Embryo Morphology Scoring
Embryo Morphology Scoring
Embryo Morphology Scoring
Citation: Nasiri N, Eftekhari-Yazdi P. An overview of the available methods for morphological scoring of pre-implantation
embryos in in vitro fertilization. Cell J. 2015; 16(4): 392-405.
to transfer (3).
Accurate selection of embryos for transfer
and prediction of implantation is the most im- Application of a proper embryo scoring sys-
portant topic in assisted reproduction (1). Gen- tem has many potential benefits such as; 1. ac-
erally, quality and the rate of development in curate selection of embryos prior to transfer, 2.
human embryos that are produced in vitro may reduction of the risk of multiple pregnancies,
vary widely. These differences may indicate the 3. assessment of different culture media and 4.
inherent diversity in the potential of gametes comparison of embryo quality between patient
as well as in details of the in vitro fertilization cycles (4). It is clear that the use of such ef-
(IVF) method and culture medium status (2). ficient methods are required for selection of
The success rate of IVF is mainly related to the proper embryo characteristics which are based
number of embryos transferred as well as fac- on a foundation of basic research and credited
tors such as embryo quality, patient’s condition, by clinical studies (5, 6). Therefore, identifica-
and laboratory standards. A lower number of tion of these features and the methods of their
embryos can decrease the chance of pregnancy. assessment is one of the requisites for the IVF/
However, if the goal is to increase pregnancy intra cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) suc-
rate with restricting the possibility of multiple cess rate, admission of single embryo transfer
pregnancies, more sensitive and non invasive (SET) and a reduction in the risk of multiple
methods are required for embryo selection prior pregnancies (7).
Current embryo grading systems differ with clear stage morphology have been reported by
regards to selection of embryo stage and cri- Scott and Smith (10) and Tesarik et al. (14). In
teria for assessment of embryo quality. There busy IVF laboratories, these systems are usually
are several stages for the evaluation of pre- impossible to implement (with the exception of
implantation embryo’s quality. In this study we time-lapse technology which will be discussed
have reviewed some main protocols (including later) because it has a very detailed classifica-
important embryo traits and different scoring tion and is time consuming.
methods) in each stage.
Tesarik and Greco (15) classified zygotes
Discussion based on size and number as well as distribution
of nucleoli or their precursors [nucleolar pre-
According to specific standards and laboratory cursor bodies (NPBs)]. After this report, other
facilitates, embryologists apply different proto- simplified grading systems have been provided
cols. Each includes the proper embryo criteria using the number, alignment and position of
and appropriate time point for quality evalua- NPBs (16, 17). One example for such scoring
tion of an embryo in their laboratory. However, system is the method reported by Brezinova et
all protocols fall into one of one of the follow- al. (18) in 2009. They classified zygotes into
ing three stages. two different patterns ("O", "Other") based
on pronuclei morphology of the zygote and
Quality assessment of zygote (16-18 hours after an early cleavage rate. Pattern "O" consisted
oocyte insemination) of zygotes that exhibited the same number of
Zygotes are formed after fusion of male and small NPBs distributed in the nucleus or large
female gametes. In most assisted reproductive NPBs with polar distribution between the two
technology (ART) laboratories, the quality of pronuclei. Zygotes with non-symmetrical align-
male and female gametes (sperm, oocyte) is ments of NPB achieved the "Other" score (Fig
evaluated separately. For example, the abnor- 1A, B). The second criterion in this assessment
malities of oocyte morphology which are most is the first mitotic division. This occurrence
frequently observed are large perivitelline space, is checked 23-27 hours after insemination. At
dark zona pellucida, dark incorporations, spots, this moment, embryos with two blastomeres
vacuoles, refractile bodies (dense and insoluble are classified as early cleavage (EC) embryos
bodies which are produced within the cells) and and those that do not reach this stage with in-
irregular shape (8). Abnormal morphological tact nuclear membranes are classified as no
criteria which can be observed in sperm consist early cleavage (NEC) embryos. The results in-
of amorphous, round, large, small, vaculated or dicate that best outcome can be achieved if both
tapered head, neck and midpiece defects, excess embryo scoring systems are used together and
residual cytoplasm and coiled, broken multi and embryos are classified as EC and "O" pattern
short tail (9).
