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Sans2001 CM2

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This standard is exclusively for Emnambithi Ladysmith Municipality for use on a shared file server.

Under the copyright agreement

entered into, Emnambithi Ladysmith Municipality may make five (5) printouts of the standard and must see to it
that no more than five persons have concurrent access to the standard.

ISBN 978-0-626-25191-8
SANS 2001-CM2:2011
Edition 1


Construction works

Part CM2: Strip footings, pad footings

and slab-on-the-ground foundations for
masonry walling

Published by SABS Standards Division

1 Dr Lategan Road Groenkloof Private Bag X191 Pretoria 0001
Tel: +27 12 428 7911 Fax: +27 12 344 1568
This standard is exclusively for Emnambithi Ladysmith Municipality for use on a shared file server. Under the copyright agreement
entered into, Emnambithi Ladysmith Municipality may make five (5) printouts of the standard and must see to it
that no more than five persons have concurrent access to the standard.

SANS 2001-CM2:2011
Edition 1

Table of changes
Change No. Date Scope

The SABS Standards Division wishes to acknowledge the input of the South African Institution of
Civil Engineering in the development of this document.

This South African standard was approved by National Committee SABS SC 59A, Construction
standards – Cement, lime and concrete, in accordance with procedures of the SABS Standards
Division, in compliance with annex 3 of the WTO/TBT agreement.

This document was published in March 2011.

SANS 2001 consists of a number of parts in various stages of preparation, under the general title
Construction works.

Annex A forms an integral part of this document.

The different parts of SANS 2001 each address a specific component of construction works. The
prime purpose in the production of these standards is to create a set of standards that are generally
applicable to construction works, and which can be readily modified to make them applicable to
particular works.

The SANS 2001 family of standards provides technical descriptions of the standard of materials and
workmanship that will be used in the works that are executed or in the performance of the works
when completed (or both). These standards do not make reference to the actions of those
responsible for executing the works or the parties to a contract, i.e. to the constraints relating to the
manner in which contract work is to be performed. Neither do they deal with the commercial
arrangements of such contracts. These standards are suitable for use in any “in-house” construction
work or in all types of engineering and construction works contracts, for example, design by
employer, design and build, develop and construct, construction management or management

Standard requirements pertaining to the manner in which works are constructed can be found in the
SANS 1921 family of standards.
This standard is exclusively for Emnambithi Ladysmith Municipality for use on a shared file server. Under the copyright agreement
entered into, Emnambithi Ladysmith Municipality may make five (5) printouts of the standard and must see to it
that no more than five persons have concurrent access to the standard.

SANS 2001-CM2:2011
Edition 1





1 Scope ..................................................................................................................................... 3

2 Normative references ............................................................................................................. 3

3 Definitions .............................................................................................................................. 4

4 Requirements ......................................................................................................................... 5

4.1 Materials ........................................................................................................................ 5

4.2 Site preparation ............................................................................................................. 6
4.3 Construction of terraces ................................................................................................ 7
4.4 Construction of strip footings, pad footings, slab-on-the-ground foundations
and concrete surface beds............................................................................................. 8

5 Compliance with the requirements ......................................................................................... 14

Annex A (normative) Preparation of specification data associated with this

part of SANS 2001 for inclusion in the scope of work .......................... 15

Bibliography .............................................................................................................................. 17

This standard is exclusively for Emnambithi Ladysmith Municipality for use on a shared file server. Under the copyright agreement
entered into, Emnambithi Ladysmith Municipality may make five (5) printouts of the standard and must see to it
that no more than five persons have concurrent access to the standard.

SANS 2001-CM2:2011
Edition 1

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This standard is exclusively for Emnambithi Ladysmith Municipality for use on a shared file server. Under the copyright agreement
entered into, Emnambithi Ladysmith Municipality may make five (5) printouts of the standard and must see to it
that no more than five persons have concurrent access to the standard.

SANS 2001-CM2:2011
Edition 1

Construction works

Part CM2:
Strip footings, pad footings and slab-on-the-ground foundations for masonry

1 Scope
This part of SANS 2001 covers construction requirements for strip footings, pad footings and slab-
on-the-ground foundations to receive masonry walling, and the construction of lightly loaded
concrete surface beds.

