathered 11 Future Adventures 18
The Fire 11 Final Thoughts on Failure 18
After the Fire 12
Appendix I: The Town of
Silverpine 19
Brief History of Silverpine 19
Economy 19
Laws 19
Defense 19
Notable Locations 19
Key NPCs 20
Extra NPCs 20

Appendix II: Eldara & Nyxara 21

Module Writer & Designer: Christopher D Ray
Graphic & Interior Design Adobe Stock Photos, Dean Spencer Art, Stock Artists, Midjourney.
Maps Tippydaug, Jamie Ray
Playtesting & Feedback provided by: Brent Lane, Keith Lane, Jamie Ray, Christopher Ray (DM)
Support and Patience Amanda Ray
PDF Created with The Homebrewery

Legal Stuff
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, and all other
Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA
and other countries. This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such
material is used with permission under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild. All other
original material in this work is copyright 2024 by Christopher D Ray and published under the Community Content
Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.

The Eclipsed Heart

elcome to the Eclipsed Heart, an adventure
designed for Dungeons & Dragons 5th
Edition, aimed at third-level players. The
Eclipsed Heart is meant to be an
introduction to new players or even a new
Dungeon Master running their first one-shot
adventure. It can also serve as a gripping
introduction to a longer campaign rooted in mystery and
supernatural phenomena!
This adventure is structured to be completed in a
single session of about four to six hours for a party of
three. However, as seasoned Dungeon Masters may
know, the flow of gameplay can vary.
For those new to Dungeon Mastering, it is
recommended that you familiarize yourself with the Nyxara Maiven
adventure’s content beforehand. Being prepared will
help you bring the spooky and mysterious elements of
Silverpine to life ensuring a memorable experience for
your players. This adventure assumes you are familiar
with the Dungeon Master’s Guide, Player’s Handbook,
and Monster Manual for any rule clarifications during
play. the Material Plane using a powerful artifact known as
Type of Adventure the Eclipsed Heart.
This artifact, a dark crystal pulsating with malevolent
You should probably inform your players that this is a energy, has the power to weaken the barriers between
mystery-driven narrative, not a “hack-and-slash” worlds during a lunar eclipse. The cult’s efforts were
adventure. They should anticipate investigating eerie thwarted by brave adventurers, and the Eclipsed Heart
occurrences, interacting with the inhabitants of was hidden away, believed to be lost forever.
Silverpine, and uncovering secrets rather than just In recent months, Silverpine has experienced a
battling monsters. The combat they encounter will be resurgence of dark events. Several townsfolk have been
intense and strategic. They will need to keep their wits struck by sudden, severe heart conditions with no clear
about them as they explore Silverpine, piecing together cause, and a number of residents have vanished without
clues about the cult’s plans to prevent the merging of a trace. Whispers among the villagers suggest that a
the Shadowfell with the material plane. new cult has risen, seeking to complete what their
predecessors could not.
Roleplaying Unbeknownst to the townsfolk, the cult is led by
The adventure provides NPC information as bullet Nyxara Maiven, a follower of Shar and the estranged
points for easy reference, but you are encouraged to sister of Eldara Maiven, Silverpine’s priestess of
role-play these interactions to enhance the experience. Selune. Nyxara has found the Eclipsed Heart and plans
When characters seek out rumors, ask them where they to use the upcoming lunar eclipse to merge the
go and improvise a talkative farmer or other townsfolk Shadowfell with the Material Plane.
who shares relevant details. If the players need to make Eldara, guided by visions from Selune, has foreseen
a Charisma check to get information, the adventure the arrival of adventurers who can stop this plot. She
includes the necessary DC, but feel free to have the seeks their help to investigate the mysterious
players roleplay their character’s approach or describe occurrences, uncover the cult’s activities, and stop the
their actions before making the check. cult’s plan.

Adventure Background
In the quaint town of Silverpine, nestled at the edge of
ancient, shadow-draped woods, mysterious occurrences
have disturbed the peace. Over a century ago, Silverpine
was a tranquil village known for its serene beauty and
close-knit community. However, legends speak of dark
times when a cult dedicated to Shar, the goddess of The Eclipsed Heart
darkness, attempted to merge the Shadowfell with

Act 1: Shadows Over Eldara’s Suggestions
If the adventurers accept her plea for help in getting to
Silverpine the bottom of these occurrences she would suggest the
following leads;
The adventurers arrive in Silverpine, greeted by the
quaint charm of the town with the dense, ancient woods A local herbalist named Fara Greenleaf has been
looming at its borders. A noticeable chill in the air sets a treating the afflicted and might have more
somber tone as they wander the cobblestone streets. information on the ailments.
Wherever the party decides to go within the town Her own healing has not done much to cure the
their attention will be drawn to a sudden commotion in ailments, only improve them.
the town square. There have been sightings of cloaked figures at night
around town and in surrounding woods.
As you wander through Silverpine’s narrow streets, a sudden The town’s guard captain, Raynor Braun, may know
cry disrupts the town’s rustic charm. Ahead in a cobblestone more about these sightings.
square, a crowd surrounds a middle-aged man lying on the
ground, clutching his chest with a pained expression. The Eldara Maiven
townsfolk murmur anxiously, their faces etched with concern Eldara is a priestess of Selune in the town of Silverpine,
as they hesitate to intervene. marked by her striking appearance and serene demeanor.
She has long silver hair that cascades down her back like
Swiftly breaking through the crowd, a woman in moonlit
moonlight on water, and her eyes shimmer with a pale, lunar
robes kneels beside the man, her hands glowing with a soft, glow.
silvery light as she whispers fervent prayers. Despite her Eldara wears robes that reflect the celestial theme of her
efforts, his condition barely improves. deity, often adorned with motifs of the moon and stars. Her
presence radiates a calm authority, comforting yet
As town guards start to clear the area, the woman’s
commanding respect. She grew up in Silverpine and has
intense gaze locks onto your group, almost as if she’s seen dedicated her life to serving the community and her goddess,
you before. driven by visions and a deep-seated sense of destiny that
often places her at the heart of town affairs.
Eldara is known for her wisdom and kindness, often
Eldara Maiven sought out by the townsfolk for guidance in both spiritual
and mundane matters.
The woman will approach the adventurers and
introduce herself as Eldara. She will explain troubling
visions, which foretold the arrival of individuals who Eldara Maiven
could help avert a looming disaster tied to a rare lunar
eclipse occuring soon.
The town is suffering from unexplained heart
ailments and mysterious disappearances, incidents that
she believes are influenced by dark, supernatural forces.
With the lunar eclipse approaching, she fears these
events might signify a deeper, more sinister plot at play.
Eldara guides the adventurers to her temple, where they
can discuss the matter further. She provides the
following information:

Several townsfolk have been struck by sudden,

severe heart conditions with no clear cause.
The afflictions seem to be spreading.
A number of residents have vanished
without a trace. Eldara believes they
have been abducted by a cult worshipping
for sacrificial rituals.
She suspects the cult is planning something
catastrophic with the approaching lunar
The lunar eclipse is in two more days.

If asked for a reward, she will promise 200 gold and

some golden jewelry worth around 100 gold.