(18). EC embryos show more than two times the
The first step for assessment of embryo qual- pregnancy rate and three times the implantation
ity is evaluation of zygotes or pronuclear stage rate compared with non EC (NEC) embryos.
embryo quality. In the recent years, there has These results have previously been proposed by
been growing interest in the evaluation of pro- Shoukir et al. (3) in 1997. They reported that
nuclear morphology to select the most compe- fertilized embryos which cleaved to the 2-cell
tent embryos. For this purpose, in vitro ferti- stage 25 hours after insemination were classi-
lized human zygotes are classified on the basis fied as EC embryos versus those that did not
of different features such as; number, equality, reach the 2 cell stage (NEC). In this study, EC
size and distribution of nucleoli, pronuclear size embryos showed better pregnancy outcomes
and alignment, the time of pronuclear break- compared with NEC embryos. They proposed
down and presence or absence of cytoplasmic the EC definition method as a simple, effective
halo (10-13).
noninvasive method for selection and assess-
Two main systems for evaluation of pronu- ment of embryos before transfer (Fig 2).
Fig 1: A. Classification of pronuclear morphology according to Brezinova et al. (18). Pattern " O"
, is defined as the same number
of small nucleolar precursor bodies (NPBs) distributed in the nucleus or large NPBs with polar distribution between the two
pronuclei. B. Classification of pronuclear morphology according to Brezinova et al. (18). Pattern " Other" , Zygotes with non-
symmetrical alignments of NPB.
Fig 2: Embryo scoring based on specific time points for embryo cleavage during screening. Image obtained from the article of
Brazinova et al. (18).
Fig 4: Zygote classification according to Scott et al. (19): Z1 zygote (equal numbers of nucleolar precursor bodies (NPBs)
aligned at the pronuclear junction) (A), Z2 zygote (equal number and size of nucleoli which were scattered equally in the two
nuclei) (B), Z3 zygote (zygotes with unequal numbers or size of nucleoli in just one nucleus and equal number and size of nu-
cleoli in another nucleus) (C) and Z4 zygote (the pronuclei are located in the periphery or are separated with different sizes) (D).
Another method for qualitative classification of some morphological features have been suggested.
embryos at the 2PN stage has been proposed by The most notable of these features are: fragmenta-
Senn et al. (25) in 2005. In this method, zygotes tion rate (Fr), irregularities in blastomeres, multi-
are initially graded based on proximity, orientation nucleation and the blastomere number.
and centering of the pronuclei, cytoplasmic halo,
Based on the "Advanced Fertility Center of Chi-
number and polarization of NPBs, then, the cumu-
cago" definition, several morphological criteria are
lated pronuclear score (CPNS) which is the sum
considered in embryo classification; I. cell number:
of scores assigned to the six parameters is calcu-
embryos should be 2 to 4 cells at 48 hours after egg
lated for each zygote (Fig 5). It has been observed
retrieval and 7 to 10 cells by 72 hours (26) (Fig
that lower CPNS values of frozen-thawed zygotes
6A). II. Cell regularity or degree of blastomere
may indicate the freezing damage to zygotes, thus,
size equality (uneven blastomere cleavage): if in-
CPNS may be used as a single predictor tool for
dividual cells are similar in size, the embryos have
implantation of both fresh and frozen-thawed zy-
the best cell regularity. If they are approximately the
gotes (25). Figure 5 shows examples of zygote as-
same size, it is better to be compared with a different
signed scores (1, 2, 3) for zygotes and CPNS is
size (Fig 6B), III. degree of fragmentation: although
indicated in parentheses. According to the results
the fragmentation phenomenon is totally common in
of Senn et al. (25) the patterns of NPBs and cy-
human embryos, those with great than 25% fragmen-
toplasmic halo appear as the most important pre-
tation, have a low implantation potential (Fig 6C).
dictive factor for implantation rate in both types
IV. Presence of multinucleation: if there is more than
(fresh and frozen-thawed) of zygotes.
one nucleus in each blastomere on either days 2 or 3,
the embryo is multinucleated (Fig 6D) (26, 27). After
Morphological quality assessment of cleavage
day 3, it is highly difficult to identify multinuclea-
stage embryos (day 3 after insemination)
tion. Additional factors to be considered for grading
Quality assessment of cleavage stage embryos is and selection for transfers includes the presence of
a common method in embryo quality assessment vacuoles, granularity and thickness of the zona pel-
accepted by numerous embryologists. For this aim, lucida, etc (28).
