Unit-IV - Differential Geometry Unit-IV - Differential Geometry
Unit-IV - Differential Geometry Unit-IV - Differential Geometry
Unit-IV - Differential Geometry Unit-IV - Differential Geometry
Curves in spaces
A curve in space is the locus of a point whose Cartesian co-ordinates are functions of
a single variable (say). (or)
A curve in space is the locus of a point whose position vector with respect to a fixed
origin may be expressed as a function of a single parameter.
If be the position vector of a current point P on the space curve whose Cartesian co-
ordinates be then we know that
Thus the space curve whose parametric equations are given can be expressed as the
intersection of two surfaces.
Change of Parameter
---------- (3).
1. If is a regular parametric representation then and as such from (3) we
conclude that if and only if
2. is a regular parameter if and only if
Prepared by D.THIRUMARAN, M.Sc., B.Ed., - 8015106967, C.Mutlur 1
Unit-IV - Differential Geometry Curves in Spaces & Helices
Arc Length
; ;
; ;
Arc length
PG – TRB - Questions
Prepared by D.THIRUMARAN, M.Sc., B.Ed., - 8015106967, C.Mutlur 2
Unit-IV - Differential Geometry Curves in Spaces & Helices
Order of Contact
i) If then we say that the curve and the surface has a simple
intersection at .
contact of order) at .
Inflexional Tangent
If at a point P : then the tangent line at P is called inflexional and the point P is
called the point of inflexion. (or)
If be any point on the surface then the equation to the line through P is
The inflextional tangents are the tangents which have three point contact inside the
given surface where .
PG – TRB – Questions
1. C is a curve and S is a surface then C and S have three points contact at if [2002-03]
a) and b) ; and
c) ; and d) ; and
2. If P is a point of inflexion, then at the point P, [2003-04]
a) b) c) d)
Prepared by D.THIRUMARAN, M.Sc., B.Ed., - 8015106967, C.Mutlur 3
Unit-IV - Differential Geometry Curves in Spaces & Helices
Through any point P in space, there pass three mutually perpendicular planes
namely the osculating plane; the normal plane and the rectifying plane are called
fundamental planes.
1. Osculating plane
The plane through P containing and whose normal is therefore is called
rectifying plane whose equation is
Ie. The plane containing the vectors and is called the osculating plane
2. Normal plane
The plane through P containing and whose normal is therefore is called
normal plane whose equation is
Ie. The plane containing the vectors and is called the normal plane
3. Rectifying plane
The plane through P containing and whose normal is therefore is called
rectifying plane whose equation is
Ie. The plane containing the vectors and is called the rectifying plane
Osculating Plane (or) Plane of Curvature
Let C be a given curve of class and P and Q be any two neighbouring points on
it. Then the osculating plane of C at P is the limiting position of the plane which contains the
tangent line at P and the Point Q as (or which contains the tangent line at P and is
parallel to the tangent at Q as ) (or)
Let Q and R be any two points on the curve which are close to P then the limiting
position of the plane PQR as the points Q and R tend to P is called the osculating plane at the
point P.
Particular case
In case the arc length be measured from the point P then and the equation of
the osculating plane becomes
(or) (or)
Cartesian form
If and then
Theo: When the curve is analytic, there exists a finite osculating plane at a point of inflexion
provided the curve is not a straight line.
Prepared by D.THIRUMARAN, M.Sc., B.Ed., - 8015106967, C.Mutlur 4
Unit-IV - Differential Geometry Curves in Spaces & Helices
Normal Plane
The plane through and perpendicular to the tangent line at P is called the
normal plane at P.
Cartesian Form
where (or)
Now consider the dot product of these two normal i.e. as the
scalar triple product is zero when the two vectors are equal.
Since the dot product in zero it follows that the two normal’s to the two planes are at
right angles and hence the normal plane is perpendicular to the osculating plane.
Principal Normal
The Principal normal at any point P of a given curve C is defined as the normal
which lies in the osculating plane at P.
It is clear that,
Principal normal is the line of intersection of the normal plane and osculating plane
because being normal it must lie in normal plane and being principal normal it must lie in
osculating plane.
The bi-normal at any point P of a given curve C is defined as the normal which is
perpendicular to the osculating plane.
Equation of bi-normal is
It is clear that,
Prepared by D.THIRUMARAN, M.Sc., B.Ed., - 8015106967, C.Mutlur 5
Unit-IV - Differential Geometry Curves in Spaces & Helices
We know that
The Principal normal and bi-normal are perpendicular to each other and both of
these being normal’s are perpendicular to ,
Hence these three form a traid of mutually perpendicular unit vectors such that the
unit vector are form a right handed orthogonal system of axes.
we have
PG – TRB – Questions
1. The normal which lies in the osculating plane at any point of the curve is called [2003-04]
a) binormal b) normal c) principal normal d) tangent
2. The plane determined by the tangent and bi-normal at a point P on a space curve is
a) rectifying plane b) osculating plane
c) tangent plane d) normal plane
3. If is the position vector of any point in the osculating plane and if the curve is
given in terms of an arbitrary parameter then the equation of the osculating plane
is [2006-07]
a) b) c) d)
Prepared by D.THIRUMARAN, M.Sc., B.Ed., - 8015106967, C.Mutlur 6
Unit-IV - Differential Geometry Curves in Spaces & Helices
The rate of change of the direction of tangent with respect to arc length as the
point moves along the curve is called curvature vector of the curve whose magnitude is
denoted by called the curvature at P.
Radius of curvature
It is denoted by
The rate of change of the direction of bi-normal with respect to arc length as the
point moves along the curve is called torsion vector of the curve whose magnitude is
denoted by called the torsion at P.
Radius of torsion
It is denoted by .
