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 Introduction

 Fundamental Equations

 Operating Characteristics of Induction Motors

 Starting methods

Lecture 9 – Induction Motors  Speed control methods

 Braking methods
Electrical Drive Systems

9.1 Introduction
Induction motors can be divided into two categories
according to their rotor structure

 Squirrel-cage induction motors

9.1 Introduction
 Wound rotor (slip ring) induction motors

3 4

9.1 Introduction 9.1 Introduction
Squirrel cage induction motors

5 6

9.2 Fundamental Equations

60 f1 2 f1
Synchronous speed: ns  s 
p p
f1 : input voltage frequency
9.2 Fundamental Equations
p : the number of pole pairs

s  m ns  nm
Slip: s 
s ns
Rotor shaft speed: nm  1  s  ns  1  s 
7 8

9.2 Fundamental Equations 9.2 Fundamental Equations
Equivalent circuit of induction motors Another equivalent circuit of induction motors

2 2 2
N  N  N  R2 R
R2  R2  1  X 2  X 2  1  I 2  I r  2   R2  2 1  s 
 N2   N2   N1  s s
9 10

9.2 Fundamental Equations 9.2 Fundamental Equations

By assuming I m  I1  I1  I 2  Power flow of the induction motor

I1  I 2 
 R2  2
 R1     X 1  X 2 
 s 
11 12

9.2 Fundamental Equations 9.2 Fundamental Equations
Detailed power flow of the induction motor
Active input power: P1  3V1 I1 cos   3U1 I1 cos 
2 R
Airgap power: Pg  3  I 2  2  Td s
Airgap torque: Td 
Developed power: Pd  1  s  Pg  Td   : rotor speed

Mechanical power: Pm  Pout  T  T  Td

13 14

9.2 Fundamental Equations 9.2 Fundamental Equations

Pd 3V12 R2 The speed-torque characteristic can be divided into three
Developed torque: Td   2
major regions
  R  2
ss   R1  2    X 1  X 2  
 s  
 

15 16

9.2 Fundamental Equations 9.2 Fundamental Equations
In the large slip region (starting region), by assuming that In the small slip region, by assuming that

 R2 
R1    X 1  X 2 
 R1     X 1  X 2  s
 s 
3V12 R2
the torque is approximated as Td  2 the torque is approximated as
ss  X 1  X 2 
3V12 s
Td 
The starting torque and current (s=1) s R2
3V12 R2 V1
Tst  2
I st 
2 2
s  X 1  X 2   R1  R2    X 1  X 2 
17 18

9.2 Fundamental Equations 9.2 Fundamental Equations

The maximum torque and slip can be calculated as The torque-speed char. (motoring, generating, braking)

dTd R2
0 smax 
ds R12   X 1  X 2 

Tmax 

2s R1  R12   X 1  X 2 

smax is linearly proportional to R2 , whereas Tmax is not.
For motors with large rotor resistance, the max torque
occurs at low speeds.
19 20

9.3 Operating Characteristics
Operating Characteristics
1. Starting
2. Speed control
9.3 Operating Characteristics of 3. Braking
Induction Motors 4. Reversing the direction of rotation

21 22

9.3.1 Starting Methods

Starting methods for induction motors

1. Direct-on-line (DOL) starting

9.3.1 Starting Methods

2. Reducing the terminal voltage

3. Inserting a starting resistance in the rotor circuit

I st 
2 2
 R1  R2    X 1  X 2 
23 24

9.3.1 Starting Methods 9.3.1 Starting Methods
1) Direct-on-line (DOL) starting 2) Reducing the terminal voltage
In many cases, low-power induction motors do not Speed-torque characteristics at different voltage levels
need a special starting procedure.
Because the starting current is generally limited to
tolerable values by the winding impedance.
I st  V1
However, for high-power motors with small winding
resistance, the starting current could be excessive Tst  V12
and a special starting procedure is needed.

