Renewable Energy
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Michael P. Totten
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Renewable Energy
Michael Totten
or millennia, renewable energy from the wind, sea, sun, and land
F provided all of the Earth’s energy needs. It was the Industrial Era
that drove humanity to use coal, oil, and natural gas fossil fuels (and
eventually nuclear energy) to support its nearly insatiable appetite for power.
Today we face energy and climate crises that threaten both the survival of the
human species as well as biodiversity across the globe. In response, renewables
are once again being pursued as one of the key solutions to meet our needs
in a sustainable way. This chapter focuses on what they actually are and what
they can contribute.
World consumption of fossil fuels has increased exponentially in the past
century, and industrialized countries consume the lion’s share. In 2005, China
consumed as much coal as the United States, Russia, India, and Australia
combined. However, the United States, with only 5% of the world’s population,
consumes one-fourth of the daily global oil supply, whereas China accounts
for 6% of consumption with one-fifth of global population. Between 2000
and 2025, oil use is officially forecast to grow by 44% in the United States and
57% in the world. By 2025, the United States will use as much oil as Canada,
Western and Eastern Europe, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand combined.
The forecasted increase alone in U.S. oil imports will exceed the 2001 total oil
use of China, India, and South Korea (Lovins et al., 2004).
Yet the problems of growth are not limited to the United States. Today, only
12% of the world’s population own cars. Africa and China currently have the
car ownership America enjoyed in 1915. However, China’s compound annual
car growth was 55% between 2001 and 2005. By 2025, its cars could require
the oil output of a Saudi Arabia or two (which now exports one-fourth of
world oil).
Such harrowing growth rates in fossil fuel usage will dramatically increase
greenhouse gas emissions to a level threatening to derail society’s capacity to
stabilize atmospheric concentrations below a safe threshold, triggering multi-
century catastrophic consequences (Hansen, 2005; Hansen et al., 2008;
An early-morning wave breaks into the sunrise in Ventura, Romm, 2007). Fortunately, a significant fraction of the growth rate in the
California. There are many ways to tap the energy available
global demand for energy and mobility services can be effectively satisfied
in the ocean, including harnessing underwater currents, tidal
flows, and wave motion. TODD GLASER through smart energy efficiency improvements, at tens of trillions of dollars
lower cost this century compared to conventional supply expansion. Moreover, Opinion surveys consistently show that more than 80% of citizens prefer
as illuminated in Chapter 1: Energy Efficiency, many of the efficiency gains solar and other renewables and energy efficiency to the use of fossil fuels. This
actually enhance the cost-effectiveness of wind and solar energy options. is not surprising, given the unimaginably vast amount of renewable energy
Renewable resources take diverse forms and include solar, wind, geothermal, flows worldwide. Consider that global human energy consumption in 2007
biological, and hydrological sources. They can be used to provide any of the amounted to just one hour of sunlight landing on Earth. Expert evaluations
myriad applications for which humankind requires: thermal heat; solid, liquid, conclude that renewables are quite capable over the long term, in combination
or gaseous chemical fuels; or even electricity. with extensive energy efficiency gains, to economically provide the current
Many of these sources are highly cost-effective now and will only become total global energy supply many times over.
increasingly economical in the coming decades. To facilitate their application
and acceptance, we need to stop providing incentives for outdated and Solar. Solar technical potential is conservatively estimated at greater than 50
unsustainable fuel technologies and focus instead on the most ecologically terawatt-years per year, or more than three times the current annual global
sustainable renewable sources, notably wind and solar. The combination, in energy use. From 2000 to 2100, solar’s technical potential of 5,000 terawatt-
particular, of vehicle-to-grid system efficiencies and expansion of wind and years is 277% greater than the remaining post-efficiency supply requirements
solar energy offers multiple benefits: reduced cost of energy services; dramatic (i.e., after harnessing the large pool of cost-effective energy-efficiency
reductions in greenhouse gases, acid rain, and urban air pollutants; deep opportunities). This solar technical potential was characterized nearly a decade
reductions in oil imports; and significantly less wilderness habitat converted ago, and faster market developments indicate this potential will increase over
and fresh water diverted to grow fuel crops. time as continuous scientific advancements and technological breakthroughs
It will also take ambitious research, development, and demonstration are able to capture an ever-larger fraction of the theoretical potential of
initiatives, coupled with market-based incentives and innovative regulatory 124,000 terawatt-years, or nearly 4 million exajoules per year.
