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Class XII UT 1 CS Set B

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SEC SCHOOLs, New Delhi

Periodic Test- I July 2024
Time:- 50 minutes Class XII- Computer Science(083) Set A Marks:- 20
General Instructions:
1. This question paper contains five sections, Section A to C.
2. All questions are compulsory.
3. Section A has 12 questions carrying ½ mark each.
4. Section B has 04 Very Short Answer type questions carrying 02 marks each.
5. Section C has 02 Short Answer type questions carrying 03 marks each.

Section A
1. What is the output of following code:
2. Identify the output of the following Python statements.
lst1 = [10, 15, 20, 25, 30]
lst1.insert( 3, 4)
lst1.insert( 2, 3)
print (lst1[-5])
3. Find output of the following Python code?
def add (num1, num2):
sum = num1 + num2
sum = add(20,30)
4. State True or False: “In a Python program, if a break statement is given in a nested
loop, it terminates the execution of all loops in one go.”
5. What will be the output of the following statement:
6. Find the correct output of the code:

7. Find the correct output of the code:

def my_func(var1=100, var2=200):
var2 = var2 - 10
return var1+var2
8. ________ keyword is used to define a function.
9. The variable declared inside a function is called a global variable.
10. Function can alter only mutable data types.
11. Consider the given expression:
not True and False or True
What will be the correct output if the given expression is evaluated?
12. State True or False “Variable declaration is implicit in Python.”
Section B
13. Write the output of the code given below
def sum(q,r=2):
global p
print(p, end= '#')
14. Write the output of the code given below
tuple1 = (11, 22, 33, 44, 55 ,66)
list1 =list(tuple1)
new_list = [ ]
for i in list1:
if i%2==0:
new_tuple = tuple(new_list)
15. Write a python program to remove duplicates from a given list:-
16. Write a program to calculate the length of a string:”python program”

Section C
17. Write a function listcharge(Arr) in python, which accepts a list of numbers and
replace each even number by value 10 and multiply odd number by 5.
Where a=[10,20,23,45]
Output:- [10,10,115,225]
18. Write a function str_reverse() to reverse a string
Sample string: “python123”
Expected output:- “321nohtyp”

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