Act 1: Shadows Over Silverpine

Fara Greenleaf
Fara Greenleaf
The herbalist’s shop is a small establishment filled with
the scent of herbs and potions. Shelves are lined with
various bottles and dried plants, giving the room an aura
of mystical knowledge.
Fara Greenleaf is a friend of Eldara and be willing to
give all the information she can to the adventurers. She
explains that she has been treating townsfolk afflicted
by strange heart ailments and has noticed a troubling
pattern that suggests something more sinister at play.
She guides the adventurers to a table where she has
laid out her findings and points to a few patients resting
in the back of the shop that they are welcome to
investigate themselves. She provides the following

Several patients have come to her with sudden,

severe heart conditions. Despite her best efforts, she
can only alleviate their symptoms slightly. The cause
remains a mystery.
These symptoms began appearing after the arrival of
a mysterious hooded figure seen entering the woods.
Some patients reported feeling an oppressive
darkness before falling ill.
She has found traces of an unknown substance in
their systems, which appears to have necromantic
properties. This is beyond the realm of natural
Fara Greenleaf
Fara Greenleaf is the town herbalist in Silverpine, known for
Would also confirm and report that there have been her extensive knowledge of plants and remedies. She is a
sightings of cloaked figures in the woods and in town middle-aged woman with a calm and composed demeanor,
during nightfall. her eyes reflecting both wisdom and weariness from years of
She notes her medical research where occurrences tending to the ailments of the townsfolk.
like this happened over 100 years ago due to an Fara’s dark, curly hair is often tied back, and she dresses in
ancient artifiact being uncovered, but says the pages simple, practical clothing suited for her work, with a few
going into detail were torn from her books. pouches of herbs always at her waist. Her shop is a haven of
Can offer adventurers help with a healing potion or tranquility, filled with the soothing scents of dried plants and
two if they think they need one. fresh potions. Fara’s presence exudes a quiet strength and
dedication, comforting those who seek her help. She is
Investigating the Patients deeply committed to her role as the town’s healer, tirelessly
working to uncover the causes of the recent mysterious
The adventurers can choose to investigate the patients illnesses.
directly. Fara is respected in the community not only for her
Any Medicine Check Identifies traces of an unknown healing skills but also for her unwavering determination to
substance, confirming she’s telling the truth. protect Silverpine from the dark forces she senses at work.

Medicine Check (DC 13 Wisdom): The patients have

a faint, unnatural aura around their hearts, indicative
of dark magic.
Raynor Braun (Guard Captain)
Arcana Check (DC 12 Intelligence): Confirms the The adventurers will find Captain Raynor Braun at the
presence of necromantic energy in the unknown town barracks, a sturdy building where guards are
substance found in the patients’ systems. trained and housed. Raynor is a stern-looking man with
a rugged face and a no-nonsense attitude.
Fara would not be able to provide any insight to the
Raynor is focused on the safety of Silverpine and is
dark magic they find resonating around the patient’s
cautious about revealing too much. He needs convincing
hearts and would suggest bringing their findings back to
to provide detailed information.

Act 1: Shadows Over Silverpine

Rayor will provide the following free information; Raynor Braun
Reports of cloaked figures seen at night, particularly Raynor Braun is the steadfast captain of the town guard in
near the old forest paths. His men are stretched thin, Silverpine. A burly man in his late forties, his rugged face
but they are doing their best to keep watch. bears the marks of countless battles and long nights on
patrol. His piercing blue eyes miss nothing, and his graying
Players can use a multitude of ways to get more hair is cropped short, adding to his no-nonsense
information out of Raynor. They can attempt any of the appearance.
following while interacting with him; Raynor is always seen in his well-worn armor, ready for any
threat. Despite his stern demeanor, he is deeply loyal to the
Insight Check (DC 13 Wisdom): Detects Raynor’s townsfolk and carries his responsibilities with quiet
underlying concern for the townsfolk’s safety and his determination. Raynor’s strategic mind and extensive
suspicion that something more sinister is at play. knowledge of the area make him a valuable ally in uncovering
This can lead to Raynor being more open about his the cult’s activities.
worries and sharing more about the cult activities he Raynor’s presence exudes authority and readiness,
suspects. comforting the townsfolk with his unwavering vigilance. He
is respected for his leadership, courage, and steadfastness in
Persuasion Check (DC 13 Charisma): Raynor will the face of adversity. While he remains focused on
open up and share more detailed information, feeling maintaining peace in Silverpine, he provides critical insights
the adventurers are trustworthy enough. and support to adventurers who can prove their trust and are
Perception Check (DC 13 Wisdom): You notice a seeking to protect the town from the looming threats.
map on Raynor’s desk marked with different
locations. If questioned and pressed, Raynor opens
up and will share more detailed information. The
Raynor Braun
map is locations of recent sightings and patrol

Raynor’s Clues
Once adventurers find a way to get Raynor to open up,
he will offer the following clues he’s gathered;
Frequent reports of cloaked figures near the old
forest paths and ruins.
Guard patrols indicate increased activity in specific
areas at night.
Marked map with sightings and patrol routes.
Suspicion that the old ruin in the woods might be a
cult hideout.
Reports from a few guards about strange noises and
lights in the woods during their patrols, suggesting
cult activity.

If players ask for the map, Raynor will ensure the

adventurers that his patrol will keep a sharp eye out for
any suspicious activity during their patrol routes and
decline giving them a map.
Raynor would suggest that the adventurers
investigate the only spot he can’t spare any men to
check out–the old ruins in the woods.

Act 1: Shadows Over Silverpine

Act 2: The Dark Plot
Following directions and the lead from Raynor,
adventurers will find the old ruin site outside of town,
nestled in the woods.

As you make your way through the dense forest, the ancient
trees seem to close in around you, their branches forming a
canopy that blocks out most of the sunlight. The air grows
cooler, and an eerie silence falls over the woods. Soon, you
catch sight of crumbling stone walls covered in moss and
vines, marking the edge of the old ruins.
The ruins themselves are a haunting sight. Once a grand
structure, now only remnants of its former glory remain. The
stone walls are cracked and weathered, and the ground is
littered with debris. In the center of the ruins, you notice a
makeshift altar, surrounded by burned candles and dark
symbols etched into the stone. The air feels thick with an
unsettling presence, and the faint smell of burnt incense
As you approach, you notice fresh footprints leading
deeper into the ruins. The sound of hushed voices and the
flicker of torchlight reveal the presence of cultists, their dark
robes blending with the shadows. They seem to be preparing
for a ritual, and don’t notice you.

The adventurers come across a small group of cultists

preparing for a ritual. They can choose to engage in
combat or attempt to observe them unnoticed to gather
crucial information.

Stealth Check (DC 14 Dexterity) Will successfully

observe the cultists. Adventurers will overhear critical
details about the upcoming lunar eclipse ritual and
Failure: The cultists will be alerted of their presence
leading to a confrontation. (See stat blocks on Page. 8).

Overheard Information
Nyxara Maiven is their leader.
Confirmation that the main ritual will take place
during the lunar eclipse in two days.
Mention of the Eclipsed Heart artifact and its crucial
role in the ritual to merge the Shadowfell with the
material plane.
Shar, the goddess of darkness, is the deity they
worship and seek to empower through these rituals.
The heart ailments and disappearances are a result
of the cult’s preliminary rituals, drawing life force
from the townsfolk to power their dark magic.

If the adventurers engage in combat and defeat the

cultists, they can find a note with plans on their corpses.