25 26

9.3.1 Starting Methods 9.3.1 Starting Methods

2) Reducing the terminal voltage 2) Reducing the terminal voltage
The terminal voltage can be reduced by using following The most commonly
methods used method is
the star-delta starter.
1. Using a star-delta starter
2. Using autotransformers
3. Using solid-state soft starters
4. Inserting a resistance in series to the stator winding

27 28

9.3.1 Starting Methods 9.3.1 Starting Methods
2) Reducing the terminal voltage
In star connection
1 1
Vstar  Vdelta I star  I delta
3 3

Since T  V 2
Tstar  Tdelta
Since the starting torque reduces significantly, this
method is applicable to the motors starting with no
load or requiring low starting torque.
T V 2
29 30

9.3.1 Starting Methods 9.3.1 Starting Methods

2) Reducing the terminal voltage 2) Reducing the terminal voltage
 s TL Autotransformer starters:
Tm ( )

Tm (Y)

T Tmax

31 32

9.3.1 Starting Methods 9.3.1 Starting Methods
2) Reducing the terminal voltage 3) Inserting a starting resistance to the rotor circuit
Solid-state soft starting: The starting torque and the slip at max torque increase.
Tmax does not change. R2
smax 
R12   X 1  X 2 
3V12 R2
Tst  2
s  X 1  X 2 
Tmax 

2s R1  R12   X 1  X 2 

If the resistance makes
The max torque occurs at
starting Tst  Tmax
33 34

9.3.1 Starting Methods 9.3.1 Starting Methods

3) Inserting a starting resistance to the rotor circuit 3) Inserting a starting resistance to the rotor circuit
This method is only applicable to TL
wound (slip-ring) motors.

T Tmax
35 36

9.3.1 Starting Methods 9.3.1 Starting Methods
Example: An induction motor has a stator resistance of
3Ω, and the rotor resistance referred to the stator is
2Ω.The equivalent inductive reactance is Xeq=10Ω.
a) Calculate the change in the starting torque if the
voltage is reduced by 10%.
b) Compute the resistance that should be added to the
rotor circuit to achieve the maximum torque at

37 38

9.3.1 Starting Methods 9.3.1 Starting Methods

Example: A 3-phase, 100 kW, 400 V, 6-pole, 50 Hz induction
motor runs at 950 rpm at full load. It takes 1203 A on
direct-on-line starting. Determine the ratio of starting
torque to full load torque, when the motor is
a) started direct-on-line,
b) started by using a star-delta starter,
c) started by an autotransformers with 70% tapping,
d) started by stator resistance, limiting the starting current
to 401A.
Assume that the full load efficiency and the power factor of
the motor are 0.9 and 0.8, respectively.
39 40

9.3.1 Starting Methods 9.3.1 Starting Methods

41 42

9.3.2 Speed Control Methods

The speed of induction motors can be control by using following
1. Pole changing 60 f
ns  1
nm  1  s  ns
2. Line voltage control p
9.3.2 Speed Control Methods 3. Line frequency control
4. V/f control
5. Changing rotor resistance
6. Rotor voltage injection
7. Slip energy recovery

43 44

9.3.2 Speed Control Methods 9.3.2 Speed Control Methods
1) Pole changing 1) Pole changing
60 f1
ns  nm  1  s  ns
The speed of an induction motor can be changed by
changing the number of poles of the machine.

By making some winding groups in series to in parallel (or

vice versa).

Two constant speed levels can be obtained. Two constant speed levels can be obtained.

45 46

9.3.2 Speed Control Methods 9.3.2 Speed Control Methods

2) Line voltage control 3) Line frequency control
Speed-torque characteristics at different voltage levels Since ns  f , the motor speed can be controlled by
changing the frequency of the stator voltage. 60 f1
ns 
Tst  V12

V  Tst 
Tmax 

A wide range of speed control cannot be achieved by this method.

47 48

9.3.2 Speed Control Methods 9.3.2 Speed Control Methods
3) Line frequency control 4) V/f control
Limitations of the line frequency control: Effect of change in frequency and voltage
 Excessively large frequencies may stall the motor.
 Excessively low frequencies may cause motor damage
due to excessive starting currents.

