player is already down to a single item, nothing else to remove
Crash Debugging - player is already down to a single item, nothing else to remove
INSTR: either the user is not logged in or they are not an instructor
AppUpdate: app became active but there's no pending update alert
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/visits/current
API: Method = GET from Path = api-2.0/visits/current
UB pro status update skipped. (reason: missing user and/or is MX user)
Assessment access status skipped. (reason: missing user and/or is non mx user)
Returning empty cart due to İşlem tamamlanamadı.
(udemy_mobile_ios.ShoppingCartManagerError hatası 0.)
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/visits/current
visit log called = false
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/mobile-devices/
API: Method = POST from Path = api-2.0/mobile-devices/
user never setup Learning reminders in the past. no need to go through the upgrade
currentItem: nil is either nil or status: nil is not readyToPlay
Returning empty cart due to invalid user session
Returning empty cart due to invalid user session
Returning empty cart due to invalid user session
Returning empty cart due to invalid user session
Returning empty cart due to invalid user session
saved ud_user_jwt cookie with value: ""
API: Success for Method = GET from Path = api-2.0/visits/current, StatusCode = 200
not requesting for a retry for path: Optional("/api-2.0/mobile-devices") because
status code: 400 was not within retry range: 500...599
not requesting for a retry for path: Optional("/api-2.0/mobile-devices") because
status code: 400 was not within retry range: 500...599
API: Failed with error = responseValidationFailed(reason:
400)), Method = POST from Path = api-2.0/mobile-devices/, URL =
https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/mobile-devices/, StatusCode = 400
mobile-devices call failed with error
400))). statusCode = Optional(400)
UdemyUIKit.UMAlertController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) has a
UdemyUIKit.UMAlertController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) exiting early (reason:
hotfix for auth controllers)
offlineProgress update: user is not logged in. try again later
exeucting scheduled deeplink nil after delay: 100
no scheduled deeplink to execute
EventTracking: Sending was successful