ملزمة المصطلحات د. عبدالرحمن الأسلمي
ملزمة المصطلحات د. عبدالرحمن الأسلمي
ملزمة المصطلحات د. عبدالرحمن الأسلمي
Medical Terminology
All Medical Sections
Prepared and taught by:
2024 -- 2025
T. / Abdulrahman Mohammed Al-Aslami
- It is a word beginning.
prefix - It usually indicates number, time, position, direction, color
or sense of negation.
- It is a word ending.
suffix - It indicates condition, disease, or part of speech.
- Like the word root, the combining form indicates a body part.
Ex. Dermatitis
dermat (skin) & -itis (inflammation) = inflammation of the skin
Ex. Dermatology
dermat (skin) & -ology(branch of knowledge or science of=Medical specialty of
diagnosis and treatment of skin diseases
Ex. Pyoderma
pyo (pus) & derma (skin) =skin infection involving pus
2- cardio-, cardi-,
= the root word for heart and its combining vowels
Ex. cardiovascular
cardio(heart)& vascular(blood vessels)
= pertaining to heart and vessels
Ex. cardiocentesis
Cardio(heart) & centesis (surgical puncture)= surgical puncture
of the heart
Ex. hematology
hemat(blood) & -ology (branch of knowledge or science of) =
science of blood & blood forming tissues
Ex. hemorrhage
hemo( blood) & -rrhage( bursting forth)
= escape of blood from tissues
Ex. hepatoma
hepat(liver) & -oma(tumor or neoplasm)= tumor of the liver
Ex. hepatotoxic
hepato(liver) & -toxic (poisonous) = toxic to liver cells
Vertebra Vertebrae
A ae
Scapula Scapulae
ax aces Thorax Thoraces
Appendix Appendices
ex -ix- yx ices
Cortex Cortices
Stigma Stigmata
ma mata
Fibroma Fibromata
nx (anx – inx – Phalanx Phalanges
ynx) Larynx Larynges
Protozoon Protozoa
on a
phenomenon phenomena
Ovum Ova
um a
bacterium bacteria
Embolus Emboli
us i
Bronchus Bronchi
analysis Analyses
sis ses
Diagnosis Diagnosis
micro- small
semi- half
equi- equal
poly- many
hyper- above normal
eu- normal/good
Time or Speed
post- after
re- again
retro- back/backward
tachy- fast
neo- new
supra- above
peri- around
trans- across
inter- between
auto- self
con- together
ad- toward
Function or Quality
anti-, contra- against
mal- bad
eti- cause
auto- self
colon col
esophagus esophag
intestine (usually
kidney ren, neph
liver hepat
stomach gastr
drug chem
electric electr
heat therm
knowledge gnos
life bi
pressure bar
The last ingredient in a medical term is likely the suffix, which provides more specifics about
the term’s application. Here are just a few of the most important medical suffixes to know.
Pathology or Function
blood (condition of) -emia
breathing -pnea
inflammation -itis
condition or disease -osis
deficiency -penia
disease -pathy
excessive flow -rrhag(e/ia)
mass/tumor –oma
26 Alphabets
Consonant Letters
Vowel Letters
b- c- d- f- g- h- j- k- l- m-n- p- q-
(a- e- i- o- u)
r- s- t- v- w- x- y-z
44 Sounds
2 2
4 0
Vowel Sounds
12 8
2. b as in big / bId /
3. t as in tea / ti: /
4. d as in did / dId /
5. k as in cat / kæt /
6. g as in got / got /
7. t∫ as in chin / t∫In /
8. dʒ as in June / dʒu:n /
9. f as in fall / fɔ:l /
13. s as in so / sә ʊ /
19. n as in no / nәʊ /
1. i: as in see / si : /
2. I as in sit / sIt /
3. e as in ten / ten /
4. æ as in hat / hæt /
5. a: as in arm / a:m /
6. o as in got / got /
7. ɔ: as in saw / sɔ: /
8. ʊ as in put / pʊt /
9. u: as in too / tu: /
b- Diphthongs:-
13. eI as in page / peIdʒ /
Prepared by :
T. Abdulrahman Al-Aslami