Screw Curvature
The rate of change of the direction of principal normal with respect to arc length as
the point moves along the curve is called the screw curvature vector and its magnitude
Theo: The necessary and sufficient condition for the curve to be a straight line is that
at all points of the curve.
Theo: The necessary and sufficient condition that a given curve is a plane curve is that
at all points.
Prepared by D.THIRUMARAN, M.Sc., B.Ed., - 8015106967, C.Mutlur 7
Unit-IV - Differential Geometry Curves in Spaces & Helices
Arc derivative of three unit vectors are known as Serret Frenet formulae
Matrix Form
Theo: The necessary and sufficient condition for the curve to be a plane curve is
1. If then
Intrinsic Equation
The intrinsic equations of a curve are of the form ; which
express the curvature and the torsion in terms of the arc length.
Such equations cannot determine the position of the curve in space, and congruent
curves will naturally have the same intrinsic equations. Conversely two cures with the same
intrinsic equations are necessarily congruent.
Prepared by D.THIRUMARAN, M.Sc., B.Ed., - 8015106967, C.Mutlur 8
Unit-IV - Differential Geometry Curves in Spaces & Helices
1. If , , are the moments about the origin of unit vectors localised in the
tangent, principal normal and binormal then, ; ;
3. The osculating plane at every point of a curve touches a fixed sphere, then the plane
through the tangent perpendicular to the principal normal passes through the centre
of the sphere.
4. In order that the principal normal of a curve be bi-normal of another the relation
must hold where and are constant.
5. If the space curve C, has constant torsion then the curve C1,
has constant curvature
PG – TRB – Questions
a) b) c) d)
Prepared by D.THIRUMARAN, M.Sc., B.Ed., - 8015106967, C.Mutlur 9
Unit-IV - Differential Geometry Curves in Spaces & Helices
Let C1 denote the locus of the centre of sphere of curvature at the point P on the curve C
1. of C1 are parallel respectively to of C
2. The product of the torsion of C1 at corresponding points is equal to the product of
curvature at these points
3. If the curvature of C is constant then curvature of C1 is also constant
Prepared by D.THIRUMARAN, M.Sc., B.Ed., - 8015106967, C.Mutlur 10
Unit-IV - Differential Geometry Curves in Spaces & Helices
1. If a curve lies on a sphere then and are connected by
ii) where
3. If the radius of spherical curvature is constant then the curve either lies on a sphere
or has a constant curvature, where R is constant.
4. The necessary and sufficient condition that a curve lies on a sphere is that
at every point on the curve
5. A curve is drawn on a sphere of radius and the principal normal at a point P makes
an angle with the radius of the sphere to P. Then ;
6. For a curve drawn on a sphere, then the centre of curvature at any point is the foot of
the perpendicular from the centre of the sphere upon the osculating plane at the
7. The tangent to the locus of the centre of the osculating sphere passes through the
centre of osculating circle.
8. The normal plane at any point P to the locus of the centre of curvature of any curve
bisects the radius of the spherical curvature at the corresponding point of the given
9. The osculating plane at every point of a curve touches a fixed sphere, then plane
through the tangent perpendicular to the principal normal passes through the centre
of the sphere.
10. The radius of curvature of the locus of the centre of curvature of a curve is
PG – TRB – Questions
Prepared by D.THIRUMARAN, M.Sc., B.Ed., - 8015106967, C.Mutlur 11
Unit-IV - Differential Geometry Curves in Spaces & Helices
Helices (Cylindrical)
A space curve which lies on the surface of a cylinder and cuts the generators at a
constant angle is called a cylindrical helix.
The tangent to the cylindrical helix makes a constant angle with a fixed line is
known as axis (or) generator of the helix.
Theo: The necessary and sufficient condition for a curve to be a helix is that its curvature
and torsion are in a constant ratio.
Theo: Curvature and torsion of a helix C are in a constant ratio the curvature of the
plane curve C1 obtained by projecting C on a plane perpendicular to the axis of the
1. If then the curve is helix (or) In, a helix the ratio is equal to constant
Circular Helix
A helix which is described on the surface of a circular cylinder is called circular helix
(or) right circular helix.
1. If the curvature and torsion are both constant then the curve is circular helix
2. In any cylindrical helix, the principal normal is normal to the cylinder, the bi-normal
makes a constant angle with the axis, the ratio of curvature and torsion is constant.
PG – TRB – Questions
Prepared by D.THIRUMARAN, M.Sc., B.Ed., - 8015106967, C.Mutlur 12
Unit-IV - Differential Geometry Curves in Spaces & Helices
Spherical Indicatrix
The locus of a point whose position vector is the tangent vector to a curve is
called the Spherical Indicatix of the tangent to .
1. Spherical indicatrix of the tangent to a curve C and on the indicatrix of the bi-normal
to C have parallel tangent line.
2. The Spherical indicatrix of a curve is circle if and only if the curve is a helix
3. The curvature and the torsion of the spherical indicatix of the tangent are given
by ;
4. The curvature and the torsion of the spherical indicatix of the bi-normal are
given by ;
If tangents to a given space curve C are normal’s to another curve C 1 then the curve
C1 is called involutes of curve C and in turn C is called evolutes of curve C 1.
The surface generated by tangent lines to a curve C is called the tangent surface of C.
Bertrand Curves
Two curves C and C1 are said to be Bertrand curves or conjugate if the principal
normal’s to C are also principal normal’s to C1.
3. There exists a linear relation between curvature and torsion of each of the Bertrand
curves (or) For each curve and Bertrand curves there is a linear
relation with constant co-efficient between the curvature and torsion.
4. The torsion of the two Bertrand curves has the same sign and their product is
Prepared by D.THIRUMARAN, M.Sc., B.Ed., - 8015106967, C.Mutlur 13