Week 2 Form 1
Week 2 Form 1
Week 2 Form 1
LESSON Activity A
DEVELOPMENT 1. Pupils practise the dialogue.
Activity B
1. Pupils are grouped into 4
2. Pupils discuss the events in the stimulus.
POST LESSON / Pupils carry out the PAK 21 activity on page 1. Pupils present their discussion and findings on a chart to be
PLENARY displayed on the class notice board.
TEACHER’S Strength(s) :
Weakness(es) :
Suggestion(s) :
SUBJECT English Language CLASS 1 syafie CLASS SIZE
WEEK 2 DAY Monday DATE 18 March 2024
DURATION 30 minutes TIME 12:50-13:20 p.m.
THEME People & Culture TOPIC Celebrating Life ELEMENT(S) Values
LANGUAGE/ Words/phrases/expressions related to people and culture
CONTENT Main Skill 2.1 Communicate information, ideas, opinions and feelings intelligibly on familiar
Complementary 2.3 Use appropriate communication strategies
LEARNING Main Skill 2.1.1 Ask about and give detailed information about themselves and others.
STANDARD Complementary 2.3.1 Keep interaction going in short exchanges by checking
Skill understanding of what a speaker is saying
LESSON Activity A
DEVELOPMENT 2. Pupils practise the dialogue.
Activity B
3. Pupils are grouped into 4
4. Pupils discuss the events in the stimulus.
POST LESSON / Pupils carry out the PAK 21 activity on page 1. Pupils present their discussion and findings on a chart to be
PLENARY displayed on the class notice board.
TEACHER’S Strength(s) :
Weakness(es) :
Suggestion(s) :
SUBJECT English Language CLASS 1 hanbali CLASS SIZE
WEEK 2 DAY Wednesday DATE 20 March 2024
DURATION 30 minutes TIME 9:55-10:20 a.m.
UNIT Starter LESSON 1 (R1) MAIN SKILL(S) Reading
THEME People & Culture TOPIC Celebrating Life ELEMENT(S) Patriotism
LANGUAGE/ Words/phrases/expressions related to people and culture
CONTENT Main Skill 3.1 Understand a variety of texts by using a range of appropriate reading strategies
STANDARD to construct meaning
Complementary 3.2 Explore and expand ideas for personal development by reading independently
Skill and widely
LEARNING Main Skill 3.1.2 Understand specific details and information in simple longer texts
Complementary 3.1.3 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from clues provided by other known
Skill words and by context.
TEACHER’S Strength(s) :
Weakness(es) :
Suggestion(s) :
PRE-LESSON / 1.Teacher brainstorms on events we celebrate life and the reasons why we should celebrate
TEACHER’S Strength(s) :
Weakness(es) :
Suggestion(s) :
SUCCESS CRITERIA By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
i. write at least 6/8 sentences correctly.
ii. use the correct possessive adjectives in at least 6/8 sentences.
iii. complete the dialogue.
LESSON Activity A
DEVELOPMENT 1. Pupils are grouped into 4.
2. Pupils read the rules of the grammar.
3. Pupils are given some time to do exercise A.
4. Pupils share their answers with the class with the teacher as facilitator.
Activity B
1. Pupils discuss the answers.
2. Teacher facilitates by explaining the grammar rules.
Activity C
1. Pupils complete the dialogue.
2. Pupils discuss the answers with the teacher as facilitator.
PLENARY 1. Pupils review what they have learnt.
TEACHER’S Strength(s) :
Weakness(es) :
Suggestion(s) :
SUBJECT English Language CLASS 1hanbali CLASS SIZE xxx
WEEK 2 DAY Friday DATE 22 March 2024
DURATION 1 hour TIME 11:30 a.m.-12:25 p.m.
UNIT Starter LESSON Choose an MAIN SKILL(S) Language Awareness
item. FOCUS
THEME People & Culture TOPIC Celebrating Life ELEMENT(S) Patriotism
LANGUAGE/ Possessive Adjectives
CONTENT Main Skill This is a grammar-focused lesson so listening, speaking, reading and writing skills are not
STANDARD explicitly covered
Complementary This is a grammar-focused lesson so listening, speaking, reading and writing skills are not
Skill explicitly covered
LEARNING Main Skill This is a grammar-focused lesson so listening, speaking, reading and writing skills are not
STANDARD explicitly covered
Complementary This is a grammar-focused lesson so listening, speaking, reading and writing skills are not
Skill explicitly covered
LEARNING By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
OBJECTIVES iii. use apostrophe after the nouns in the correct place.
iv. use the correct possessive adjectives with reference to the pronouns used.
SUCCESS CRITERIA By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
iv. write at least 6/8 sentences correctly.
v. use the correct possessive adjectives in at least 6/8 sentences.
vi. complete the dialogue.
LESSON Activity A
DEVELOPMENT 5. Pupils are grouped into 4.
6. Pupils read the rules of the grammar.
7. Pupils are given some time to do exercise A.
8. Pupils share their answers with the class with the teacher as facilitator.
Activity B
3. Pupils discuss the answers.
4. Teacher facilitates by explaining the grammar rules.
Activity C
3. Pupils complete the dialogue.
4. Pupils discuss the answers with the teacher as facilitator.
PLENARY 2. Pupils review what they have learnt.
TEACHER’S Strength(s) :
REFLECTION Weakness(es) :
Suggestion(s) :