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[UMNetworkReachabilityManager] - Started listening for network reachability

player is already down to a single item, nothing else to remove
Crash Debugging - player is already down to a single item, nothing else to remove
INSTR: either the user is not logged in or they are not an instructor
AppUpdate: app became active but there's no pending update alert
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/visits/current
API: Method = GET from Path = api-2.0/visits/current
UB pro status update skipped. (reason: missing user and/or is MX user)
Assessment access status skipped. (reason: missing user and/or is non mx user)
Returning empty cart due to İşlem tamamlanamadı.
(udemy_mobile_ios.ShoppingCartManagerError hatası 0.)
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/visits/current
visit log called = false
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/mobile-devices/
API: Method = POST from Path = api-2.0/mobile-devices/
user never setup Learning reminders in the past. no need to go through the upgrade
currentItem: nil is either nil or status: nil is not readyToPlay
Returning empty cart due to invalid user session
Returning empty cart due to invalid user session
Returning empty cart due to invalid user session
Returning empty cart due to invalid user session
Returning empty cart due to invalid user session
saved ud_user_jwt cookie with value: ""
API: Success for Method = GET from Path = api-2.0/visits/current, StatusCode = 200
not requesting for a retry for path: Optional("/api-2.0/mobile-devices") because
status code: 400 was not within retry range: 500...599
not requesting for a retry for path: Optional("/api-2.0/mobile-devices") because
status code: 400 was not within retry range: 500...599
API: Failed with error = responseValidationFailed(reason:
400)), Method = POST from Path = api-2.0/mobile-devices/, URL =
https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/mobile-devices/, StatusCode = 400
mobile-devices call failed with error
400))). statusCode = Optional(400)
UdemyUIKit.UMAlertController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) has a
UdemyUIKit.UMAlertController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) exiting early (reason:
hotfix for auth controllers)
offlineProgress update: user is not logged in. try again later
exeucting scheduled deeplink nil after delay: 100
no scheduled deeplink to execute
EventTracking: Sending was successful

EventTracking: Remaining items in queue: 0

Error from authorization controller: İşlem tamamlanamadı.
(com.apple.AuthenticationServices.AuthorizationError hatası 1000.)
Failed to get a response Optional(Networking.APIError(main:
Networking.APIErrorInfo.details(message: "İşlem tamamlanamadı.
(com.apple.AuthenticationServices.AuthorizationError hatası 1000.)", originalError:
Optional(Error Domain=com.apple.AuthenticationServices.AuthorizationError Code=1000
"(null)")), statusCode: nil))
UdemyUIKit.UMAlertController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) has a
UdemyUIKit.UMAlertController handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:) exiting early (reason:
hotfix for auth controllers)
INSTR: either the user is not logged in or they are not an instructor
AppUpdate: app became active but there's no pending update alert
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/visits/current
API: Method = GET from Path = api-2.0/visits/current
UB pro status update skipped. (reason: missing user and/or is MX user)
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/visits/current
Assessment access status skipped. (reason: missing user and/or is non mx user)
Returning empty cart due to İşlem tamamlanamadı.
(udemy_mobile_ios.ShoppingCartManagerError hatası 0.)
visit log called = false
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/mobile-devices/
API: Method = POST from Path = api-2.0/mobile-devices/
user never setup Learning reminders in the past. no need to go through the upgrade
currentItem: nil is either nil or status: nil is not readyToPlay
Returning empty cart due to invalid user session
Returning empty cart due to invalid user session
Returning empty cart due to invalid user session
Returning empty cart due to invalid user session
Returning empty cart due to invalid user session
saved ud_user_jwt cookie with value: ""
API: Success for Method = GET from Path = api-2.0/visits/current, StatusCode = 200
not requesting for a retry for path: Optional("/api-2.0/mobile-devices") because
status code: 400 was not within retry range: 500...599
not requesting for a retry for path: Optional("/api-2.0/mobile-devices") because
status code: 400 was not within retry range: 500...599
API: Failed with error = responseValidationFailed(reason:
400)), Method = POST from Path = api-2.0/mobile-devices/, URL =
https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/mobile-devices/, StatusCode = 400
mobile-devices call failed with error
400))). statusCode = Optional(400)
UdemyUIKit.UMAlertController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) has a
UdemyUIKit.UMAlertController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) exiting early (reason:
hotfix for auth controllers)
offlineProgress update: user is not logged in. try again later
exeucting scheduled deeplink nil after delay: 100
no scheduled deeplink to execute
UIInputWindowController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) does not have a
UIInputWindowController handleTransitionlessAnimatedWillAppear() exiting early
(reason: not in bottomStackController view hierarchy stack)
SFAuthenticationViewController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) has a
SFAuthenticationViewController handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:) exiting early
(reason: hotfix for auth controllers)
UIInputWindowController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) does not have a
UIInputWindowController handleTransitionlessAnimatedWillAppear() exiting early
(reason: not in bottomStackController view hierarchy stack)
SFBrowserRemoteViewController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) has a
SFBrowserRemoteViewController handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:) exiting early
(reason: hotfix for auth controllers)
INSTR: either the user is not logged in or they are not an instructor
AppUpdate: app became active but there's no pending update alert
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/visits/current
API: Method = GET from Path = api-2.0/visits/current
UB pro status update skipped. (reason: missing user and/or is MX user)
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/visits/current
Assessment access status skipped. (reason: missing user and/or is non mx user)
Returning empty cart due to İşlem tamamlanamadı.
(udemy_mobile_ios.ShoppingCartManagerError hatası 0.)
visit log called = false
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/mobile-devices/
API: Method = POST from Path = api-2.0/mobile-devices/
user never setup Learning reminders in the past. no need to go through the upgrade
currentItem: nil is either nil or status: nil is not readyToPlay
Returning empty cart due to invalid user session
Returning empty cart due to invalid user session
Returning empty cart due to invalid user session
Returning empty cart due to invalid user session
Returning empty cart due to invalid user session
saved ud_user_jwt cookie with value: ""
API: Success for Method = GET from Path = api-2.0/visits/current, StatusCode = 200
not requesting for a retry for path: Optional("/api-2.0/mobile-devices") because
status code: 400 was not within retry range: 500...599
not requesting for a retry for path: Optional("/api-2.0/mobile-devices") because
status code: 400 was not within retry range: 500...599
API: Failed with error = responseValidationFailed(reason:
400)), Method = POST from Path = api-2.0/mobile-devices/, URL =
https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/mobile-devices/, StatusCode = 400
mobile-devices call failed with error
400))). statusCode = Optional(400)
offlineProgress update: user is not logged in. try again later
exeucting scheduled deeplink nil after delay: 100
no scheduled deeplink to execute
SFAuthenticationViewController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) has a
SFAuthenticationViewController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) exiting early
(reason: hotfix for auth controllers)
SFBrowserRemoteViewController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) has a
SFBrowserRemoteViewController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) exiting early
(reason: hotfix for auth controllers)
User object <GIDGoogleUser: 0x3019bbe30>
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/auth/google/login/2.0/?fields%5Buser
API: Method = POST from Path = api-2.0/auth/google/login/2.0/?
saved ud_user_jwt cookie with value:
API: Success for Method = POST from Path = api-2.0/auth/google/login/2.0/?
courses,encrypted_id,org_encrypted_id,locale, StatusCode = 200
visit log called = false
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/mobile-devices/
API: Method = POST from Path = api-2.0/mobile-devices/
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/experiments/assignments?exp_sets=mob
API: Method = POST from Path = api-2.0/experiments/assignments?exp_sets=mob
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/users/me/last-accessed-curriculum-items
API: Method = GET from Path = api-2.0/users/me/last-accessed-curriculum-items
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/users/me/last-accessed-curriculum-items
INSTR: either the user is not logged in or they are not an instructor
the logged in user is not an instructor
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/users/me/wishlisted-courses
API: Method = GET from Path = api-2.0/users/me/wishlisted-courses
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/users/me/wishlisted-courses
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/notices/me
API: Method = GET from Path = api-2.0/notices/me
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/notices/me
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/discovery-units
API: Method = GET from Path = api-2.0/discovery-units
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/discovery-units
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/notices/me
API: Method = GET from Path = api-2.0/notices/me
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/notices/me
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/experiments/variants/me
UINavigationController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) has a transitionCoordinator
UINavigationController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) transitionType is:
UINavigationController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) exiting early (reason: no
need to cache bottom anchor spacing for modals)
udemy_mobile_ios.SignInSignUpViewController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) has a
API: Method = POST from Path = api-2.0/experiments/variants/me
udemy_mobile_ios.SignInSignUpViewController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:)
transitionType is: dismissing
udemy_mobile_ios.SignInSignUpViewController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) exiting
early (reason: no need to cache bottom anchor spacing for modals)
UdemyUIKit.ConcreteBottomStackController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) exiting early
(reason: opted-out)
udemy_mobile_ios.UMTabBarController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) requested to
replace height constraint for bottom anchoring spacer on appear
UdemyUIKit.UMNavigationController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) has a
UdemyUIKit.UMNavigationController handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:) transitionType
is: dismissing
UdemyUIKit.UMNavigationController handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:) exiting early
(reason: self is not the top view controller)
udemy_mobile_ios.NewFeaturedCoursesController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) has a
udemy_mobile_ios.NewFeaturedCoursesController handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:)
transitionType is: dismissing
udemy_mobile_ios.NewFeaturedCoursesController handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:)
defaulting to bottom safe area
[UMNetworkReachabilityManager] - Adding observer:
<UdemyUIKit.UMNetworkReachabilitySnackBarController: 0x301e08ba0>.
[UMNetworkReachabilityManager] - Network became reachable via Ethernet or WiFi.
Returning empty cart due to invalid user session
Raw string is: Size uyum sağlayan öğrenim deneyimi
unable to find sku inside text: Size uyum sağlayan öğrenim deneyimi
the input text: Size uyum sağlayan öğrenim deneyimi doesn't have a valid sku
Raw string is: Bugününüz (ve gelecek) için yetkinlikler
unable to find sku inside text: Bugününüz (ve gelecek) için yetkinlikler
the input text: Bugününüz (ve gelecek) için yetkinlikler doesn't have a valid sku
Raw string is: Programınıza göre öğrenebileceğiniz, geleceğe yönelik yetkinlikler
unable to find sku inside text: Programınıza göre öğrenebileceğiniz, geleceğe
yönelik yetkinlikler
the input text: Programınıza göre öğrenebileceğiniz, geleceğe yönelik yetkinlikler
doesn't have a valid sku
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Displaying cached price for: 303042
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Displaying cached price for: 303454
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Displaying cached price for: 340874
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Displaying cached price for: 800754
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Returning empty cart due to invalid user session
the title price is Size uyum sağlayan öğrenim deneyimi and subTitlePrice is
Bugününüz (ve gelecek) için yetkinlikler
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
the title price is Programınıza göre öğrenebileceğiniz, geleceğe yönelik
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
GraphQLService->fetchExperiments: Success
API: graphQL call successful
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
not requesting for a retry for path: Optional("/api-2.0/mobile-devices") because
status code: 400 was not within retry range: 500...599
not requesting for a retry for path: Optional("/api-2.0/mobile-devices") because
status code: 400 was not within retry range: 500...599
API: Failed with error = responseValidationFailed(reason:
400)), Method = POST from Path = api-2.0/mobile-devices/, URL =
https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/mobile-devices/, StatusCode = 400
mobile-devices call failed with error
400))). statusCode = Optional(400)
saved evi cookie with value: "3@a7I45Ri6m4Rz-
API: Success for Method = POST from Path = api-2.0/experiments/assignments?
exp_sets=mob, StatusCode = 200
UMExp: successfully refreshed values =
API: /experiments call successful
Returning empty cart due to İşlem tamamlanamadı.
(udemy_mobile_ios.ShoppingCartManagerError hatası 1.)
Returning empty cart due to invalid user session
Returning empty cart due to invalid user session
Returning empty cart due to invalid user session
Returning empty cart due to invalid user session
Returning empty cart due to invalid user session
API: Success for Method = POST from Path = api-2.0/experiments/variants/me,
StatusCode = 200
API: Success for Method = GET from Path = api-2.0/users/me/wishlisted-courses,
StatusCode = 200
Ids should not be nil if initializing from stored data
API: Success for Method = GET from Path = api-2.0/users/me/last-accessed-
curriculum-items, StatusCode = 200
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/courses/3725918
API: Method = GET from Path = api-2.0/courses/3725918
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/courses/3725918
API: Success for Method = GET from Path = api-2.0/notices/me, StatusCode = 200
API: Success for Method = GET from Path = api-2.0/notices/me, StatusCode = 200
Returning empty cart due to invalid user session
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/users/me/terms-status
API: Method = GET from Path = api-2.0/users/me/terms-status
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/users/me
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/users/me/terms-status
API: Method = GET from Path = api-2.0/users/me
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/users/me
Returning empty cart due to invalid user session
API: Success for Method = GET from Path = api-2.0/users/me/terms-status, StatusCode
= 200
API: Success for Method = GET from Path = api-2.0/users/me, StatusCode = 200
INSTR: either the user is not logged in or they are not an instructor
error for legalMessages = İşlem tamamlanamadı. (udemy_mobile_ios.LegalMessagesError
hatası 0.)
API: Success for Method = GET from Path = api-2.0/courses/3725918, StatusCode = 200
Trying to extract the lecture but the content type is not a lecture
No NextLectureInfo is cached.
Reloading widgets of kind: CourseProgressWidgets
UdemyUIKit.Miniplayer.ViewController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) exiting early
(reason: opted-out)
Trying to extract the lecture but the content type is not a lecture
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/users/me/subscribed-courses/3725918/
API: Method = GET from Path = api-2.0/users/me/subscribed-courses/3725918/progress
[UMNetworkReachabilityManager] - Removing observer:
<udemy_mobile_ios.UMCourseTakingCurriculumManager: 0x10bfe3b50>.
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/users/me/subscribed-courses/3725918/
[UMNetworkReachabilityManager] - Adding observer:
<udemy_mobile_ios.UMCourseTakingCurriculumManager: 0x10bfe3b50>.
New playerLayer is nil.
Skipping announcement (reason: New info was not shown)
Returning empty cart due to invalid user session
Returning empty cart due to invalid user session
creating new timers
created timer: Optional(<__NSCFTimer: 0x300f65a40>)
returning nil (reason: elapsedTime or remainingTime is zero)
returning nil (reason: elapsedTime or remainingTime is zero)
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/courses/3725918/subscriber-curriculum-
API: Method = GET from Path = api-2.0/courses/3725918/subscriber-curriculum-items
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/courses/3725918/subscriber-curriculum-
Returning empty cart due to invalid user session
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Displaying cached price for: 1013378
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Displaying cached price for: 1125776
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Displaying cached price for: 1394158
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Displaying cached price for: 1449000
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Displaying cached price for: 1481852
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Displaying cached price for: 1518876
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
starting timer: true, false, nil
cancelling timers to extend
creating new timers
created timer: Optional(<__NSCFTimer: 0x300f01680>)
API: Success for Method = GET from Path =
api-2.0/users/me/subscribed-courses/3725918/progress, StatusCode = 200
EventTracking: Sending was successful