Act 2: The Dark Plot

Alternatively, if they capture one alive, they can attempt
to extract all the information through interrogation.
Shar Cult Fanatic
The Plans (if looted) Medium Humanoid (Any Race), Any Non-Good Alignment
The cult’s goal to use the Eclipsed Heart to merge Armor Class 13 (leather armor)
the Shadowfell with the material plane. They are Hit Points 33 (6d8+6)
worshippers of the Lady Shar, goddess of darkness, Speed 30ft.
to whom these rituals will empower.
Instructions from their leader, signed Nxara Maiven, STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
for the ritual to be performed during the lunar 11 (+0) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 10 (0) 13 (+1) 14 (+2)
Life energy is required for the artifact in order to Skills Deception +4, Persuasion +4, Religion +2
complete the ritual. This would explain the heart Senses Passive Perception 11
ailments and disappearances of townsfolk. Languages Any one language (usually Common)
Challenge 2 (450 XP)
Interrogation Information
Intimidation Check (DC 15 Charisma: Forces the Dark Devotion. The fanatic has advantage on saving throws
cultists to divulge information. against being charmed or frightened.
Failure: The cultist is tight lipped and would rather
Spellcasting. The fanatic is a 4th-level spellcaster. Its
die than give any information away. spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 11, +3 to hit with
Persuasion Check (DC 14 Charisma): Persuades the spell attacks). The fanatic has the following cleric spells
cultist into divulging information. prepared:
Failure: The cultist is tight lipped and would rather Cantrips (at will): light, sacred flame, thaumaturgy
die than give any information away 1st level (4 slots): command, inflict wounds, shield of faith
2nd level (3 slots): hold person, spiritual weapon
If they successfully interrogate a cultist, they will
learn the following; Actions
Multiattack. The fanatic makes two melee attacks.
Nyxara Maiven is the leader of the cult.
The main ritual will take place during the lunar Dagger Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft. or
eclipse in two days. range 20/60 ft., one creature. Hit: 4 (1d4+2) piercing damage.
The Eclipsed Heart is crucial for the ritual to merge
the Shadowfell with the material plane.
The heart ailments and disappearances are caused
by the cult’s preliminary rituals, which drain the life
Shar Cultist
Medium Humanoid (Any Race), Any Non-Good Alignment
force from the townsfolk to fuel their dark magic.
Shar, the goddess of darkness, is the deity they Armor Class 12 (leather armor)
worship and seek to empower through these rituals. Hit Points 9 (2d8)
Speed 30ft.
Combat Encounter
Encounter -Three Cultists and One Cult Fanatic. 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 10 (+0)
More than likely combat can’t be avoided at some
point in this part of the adventure. Skills Deception +2, Religion +2
This combat scenario can be scaled based on your
number of party members. This adventure assumes you
Dark Devotion. The fanatic has advantage on saving throws
have at least three players. If you have a fourth, or even against being charmed or frightened.
more, you can add more cultists as you see fit.
These stat blocks are modified versions of the Cultist Actions
(Basic Rules, pg. 163) & Cult Fanatic (Basic Rules, pg. Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
398). creature. Hit: 4 (1d6+1) slashing damage.

Adventurers will find around 8 gold, 43 silver, and 40
copper, along with scimitars, a dagger, and robes.

Act 2: The Dark Plot

Rest for the night. Eldara offers the adventurers free
Returning to Eldara lodging at the temple or they can seek lodging at the
After the encounter with the cultists at the ruins, the day local tavern. She emphasizes the importance of rest
would probably be getting late and adventurers would and preparation for the challenges ahead.
want to return to town and Eldara with their findings. Report findings back to her so she can assist with
The lunar eclipse is only two days away and time is any preparations needed to stop the cultists, and
running thin. ultimately, her estranged sister.

After guidance, she’d usher them to their lodging

As you enter Eldara’s temple, the soft light of Selune filters within the temple, or give directions to the tavern. This
through the stained glass windows, casting colorful patterns would end the day and adventurers would continue to
on the stone floor. Eldara is there, kneeling in the center of the library the next morning.
the prayer chamber, her eyes reflecting the silver light of the
moon above. Other patrons are seated amongst the chairs
praying and reflecting. Eldara notices and turns to you, her
face etched with worry.

The adventurers should recount all of their findings

from the herbalist and ruins encounter.
Eldara will be shocked to find that her estranged
sister, Nyxara, is at the heart of the issues and capable
of such darkness.

“Nyxara… my sister. I never imagined she would be capable

of such darkness. We were close once, but she always had a
fascination with the shadows. When she left, I thought it was
to seek her own path, not to fall into such malevolence.”

“Nyxara and I grew up here in Silverpine. She was always

drawn to the night, to secrets and mysteries. I chose to
follow Selune’s light, but she… she found solace in the
darkness. I should have seen the signs, should have reached
out to her more. Perhaps this could have been prevented.”

“But now is not the time for regrets. We must act swiftly.”

Eldara would take a moment of reflection before getting

back to the matters at hand. If you wish to roleplay more
backstory of her and her sister you can find their history
in the appendix section (pg. 21).
Eldara wouldn’t know everything about the Eclipsed
Heart, although she has heard about it in past studies.
She knows it is a powerful artifact, but counteracting it
is beyond her knowledge.
With all of their findings laid out for her to analyze,
she would offer the following guidance.

Visit the library first thing in the morning. The library

holds ancient tomes that may contain the knowledge
needed to understand and counteract the Eclipsed
Ask for the librarian by the name of Beth Hathaway
to assist with finding information.

Act 2: The Dark Plot

Beth Hathaway
The Library - Beth Hathaway
The Silverpine Library is a large, stone building located
near the center of town. Known for its extensive
collection of ancient tomes and manuscripts, the library
is a vital resource for those seeking knowledge about
historical events, rare artifacts, and magical lore.

The Silverpine Library stands as a beacon of knowledge in

the center of town, its sturdy stone walls covered in ivy.
Stone statues of ancient scholars flank the entrance, their
expressions solemn and wise. As you push open the heavy
wooden doors, the scent of old parchment and leather fills
the air. Inside, rows upon rows of bookshelves stretch out
before you, laden with ancient tomes and manuscripts. The
soft murmur of patrons reading and studying creates a
tranquil atmosphere. An elderly woman with silver hair tied
in a neat bun approaches you. She wears simple, elegant
robes, and her eyes are sharp and intelligent. She greets you
with a warm smile.

The librarian, Beth Hathaway, is a knowledgeable and

helpful figure. She is an elderly woman with silver hair
tied in a neat bun, wearing simple, elegant robes. Her
eyes are sharp and intelligent, and she moves with a
quiet grace. Beth Hathaway guides you to a quiet corner of the library,
Beth will be more than willing to assist the where she pulls several dusty tomes from the shelves. “I
adventurers and will guide the adventurers to a believe these books contain the information you seek. Take
secluded reading area and help them locate the tomes your time, and let me know if you need any further
related to the Eclipsed Heart and information assistance.”
associated with it.