NOTE 1 The construction of masonry walls is beyond the scope of this part of SANS 2001. It is covered in
SANS 2001-CM1.

NOTE 2 This part of SANS 2001 allows certain requirements contained in SANS 10400-H (Foundations) and
SANS 10400-J (Floors) to be complied with.

2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For
dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the
referenced document (including any amendments) applies. Information on currently valid national
and international standards can be obtained from the SABS Standards Division.

SANS 952-1, Polymer film for damp-proofing and waterproofing in buildings – Part 1: Monofilament
and co-extruded products.

SANS 2001-BE1, Construction works – Part BE1: Earthworks (general).

SANS 2001-BS1, Construction works – Part BS1: Site clearance.

SANS 2001-CC1, Construction works – Part CC1: Concrete works (structural).

SANS 2001-CC2, Construction works – Part CC2: Concrete works (minor works).

SANS 2001-CM1, Construction works – Part CM1: Masonry walling.

SANS 10400-H (SABS 0400-H), The application of the National Building Regulations – Part H:

SANS 10400-J, The application of the National Building Regulations – Part J: Floors.

This standard is exclusively for Emnambithi Ladysmith Municipality for use on a shared file server. Under the copyright agreement
entered into, Emnambithi Ladysmith Municipality may make five (5) printouts of the standard and must see to it
that no more than five persons have concurrent access to the standard.

SANS 2001-CM2:2011
Edition 1

SANS 10403:2003, Formatting and compilation of construction procurement documents.

TMH6-ST6, Special methods for testing roads – Method ST6: Measurement of the in situ strength of
soils by the Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP).

3 Definitions
For the purposes of this document, the definitions given in SANS 10403 and the following apply.

Agrément certificate
certificate that confirms fitness-for-purpose of a non-standardized product, material or component or
the acceptability of the related non-standardized design and the conditions pertaining thereto (or
both) issued by the Board of Agrément South Africa

Board of Agrément South Africa
body that operates under the delegation of authority of the Minister of Public Works

difference between the actual (i.e. measured) dimension or position and the specified dimension or

dynamic cone penetrometer
instrument used to measure the in-situ shear resistance of soil, comprising a drop weight of
approximately 10 kg which falls through a height of 460 mm and drives a cone that has a maximum
diameter of 20 mm (and a cone angle of 60° with respect to the horizontal) into the material being

fabric reinforcement
steel fabric of hard-drawn mild steel wire, that consists of longitudinal and cross wires welded
together, and is intended for use as a form of reinforcement for concrete slabs

permissible deviation
specified limit(s) of deviation within which a dimension or position lies

site class designation
classification of a site by a person competent to do so in accordance with the provisions of table 1,
and which reflects the expected range of total soil movements to which a single-storey or double-
storey masonry building will be subjected

NOTE Table 1 has been reproduced from SANS 10400-H for convenience.

slab-on-the-ground foundation
concrete floor that is supported on the ground, and that incorporates lightly reinforced integral edge
and internal beams

This standard is exclusively for Emnambithi Ladysmith Municipality for use on a shared file server. Under the copyright agreement
entered into, Emnambithi Ladysmith Municipality may make five (5) printouts of the standard and must see to it
that no more than five persons have concurrent access to the standard.

SANS 2001-CM2:2011
Edition 1

specification data
data, provisions and variations that make this part of SANS 2001 applicable to a particular contract
or works (see annex A)

strip footing
rectangular unreinforced or lightly reinforced concrete foundation which supports masonry walls

surface bed
concrete floor that is supported by the ground across its full surface area

4 Requirements
4.1 Materials

4.1.1 Fill placed beneath surface beds

Material placed beneath surface beds, unless otherwise specified in the specification data (see
annex A), shall

a) contain little or no organic material (material produced by animal or plant activities),

b) exclude stones of average dimensions larger than 75 mm,

c) not contain more than 10 % rock or hard fragments of material retained on a sieve of nominal
aperture size 50 mm,

d) not contain large clay lumps that do not break up under the action of compaction, nor be a
predominantly clayey material, and

e) be such that it can be placed without significant voids.

4.1.2 Fill placed beneath foundations

Material placed beneath foundations shall comply with the requirements of SANS 2001-BE1.

