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Understanding The Discrete Fourier Transform: Signal Processing

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Signal Processing

Understanding the Discrete Fourier Transform

DFT equations, without insight into what the summations
signify, often look formidable to many engineers. DFT can
be interpreted in terms of spot correlation to understand
the physical meaning of the transform.
By R.N. Mutagi

D iscrete Fourier Transform (DFT) is used

extensively in signal processing applica-
tions such as communications, broadcasting,
entertainment and many other areas. The DFT
equations often discourage engineers in other
fields from understanding the digital signal
processing (DSP) literature. With the devel-
Figure 1. Typical DSP system.
opment in analog to digital conversion (ADC)
and DSP technology, more and more of the corrects the oscillator
analog circuits are brought into the arena of phase and frequency.
DSP. For example, in today’s software-de- In spread-spectrum modu-
fined radio, the RF signal leaves the analog lation, we correlate a lo-
domain in the early stage of the receiver and cally generated pseudo
is converted to digital at intermediate fre- noise (PN) pattern with the
quency (IF) stage. A typical DSP system is received PN pattern and
shown in Figure 1. correct its phase before
The analog signal is sampled and quan- demodulating the data.
tized in an ADC and fed to a DSP as a In the DSP literature the
sequence of numbers. A programmable DSP, correlation is mathemati-
with a suitable architecture dealing with data cally described by the equa- Figure 2. Finding similarity among waveforms.
and instructions simultaneously, does the tion
number crunching with hardware, executing tion provides the pattern matching for the
signal processing tasks. Understanding DFT two functions. This interpretation comes in
is imperative for RF and analog engineers. (1) handy when we try to understand the DFT
The Fourier transform converts a signal equations. While correlation can be viewed
representation from time-domain to frequency Equation 1 provides the correlation y(t) as one function searching to find itself in
domain for frequency analysis. However, the between two functions x1(t) and x2(t) as a another, spot correlation can be interpreted
Fourier transform is a continuous function of function of the time shift t . For any value of as the measure of how much one function is
frequency and is not suitable for computation time shift t , the two functions are multiplied embedded in another. It is the average of the
with a DSP. DFT representation of the con- and the result is integrated over infinity. For product-sum of two functions, or signals,
tinuous-time signal permits the computer periodic functions this equation is modified over the period of interest.
analysis. Here, we develop DFT, beginning as
with a simple concept of correlation. Discrete spot correlation
Sampling a continuous signal x(t), shown
(2) in Figure 3(a), with a sampling signal at a
Spot correlation
Suppose we try to find which among the regular interval T as in Figure 3(b) gives
As you notice, the integration and averag- discrete-time signal with non-zero values at
waveforms 2 and 3 in Figure 2 match closely
ing are done over one period Tp because the instants nT as shown in Figure 3(c).
to waveform 1. We may approach the prob-
signals are now power signals. We now in- We can write the spot correlation equa-
lem intuitively, but we may not always be
troduce a simplified version of Equation 2 tion for two discrete-time signals of N samples
correct. However, a method exists for mea-
wherein we take away the time shift t and call as
suring the similarity between two functions
it as spot correlation.
or waveforms. In signal processing we call it
correlation. (4)
We use correlation to estimate a received (3)
signal with its known characteristics. For Comparing Equation 4 with Equation 2
example, we recover the carrier from a noisy The spot correlation Equation 3, which is we notice that the integration over the
received signal by correlating with a locally simply the average of the product of two interval T for the continuous-time signals is
generated ‘clean’ carrier and the clock from periodic signals over the period, is the mea- replaced by summation of N terms for dis-
the noisy data by correlating with a ‘clean’ sure of similarity between x1(t) and x2(t), with crete-time signals. We can drop the sampling
clock. In both cases, the error, the difference no time shift t between any of them, i.e. the interval T from Equation 4 for simplicity and
between the received signal and its estimate, correlation on the spot. Thus, spot correla- rewrite it as

