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Ezekiel 36-Hoseas 9

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Avance de Chuck Tracks semanal


Jordy Bermúdez

setiembre, 2024
Jordy Bermúdez. 26 Ezekiel 36 – 39 Comentario.
In this chapter i do’n know how Ezekiel felt about spoken to the mountains, It’s crazy
cause no body is listening any human, but i see his faithfull to God even it mean crazy
for himself. “But God said when they were scattered they profaned God's name. That is,
because of their actions and attitudes they caused people to hate and curse God” it so
sad in my opinion, for God that his people curse God and make that other do too. One
person would move to way of God when he haves a most impresión of other thing than
God, for example one country worshio idols, imagines and we are tempted to do the
same, God is not blind he can see everything that hapen around us. A ask to me if am i
in the will of God doing the things the he has called me and us to do? We represent God
in this land, we can promoted God in other words he sends to other to Jesus is a
privilege and a rejoy share the truth of God to someone who don’t know Jesus.

For my honor, I have not cheated on this assignment. JB

Jordy Bermúdez. 26 Ezekiel 40 - 48 Comentario.
“Here you have the return of the glory of God to Israel. Now earlier Ezekiel saw in a
vision the glory of God leaving the temple, and gradually as it left the temple, it settled
at the gate towards the east and then it ascended and God's glory was removed from
Israel.” The second coming of Jesus will be a great event and we belive that this event is
a begining of a new age, a new King and a salvation of Israel. The scripture tells For
this same Jesus shall come again in like manner as you have seen Him go into heaven"
(Acts 1:11). So we are wating him now, so by time that we spent time here we have the
great comition, share the gospel every where until the lasto f the earth. In our time, we
have to defent, make apogetics for what believe. Like Peter said But in your hearts
revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you
to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.
It’s so important that we have an objetive for our discuss, share salvation in jesus not in
our arguments, continuing the porpose of God while we are talking with others.

For my honor, I have not cheated on this assignment. JB

Jordy Bermúdez. 27 Daniel 1-4 Comentario.

Daniel 1:2 The Master handed King Joheoiakim of Judah over to him, along with some
of the furnishings frim the temple of God. Nebuchadnezzar took King and furnishings ti
the country of Babylon, the ancient Shinar. He putt he furnishings in the sacred treasury.
This verse shock me because i can’t whole understand why God permited that the thing
of the temple that were saint, dedicated only for God He permited that an King that not
believe in God uses that. The verse show us that God have the control of the actions of
the King and He will know what he will do, in my situation i don’t totally understand
this. What i learn of God by this text? That God have the control even the worst
cituation and if it is rigth, he have the control of the worst situation in every life that
exist. That blow my head, what i think to do is trust with all i am cause know that He
permited that hapen knowing the consecuense and if He know i trust in what he if
doing. What about waht i have to choose for the next time, God know and have control
of this and when i fail, God still have the control.
For my honor, I have not cheated on this assignment. JB

Jordy Bermúdez. 27 Daniel 5-8 Comentario.

“There are men who call themselves Bible scholars and they belong to a school known
as "higher criticism." And for years these men declared that the book of Daniel was not
valid. And one of their reasons for this declaration was that in secular history they had
not discovered the name Belshazzar.” It’s intresting that how God had conserve this text
and through the years don’t desapire, even exist "higher criticism" is incredible. I think
if the same hapen with others books, if not it show how unique is the bible. Is you’re not
a believer, you can see how this book have been conserve, therefore some special take
this book to put with others books that are in the same direcction, speak about God. This
book is part of the bible cause this have words for the future, to his future and our
future. “And in the same hour came forth the fingers of a man's hand, and wrote against
the candlestick upon the plaster of the wall of the king's palace: and the king saw the
part of the hand that wrote” God wrote and used this event to share a message.

For my honor, I have not cheated on this assignment. JB

Jordy Bermúdez. 27 Daniel 9-10 Comentario.

“he was a man of the Word and studied the scriptures, he realized that the time of their
captivity was about over” it’s interesting tink that many christians have not read his
bible or not every day by himself and read when is in a meeting of church. But Daniel
was a man that stuidied the scripture and he dicoverded something about his people.
What is the benefits of read the bible? You know that have a porpose of your life and
God give you. Fortunately we have the complete word of God and we can see all the
advice of God for our life to grow in wisdom of the heaven. How can we use the word
of God that some times is not clear? We can have knowledges about the bible, but we
use that for our good when we aply what we learn and what we learn we would use to
bless others and this is like a water jug that when it is full can give water to another
glass. There are men and women that need to full with the word of God and we have
that Chanel that can fill and something change when we share the word of God no
matter what we share, somethnig change in the mind of the person who listen.

For my honor, I have not cheated on this assignment. JB

Jordy Bermúdez. 27 Daniel 11-12 Comentario.

In this chapters we can see fulfilled what God prophecied, we also see that God word
supernatural by natural way usíng persons even not know Him. We see that what God
said He do. This is the history that the Lord show us to believe in his promises, in his
words, in what He is doing. “Mary was the one that God chose. But the desire of
women. That is why so many of the Jewish mothers name their child Joshua. Hoping
that God would use him for the salvation of Israel.” The act of Mary is the will of God,
God is sovereing and the reaon that He had to choose her i do not know, the bible say
about Mary that she is blessed through the women and that make me think about her
heart. God is no looking for someone who is tall, strengh or super Smart, who he choose
is someone who respont to his call, who have a heart of worship, who have to be
obedient and who have faith to believe what God is going to say. It’s interesting think in
who is the mano r woman who God uses for share the gospel, who preach, who has a
traditional life, but live through the Spirit.
For my honor, I have not cheated on this assignment. JB

Jordy Bermúdez. 28 Hosea 1-4 Comentario.

“Now that's a sad and a tragic day when God says, "Hey, I'm not going to have any
more mercy upon them." They had existed solely because God's mercy. God had been
so merciful to them. When God's mercy is taken away, there's nothing left. And so it
was really a very severe judgment.” The word of God somtimes i do not take serious,
even when i don’t understand complete what this mean. But the bible show how
important is the word of God and the consecuense that it have. I need to pray to the
Lord to make me understand clearly his word and how it act for good and it is a bless.
The word of God is unique that can change the life of everyone who believe in his
words. Also it is a sword that cut us inside to beilebers and not believers, this words do
something in the mind whose listen. Paul said that we change when the word of God is
in our mind and what the bible teach is when we aply the word in our life we change
and we look more to the imagine of Jesus. It is a consecuense of not onlyy Heard, make
real the word of God in us.

For my honor, I have not cheated on this assignment. JB

Jordy Bermúdez. 28 Hosea 5-9 Comentario.

“You've gone away from the true and the living God. You're worshiping Baal or you're
worshiping the other idols," and God looked upon that as spiritual adultery, as
whoredom. And because of it, they are going to fall. And here's a prediction of the fall,
not only of the Northern Kingdom of Israel but also the Southern Kingdom of Judah” is
sad how his people go away from his God and is the same history with Israel always,
they faound a new idol or imagine or goda and worship it, but they have the ten
commandments the gave to moises. All the people could be away of something is not
easy to follow Goda ll the day it is a deside, but there are problems, oposition with the
family, Friends is like jesus said eachone who love me more than other thing will find
oposition and this is the word fufilled. God have that only Him will be worship not
other thing, other not are god, there is only one God. How God consider worshp other
thing, He said it is like an adultery and as whoredom. And his people fall in this sin, but
we can find forginess through Jesus.

For my honor, I have not cheated on this assignment. JB

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