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7 Rectangular Beam

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4/23/06 8:13 PM C:\Documents and Settings\Wei Cai\My Documents\Courses...\S522a.m 1 of 3

%adpated from maple file S522 from J. R. Barber, Elasticity

% http://www-personal.engin.umich.edu/~jbarber/elasticity/maple/S522
% adapted by Wei Cai, caiwei@stanford.edu, for ME 340 Elasticity
% Spring 2006, Stanford University
%This file gives the solution of the simply-supported beam problem,
%following the strategy of Section 5.2.2.

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syms C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 C12 C13 C14 C15 C16 C17 C18
syms x y a b p

%stress function
phi = C1*x^2+C2*x*y+C3*y^2+C4*x^3+C5*x^2*y+C6*x*y^2+C7*y^3+C8*x^4+ ...
C9*x^3*y+C10*x^2*y^2+C11*x*y^3+C12*y^4+C13*x^5+C14*x^4*y+ ...

%stress field
sxx = diff(diff(phi,y),y)
syy = diff(diff(phi,x),x)
sxy = -diff(diff(phi,x),y)

%traction force on y=b

t1 = subs(syy,y,b) %Ty on y=b
t2 = subs(sxy,y,b) %Tx on y=b

%traction force on y=-b

t3 = subs(syy,y,-b) %Ty on y=-b
t4 = subs(sxy,y,-b) %Tx on y=-b

%traction force on x=a

t5 = subs(sxx,x,a) %Tx on x=a
t6 = subs(sxy,x,a) %Ty on x=a

%traction force on x=-a

t7 = subs(sxx,x,-a) %Tx on x=-a
t8 = subs(sxy,x,-a) %Ty on x=-a

%find coefficients of polynomials t1,t2,t3,t4

s1 = subs(diff(t1,x,3),x,0)/factorial(3)
s2 = subs(diff(t1,x,2),x,0)/factorial(2)
s3 = subs(diff(t1,x,1),x,0)/factorial(1)
s4 = subs(t1,x,0)

s5 = subs(diff(t2,x,3),x,0)/factorial(3)
s6 = subs(diff(t2,x,2),x,0)/factorial(2)
s7 = subs(diff(t2,x,1),x,0)/factorial(1)
s8 = subs(t2,x,0)
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s9 = subs(diff(t3,x,3),x,0)/factorial(3)
s10 = subs(diff(t3,x,2),x,0)/factorial(2)
s11 = subs(diff(t3,x,1),x,0)/factorial(1)
s12 = subs(t3,x,0)

s13 = subs(diff(t4,x,3),x,0)/factorial(3)
s14 = subs(diff(t4,x,2),x,0)/factorial(2)
s15 = subs(diff(t4,x,1),x,0)/factorial(1)
s16 = subs(t4,x,0)

%The biharmonic equation is 4th order, so applying it to a 5th order polynomial

%generates a first order polynomial.
biharm = diff(phi,x,4)+diff(phi,y,4)+2*diff(diff(phi,x,2),y,2)

%coefficients of biharm
b1 = subs(diff(biharm,x,1),{x,y},{0,0})
b2 = subs(diff(biharm,y,1),{x,y},{0,0})
b3 = subs(biharm,{x,y},{0,0})

%integrated force and torque on x=a

Fx1 = simplify(int(t5, y, -b, b))
Fy1 = simplify(int(t6, y, -b, b))
M1 = simplify(int(t5*y, y, -b, b))
%integrated force and torque on x=-a
Fx2 = simplify(int(t7, y, -b, b))
Fy2 = simplify(int(t8, y, -b, b))
M2 = simplify(int(t7*y, y, -b, b))

%Solve all these equations together

s = solve(s1, s2, s3, s4+p, s5, s6, s7, s8, ...
s9, s10,s11,s12, s13,s14,s15,s16, ...
b1, b2, b3, Fx1,M1, Fy1-p*a, ...

%construct cell arrays for future use

coeffs = {C1,C2,C3,C4,C5,C6,C7,C8,C9,C10,C11,C12,C13,C14,C15,C16,C17,C18}
solution = {s.C1,s.C2,s.C3,s.C4,s.C5,s.C6,s.C7,s.C8,s.C9, ...

%stress function and stress field solution

phi2 = simplify(subs(phi, coeffs, solution))

sxx2 = simplify(subs(sxx, coeffs, solution))

syy2 = simplify(subs(syy, coeffs, solution))
sxy2 = simplify(subs(sxy, coeffs, solution))

%print out results

disp('phi=') pretty(phi2)
disp('sxx=') pretty(sxx2)
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disp('syy=') pretty(syy2)
disp('sxy=') pretty(sxy2)

%plot stress fields

an = bn = pn =
xn = [-1:0.05:1]*an
yn = [-1:0.1:1]*bn
xx = ones(size(yn'))*xn
yy = yn'*ones(size(xn))
phin = subs(phi2,{a,b,p},{an,bn,pn}) phin = subs(phin,{x,y},{xx,yy})
sxxn = subs(sxx2,{a,b,p},{an,bn,pn}) sxxn = subs(sxxn,{x,y},{xx,yy})
syyn = subs(syy2,{a,b,p},{an,bn,pn}) syyn = subs(syyn,y,yy)
sxyn = subs(sxy2,{a,b,p},{an,bn,pn}) sxyn = subs(sxyn,{x,y},{xx,yy})

subplot(2,2,1) mesh(xn,yn,phin)
title('\phi') xlabel('x') ylabel('y')
subplot(2,2,2) mesh(xn,yn,sxxn)
title('\sigma_{xx}') xlabel('x') ylabel('y')
subplot(2,2,3) mesh(xn,yn,syyn)
title('\sigma_{yy}') xlabel('x') ylabel('y')
subplot(2,2,4) mesh(xn,yn,sxyn)
title('\sigma_{xy}') xlabel('x') ylabel('y')
% results
% 2 3 2 2 3 2 3 2 2 3 5
% p (10 x b + 15 x y b - 2 y b + 5 y a - 5 x y + y )
% - 1/40 ------------------------------------------------------------
% 3
% b
% 2 2 2 2
% p y (-6 b + 15 a - 15 x + 10 y )
% - 1/20 -----------------------------------
% 3
% b
% 3 2 3
% p (-2 b - 3 y b + y )
% 1/4 -----------------------
% 3
% b
% 2 2
% p x (-b + y )
% - 3/4 --------------
% 3
% b
φ σxx

5 5

0 0

−5 −5
1 1
2 2
0 0
0 0
y −1 −2 x y −1 −2 x

σyy σxy

−0.5 0

1 2 −2
0 0 2
y −1 −2 x y −1 −2 x

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