34 www.rfdesign.com January 2004


The terms x1(n) and x2(n) now represent sequences of N numbers,

and y is their product-sum over the interval T. Equation 5 represents
the discrete spot correlation.
Figure 3(a). Continuous-time signal
Fourier series
Transformation is an effort to represent an arbitrary signal with a
set of signals (called basis functions) with known characteristics like
amplitude, frequency and phase. The sum of all components in the set
provides an approximation of the arbitrary signal. The difference
between the original and the replica is an error, measured in terms of
the mean squared error (MSE).
According to Fourier, any arbitrary periodic signal, ;x(t), is formed Figure 3(b). Sampling signal
by adding up an infinite number of sinusoids with frequencies har-
monically related to a fundamental frequency v0, with proper ampli-
tude and phase. In other words, any periodic signal can be decom-
posed into an infinite number of sinusoids whose frequencies are
integer multiples of the fundamental frequency v0 of the periodic
signal. The Fourier series expansion of ;x(t)is given by

Figure 3(c). Discrete-time signal
Each sine or cosine term has a part, or is embedded, in x(t). The
constant term a0 corresponds to the DC value (zero frequency) of
x(t). The coefficient an and bn tell us the amplitudes of sine and
cosines, i.e. how much each is contributing to x(t). How do we find
the values of an and bn ? Since an is the amplitude of the nth harmonic
of the cosine signal that is embedded in the signal x(t) ,we recognize
that it is nothing but the spot correlation of the cosine and x(t). Hence,
we obtain an and bn by using Equation 3.




Equation 6 can be written in exponential form as


and Figure 4. (a) A periodic pulse train and (b) its Fourier series.


A continuous, periodic signal can be decomposed into an infinite

set, called the Fourier series, of harmonically related frequencies, the
fundamental frequency being equal to the inverse of the period.

Fourier series to transform

Fourier series provides frequency domain representation for only
periodic signals. Unfortunately all signals are not periodic. Speech,
music or video signals are examples of non-periodic signals. We must
have a method for obtaining frequency domain representation of non-
periodic signals. This is precisely what Fourier transform provides.
We can get Fourier transform equations from Fourier series equa-
tions following the simple steps in Figure 4.
We begin with a rectangular pulse train with period Tp and width t
as shown in Figure 4(a). We can obtain the frequency domain repre- Figure 5. (a) As the periodic tends to infinity the periodic signal
sentation for this signal using the Fourier series expression in Equa- becomes aperiodic and (b) the frequency spacing in the Fourier series
tion 10. The Fourier series, shown in Figure 4 (b), has line frequencies reduces to zero resulting in Fourier transform.

36 www.rfdesign.com January 2004

Figure 6(a). Non-periodic continuous-time signal with its
non-periodic continous-frequency spectrum

Figure 7. An aperiodic discrete-time signal (a) is windowed (b) and the

windowed segment is replicated (c) to make it periodic for which DFT
Figure 6(b). Non-periodic discrete-time signal with its can be computed.
periodic continous-frequency spectrum
The Fourier series in Equation 6 then needs to be modified by
changing the summation to integration and the discrete frequency nv0
to continuous frequency v. Equation 6 reduces to Fourier transform
as given in Equation 11.