Researching the Books

Beth Hathaway
Beth is the esteemed librarian of the Silverpine Library, Researching the books will take several hours of
known for her vast knowledge of ancient texts and historical reading. They can uncover quite a bit of history and
records. She is an elderly woman with silver hair tied in a knowledge. During their research they are interrupted
neat bun, and her sharp, intelligent eyes seem to miss by a cultist that sneaks in to set a fire.
nothing. If an investigation check isn’t successful they will not
Beth dresses in simple, elegant robes that reflect her get the full history of the Eclipsed Heart before the
scholarly nature, and she moves with a quiet grace that
commands respect. The library is her sanctuary, filled with
the scent of old parchment and leather, and she takes great
pride in maintaining its vast collection of books and Investigation Check (DC 14 Intelligence): The
manuscripts. adventurers find detailed information on the Eclipsed
Beth’s presence exudes wisdom and calm authority, Heart, including its history, its connection to the
providing a comforting and guiding hand to those who seek Shadowfell, and the rituals needed to activate or
knowledge within the library’s walls. She is deeply committed counteract its power.
to preserving the history and lore of Silverpine, and her Failure: The adventurers struggle to find specific
dedication to the town’s intellectual heritage is unwavering. information, taking more time to locate useful passages
Beth is respected in the community not only for her expertise
and are eventually interrupted before getting the full
but also for her unwavering commitment to aiding those in
need of knowledge, especially in times of crisis. history.

Act 2: The Dark Plot

The incantation is written in an ancient, arcane
Information Gathered language, requiring a successful Arcana Check (DC 15
Regardless of success or fail, the adventurers get the Intelligence) to understand and pronounce correctly.
following information and history before the fire
interruption; The Fire
The Eclipsed Heart is an ancient artifact created by While the adventurers are absorbed in their research, a
the cult of Shar, the goddess of darkness and loss, cultist sneaks into the library and sets fire to the books
during a time when the boundaries between the and wooden shelves, aiming to destroy the evidence and
planes were weaker. It is said to have been crafted hinder their progress.
from the essence of the Shadowfell itself, allowing it
Perception Check (DC 17 Wisdom): You catch a
to manipulate the barriers between the planes.
flicker of movement out of the corner of your eye and
The Eclipsed Heart has the power to merge the
notice a hooded figure setting fire to a pile of books.
material plane with the Shadowfell during a lunar
The cultist spots you and flees, but you manage to
eclipse. This merging would bring perpetual
contain the fire before it spreads too much.
darkness and despair, enhancing Shar’s influence
Failure: As you study the ancient tomes, the smell of
over the material world. The artifact draws its power
smoke suddenly fills the air. Flames quickly spread
from the lunar eclipse, which aligns the energies of
through the library, and you realize the building is on
the planes.
fire. You must escape before the entire place is
Activating the Eclipsed Heart requires a series of
consumed by flames.
dark rituals performed over several days leading up
to the lunar eclipse. These rituals involve sacrifices
and the drawing of life force from the townsfolk to If players fail and don’t see the fire being started they
empower the artifact. The heart ailments and shouldn’t die here! It’s time to get creative!
disappearances in Silverpine are direct results of They will have an opportunity to rescue Beth
these preliminary rituals. Victims are not only Hathaway on the way out or let her perish in the fire.
sacrificed but their suffering and fear feed the
artifact, increasing its power. The flames spread rapidly, engulfing the shelves and filling
You can slow down the final ritual by physically
the air with thick smoke. Debris blocks multiple paths. You
disrupting the ritual site and destroying the symbols
hear a panicked cry from Beth Hathaway, who is trapped by
and runes drawn on the ground.
the flames.
If they were successful with their investigation check,
adventurers can get a lot more history and knowledge.
Skill Checks for Escape
Specific Rituals: The texts describe in detail the
Adventurers have a multitude of available options to
types of rituals performed, including: escape the fire. They must quickly decide how to react
Ritual of Binding: Anchoring the artifact’s power to and escape, while also potentially rescuing Beth!
the material plane. Remember, all checks can be done with advantage if
Ritual of Sacrifice: Draining life force from victims, they use the help action!
causing the heart ailments observed and The following are just examples. You’re encouraged
disappearances of people.
to have your players come up with their own creative
Ritual of Eclipse: The final ritual to be performed
during the lunar eclipse, aiming to merge the planes.
A Strength Check (DC 12 Strength) could be used to
An Excerpt on Heart Ailments The heart ailments
move heavy debris blocking the path to escape
observed in victims are a result of the Ritual of
A Dexterity Check (DC 13) Could use agility and
Sacrifice. This dark ritual draws life force directly
navigate through the burning building without getting
from the heart, causing severe, unexplained
ailments. Disappearances are normally tied to this
ritual, as individuals are taken to be sacrificed, their Rescuing Beth Hathaway
fear and suffering empowering the Eclipsed Heart.
The necromantic properties found in the victims’ Perception Check (DC 13 Wisdom): Quickly locates the
sound of Beth’s cry through the burning books and
systems are residues of this dark magic.
And last but not least, they can discover an ancient Failure: You struggle to locate her quickly and take 1d4
incantation that can be recited during the height of the damage from the smoke filling your lungs.
lunar eclipse to undo the merging of planes if they were
to fail to stop it.

Act 2: The Dark Plot

After the Fire
As you make your way through the burning library, you spot
Outcomes for Successful Perception Check:
Beth Hathaway trapped behind a fallen bookshelf. She
coughs as the smoke thickens, but her eyes are filled with The fire was contained and did not damage much.
determination to get free. Beth Hathaway is safe and can continue to assist the
adventurers. The library remains a resource for
further research if needed.
Strength Check (DC 14): Lifts the fallen bookshelf to The cultist escaped but Beth alerted the towns’
free beth. The adventurers manage to rescue Beth and guard to be on the lookout. She tends to cleaning up
escape the burning library. the mess that was made.
Failure: The adventurers struggle to free Beth, but with
Outcomes for Failed Perception Check If Beth was
determination, they eventually manage to escape, albeit
with some difficulty and potential injury. Beth was
unable to be rescued and will perish in the fire. Many crucial tomes are lost to the fire, possibly
limiting the information available to the adventurers.
Beth Hathaway is safe and can continue to assist the
The Dice Decide, but with Nuance adventurers. The library remains a resource for
Even the best-laid plans of adventurers can falter with a further research if needed.
string of poor dice rolls. It’s crucial, especially in high-stakes The townsfolk are distressed by the damage to their
scenes like “Escaping the Fire,” to balance respecting the beloved library, but they offer their support and
dice with maintaining narrative engagement. gratitude to the adventurers for saving Beth.
Suppose a player decides to lift the fallen bookshelf to
rescue Beth Hathaway, but they roll poorly. Instead of failing Outcomes for Failed Perception Check If Beth
outright, modify the outcome to provide narrative depth: Perishes.
The townsfolk are devastated by the loss of Beth and
You grip the edge of the fallen bookshelf, muscles straining the damage to the library. They mourn her passing.
as you try to lift it off Beth. Despite your best efforts, the Townsfolk start cleaning up the library scene and
weight is overwhelming. Sweat pours down your face, and
Many crucial tomes are lost to the fire, significantly
your hands slip slightly, causing the shelf to shift. You hindering future access to information.
manage to lift it just enough for Beth to wriggle free, but the Town guards rush to contain the crowds.
effort leaves you exhausted and vulnerable. You drop the
shelf with a heavy thud, narrowly avoiding your own feet. As Regardless of the outcome, the adventurers should
return to Eldara to report their findings and make final
Beth scrambles to her feet, you both cough through the
preparations for the confrontation with the cult the next
thickening smoke, your limbs heavy with fatigue. You take night.
1d4 points of exhaustion, but you have succeeded in
rescuing Beth.