policies, to ensure the timely availability of economically attractive and
affordable renewables on a global scale throughout this century. Wind. Wind technical potential is more than 20 terawatt-years per year, or
more than 134% of the current annual global energy use. From 2000 to 2100,
Abundant Options wind’s technical potential of 2,000 terawatt-years is more than 110% greater
Current global energy consumption is about 15 terawatt-years or 475 exajoules, than the remaining (post-efficiency) supply requirements. About 1–2% of the
the equivalent of oil supertanker shipments arriving at the rate of one every energy coming from the sun is converted into wind energy. Wind’s theoretical
ten minutes, or the distribution of fuel to service stations by 437 million potential is 2,476 terawatt-years, or 78,000 exajoules per year.
delivery trucks per year. Projected energy consumption worldwide from 2000
to 2100, assuming no change in human behavior, is approximately 240 times Geothermal. Geothermal technical potential is about 160 terawatt-years per
the current amount—about 3,600 terawatt-years or 113,000 exajoules. Fossil year, or more than ten times the current annual global energy use. The Earth’s
fuels, also assuming no change in human behavior, would account for three- interior reaches temperatures greater than 4,000°C, and this geothermal energy
fourths of this sum, releasing several trillion tons of greenhouse gases, while flows continuously to the surface. From 2000 to 2100, geothermal’s technical
tripling the Earth’s atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gases (in carbon- potential of 16,000 terawatt-years is 900% greater than the remaining (post-
dioxide equivalents) from pre-industrial levels. efficiency) supply requirements. Geothermal’s theoretical potential worldwide
is a rich literature developed in the wake of innumerable energy crises over some intractable or intrinsic to the energy option, that have been costly to
the past forty years stressing important attributes that should be sought in human well-being and ecological health.
energy services to achieve a high probability of avoiding adverse impacts and For example, hydroelectric power is promoted as the most cost-effective
unintended consequences (Lovins and Lovins, 1982; Lovins et al., 2004; Smil, renewable energy solution for climate change. This is grossly misleading and
2003). A dozen criteria recur as important attributes of energy supplies: highly inaccurate. Actual measurements of hydrodams in different parts of
the world indicate they are responsible for an estimated 8% of total global
• Is it economically affordable, even for the poorest of the poor
greenhouse gas emissions, and projected expansion in coming decades, mostly
and cash-strapped?
in wilderness areas, could increase this to 15% of total emissions (St. Louis
• Is it safe through its entire life cycle?
et al., 2000). Hydrodams have also been the major reason why one-fourth of
• Is it clean through its entire lifespan?
freshwater species have been driven to extinction worldwide (Bräutigam, 1999)
• Is its risk low and manageable during financial and price volatility?
This is not to say that all hydro facilities release greenhouse gas emissions. Not
• Is it resilient and flexible to volatility, surprises, miscalculations,
all hydroelectric plants require dams, and not all dams generate electricity.
and human error?
And clearly other extenuating circumstances come into play (e.g., the need for
• Is it ecologically sustainable, with no adverse impacts on
irrigation) (WCD, 2000).
This reinforces the point that using multiple criteria to prioritize preferable
• Is it environmentally benign in that it maintains air, water, and
energy options this century, coupled with the alignment of public policies
soil quality?
and regulations towards this end, is imperative given the looming threat of
• Will it fail gracefully, not catastrophically, in response to abrupt
climate catastrophe in need of fast and massive action, while at the same
surprises or crises?
time avoiding wars and conflicts over the accelerating demand for vulnerable
• Will it rebound easily and swiftly from failures, with low recovery
oil supplies; avoiding and reversing the contamination of air, water, and soil;
cost and limited lost time?
avoiding nuclear weapons proliferation; and preventing the destruction of
• Does it have endogenous learning capacity, with intrinsic new
wildlife and biodiversity loss.
productivity opportunities?