EventTracking: Remaining items in queue: 5

EventTracking: Sending was successful

EventTracking: Remaining items in queue: 0

Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Displaying cached price for: 12123
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Displaying cached price for: 32747
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Displaying cached price for: 33236
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Displaying cached price for: 33238
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Displaying cached price for: 34026
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Displaying cached price for: 36970
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
API: Success for Method = GET from Path = api-2.0/discovery-units, StatusCode = 200
the paginated courses are <udemy_mobile_ios.UMObjectPaginatedDiscovery:
Fetching the prices for: [2149086, 1235124, 1589248, 1258436, 1408632, 1384236]
Fetching the prices for: [6024616, 4606494, 6075027, 2847630, 4533110, 2964684]
Fetching the prices for: [6179241, 6121691, 6139805, 6180033, 6185599, 6174955]
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/pricing
API: Method = GET from Path = api-2.0/pricing
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/pricing
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/pricing
API: Method = GET from Path = api-2.0/pricing
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/pricing
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/pricing
API: Method = GET from Path = api-2.0/pricing
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/pricing
Unregistered presenting view for courseId: 1589248
Refreshing the fetching cell for: 1589248
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Unregistered presenting view for courseId: 2149086
Refreshing the fetching cell for: 2149086
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Unregistered presenting view for courseId: 1235124
Refreshing the fetching cell for: 1235124
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Unregistered presenting view for courseId: 1258436
Refreshing the fetching cell for: 1258436
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Unregistered presenting view for courseId: 6024616
Refreshing the fetching cell for: 6024616
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Unregistered presenting view for courseId: 6075027
Refreshing the fetching cell for: 6075027
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Unregistered presenting view for courseId: 2847630
Refreshing the fetching cell for: 2847630
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Unregistered presenting view for courseId: 4533110
Refreshing the fetching cell for: 4533110
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Unregistered presenting view for courseId: 4606494
Refreshing the fetching cell for: 4606494
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Unregistered presenting view for courseId: 2964684
Refreshing the fetching cell for: 2964684
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/structured-data/generic-tag/occupation/
API: Method = GET from Path =
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/structured-data/generic-tag/occupation/
viewWillDisappear exiting early (reason: opted-out)
udemy_mobile_ios.UMTabBarController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) has a
udemy_mobile_ios.UMTabBarController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) transitionType
is: presenting
udemy_mobile_ios.UMTabBarController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) exiting early
(reason: no need to cache bottom anchor spacing for modals)
UdemyUIKit.UMNavigationController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) has a
UdemyUIKit.UMNavigationController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) transitionType
is: presenting
UdemyUIKit.UMNavigationController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) exiting early
(reason: no need to cache bottom anchor spacing for modals)
udemy_mobile_ios.NewFeaturedCoursesController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) has a
udemy_mobile_ios.NewFeaturedCoursesController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:)
transitionType is: presenting
udemy_mobile_ios.NewFeaturedCoursesController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:)
exiting early (reason: no need to cache bottom anchor spacing for modals)
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/visits/me/funnel-logs/
viewWillDisappear exiting early (reason: opted-out)
API: Method = POST from Path = api-2.0/visits/me/funnel-logs/
UdemyUIKit.UMNavigationController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) has a
UdemyUIKit.UMNavigationController handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:) transitionType
is: presenting
UdemyUIKit.UMNavigationController handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:) exiting early
(reason: not in bottomStackController view hierarchy stack)
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/visits/me/funnel-logs/
udemy_mobile_ios.LearningForYourCareerViewController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:)
has a transitionCoordinator
API: Method = POST from Path = api-2.0/visits/me/funnel-logs/
handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:) transitionType is: presenting
handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:) exiting early (reason: not in bottomStackController
view hierarchy stack)
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/visits/me/funnel-logs/
API: Method = POST from Path = api-2.0/visits/me/funnel-logs/
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/visits/me/funnel-logs/
API: Method = POST from Path = api-2.0/visits/me/funnel-logs/
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/visits/me/funnel-logs/
API: Method = POST from Path = api-2.0/visits/me/funnel-logs/
user is ready to receive pre-push via Braze
Unregistered presenting view for courseId: 6185599
Refreshing the fetching cell for: 6185599
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Unregistered presenting view for courseId: 6180033
Refreshing the fetching cell for: 6180033
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Unregistered presenting view for courseId: 6179241
Refreshing the fetching cell for: 6179241
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Unregistered presenting view for courseId: 6174955
Refreshing the fetching cell for: 6174955
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Unregistered presenting view for courseId: 6139805
Refreshing the fetching cell for: 6139805
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Unregistered presenting view for courseId: 6121691
Refreshing the fetching cell for: 6121691
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
API: Success for Method = GET from Path = api-2.0/courses/3725918/subscriber-
curriculum-items, StatusCode = 200
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/courses/3725918/subscriber-curriculum-
API: Method = GET from Path = api-2.0/courses/3725918/subscriber-curriculum-items
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/courses/3725918/subscriber-curriculum-
API: Success for Method = POST from Path = api-2.0/visits/me/funnel-logs/,
StatusCode = 201
API: Success for Method = POST from Path = api-2.0/visits/me/funnel-logs/,
StatusCode = 201
API: Success for Method = POST from Path = api-2.0/visits/me/funnel-logs/,
StatusCode = 201
API: Success for Method = POST from Path = api-2.0/visits/me/funnel-logs/,
StatusCode = 201
API: Success for Method = POST from Path = api-2.0/visits/me/funnel-logs/,
StatusCode = 201
[UMNetworkReachabilityManager] - Removing observer:
<UdemyUIKit.UMNetworkReachabilitySnackBarController: 0x301e08ba0>.
API: Success for Method = GET from Path = api-2.0/pricing, StatusCode = 200
API: Success for Method = GET from Path = api-2.0/pricing, StatusCode = 200
Attempting to post announcement: 'Mini oynatıcı şunu gösteriyor: 67 dersi, While
Döngüsü (3), Python Programlama: Temelden İleri Seviye'
API: Success for Method = GET from Path = api-2.0/pricing, StatusCode = 200
Course has both SKUs, so it's a paid course
Course has both SKUs, so it's a paid course
Course has both SKUs, so it's a paid course
Course has both SKUs, so it's a paid course
Course has both SKUs, so it's a paid course
Course has both SKUs, so it's a paid course
Course has both SKUs, so it's a paid course
Course has both SKUs, so it's a paid course
Course has both SKUs, so it's a paid course
Course has both SKUs, so it's a paid course
Course has both SKUs, so it's a paid course
Course has both SKUs, so it's a paid course
Course has both SKUs, so it's a paid course
Course has both SKUs, so it's a paid course
Course has both SKUs, so it's a paid course
Course has both SKUs, so it's a paid course
Course has both SKUs, so it's a paid course
Course has both SKUs, so it's a paid course
No SKUs to fetch. Fulfilling seal with skus: ["com.udemy.consumable.8"]
No SKUs to fetch. Fulfilling seal with skus: ["com.udemy.consumable.8",
Pricing returned for: [6121691, 6180033, 6179241, 6185599, 6139805, 6174955]
No SKUs to fetch. Fulfilling seal with skus: []
Pricing returned for: [2847630, 2964684, 6075027, 4606494, 6024616, 4533110]
Displaying cached price for: 6121691
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Displaying cached price for: 6180033
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Displaying cached price for: 6179241
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Displaying cached price for: 6185599
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Displaying cached price for: 6139805
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Displaying cached price for: 6174955
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Displaying cached price for: 2847630
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Displaying cached price for: 2964684
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Displaying cached price for: 6075027
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Displaying cached price for: 4606494
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Displaying cached price for: 6024616
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Displaying cached price for: 4533110
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
No SKUs to fetch. Fulfilling seal with skus: []
API: Success for Method = GET from Path =
api-2.0/structured-data/generic-tag/occupation/grouped-occupations/, StatusCode =
already tracked user's app store country
Finished fetching missing SKUs (["com.udemy.consumable.15"]). Fulfilling seal with
all skus: ["com.udemy.consumable.9", "com.udemy.consumable.12",
Pricing returned for: [1258436, 1235124, 1384236, 2149086, 1408632, 1589248]
No SKUs to fetch. Fulfilling seal with skus: []
Course 1384236 does not have a registered view
Course 1408632 does not have a registered view
Displaying cached price for: 1258436
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Displaying cached price for: 1235124
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Displaying cached price for: 2149086
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Displaying cached price for: 1589248
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
API: Success for Method = GET from Path = api-2.0/courses/3725918/subscriber-
curriculum-items, StatusCode = 200
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/courses/3725918/subscriber-curriculum-
API: Method = GET from Path = api-2.0/courses/3725918/subscriber-curriculum-items
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/courses/3725918/subscriber-curriculum-
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/courses/3725918/subscriber-curriculum-
API: Method = GET from Path = api-2.0/courses/3725918/subscriber-curriculum-items
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/courses/3725918/subscriber-curriculum-
firing <__NSCFTimer: 0x300f01680>
Skipping announcement (reason: New info was not shown)
starting timer: false, false, nil
API: Success for Method = GET from Path = api-2.0/courses/3725918/subscriber-
curriculum-items, StatusCode = 200
UdemyUIKit.UMNavigationController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) has a
UdemyUIKit.UMNavigationController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) transitionType
is: dismissing
UdemyUIKit.UMNavigationController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) exiting early
(reason: no need to cache bottom anchor spacing for modals)
_swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) has a transitionCoordinator
_swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) transitionType is: dismissing
_swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) exiting early (reason: no need to cache bottom
anchor spacing for modals)
UdemyUIKit.ConcreteBottomStackController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) exiting early
(reason: opted-out)
udemy_mobile_ios.UMTabBarController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) requested to
replace height constraint for bottom anchoring spacer on appear
UdemyUIKit.UMNavigationController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) has a
UdemyUIKit.UMNavigationController handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:) transitionType
is: dismissing
UdemyUIKit.UMNavigationController handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:) exiting early
(reason: self is not the top view controller)
udemy_mobile_ios.NewFeaturedCoursesController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) has a
udemy_mobile_ios.NewFeaturedCoursesController handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:)
transitionType is: dismissing
udemy_mobile_ios.NewFeaturedCoursesController handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:)
defaulting to bottom safe area
[UMNetworkReachabilityManager] - Adding observer:
<UdemyUIKit.UMNetworkReachabilitySnackBarController: 0x301e08ba0>.
[UMNetworkReachabilityManager] - Network became reachable via Ethernet or WiFi.
UdemyUIKit.Miniplayer.ViewController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) exiting early
(reason: opted-out)
skipping didSet logic (reason: same value as existing)
API: Success for Method = GET from Path = api-2.0/courses/3725918/subscriber-
curriculum-items, StatusCode = 200
Returning empty cart due to invalid user session
Returning empty cart due to invalid user session
Returning empty cart due to invalid user session
UdemyUIKit.UMNavigationController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) does not have a
UdemyUIKit.UMNavigationController handleTransitionlessAnimatedWillAppear() exiting
early (reason: not the top view controller)
UdemyUIKit.UMNavigationController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) does not have a
udemy_mobile_ios.NewFeaturedCoursesController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) does
not have a transitionCoordinator
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/visits/me/funnel-logs/
API: Method = POST from Path = api-2.0/visits/me/funnel-logs/
udemy_mobile_ios.AccountViewController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) does not have a
udemy_mobile_ios.AccountViewController handleTransitionlessAnimatedWillAppear()
defaulting to bottom safe area
Skipping setter (reason: isMiniplayerHidden already has value: false)
Skipping setter (reason: isSignInButtonHidden already has value: true)
INSTR: either the user is not logged in or they are not an instructor
INSTR: either the user is not logged in or they are not an instructor
INSTR: either the user is not logged in or they are not an instructor
INSTR: either the user is not logged in or they are not an instructor
Returning empty cart due to invalid user session
Returning empty cart due to invalid user session
API: Success for Method = POST from Path = api-2.0/visits/me/funnel-logs/,
StatusCode = 201
udemy_mobile_ios.AccountViewController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) has a
udemy_mobile_ios.AccountViewController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:)
transitionType is: pushing
udemy_mobile_ios.AccountViewController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) exiting
early (reason: toVC.willAppear will handle the transition)
udemy_mobile_ios.SettingsOptionsVC _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) has a
udemy_mobile_ios.SettingsOptionsVC handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:) transitionType
is: pushing
udemy_mobile_ios.SettingsOptionsVC handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:) defaulting to
bottom safe area
Skipping setter (reason: isMiniplayerHidden already has value: false)
Skipping setter (reason: isSignInButtonHidden already has value: true)
EventTracking: Sending was successful

EventTracking: Remaining items in queue: 1

EventTracking: Sending was successful

EventTracking: Remaining items in queue: 0

cancelling timer: nil
udemy_mobile_ios.SettingsOptionsVC _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) has a
udemy_mobile_ios.SettingsOptionsVC _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) transitionType
is: popping
udemy_mobile_ios.SettingsOptionsVC _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) animating
udemy_mobile_ios.AccountViewController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) has a
udemy_mobile_ios.AccountViewController handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:)
transitionType is: popping
udemy_mobile_ios.AccountViewController handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:) exiting
early (reason: fromVC.willDisappear will handle the transition)
Skipping setter (reason: isMiniplayerHidden already has value: false)
Skipping setter (reason: isSignInButtonHidden already has value: true)
INSTR: either the user is not logged in or they are not an instructor
INSTR: either the user is not logged in or they are not an instructor
UdemyUIKit.UMNavigationController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) does not have a
UdemyUIKit.UMNavigationController handleTransitionlessAnimatedWillAppear() exiting
early (reason: not the top view controller)
UdemyUIKit.UMNavigationController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) does not have a
udemy_mobile_ios.AccountViewController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) does not
have a transitionCoordinator
udemy_mobile_ios.MyCoursesVC _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) does not have a
udemy_mobile_ios.MyCoursesVC handleTransitionlessAnimatedWillAppear() defaulting to
bottom safe area
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/users/me/subscribed-courses
API: Method = GET from Path = api-2.0/users/me/subscribed-courses
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/users/me/subscribed-courses
udemy_mobile_ios.CoursesListViewController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) does not
have a transitionCoordinator
udemy_mobile_ios.CoursesListViewController handleTransitionlessAnimatedWillAppear()
exiting early (reason: not the top view controller)
Skipping setter (reason: isMiniplayerHidden already has value: false)
Skipping setter (reason: isSignInButtonHidden already has value: true)
Returning empty cart due to invalid user session
UdemyUIKit.EmbeddingViewController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) has a
UdemyUIKit.EmbeddingViewController handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:) transitionType
is: presenting
UdemyUIKit.EmbeddingViewController handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:) exiting early
(reason: not in bottomStackController view hierarchy stack)
UdemyUIKit.ScrollingViewController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) has a
UdemyUIKit.ScrollingViewController handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:) transitionType
is: presenting
UdemyUIKit.ScrollingViewController handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:) exiting early
(reason: not in bottomStackController view hierarchy stack)
udemy_mobile_ios.AlertCardViewController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) has a
udemy_mobile_ios.AlertCardViewController handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:)
transitionType is: presenting
udemy_mobile_ios.AlertCardViewController handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:) exiting
early (reason: not in bottomStackController view hierarchy stack)
API: Success for Method = GET from Path = api-2.0/users/me/subscribed-courses,
StatusCode = 200
UdemyUIKit.EmbeddingViewController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) has a
UdemyUIKit.EmbeddingViewController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) transitionType
is: dismissing
UdemyUIKit.EmbeddingViewController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) exiting early
(reason: no need to cache bottom anchor spacing for modals)
UdemyUIKit.ScrollingViewController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) has a
UdemyUIKit.ScrollingViewController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) transitionType
is: dismissing
UdemyUIKit.ScrollingViewController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) exiting early
(reason: no need to cache bottom anchor spacing for modals)
udemy_mobile_ios.AlertCardViewController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) has a
udemy_mobile_ios.AlertCardViewController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:)
transitionType is: dismissing
udemy_mobile_ios.AlertCardViewController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) exiting
early (reason: no need to cache bottom anchor spacing for modals)
Miniplayer requesting play
preparing to play video with url: https://www.udemy.com/assets/31649956/files/2021-
Player rate changed to 0.0
Crash Debugging - Player rate changed to 0.0
No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no item playing
Crash Debugging - No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no
item playing
Player rate changed to 1.0
Crash Debugging - Player rate changed to 1.0
No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no item playing
Crash Debugging - No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no
item playing
player is already down to a single item, nothing else to remove
Crash Debugging - player is already down to a single item, nothing else to remove
Player rate changed to 0.0
Crash Debugging - Player rate changed to 0.0
No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no item playing
Crash Debugging - No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no
item playing
Mux: started tracking video: url: https://www.udemy.com/assets/31649956/files/2021-
currentItem: Optional(<AVPlayerItem: 0x30384e7c0, asset = <AVURLAsset: 0x303bfb1e0,
URL = https://www.udemy.com/assets/31649956/files/2021-02-23_15-27-15-
_heN96j6fyfIFyGMDEWd1JyfWjESii48&provider=cloudfront&v=1>>) is either nil or
status: Optional("unknown") is not readyToPlay
Crash Debugging - url not local or assetCache is valid and playable offline
No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no item playing
Crash Debugging - No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no
item playing
Player rate changed to 1.0
Crash Debugging - Player rate changed to 1.0
currentItem: Optional(<AVPlayerItem: 0x30384e7c0, asset = <AVURLAsset: 0x303bfb1e0,
URL = https://www.udemy.com/assets/31649956/files/2021-02-23_15-27-15-
_heN96j6fyfIFyGMDEWd1JyfWjESii48&provider=cloudfront&v=1>>) is either nil or
status: Optional("unknown") is not readyToPlay
No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no item playing
Crash Debugging - No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no
item playing
currentItem: Optional(<AVPlayerItem: 0x30384e7c0, asset = <AVURLAsset: 0x303bfb1e0,
URL = https://www.udemy.com/assets/31649956/files/2021-02-23_15-27-15-
_heN96j6fyfIFyGMDEWd1JyfWjESii48&provider=cloudfront&v=1>>) is either nil or
status: Optional("unknown") is not readyToPlay


[UMNetworkReachabilityManager] - Adding observer:

<udemy_mobile_ios.ClosedCaptionView: 0x10c87a800; frame = (0 0; 0 0); autoresize =
W+H; userInteractionEnabled = NO; layer = <CALayer: 0x303caf360>>.
[UMNetworkReachabilityManager] - Network became reachable via Ethernet or WiFi.
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/users/me/subscribed-courses/3725918/
API: Method = POST from Path =
the url is https://www.udemy.com/assets/31649956/files/2021-02-23_15-27-15-
API: Method = GET from Path = assets/31649956/files/2021-02-23_15-27-15-
the url is https://www.udemy.com/assets/31649956/files/2021-02-23_15-27-15-
Reloading widgets of kind: CourseProgressWidgets
Ignoring player <AVQueuePlayer: 0x303b1a5e0> status changing to 1
Crash Debugging - Ignoring player <AVQueuePlayer: 0x303b1a5e0> status changing to 1
not starting timer (reason: dismiss timer is paused. timer will auto-resume when
flag is set to false.)
Skipping announcement (reason: Same as current announcement)
No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no item playing
Crash Debugging - No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no
item playing
No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no item playing
Crash Debugging - No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no
item playing
API: Success for Method = POST from Path =
api-2.0/users/me/subscribed-courses/3725918/lectures/24082766/view-logs, StatusCode
= 201
starting timer: true, false, nil
not starting timer (reason: dismiss timer is paused. timer will auto-resume when
flag is set to false.)
API: Success for Method = GET from Path = assets/31649956/files/2021-02-23_15-27-
StatusCode = 200
Crash Debugging - asset had legible options
Crash Debugging - legible description: <AVAssetMediaSelectionGroup: 0x3019b7110,
options = (
"<AVMediaSelectionKeyValueOption: 0x3019b6cb0, language = (null), mediaType =
'clcp', tagged media characteristics = {public.accessibility.transcribes-spoken-
dialog, public.accessibility.describes-music-and-sound}, default = YES>"
), allowsEmptySelection = YES>
Crash Debugging - legible options: [<AVMediaSelectionKeyValueOption: 0x3019b6cb0,
language = (null), mediaType = 'clcp', tagged media characteristics =
{public.accessibility.transcribes-spoken-dialog, public.accessibility.describes-
music-and-sound}, default = YES>]
Crash Debugging - audible description: <AVAssetMediaSelectionGroup: 0x301a0eee0,
options = (
"<AVMediaSelectionKeyValueOption: 0x301a0f160, language = (null), mediaType =
'soun', default = YES>"
), allowsEmptySelection = YES>
Crash Debugging - audible options: [<AVMediaSelectionKeyValueOption: 0x301a0f160,
language = (null), mediaType = 'soun', default = YES>]
currentItem: Optional(<AVPlayerItem: 0x30384e7c0, asset = <AVURLAsset: 0x303bfb1e0,
URL = https://www.udemy.com/assets/31649956/files/2021-02-23_15-27-15-
_heN96j6fyfIFyGMDEWd1JyfWjESii48&provider=cloudfront&v=1>>) is either nil or
status: Optional("unknown") is not readyToPlay
division by zero: secondsTotal is zero. most likely because the currentItem's
status is not readyToPlay: unknown
early exiting without playing video. current player status: Optional(unknown).
player isReadyForDisplay: true
Crash Debugging - early exiting without playing video. current player status:
Optional(unknown). player isReadyForDisplay: true
UIViewController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) does not have a transitionCoordinator
UIViewController handleTransitionlessAnimatedWillAppear() exiting early (reason:
not in bottomStackController view hierarchy stack)
player item status changed to: readyToPlay
Crash Debugging - player item status changed to: readyToPlay
Player rate changed to 1.0
Crash Debugging - Player rate changed to 1.0
No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no item playing
Crash Debugging - No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no
item playing
returning false (reason: miniplayer does not support scrubbing)
No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no item playing
Crash Debugging - No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no
item playing
returning false (reason: miniplayer does not support scrubbing)
returning false (reason: miniplayer does not support scrubbing)
Player progress: not marking lecture as complete.
lecture.id = Optional(24082766),
currentTime = 0,
duration = 479,
time remaining = 479,
isTimeRemainingNegative = false
returning nil (reason: elapsedTime or remainingTime is zero)
returning nil (reason: elapsedTime or remainingTime is zero)
returning nil (reason: elapsedTime or remainingTime is zero)
returning nil (reason: elapsedTime or remainingTime is zero)
returning nil (reason: elapsedTime or remainingTime is zero)
returning nil (reason: elapsedTime or remainingTime is zero)
returning nil (reason: elapsedTime or remainingTime is zero)
returning nil (reason: elapsedTime or remainingTime is zero)
returning false (reason: miniplayer does not support scrubbing)
Player progress: not marking lecture as complete.
lecture.id = Optional(24082766),
currentTime = 0,
duration = 479,
time remaining = 479,
isTimeRemainingNegative = false
returning nil (reason: elapsedTime or remainingTime is zero)
returning nil (reason: elapsedTime or remainingTime is zero)
returning nil (reason: elapsedTime or remainingTime is zero)
returning nil (reason: elapsedTime or remainingTime is zero)
returning nil (reason: elapsedTime or remainingTime is zero)
returning nil (reason: elapsedTime or remainingTime is zero)
returning nil (reason: elapsedTime or remainingTime is zero)
returning nil (reason: elapsedTime or remainingTime is zero)
returning false (reason: miniplayer does not support scrubbing)
Player progress: not marking lecture as complete.
lecture.id = Optional(24082766),
currentTime = 0,
duration = 479,
time remaining = 479,
isTimeRemainingNegative = false
returning nil (reason: elapsedTime or remainingTime is zero)
returning nil (reason: elapsedTime or remainingTime is zero)
returning false (reason: miniplayer does not support scrubbing)
Player progress: not marking lecture as complete.
lecture.id = Optional(24082766),
currentTime = 1,
duration = 479,
time remaining = 478,
isTimeRemainingNegative = false
Presenting course taking...
Mux: cleaning up analytics
visit log called = false
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/mobile-devices/
API: Method = POST from Path = api-2.0/mobile-devices/
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/courses/3725918
API: Method = GET from Path = api-2.0/courses/3725918
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/courses/3725918
Ignoring currentItem changing to nil
Crash Debugging - Ignoring currentItem changing to nil
No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no item playing
Crash Debugging - No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no
item playing
[UMNetworkReachabilityManager] - Adding observer:
<udemy_mobile_ios.UMLecturePlayerContainerView: 0x10c9d3000; frame = (0 0; 0 0);
backgroundColor = UIExtendedGrayColorSpace 0 1; layer = <CALayer: 0x303ca2740>>.
[UMNetworkReachabilityManager] - Network became reachable via Ethernet or WiFi.
skipping activation change logic (reason: new value true is same as old value true)
Couldn't get currentView: nil as VideoLectureView
viewWillDisappear exiting early (reason: opted-out)
udemy_mobile_ios.UMTabBarController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) has a
udemy_mobile_ios.UMTabBarController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) transitionType
is: presenting
udemy_mobile_ios.UMTabBarController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) exiting early
(reason: no need to cache bottom anchor spacing for modals)
UdemyUIKit.UMNavigationController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) has a
UdemyUIKit.UMNavigationController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) transitionType
is: presenting
UdemyUIKit.UMNavigationController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) exiting early
(reason: no need to cache bottom anchor spacing for modals)
udemy_mobile_ios.MyCoursesVC _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) has a
udemy_mobile_ios.MyCoursesVC _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) transitionType is:
udemy_mobile_ios.MyCoursesVC _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) exiting early (reason:
no need to cache bottom anchor spacing for modals)
udemy_mobile_ios.CoursesListViewController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) has a
udemy_mobile_ios.CoursesListViewController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:)
transitionType is: presenting
udemy_mobile_ios.CoursesListViewController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) exiting
early (reason: no need to cache bottom anchor spacing for modals)
viewWillDisappear exiting early (reason: opted-out)
udemy_mobile_ios.UMCourseTakingViewController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) has a
udemy_mobile_ios.UMCourseTakingViewController handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:)
transitionType is: presenting
udemy_mobile_ios.UMCourseTakingViewController handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:)
exiting early (reason: not in bottomStackController view hierarchy stack)
[UMNetworkReachabilityManager] - Adding observer:
<UdemyUIKit.UMNetworkReachabilitySnackBarController: 0x301f06f40>.
[UMNetworkReachabilityManager] - Network became reachable via Ethernet or WiFi.
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/courses/3725918
API: Method = GET from Path = api-2.0/courses/3725918
udemy_mobile_ios.UMCourseDashboardPagerViewController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:)
has a transitionCoordinator
handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:) transitionType is: presenting
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/courses/3725918
handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:) exiting early (reason: not in bottomStackController
view hierarchy stack)
[UMNetworkReachabilityManager] - Adding observer:
<udemy_mobile_ios.UMCourseDashboardPagerViewController: 0x10c38da00>.
[UMNetworkReachabilityManager] - Network became reachable via Ethernet or WiFi.
udemy_mobile_ios.UMCourseDashboardHeaderViewController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:)
has a transitionCoordinator
handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:) transitionType is: presenting
handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:) exiting early (reason: not in bottomStackController
view hierarchy stack)
_swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) has a transitionCoordinator
handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:) transitionType is: presenting
handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:) exiting early (reason: not in bottomStackController
view hierarchy stack)
_swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) has a transitionCoordinator
handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:) transitionType is: presenting
handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:) exiting early (reason: not in bottomStackController
view hierarchy stack)
_swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) has a transitionCoordinator
handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:) transitionType is: presenting
handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:) exiting early (reason: not in bottomStackController
view hierarchy stack)
returning false (reason: miniplayer does not support scrubbing)
currentItem: nil is either nil or status: nil is not readyToPlay
Player progress: not marking lecture as complete.
lecture.id = Optional(24082766),
currentTime = 1,
duration = 0,
time remaining = -1,
isTimeRemainingNegative = true
currentItem: nil is either nil or status: nil is not readyToPlay
passed in playerItem: <AVPlayerItem: 0x30384e7c0, asset = <AVURLAsset: 0x303bfb1e0,
URL = https://www.udemy.com/assets/31649956/files/2021-02-23_15-27-15-
_heN96j6fyfIFyGMDEWd1JyfWjESii48&provider=cloudfront&v=1>> is different from
currentItem: nil
Resuming lecture: 24082766...
the lectureId from source is Optional(24082766) and the assetType is
[UMNetworkReachabilityManager] - Adding observer:
<udemy_mobile_ios.UMRefactoredVideoPlayerView: 0x1301671d0; frame = (0 0; 0 0);
layer = <CALayer: 0x303ccab40>>.
[UMNetworkReachabilityManager] - Network became reachable via Ethernet or WiFi.
[UMNetworkReachabilityManager] - Network became reachable via Ethernet or WiFi.
ignoring a11y updates on videoplayer since no change occurred
Player rate changed to 0.0
Crash Debugging - Player rate changed to 0.0
No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no item playing
Crash Debugging - No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no
item playing
[UMNetworkReachabilityManager] - Removing observer:
<udemy_mobile_ios.ClosedCaptionView: 0x10c87a800; frame = (0 0; 0 0); autoresize =
W+H; userInteractionEnabled = NO; layer = <CALayer: 0x303caf360>>.
preparing to play video with url: https://www.udemy.com/assets/31649956/files/2021-
don't auto hide controls because the video is either paused: true, buffering:
false, voice over is running: false, controls hidden: false, or transition view
showing: false
Player rate changed to 0.0
Crash Debugging - Player rate changed to 0.0
don't auto hide controls because the video is either paused: true, buffering:
false, voice over is running: false, controls hidden: false, or transition view
showing: false
No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no item playing
Crash Debugging - No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no
item playing
Player rate changed to 1.0
Crash Debugging - Player rate changed to 1.0
No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no item playing
Crash Debugging - No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no
item playing
don't auto hide controls because the video is either paused: false, buffering:
true, voice over is running: false, controls hidden: false, or transition view
showing: false
player is already down to a single item, nothing else to remove
Crash Debugging - player is already down to a single item, nothing else to remove
Player rate changed to 0.0
Crash Debugging - Player rate changed to 0.0
don't auto hide controls because the video is either paused: true, buffering: true,
voice over is running: false, controls hidden: false, or transition view showing:
No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no item playing
Crash Debugging - No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no
item playing
Mux: started tracking video: url: https://www.udemy.com/assets/31649956/files/2021-
Exiting early (reason: Not the currently playing lecture.)
currentItem: Optional(<AVPlayerItem: 0x3038a9aa0, asset = <AVURLAsset: 0x303ceaaa0,
URL = https://www.udemy.com/assets/31649956/files/2021-02-23_15-27-15-
_heN96j6fyfIFyGMDEWd1JyfWjESii48&provider=cloudfront&v=1>>) is either nil or
status: Optional("unknown") is not readyToPlay
Crash Debugging - url not local or assetCache is valid and playable offline
No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no item playing
Crash Debugging - No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no
item playing
Player rate changed to 1.0
Crash Debugging - Player rate changed to 1.0
don't auto hide controls because the video is either paused: false, buffering:
true, voice over is running: false, controls hidden: false, or transition view
showing: false
currentItem: Optional(<AVPlayerItem: 0x3038a9aa0, asset = <AVURLAsset: 0x303ceaaa0,
URL = https://www.udemy.com/assets/31649956/files/2021-02-23_15-27-15-
_heN96j6fyfIFyGMDEWd1JyfWjESii48&provider=cloudfront&v=1>>) is either nil or
status: Optional("unknown") is not readyToPlay
No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no item playing
Crash Debugging - No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no
item playing
currentItem: Optional(<AVPlayerItem: 0x3038a9aa0, asset = <AVURLAsset: 0x303ceaaa0,
URL = https://www.udemy.com/assets/31649956/files/2021-02-23_15-27-15-
_heN96j6fyfIFyGMDEWd1JyfWjESii48&provider=cloudfront&v=1>>) is either nil or
status: Optional("unknown") is not readyToPlay


[UMNetworkReachabilityManager] - Adding observer:

<udemy_mobile_ios.ClosedCaptionView: 0x10c460600; frame = (0 0; 0 0); autoresize =
W+H; userInteractionEnabled = NO; layer = <CALayer: 0x303c97bc0>>.
[UMNetworkReachabilityManager] - Network became reachable via Ethernet or WiFi.
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/users/me/subscribed-courses/3725918/
API: Method = POST from Path =
the url is https://www.udemy.com/assets/31649956/files/2021-02-23_15-27-15-
API: Method = GET from Path = assets/31649956/files/2021-02-23_15-27-15-
the url is https://www.udemy.com/assets/31649956/files/2021-02-23_15-27-15-
Skipping announcement (reason: New info was not shown)
not starting timer (reason: dismiss timer is paused. timer will auto-resume when
flag is set to false.)
Download view model failed to convert curriculum view model indexPath <nil>,
curriculumCellViewModels.count: 168
Ignoring scroll to current lecture request since curriculum is not loaded.
not requesting for a retry for path: Optional("/api-2.0/mobile-devices") because
status code: 400 was not within retry range: 500...599
UIViewController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) does not have a
not starting timer (reason: dismiss timer is paused. timer will auto-resume when
flag is set to false.)
not requesting for a retry for path: Optional("/api-2.0/mobile-devices") because
status code: 400 was not within retry range: 500...599
Player rate changed to 0.0
Crash Debugging - Player rate changed to 0.0
don't auto hide controls because the video is either paused: true, buffering: true,
voice over is running: false, controls hidden: false, or transition view showing:
currentItem: Optional(<AVPlayerItem: 0x3038a9aa0, asset = <AVURLAsset: 0x303ceaaa0,
URL = https://www.udemy.com/assets/31649956/files/2021-02-23_15-27-15-
_heN96j6fyfIFyGMDEWd1JyfWjESii48&provider=cloudfront&v=1>>) is either nil or
status: Optional("unknown") is not readyToPlay
No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no item playing
Crash Debugging - No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no
item playing
Player rate changed to 1.0
Crash Debugging - Player rate changed to 1.0
don't auto hide controls because the video is either paused: false, buffering:
true, voice over is running: false, controls hidden: false, or transition view
showing: false
currentItem: Optional(<AVPlayerItem: 0x3038a9aa0, asset = <AVURLAsset: 0x303ceaaa0,
URL = https://www.udemy.com/assets/31649956/files/2021-02-23_15-27-15-
_heN96j6fyfIFyGMDEWd1JyfWjESii48&provider=cloudfront&v=1>>) is either nil or
status: Optional("unknown") is not readyToPlay
No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no item playing
Crash Debugging - No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no
item playing
API: Failed with error = responseValidationFailed(reason:
400)), Method = POST from Path = api-2.0/mobile-devices/, URL =
https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/mobile-devices/, StatusCode = 400
mobile-devices call failed with error
400))). statusCode = Optional(400)
Player rate changed to 0.0
Crash Debugging - Player rate changed to 0.0
don't auto hide controls because the video is either paused: true, buffering: true,
voice over is running: false, controls hidden: false, or transition view showing:
currentItem: Optional(<AVPlayerItem: 0x3038a9aa0, asset = <AVURLAsset: 0x303ceaaa0,
URL = https://www.udemy.com/assets/31649956/files/2021-02-23_15-27-15-
_heN96j6fyfIFyGMDEWd1JyfWjESii48&provider=cloudfront&v=1>>) is either nil or
status: Optional("unknown") is not readyToPlay
No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no item playing
Crash Debugging - No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no
item playing
Player rate changed to 1.0
Crash Debugging - Player rate changed to 1.0
don't auto hide controls because the video is either paused: false, buffering:
true, voice over is running: false, controls hidden: false, or transition view
showing: false
currentItem: Optional(<AVPlayerItem: 0x3038a9aa0, asset = <AVURLAsset: 0x303ceaaa0,
URL = https://www.udemy.com/assets/31649956/files/2021-02-23_15-27-15-
_heN96j6fyfIFyGMDEWd1JyfWjESii48&provider=cloudfront&v=1>>) is either nil or
status: Optional("unknown") is not readyToPlay
No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no item playing
Crash Debugging - No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no
item playing
API: Success for Method = GET from Path = api-2.0/courses/3725918, StatusCode = 200
API: Success for Method = GET from Path = api-2.0/courses/3725918, StatusCode = 200
Reloading widgets of kind: CourseProgressWidgets
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/users/me/subscribed-courses/3725918
API: Method = PATCH from Path = api-2.0/users/me/subscribed-courses/3725918
Reloading widgets of kind: CourseProgressWidgets
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/users/me/subscribed-courses/3725918
API: Method = PATCH from Path = api-2.0/users/me/subscribed-courses/3725918
API: Success for Method = POST from Path =
api-2.0/users/me/subscribed-courses/3725918/lectures/24082766/view-logs, StatusCode
= 201
Crash Debugging - asset had legible options
Crash Debugging - legible description: <AVAssetMediaSelectionGroup: 0x301aba300,
options = (
"<AVMediaSelectionKeyValueOption: 0x301aba8f0, language = (null), mediaType =
'clcp', tagged media characteristics = {public.accessibility.transcribes-spoken-
dialog, public.accessibility.describes-music-and-sound}, default = YES>"
), allowsEmptySelection = YES>
Crash Debugging - legible options: [<AVMediaSelectionKeyValueOption: 0x301aba8f0,
language = (null), mediaType = 'clcp', tagged media characteristics =
{public.accessibility.transcribes-spoken-dialog, public.accessibility.describes-
music-and-sound}, default = YES>]
Crash Debugging - audible description: <AVAssetMediaSelectionGroup: 0x301a83ed0,
options = (
"<AVMediaSelectionKeyValueOption: 0x301a80b40, language = (null), mediaType =
'soun', default = YES>"
), allowsEmptySelection = YES>
Crash Debugging - audible options: [<AVMediaSelectionKeyValueOption: 0x301a80b40,
language = (null), mediaType = 'soun', default = YES>]
Download view model failed to convert curriculum view model indexPath 76, 0,
curriculumCellViewModels.count: 168
Ignoring scroll to current lecture request since curriculum is not loaded.
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/courses/3725918
API: Method = GET from Path = api-2.0/courses/3725918
[UMNetworkReachabilityManager] - Removing observer:
<UdemyUIKit.UMNetworkReachabilitySnackBarController: 0x301e08ba0>.
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/courses/3725918
API: Success for Method = GET from Path = assets/31649956/files/2021-02-23_15-27-
StatusCode = 200
API: Success for Method = PATCH from Path =
api-2.0/users/me/subscribed-courses/3725918, StatusCode = 200
API: Success for Method = PATCH from Path =
api-2.0/users/me/subscribed-courses/3725918, StatusCode = 200
API: Success for Method = GET from Path = api-2.0/courses/3725918, StatusCode = 200
currentItem: Optional(<AVPlayerItem: 0x3038a9aa0, asset = <AVURLAsset: 0x303ceaaa0,
URL = https://www.udemy.com/assets/31649956/files/2021-02-23_15-27-15-
_heN96j6fyfIFyGMDEWd1JyfWjESii48&provider=cloudfront&v=1>>) is either nil or
status: Optional("unknown") is not readyToPlay
division by zero: secondsTotal is zero. most likely because the currentItem's
status is not readyToPlay: unknown
early exiting without playing video. current player status: Optional(unknown).
player isReadyForDisplay: true
Crash Debugging - early exiting without playing video. current player status:
Optional(unknown). player isReadyForDisplay: true
UIViewController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) does not have a transitionCoordinator
UIViewController handleTransitionlessAnimatedWillAppear() exiting early (reason:
not in bottomStackController view hierarchy stack)
player item status changed to: readyToPlay
Crash Debugging - player item status changed to: readyToPlay
don't auto hide controls because the video is either paused: false, buffering:
true, voice over is running: false, controls hidden: false, or transition view
showing: false
Player rate changed to 1.0
Crash Debugging - Player rate changed to 1.0
don't auto hide controls because the video is either paused: false, buffering:
true, voice over is running: false, controls hidden: false, or transition view
showing: false
No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no item playing
Crash Debugging - No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no
item playing
No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no item playing
Crash Debugging - No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no
item playing
don't auto hide controls because the video is either paused: false, buffering:
true, voice over is running: false, controls hidden: false, or transition view
showing: false
No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no item playing
Crash Debugging - No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no
item playing
No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no item playing
Crash Debugging - No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no
item playing
Player progress: not marking lecture as complete.
lecture.id = Optional(24082766),
currentTime = 1,
duration = 479,
time remaining = 478,
isTimeRemainingNegative = false
No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no item playing
Crash Debugging - No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no
item playing
Player progress: not marking lecture as complete.
lecture.id = Optional(24082766),
currentTime = 1,
duration = 479,
time remaining = 478,
isTimeRemainingNegative = false
Player progress: not marking lecture as complete.
lecture.id = Optional(24082766),
currentTime = 1,
duration = 479,
time remaining = 478,
isTimeRemainingNegative = false
Player progress: not marking lecture as complete.
lecture.id = Optional(24082766),
currentTime = 1,
duration = 479,
time remaining = 478,
isTimeRemainingNegative = false
Player progress: not marking lecture as complete.
lecture.id = Optional(24082766),
currentTime = 2,
duration = 479,
time remaining = 477,
isTimeRemainingNegative = false
Player progress: not marking lecture as complete.
lecture.id = Optional(24082766),
currentTime = 2,
duration = 479,
time remaining = 477,
isTimeRemainingNegative = false
Player progress: not marking lecture as complete.
lecture.id = Optional(24082766),
currentTime = 3,
duration = 479,
time remaining = 476,
isTimeRemainingNegative = false
Player progress: not marking lecture as complete.
lecture.id = Optional(24082766),
currentTime = 3,
duration = 479,
time remaining = 476,
isTimeRemainingNegative = false
don't auto hide controls because the video is either paused: false, buffering:
false, voice over is running: false, controls hidden: true, or transition view
showing: false
a11y: turning accessibility true for video player elements
Player progress: not marking lecture as complete.
lecture.id = Optional(24082766),
currentTime = 4,
duration = 479,
time remaining = 475,
isTimeRemainingNegative = false
a11y: turning accessibility false for video player elements
Player progress: not marking lecture as complete.
lecture.id = Optional(24082766),
currentTime = 4,
duration = 479,
time remaining = 475,
isTimeRemainingNegative = false
don't auto hide controls because the video is either paused: false, buffering:
false, voice over is running: false, controls hidden: true, or transition view
showing: false
a11y: turning accessibility true for video player elements
Player progress: not marking lecture as complete.
lecture.id = Optional(24082766),
currentTime = 5,
duration = 479,
time remaining = 474,
isTimeRemainingNegative = false
Player progress: not marking lecture as complete.
lecture.id = Optional(24082766),
currentTime = 5,
duration = 479,
time remaining = 474,
isTimeRemainingNegative = false
Player progress: not marking lecture as complete.
lecture.id = Optional(24082766),
currentTime = 6,
duration = 479,
time remaining = 473,
isTimeRemainingNegative = false
Player progress: not marking lecture as complete.
lecture.id = Optional(24082766),
currentTime = 6,
duration = 479,
time remaining = 473,
isTimeRemainingNegative = false
Player progress: not marking lecture as complete.
lecture.id = Optional(24082766),
currentTime = 7,
duration = 479,
time remaining = 472,
isTimeRemainingNegative = false
Player progress: not marking lecture as complete.
lecture.id = Optional(24082766),
currentTime = 7,
duration = 479,
time remaining = 472,
isTimeRemainingNegative = false
Player progress: not marking lecture as complete.
lecture.id = Optional(24082766),
currentTime = 8,
duration = 479,
time remaining = 471,
isTimeRemainingNegative = false
Player progress: not marking lecture as complete.
lecture.id = Optional(24082766),
currentTime = 8,
duration = 479,
time remaining = 471,
isTimeRemainingNegative = false
Player progress: not marking lecture as complete.
lecture.id = Optional(24082766),
currentTime = 9,
duration = 479,
time remaining = 470,
isTimeRemainingNegative = false
Player progress: not marking lecture as complete.
lecture.id = Optional(24082766),
currentTime = 9,
duration = 479,
time remaining = 470,
isTimeRemainingNegative = false
Player progress: not marking lecture as complete.
lecture.id = Optional(24082766),
currentTime = 10,
duration = 479,
time remaining = 469,
isTimeRemainingNegative = false
EventTracking: Sending was successful
EventTracking: Remaining items in queue: 0
Player progress: not marking lecture as complete.
lecture.id = Optional(24082766),
currentTime = 10,
duration = 479,
time remaining = 469,
isTimeRemainingNegative = false
Player progress: not marking lecture as complete.
lecture.id = Optional(24082766),
currentTime = 11,
duration = 479,
time remaining = 468,
isTimeRemainingNegative = false
Player progress: not marking lecture as complete.
lecture.id = Optional(24082766),
currentTime = 11,
duration = 479,
time remaining = 468,
isTimeRemainingNegative = false
Player progress: not marking lecture as complete.
lecture.id = Optional(24082766),
currentTime = 12,
duration = 479,
time remaining = 467,
isTimeRemainingNegative = false
Player progress: not marking lecture as complete.
lecture.id = Optional(24082766),
currentTime = 12,
duration = 479,
time remaining = 467,
isTimeRemainingNegative = false
Player progress: not marking lecture as complete.
lecture.id = Optional(24082766),
currentTime = 13,
duration = 479,
time remaining = 466,
isTimeRemainingNegative = false
Player progress: not marking lecture as complete.
lecture.id = Optional(24082766),
currentTime = 13,
duration = 479,
time remaining = 466,
isTimeRemainingNegative = false
Player progress: not marking lecture as complete.
lecture.id = Optional(24082766),
currentTime = 14,
duration = 479,
time remaining = 465,
isTimeRemainingNegative = false
Player progress: not marking lecture as complete.
lecture.id = Optional(24082766),
currentTime = 14,
duration = 479,
time remaining = 465,
isTimeRemainingNegative = false
Player progress: not marking lecture as complete.
lecture.id = Optional(24082766),
currentTime = 15,
duration = 479,
time remaining = 464,
isTimeRemainingNegative = false
Queuing up asset progress elapsed: 15, total: 479
minutesConsumed: queue: tracking progress for courseId = 3725918 lectureId =
24082766, position = 15 and total = 479
minutesConsumed: the user has not reached the end of the lecture and we do not have
a `amountToBatch` # of progresses
Reloading widgets of kind: CourseProgressWidgets
Player progress: not marking lecture as complete.
lecture.id = Optional(24082766),
currentTime = 15,
duration = 479,
time remaining = 464,
isTimeRemainingNegative = false
the previously sent progress update is same as current: 15
Player progress: not marking lecture as complete.
lecture.id = Optional(24082766),
currentTime = 16,
duration = 479,
time remaining = 463,
isTimeRemainingNegative = false
Player progress: not marking lecture as complete.
lecture.id = Optional(24082766),
currentTime = 16,
duration = 479,
time remaining = 463,
isTimeRemainingNegative = false
Player progress: not marking lecture as complete.
lecture.id = Optional(24082766),
currentTime = 17,
duration = 479,
time remaining = 462,
isTimeRemainingNegative = false
Player progress: not marking lecture as complete.
lecture.id = Optional(24082766),
currentTime = 17,
duration = 479,
time remaining = 462,
isTimeRemainingNegative = false
Player progress: not marking lecture as complete.
lecture.id = Optional(24082766),
currentTime = 18,
duration = 479,
time remaining = 461,
isTimeRemainingNegative = false
Player progress: not marking lecture as complete.
lecture.id = Optional(24082766),
currentTime = 18,
duration = 479,
time remaining = 461,
isTimeRemainingNegative = false
Player progress: not marking lecture as complete.
lecture.id = Optional(24082766),
currentTime = 19,
duration = 479,
time remaining = 460,
isTimeRemainingNegative = false
Player progress: not marking lecture as complete.
lecture.id = Optional(24082766),
currentTime = 19,
duration = 479,
time remaining = 460,
isTimeRemainingNegative = false
Player progress: not marking lecture as complete.
lecture.id = Optional(24082766),
currentTime = 20,
duration = 479,
time remaining = 459,
isTimeRemainingNegative = false
Player progress: not marking lecture as complete.
lecture.id = Optional(24082766),
currentTime = 20,
duration = 479,
time remaining = 459,
isTimeRemainingNegative = false
Player progress: not marking lecture as complete.
lecture.id = Optional(24082766),
currentTime = 21,
duration = 479,
time remaining = 458,
isTimeRemainingNegative = false
Player progress: not marking lecture as complete.
lecture.id = Optional(24082766),
currentTime = 21,
duration = 479,
time remaining = 458,
isTimeRemainingNegative = false
Player progress: not marking lecture as complete.
lecture.id = Optional(24082766),
currentTime = 22,
duration = 479,
time remaining = 457,
isTimeRemainingNegative = false
Player progress: not marking lecture as complete.
lecture.id = Optional(24082766),
currentTime = 22,
duration = 479,
time remaining = 457,
isTimeRemainingNegative = false
Player progress: not marking lecture as complete.
lecture.id = Optional(24082766),
currentTime = 23,
duration = 479,
time remaining = 456,
isTimeRemainingNegative = false
Player progress: not marking lecture as complete.
lecture.id = Optional(24082766),
currentTime = 23,
duration = 479,
time remaining = 456,
isTimeRemainingNegative = false
Player progress: not marking lecture as complete.
lecture.id = Optional(24082766),
currentTime = 24,
duration = 479,
time remaining = 455,
isTimeRemainingNegative = false
Reloading widgets of kind: CourseProgressWidgets
udemy_mobile_ios.UMCourseTakingViewController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) has a
udemy_mobile_ios.UMCourseTakingViewController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:)
transitionType is: dismissing
udemy_mobile_ios.UMCourseTakingViewController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:)
exiting early (reason: no need to cache bottom anchor spacing for modals)
Mux: cleaning up analytics
_swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) has a transitionCoordinator
_swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) transitionType is: dismissing
_swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) exiting early (reason: no need to cache bottom
anchor spacing for modals)
_swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) has a transitionCoordinator
_swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) transitionType is: dismissing
_swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) exiting early (reason: no need to cache bottom
anchor spacing for modals)
_swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) has a transitionCoordinator
_swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) transitionType is: dismissing
_swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) exiting early (reason: no need to cache bottom
anchor spacing for modals)
_swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) has a transitionCoordinator
_swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) transitionType is: dismissing
_swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) exiting early (reason: no need to cache bottom
anchor spacing for modals)
_swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) has a transitionCoordinator
_swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) transitionType is: dismissing
_swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) exiting early (reason: no need to cache bottom
anchor spacing for modals)
UdemyUIKit.ConcreteBottomStackController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) exiting early
(reason: opted-out)
udemy_mobile_ios.UMTabBarController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) requested to
replace height constraint for bottom anchoring spacer on appear
UdemyUIKit.UMNavigationController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) has a
UdemyUIKit.UMNavigationController handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:) transitionType
is: dismissing
UdemyUIKit.UMNavigationController handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:) exiting early
(reason: self is not the top view controller)
udemy_mobile_ios.MyCoursesVC _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) has a
udemy_mobile_ios.MyCoursesVC handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:) transitionType is:
udemy_mobile_ios.MyCoursesVC handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:) defaulting to bottom
safe area
udemy_mobile_ios.CoursesListViewController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) has a
udemy_mobile_ios.CoursesListViewController handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:)
transitionType is: dismissing
udemy_mobile_ios.CoursesListViewController handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:) exiting
early (reason: self is not the top view controller)
[UMNetworkReachabilityManager] - Adding observer:
<UdemyUIKit.UMNetworkReachabilitySnackBarController: 0x301e08ba0>.
[UMNetworkReachabilityManager] - Network became reachable via Ethernet or WiFi.
skipping activation change logic (reason: new value true is same as old value true)
New playerLayer is nil.
Attempting to post announcement: 'Mini oynatıcı şunu gösteriyor: 67 dersi, While
Döngüsü (3), Python Programlama: Temelden İleri Seviye'
not starting timer (reason: dismiss timer is paused. timer will auto-resume when
flag is set to false.)
returning nil (reason: elapsedTime or remainingTime is zero)
returning nil (reason: elapsedTime or remainingTime is zero)
returning false (reason: miniplayer does not support scrubbing)
Player progress: not marking lecture as complete.
lecture.id = Optional(24082766),
currentTime = 24,
duration = 479,
time remaining = 455,
isTimeRemainingNegative = false
returning false (reason: miniplayer does not support scrubbing)
Player progress: not marking lecture as complete.
lecture.id = Optional(24082766),
currentTime = 24,
duration = 479,
time remaining = 455,
isTimeRemainingNegative = false
returning nil (reason: elapsedTime or remainingTime is zero)
returning nil (reason: elapsedTime or remainingTime is zero)
returning nil (reason: elapsedTime or remainingTime is zero)
returning nil (reason: elapsedTime or remainingTime is zero)
preparing to play video with url: https://www.udemy.com/assets/31649956/files/2021-
Queuing up asset progress elapsed: 24, total: 479
minutesConsumed: queue: tracking progress for courseId = 3725918 lectureId =
24082766, position = 24 and total = 479
minutesConsumed: the user has not reached the end of the lecture and we do not have
a `amountToBatch` # of progresses
flushing asset progress with currentTime: 24
Player rate changed to 0.0
Crash Debugging - Player rate changed to 0.0
No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no item playing
Crash Debugging - No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no
item playing
Ignoring currentItem changing to nil
Crash Debugging - Ignoring currentItem changing to nil
No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no item playing
Crash Debugging - No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no
item playing
[UMNetworkReachabilityManager] - Removing observer:
<udemy_mobile_ios.ClosedCaptionView: 0x10c460600; frame = (0 50; 786.5 770);
autoresize = W+H; userInteractionEnabled = NO; layer = <CALayer: 0x303c97bc0>>.
Player rate changed to 1.0
Crash Debugging - Player rate changed to 1.0
No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no item playing
Crash Debugging - No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no
item playing
player is already down to a single item, nothing else to remove
Crash Debugging - player is already down to a single item, nothing else to remove
Player rate changed to 0.0
Crash Debugging - Player rate changed to 0.0
No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no item playing
Crash Debugging - No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no
item playing
Mux: started tracking video: url: https://www.udemy.com/assets/31649956/files/2021-
currentItem: Optional(<AVPlayerItem: 0x303859ff0, asset = <AVURLAsset: 0x303ceb8c0,
URL = https://www.udemy.com/assets/31649956/files/2021-02-23_15-27-15-
_heN96j6fyfIFyGMDEWd1JyfWjESii48&provider=cloudfront&v=1>>) is either nil or
status: Optional("unknown") is not readyToPlay
Crash Debugging - url not local or assetCache is valid and playable offline
No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no item playing
Crash Debugging - No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no
item playing
Player rate changed to 1.0
Crash Debugging - Player rate changed to 1.0
currentItem: Optional(<AVPlayerItem: 0x303859ff0, asset = <AVURLAsset: 0x303ceb8c0,
URL = https://www.udemy.com/assets/31649956/files/2021-02-23_15-27-15-
_heN96j6fyfIFyGMDEWd1JyfWjESii48&provider=cloudfront&v=1>>) is either nil or
status: Optional("unknown") is not readyToPlay
No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no item playing
Crash Debugging - No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no
item playing
currentItem: Optional(<AVPlayerItem: 0x303859ff0, asset = <AVURLAsset: 0x303ceb8c0,
URL = https://www.udemy.com/assets/31649956/files/2021-02-23_15-27-15-
_heN96j6fyfIFyGMDEWd1JyfWjESii48&provider=cloudfront&v=1>>) is either nil or
status: Optional("unknown") is not readyToPlay


