Operasi Manufaktur C
Operasi Manufaktur C
Operasi Manufaktur C
Production rate, Rp
Production capacity, PC
Utilization, U
Availability, A
Manufacturing lead time, MLT
Work-in-progress, WIP
Production Rate
The production rate for an individual processing or
assembly operation is usually expressed as an
hourly rate, that is parts or products per hour
Three types of production:
¤ Job shop production
¤ Batch production
¤ Mass production
Production Rate
Tc = the operation cycle time
¤ The time that one work unit spends being processed or assembled/the
time between when one work unit begins processing (or assembly)
and when the next unit begins)
¤ The time an individual part spends at the machine, but not all of this
time is productive
¤ In a typical processing operation, such as machining, Tc
consists of:
• Actual machining operation time
• Workpart handling time
• Tool handling time per workpiece
Time changing from one tool to the next, tool indexing time for indexable inserts or for
tools on a turret lathe or turret drill, tool repositioning for a next pass, and so on some
activities do not occur every cycle; they must be spread over the number of parts
between their occurences to obtain an average time per workpiece
Production Rate
Typical cycle time for a production operation
Tc = To + Th + Tth
Tc = operation cycle time (min/piece)
To= time of the actual processing or assembly operation
Th= handling time (min/piece)
¤ e.g., loading and unloading the production machine
Tth= tool handling time (min/piece)
¤ e.g., time to change tools
Production Rate: Batch Production
The time to process one batch consisting of Q work units
is the sum of the setup time and processing time
Tb = Tsu + Q.Tc
Tp = b
Tp = average production time per work unit (min/piece)
Production Rate: Batch Production
The average production rate for the machine is simply
the reciprocal of production time
It is usually expressed as an hourly rate
R p = 60
Tp = Tsu + Tc
R p → Rc = 60
Rc = operation cycle rate of the machine (pieces/hour)
Tc = operation cycle time (min/piece)
The constant 60 converts hours to minutes, and vise versa
Production Rate: Flow line mass Production
Tc = Tr + maxTo
Tc = cycle time of the production line (min/cycle)
Tr = time to transfer work units between stations each cycle
max To = operation time at the bottleneck station or the maximum of
the operation times for all stations on the line, (min/cycle)
Production Capacity
• Production capacity is defined as the maximum rate of output that a
production facility (or production line, work center, or group of work
centers) is able to produce under a given set of assumed operating
• The production facility refers to a plant or factory, and so term plant
capacity is often used for this measure
• The assumed operating conditions refer to the number of shifts per day
(one, two, or three), number of days in the week (or month) that the
plant operates, employment levels, and so forth
Production Capacity
• Quantitative measures of plant capacity can be developed based
on production rate models derived earlier
• The production capacity (PC) of a given facility under consideration
presents the measure of capacity as the number of units produced at
such period.
• The production facility consists of a number of machines or work
centers (n). The machine or work center capable of producing at a rate
(Rp). Provision for setup time is included in the production rate
• Every work center operates for a number of shifts at period (S) with
a number of hours per shift (H)
Production Capacity
Plant capacity for facility in which parts are made in one
operation (no = 1):
PC = n.S.H.R p
PC = production capacity of the facility (pieces/week)
n = number of work centers producing in the facility
S = number of shifts per period (shifts/week)
H = number of hours per shift (hours/shift)
Rp = hourly production rate of each work center
Production Capacity
If we include the possibility that each work unit is routed
through no operations (no > 1), with each operation
requiring a new setup on either the same or a different
machine, than the plant capacity equation must be
amended as follows
PC = p
no= number of distinct operations through which work units
are routed
Production Capacity
• Changes that can be made to increase or decrease plant capacity over the
short term
• ¤ Change the number of shifts per week
• ¤ Change the number of hours worked per shift
• Over the intermediate or longer term, the following changes can be
made to increase plant capacity
• ¤ Increase the number of work centers, n, in the shop by using the equipment that was
formerly not in use and hiring new workers
• ¤ Increase the production rate, Rp, by making improvement in methods or process
• ¤ Reduce the number of operations no required per work unit by using combined
operations, simultaneous operations, or integrations of operations
Example (3)
The turret lathe section has six machines, all devoted to the
production of the same part. The section operates 10
shifts/week. The number of hours per shift averages 8.
