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firrm : Statistical of Quantization

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2, APRIL 1996 353

Statistical Theory of Quantization

Bernard Widrow, Life Fellow, IEEE, Istvhn KollL, Senior Member, IEEE, and Ming-Chang Liu

Abstract- The effect of uniform quantization can often be

modeled by an additive noise that is uniformly distributed,
uncorrelated with the input signal, and has a white spectrum.
This paper surveys the theory behind this model, and discusses
the conditions of its validity. The applicationi of the model to
floating-point quantization is demonstrated.


S IGNALS are represented in digital computers by se-

quences of finite bit-length numbers. Mapping of a
continuous-time, continuous-amplitude signal to a sequence
of computer numbers requires discretization both in time and t
amplitude: sampling and quantization must be performed (see Fig. 1. Sampling and quantization
Fig. 1).
Sampling theory has been elaborately described in the
literature [ 11-[3], and is well understood. Sampling is a linear
operation; therefore linear system theory can be applied to the
analysis of it. The sampled signal can be obtained from the
continuous-time signal by multiplying it (modulation) with a ...
Tinie Domain 1 4t)
:(; Tb(t - 3T)

certain impulse carrier [Fig. 2(a)l 141. -3T -2T -T 0 T 2T 3T
The spectrum of the original signal is repeated along the
frequency axis [Fig. 2(c)]. When the repeated spectra do not
overlap, the original spectrum [Fig. 2(b)] cart be restored, and
its inverse Fourier transform yields the origin(a1input signal. In Fkequency Domain
I X(jW)
other words, the sampled signal contains the iiame information
as the continuous-time signal, and it can be used for the same
purposes as the original signal. This statement in a precise
mathematical form is the sampling theorem.

Quantization is generally less well understood than sam-
pling. The reason is that it is a nonlinear operation; therefore
most people believe that standard tools of linear system theory
cannot be applied to it. In fact, we will show how linear
system theory can be precisely used to analyze the effect of (C)
quantization on moments and other statistical properties of the Fig. 2. The Fourier transform of a time function, and the Fourier transform
signals. of its samples: (a) a time function being sampled; (b) symbolic representation
of Fourier transform of time function; and (c) symbolic representation of
Sampling discretizes time, and quantization discretizes am- Fourier transform of samples of time function.
plitude. One would expect that quantizaticn has a similar
effect on functions of the amplitude as sampling has on
functions of time. This recognition led Widrow to the study of probability density functions (PDF’s) and to the dlevelopment
Manuscript received April 24, 1995; revised October 30, 1995. This work of a statistical theory of quantization in the late 1950’s [5]-[7].
was sponsored by the National Science Foundation under Grant NSF IRI- The characteristics of a uniform quantizer are pictured in
9113491-A1, the Electric Power Research Institute under Grant 2DPM901,
the Fulbrighl Program, and the US-Hungarian Science and Technology Joint
Fig. 3(a), and a symbolic representation of quantization as an
Fund in cooperation with the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the National operator is shown in Fig. 3(b). The quantizer input is x, and
Institute of Standards and Technology under Project 290. the quantizer output is XI. Quantization is an operation on
The authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Information
Systems Laboratory, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-4055 USA. signals that is represented as a “staircase” function. a nonlinear
Publisher Item Identifier S 0018-9456(96)02495-3. relation between x’ and x.
0018-9456/96$05.00 0 1996 IEEE


,Ave;age slope = 1
Input output
; % % 2 2




Fig. 3. A basic quantizer: (a) input-output characteristic and (b)

block-diagram symbol of the quantizer.

Fig. 4. Formation of the PDF of the quantizer output x': area sampling.