4.1.3 Backfill or fill against foundations

Material used as backfill or fill against foundations shall comply with the requirements of either 4.1.1
or 4.1.2.

4.1.4 Underfloor membranes

Polyolefin underfloor membranes shall have a thickness of not less than 250 µm and shall comply
with the relevant requirements of SANS 952-1 for a type C sheeting, or shall be the subject of an
Agrément certificate if the product is not covered by SANS 952-1.

4.1.5 Materials for concrete works

All materials for concrete works shall comply with the requirements of either SANS 2001-CC1 or
SANS 2001-CC2.

This standard is exclusively for Emnambithi Ladysmith Municipality for use on a shared file server. Under the copyright agreement
entered into, Emnambithi Ladysmith Municipality may make five (5) printouts of the standard and must see to it
that no more than five persons have concurrent access to the standard.

SANS 2001-CM2:2011
Edition 1

4.2 Site preparation

4.2.1 An area that extends 1 500 mm beyond the perimeter of the building shall be cleared of all
refuse and vegetation, including bushes, shrubs and trees. Where required in terms of the
specification data, clearing shall be carried out as specified in SANS 2001-BS1.

4.2.2 The ground within the building area where trees or tree roots are removed shall be filled and
compacted so that the density of the compacted backfill is not less than that of the surrounding
undisturbed soil when tested comparatively with a dcp, or 90 % modified AASHTO density when
tested in accordance with the requirements of SANS 2001-BE1.

4.2.3 The site shall be examined for termite workings and, if these are found, the building area
shall be poisoned with an effective application of soil insecticide of the aldrin and chlordane types,
in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.

4.2.4 The site shall be shaped, appropriate to the site class designation specified in the
specification data, so that no water can pond within 1 500 mm of a building, and the ground
immediately adjacent to the building shall be shaped to slope over the first 1 500 mm beyond the
perimeter of the building as follows:

a) for site class designation C, R, S or H: at least 30 mm (see table 1)

b) for all other site class designations: at least 75 mm.

Where no site class designation is specified in the specification data, the slope shall be 75 mm.

NOTE The site class designations C, R, S and H indicate that the expected range of total soil movements
arising from ground movements is such that no special precautionary measures are required to minimize the
effects of differential ground movements on buildings.

This standard is exclusively for Emnambithi Ladysmith Municipality for use on a shared file server. Under the copyright agreement
entered into, Emnambithi Ladysmith Municipality may make five (5) printouts of the standard and must see to it
that no more than five persons have concurrent access to the standard.

SANS 2001-CM2:2011
Edition 1

Table 1 — Site class designations of single-storey

and double-storey type 1 masonry buildings

1 2 3 4 5
Expected range Assumed
Nature of of total soil differential Site class
Typical founding material founding movements movement designation
mm % of total
Rock (excluding mud rocks which might
Stable Negligible – R
exhibit swelling to some depth)
< 7,5 50 H
Fine-grained soils with moderate to very
7,5 to 15 50 H1
high plasticity (clays, silty clays, clayey Expansive soils
15 to 30 50 H2
silts and sandy clays)
> 30 50 H3
Compressible <5 75 C
Silty sands, clayey sands, sands, sandy
and potentially 5 to 10 75 C1
and gravelly soils
collapsible soils > 10 75 C2
Fine-grained soils (clayey silts and < 10 50 S
clayey sands of low plasticity), sands, 10 to 20 50 S1
sandy and gravelly soils > 20 50 S2
Contaminated soils , controlled fill,
dolomite land, landslip, landfill, marshy
areas, mine waste fill, mining Variable Variable – P
subsidence reclaimed areas,
uncontrolled fill, very soft silts/silty clays
NOTE 1 A composite description is more appropriate to describe a site more fully, for example, C1/H2 or
S1 or H2 (or both). Composite site classes might lead to higher differential movements and result in design
solutions appropriate to a higher range of differential movement, for example, a class R/S1 may be
described as a class S2 site. Alternatively, a further site investigation might be necessary as the final design
solution might depend on the location of the housing unit on a particular site.
NOTE 2 Where it is not possible to provide a single site designation and a composite description is
inappropriate, sites may be given multiple descriptions to indicate the range of possible conditions, for
example, H1-H2 or C1-C2.
NOTE 3 Soft silts and clays usually exhibit high consolidation and low bearing characteristics. Structures
founded on these horizons might experience high settlements and such sites should be designated as class
S1 or S2, as relevant and appropriate.
NOTE 4 This table is reproduced from SANS 10400-H.
Sites that contain contaminated soils include those associated with reclaimed mine land, land down the
slopes of mine tailings and old landfills.
Where sites are designated as class P, the reason for such classification should be placed in brackets
immediately after the suffix, i.e. P (contaminated soils). Dolomite land should be designated as class P
(dolomite-D2/H2) or class P (limestone-D2/H2) where the first designation after dolomite/limestone is the
designation obtained from SANS 1936-1.

