Geotechnical Engineering 0001
Geotechnical Engineering 0001
Geotechnical Engineering 0001
(Level/ Marks
Q. 1 Solve any two of the following. 12
A) Define the terms ‘soil’, ‘soil mechanics’ and soil engineering. What are CO 1 06
limitations of soil engineering?
B) A sample of dry soil weighs 68 gm. Find the volume of voids if the total volume CO 1 06
of the sample is 40 ml and the specific gravity of solids is 2.65. Also determine
the voids ratio.
C) A soil has a porosity of 40 %, the specific gravity of solids of 2.65 and a water CO 1 06
content of 12 %. Determine the mass of water required to be added to 100 m3
of this soil for full saturation.
C) The following results were obtained from a series of consolidated undrained CO2 06
tests on a soil, in which the pore water pressure was not determined.
Sample Confining pressure Deviator stress at
No. (kN/m ) failure (kN//m2)
1 100 600
2 200 750
3 300 850
Determine the cohesion intercept and angle of shearing resistance.