One Art by Elizabeth Bishop
One Art by Elizabeth Bishop
One Art by Elizabeth Bishop
Kyla Ann Bayani; Christine Nathalie Gamez, and Maria Francheska Platon.
Batangas State University-The National Engineering University ARASOF Campus
Elizabeth Bishop's poem "One Art" explores the theme of loss and its significance in shaping human
resilience. This study aims to analyze Bishop's language and stylistic choices to better understand the poem's
thematic focus. Employing stylistic analysis, the study discloses how Bishop's word selection contributes to the
exploration of loss and acceptance depicted in the poem. Additionally, the exploration focuses on the
graphological, phonological, syntactic, and semantic elements present in the poem. By examining these levels,
the research reveals the interplay between form and content, sound and meaning, structure and emotion.
Synthesizing insights from these analyses, this study provides a holistic interpretation of Elizabeth Bishop's
"One Art," shedding light on its significance as a reflection on the human experience of loss and the enduring
power of acceptance.
Keywords: Stylistics, graphological level, phonological level, syntactic level, verbal group, lexical
collocation, semantic analysis
"One Art," Bishop's quintessential
1. INTRODUCTION villanelle, talks about how we deal with losing
things. The poem mentions a range of losses, from
Poetry is widely acknowledged as the items like keys and watches to significant aspects
language of the soul, which has a distinct capacity such as cherished possessions and relationships.
to evoke emotions, stimulate reflections, and But through all these losses, the poem shows how
outline human experiences within its verses. Poets, people can cope and keep going, showing how
through their thoroughly selected words, create strong and adaptable we can be when faced with
vivid emotional pictures that deal with life's life's changes.
challenges, as noted by Nair (2023). Elizabeth
Bishop emerges as one of these respected literary In Elizabeth Bishop's "One Art," the
figures, whose works deeply connect with theme of loss and the difficulty of acceptance are
audiences across different generations. Her well- thoroughly examined. Despite its complications,
known poem "One Art" is a touching look at loss, the poem serves as a platform for contemplation
strength, and the fragile skill of accepting things as on sadness and resilience. Readers gain a deep
they are, offering a deep understanding of what it understanding of language and emotions, finding
means to be human. comfort and realizations within Bishop's verses.
[2] Elizabeth Bishop. (2017). Poetry Foundation; The art of losing isn’t hard to master;
Poetry Foundation. so many things seem filled with the intent
bishop to be lost that their loss is no disaster.