This adjustment allows the action to still achieve a partial

success—the player rescues Beth, which was the goal, but
not without cost. It turns a straightforward failure into a
more complex outcome that still moves the story forward.
Such nuanced outcomes are crucial, especially in high-
stakes scenes. However, in the final encounters or more
critical moments, the consequences of failure should be
more straightforward to underscore the increasing stakes
and the climax’s intensity.
Sometimes, a dead end is a dead end. All scenes aren’t
created equally, and failures are often more costly in some
moments than others!

Act 2: The Dark Plot

Act 3: The Eclipse
Note For This Act
It is possible that adventurers try to rush and seek out the
cultists and their leader, Nyxara, before the Eclipse. They are
unaware of their full hideout and wouldn’t be able to find
anything or anyone at the moment though.
Usually, it’s best not to railroad players for the sake of
storytelling. This game is all about choice and freedom to do
anything players can dream of. Sometimes, it’s best to be
use NPC’s creatively to coax them to take a certain path
though. We all know as the DM things can change at any

After the events at the library, the adventurers should

once again return to Eldara with their newfound
knowledge. It should be late afternoon after taking
several hours in the library.
Adventurers will have time to mingle within the town
while waiting for the Lunar Eclipse. Eldara will also
suggest the party seek allies and preparations over the
next day and a half

You make your way back to Eldara’s temple, the sky tinged
with the warm colors of sunset. The soft glow of the setting
sun filters through the trees, casting long shadows on the
cobblestone streets. As you enter the temple, Eldara looks
up from her prayers, her eyes filled with concern and hope.

The adventurers should recount all the information they

gathered from the library, including the history of the
Eclipsed Heart and the details about the rituals.
After recounting and going over all the details, Eldara
will need time to reflect and pray. She offers her
support and any more guidance over the next day while
waiting for the eclipse to draw near. She’ll offer the
following suggestions for preparation and rest;

Make final preparations over the next day and a half,

such as obtaining any items or equipment from the
local shops.
Visit the barracks to seek Raynor again and recruit
allies for battle.
Eldara emphasizes the importance of rest. She offers
free lodging again at the temple or suggests the local
tavern for the night.
Will meet adventurers outside the ritual site on the
night of the eclipse.

Once offering guidance she would usher herself away

to pray and prepare for the challenges ahead.
Adventurers now have time to explore the town and
make final preparations over the next day and a half.
Please see the appendix section (starting on Pg. 19)
for more details on the town as a whole including shops,
npcs, and more history.

Act 3: The Eclipse

The guard Raynor can spare is well-trained and loyal.
Final Preparations They will follow the adventurers’ commands but will
With a day and a half remaining until the lunar eclipse, look to Raynor for leadership. Please see the final
the adventurers have ample time to make thorough confrontation section to get full stat blocks.
preparations for the final confrontation. Eldara’s
guidance sets them on a path of strategic planning,
The Eclipse
resource gathering, and rallying potential allies. The night of the lunar eclipse has finally arrived. The
Again, please see the appendix section (starting on adventurers, fully prepared and equipped with the
Pg. 19) for more details on the town as a whole knowledge and resources gathered over the past days,
including shops, npcs, and more history. must now face the ultimate challenge: stopping Nyxara
The most notable things adventurers can and will and her cult from completing the ritual that will merge
probably do over the next day and a half are the the material plane with the Shadowfell.
following; Eldara, as promised, will meet the adventurers near
the ritual site and perform a blessing for them and the
Visit the tavern to eat, drink, and anything else they party. If Raynor was successfully persuaded. His men
desire. will be there as well at the meeting site, whom also
Visit Fara Greenleaf at the herbalist shop to obtain receive the blessing.
healing potions. They can obtain 2-3 potions
depending on DM’s discretion.
As you gather near the edge of the old ruins, the sky grows
Visit the barracks and ask Raynor for allies in battle.
darker with the progressing lunar eclipse. The air is charged
You never know what adventurers will choose to do! with tension, and the faint sound of chanting drifts through
Be prepared to be creative and practice your improv the trees. Eldara stands before you, her silver hair
skills while roleplaying! shimmering in the moonlight, her expression one of solemn
determination. She raises her hands, and a soft, silvery light
Roleplaying and Player Agency begins to emanate from her, enveloping you and your
This section is open-ended to allow players maximum companions in a gentle glow.
freedom in preparing for the final confrontation. Facilitate
their creativity and decisions, ensuring their choices have
meaningful impacts. Encourage dialogue, react to player “Selune, goddess of the moon and protector of the night,
choices, highlight consequences, and adapt to player
creativity. Balance preparation with urgency, remember NPC hear my prayer. Grant these brave souls your divine favor as
perspectives, and maintain narrative flexibility to reward they face the darkness that seeks to engulf our world. Bless
smart planning and introduce challenges as needed. them with your light, guide their steps, and strengthen their
hearts. Let your silver light shield them from harm and
empower them to vanquish the shadows. By your grace, may
Gathering Allies they emerge victorious and restore balance to our land.”

The adventurers, on Eldara’s guidance, can visit the

town barracks to request assistance from Captain Blessing of Selune
Raynor Braun. Divine Blessing
When the adventurers present their request to
Raynor, he would listen intently, his rugged face Casting Time: 1 action
showing signs of concern and determination. Raynor Range: 30 feet
can spare himself and up to two guards to assist in the Components: V, S
final confrontation. The adventurers will need to Duration: 1 hour
persuade him of the necessity and urgency of their Eldara calls upon the divine favor of Selune to bless the
request. adventurers and their allies. The blessing grants the
following benefits:
Persuasion Check (DC 14 Charisma): Raynor agrees to
join the adventurers and bring one of his best men to Protection: +1 bonus to AC and saving throws.
assist. He realizes the importance of the mission and Radiant Power: Once per encounter, a character can
assures the adventurers that they can rely on his add an extra 1d4 radiant damage to a single attack.
experience and the loyalty of his guards. Guidance: Advantage on Wisdom (Perception) and
Failure: Raynor remains cautious but offers to spare Intelligence (Investigation) checks for the duration.
only one guard, citing the need to maintain security in
the town. He encourages the adventurers to make the
most of the resources available.