4.3 Construction of terraces

Terraces for buildings shall be constructed in accordance with the requirements of
SANS 2001-BE1, unless otherwise specified in the scope of work.

This standard is exclusively for Emnambithi Ladysmith Municipality for use on a shared file server. Under the copyright agreement
entered into, Emnambithi Ladysmith Municipality may make five (5) printouts of the standard and must see to it
that no more than five persons have concurrent access to the standard.

SANS 2001-CM2:2011
Edition 1

4.4 Construction of strip footings, pad footings, slab-on-the-ground

foundations and concrete surface beds

4.4.1 General

Foundations shall be constructed in accordance with the relevant drawings included in the scope of
work or in accordance with the requirements of SANS 10400-H, as specified in the specification

4.4.2 Preparation Topsoil containing grass roots shall be removed from the area on which unreinforced or
reinforced slabs are to rest. Loose or disturbed ground shall be compacted. The accuracy of the setting out shall be achieved by positive control measures. Regular
checks on the trench widths, trench lengths and the length of diagonals across external corners
shall be carried out. On sloping ground, foundation trenches for strip footings may be stepped so that the
required foundation depth as shown in figures 1 and 2 is attained. Steps in excess of 400 mm shall
be constructed in accordance with the requirements specified in the specification data. Trench sides and steps shall be near vertical. Trench bottoms shall be horizontal or sloped
with a gradient that does not exceed 1:10. (See figures 1 and 2.) Sites to receive slab-on-the-ground foundations shall be levelled. The bases of edge beams
shall be sloped not more than 1:10. Steps in foundations shall not be provided within 1,0 m of corners. Excavations shall be prodded with a 10 mm to 12 mm diameter bar immediately before the
casting of concrete in order to identify hard and soft spots. Where the penetration is not uniform, the soft spots (i.e. where penetration is greater than
the surrounding areas) in the excavations shall be deepened locally, where necessary, to remove
such soft spots. Hard spots shall, wherever practicable, be removed. Where soft spots or isolated boulders do not exceed 1 500 mm in diameter, unreinforced
strip footings shall be centrally reinforced with two Y12 bars, extending a distance of not less than
1 500 mm beyond the face of such soft spots or boulders, as shown in figure 3. The cover above
and below such reinforcement shall be not less than 50 mm. Excessive foundation excavations shall be avoided. Trenches shall be kept free of surface water. Where the bottom part of a foundation has dried out excessively due to exposure, or
softened due to rain or ground water, the bottom of the excavation shall be re-excavated before
concreting. When any foundation is placed on solid rock, the bearing area shall be cleaned and,
where necessary, stepped or dowelled in order to prevent lateral movement of such foundation.

This standard is exclusively for Emnambithi Ladysmith Municipality for use on a shared file server. Under the copyright agreement
entered into, Emnambithi Ladysmith Municipality may make five (5) printouts of the standard and must see to it
that no more than five persons have concurrent access to the standard.

SANS 2001-CM2:2011
Edition 1

Dimensions in millimetres

a) Method 1

b) Method 2

Figure 1 — Methods for stepping strip footings

Dimensions in millimetres

Figure 2 — Methods for stepping slab-on-the-ground foundations

This standard is exclusively for Emnambithi Ladysmith Municipality for use on a shared file server. Under the copyright agreement
entered into, Emnambithi Ladysmith Municipality may make five (5) printouts of the standard and must see to it
that no more than five persons have concurrent access to the standard.

SANS 2001-CM2:2011
Edition 1

Dimensions in millimetres



NOTE Isolated boulders may protrude up to 100 mm into the foundation.

