Module 3
Module 3
Module 3
(from Lecture 2)
• Discontinuous: physical separation
• Parametric Continuity
• Positional (C0 ): no physical separation
• C1 : C0 and matching first derivatives
• C2 : C1 and matching second
• Geometric Continuity
• Positional (G0 ) = C0
• Tangential (G1) : G0 and tangents are
proportional, point in same direction,
but magnitudes may differ
• Curvature (G2) : G1 and tangent lengths
are the same and rate of length change
is the same
source: Mortenson, Angel (Ch 9), Wiki
Continuity at Join Points
• Hermite curves provide C1 continuity at curve
segment join points.
– matching parametric 1st derivatives
• Bezier curves provide C0 continuity at curve
segment join points.
– Can provide G1 continuity given collinearity of some
control points (see next slide)
• Cubic B-splines can provide C2 continuity at
curve segment join points.
– matching parametric 2nd derivatives
Composite Bezier Curves
Evaluate at u=0 and u=1 to show tangents related to first and last control polygon line segment.
pu (0) 3(p1 p0 ) pu (1) 3(p3 p 2 )
Note that, for these definitions, Gk continuity implies Gi continuity for i < k.
These definitions suffice for that textbook’s treatment, but there is more to the story…
source: Hill, Ch 10
Reparameterization Relationship
• Curve has Gr continuity if an arc-length
reparameterization exists after which it has Cr
continuity. source: Farin, Ch 10
• “Two curve segments are Gk geometric
continuous at the joining point if and only if there
exist two parameterizations, one for each curve
segment, such that all ith derivatives, i k ,
computed with these new parameterizations
agree at the joining point.” source:
Additional Perspective
• “Parametric continuity of order n implies
geometric continuity of order n, but not
Continuity at Join Point
Parametric Continuity Geometric Continuity
(5.30) for y
curves are
identical in x,y
(5.30) for y
2 p1 p 0 p 2 p1 2 p 2 p1 p3 p 2
0 1
3 p1 p 0
3 p3 p 2
p ui p uu
consistent with: i
p ui
source: Mortenson, Ch 4, p. 142-143
C2 Continuity at Curve Join Point
• “Full” C2 continuity at join point requires:
– Same radius of curvature*
– Same osculating plane*
– These conditions hold for curves p(u) and r(u) if:
p i ri
p ui riu
p r
i i
familiar situation
looks incorrect
looks incorrect
looks incorrect
familiar situation
curvature discontinuity
source: Mortenson, Ch 5
Control Point Multiplicity Effect on
Uniform Cubic B-Spline Joint
C2 and G2 C2 and G2
control point One control point multiplicity = 2
multiplicities = 1
C0 and G0
One control point multiplicity = 4
C2 and G2 One curve segment degenerates into a
One control point multiplicity = 3 single point. Other curve segment is a
straight line. First derivatives at join
point are equal but vanish. Second
derivatives at join point are equal but
1 1 1 1 2
p (u ) (u 2u 1)p 0 (3u 4u )p1 (3u 2u 1)p 2 u p 3
u 2 2 2
2 2 2 2
puu (u) (u 1)p0 (3u 2)p1 (3u 1)p2 up3
Knot Multiplicity Effect on Non-
uniform B-Spline
• If a knot has multiplicity r, then the B-
spline curve of degree n has smoothness
Cn-r at that knot.
source: Farin, Ch 8
A Few Differential Geometry
Topics Related to Continuity
Local Curve Topics
• Principal Vectors
– Tangent
– Normal
– Binormal
• Osculating Plane and Circle
• Frenet Frame
• Curvature
• Torsion
• Revisiting the Definition of Geometric Continuity
source: Ch 12 Mortenson
Intrinsic Definition
(adapted from earlier lecture)
• No reliance on external frame of reference
• Requires 2 equations as functions of arc
length* s: 1
*length measured along the curve
1) Curvature: f ( s)
2) Torsion: g (s )
Torsion (in 3D) measures how much
curve deviates from a plane curve.
pp p
pu pu du is more accurate.
unit tangent vector: ti u
source: Mortenson, p. 388
Normal Plane
• Plane through pi perpendicular to ti
q ( x, y , z )
Principal normal
vector is on
intersection of Binormal vector
normal plane with bi t i ni
(osculating) plane
shown in (a). lies in normal
x xi xiu xiuu
y yi yiu yiuu 0
z zi ziu ziuu
source: Mortenson, p. 392-393
Frenet Frame
Rectifying plane
at pi is the plane
through pi and
perpendicular to
the principal
normal ni:
(q p i ) n i 0
i i
i p ui
p u
i p uu
i p uuu
i p p
i p uuu
uu 2 uu 2
p p
i i p p
i i
source: Ch 12 Mortenson
Local Properties of a Surface
Fundamental Forms
• Given parametric surface p(u,w)
• Form I: dp dp Edu 2 2 Fdudw Gdw2
E pu pu F pu p w G pw pw
p u p(u, w) / u
p w p(u, w) / w
q p pu p w 0
x xi xiu xiw
y yi yiu yiw 0
z zi ziu
contains l
k n (k n)n
in tangent plane with
normal curvature: n k n parametric direction
curvature extrema:
Rotating a plane
principal normal
around the normal
changes the
curvature n.
fundamental form
helps to measure
distance of surface
from tangent
| d | (q p) n
Osculating Paraboloid
a) LN M 2 0
Elliptic Point:
locally convex
b) LN M 2 0
Hyperbolic Point:
“saddle point”
c) LN M 2 0
L2 M 2 N 2 0
LM N 0 typographical
Planar Point
(not shown) Parabolic Point:
single line in
tangent plane along
which d =0