In addition, we must now take into account the increasing occurrence of
• Does it have a robust experience curve for reducing negative
climate-triggered mega-droughts, super-hurricanes, deluge-level floods, larger
externalities and amplifying positive externalities,
and longer wildfires, more widespread pest devastation, and the adverse
including scalable innovation possibilities?
impacts these will have on energy installations. It is also prudent in a post-
• Is it an uninteresting target for malicious disruption,
9/11 world—where nuclear reactors and large refineries now remain on
off the radar of terrorists and military planners?
constant alert to possible terrorist attacks—to design energy systems that are
Among the range of available energy options, only energy services from uninteresting targets (Romm, 2007).
efficiency gains rank at the top in every attribute. All other options are
deficient or weak in two or more of these attributes. The vast expansion of Proper Investment and the Future of Renewables
energy consumption from coal, oil, natural gas, nuclear, hydrodams, and In spite of renewables’ overwhelming potential, existing public policies—as well
wood and crops over the past century has revealed a series of grave problems, as the majority of future-looking global energy assessments—reflect negligible
reports estimate half or more of total energy supply being displaced through use these complementary strengths, and to reconcile the complementary needs
lower-cost energy-efficiency gains—by a factor of four to one in the case of of the driver and grid manager” (Kempton and Tomić, 2005).
the EREC projects. As discussed in the chapter on efficiency and smart energy services, the
The ASES report is highly transparent and richly detailed and strongly existing U.S. grid could recharge 80% of America’s 200+ million vehicle fleet
demonstrates that energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies if they were plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, without having to build a new
have the potential to provide most, if not all, of the U.S. carbon emissions power plant. This would have the positive effect of eliminating 52% of U.S.
reductions that will be needed to help stabilize the atmospheric concentration oil imports (340 billion liters per year) worth some $350 billion savings at the
of greenhouse gases (Hamrin, Hummel, and Canapa, 2007). However, while gas pump, while also reducing total U.S. carbon dioxide emissions by 27%
some renewable options accrue multiple benefits and positive externalities (PNNL, 2007).
and should be encouraged, other renewable options trigger adverse impacts or As with the market diffusion rate of any major technological innovation
incur negative tradeoffs. This is especially the case when a supply option like (accelerated to some degree by favorable public policies and incentives),
biofuels is vastly expanded over space and time. declining manufacturing costs and vehicle prices will occur with accumulated
High oil prices have driven policymakers to set high production targets experience of scaled-up production. Researchers note another tremendous
and enact lavish subsidies for investors to develop biofuels from agricultural benefit of vehicle-to-grid over time, as production costs drop: providing
crops. Mobile liquid biofuels—both ethanol derived from corn and sugarcane battery storage for intermittent wind power and solar electricity generation.
and biodiesel derived from oil palm, soybean, and rapeseed—are not only Research calculations suggest that vehicle-to-grid could stabilize large-scale
more expensive than vehicle efficiency gains by a factor of two to five (Lovins (one-half of U.S. electricity) wind power with 3% of the fleet dedicated to
et al., 2004), but also more expensive than system efficiency gains achievable regulation for wind, plus 8% to 38% of the fleet providing operating reserves
by connecting plug-in hybrid electric vehicles to the national electricity grid or storage for wind (Kempton and Tomić, 2005). For context, currently half
system. Genetically modified fuels of the future are likely to lower production of U.S. electricity is coal-fired.
costs, but pose many of the same ecological issues associated with current The vehicle-to-grid technological revolution is driven by many of the same
biofuels (Jacobson, 2007). digital electronics and advanced materials that enable production and operation
of high-efficiency, lower energy-consuming smart appliances, smart grids,
Preeminent Solutions: Electric Vehicles smart buildings, and smart cars. It offers an economic development strategy
Research and developments over the past two decades in the production of for developed and developing countries alike. With the majority of the world’s
electric vehicles and separately in the commercialization of hybrid-electric population becoming urban-based, electric and hybrid-electric vehicles can
vehicles have given rise to the recognition that plugging vehicles into the grid accommodate the typical urban driving cycles of 16 to 48 kilometers per day.
system would accrue several remarkable benefits far superior to continuing to Longer distances can be provided by the flexible fuel component derived from
run vehicles entirely on mobile liquid fuels. As researchers have pointed out, local and regional biowastes.