[UMNetworkReachabilityManager] - Adding observer:

<udemy_mobile_ios.ClosedCaptionView: 0x10c467000; frame = (0 0; 0 0); autoresize =
W+H; userInteractionEnabled = NO; layer = <CALayer: 0x303d03700>>.
[UMNetworkReachabilityManager] - Network became reachable via Ethernet or WiFi.
playerView should be a UIView
the url is https://www.udemy.com/assets/31649956/files/2021-02-23_15-27-15-
API: Method = GET from Path = assets/31649956/files/2021-02-23_15-27-15-
the url is https://www.udemy.com/assets/31649956/files/2021-02-23_15-27-15-
Reloading widgets of kind: CourseProgressWidgets
minutesConsumed: POST-ing for courseId = 3725918 and lectureid = 24082766
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/users/me/subscribed-courses/3725918/
minutesConsumed: the trackProgress url is
API: url is Optional(https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/users/me/subscribed-courses/
UIViewController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) does not have a
not starting timer (reason: dismiss timer is paused. timer will auto-resume when
flag is set to false.)
Player rate changed to 0.0
Crash Debugging - Player rate changed to 0.0
currentItem: Optional(<AVPlayerItem: 0x303859ff0, asset = <AVURLAsset: 0x303ceb8c0,
URL = https://www.udemy.com/assets/31649956/files/2021-02-23_15-27-15-
_heN96j6fyfIFyGMDEWd1JyfWjESii48&provider=cloudfront&v=1>>) is either nil or
status: Optional("unknown") is not readyToPlay
No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no item playing
Crash Debugging - No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no
item playing
Player rate changed to 1.0
Crash Debugging - Player rate changed to 1.0
currentItem: Optional(<AVPlayerItem: 0x303859ff0, asset = <AVURLAsset: 0x303ceb8c0,
URL = https://www.udemy.com/assets/31649956/files/2021-02-23_15-27-15-
_heN96j6fyfIFyGMDEWd1JyfWjESii48&provider=cloudfront&v=1>>) is either nil or
status: Optional("unknown") is not readyToPlay
No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no item playing
Crash Debugging - No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no
item playing
Player rate changed to 0.0
Crash Debugging - Player rate changed to 0.0
currentItem: Optional(<AVPlayerItem: 0x303859ff0, asset = <AVURLAsset: 0x303ceb8c0,
URL = https://www.udemy.com/assets/31649956/files/2021-02-23_15-27-15-
_heN96j6fyfIFyGMDEWd1JyfWjESii48&provider=cloudfront&v=1>>) is either nil or
status: Optional("unknown") is not readyToPlay
No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no item playing
Crash Debugging - No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no
item playing
Player rate changed to 1.0
Crash Debugging - Player rate changed to 1.0
currentItem: Optional(<AVPlayerItem: 0x303859ff0, asset = <AVURLAsset: 0x303ceb8c0,
URL = https://www.udemy.com/assets/31649956/files/2021-02-23_15-27-15-
_heN96j6fyfIFyGMDEWd1JyfWjESii48&provider=cloudfront&v=1>>) is either nil or
status: Optional("unknown") is not readyToPlay
No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no item playing
Crash Debugging - No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no
item playing
API: Success for Method = GET from Path = assets/31649956/files/2021-02-23_15-27-
StatusCode = 200
minutesConsumed: call to `progress-logs` was successful
successfully flushed lecture progress
Crash Debugging - asset had legible options
Crash Debugging - legible description: <AVAssetMediaSelectionGroup: 0x301aed360,
options = (
"<AVMediaSelectionKeyValueOption: 0x301aedd60, language = (null), mediaType =
'clcp', tagged media characteristics = {public.accessibility.transcribes-spoken-
dialog, public.accessibility.describes-music-and-sound}, default = YES>"
), allowsEmptySelection = YES>
Crash Debugging - legible options: [<AVMediaSelectionKeyValueOption: 0x301aedd60,
language = (null), mediaType = 'clcp', tagged media characteristics =
{public.accessibility.transcribes-spoken-dialog, public.accessibility.describes-
music-and-sound}, default = YES>]
Crash Debugging - audible description: <AVAssetMediaSelectionGroup: 0x301aba990,
options = (
"<AVMediaSelectionKeyValueOption: 0x301abaf80, language = (null), mediaType =
'soun', default = YES>"
), allowsEmptySelection = YES>
Crash Debugging - audible options: [<AVMediaSelectionKeyValueOption: 0x301abaf80,
language = (null), mediaType = 'soun', default = YES>]
[UMNetworkReachabilityManager] - Removing observer:
<UdemyUIKit.UMNetworkReachabilitySnackBarController: 0x301f06f40>.
[UMNetworkReachabilityManager] - Removing observer:
<udemy_mobile_ios.UMLecturePlayerContainerView: 0x10c9d3000; frame = (0 0; 786.5
820); gestureRecognizers = <NSArray: 0x303590840>; backgroundColor =
UIExtendedGrayColorSpace 0 1; layer = <CALayer: 0x303ca2740>>.
currentItem: Optional(<AVPlayerItem: 0x303859ff0, asset = <AVURLAsset: 0x303ceb8c0,
URL = https://www.udemy.com/assets/31649956/files/2021-02-23_15-27-15-
_heN96j6fyfIFyGMDEWd1JyfWjESii48&provider=cloudfront&v=1>>) is either nil or
status: Optional("unknown") is not readyToPlay
division by zero: secondsTotal is zero. most likely because the currentItem's
status is not readyToPlay: unknown
early exiting without playing video. current player status: Optional(unknown).
player isReadyForDisplay: true
Crash Debugging - early exiting without playing video. current player status:
Optional(unknown). player isReadyForDisplay: true
UIViewController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) does not have a transitionCoordinator
UIViewController handleTransitionlessAnimatedWillAppear() exiting early (reason:
not in bottomStackController view hierarchy stack)
player item status changed to: readyToPlay
Crash Debugging - player item status changed to: readyToPlay
No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no item playing
Crash Debugging - No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no
item playing
Player rate changed to 1.0
Crash Debugging - Player rate changed to 1.0
No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no item playing
Crash Debugging - No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no
item playing
returning false (reason: miniplayer does not support scrubbing)
No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no item playing
Crash Debugging - No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no
item playing
unable to get first loadedTimeRange: nil or timeRangeValue is invalid: nil
No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no item playing
Crash Debugging - No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no
item playing
returning false (reason: miniplayer does not support scrubbing)
returning false (reason: miniplayer does not support scrubbing)
Player progress: not marking lecture as complete.
lecture.id = Optional(24082766),
currentTime = 24,
duration = 479,
time remaining = 455,
isTimeRemainingNegative = false
No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no item playing
Crash Debugging - No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no
item playing
returning false (reason: miniplayer does not support scrubbing)
Player progress: not marking lecture as complete.
lecture.id = Optional(24082766),
currentTime = 24,
duration = 479,
time remaining = 455,
isTimeRemainingNegative = false
returning false (reason: miniplayer does not support scrubbing)
Player progress: not marking lecture as complete.
lecture.id = Optional(24082766),
currentTime = 24,
duration = 479,
time remaining = 455,
isTimeRemainingNegative = false
returning false (reason: miniplayer does not support scrubbing)
Player progress: not marking lecture as complete.
lecture.id = Optional(24082766),
currentTime = 24,
duration = 479,
time remaining = 455,
isTimeRemainingNegative = false
Miniplayer requesting pause
Player rate changed to 0.0
Crash Debugging - Player rate changed to 0.0
Queuing up asset progress elapsed: 24, total: 479
minutesConsumed: queue: tracking progress for courseId = 3725918 lectureId =
24082766, position = 24 and total = 479
minutesConsumed: the user has not reached the end of the lecture and we do not have
a `amountToBatch` # of progresses
flushing asset progress with currentTime: 24
No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no item playing
Crash Debugging - No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no
item playing
returning false (reason: miniplayer does not support scrubbing)
Player progress: not marking lecture as complete.
lecture.id = Optional(24082766),
currentTime = 24,
duration = 479,
time remaining = 455,
isTimeRemainingNegative = false
minutesConsumed: POST-ing for courseId = 3725918 and lectureid = 24082766
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/users/me/subscribed-courses/3725918/
minutesConsumed: the trackProgress url is
API: url is Optional(https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/users/me/subscribed-courses/
minutesConsumed: call to `progress-logs` was successful
successfully flushed lecture progress
AppRate: user didn't meet the min. # of app launches. currently they have: 1,
required: 3
Reloading widgets of kind: CourseProgressWidgets
Presenting course taking...
Mux: cleaning up analytics
visit log called = false
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/mobile-devices/
API: Method = POST from Path = api-2.0/mobile-devices/
Ignoring currentItem changing to nil
Crash Debugging - Ignoring currentItem changing to nil
No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no item playing
Crash Debugging - No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no
item playing
[UMNetworkReachabilityManager] - Adding observer:
<udemy_mobile_ios.UMLecturePlayerContainerView: 0x10c8a7000; frame = (0 0; 0 0);
backgroundColor = UIExtendedGrayColorSpace 0 1; layer = <CALayer: 0x303b7efa0>>.
[UMNetworkReachabilityManager] - Network became reachable via Ethernet or WiFi.
skipping activation change logic (reason: new value true is same as old value true)
Couldn't get currentView: nil as VideoLectureView
viewWillDisappear exiting early (reason: opted-out)
udemy_mobile_ios.UMTabBarController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) has a
udemy_mobile_ios.UMTabBarController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) transitionType
is: presenting
udemy_mobile_ios.UMTabBarController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) exiting early
(reason: no need to cache bottom anchor spacing for modals)
UdemyUIKit.UMNavigationController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) has a
UdemyUIKit.UMNavigationController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) transitionType
is: presenting
UdemyUIKit.UMNavigationController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) exiting early
(reason: no need to cache bottom anchor spacing for modals)
udemy_mobile_ios.MyCoursesVC _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) has a
udemy_mobile_ios.MyCoursesVC _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) transitionType is:
udemy_mobile_ios.MyCoursesVC _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) exiting early (reason:
no need to cache bottom anchor spacing for modals)
udemy_mobile_ios.CoursesListViewController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) has a
udemy_mobile_ios.CoursesListViewController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:)
transitionType is: presenting
udemy_mobile_ios.CoursesListViewController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) exiting
early (reason: no need to cache bottom anchor spacing for modals)
viewWillDisappear exiting early (reason: opted-out)
udemy_mobile_ios.UMCourseTakingViewController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) has a
udemy_mobile_ios.UMCourseTakingViewController handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:)
transitionType is: presenting
udemy_mobile_ios.UMCourseTakingViewController handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:)
exiting early (reason: not in bottomStackController view hierarchy stack)
[UMNetworkReachabilityManager] - Adding observer:
<UdemyUIKit.UMNetworkReachabilitySnackBarController: 0x301e5b1e0>.
[UMNetworkReachabilityManager] - Network became reachable via Ethernet or WiFi.
Reloading widgets of kind: CourseProgressWidgets
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/users/me/subscribed-courses/3725918
API: Method = PATCH from Path = api-2.0/users/me/subscribed-courses/3725918
udemy_mobile_ios.UMCourseDashboardPagerViewController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:)
has a transitionCoordinator
handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:) transitionType is: presenting
handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:) exiting early (reason: not in bottomStackController
view hierarchy stack)
[UMNetworkReachabilityManager] - Adding observer:
<udemy_mobile_ios.UMCourseDashboardPagerViewController: 0x10c30e800>.
[UMNetworkReachabilityManager] - Network became reachable via Ethernet or WiFi.
udemy_mobile_ios.UMCourseDashboardHeaderViewController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:)
has a transitionCoordinator
handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:) transitionType is: presenting
handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:) exiting early (reason: not in bottomStackController
view hierarchy stack)
_swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) has a transitionCoordinator
handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:) transitionType is: presenting
handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:) exiting early (reason: not in bottomStackController
view hierarchy stack)
_swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) has a transitionCoordinator
handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:) transitionType is: presenting
handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:) exiting early (reason: not in bottomStackController
view hierarchy stack)
_swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) has a transitionCoordinator
handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:) transitionType is: presenting
handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:) exiting early (reason: not in bottomStackController
view hierarchy stack)
Resuming lecture: 24082766...
the lectureId from source is Optional(24082766) and the assetType is
[UMNetworkReachabilityManager] - Adding observer:
<udemy_mobile_ios.UMRefactoredVideoPlayerView: 0x12ebee5e0; frame = (0 0; 0 0);
layer = <CALayer: 0x303d223e0>>.
[UMNetworkReachabilityManager] - Network became reachable via Ethernet or WiFi.
[UMNetworkReachabilityManager] - Network became reachable via Ethernet or WiFi.
ignoring a11y updates on videoplayer since no change occurred
the previously sent progress update is same as current: 24
flushing asset progress with currentTime: 24
Player rate changed to 0.0
Crash Debugging - Player rate changed to 0.0
No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no item playing
Crash Debugging - No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no
item playing
[UMNetworkReachabilityManager] - Removing observer:
<udemy_mobile_ios.ClosedCaptionView: 0x10c467000; frame = (0 0; 0 0); autoresize =
W+H; userInteractionEnabled = NO; layer = <CALayer: 0x303d03700>>.
preparing to play video with url: https://www.udemy.com/assets/31649956/files/2021-
don't auto hide controls because the video is either paused: true, buffering:
false, voice over is running: false, controls hidden: false, or transition view
showing: false
Player rate changed to 0.0
Crash Debugging - Player rate changed to 0.0
don't auto hide controls because the video is either paused: true, buffering:
false, voice over is running: false, controls hidden: false, or transition view
showing: false
No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no item playing
Crash Debugging - No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no
item playing
Player rate changed to 1.0
Crash Debugging - Player rate changed to 1.0
No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no item playing
Crash Debugging - No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no
item playing
don't auto hide controls because the video is either paused: false, buffering:
true, voice over is running: false, controls hidden: false, or transition view
showing: false
player is already down to a single item, nothing else to remove
Crash Debugging - player is already down to a single item, nothing else to remove
Player rate changed to 0.0
Crash Debugging - Player rate changed to 0.0
don't auto hide controls because the video is either paused: true, buffering: true,
voice over is running: false, controls hidden: false, or transition view showing:
No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no item playing
Crash Debugging - No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no
item playing
Mux: started tracking video: url: https://www.udemy.com/assets/31649956/files/2021-
Exiting early (reason: Not the currently playing lecture.)
currentItem: Optional(<AVPlayerItem: 0x3038acff0, asset = <AVURLAsset: 0x303d0a180,
URL = https://www.udemy.com/assets/31649956/files/2021-02-23_15-27-15-
_heN96j6fyfIFyGMDEWd1JyfWjESii48&provider=cloudfront&v=1>>) is either nil or
status: Optional("unknown") is not readyToPlay
No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no item playing
Crash Debugging - No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no
item playing
Player rate changed to 1.0
Crash Debugging - Player rate changed to 1.0
don't auto hide controls because the video is either paused: false, buffering:
true, voice over is running: false, controls hidden: false, or transition view
showing: false
currentItem: Optional(<AVPlayerItem: 0x3038acff0, asset = <AVURLAsset: 0x303d0a180,
URL = https://www.udemy.com/assets/31649956/files/2021-02-23_15-27-15-
_heN96j6fyfIFyGMDEWd1JyfWjESii48&provider=cloudfront&v=1>>) is either nil or
status: Optional("unknown") is not readyToPlay
No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no item playing
Crash Debugging - No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no
item playing
currentItem: Optional(<AVPlayerItem: 0x3038acff0, asset = <AVURLAsset: 0x303d0a180,
URL = https://www.udemy.com/assets/31649956/files/2021-02-23_15-27-15-
_heN96j6fyfIFyGMDEWd1JyfWjESii48&provider=cloudfront&v=1>>) is either nil or
status: Optional("unknown") is not readyToPlay


