1. Explain with new diagram the applications of IOT 2. What is IoT?what are the characters of IoT 3. Explain a generic block diagram of IoT device 4. Explain the following i)HTTP ii)COAP iii) MQTT iv)WebSocket 5. Explain transport layer and Network layer protocols 6. Explain with diagram Functional blocks of IoT 7. Explain the Following i)request response communication model ii) publish subscribe communication model 8. Explain the following with respect to cloiud computing i)IaaS ii)PaaS iii)SaaS 9. With neat diagram explain communication with REST APIs 10. Explain HTTP request methods and actions 11. What is wireless sensor networks? Give some examples used in IoT systems. 12. Explain the following i)XMPP ii)DDS iii)AMQP 13. Explain link layer protocols