The effect of excessively high f

49 50

9.3.2 Speed Control Methods 9.3.2 Speed Control Methods

4) V/f control 4) V/f control
3V 2 V
Tmax  I st 
 2 
2s  R1  R12   X eq  
2 2
 R1  R2    X 1  X 2 
 
For f  f n the equivalent reactance X eq  R1 For f  f n the equivalent reactance X eq2   R1  R2 2
2 V V 1 V
3V 2 3V 2 3 V  I st   
Tmax    2   X eq 2 fLeq 2 Leq f
2s X eq  2   f
2 f   2 fLeq  8 Leq  
 p  p When V/f is kept constant, I st remains unchanged.
When V/f ratio is constant,Tmax is unchanged.
51 52

9.3.2 Speed Control Methods 9.3.2 Speed Control Methods
4) V/f control 4) V/f control

Torque-speed char. Torque-current char.

for fixed V/f control for fixed V/f control
53 54

9.3.2 Speed Control Methods 9.3.2 Speed Control Methods

4) V/f control 5) Changing rotor resistance (wound-rotor)
Combination of V/f control and field weakening control Speed-torque char. at different rotor resistance levels

V/f is constant V is constant

f is increasing Low efficient method. Tmax is constant.
55 56

9.3.2 Speed Control Methods 9.3.2 Speed Control Methods
6) Rotor voltage injection (wound-rotor) 6) Rotor voltage injection (wound-rotor)

Vi : External voltage source

Vi  Tmax 
smax 

Equivalent circuit of induction motor with voltage

injection A wide range of speed control can be achieved by this method.
57 58

9.3.2 Speed Control Methods 9.3.2 Speed Control Methods

7) Slip energy recovery (wound-rotor) 7) Slip energy recovery (wound-rotor)
Developed torque: Pd  1  s  Pg
Slip power: Ps  sPg  Pcu 2
Slip power is an electrical power dissipated in the rotor
resistance in the form of rotor copper losses Pcu 2 .

The motor speed can be controlled inserting a resistance

to the rotor circuit.
dc link
The motor speed can be controlled by sending this power rectifier inverter
back to the source instead of dissipating in the rotor The rotor electrical power is transferred to the grid by controlling α
resistance. firing angle in the inverter
59 60

9.3.2 Speed Control Methods 9.3.2 Speed Control Methods
Example: A 3-phase, 30 hp, 480 V, 6-pole, 60 Hz, Y-connected
slip-ring induction motor has the following parameters:

R1  0.5  R2  0.5  X eq  5 

The load torque is constant and equal to 120Nm.

Calculate the motor speed at full voltage.
Calculate the motor speed if the voltage is reduced by 20%.

61 62

9.3.2 Speed Control Methods

9.3.3 Braking Methods

63 64

9.3.3 Braking Methods 9.3.3 Braking Methods
There are three types of electric braking for IMs 1) Dynamic braking

1. Dynamic braking Dynamic braking of IMs is achieved by disconnecting the stator

windings from ac supply and connecting it to the dc supply.
2. Counter-current braking In motoring condition, the stator magnetic field rotates in the
same direction as the rotor.
3. Regenerative braking
During dynamic braking, the stator magnetic field is stationary
since it is fed from dc supply. The rotor continues to rotate in
this stationary field.
The current induced in the rotor windings will be in the
direction opposite to that corresponding to motoring operation.
Hence a braking torque is produced.
65 66

9.3.3 Braking Methods 9.3.3 Braking Methods

1) Dynamic braking 2) Counter-current braking

In counter-current braking, the direction of the rotating

magnetic field is reversed by interchanging two
terminals of the ac supply, and the braking torque is
Dynamic braking developed.

67 68

9.3.3 Braking Methods 9.3.3 Braking Methods
2) Counter-current braking 3) Regenerative braking
Induction motor characteristics Regenerative braking occurs when the motor speed
during counter-current braking
exceeds the synchronous speed. The machine acts as
0  s1  1
generator. PF L -> M
s2 
 ns   n  ns  n  1
 ns  ns
s3  1

s4 
 ns    n   ns  n  1
 ns  ns
s5  0
s6 
 ns    n   ns  n  0
69  ns  ns 70

9.3.3 Braking Methods 9.3.3 Braking Methods

3) Regenerative braking 3) Regenerative braking

Consider a constant and bidirectional load torque. Consider a constant and unidirectional load torque.
Regenerative braking can be performed by using V/f

1 3

71 72

9.3.3 Braking Methods 9.3.3 Braking Methods
Example: A 3-phase, 208 V, 6-pole, 60 Hz, wye-connected
induction motor has the following parameters:
R1  0.6  R2  0.4  X eq  5 
The motor is loaded by a 30Nm bidirectional constant
torque. If the load torque is reversed, find
a) motor speed
b) power delivered to the electrical supply

73 74

9.3.3 Braking Methods

Thanks for your attention..

75 76


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