Figure 3 — Reinforcement in strip footings at soft spots/isolated boulders

4.4.3 Placement and compaction of fills beneath surface beds The placement and compaction of fills beneath surface beds that do not exceed 400 mm in
height shall be as follows:

a) fill shall be moistened before compaction so that a handful squeezed in the hand is firm, but does
not show signs of moisture;

b) fill shall be placed in uncompacted layers that do not exceed 100 mm, in respect of hand
compaction, or 150 mm, in respect of compaction by mechanical means;

c) each uncompacted layer shall be well compacted before additional fill material is added; and

d) compaction shall be such that more than three blows of a dcp are required to penetrate 100 mm
of the fill, provided that fills do not comprise more than 10 % gravel of size less than 10 mm, and
contain no isolated boulders.

NOTE Dynamic cone penetrometers give misleading readings in gravels and where the cone strikes

This standard is exclusively for Emnambithi Ladysmith Municipality for use on a shared file server. Under the copyright agreement
entered into, Emnambithi Ladysmith Municipality may make five (5) printouts of the standard and must see to it
that no more than five persons have concurrent access to the standard.

SANS 2001-CM2:2011
Edition 1 The placement and compaction in fills beneath surface beds that exceed 400 mm in height
shall be in accordance with the requirements of SANS 2001-BE1, unless otherwise specified in the
scope of work.

NOTE The fill beneath surface beds that exceed 400 mm should be placed and compacted under the
guidance of a person competent to do so in accordance with SANS 10400-H.

4.4.4 Underfloor membranes Underfloor membranes shall be placed beneath the slab and beam thickenings so that the
bottom surface is entirely underlaid. Lapping of membranes at joints shall not be less than 200 mm unless otherwise permitted
by an Agrément certificate. Penetrations by pipes, plumbing fittings or punctures shall be taped with a pressure-
sensitive adhesive tape. In the case of floor slabs, the membranes shall be turned up around the perimeter of the
floor slab by at least the thickness of the slab.

4.4.5 Concrete and masonry work in foundations and surface beds All concrete and masonry work in foundations and surface beds shall be in accordance with
the relevant requirements of SANS 2001-CC1 or SANS 2001-CC2 and SANS 2001-CM1. Concreting shall, as far as is practicable, be carried out in one continuous operation. Concrete shall be placed as soon as possible after the excavation has been completed and
inspected for compliance with the requirements of this part of SANS 2001. The upper surface of the floor slab shall be a minimum of 150 mm above finished ground
level. Concrete used in the following elements shall be of the following grades or better:

a) unreinforced strip footings: Grade 10

b) unreinforced floor slabs: Grade 10

c) reinforced strip footings: Grade 25

d) slab-on-the-ground foundations: Grade 25 Reinforcement in strip footings shall be placed centrally within the thickness of footings with
a minimum side cover of 50 mm. Reinforcement in internal thickened footings and edge beams in
slab-on-the-ground foundations shall be placed at the bottom of such elements with a minimum side
and bottom cover of 50 mm (see figure 4).

This standard is exclusively for Emnambithi Ladysmith Municipality for use on a shared file server. Under the copyright agreement
entered into, Emnambithi Ladysmith Municipality may make five (5) printouts of the standard and must see to it
that no more than five persons have concurrent access to the standard.

SANS 2001-CM2:2011
Edition 1

Dimensions in millimetres

a) Reinforcement in strip footings

b) Reinforcement in slab thickenings beneath internal walls

c) Reinforcement in slab-on-the-ground foundations

Figure 4 — Cover to reinforcement Reinforcement shall be provided with a minimum lap of 600 mm at splices. At T-

intersections and L-intersections, it shall extend and be lapped across the full width of the
intersection (see figure 5).

This standard is exclusively for Emnambithi Ladysmith Municipality for use on a shared file server. Under the copyright agreement
entered into, Emnambithi Ladysmith Municipality may make five (5) printouts of the standard and must see to it
that no more than five persons have concurrent access to the standard.

SANS 2001-CM2:2011
Edition 1

Dimensions in millimetres

Figure 5 — Splicing and lapping of reinforcement Fabric reinforcement shall be centrally placed in slabs and shall be lapped by one full grid
width so that the two outermost transverse wires of one sheet overlap with the two outermost
transverse wires of the sheet being lapped (see figure 6).