Fig 5: Examples of zygote scoring according to Senn et al. (25). Scores (1, 2 or 3) assigned to each individual parameter (prox-
imity, orientation and centering of the pronuclei, cytoplasmic halo, number and polarization of nucleolar precursor bodies
(NPBs)) are indicated for each zygote. The cumulated pronuclear score (CPNS) is indicated in parentheses. (Bar=10 µm).
Fig 6: A. High quality 8-cell embryo. Embryo grading: 8 cell, grade 4. Grading method according to Advanced Fertility Center
of Chicago (24). B. Irregular cells and fragmented 5-cell embryo. Embryo grading: 5 cell, grade 2. Grading method accord-
ing to Advanced Fertility Center of Chicago (24). C. Severely fragmented and unevenly sized cells embryo. Embryo grading: 6
cell, grade 1. Grading method according to Advanced Fertility Center of Chicago (24). D. Multinucleated 2 cell embryo. Image
obtained from the site of Advanced Fertility Center of Chicago (24).
fragmentation and the number of blastomeres. which is occupied by enucleate fragments) may
The best embryos with at least 7 blastomeres (7-9 contain less importance than the pattern of frag-
blastomeres) and maximum a 20% of cytoplasmic mentation (relative size and the spatial distribu-
fragmentation are grade A. Grade B embryos have tion of the fragments) (29). The loss of regulatory
7-9 cells with over 20% fragmentation. Grade C proteins during blastomere fragmentation may be
consists of 4-6 cells embryos with a maximum of one mechanism by which the developmental com-
20% fragmentation. Grade D embryos are consid- petence of an embryo is affected (30). Stensen et
ered the worst quality with 4-6 cell embryos and al. (31) in 2010 classified cleavage stage embryos
over 20% fragmentation. based on the amount of fragmentation and blasto-
mere size. Table 1 demonstrates their results.
implantation rate of the an embryo (35). vide and the fluid cavity enlarges. Many IVF
clinics that transfer blastocysts use the blasto-
There are three distinguished parts in blastocyst cyst scoring system developed by Gardner et
structure for quality assessment, the two cell types, al. (36). This grading system has three separate
inner cell mass (ICM) and trophoectoderm (TE) quality scores for each blastocyst. I. Expansion
and the fluid cavity. While the development of the and hatching manner II. ICM and III. TE (Ta-
blastocyst progresses, cells in the two regions di- bles 2, 3, 4).
Table 2: Embryo scoring based on blastocyst expansion grade according to Gardner et al. (36)
Expansion grade Description
4 Expanded blastocyst, cavity larger than the embryo, with thinning of the shell
Fig 8: Examples of scored blastocyst according to Gardner
et al. (36) and image obtained from our IVF laboratory (27).
A. 4AB. 4: well expanded, A: ICM and B: TE. B. 1AB. 1:
Cavity <1/2 of the embryo’s volume, A : ICM, B: TE. C. 5AA.
5: Blastocyst hatching out of shell, A: ICM, B: TE.
ICM; Inner cell mass and TE; Trophoectoderm.
correlated with blastocyst development and im- (Fig 9B), and presence of 7-9 cells on day 3
plantation rate (38). In a study Fisch et al. (37) (Fig 9C, D). However this sequential evaluation
the researchers have emphasized some critical system requires more time, cost and manpower
criteria in each stage after the results were ana- in an ART laboratory, in addition the frequent
lyzed such as; alignment of the nucleoli along exclusion of embryos from an incubator is not
the pronuclear axis at 16-18 hours post-insem- negligible. The GES system was found to be a
ination (Fig 9A), symmetrical cleavage and better predictor of pregnancy outcome than a
<20% fragmentation at the first zygote division single day assessment (37, 39).