“The vehicle fleet has twenty times the power capacity, less than one-tenth the
utilization, and one-tenth the capital cost per prime mover kilowatt. Conversely, The Role of Biofuels
utility generators have ten to fifty times longer an operating life and lower Local and regional biowastes can be converted to biofuels, providing the
operating costs per kilowatt-hour. To tap Vehicle-to-Grid is to synergistically mobile fuels essential for long-range driving beyond electric battery capacity.
India, as well as along coastal regions throughout the world (Totten, 2007; megawatts of combined heat and power could be online in several years if a
GWEC, 2006; NREL, 2006). China and India will account for 80% of number of important power sector reforms occur (WADE, 2004).
coal increase by 2030. China annually expands its coal use equivalent to For nations like China facing water crises, combined heat and power offers
that of the United Kingdom. It surpassed the United States in 2007 as a highly cost-effective system efficiency option for combining the delivery of
the world’s top greenhouse gas emitter. However, China’s wind technical energy and potable water. Water consumes considerable energy throughout
potential is estimated at 2 million megawatts, 400% larger than China’s the process of extracting, pumping, distributing, heating, and disposing.
total electric generation capacity. In addition, twice as much solar energy In California, for example, 20% of the electricity and one-third of natural
lands on China each year than could be produced from its 800 billion tons gas are consumed by the water sector (NRDC and Pacific Institute, 2004).
of coal over the next several centuries. Delivering water services efficiently saves money, reduces air pollution, and
cuts greenhouse gases. China faces the additional problem that its water
Economies of Efficiency—Combining Heat and Power resources per capita may decline to around 1,700 cubic meters by 2050, which
Instead of targeting massive investments into central, large-scale, coal, nuclear, is the threshold of severe water scarcity. Water shortage already has become a
and hydroelectric generating stations, cities around the world should be critical constraint for socio-economic development in northern China, where
looking for energy system efficiencies that could enable phasing in use of local per capita levels are now below 300 cubic meters. To solve or eliminate water
and regional biological wastes over the long-term. One of the proven options shortage problems, China is now pursuing all water-efficiency opportunities
available globally is decentralized combined heat and power. Whereas central (e.g., drip irrigation) that can cut water use by two-thirds on farms (which
thermal power plants vent 70% of the energy when generating electricity, consume 80% of all water).
combined heat and power systems capture this waste heat to cogenerate
two, three, or four different energy services (heat, steam, electricity, cooling). Alternative Water Supplies
Moreover, in being sited close to the point of use, combined heat and power Meanwhile, wastewater and seawater desalination are drawing more and
systems require significantly less transmission and distribution investment more attention from researchers and policy-makers as alternative water supply
than centralized power plants, as well as avoiding the 15% transmission and sources (Zhou and Tol, 2003).
distribution line losses (WADE, 2004). For example, just the waste heat Desalination costs currently vary by a factor of seven or more, depending on
discarded from U.S. power plants is equivalent to 1.2 times Japan’s total the type of feedwater (brackish, waste, or seawater), the available concentrate
energy use. disposal options, the proximity to distribution systems, and the availability
Recent assessments indicate that if China moved to 100% high-efficiency and cost of power. Desalination’s primary operating cost is for power. One
decentralized combined heat and power systems by 2021, retail and capital cubic kilometer (one trillion liters) of wastewater or seawater desalination
cost savings could reach $400 billion. At no extra cost, new emissions of requires about 500 megawatts of power. The reduction in unit energy use by
carbon dioxide would drop 56%, avoiding 400 million tons of such emissions desalination plants has been among the most dramatic improvements in recent
per year, and nitrogen oxide and sulfur dioxide emissions would decline by years due to improvement in energy recovery systems. Estimates considered
90%. But these results are possible only if the Chinese government adopts valid for China today range from a cost of $0.60 per cubic meter (1,000 liters)
key policies enabling a faster rate of implementation than the current annual for brackish and wastewater desalination to $1 per cubic meter for seawater
combined heat and power addition of 3,000 megawatts. Some 100,000 desalination by reverse osmosis (Zhi, Totten, and Chou, 2006).