Dimensions in millimetres

Figure 6 — Lapping of fabric reinforcement Service penetrations, where required, in slab-on-the-ground foundations shall be through

the middle third of edge and stiffening beams and shall not be wider than absolutely necessary (see
figure 7).

Figure 7 — Location of service penetrations in slab-on-the-ground foundations

This standard is exclusively for Emnambithi Ladysmith Municipality for use on a shared file server. Under the copyright agreement
entered into, Emnambithi Ladysmith Municipality may make five (5) printouts of the standard and must see to it
that no more than five persons have concurrent access to the standard.

SANS 2001-CM2:2011
Edition 1 Services shall pass through openings formed in the masonry above strip footings. The
size and filling of such openings shall be such that the services are able to accommodate ground
movement whilst maintaining line and gradient. Masonry walls shall be constructed at the centre of strip footings. Foundation trenches shall be cleaned of all debris and loose materials and shall be
backfilled and well compacted once the foundation masonry has been laid. The cores of all hollow masonry units and cavities in cavity wall construction in foundation
walling shall be solidly filled with grade 10 infill concrete or better (13 mm stone), or mortar as the
work proceeds.

5 Compliance with the requirements

5.1 General

5.1.1 The thickness of concrete members shall not be less than that required in terms of this part
of SANS 2001.

5.1.2 The completed foundation shall be such that the maximum thickness of the first bed joint in
the masonry structure does not exceed 30 mm.

5.1.3 The permissible deviation (pd) in finished floors shall be as follows:

a) deviation from any two points measured 6 m apart: 10 mm

b) deviation of any point under a 3 m straight edge placed level in any direction: 6 mm.

5.2 Testing by means of a dynamic cone penetrometer

Testing by means of a dcp shall be in accordance with TMH6-ST6. Such test results shall only be
valid where the fill does not comprise more than 10 % gravel of size less than 10 mm and contains
no isolated boulders.

This standard is exclusively for Emnambithi Ladysmith Municipality for use on a shared file server. Under the copyright agreement
entered into, Emnambithi Ladysmith Municipality may make five (5) printouts of the standard and must see to it
that no more than five persons have concurrent access to the standard.

SANS 2001-CM2:2011
Edition 1

Annex A

Preparation of specification data associated with this

part of SANS 2001 for inclusion in the scope of work
Specification data form an essential part of this part of SANS 2001; without such data, requirements
are incomplete.

The format for the specification data has been developed to be compatible with the requirements in
table D.1 of SANS 10403:2003. The specification data should be incorporated in the scope of work
as shown in table A.1.

Table A.1 — Incorporating this part of SANS 2001 in the scope of work

1 2 3
Works specifications Applicable part(s) The following parts of SANS 2001 and associated specification
of SANS 2001 data are applicable:
1) SANS 2001 …..
2) SANS 2001 …..

The associated specification data are as follows:

Specification data Essential data:
pertaining to The requirements for .….…. are ….….
SANS 2001-
The requirements for …..…. are ….….
1) ...........................................................
2) ...........................................................
Additional clauses:
1) ...........................................................

Applicable national
and international

This standard is exclusively for Emnambithi Ladysmith Municipality for use on a shared file server. Under the copyright agreement
entered into, Emnambithi Ladysmith Municipality may make five (5) printouts of the standard and must see to it
that no more than five persons have concurrent access to the standard.

SANS 2001-CM2:2011
Edition 1

Develop the specification data based on the contents of table A.2.

Table A.2 — Specification data associated with this part of SANS 2001

1 2 3
Guidance notes
Specification data associated with this part
of SANS 2001 Clause
Essential data
Material placed beneath surface beds shall 4.1.1 State requirements if different to those
be…. contained in 4.1.1
The fill beneath surface beds described in 4.1.1
shall be in accordance with SANS 10400-J. Where the fill height exceeds 400 mm, a
person competent to do so in accordance with
SANS 10400-H is required to supervise the
construction of the fill in order to comply with
SANS 10400-J.
Clearance of the site shall be in accordance 4.2.1 Omit if not a requirement.
with SANS 2001-BS1.
The site class designation in accordance 4.2.4 State site class designation, i.e. R, C, H, S, C1,
with the requirements in table 1 is ……............ H1, S1.
Terraces for buildings shall be in accordance 4.3 State requirements if not in accordance with
with the requirements of ………..... SANS 2001-BE1.