Fig. 4 is a sketch of a typical PDF of the quantizer input and

output. The input PDF f z ( x ) is smooth, and the output PDF
fz,(x)is discrete. The reason for this is that each input value
is rounded toward the nearest allowable discrete level. The
probability of each discrete output level equals the probability
of the input signal occurring within the associated quantum
band. For example, the probability that the output signal has
the value zero equals the probability that the input signal falls (e)
between &y/2, where y is the quantization box size. Fig. 5. Derivation of PDF of z1 from area sampling of the PDF of z: (a)
Careful study of quantization reveals that the PDF's of the PDF of x ; (b) rectangular pulse function; (c) convolution of (a) and (b); (d)
the impulse train; and (e) PDF of z',the product of (c) and (d).
input and output signals are related to each other through a
special type of sampling. The output PDF is a string of Dirac
delta functions whose areas correspond to the areas under the final impulse train is the PDF of the quantizer output, (x). fzt

input PDF within the bounds of each quantum box. Cutting Every step of the way in going from f z ( x ) to f z ' (x)involves
up the input PDF into strips as in Fig. 4, the area of each strip linear operations.
is compressed into an impulse in the center of the strip when The Fourier transform of the PDF is known in statistics as
forming the output PDF. This is like a sampling process, and the characteristic function, the CF. The input CF is
we call it area sampling.
Area sampling can be accomplished by first convolving the
input PDF f z ( z )with a uniform pulse

The CF is as useful in quantization theory as the Fourier

0 elsewhere, transform of signals is in sampling theory. The input CF
is sketched in Fig. 6(a), corresponding to the input PDF of
then following this with conventional sampling. A sketch of Fig. 5(a). The Fourier transform of the rectangular pulse, a
the input PDF is shown in Fig. S(a). The function fn(x) is sinc function, is shown in Fig. 6(b), and this corresponds to
shown in Fig. S(b). The convolution of fn(x) and f z ( x ) is the pulse of Fig. 5(b). The product of the Fourier transforms
illustrated in Fig. 5(c). To do conventional sampling, a uniform is shown in Fig. 6(c), corresponding to the convolution of
impulse train is represented in Fig. 5(d). Multiplying this train Fig. 5(c). The product is repeated in the transform domain
by the convolution gives the impulse train of Fig. 5(e). This with a "frequency" of Q given by = 2 x 1 ~ The
. repetition

In terms of the bandlimitedness of the CF, a Quantizing

Theorem can be formulated, as follows.
Quantizing Theorem I (QT I): If the CF of x is “band-
limited,” so that

7 r Q
@,(U) = 0 for IuI > - = - (4)
4 2

I the CF of z can be derived from the CF of x’,and
the PDF of z can be derived from the PDF of z’.
The proof is straightforward from (3). The quantizing theo-
rem provides the condition for the output PDF of thie quantized
signal to contain all the information about the input PDF. In
other words, we established a one-to-one connection between
the statistiical descriptions of the input and output signals of
the quantizer.
The above considerations lead to another very important
consequence. By taking the central replica of the CF, or
equivalently, by interpolating the output PDF, we obtain not
the input PDF, but its convolution with a uniform PDF.
Therefore. the central replica of the CF is the product of the
CF of z and the CF of a uniform distribution.
The analogy between sampling - - and quantization is even

*=(U) sinc f ~ . , ( U- Q~ sine p(pr a ~ ) more profiound. When a signal is not band-limited, we usually
apply an anti-aliasing filter to it before sampling. The anti-
aliasing filter multiplies the spectrum by the trans Fer function
of the filter, which is zero outside the desired passband.
Similarly, in quantization we can find a way to rnultiply the
-2Q -aI 0 aI 24
CF by a desired function. A product of characteristic functions
corresponds to convolution-in the PDF domain, since CF’s
and PDF’:; are Fourier transform pairs. Convolution of PDF’s
I corresponds to addition of independent random variables.

/-U -2Q -aI


aI 2Q
Therefore. we can limit the band of the CF by adding an
independent random variable with limited CF bandwidth to
the input signal. This auxiliary signal is called dither, well-
known in the practice of A/Dconversion and digital signal
(e) processing [8]-[ 111. This is a very important topic, but because
Fig. 6. Formulation of area sampling in the CF domain: (a) CF of n:; (b)
of the limiited space, we have to refer here to the literature for
CF of n, the sinc function; (c) CF of n: n; (d) the repetition of (c); and more detail.
(e) CF of d .