Average production rate of each machines is 17 pieces/hour.
Determine the weekly production capacity of the turret lathe
PC = n.S.H.R p
= 610817 = 8,160 pieces/week
Utilization refers to the amount of output of a production
facility relative to its capacity
Product Lifecycle
Produksi & Penjualan
Availability is defined using two other reliability terms
¤ Mean time between failure (MTBF): indicates the average length of time
the piece of equipment runs between breakdowns
¤ Mean time to repair (MTTR): indicates the average time required to
service the equipment and put it back into operation when a breakdown
A = availability (%)
MTBF = mean time between failure (hours)
MTTR = mean time to repair (hours)
Availability - MTBF and MTTR Defined
Example (5)
Consider previous Example 3. Suppose the same
data from that example were applicable, but that
the availability of the machines A = 90%, and the
utilization of the machines U = 80%. Given this
additional data, compute the expected plant
PC = n.S.H.R p
= 610817 = 8,160 pieces/week
Q = PC.U.A
= 8,16080% 90% = 5,875 pieces
Manufacturing Lead Time
Manufacturing lead time (MLT) is defined as the total time
required to process a given part or product through the plant
Production usually consists of a series of individual
processing and assembly operations
Between the operations are material handling, storage,
inspections, and other nonproductive activities
The activities of production:
¤ An operation: is performed on a work unit when it is in the production
¤ The nonoperation elements include handling, temporary storage,
inspections, and other sources of delay when the work unit is not in
the machine
Manufacturing Lead Time
Manufacturing Lead Time
Assume that all setup times, operation cycle
times, and nonoperation times are equal for the
noj machines
Suppose that the batch quantities of all parts or
products processed through the plant are equal
and that they are all processed through the
same number of machines, so that noj = no
MLT = no (Tsu + Q.Tc + Tno )
Example (6)
A certain part is produced in a batch size of 100 units. The batch
must be routed through five operations to complete the
processing of the parts. Average setup time is 3 hr/operation, and
average operation time is 6 min (0.1 hr). Average nonoperation
time due to handling, delays, inspections, etc., is 7 hours for each
operation. Determine how many days it will take to complete the
batch, assuming the plant runs one 8-hr shift/day.
MLT = no .(Tsu + Q.Tc + Tno )
= 5 (3 +100 0.1+ 7 ) = 100 hours = 12.5 days
Manufacturing Lead Time
3’ 5’ 3’
Ilustrasi Proses Produksi
3’ 5’ 3’
3’ 5’ 3’
Ilustrasi Proses Produksi
3’ 5’ 3’
Inventori WIP
Ilustrasi Proses Produksi
8 3
3’ 5’ 3’
Inventori WIP
Ilustrasi Proses Produksi
8 3
3’ 5’ 3’
Inventori WIP
Ilustrasi Proses Produksi
t = 10
8 3
3’ 5’ 3’
Inventori WIP
Ilustrasi Proses Produksi
t = 12
8 3
3’ 5’ 3’
Inventori WIP
Ilustrasi Proses Produksi
t = 13
8 3
3’ 5’ 3’
Inventori WIP
3 ke 8 = 5 menit
8 ke 13 = 5 menit
Artinya setiap 5 menit pabrik menghasilkan 1 unit produk (sama dengan waktu siklus di mesin 2, terbesar)
WIP = work-in-process in the facility (pieces)
A = availability
U = utilization
PC = production capacity of the facility (pieces/week)
MLT = manufacturing lead time (weeks)
S = number of shifts per week (shifts/week)
H = hours per shift (hours/shift)
Example (7)
90% 93.75% 1,066.6780
= = 900 pieces