Employee Counseling
Employee Counseling
Employee Counseling
According to Willamson the following steps are involved - Counseling is a collaborative effort between
in directive counseling: the counselor and client
- Professional counselors help clients identify
1. Analysis: Collecting a data from a variety of goals and potential solutions to problems
sources by using a variety of tools and which cause emotional turmoil
techniques. The data is needed for an adequate - Seek to improve communication and coping
under starting of the client. skills
2. Synthesis: Summarizing and organizing the data - strengthen self-esteem; and promote
so as to reveal the client’s assets, liabilities, behavior change and optimal mental health.
adjustments, maladjustments.
3. Diagnosis: At this stage we are to find out the What does counseling do for you?
root cause of the problems exhibited by the - Counselling is a type of talking therapy
clients. - counsellor is trained to listen with empathy
4. Prognosis: At this stage we predict the future (by putting themselves in your shoes)
development of the client’s problems. - can help you deal with any negative
thoughts and feelings you have.
2. Non- Directive Counseling
- the client or patient sets the agenda and the Counseling is not
counselor functions as a follower or tracker. - The magic answer to life's problems
- patient expresses themselves on themes - An instant solution is also not found in a
that interest them. counselling programme or session
- counselor observes and strives to create - Counselling is not an advice-giving service
advantageous settings for the client to work
out his issues. The Purpose of Counseling Theory
- client is at the center of this form of
- helps inexperienced counselors by serving as
a “road map.”
- purpose of this counselling is to help the
- Novice counselors can rely on theory to
client gain independence and integration
provide direction and help ensure they will
back into society.
be effective with clients.
- the counselee forms a bond based on mutual
- By utilizing theory, we can draw upon the
trust, acceptance, and understanding.
experiences of others that have gone before
us (Whitehead, 1916).
3. Eclectic Counseling
- mix of the directive and non-directive Why so many approaches?
techniques that are used depending on the
- Allows a counselor to find the technique
they are most comfortable with
- best defined by the counsellor’s freedom
Employee Counseling
- There are many theories as new researches maladaptive thinking and how it may affect
are continually being done their feelings and actions
- Use of structured method to help clients
understand their own belief systems by
A. PSYCHODYNAMIC - Asking clients to record dysfunctional
1. FREUD’S PSYCHOANALYSIS - Using questionnaires to determine
- stressed the importance of inborn drives, maladaptive thinking
particularly sexual, in determining later
personality development Goals of Therapy
- Others who followed him emphasized the - To challenge clients to confront faulty beliefs
importance of the adaptation to the with contradictory evidence that they gather
environment, early relationships between and evaluate.
child and mother - Helping clients seek out their dogmatic
beliefs and vigorously minimize them.
Psychoanalytic Therapy - Goals of Therapy - To become aware of automatic thoughts and
- make the unconscious conscious. to change them.
- reconstruct the basic personality.
- assist clients in reliving earlier experience Treatment Methods:
and working through repressed conflicts. - Relaxation
- achieve intellectual awareness. - Exposure to a feared object
Techniques of Psychoanalytic Therapy - Copying a behavior or role-playing
- interpretation
Goals of Therapy
- dream analysis
- to eliminate maladaptive behaviors and
- free association
learn more effective behaviors.
- analysis of resistance
- focus on factors influencing behavior and
- and analysis of transference
find what can be done about problematic
- Personality of an individuals was formed in
Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy
their early years as a result of relationships
- Focuses on irrational beliefs which
within the family
individuals develop that lead to problems
- Helps individuals to change dysfunctional
related to emotions
- Counselor challenge client’s irrational beliefs
- Teaching and educating individuals and
that lead to reducing anxiety
families about dealing with interpersonal
- Carl Rogers emphasized understanding and
1. CLASSICAL CONDITIONING caring for the client, as opposed to diagnosis,
2. OPERANT CONDITIONING advice, or persuasion
3. COGNITIVE-BEHAVIOR - Therapeutic genuineness, through verbal
THERAPY/OBSERVATIONAL LEARNING and non-verbal behavior, and
- Belief systems and thinking are seen as unconditionally accepting clients for who
important in determining and affecting they are
behavior and feelings
- Aaron Beck- developed an approach which
helps individuals understands their own
Employee Counseling
Goals of Therapy - To seek answers in the past is to deal w/
- To enable clients: what no longer exists;
o to move toward openness, The past is no more,
o greater trust in self, The future is not yet,
o willingness to be a process, Only the now exists.
o and increased spontaneity and
Gestalt Therapy
To Fritz Perls:
- The 'client's conditions’
“To me, nothing exists except THE NOW:
o Empathy
Now = experience = awareness = reality
o Congruence
- During the counseling session, the client is
o Unconditional Positive Regard
required to repeat: “Now I am aware....”
Reality Therapy
- philosophical approach to people and
- Reality therapists assume that individuals
problems relating to being human or
are responsible for their own lives and for
taking control over what they do, feel, and
- Existential psychotherapy deals with life
themes rather than techniques
- uses a specific process to change behavior;
- Themes include:
o living and dying,
Goals of Therapy
o prisoner of own self and freedom,
- To help people become more effective in
o responsibility to self and others,
meeting their needs.
o finding meaning in life,
- enable clients to get reconnected with the
o and dealing w/ a sense of
people they have chosen to put into their
quality worlds and teach clients choice
Goals of Therapy theory.
- help people see that they are free and
Constructivist Approaches
become aware of their possibilities.
- Constructivist approaches attend to the
- To challenge them to recognize that they are
client’s way of viewing problems and
responsible for events that they formerly
thought were happening to them.
- There are two types of constructivists
- To identify factors that block freedom.
approaches: solution – focused therapy and
narrative therapy;
- Neither therapy uses a theory of
development or personality to deal with the
- Helps the individual to become more aware
clients’ problems;
of self and others;
- the client who presents an issue needing a
- Emphasis is on both bodily and psychological
solution, and the counselor that
concentrates on solutions to the problem;
- Solution – focused therapy finds new
- immediate awareness of emotion and action
solutions to a problem; it does not focus on
- “Being in touch” w/ one’s feelings replace
the origin of the problem;
the search for the origins of the behavior