[UMNetworkReachabilityManager] - Adding observer:

<udemy_mobile_ios.ClosedCaptionView: 0x10cb76800; frame = (0 0; 0 0); autoresize =
W+H; userInteractionEnabled = NO; layer = <CALayer: 0x303d04b40>>.
[UMNetworkReachabilityManager] - Network became reachable via Ethernet or WiFi.
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/users/me/subscribed-courses/3725918/
API: Method = POST from Path =
the url is https://www.udemy.com/assets/31649956/files/2021-02-23_15-27-15-
API: Method = GET from Path = assets/31649956/files/2021-02-23_15-27-15-
the url is https://www.udemy.com/assets/31649956/files/2021-02-23_15-27-15-
Skipping announcement (reason: New info was not shown)
not starting timer (reason: dismiss timer is paused. timer will auto-resume when
flag is set to false.)
failed to flush lecture progress with error: nil
UIViewController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) does not have a
not starting timer (reason: dismiss timer is paused. timer will auto-resume when
flag is set to false.)
Download view model failed to convert curriculum view model indexPath <nil>,
curriculumCellViewModels.count: 168
Ignoring scroll to current lecture request since curriculum is not loaded.
No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no item playing
Crash Debugging - No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no
item playing
Player rate changed to 0.0
Crash Debugging - Player rate changed to 0.0
don't auto hide controls because the video is either paused: true, buffering: true,
voice over is running: false, controls hidden: false, or transition view showing:
currentItem: Optional(<AVPlayerItem: 0x3038acff0, asset = <AVURLAsset: 0x303d0a180,
URL = https://www.udemy.com/assets/31649956/files/2021-02-23_15-27-15-
_heN96j6fyfIFyGMDEWd1JyfWjESii48&provider=cloudfront&v=1>>) is either nil or
status: Optional("unknown") is not readyToPlay
No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no item playing
Crash Debugging - No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no
item playing
Player rate changed to 1.0
Crash Debugging - Player rate changed to 1.0
don't auto hide controls because the video is either paused: false, buffering:
true, voice over is running: false, controls hidden: false, or transition view
showing: false
currentItem: Optional(<AVPlayerItem: 0x3038acff0, asset = <AVURLAsset: 0x303d0a180,
URL = https://www.udemy.com/assets/31649956/files/2021-02-23_15-27-15-
_heN96j6fyfIFyGMDEWd1JyfWjESii48&provider=cloudfront&v=1>>) is either nil or
status: Optional("unknown") is not readyToPlay
No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no item playing
Crash Debugging - No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no
item playing
Crash Debugging - url not local or assetCache is valid and playable offline
not requesting for a retry for path: Optional("/api-2.0/mobile-devices") because
status code: 400 was not within retry range: 500...599
not requesting for a retry for path: Optional("/api-2.0/mobile-devices") because
status code: 400 was not within retry range: 500...599
API: Failed with error = responseValidationFailed(reason:
400)), Method = POST from Path = api-2.0/mobile-devices/, URL =
https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/mobile-devices/, StatusCode = 400
mobile-devices call failed with error
400))). statusCode = Optional(400)
API: Success for Method = PATCH from Path =
api-2.0/users/me/subscribed-courses/3725918, StatusCode = 200
API: Success for Method = GET from Path = assets/31649956/files/2021-02-23_15-27-
StatusCode = 200
API: Success for Method = POST from Path =
api-2.0/users/me/subscribed-courses/3725918/lectures/24082766/view-logs, StatusCode
= 201
Crash Debugging - asset had legible options
Crash Debugging - legible description: <AVAssetMediaSelectionGroup: 0x301a808c0,
options = (
"<AVMediaSelectionKeyValueOption: 0x301a800f0, language = (null), mediaType =
'clcp', tagged media characteristics = {public.accessibility.transcribes-spoken-
dialog, public.accessibility.describes-music-and-sound}, default = YES>"
), allowsEmptySelection = YES>
Crash Debugging - legible options: [<AVMediaSelectionKeyValueOption: 0x301a800f0,
language = (null), mediaType = 'clcp', tagged media characteristics =
{public.accessibility.transcribes-spoken-dialog, public.accessibility.describes-
music-and-sound}, default = YES>]
Crash Debugging - audible description: <AVAssetMediaSelectionGroup: 0x301aba350,
options = (
"<AVMediaSelectionKeyValueOption: 0x301abb840, language = (null), mediaType =
'soun', default = YES>"
), allowsEmptySelection = YES>
Crash Debugging - audible options: [<AVMediaSelectionKeyValueOption: 0x301abb840,
language = (null), mediaType = 'soun', default = YES>]
Download view model failed to convert curriculum view model indexPath 76, 0,
curriculumCellViewModels.count: 168
Ignoring scroll to current lecture request since curriculum is not loaded.
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/courses/3725918
API: Method = GET from Path = api-2.0/courses/3725918
[UMNetworkReachabilityManager] - Removing observer:
<UdemyUIKit.UMNetworkReachabilitySnackBarController: 0x301e08ba0>.
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/courses/3725918
API: Success for Method = GET from Path = api-2.0/courses/3725918, StatusCode = 200
currentItem: Optional(<AVPlayerItem: 0x3038acff0, asset = <AVURLAsset: 0x303d0a180,
URL = https://www.udemy.com/assets/31649956/files/2021-02-23_15-27-15-
_heN96j6fyfIFyGMDEWd1JyfWjESii48&provider=cloudfront&v=1>>) is either nil or
status: Optional("unknown") is not readyToPlay
division by zero: secondsTotal is zero. most likely because the currentItem's
status is not readyToPlay: unknown
early exiting without playing video. current player status: Optional(unknown).
player isReadyForDisplay: true
Crash Debugging - early exiting without playing video. current player status:
Optional(unknown). player isReadyForDisplay: true
UIViewController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) does not have a transitionCoordinator
UIViewController handleTransitionlessAnimatedWillAppear() exiting early (reason:
not in bottomStackController view hierarchy stack)
player item status changed to: readyToPlay
Crash Debugging - player item status changed to: readyToPlay
No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no item playing
Crash Debugging - No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no
item playing
Player rate changed to 1.0
Crash Debugging - Player rate changed to 1.0
No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no item playing
Crash Debugging - No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no
item playing
don't auto hide controls because the video is either paused: false, buffering:
true, voice over is running: false, controls hidden: false, or transition view
showing: false
No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no item playing
Crash Debugging - No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no
item playing
unable to get first loadedTimeRange: nil or timeRangeValue is invalid: nil
No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no item playing
Crash Debugging - No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no
item playing
Player progress: not marking lecture as complete.
lecture.id = Optional(24082766),
currentTime = 24,
duration = 479,
time remaining = 455,
isTimeRemainingNegative = false
No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no item playing
Crash Debugging - No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no
item playing
Player progress: not marking lecture as complete.
lecture.id = Optional(24082766),
currentTime = 24,
duration = 479,
time remaining = 455,
isTimeRemainingNegative = false
Player progress: not marking lecture as complete.
lecture.id = Optional(24082766),
currentTime = 24,
duration = 479,
time remaining = 455,
isTimeRemainingNegative = false
don't auto hide controls because the video is either paused: true, buffering:
false, voice over is running: false, controls hidden: false, or transition view
showing: false
don't auto hide controls because the video is either paused: true, buffering:
false, voice over is running: false, controls hidden: false, or transition view
showing: false
Player rate changed to 0.0
Crash Debugging - Player rate changed to 0.0
don't auto hide controls because the video is either paused: true, buffering:
false, voice over is running: false, controls hidden: false, or transition view
showing: false
Queuing up asset progress elapsed: 24, total: 479
minutesConsumed: queue: tracking progress for courseId = 3725918 lectureId =
24082766, position = 24 and total = 479
minutesConsumed: the user has not reached the end of the lecture and we do not have
a `amountToBatch` # of progresses
flushing asset progress with currentTime: 24
No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no item playing
Crash Debugging - No need to track timeControlStatus when PiP is inactive or no
item playing
don't auto hide controls because the video is either paused: true, buffering:
false, voice over is running: false, controls hidden: false, or transition view
showing: false
Reloading widgets of kind: CourseProgressWidgets
Player progress: not marking lecture as complete.
lecture.id = Optional(24082766),
currentTime = 24,
duration = 479,
time remaining = 455,
isTimeRemainingNegative = false
minutesConsumed: POST-ing for courseId = 3725918 and lectureid = 24082766
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/users/me/subscribed-courses/3725918/
minutesConsumed: the trackProgress url is
API: url is Optional(https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/users/me/subscribed-courses/
minutesConsumed: call to `progress-logs` was successful
successfully flushed lecture progress
Reloading widgets of kind: CourseProgressWidgets
skipping activation change logic (reason: new value true is same as old value true)
New playerLayer is nil.
Attempting to post announcement: 'Mini oynatıcı şunu gösteriyor: 67 dersi, While
Döngüsü (3), Python Programlama: Temelden İleri Seviye'
not starting timer (reason: dismiss timer is paused. timer will auto-resume when
flag is set to false.)
returning nil (reason: elapsedTime or remainingTime is zero)
returning nil (reason: elapsedTime or remainingTime is zero)
udemy_mobile_ios.UMCourseTakingViewController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) has a
udemy_mobile_ios.UMCourseTakingViewController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:)
transitionType is: dismissing
udemy_mobile_ios.UMCourseTakingViewController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:)
exiting early (reason: no need to cache bottom anchor spacing for modals)
Mux: cleaning up analytics
_swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) has a transitionCoordinator
_swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) transitionType is: dismissing
_swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) exiting early (reason: no need to cache bottom
anchor spacing for modals)
_swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) has a transitionCoordinator
_swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) transitionType is: dismissing
_swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) exiting early (reason: no need to cache bottom
anchor spacing for modals)
_swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) has a transitionCoordinator
_swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) transitionType is: dismissing
_swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) exiting early (reason: no need to cache bottom
anchor spacing for modals)
_swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) has a transitionCoordinator
_swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) transitionType is: dismissing
_swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) exiting early (reason: no need to cache bottom
anchor spacing for modals)
_swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) has a transitionCoordinator
_swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) transitionType is: dismissing
_swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) exiting early (reason: no need to cache bottom
anchor spacing for modals)
UdemyUIKit.ConcreteBottomStackController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) exiting early
(reason: opted-out)
udemy_mobile_ios.UMTabBarController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) requested to
replace height constraint for bottom anchoring spacer on appear
UdemyUIKit.UMNavigationController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) has a
UdemyUIKit.UMNavigationController handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:) transitionType
is: dismissing
UdemyUIKit.UMNavigationController handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:) exiting early
(reason: self is not the top view controller)
udemy_mobile_ios.MyCoursesVC _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) has a
udemy_mobile_ios.MyCoursesVC handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:) transitionType is:
udemy_mobile_ios.MyCoursesVC handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:) defaulting to bottom
safe area
udemy_mobile_ios.CoursesListViewController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) has a
udemy_mobile_ios.CoursesListViewController handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:)
transitionType is: dismissing
udemy_mobile_ios.CoursesListViewController handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:) exiting
early (reason: self is not the top view controller)
[UMNetworkReachabilityManager] - Adding observer:
<UdemyUIKit.UMNetworkReachabilitySnackBarController: 0x301e08ba0>.
[UMNetworkReachabilityManager] - Network became reachable via Ethernet or WiFi.
UdemyUIKit.Miniplayer.ViewController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) exiting early
(reason: opted-out)
skipping didSet logic (reason: same value as existing)
returning false (reason: miniplayer does not support scrubbing)
Player progress: not marking lecture as complete.
lecture.id = Optional(24082766),
currentTime = 24,
duration = 479,
time remaining = 455,
isTimeRemainingNegative = false
returning false (reason: miniplayer does not support scrubbing)
Player progress: not marking lecture as complete.
lecture.id = Optional(24082766),
currentTime = 24,
duration = 479,
time remaining = 455,
isTimeRemainingNegative = false
returning false (reason: miniplayer does not support scrubbing)
Player progress: not marking lecture as complete.
lecture.id = Optional(24082766),
currentTime = 24,
duration = 479,
time remaining = 455,
isTimeRemainingNegative = false
returning false (reason: miniplayer does not support scrubbing)
Player progress: not marking lecture as complete.
lecture.id = Optional(24082766),
currentTime = 24,
duration = 479,
time remaining = 455,
isTimeRemainingNegative = false
returning nil (reason: elapsedTime or remainingTime is zero)
returning nil (reason: elapsedTime or remainingTime is zero)
returning nil (reason: elapsedTime or remainingTime is zero)
returning nil (reason: elapsedTime or remainingTime is zero)
[UMNetworkReachabilityManager] - Removing observer:
<UdemyUIKit.UMNetworkReachabilitySnackBarController: 0x301e5b1e0>.
[UMNetworkReachabilityManager] - Removing observer:
<udemy_mobile_ios.UMLecturePlayerContainerView: 0x10c8a7000; frame = (0 0; 786.5
820); gestureRecognizers = <NSArray: 0x30360ff60>; backgroundColor =
UIExtendedGrayColorSpace 0 1; layer = <CALayer: 0x303b7efa0>>.
UdemyUIKit.UMNavigationController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) does not have a
UdemyUIKit.UMNavigationController handleTransitionlessAnimatedWillAppear() exiting
early (reason: not the top view controller)
UdemyUIKit.UMNavigationController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) does not have a
udemy_mobile_ios.MyCoursesVC _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) does not have a
udemy_mobile_ios.CoursesListViewController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) does not
have a transitionCoordinator
Refreshing top searches...
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/search-logs
API: Method = GET from Path = api-2.0/search-logs
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/search-logs
udemy_mobile_ios.CourseSearchVC _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) does not have a
udemy_mobile_ios.CourseSearchVC handleTransitionlessAnimatedWillAppear() defaulting
to bottom safe area
udemy_mobile_ios.UMSearchListVC _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) does not have a
udemy_mobile_ios.UMSearchListVC handleTransitionlessAnimatedWillAppear() exiting
early (reason: not the top view controller)
udemy_mobile_ios.ZeroStateViewController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) does not have
a transitionCoordinator
udemy_mobile_ios.ZeroStateViewController handleTransitionlessAnimatedWillAppear()
exiting early (reason: not the top view controller)
Refreshing top searches...
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/search-logs
API: Method = GET from Path = api-2.0/search-logs
udemy_mobile_ios.UMAutoCompleteVC _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) does not have a
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/search-logs
udemy_mobile_ios.UMAutoCompleteVC handleTransitionlessAnimatedWillAppear() exiting
early (reason: not the top view controller)
Skipping setter (reason: isMiniplayerHidden already has value: false)
Skipping setter (reason: isSignInButtonHidden already has value: true)
API: Success for Method = GET from Path = api-2.0/search-logs, StatusCode = 200
API: Success for Method = GET from Path = api-2.0/search-logs, StatusCode = 200
EventTracking: Sending was successful

EventTracking: Remaining items in queue: 0

UdemyUIKit.UMNavigationController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) does not have a
UdemyUIKit.UMNavigationController handleTransitionlessAnimatedWillAppear() exiting
early (reason: not the top view controller)
udemy_mobile_ios.NewFeaturedCoursesController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) does not
have a transitionCoordinator
handleTransitionlessAnimatedWillAppear() exiting early (reason: not the top view
Skipping setter (reason: isMiniplayerHidden already has value: false)
Skipping setter (reason: isSignInButtonHidden already has value: true)
UdemyUIKit.UMNavigationController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) does not have a
udemy_mobile_ios.CourseSearchVC _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) does not have a
udemy_mobile_ios.UMSearchListVC _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) does not have a
udemy_mobile_ios.ZeroStateViewController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) does not
have a transitionCoordinator
udemy_mobile_ios.UMAutoCompleteVC _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) does not have a
Returning empty cart due to invalid user session
Raw string is: Programınıza göre öğrenebileceğiniz, geleceğe yönelik yetkinlikler
unable to find sku inside text: Programınıza göre öğrenebileceğiniz, geleceğe
yönelik yetkinlikler
the input text: Programınıza göre öğrenebileceğiniz, geleceğe yönelik yetkinlikler
doesn't have a valid sku
the title price is Programınıza göre öğrenebileceğiniz, geleceğe yönelik
Raw string is: Size uyum sağlayan öğrenim deneyimi
unable to find sku inside text: Size uyum sağlayan öğrenim deneyimi
the input text: Size uyum sağlayan öğrenim deneyimi doesn't have a valid sku
Raw string is: Bugününüz (ve gelecek) için yetkinlikler
unable to find sku inside text: Bugününüz (ve gelecek) için yetkinlikler
the input text: Bugününüz (ve gelecek) için yetkinlikler doesn't have a valid sku
the title price is Size uyum sağlayan öğrenim deneyimi and subTitlePrice is
Bugününüz (ve gelecek) için yetkinlikler
EventTracking: Sending was successful