is shown in Fig. 6(d), and the sum of the repetitions is shown It follows from the model described above that as long as
in Fig. 6(e). This is a sketch of the Fourier transform of the QT I is satisfied, the output and input PDF’s are uniquely
output PDF of Fig. 5(e). A general expression for the CF of related to leach other. Therefore, a crude histogram can be used
the quantizer output is for reconstruction of the input PDF. This is illustrated on age
distribution of the 1992 US census data [12], see Fig. 7. The
left-hand plots show histograms artificially made coarser than
the usual one-year resolution; the right-hand side plots show
the interpolated results superimposed on the bar g a p h of the
original census data. It is striking how good the interpolation
where sinc ( U ) = sin (U)/.. results are even with ten-year input resolution.’
Equation (3) clearly shows the repetition at integer multiples
of 9,the quantization frequency. This is analogous to the ‘The distribution has a significant jump at zero, and this makes the
sampling radian frequency, R = 27r/T, where T is the CF wide, violating QT I. For the calculation of the reconstruction, we
continued the histogram and the PDF by their mirror images in order to
sampling period. The sampling period is analogous to the avoid these problems. Sinc function interpolation was performed, followed by
quantization box size q. deconvolution of the rectangular pulse.

*- 5. not correspond. But they do correspond exactly when certain

4x %
4. -
quantizing theorems apply.

Refer now to Fig. 6. When QT I is satisfied, the replications

of Fig. 6(d) do not overlap. When summing the replications,
the derivatives at the origin in Fig. 6(e), related to the moments
o of d,will correspond exactly to the derivatives at the origin
Age (year
in Fig. 6(c), related to the moments of x n. Thus, when QT
(4 (b) I is satisfied,
Fig. 7. Reconstruction of US age distribution from histograms based on
I992 census data: (a) ten-year histogram and (b) interpolation of the ten-year
histogram, superimposed on the original one-year histogram data. +
E { ( z ’ ) k }= E { ( x n)”. (7)

This relation will allow the moments of x to be calculated

xqz-J X1
f” ( n ) from the moments of d.
Equation (7) will apply even when the replicas of Fig. 6(d)
overlap, as long as the overlap does not impact on the
derivatives at the origin. This leads to a second quantizing
++ theorem that applies to moments.
n -qP qI2 Quantizing Theorem II (QT II): If the CF of x is band-
(a) (b) limited so that
Fig. 8. Comparison of quantization with addition of independent noise: (a) 2T
quantization and noise addition, and (b) PDF of the noise. @,(U) =0 for Iul > -- E =Q - E, (8)

IV. MOMENTS with E positive and arbitrarily small, then the moments of IC
The moments of a random variable 5 , such as the mean, can be calculated from the moments of d.
mean square, mean cube, etc., can be determined by taking QT I and QT I1 were first proved by Widrow [5]. He has
derivatives of the CF at the origin. The kth moment is also shown that if QT I or QT I1 holds, the moments of the
quantized variable are equal to the moments of the sum of the
input variable and a uniformly distributed noise. This noise has
a mean of zero, a mean square of q2/12, a mean cube of zero,
a mean fourth of q4/80, etc. A rearrangement of these relations
One can verify this by differentiating ( 2 ) , making use of the
yields Sheppard’s famous corrections [ 131, [ 141, originally
developed for grouped data under some smoothness conditions
E { x k }2 lm

x k f z ( x )dx. (6) on the PDF. The most right-hand terms (in parentheses) are
the Sheppard corrections


OUTPUT E { x } = Ejx’} - (0)
It is well known that when two statistically independent
signals are added together, the sum has a PDF which is the
E { 2 } = E{( x ’ ) 2 } - (A
E { x 3 } = E{(x’)3}- ( $ E { d } q 2 )
convolution of the PDF’s of the two signals. Accordingly,
the CF of the sum is the product of the CF’s of the two E { 2 } = E { ( 5 ’ ) 4 }- ( t q2E{(x/)2}- &j 44)