which may be written in exponential form as


Figure 6(c). Periodic discrete-time signal and its The coefficient, or the magnitude, X(v) of the exponent (ejv)
periodic discrete-frequency spectrum minimizes the error between the actual signal and its approximation
through the exponents and is again obtained by using the spot
spaced at 1/Tp Hz and its envelope has the shape of sin(x)/(x), with the correlation equation as below,
null at 1/t Hz. This example helps us in developing intuitively the
Fourier transform from the series when the signal is not periodic. If
the time period Tp is increased, it is reflected in the Fourier series with (13)
reduced frequency spacing because the spacing between the harmon-
ics is equal to the fundamental frequency f0 = 1/T. In the limit, if T is Thus, X(v) tells us how much of e-jvt is present in x(t). Equations
increased to infinity the periodic signal becomes aperiodic as shown 12 and 13 form the Fourier transform pairs.
in Figure 5(a) and the frequency spacing in the spectrum is reduced to
zero as shown in Figure 5(b), making it continuous. This is essentially Discrete Fourier Transform
the Fourier Transform. Let us take a close look at Equations 12 and 13. We note that to
find x(t) or X(v) we need to integrate the
product of two continuous functions over
infinity. This is fine if we are only doing the
math, but if we are interested in finding Fou-
rier transform in real-time applications it is
just not possible. We need to use some tricks
to make it a usable solution. Firstly, we must
have a finite duration signal and a finite spec-
tral band. Secondly, the signal must have fi-
nite time samples and the spectrum must have
finite frequency components. This is precisely
what we are going to have, following the
steps given here.
Let us begin with a continuous-time non-
periodic signal x(t) as shown in Figure 6(a).
Its Fourier transform would be X(v) ,which is
continuous and non-periodic in frequency do-
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main. Now, we sample the signal at intervals process. domain. Thus, we consider one period of the
of T making it discrete in time. One of the The next step is to make this spectrum final discrete spectrum as the discrete Fourier
theorems in signal processing is that multipli- discrete by sampling it at v0 Hz. Again this transform of one period of the discrete peri-
cation in time domain is equivalent to convo- process in frequency domain affects our time- odic signal. Equations 14 and 15 provide
lution in frequency domain and vice versa. domain signal by making it periodic as shown DFT synthesis and analysis equations.
Since sampling is multiplication of x(t) with in Figure 6(c). This is the result of convolu-
sampling signal s(t) in time domain, it results tion of the signal with an impulse train with a (14)
in the convolution of the signal spectrum period 1/f0. We now have a discrete-time sig-
with the spectrum of s(t), which is a series of nal and its discrete Fourier transform. Both
harmonics of fs as shown in Figure 6(b). If these extend to infinity but are periodic.
you remember the amplitude modulation spec- Hence, we take one period in each domain by (15)
trum you will recognize that the spectrum in multiplying by a rectangular function. This is
The synthesis equation suggests that a set
Figure 6(b) is just the modulation of each called windowing. Windowing in one domain
of N time samples can be decomposed to N
harmonic of fs by s(t). Convolution is just that will, of course, affect the signal in another
exponentials (sine and cosine terms) whose
magnitude is given by the analysis equation.
Thus, each X(k) representing the magnitude
of sine and cosine components is obtained by
the spot correlation of the N samples of the
signal segment and N samples of the sine and
cosine components. Computing each value
of X(k) requires N multiplications and as there
are N values for k, we need N2 multiplications
to compute the DFT.
When we try to analyze the signals using
DFT in practice, we first obtain a discrete
signal by sampling as shown in Figure 7(a),
and take a segment of N samples by and
windowing as shown in Figure 7(b). Next,
we imagine that the segment is periodic, i.e.
the segment is extended on either side as
shown in Figure 7(c). For this signal we
compute the coefficients of one period of the
discrete Fourier transform using Equation
15. Then, we move onto the next segment in
the sequence of samples and repeat our com-
putation of DFT coefficients. The represen-
tation through samples of the Fourier trans-
form is in effect a representation of the
finite-duration sequence by a periodic se-
quence, one period of which is the finite-
duration sequence we wish to represent.
The physical meaning of the transform, if
understood in terms of spot correlation, can
help us interpret DFT, and can take away the
intimidation factor of DFT equations. RFD


R.N.Mutagi holds a B.E. in Telecom-
munications from Karnatak University and
a diploma in Electronics Design technol-
ogy from the Indian Institute of Science,
both from India. He worked at the Indian
Space Research Organization, Ahmedabad
as the Head of Baseband Processing Divi-
sion developing satellite communication
In 1999 he moved to Canada and
worked at EMS Technologies at Montreal
as Design Manager and Systems Engineer.
His interests include DSP, Digital Com-
munications and Signal Compression. He
has authored many articles and papers.
Mutagi may be contacted at:

Circle 27 or visit freeproductinfo.net/tdw

40 www.rfdesign.com January 2004

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