Act 3: The Eclipse

Final Confrontation ‘You see, dear sister, while you worshipped the light, I found
As the lunar eclipse begins, the adventurers, blessed by power in the shadows. The Eclipsed Heart is the key to our
Eldara and possibly accompanied by Raynor and his ascendance, to bringing Shar’s eternal night upon this
guard, prepare for the ultimate battle to save Silverpine. wretched world. These rituals have only been the beginning.
Soon, the Shadowfell will merge with this plane, and we will
The sky darkens as the moon moves into position for the rule over the darkness. The people of Silverpine are just the
eclipse. The air is thick with anticipation, and the distant first sacrifices in a grander plan. Their life force empowers
sound of chanting grows louder as you approach the ritual the Eclipsed Heart, bringing us one step closer to our
site. The once-crumbling ruins are now illuminated by an
ultimate goal. Embrace the darkness, Eldara, and join me.
eerie glow, with dark symbols and runes etched into the Together, we could be unstoppable.’
ground. Nyxara and her cultists are gathered around the
Eclipsed Heart, their voices rising in a chilling hymn to Shar.
Eldara, her voice filled with sorrow and determination,
responds to her sister’s words.
Setting the Scene
The Ritual Circle: A large, glowing circle inscribed ‘Nyxara, I cannot condone this path. The power you seek will
with dark runes lies in the center of the ruins. The only bring suffering and despair. We were meant to protect
Eclipsed Heart floats above the altar, pulsating with and guide, not to destroy. I will do whatever it takes to stop
malevolent energy. you, even if it means standing against you.’
Nyxara Maiven: She stands at the center, her eyes
glowing with dark power. She wears robes of deep
black and her presence exudes a palpable aura of The Battle Starts
The adventurers must take their positions and prepare
Cultists: A group of cultists, including fanatics, are
for the impending battle. Nyxara signals her cultists to
positioned around the circle, guarding the ritual.
guard the ritual site, and the tension in the air is thick.
Eldara’s Plea
As the adventurers approach, Eldara steps forward, ‘The cultists form a protective barrier around Nyxara and the
trying to reach out to her sister one last time. Eclipsed Heart, their weapons drawn and eyes glinting with
fanatic zeal. The runes on the ground glow ominously, and
“Eldara’s voice trembles as she calls out, ‘Nyxara, please! the air crackles with dark energy. Eldara stands beside you,
This isn’t the way. We can find another path, together. You her expression resolute, ready to fight alongside you to save
don’t have to do this.’ Her words hang in the air, filled with Silverpine.’
desperation and hope.”
Raynor and his guard, if present, position themselves
Nyxara pauses, her eyes narrowing as she regards her strategically, ready to support the adventurers in the
sister. For a moment, there is a flicker of something— fight.
perhaps doubt, perhaps regret—but it is quickly
overshadowed by a cold, determined resolve.

“Nyxara’s voice is icy and resolute as she responds, ‘You

always were the naive one, Eldara. This world is doomed to
darkness. Embrace it, or be swept away.’ She turns back to
the ritual, her focus unwavering.”

Nyxara may also deliver a chilling monologue, revealing

her motivations and the depth of her fall into darkness
to her sister.

The Eclipsed Heart

Act 3: The Eclipse

Final Combat Encounter
This combat scenario should be scaled based on your
number of party members. This adventure assumes you
have at least three players. Add or remove cultists at
your discretion.
If the adventurers were successful in getting Raynor
to help fight with his guard (Basic Rules, pg. 163), the
combat will be easier. Eldara will also assist in the fight.
As a DM you should scale based on the number of
players you have and the amount of NPC’s assisting.
This is only a rough guideline for three players and the
max amount of NPCs that can assist.
The first two turns, Nyxara will not fight and only
focus on completing the ritual. Once two turns have
passed, the eclipsed heart will pulsate and start glowing
with dark energy. A rift will begin forming to the
Shadowfell and adventurers will need to disrupt the
ritual. It must be destroyed in order for the ritual to
The ritual will conclude after 6 rounds of combat. It
can be slowed down 4 rounds by disrupting the circle of
power, which is the symbols and runes drawn on the
If the adventurers successfully discovered and have
the ancient incantation from the library, they can undo
the ritual all together if they fail to stop it in time.
You should describe the lunar eclipse phases
changing during the battle, noting how the Eclipsed
Heart pulses stronger as the rift grows closer to totality.
This visual cue should urge the adventurers to destroy
the Eclipsed Heart.
Using object rules in the DMG (pg 247) and being
that it’s magical, The Eclipsed Heart has 15 AC and 25
HP. The combat scenario ends once Nyxara and the
cultists are brought to 0 hit points, and the Eclipsed
Heart is destroyed.

Three Shar Cultists
Two Cult Fanatics
Nyxara Maiven.

Once over, players can find the following loot.

Nyxara’s Dagger, a finely crafted dagger with

intricate designs, worth 50 gold pieces.
Cloak of Shadows: This cloak allows the wearer to
cast disguise self once per day. It provides a +1
bonus to Stealth checks.
Dark Ritual Tome: A book detailing various dark
rituals and lore about Shar and the Shadowfell. It’s
worth 100 gold pieces to the right buyer or can be
used for further research.
A total of 75 gold pieces and 120 silver pieces found
collectively on the cultists.
Cultist robes, common scimitars, and daggers.

Act 3: The Eclipse

Nyxara Maiven Eldara Maiven
Medium Humanoid (Any Race), Chaotic Evil Medium Humanoid (Any Race), Neutral Good

Armor Class 13 (15 with mage armor) Armor Class 15 (breastplate)

Hit Points 45 (6d8+18) Hit Points 45 (6d8+18)
Speed 30ft. Speed 30ft.

12 (+1) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 18 (+4) 14 (+2)

Saving Throws Int +4, Wis +3, Cha +5 Saving Throws Wis +6, Cha +4
Skills Arcana +4, Deception +5, Religion +4 Skills Medicine +6, Insight +6, Religion +4
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 11 Senses Passive Perception 14
Languages Common, Infernal, Elvish Languages Common, Celestial
Challenge 3 (700 XP) Challenge 3 (700 XP)

Dark Devotion. Nyxara has advantage on saving throws against Divine Eminence. As a bonus action, Eldara can expend a spell
being charmed or frightened. slot to cause her melee weapon attacks to magically deal an
extra 10 (3d6) radiant damage to a target on a hit. This benefit
Shadow Step. When in dim light or darkness, Nyxara can lasts until the end of the turn.
teleport up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space she can see that
is also in dim light or darkness as a bonus action. Spellcasting. Eldara is a 5th-level spellcaster. Her spellcasting
ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 14, +6 to hit with spell
Spellcasting. Nyxara is a 5th-level spellcaster. Her spellcasting attacks). She has the following cleric spells prepared:
ability is Charisma (spell save DC 13, +5 to hit with spell Cantrips (at will): light, sacred flame, guidance
attacks). She has the following sorcerer spells prepared: 1st level (4 slots): cure wounds, shield of faith, bless
Cantrips (at will): mage hand, minor illusion, chill touch 2nd level (3 slots): hold person, spiritual weapon, lesser
1st level (4 slots): mage armor, magic missile, shield restoration
2nd level (3 slots): mirror image, hold person 3rd level (2 slots): dispel magic, mass healing word
3rd level (2 slots): vampiric touch
Mace. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Multiattack. Nyxara makes two melee attacks. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) bludgeoning damage.
Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft. or
range 20/60 ft., one creature. Hit: 6 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage.

Raynor Braun Leadership (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest). For 1 minute,
Medium Humanoid (Any Race), Lawful Good Raynor can utter a special command or warning whenever a
nonhostile creature that he can see within 30 feet makes an
Armor Class 16 (chain mail) attack roll or a saving throw. The creature can add a d4 to its
Hit Points 52 (8d8+16) roll provided it can hear and understand Raynor. A creature can
Speed 30ft. benefit from only one Leadership die at a time. This effect ends
if Raynor is incapacitated.
16 (+3) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) Tactical Awareness. Raynor and all allies within 10 feet have
advantage on initiative rolls.
Saving Throws Str +5, Con +4
Skills Athletics +5, Perception +4, Intimidation +2 Actions
Senses Passive Perception 14 Multiattack. Raynor makes two melee attacks.
Languages Common
Challenge 3 (700 XP) Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) slashing damage.
Brave. Raynor has advantage on saving throws against being Heavy Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, range
frightened. 100/400 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d10 + 1) piercing damage.