signals. These facts are very important in the development

of the statistical theory of quantization. (9)
It is useful to compare quantization with the addition of
Sheppard’s corrections allow one to recover the moments of
uniform independent noise. Referring to Fig. 8(a), quantization
x from the moments of IC’.
of x yields x‘, and addition of independent noise n yields x+n.
The forms of QT I and also QT I1 resemble the sampling
The PDF of the noise to be added is shown in Fig. 8(b). The
theorem. The similarity extends even further. Signals are usu-
PDF of x’ is discrete, and the PDF of (x n) is smooth. The + ally not perfectly band-limited. None of the random variables
latter is equal to the convolution of x,i.e., fz(x), and the PDF
which occur in practice have a perfectly band-limited CF,
of n, i.e., fn(x). By inspection of Fig. 5(e), one can deduce
either. However, most of them are approximately band-limited,
that the discrete PDF f,~(x)of the quantizer output is equal
and a fine enough quantum size (large enough Q) can assure
to the samples of the smooth PDF fz+n(x) of the sum of z
acceptable fulfillment of the conditions (4) or (8), by allowing
and n.This is true in general, with or without satisfaction of
the CF to be wide.
the quantizing theorem.
For Gaussian inputs, with standard deviation U , a simple
rule of thumb is that when CJ > q, the conditions are
OUTPUT’IGNAL fulfilled to good approximation. Let’s consider the case q =
Referring once again to Fig. 8(a), it is useful to compare U , for example. The residual error of the second moment
the moments of z’ with those of x n. In general, they do after Sheppard’s correction is only 1.1 x 1 0 - s ~ z .For other

distributions the CF usually vanishes much more slowly than

for the Gaussian CF; therefore q must be much smaller than
the standard deviation for Sheppard’s corrections to hold
The precise expressions for the residual errors in Sheppard’s
corrections are rather complex. Simple upper bounds for
these errors can be obtained as follows. For many distribu-
tions, the envelope of the CF vanishes for large values of
U as O [ l / ( A u ) P ] ,
where p 2 1 depends oln the probability
distribution. Using this upper bound, it can be shown that
the effect of the overlap at the origin in the characteristic
function domain [see Fig. 6(e)], causing residual errors in

Sheppard’s corrections, can be approximated by a similar
negative power function of the amplitude A. and this yields a
simple expression of a minimum A (or a maximum q when
A is fixed) [15].


Box- 1 $
We define the quantization noise U to be the difference
between the output and the input of the quantiizer. Accordingly,
= 2’ - x.
We would like to know about the statistical properties of the
quantization noise. We do know that it is lbounded between
(10) Box 1 41 Sum

w 2 . X -q/2 q p-
The PDF of the quantization noise fv(x)can be computed in
the manner illustrated in Fig. 9. A given value of U results from Fig. 9. Construction of the PDF of quantization noise.
quantization of x falling at just the right places within all of the
quantization boxes. The probability of getting a given value
of U is the sum of probabilities from all of the quantization
boxes. The PDF of U may therefore be constructed by cutting
the PDF of x into strips, and stacking and adding them. It has
been shown [6], [7] that the PDF of the quantization noise will
be exactly uniform if either QT I or QT I1 is !satisfied.As such, v Quantization noise
quantization noise has zero mean and a meart square of q2/12.
The necessary and sufficient condition for the quantization Fig. 10. Quantization noise, the difference between the quantizer output and
its input.
noise to be uniform was developed by Siipad and Snyder
[ 161. The condition is satisfied when the CF is equal to zero at as q = cr. Similar results are obtained with finer quantization
27rl/q, I = fl,f 2 , . . . . This is a condition milder than QT 11. for other input PDF’s.

Refer <onceagain to Fig. 8(a), where quantization is con-
trasted with the addition of independent uniformly distributed
Fig. 10 shows how one could measure quantization noise noise. The addition of independent noise and quantization
I/, defined by (10). It is of great interest to’ know the cross- are not the same, since the quantizer adds noise that is
correlation between the quantization noise ,and the quantizer deterministically related to the signal being quantized. But
input, to learn something about their relationship. It is clear, when the conditions for QT I or QT I1 are met, all moments
first of all, that the noise and the input are deterministically and joint moments correspond exactly for quantization and
related. For a given input, there is a definite output and a the addition of independent uniformly distributed noise. For
definite difference between output and input. Although the example, when QT I or QT I1 is satisfied,
quantization noise and the quantizer input are deterministically
related, it is a curious fact that under certain circumstances, the E{(z’)’”} +
= E { ( x @} (11)
input and noise are uncorrelated. It had been shown by Widrow E { V k } =E { d } (12)
[6], [7] that when either QT I or QT I1 is satisfied, quantization E { z V } = E{z”i}
noise is uncorrelated with the signal being quantized. These
= E{z”E{nl} (13)
conditions are met with Gaussian inputs to a very close
approximation even when the quantization step size is as large for all positive integers k and 1.