Fig 9: Embryo evaluation according to Fisch et al. (37). A. 16-18 hours post insemination (stage 1), nucleolar alignment along
the pronuclear axi, B. 25-27 hours post insemination (stage 2), demonstrating symmetrical blastomere cleavage and no frag-
mentation, C. 64-67 hours post insemination (stage 3), demonstrating symmetrical cleavage, eight cells and no fragmentation
and D. Expanded blastocyst at ~120 hours post insemination (stage 4) (Image obtained from our IVF laboratory).
The CES method is a mathematical scoring sys- to the lack of achievement of desired results in a
tem proposed by Steer et al. (40) and is the sum of number of laboratories.
the scores of all embryos transferred. In this meth-
Invasive analysis of embryo viability can be per-
od, the score of each embryo on the day of transfer
formed by exclusion of one or two blastomeres of
is obtained from multiplication of the morphologi-
the 8-cell stage embryo or by the removal of TE
cal grade of the embryo by the number of blas-
cells in a blastocyst stage embryo (44). However
tomeres. The best outcome in terms of pregnancy
removal of 2 cells from an 8 cell stage embryo is
rate is achieved when the CES is a maximum of
highly invasive and deleterious for the embryo.
42. An increase in the amount of CES above 42
Any cell excluded by biopsy from a cleavage stage
does not improve the pregnancy rate but enhanc-
embryo may not be representative at the proteom-
es the rate of the multiple pregnancies. A method
ic, genomic and transcriptomic levels because the
derived from the CES method, is the mean score of
information that can be derived from these cells is
transferred embryos (MSTE) which is referred to as
confused by the high incidence of mosaicism (45).
CES divided by the total number of transferred em-
bryos as proposed by Terriou et al. (41) in 2001. Selection of high quality embryos for transfer is
currently based on morphological characteristics.
Time-lapse microscopy (TLM)
TLM is an ideal tool to record regular time interval
photographs of an object such as a cell or an embryo We have carefully analyzed a number of primary
over a period of several hours (42). This system is scoring systems that are specific for different phas-
composed of four parts; a florescent/phase contrast es at the pre-implantation stage. Qualified assess-
microscope, a digital camera which records real-time ment should rely on the combination of sequential
images, computer software to control the camera and pre-implantation embryo evaluation such that both
an incubator as an environment for preservation of zygote and pre-implantation steps should be evalu-
the natural condition for cells or embryos. ated for optimal and efficient selection of best em-
bryo for transfer in IVF/ICSI cycles. On the other
Assessment of the oocyte/embryo developmen- hand, the choice and evaluation of criteria most
tal potential during fertilization, cleavage, devel- likely to increase the chance of implantation, is an
opment of the blastocyst, hatching and subsequent important factor. For this purpose, assessment of
changes at intervals of 5-6 days, by the selection of specific time points for beginning embryo cleav-
credible morphological criteria and flexible evalu- age (EC or NEC embryos), the size and alignment
ation using TLM instead of time point analysis of NPBs and presence or absence of a cytoplasmic
may improve IVF success and reduce the risk of halo are the most important properties for embryos
multiple pregnancies (7). in the zygote (PN) stage, whereas the blastomere
size and equality, FR and multinucleation, are
Other techniques for evaluation of embryo viability main features of cleavage stage embryos. Finally,
In ART programs, the selection of an embryo blastocyst expansion and cell number are impor-
with an acceptable implantation potential by tant criteria for blastocyst stage embryos.
means of methods that have high levels of clini-
cal benefit and low level of potential risk for the Acknowledgments
embryo is of tremendous importance.
The authors would like to thank Royan Institute
All methods which have been used for this goal for financial supporting of this study and declare
are classified as either non-invasive or invasive. that there is no conflict of interests regarding the
The embryo can be selected according to data publication of this paper.
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