EventTracking: Remaining items in queue: 1

EventTracking: Sending was successful

EventTracking: Remaining items in queue: 0

featuredViewModel is going to fetch the next page of results
fetching recommendations fromIndex = 4
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/discovery-units
API: Method = GET from Path = api-2.0/discovery-units
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/discovery-units
API: Success for Method = GET from Path = api-2.0/discovery-units, StatusCode = 200
the paginated courses are <udemy_mobile_ios.UMObjectPaginatedDiscovery:
Fetching the prices for: [1738582, 1314986, 1608782, 1866994, 1969370, 1969696]
Fetching the prices for: [440382, 450240, 873794, 450204, 506072, 883014]
Fetching the prices for: [1487092, 1661602, 1461610, 1262992, 1563444, 1786374]
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/pricing
API: Method = GET from Path = api-2.0/pricing
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/pricing
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/pricing
API: Method = GET from Path = api-2.0/pricing
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/pricing
Ignoring repeat call to log impression event
Ignoring repeat call to log impression event
Ignoring repeat call to log impression event
Ignoring repeat call to log impression event
Ignoring repeat call to log impression event
Unregistered presenting view for courseId: 1314986
Refreshing the fetching cell for: 1314986
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Unregistered presenting view for courseId: 1608782
Refreshing the fetching cell for: 1608782
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Unregistered presenting view for courseId: 1738582
Refreshing the fetching cell for: 1738582
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Unregistered presenting view for courseId: 1866994
Refreshing the fetching cell for: 1866994
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Unregistered presenting view for courseId: 1969370
Refreshing the fetching cell for: 1969370
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Unregistered presenting view for courseId: 1969696
Refreshing the fetching cell for: 1969696
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/pricing
API: Method = GET from Path = api-2.0/pricing
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/pricing
Ignoring repeat call to log impression event
Ignoring repeat call to log impression event
Ignoring repeat call to log impression event
Ignoring repeat call to log impression event
Ignoring repeat call to log impression event
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Unregistered presenting view for courseId: 440382
Refreshing the fetching cell for: 440382
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Unregistered presenting view for courseId: 450204
Refreshing the fetching cell for: 450204
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Unregistered presenting view for courseId: 450240
Refreshing the fetching cell for: 450240
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Unregistered presenting view for courseId: 506072
Refreshing the fetching cell for: 506072
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Unregistered presenting view for courseId: 873794
Refreshing the fetching cell for: 873794
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Unregistered presenting view for courseId: 883014
Refreshing the fetching cell for: 883014
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
API: Success for Method = GET from Path = api-2.0/pricing, StatusCode = 200
Course has both SKUs, so it's a paid course
Course has both SKUs, so it's a paid course
Course has both SKUs, so it's a paid course
Course has both SKUs, so it's a paid course
Course has both SKUs, so it's a paid course
Course has both SKUs, so it's a paid course
No SKUs to fetch. Fulfilling seal with skus: ["com.udemy.consumable.8",
Pricing returned for: [1866994, 1608782, 1314986, 1969696, 1738582, 1969370]
No SKUs to fetch. Fulfilling seal with skus: []
Displaying cached price for: 1866994
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Displaying cached price for: 1608782
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Displaying cached price for: 1314986
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Displaying cached price for: 1969696
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Displaying cached price for: 1738582
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Displaying cached price for: 1969370
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
API: Success for Method = GET from Path = api-2.0/pricing, StatusCode = 200
Course has both SKUs, so it's a paid course
Course has both SKUs, so it's a paid course
Course has both SKUs, so it's a paid course
Course has both SKUs, so it's a paid course
Course has both SKUs, so it's a paid course
Course has both SKUs, so it's a paid course
API: Success for Method = GET from Path = api-2.0/pricing, StatusCode = 200
Course has both SKUs, so it's a paid course
Course has both SKUs, so it's a paid course
Course has both SKUs, so it's a paid course
Course has both SKUs, so it's a paid course
Course has both SKUs, so it's a paid course
Course has both SKUs, so it's a paid course
No SKUs to fetch. Fulfilling seal with skus: ["com.udemy.consumable.9",
"com.udemy.consumable.11", "com.udemy.consumable.15"]
Pricing returned for: [1487092, 1661602, 1262992, 1786374, 1461610, 1563444]
No SKUs to fetch. Fulfilling seal with skus: []
Course 1487092 does not have a registered view
Course 1661602 does not have a registered view
Course 1262992 does not have a registered view
Course 1786374 does not have a registered view
Course 1461610 does not have a registered view
Course 1563444 does not have a registered view
already tracked user's app store country
Finished fetching missing SKUs (["com.udemy.consumable.18"]). Fulfilling seal with
all skus: ["com.udemy.consumable.18", "com.udemy.consumable.8"]
Pricing returned for: [883014, 440382, 506072, 450240, 873794, 450204]
No SKUs to fetch. Fulfilling seal with skus: []
Displaying cached price for: 883014
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Displaying cached price for: 440382
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Displaying cached price for: 506072
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Displaying cached price for: 450240
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Displaying cached price for: 873794
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Displaying cached price for: 450204
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
EventTracking: Sending was successful

EventTracking: Remaining items in queue: 8

EventTracking: Sending was successful

EventTracking: Remaining items in queue: 0

Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Displaying cached price for: 1262992
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Displaying cached price for: 1461610
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Displaying cached price for: 1487092
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Displaying cached price for: 1563444
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Displaying cached price for: 1661602
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Displaying cached price for: 1786374
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Ignoring repeat call to log impression event
Ignoring repeat call to log impression event
Ignoring repeat call to log impression event
Ignoring repeat call to log impression event
Ignoring repeat call to log impression event
Ignoring repeat call to log impression event
Ignoring repeat call to log impression event
Ignoring repeat call to log impression event
Ignoring repeat call to log impression event
Ignoring repeat call to log impression event
Ignoring repeat call to log impression event
Ignoring repeat call to log impression event
Ignoring repeat call to log impression event
Ignoring repeat call to log impression event
Ignoring repeat call to log impression event
Ignoring repeat call to log impression event
Ignoring repeat call to log impression event
Ignoring repeat call to log impression event
Ignoring repeat call to log impression event
Ignoring repeat call to log impression event
Ignoring repeat call to log impression event
Ignoring repeat call to log impression event
Ignoring repeat call to log impression event
viewWillDisappear exiting early (reason: opted-out)
udemy_mobile_ios.UMTabBarController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) has a
udemy_mobile_ios.UMTabBarController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) transitionType
is: presenting
udemy_mobile_ios.UMTabBarController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) exiting early
(reason: no need to cache bottom anchor spacing for modals)
UdemyUIKit.UMNavigationController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) has a
UdemyUIKit.UMNavigationController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) transitionType
is: presenting
UdemyUIKit.UMNavigationController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) exiting early
(reason: no need to cache bottom anchor spacing for modals)
udemy_mobile_ios.NewFeaturedCoursesController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) has a
udemy_mobile_ios.NewFeaturedCoursesController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:)
transitionType is: presenting
udemy_mobile_ios.NewFeaturedCoursesController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:)
exiting early (reason: no need to cache bottom anchor spacing for modals)
viewWillDisappear exiting early (reason: opted-out)
UdemyUIKit.UMNavigationController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) has a
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/visits/me/funnel-logs/
UdemyUIKit.UMNavigationController handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:) transitionType
is: presenting
UdemyUIKit.UMNavigationController handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:) exiting early
(reason: not in bottomStackController view hierarchy stack)
API: Method = POST from Path = api-2.0/visits/me/funnel-logs/
udemy_mobile_ios.LearningForYourCareerViewController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:)
has a transitionCoordinator
handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:) transitionType is: presenting
handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:) exiting early (reason: not in bottomStackController
view hierarchy stack)
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/visits/me/funnel-logs/
API: Method = POST from Path = api-2.0/visits/me/funnel-logs/
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/visits/me/funnel-logs/
API: Method = POST from Path = api-2.0/visits/me/funnel-logs/
API: Success for Method = POST from Path = api-2.0/visits/me/funnel-logs/,
StatusCode = 201
API: Success for Method = POST from Path = api-2.0/visits/me/funnel-logs/,
StatusCode = 201
API: Success for Method = POST from Path = api-2.0/visits/me/funnel-logs/,
StatusCode = 201
[UMNetworkReachabilityManager] - Removing observer:
<UdemyUIKit.UMNetworkReachabilitySnackBarController: 0x301e08ba0>.
EventTracking: Sending was successful

EventTracking: Remaining items in queue: 0

the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/structured-data/generic-tag/occupation/
API: Method = GET from Path = api-2.0/structured-data/generic-tag/occupation/
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/structured-data/generic-tag/occupation/
_swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) has a transitionCoordinator
_swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) exiting early (reason: hotfix for auth controllers)
udemy_mobile_ios.ProfessionDataViewController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) has a
udemy_mobile_ios.ProfessionDataViewController handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:)
exiting early (reason: hotfix for auth controllers)
udemy_mobile_ios.OccupationDataListViewController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) has
a transitionCoordinator
udemy_mobile_ios.OccupationDataListViewController handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:)
exiting early (reason: hotfix for auth controllers)
udemy_mobile_ios.OccupationDataListViewController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) has
a transitionCoordinator
udemy_mobile_ios.OccupationDataListViewController handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:)
exiting early (reason: hotfix for auth controllers)
udemy_mobile_ios.UMAutoCompleteVC _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) has a
udemy_mobile_ios.UMAutoCompleteVC handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:) exiting early
(reason: hotfix for auth controllers)
API: Success for Method = GET from Path =
api-2.0/structured-data/generic-tag/occupation/, StatusCode = 200
_UICursorAccessoryViewController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) does not have a
_UICursorAccessoryViewController handleTransitionlessAnimatedWillAppear() exiting
early (reason: not in bottomStackController view hierarchy stack)
UICompatibilityInputViewController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) does not have a
UICompatibilityInputViewController handleTransitionlessAnimatedWillAppear() exiting
early (reason: not in bottomStackController view hierarchy stack)
UICompatibilityInputViewController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) does not have a
UICompatibilityInputViewController handleTransitionlessAnimatedWillAppear() exiting
early (reason: not in bottomStackController view hierarchy stack)
UICompatibilityInputViewController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) does not have a
UICompatibilityInputViewController handleTransitionlessAnimatedWillAppear() exiting
early (reason: not in bottomStackController view hierarchy stack)
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/structured-data/generic-tag/occupation/
API: Method = GET from Path = api-2.0/structured-data/generic-tag/occupation/
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/structured-data/generic-tag/occupation/
API: Success for Method = GET from Path =
api-2.0/structured-data/generic-tag/occupation/, StatusCode = 200
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/structured-data/generic-tag/occupation/
API: Method = GET from Path = api-2.0/structured-data/generic-tag/occupation/
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/structured-data/generic-tag/occupation/
API: Success for Method = GET from Path =
api-2.0/structured-data/generic-tag/occupation/, StatusCode = 200
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/structured-data/generic-tag/occupation/
API: Method = GET from Path = api-2.0/structured-data/generic-tag/occupation/
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/structured-data/generic-tag/occupation/
API: Success for Method = GET from Path =
api-2.0/structured-data/generic-tag/occupation/, StatusCode = 200
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/structured-data/generic-tag/occupation/
API: Method = GET from Path = api-2.0/structured-data/generic-tag/occupation/
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/structured-data/generic-tag/occupation/
API: Success for Method = GET from Path =
api-2.0/structured-data/generic-tag/occupation/, StatusCode = 200
EventTracking: Sending was successful

EventTracking: Remaining items in queue: 0

the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/structured-data/generic-tag/occupation/
API: Method = GET from Path = api-2.0/structured-data/generic-tag/occupation/
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/structured-data/generic-tag/occupation/
API: Success for Method = GET from Path =
api-2.0/structured-data/generic-tag/occupation/, StatusCode = 200
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/structured-data/generic-tag/occupation/
API: Method = GET from Path = api-2.0/structured-data/generic-tag/occupation/
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/structured-data/generic-tag/occupation/
UICompatibilityInputViewController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) does not have a
UICompatibilityInputViewController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) does not have a
UISystemInputAssistantViewController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) does not have
a transitionCoordinator
UIPredictionViewController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) does not have a
UICompatibilityInputViewController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) does not have a
_UICursorAccessoryViewController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) does not have a
_UICursorAccessoryViewController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) does not have a
_UICursorAccessoryViewController handleTransitionlessAnimatedWillAppear() exiting
early (reason: not in bottomStackController view hierarchy stack)
API: Success for Method = GET from Path =
api-2.0/structured-data/generic-tag/occupation/, StatusCode = 200
UICompatibilityInputViewController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) does not have a
UIInputWindowController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) does not have a
UIInputWindowController handleTransitionlessAnimatedWillAppear() exiting early
(reason: not in bottomStackController view hierarchy stack)
UICompatibilityInputViewController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) does not have a
UICompatibilityInputViewController handleTransitionlessAnimatedWillAppear() exiting
early (reason: not in bottomStackController view hierarchy stack)
UICompatibilityInputViewController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) does not have a
UICompatibilityInputViewController handleTransitionlessAnimatedWillAppear() exiting
early (reason: not in bottomStackController view hierarchy stack)
UICompatibilityInputViewController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) does not have a
UICompatibilityInputViewController handleTransitionlessAnimatedWillAppear() exiting
early (reason: not in bottomStackController view hierarchy stack)
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/structured-data/generic-tag/occupation/
API: Method = GET from Path = api-2.0/structured-data/generic-tag/occupation/
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/structured-data/generic-tag/occupation/
API: Success for Method = GET from Path =
api-2.0/structured-data/generic-tag/occupation/, StatusCode = 200
UICompatibilityInputViewController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) does not have a
UICompatibilityInputViewController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) does not have a
UISystemInputAssistantViewController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) does not have
a transitionCoordinator
UIPredictionViewController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) does not have a
UICompatibilityInputViewController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) does not have a
_UICursorAccessoryViewController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) does not have a
_UICursorAccessoryViewController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) does not have a
_UICursorAccessoryViewController handleTransitionlessAnimatedWillAppear() exiting
early (reason: not in bottomStackController view hierarchy stack)
UICompatibilityInputViewController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) does not have a
the url is
API: Method = GET from Path =
the url is
udemy_mobile_ios.ProfessionDataViewController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) has a
udemy_mobile_ios.ProfessionDataViewController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:)
exiting early (reason: hotfix for auth controllers)
udemy_mobile_ios.OccupationDataListViewController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:)
has a transitionCoordinator
udemy_mobile_ios.OccupationDataListViewController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:)
exiting early (reason: hotfix for auth controllers)
udemy_mobile_ios.OccupationDataListViewController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:)
has a transitionCoordinator
udemy_mobile_ios.OccupationDataListViewController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:)
exiting early (reason: hotfix for auth controllers)
udemy_mobile_ios.UMAutoCompleteVC _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) has a
udemy_mobile_ios.UMAutoCompleteVC _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) exiting early
(reason: hotfix for auth controllers)
udemy_mobile_ios.ProfessionTellUsMoreViewController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:)
has a transitionCoordinator
udemy_mobile_ios.ProfessionTellUsMoreViewController handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:)
exiting early (reason: hotfix for auth controllers)
_UICursorAccessoryViewController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) does not have a
API: Success for Method = GET from Path =
api-2.0/structured-data/generic-tag/schema/occupation_group/instances, StatusCode =
_UICursorAccessoryViewController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) does not have a
udemy_mobile_ios.OccupationDataListViewController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) has
a transitionCoordinator
udemy_mobile_ios.OccupationDataListViewController handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:)
exiting early (reason: hotfix for auth controllers)
udemy_mobile_ios.OccupationDataListViewController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:)
has a transitionCoordinator
udemy_mobile_ios.OccupationDataListViewController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:)
exiting early (reason: hotfix for auth controllers)
udemy_mobile_ios.OccupationDataListViewController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) has
a transitionCoordinator
udemy_mobile_ios.OccupationDataListViewController handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:)
exiting early (reason: hotfix for auth controllers)
udemy_mobile_ios.OccupationDataListViewController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:)
has a transitionCoordinator
udemy_mobile_ios.OccupationDataListViewController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:)
exiting early (reason: hotfix for auth controllers)
udemy_mobile_ios.ProfessionTellUsMoreViewController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:)
has a transitionCoordinator
udemy_mobile_ios.ProfessionTellUsMoreViewController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:)
exiting early (reason: hotfix for auth controllers)
_swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) has a transitionCoordinator
handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:) exiting early (reason: hotfix for auth controllers)
EventTracking: Sending was successful