If the quantizer is embedded in a system with feedforward

or feedback parts or both, the quantizer may be replaced for 0.9
purposes of moment calculation when QT I or QT I1 is satisfied
by a source of additive independent uniformly distributed
noise. This noise is called pseudo quantization noise (PQN),
and the additive noise model replacing quantization is called
the PQN model.

Refer now to Fig. 1. To describe the statistics of the P.11.2
multiple-sample quantizer input, a multidimensional joint PDF
would be required. These are high-order statistical descrip- Fig. 11. Correlation coefficient of the quantization noise as a function of the
correlation coefficient of the quantizer input. The input is Gaussian.
High-order forms of QT I and QT I1 exist. They can be
stated as follows.
Multidimensional Quantizing Theorem I (QT I): If the CF for every integer value of 11 and 12, except (11, 1 2 ) = (0, 0).
of a sequence of quantizer input samples is “band-limited” This condition is quite difficult to apply in practice; therefore
in N-dimensions, so that alternative formulations are of great importance (see below).
In practice, input CF’s are not exactly band-limited, and
the quantizing theorems apply only approximately. High-order
CF’s have some overlap with their repetitive parts, and this
impacts their moments. If the quantizer input is Gaussian
with q as big as 0, correlations among input samples as
for any IC E [I,NI (14)
high as 99% will cause correlations among corresponding
then quantization noise samples of only 1%. The quantization
the CF of xl, ... , X N can be derived from the CF of noise will be essentially white, having a flat spectrum and an
xi, . . . , xL, and impulsive autocorrelation function almost without regard to the
the PDF of 2 1 , . . . , X N can be derived from the PDF of autocorrelation function of the quantizer input. Fig. 11 shows
theoretical plots of correlation coefficients of quantization
Xi, . . . , xh.
noise samples versus correlation coefficients of corresponding
Multidimensional Quantizing Theorem II (QT II): If the CF of
quantizer input samples. Similar curves were derived by
xl,. . . , X N is band-limited in N-dimensions, so that
Widrow in 1956 [6].
@ z l ,... , Z N (Ul, ... , U N ) = 0 An approximate condition of whiteness was developed in
[17] as
when /ukl> -- E =Q - E
for any k E [l,NI (15)

with E positive and arbitrarily small, then the moments

of 5 1 , . . . , X N can be calculated from the moments of where the constant K may be equal to 1 . . . 2, depending
X i , . . . > XIN. on the input PDF; a uniformly applicable value is K = 1.
When conditions are met for either high-order QT I or QT 11, Condition (17) is easy to check by measurement.
a high-order PQN model applies, and the moments related
to quantization will correspond exactly to those pertaining
to the addition of independent noise, noise samples that are XI. APPLICATTON OF UNIFORM QUANTIZATION THEORYTO
independent of the input signal and independent of each other ANALYSISOF FLOATING-POINT QUANTIZATION
over time. Thus, when either QT I or QT I1 is satisfied, the Scientific calculations are almost exclusively done using
quantization noise among other things is uniformly distributed floating-point number representation, and also more and more
in multidimensions, white, and uncorrelated with the quantizer digital signal processors contain floating-point arithmetic.
input. It has a mean of zero and a mean square of q2/12. Therefore, it is of high importance to develop models that
The exact condition of whiteness was given by Sripad and account for floating-point roundoff effects.
Snyder [16] in terms of the joint CF of two input samples as2 Floating-point quantization was extensively discussed in the
literature [ 181-[24]. Generally the properties of the relative
error are investigated: the quantization error of the input x is
approximated by
*The condition in the original paper of Sripad and Snyder contains a typo;
we give here the correct version.

