Week 3 Form 1
Week 3 Form 1
Week 3 Form 1
TEACHER’S Strength(s) :
REFLECTION Weakness(es) :
Suggestion(s) :
TEACHER’S Strength(s) :
Weakness(es) :
Suggestion(s) :
SUCCESS CRITERIA By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
i. List the importance of having pastime during the pandemic.
ii. Find the meanings of three words in the passage given.
iii. Complete at least 6/8 questions correctly.
21ST CENTURY Communication Collaboration Cooperation ✘ Critical Creativity
✘ Autonomous ICT Literacy Personal and Social Intercultural ✘ Values &
Learning Responsibility Awareness Ethics
KBAT / iTHINK Circle Map Bubble Map Double Bubble Map Tree Map
Brace Map Flow Map Multi Flow Map Bridge Map
TEACHING AIDS Teacher’s Book Textbook ✘ Workbook Handouts
Slides White board & marker Mahjong paper & Computer, LCD, CD
pen masking tape
EVALUATION / Oral Interaction (Q&A) Oral Presentation Observation Checklist
ASSESSMENT Written Assignment Task Sheet Project ✘ Quiz
PRE-LESSON / Pupils talk about their own experiences during the pandemic.
LESSON 1. Pupils are grouped into 4.
DEVELOPMENT 2. Pupils take turns the summarise the main ideas in each paragraph.
[xxx MINUTES] 3. They discuss complete the exercise given.
4. Pupils share answer the answer with the class and the teacher facilitates.
POST LESSON / Review pupils’ learning in this lesson with ‘tell me three things…
PLENARY you have learnt today
[xxx MINUTES] you have done well
your talk partner has done well
TEACHER’S Strength(s) :
Weakness(es) :
Suggestion(s) :
SUCCESS CRITERIA By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
iii. List the importance of having pastime during the pandemic.
iv. Find the meanings of three words in the passage given.
iii. Complete at least 6/8 questions correctly.
21ST CENTURY Communication Collaboration Cooperation ✘ Critical Creativity
✘ Autonomous ICT Literacy Personal and Social Intercultural ✘ Values &
Learning Responsibility Awareness Ethics
KBAT / iTHINK Circle Map Bubble Map Double Bubble Map Tree Map
Brace Map Flow Map Multi Flow Map Bridge Map
TEACHING AIDS Teacher’s Book Textbook ✘ Workbook Handouts
Slides White board & marker Mahjong paper & Computer, LCD, CD
pen masking tape
EVALUATION / Oral Interaction (Q&A) Oral Presentation Observation Checklist
ASSESSMENT Written Assignment Task Sheet Project ✘ Quiz
PRE-LESSON / Pupils talk about their own experiences during the pandemic.
LESSON 5. Pupils are grouped into 4.
DEVELOPMENT 6. Pupils take turns the summarise the main ideas in each paragraph.
[xxx MINUTES] 7. They discuss complete the exercise given.
8. Pupils share answer the answer with the class and the teacher facilitates.
POST LESSON / Review pupils’ learning in this lesson with ‘tell me three things…
PLENARY you have learnt today
[xxx MINUTES] you have done well
your talk partner has done well
TEACHER’S Strength(s) :
Weakness(es) :
Suggestion(s) :
SUCCESS CRITERIA By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
i. complete at least 6 / 12 questions correctly.
ii. identify the correct tense for at least 6/ 12 sentences correctly.
iii. correct the errors of at least 5 / 10 sentences.
POST LESSON / 1.Each pupil write two sentences, one in the simple present tense and another in the present
PLENARY continuous tense.
[xxx MINUTES] 2. Pupils swap the sentences with their partner.
3. Pupils check and correct the sentences.
TEACHER’S Strength(s) :
Weakness(es) :
Suggestion(s) :
SUCCESS CRITERIA By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
iv. complete at least 6 / 12 questions correctly.
v. identify the correct tense for at least 6/ 12 sentences correctly.
vi. correct the errors of at least 5 / 10 sentences.
POST LESSON / 4. Each pupil write two sentences, one in the simple present tense and another in the present
PLENARY continuous tense.
[xxx MINUTES] 5. Pupils swap the sentences with their partner.
6. Pupils check and correct the sentences.
TEACHER’S Strength(s) :
Weakness(es) :
Suggestion(s) :