In terms of SANS 10400-H, a competent

person is required to supervise the construction
of any fill beneath foundations.

The foundations shall be constructed in 4.4.1 State where the requirements for foundations
accordance with the relevant drawings listed in can be found and, if SANS 10400-H is
the scope of work referenced, which type of foundation is
required and what category of expected
or damage applies.

The foundations shall be in accordance with

the requirements of SANS 10400-H for strip
footings, slab-on-the-ground foundations or
modified normal construction for category of
expected damage 1 or 2.
The requirements for the construction of steps State requirements or where requirements can
in foundations in excess of 400 mm can be be found.
found in drawing ........……
The minimum founding depth shall be ……….. 4.4.1 Introduce this variation where the geotechnical
report indicates a deeper requirement than that
provided for in SANS 10400-H, if relevant.
Additional clauses
State additional clauses, if any

This standard is exclusively for Emnambithi Ladysmith Municipality for use on a shared file server. Under the copyright agreement
entered into, Emnambithi Ladysmith Municipality may make five (5) printouts of the standard and must see to it
that no more than five persons have concurrent access to the standard.

SANS 2001-CM2:2011
Edition 1

SANS 1936-1, Development of dolomite land – Part 1: General principles and requirements (in
course of preparation).

SANS 10400-K (SABS 0400-K), The application of the National Building Regulations – Part K:


This standard is exclusively for Emnambithi Ladysmith Municipality for use on a shared file server. Under the copyright agreement
entered into, Emnambithi Ladysmith Municipality may make five (5) printouts of the standard and must see to it
that no more than five persons have concurrent access to the standard.

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This standard is exclusively for Emnambithi Ladysmith Municipality for use on a shared file server. Under the copyright agreement
entered into, Emnambithi Ladysmith Municipality may make five (5) printouts of the standard and must see to it
that no more than five persons have concurrent access to the standard.

SABS – Standards Division

The objective of the SABS Standards Division is to develop, promote and maintain South African
National Standards. This objective is incorporated in the Standards Act, 2008 (Act No. 8 of 2008).

Amendments and Revisions

South African National Standards are updated by amendment or revision. Users of South African
National Standards should ensure that they possess the latest amendments or editions.

The SABS continuously strives to improve the quality of its products and services and would
therefore be grateful if anyone finding an inaccuracy or ambiguity while using this standard would
inform the secretary of the technical committee responsible, the identity of which can be found in
the foreword.
Tel: +27 (0) 12 428 6666 Fax: +27 (0) 12 428 6928

The SABS offers an individual notification service, which ensures that subscribers automatically
receive notification regarding amendments and revisions to South African National Standards.
Tel: +27 (0) 12 428 6883 Fax: +27 (0) 12 428 6928 E-mail: sales@sabs.co.za

Buying Standards

Contact the Sales Office for South African and international standards, which are available in both
electronic and hardcopy format.
Tel: +27 (0) 12 428 6883 Fax: +27 (0) 12 428 6928 E-mail: sales@sabs.co.za
South African National Standards are also available online from the SABS website

Information on Standards

The Standards Information Centre provides a wide range of standards-related information on both
national and international standards, and is the official WTO/TBT enquiry point for South Africa. The
Centre also offers an individual updating service called INFOPLUS, which ensures that subscribers
automatically receive notification regarding amendments to, and revisions of, international
Tel: +27 (0) 12 428 6666 Fax: +27 (0) 12 428 6928 E-mail: info@sabs.co.za


The copyright in a South African National Standard or any other publication published by the SABS
Standards Division vests in the SABS. Unless exemption has been granted, no extract may be
reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior
written permission from the SABS Standards Division. This does not preclude the free use, in the
course of implementing the standard, of necessary details such as symbols, and size, type or grade
designations. If these details are to be used for any purpose other than implementation, prior written
permission must be obtained.

Details and advice can be obtained from the Senior Manager.

Tel: +27 (0) 12 428 6666 Fax: +27 (0) 12 428 6928 E-mail: info@sabs.co.za

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