EventTracking: Remaining items in queue: 0

UdemyUIKit.UMNavigationController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) has a
UdemyUIKit.UMNavigationController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) transitionType
is: dismissing
UdemyUIKit.UMNavigationController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) exiting early
(reason: no need to cache bottom anchor spacing for modals)
_swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) has a transitionCoordinator
_swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) transitionType is: dismissing
_swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) exiting early (reason: no need to cache bottom
anchor spacing for modals)
UdemyUIKit.ConcreteBottomStackController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) exiting early
(reason: opted-out)
udemy_mobile_ios.UMTabBarController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) requested to
replace height constraint for bottom anchoring spacer on appear
UdemyUIKit.UMNavigationController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) has a
UdemyUIKit.UMNavigationController handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:) transitionType
is: dismissing
UdemyUIKit.UMNavigationController handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:) exiting early
(reason: self is not the top view controller)
udemy_mobile_ios.NewFeaturedCoursesController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) has a
udemy_mobile_ios.NewFeaturedCoursesController handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:)
transitionType is: dismissing
udemy_mobile_ios.NewFeaturedCoursesController handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:)
defaulting to bottom safe area
[UMNetworkReachabilityManager] - Adding observer:
<UdemyUIKit.UMNetworkReachabilitySnackBarController: 0x301e08ba0>.
[UMNetworkReachabilityManager] - Network became reachable via Ethernet or WiFi.
UdemyUIKit.Miniplayer.ViewController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) exiting early
(reason: opted-out)
skipping didSet logic (reason: same value as existing)
Returning empty cart due to invalid user session
Returning empty cart due to invalid user session
Returning empty cart due to invalid user session
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/structured-data/generic-tag/occupation/
API: Method = POST from Path =
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/structured-data/generic-tag/occupation/
UdemyUIKit.EmbeddingViewController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) has a
UdemyUIKit.EmbeddingViewController handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:) transitionType
is: presenting
UdemyUIKit.EmbeddingViewController handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:) exiting early
(reason: not in bottomStackController view hierarchy stack)
UdemyUIKit.ScrollingViewController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) has a
UdemyUIKit.ScrollingViewController handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:) transitionType
is: presenting
UdemyUIKit.ScrollingViewController handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:) exiting early
(reason: not in bottomStackController view hierarchy stack)
udemy_mobile_ios.CuratedForYourCareerViewController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:)
has a transitionCoordinator
udemy_mobile_ios.CuratedForYourCareerViewController handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:)
transitionType is: presenting
udemy_mobile_ios.CuratedForYourCareerViewController handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:)
exiting early (reason: not in bottomStackController view hierarchy stack)
_swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) has a transitionCoordinator
handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:) transitionType is: presenting
handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:) exiting early (reason: not in bottomStackController
view hierarchy stack)
API: Success for Method = POST from Path =
fields[gt_instance]=id,default_name,assignments, StatusCode = 200
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/structured-data/generic-tag/action
API: Method = POST from Path = api-2.0/structured-data/generic-tag/action
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/structured-data/generic-tag/action
API: Success for Method = POST from Path =
api-2.0/structured-data/generic-tag/action, StatusCode = 200
Assigned result: Assigned generic tag 53774 to entity 142698202
UdemyUIKit.EmbeddingViewController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) has a
UdemyUIKit.EmbeddingViewController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) transitionType
is: dismissing
UdemyUIKit.EmbeddingViewController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) exiting early
(reason: no need to cache bottom anchor spacing for modals)
UdemyUIKit.ScrollingViewController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) has a
UdemyUIKit.ScrollingViewController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) transitionType
is: dismissing
UdemyUIKit.ScrollingViewController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) exiting early
(reason: no need to cache bottom anchor spacing for modals)
udemy_mobile_ios.CuratedForYourCareerViewController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:)
has a transitionCoordinator
udemy_mobile_ios.CuratedForYourCareerViewController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:)
transitionType is: dismissing
udemy_mobile_ios.CuratedForYourCareerViewController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:)
exiting early (reason: no need to cache bottom anchor spacing for modals)
_swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) has a transitionCoordinator
_swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) transitionType is: dismissing
_swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) exiting early (reason: no need to cache bottom
anchor spacing for modals)
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/notices/me
API: Method = GET from Path = api-2.0/notices/me
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/notices/me
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/discovery-units
API: Method = GET from Path = api-2.0/discovery-units
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/discovery-units
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/notices/me
API: Method = GET from Path = api-2.0/notices/me
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/notices/me
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/experiments/variants/me
API: Success for Method = GET from Path = api-2.0/notices/me, StatusCode = 200
API: Method = POST from Path = api-2.0/experiments/variants/me
API: Success for Method = GET from Path = api-2.0/notices/me, StatusCode = 200
Ids should not be nil if initializing from stored data
API: Success for Method = POST from Path = api-2.0/experiments/variants/me,
StatusCode = 200
UdemyUIKit.UMAlertController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) has a
UdemyUIKit.UMAlertController handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:) transitionType is:
UdemyUIKit.UMAlertController handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:) exiting early (reason:
not in bottomStackController view hierarchy stack)
UdemyUIKit.UMAlertController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) has a
UdemyUIKit.UMAlertController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) transitionType is:
UdemyUIKit.UMAlertController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) exiting early (reason:
no need to cache bottom anchor spacing for modals)
API: Success for Method = GET from Path = api-2.0/discovery-units, StatusCode = 200
the paginated courses are <udemy_mobile_ios.UMObjectPaginatedDiscovery:
Fetching the prices for: [5725012, 2277253, 5632800, 5419638, 615696, 4647292]
Fetching the prices for: [1589248, 2149086, 1235124, 1258436, 1408632, 1384236]
Fetching the prices for: [2847630, 6075027, 6024616, 4533110, 4606494, 2964684]
User has already skipped flow and they aren't editing so do not show again
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/pricing
API: Method = GET from Path = api-2.0/pricing
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/pricing
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/pricing
API: Method = GET from Path = api-2.0/pricing
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/pricing
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/pricing
API: Method = GET from Path = api-2.0/pricing
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/pricing
Raw string is: Size uyum sağlayan öğrenim deneyimi
unable to find sku inside text: Size uyum sağlayan öğrenim deneyimi
the input text: Size uyum sağlayan öğrenim deneyimi doesn't have a valid sku
Raw string is: Bugününüz (ve gelecek) için yetkinlikler
unable to find sku inside text: Bugününüz (ve gelecek) için yetkinlikler
the input text: Bugününüz (ve gelecek) için yetkinlikler doesn't have a valid sku
Raw string is: Programınıza göre öğrenebileceğiniz, geleceğe yönelik yetkinlikler
unable to find sku inside text: Programınıza göre öğrenebileceğiniz, geleceğe
yönelik yetkinlikler
the input text: Programınıza göre öğrenebileceğiniz, geleceğe yönelik yetkinlikler
doesn't have a valid sku
Unregistered presenting view for courseId: 2277253
Refreshing the fetching cell for: 2277253
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Unregistered presenting view for courseId: 5632800
Refreshing the fetching cell for: 5632800
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Unregistered presenting view for courseId: 5419638
Refreshing the fetching cell for: 5419638
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Unregistered presenting view for courseId: 4647292
Refreshing the fetching cell for: 4647292
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
the title price is Size uyum sağlayan öğrenim deneyimi and subTitlePrice is
Bugününüz (ve gelecek) için yetkinlikler
the title price is Programınıza göre öğrenebileceğiniz, geleceğe yönelik
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
API: Success for Method = GET from Path = api-2.0/pricing, StatusCode = 200
Course has both SKUs, so it's a paid course
Course has both SKUs, so it's a paid course
Course has both SKUs, so it's a paid course
Course has both SKUs, so it's a paid course
Course has both SKUs, so it's a paid course
Course has both SKUs, so it's a paid course
API: Success for Method = GET from Path = api-2.0/pricing, StatusCode = 200
Course has both SKUs, so it's a paid course
Course has both SKUs, so it's a paid course
Course has both SKUs, so it's a paid course
Course has both SKUs, so it's a paid course
Course has both SKUs, so it's a paid course
Course has both SKUs, so it's a paid course
No SKUs to fetch. Fulfilling seal with skus: ["com.udemy.consumable.8",
Pricing returned for: [6075027, 4606494, 6024616, 2964684, 2847630, 4533110]
No SKUs to fetch. Fulfilling seal with skus: []
Course 6075027 does not have a registered view
Course 4606494 does not have a registered view
Course 6024616 does not have a registered view
Course 2964684 does not have a registered view
Course 2847630 does not have a registered view
Course 4533110 does not have a registered view
API: Success for Method = GET from Path = api-2.0/pricing, StatusCode = 200
Course has both SKUs, so it's a paid course
Course has both SKUs, so it's a paid course
Course has both SKUs, so it's a paid course
Course has both SKUs, so it's a paid course
Course has both SKUs, so it's a paid course
Course has both SKUs, so it's a paid course
No SKUs to fetch. Fulfilling seal with skus: ["com.udemy.consumable.15",
"com.udemy.consumable.12", "com.udemy.consumable.9"]
Pricing returned for: [2149086, 1384236, 1258436, 1408632, 1589248, 1235124]
No SKUs to fetch. Fulfilling seal with skus: []
Course 2149086 does not have a registered view
Course 1384236 does not have a registered view
Course 1258436 does not have a registered view
Course 1408632 does not have a registered view
Course 1589248 does not have a registered view
Course 1235124 does not have a registered view
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Displaying cached price for: 1589248
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Displaying cached price for: 2149086
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Displaying cached price for: 1235124
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Displaying cached price for: 1258436
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Displaying cached price for: 1408632
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Displaying cached price for: 1384236
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
already tracked user's app store country
Finished fetching missing SKUs (["com.udemy.consumable.21"]). Fulfilling seal with
all skus: ["com.udemy.consumable.21", "com.udemy.consumable.8"]
Pricing returned for: [5419638, 5725012, 4647292, 615696, 5632800, 2277253]
No SKUs to fetch. Fulfilling seal with skus: []
Course 5725012 does not have a registered view
Course 615696 does not have a registered view
Displaying cached price for: 5419638
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Displaying cached price for: 4647292
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Displaying cached price for: 5632800
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
Displaying cached price for: 2277253
Ignoring call to log impression since event, visibility, or loading state incorrect
UdemyUIKit.UMNavigationController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) does not have a
UdemyUIKit.UMNavigationController handleTransitionlessAnimatedWillAppear() exiting
early (reason: not the top view controller)
udemy_mobile_ios.CourseSearchVC _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) does not have a
udemy_mobile_ios.CourseSearchVC handleTransitionlessAnimatedWillAppear() exiting
early (reason: not the top view controller)
udemy_mobile_ios.UMSearchListVC _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) does not have a
udemy_mobile_ios.UMSearchListVC handleTransitionlessAnimatedWillAppear() exiting
early (reason: not the top view controller)
udemy_mobile_ios.ZeroStateViewController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) does not have
a transitionCoordinator
udemy_mobile_ios.ZeroStateViewController handleTransitionlessAnimatedWillAppear()
exiting early (reason: not the top view controller)
Top searches is already populated
udemy_mobile_ios.UMAutoCompleteVC _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) does not have a
udemy_mobile_ios.UMAutoCompleteVC handleTransitionlessAnimatedWillAppear() exiting
early (reason: not the top view controller)
Skipping setter (reason: isMiniplayerHidden already has value: false)
Skipping setter (reason: isSignInButtonHidden already has value: true)
UdemyUIKit.UMNavigationController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) does not have a
udemy_mobile_ios.NewFeaturedCoursesController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) does
not have a transitionCoordinator
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/visits/me/funnel-logs/
API: Method = POST from Path = api-2.0/visits/me/funnel-logs/
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/visits/me/funnel-logs/
API: Method = POST from Path = api-2.0/visits/me/funnel-logs/
API: Success for Method = POST from Path = api-2.0/visits/me/funnel-logs/,
StatusCode = 201
API: Success for Method = POST from Path = api-2.0/visits/me/funnel-logs/,
StatusCode = 201
UdemyUIKit.UMNavigationController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) does not have a
UdemyUIKit.UMNavigationController handleTransitionlessAnimatedWillAppear() exiting
early (reason: not the top view controller)
udemy_mobile_ios.MyCoursesVC _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) does not have a
udemy_mobile_ios.MyCoursesVC handleTransitionlessAnimatedWillAppear() exiting early
(reason: not the top view controller)
udemy_mobile_ios.CoursesListViewController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) does not
have a transitionCoordinator
udemy_mobile_ios.CoursesListViewController handleTransitionlessAnimatedWillAppear()
exiting early (reason: not the top view controller)
Skipping setter (reason: isMiniplayerHidden already has value: false)
Skipping setter (reason: isSignInButtonHidden already has value: true)
UdemyUIKit.UMNavigationController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) does not have a
udemy_mobile_ios.CourseSearchVC _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) does not have a
udemy_mobile_ios.UMSearchListVC _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) does not have a
udemy_mobile_ios.ZeroStateViewController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) does not
have a transitionCoordinator
udemy_mobile_ios.UMAutoCompleteVC _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) does not have a
UdemyUIKit.UMNavigationController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) does not have a
UdemyUIKit.UMNavigationController handleTransitionlessAnimatedWillAppear() exiting
early (reason: not the top view controller)
UdemyUIKit.UMNavigationController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) does not have a
udemy_mobile_ios.MyCoursesVC _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) does not have a
udemy_mobile_ios.CoursesListViewController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) does not
have a transitionCoordinator
udemy_mobile_ios.UMWishlistViewController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) does not
have a transitionCoordinator
udemy_mobile_ios.UMWishlistViewController handleTransitionlessAnimatedWillAppear()
defaulting to bottom safe area
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/users/me/wishlisted-courses
API: Method = GET from Path = api-2.0/users/me/wishlisted-courses
the url is https://www.udemy.com/api-2.0/users/me/wishlisted-courses
udemy_mobile_ios.CoursesListViewController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) does not
have a transitionCoordinator
udemy_mobile_ios.CoursesListViewController handleTransitionlessAnimatedWillAppear()
exiting early (reason: not the top view controller)
Skipping setter (reason: isMiniplayerHidden already has value: false)
Skipping setter (reason: isSignInButtonHidden already has value: true)
API: Success for Method = GET from Path = api-2.0/users/me/wishlisted-courses,
StatusCode = 200
udemy_mobile_ios.ZeroStateViewController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) does not have
a transitionCoordinator
udemy_mobile_ios.ZeroStateViewController handleTransitionlessAnimatedWillAppear()
exiting early (reason: not the top view controller)
UdemyUIKit.UMNavigationController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) does not have a
UdemyUIKit.UMNavigationController handleTransitionlessAnimatedWillAppear() exiting
early (reason: not the top view controller)
udemy_mobile_ios.AccountViewController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) does not have a
udemy_mobile_ios.AccountViewController handleTransitionlessAnimatedWillAppear()
exiting early (reason: not the top view controller)
Skipping setter (reason: isMiniplayerHidden already has value: false)
Skipping setter (reason: isSignInButtonHidden already has value: true)
UdemyUIKit.UMNavigationController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) does not have a
udemy_mobile_ios.UMWishlistViewController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) does not
have a transitionCoordinator
udemy_mobile_ios.CoursesListViewController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) does not
have a transitionCoordinator
udemy_mobile_ios.ZeroStateViewController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) does not
have a transitionCoordinator
INSTR: either the user is not logged in or they are not an instructor
INSTR: either the user is not logged in or they are not an instructor
udemy_mobile_ios.AccountViewController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) has a
udemy_mobile_ios.AccountViewController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:)
transitionType is: pushing
udemy_mobile_ios.AccountViewController _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) exiting
early (reason: toVC.willAppear will handle the transition)
udemy_mobile_ios.DownloadManagementVC _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) has a
udemy_mobile_ios.DownloadManagementVC handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:)
transitionType is: pushing
udemy_mobile_ios.DownloadManagementVC handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:) defaulting to
bottom safe area
Skipping setter (reason: isMiniplayerHidden already has value: false)
Skipping setter (reason: isSignInButtonHidden already has value: true)
EventTracking: Sending was successful

EventTracking: Remaining items in queue: 0

udemy_mobile_ios.DownloadManagementVC _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) has a
udemy_mobile_ios.DownloadManagementVC _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:)
transitionType is: popping
udemy_mobile_ios.DownloadManagementVC _swizzled_viewWillDisappear(_:) animating
udemy_mobile_ios.AccountViewController _swizzled_viewWillAppear(_:) has a
udemy_mobile_ios.AccountViewController handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:)
transitionType is: popping
udemy_mobile_ios.AccountViewController handleAnimatedWillAppear(with:) exiting
early (reason: fromVC.willDisappear will handle the transition)
Skipping setter (reason: isMiniplayerHidden already has value: false)
Skipping setter (reason: isSignInButtonHidden already has value: true)
INSTR: either the user is not logged in or they are not an instructor
INSTR: either the user is not logged in or they are not an instructor
[UMNetworkReachabilityManager] - Paused listening for network reachability changes.

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