2 Y’
4- L Q Expande:r
Nonlinear Uniform quantizer Inverse
function (“Hidden quantizer”) nonlinear
4A - gain = 1
Fig. 14. A model of a floating-point quantizer.
2A -

Fig. 12. Input-output staircase function for a floating-point quantizer with a Fig. 15, The input-output characteristic of the compressor,
3-bit mantissa, i.e., p = 3.

If we can determine the properties of the compressed signal,

uniform iquantization theory can be applied to the uniform
quantizer, and, after application of the expander, we have a
working model.
The PDF of the compressed signal contains huge jumps
at the breakpoints of the compressor [Fig. 16(a)]. This seems
to prevent the use of the quantizing theorems. However, it
turns out that for bit numbers used in practice, especially
for the IEEE single- and double-precision standards [25],
the conditions of the quantization theorems are fulfilled very
closely. This is illustrated for much coarser quantization, with
YFL p = 4 and p = 8 in Fig. 16(b) and (c), where p is the number of
Fig. 13. The PDF of floating-point quantization noise with a zero-mean bits of the. mantissa. Then, the hidden quantizer can be replaced
Gaussian input, 0 = 64A, and with a 2-bit mantissa. by its PQN model. The expander, which is the exact inverse
of the compressor (Fig. 15), is approximately an exponential
function. Therefore, with reasonable approximation, which can
where E is independent of x, has a special (trapezoid-like) be analyzed more closely, the floating-point mise can be
distribution, and its width is determined by the bit length of expressed as
the mantissa. The results of uniform quantization are usually
not applied to floating-point quantization, because of the
nonuniform overall characteristic of the latter. In this section
we will demonstrate that application of the statistical theory
of quantization to floating-point quantizers is a very fruitful
approach. There is not enough space here to go into all details: where A is the width of the linear sections of the expander.
instead, we will highlight the most important ideas. This approximate model supports the idea of representing the
A floating-point quantizer characteristic is illustrated in floating-point quantization noise by means of a relative error
Fig. 12. This is clearly a nonuniform quantizer. Its quantization as in (18).
noise, L / F L = 2’ - x, has a strange type of PDF that we call Systematic use of the PQN model leads to simple and useful
a “skyscraper distribution” (Fig. 13). results. Some highlights are the following:
However, it is possible to represent the floating-point quan- VFL is “skyscraper-distributed” (see Fig. 13)
tizer by the combination of a piecewise linear compressor, a E{VFL} = 0
uniform quantizer (the “hidden quantizer”), and a piecewise for most distributions, E { v i L } % 0.180 x 2 - 2 p E { x 2 }
linear expander (Figs. 14 and 15), like in the compandors for cov (x,VFL} = 0
speech coding. The expander is the inverse of the compressor. V F L is white for all practical cases.

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application of the theory to floating-point quantization was The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, “IEEE Standard for
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presented. This theory is a very powerful tool to analyze York, Aug. 1985; “IEEE Standard for radix-independent floating-point
statistical properties of quantized variables and of estimators arithmetic,” ANSUIEEE Standard 854-1987, New York, Oct. 1987.
calculated from them. B. Widrow and I. Kollir, Quantization Noise. Englewood Cliffs, NJ:
Prentice-Hall, in preparation.
D. Bellan, A. Brandolini, and A. Gandelli, “Quantization theory in
REFERENCES electrical and electronic measurements,” in Instrumentation and Mea-
surement Tech. Con$, IMTC’95, Waltham, MA, Apr. 24-26, 1995.
C. E. Shannon, “Communication in the presence of noise,” Proc. IRE, W. R. Bennett, “Spectra of quantized signals,” Bell System Tech. J., vol.
vol. 47, pp. 10-21, 1949. 27, no. 3, pp. 446-472, July 1948.
A. J. Jerri, “The Shannon sampling theorem-Its various extensions T. A. C. M. Claasen and A. Jongepier, “Model for the power spectral
and applications: A tutorial review,” Proc. IEEE, vol. 65, no. 11, pp. density of quantization noise,” IEEE Trans. Acoustics, Speech, and
1565-1596, Nov. 1977. Signal Processing, vol. ASSP-29, no. 4, pp. 914-917, 1981.
R. J. Marks, 11, Introduction to Shannon Sampling and Interpolation T. Dobrowiecki, “Quantized error spectra at high frequencies for a
Theory. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1991 certain class of signals,” in Proc. 2nd IMEKO TC7 Symp. Application of
W. K. Linvill, “Sampled-data control systems studied through compari- Statistical Methods in Measurement, Leningrad, May 16-19, 1978, pp.
son of sampling with amplitude modulation,” AIEE Trans., vol. 70, pp. Dobrowiecki/l-8.
1779-1788, 1951. R. M. Gray, “Quantization noise spectra,” IEEE Trans. Information
B. Widrow, “ A study of rough amplitude quantization by means Theory, vol. 36, no. 6, pp, 1220-1244, Nov. 1990.
of Nyquist sampling theory,” Sc.D. thesis, Department of Electrical J. Katzenelson, “On errors introduced by combined sampling and
Engineering, MIT, June 1956. quantization,” IRE Trans. Automat. Contr, vol. AC-7, pp. 58-68, 1962.
~, “A study of rough amplitude quantization by means of Nyquist I. Kollh, “Statistical theory of quantization: Results and limits,” Pe-
sampling theory,” IRE Trans. Circuit Theory, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 266-276, riodica Polytechnica Ser. Elect. Eng., vol. 28, no. 213, pp. 173-190,
Dec. 1956. 1984.