Act 3: The Eclipse

Concluding the adventure
Failed Outcome
After the climactic battle against Nyxara and her
cultists, the adventurers will have a chance to reflect on If the adventurers fail to stop Nyxara and her cultists,
their journey and the impact of their actions on the consequences are dire. The Eclipsed Heart activates
Silverpine. The lunar eclipse recedes, and the Eclipsed during the lunar eclipse, beginning the merging of the
Heart, now shattered, loses its dark power. The Shadowfell with the material plane. Darkness spreads
townsfolk emerge from their homes, tentatively across Silverpine, and the townsfolk are consumed by
celebrating their newfound safety and the end of the fear and despair.
strange occurrences that have plagued their village.
The Town’s Descent
Celebrating the Victory Eldara and any surviving allies fight valiantly but are
ultimately unable to prevent the catastrophic event.
Eldara and Raynor, if he survived, will lead a ceremony
Silverpine becomes a shadow of its former self,
at the temple of Selune to thank the adventurers for
plagued by the influence of the Shadowfell. The town is
their bravery and to honor those who were lost. The
overrun with undead and shadowy creatures, and the
townsfolk gather, their expressions a mix of relief and
remaining townsfolk live in constant fear. Eldara, if she
gratitude. Eldara gives a heartfelt speech,
survives, remains to protect and guide the survivors, her
acknowledging the adventurers’ critical role in saving
faith in Selune providing a glimmer of hope.
the town and also taking a moment to mourn the loss of
her estranged sister. Future Adventures
Story Awards If survived, or new characters are rolled, the
adventurers may choose to return to Silverpine in the
Each adventurer gains 700 XP for defeating Nyxara and
future to attempt to reclaim it from the darkness. They
stopping the ritual. Eldara offers 200 gp to each
could seek powerful allies and artifacts to reverse the
adventurer, along with a the promised jewelry from
merging of the planes, setting the stage for a high-stakes
earlier. Additionally, if the fire happened and Beth
campaign to restore light to the land.
Hathaway was rescued, the townsfolk will offer an
additional 100gp as reward. Final Thoughts on Failure
Rebuilding and Moving Forward A failed outcome can provide a compelling and
motivating narrative for future adventures. It
The town of Silverpine will take time to heal from the
underscores the importance of vigilance and the
events, but with the cult defeated and the Eclipsed
constant struggle against darkness. Reflect on the
Heart destroyed, they can begin to rebuild. The choices made and lessons learned, and use this as an
adventurers may choose to stay and help with the
opportunity to deepen the story and character
reconstruction efforts or move on to their next
This concludes “The Eclipsed Heart,” a tale that
Eldara expresses her deep gratitude and offers the
reminds us that even in failure, there is hope for
adventurers a place of honor in Silverpine, should they
redemption and the possibility to fight another day. The
ever wish to return. The bond forged through this
players’ journey is far from over, and they will continue
harrowing experience leaves a lasting impression on
to evolve with each new challenge they face.
both the adventurers and the townsfolk.

Final Thoughts on Success

As the adventure concludes, consider discussing with
your players the impact of their choices and actions on
the story. Reflect on the themes of light versus
darkness, the power of unity, and the importance of
vigilance against evil forces. This reflection can serve as
a meaningful end to the adventure and a segue into
future adventures.
This concludes “The Eclipsed Heart,” a tale of
mystery, courage, and the eternal struggle between light
and dark. The adventurers have not only saved a town
but have also forged a legend that will be remembered
for generations to come for Silverpine.
@ Dean Spencer - Beer Stein
Act 3: The Eclipse
Appendix I: The Defense
The defense of Silverpine is primarily managed by the
Town of Silverpine town guard, a dedicated group of trained individuals
under the leadership of Captain Raynor Braun. The
Silverpine is a quaint village nestled against dense guard conducts regular patrols and maintains vigilance,
woods, exuding a rustic charm with its cobblestone especially given the occasional threats from the
streets and cozy cottages. At the heart of the town lies surrounding woods. The Temple of Selune also plays a
the Temple of Selune, a sanctuary providing light and crucial role, offering blessings and protection to bolster
protection to the community. The town square is the town’s defenses against dark forces.
bustling with markets and friendly villagers, creating a
warm and welcoming atmosphere for travelers and Notable Locations
adventurers alike.
The Temple of Selune
Brief History of Silverpine The Temple of Selune, where Eldara Maiven serves as
Silverpine was founded over 200 years ago by a group the priestess, is a serene place of worship dedicated to
of explorers attracted to the area’s natural beauty and the Moonmaiden. The temple is characterized by its
rich resources. The village thrived due to its fertile land beautiful stained glass windows depicting celestial
and strategic location near the woods, becoming a scenes, and it serves as a sanctuary for the townsfolk.
center for trade and agriculture. However, the proximity The Silverpine Library
to the woods also brought challenges as dark forces
A large stone building in the center of town, the library
occasionally emerged, threatening the town’s peace.
holds ancient tomes and manuscripts. Managed by Beth
A significant event in Silverpine’s history occurred 75
Hathaway, the library is a vital resource for those
years ago when a malevolent entity from the woods
seeking knowledge about historical events, rare
began terrorizing the town, causing mysterious
artifacts, and magical lore.
disappearances and unnatural events. The town’s
survival depended on the bravery of local heroes and the The Herbalist Shop
intervention of the priestess of Selune, who invoked the Owned by Fara Greenleaf, this small establishment is
Moonmaiden’s power to banish the darkness. filled with the scent of herbs and potions. Fara is known
Despite these challenges, Silverpine has continued to for her extensive knowledge of plants and remedies,
grow, maintaining a delicate balance between light and providing healing potions and medical assistance to the
dark. The Temple of Selune stands as a beacon of hope townsfolk.
and protection, guiding the town through periods of
prosperity and adversity. Today, Silverpine remains a The Barracks
place of intrigue and mystery, where the past influences The town’s guard is headquartered here, led by Captain
the present and the vigilant eyes of Selune watch over Raynor Braun. The barracks is a sturdy building where
its destiny. guards are trained and housed, and it serves as the base
of operations for maintaining the town’s safety.
The Moonlit Mug
Silverpine’s economy thrives on agriculture, with its
fertile lands yielding abundant crops. The town is also Nestled in the heart of Silverpine, The Moonlit Mug is a
known for its skilled artisans, who produce high-quality welcoming tavern that draws inspiration from the
goods sold at the local market. Trade with nearby towns celestial beauty of Selune. The tavern is known for its
and occasional travelers brings additional revenue, warm, inviting atmosphere, with silver and blue decor
making Silverpine a modest yet self-sufficient reflecting the moonlit theme. Soft, ambient lighting
community. creates a serene environment, making it a favorite spot
for locals and travelers alike to unwind with a drink and
Laws share stories under the gentle glow of moon-shaped
Silverpine operates under a set of local laws enforced
by the town guard, led by Captain Raynor Braun. These Blacksmith
laws focus on maintaining peace, protecting property, The local blacksmith provides weapon and armor
and ensuring the safety of its residents. Disputes are repairs, as well as custom orders for adventurers
often resolved by the village council, with the Temple of needing specialized equipment.
Selune providing moral and ethical guidance.
Silverpine General Store
Silverpine General Store offers a variety of goods and
supplies that adventurers might need, including basic
adventuring gear, food, and other essentials.

Appendix I: The Town of Silverpine

Key NPC’s Mirabel Stonebrook
Mirabel is the lively and charismatic barmaid of the
Eldara Maiven Moonlit Mug. With her short, curly red hair and bright
A priestess of Selune, Eldara is marked by her striking green eyes, she is always ready with a smile and a quick
appearance and serene demeanor. She is dedicated to joke. Mirabel enjoys listening to the patrons’ stories and
serving the community and her goddess, providing ensures everyone feels welcome at the tavern.
guidance and support to the adventurers.
Gideon Thornfield
Fara Greenleaf
The town herbalist, Fara is a middle-aged woman Gideon is the seasoned bartender of the Moonlit Mug.
known for her extensive knowledge of plants and In his late fifties, he has a bald head and a thick
remedies. She is deeply committed to her role as the mustache. Gideon is known for his wisdom and ability
town’s healer and works tirelessly to uncover the causes to diffuse tense situations. His extensive knowledge of
of the recent mysterious illnesses. brews and spirits makes him a favorite among the
tavern’s regulars.
Raynor Braun
The steadfast captain of the town guard, Raynor is a
Elena Brightwood
burly man with a rugged face and a no-nonsense Elena is the chef at the Moonlit Mug, a woman in her
attitude. He is deeply loyal to the townsfolk and carries thirties with a passion for cooking. Her long black hair
his responsibilities with quiet determination. is always tied back, and she wears a pristine white
apron. Elena’s dishes are beloved by the townsfolk, and
Beth Hathaway
she takes great pride in using fresh, local ingredients to
The esteemed librarian of Silverpine, Beth is known for create hearty meals.
her vast knowledge of ancient texts and historical
records. She is dedicated to preserving the history and Lira Moonshadow
lore of Silverpine and aids those in need of knowledge,
Lira Moonshadow is an elven bard who performs at the
especially in times of crisis.
Moonlit Mug. She has long, flowing silver hair and
Extra NPC’s bright green eyes that sparkle with mischief. Lira’s
enchanting voice and musical talent draw patrons to the
If the adventurers were to explore the town, you can use tavern, where she entertains them with tales of
any or all of these NPC’s to help guide them. adventure and romance. She is charismatic and
Harrison Whitlock mysterious, always ready to share a song or a story with
those who seek her company.
Harrison is the middle-aged owner and operator of the
Silverpine General Store. With a friendly demeanor and Lira Moonshadow
a strong build, he has short, salt-and-pepper hair and is
always seen wearing an apron. He is approachable and
helpful, taking pride in keeping the store well-stocked
and knowing most of the townsfolk by name.
Lila Whitlock
Lila is Harrison’s wife and co-owner of the general
store. A kind-hearted woman in her early forties, she
has long brown hair usually tied back in a bun.
Meticulous and organized, Lila manages inventory and
ensures the store runs smoothly. She is compassionate
and often shares her baked treats with loyal customers.
William Ironwood
The blacksmith of Silverpine, William is a burly man
with a stern expression and a heart of gold. His
muscular frame and soot-covered apron are evidence of
his hard work. William is known for his craftsmanship
and reliability, providing the town with tools, weapons,
and armor.

Appendix I: The Town of Silverpine

Appendix II: Eldara & Eldara would often attempt to show Nyxara the beauty
of light and compassion, while Nyxara would share her

Nyxara knowledge of the arcane with Eldara, hoping to ignite a

similar curiosity. These exchanges, though fleeting,
highlighted the complex relationship between the
This section is intended to give more background sisters.
information, if needed, for roleplay purposes on the two
estranged sisters. Nyxara’s Transformation
Early Life and Bond As Nyxara dived deeper into the teachings of Shar, she
became increasingly obsessed with the idea of merging
Eldara and Nyxara Maiven grew up together in the the Shadowfell with the material plane. This obsession
village of Silverpine, sharing a close bond during their drove her to perform dark rituals and gather followers
early years. They often explored the woods surrounding who shared her vision. Nyxara’s departure from
Silverpine, captivated by its mysteries and beauty. Silverpine marked the beginning of her transformation
Together, they learned about their family’s history,
into a powerful sorceress, fully committed to her dark
the legends of Silverpine, and the delicate balance
between light and dark. Eldara, the more nurturing of
Nyxara’s transformation was not just physical but
the two, often cared for injured animals and helped their
also emotional. She became more withdrawn, secretive,
neighbors, while Nyxara was curious and adventurous, and consumed by her desire for power. Her journey into
eager to uncover the secrets of the world. darkness was marked by sacrifices and the forsaking of
Their childhood was filled with shared dreams and her former self, embracing a path that led her further
aspirations. They spent countless nights under the away from her sister and her past.
starry sky, whispering their hopes and fears to each
other. This bond forged a deep connection that seemed Eldara’s Commitment
unbreakable, a foundation built on trust and love.
Eldara, meanwhile, continued her path as a cleric,
Diverging Paths gaining a deep understanding of healing and protective
magic. Her dedication to Selune and her role as the
As they grew older, their paths began to diverge. Eldara town’s priestess solidified her position as a beacon of
felt a deep connection to Selune and decided to become hope and light in Silverpine. Eldara’s efforts focused on
a priestess, dedicating herself to serving the community. healing the sick, offering guidance, and protecting the
She offered spiritual guidance and healing to the village from the encroaching darkness.
townsfolk, guided by visions from Selune. Her Eldara’s commitment to her faith and the people of
dedication to her faith and community strengthened her Silverpine was unwavering. She performed rituals, led
bond with the people of Silverpine, earning their respect community gatherings, and provided solace to those in
and trust.
need. Her visions from Selune became a guiding force,
Nyxara, on the other hand, was drawn to the
offering glimpses of hope and direction in times of
mysteries and power of the shadows. Her fascination
with the dark arts eventually led her to Shar, the
goddess of darkness. Opposing Forces
Nyxara left Silverpine to dive deeper into forbidden
knowledge, driven by her ambition and desire for The dynamic between Eldara and Nyxara adds a
power. Her studies transformed her into a formidable personal layer to the adventure. Their shared history
sorceress, dedicated to merging the Shadowfell with the and opposing paths create a poignant and emotional
material plane. backdrop to the conflict. Eldara’s hope to redeem her
sister and Nyxara’s determination to complete her dark
Shared History mission form the heart of the story, driving the narrative
towards its dramatic conclusion.
Before they became estranged, Eldara and Nyxara often Eldara’s efforts to save her sister are fueled by
spent their time together in the local library, captivated memories of their shared past and the bond they once
by stories of ancient heroes and mythical beings. had. She believes that there is still a spark of goodness
Nyxara’s curiosity often led them into trouble, as she within Nyxara, a remnant of the sister she once knew.
persuaded Eldara to explore hidden corners of the town This hope drives her to confront Nyxara, not just as an
and delve into forbidden texts. Their bond was strong, enemy, but as a sister trying to save her family.
but Nyxara’s growing fascination with the darker Nyxara, on the other hand, sees Eldara’s attempts as
aspects of magic began to create a rift between them. a threat to her plans and a denial of her true self. She
Despite their differences, there were moments of
views her sister’s actions as naive and misguided,
believing that her path is the only way to achieve true
power and security.

Appendix II: Eldara & Nyxara


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