[34] G. H. Robertson, “Computer study of quantizer output spectra,” Bell I s t v b Kollhr (M’87-SM’93) was born in Bu-
System Tech. J., vol. 48, no. 5 , pp. 2391-2403, 1969. dapest, Hungary in 1954. He graduated in electrical
[35] A. I. Velichkin, “Correlation function and spectral density of a quantized engineering from the Technical University of Bu-
process,” Telecommunications and Radio Engineering, Part 11: Radio dapest in 1977, and in 1985 received the degree
Engineering, pp. IQ-77, July 1962. “Candidate of Sciences” (the equivalent of Ph.D.)
from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, and the
degree dr tech. from the Technical University of
From September 1993 to June 11995, he was a
Bernard Widrow (M’58-SM’75-F’76-LF’95) re- Fulbright scholar and visiting associate professor in
ceived the S B , S.M , and Sc D degrees from the the Department of Electrical Engineering, Stanford
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, University. He is associate professor of electrical engineering, Department of
in 1951, 1953, and 1956, reslpectively. Measurement and Instrument Engineering, Technical University of Budapest.
He was with MIT until he joined the faculty, His research interests span the areas of digital and analog signal processing,
Stanford University, Stanford, CA, in 1959, where measurement theory, and system identification. He has publlished about 50
he is now professor of electrical engineering He IS scientific papers, and is coauthor of the book Technology of Electrical
presently engaged in research and teaching in neu- Measurements, (L. Schnell, Ed., Wiley, 1993). He authored the Frequency
ral networks, pattern recognition, adaptive filtering, Domain Sy ytem Ident&ation Toolbox for Matlab.
adaptive control systems, and quantization theory.
He is associate editor of the journals Adaptive
Control and Signal Processing, Neural Networks, Information Sciences, and
Pattern Recognition, is coauthor with S. D. Stearns of Adaptive Signal
Processing (Prentice-Hall), and coauthor with E. Walach of Adaptive Inverse Ming-Chang Liu was born in Taipei, Taiwan in
Control (Prentice-HaIl). 1962. He received the B.S. degree from the National
Dr. Widrow is a member of the National Academy of Engineering, Taiwan University in 1984, and 1W.S. degree of
the American Association of University Professors, the Pattem Recognition mechanical engineering from Stanford University in
Society, Sigma Xi, and Tau Beta Pi. He is a Fellow of the American 1989. He is currently a Ph.D. candidate in electrical
Association for the Advancement of Science, and is past president of the engineering at Stanford University. His research
International Neural Network Society. Professor Widrow received the IEEE interests are in the areas of statistical signal pro-
Centennial Medal in 1984, and the IEEE Neural Networks Pioneer Medal cessing, quantization noise, and adaptive control.
in 1991. In 1986, he received the IEEE Alexander Graham Bell Medal for
exceptional contributions to the advancement of telecommunications.

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