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Kerala PSC Mechanic Exam Previous Paper

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Maximum : 100 marks

Time : I hour and 15 minutes

1. A cycle consists of two isothermal and two isentropic processes is known as :

(A) Otto cycle (B) Joule cycle

(C) Stirling cycle (D) 'Carnot cycle
L In an isometric projection the radius of a sphere it is equal to :

(A) 0.82 R (B) R

(c) L.22R (D) 2R
at. The function of steam nozzle is to conveit :

(A) heat energy steam into kinetic energy

(B) heat energy steam into rotational energy
(C) kinetic energy into heat energy of steam
(D) heat energy steam into pressure energy

4. Dryness fraction is the ratio of :

(A) mass of dry steam to the mass of water vapour in suspension
(B) mass of water vapour in suspension to the mass of water vapour and mass of dry
(C) mass of dry steam to the mass of dry steam and mass of water vapour in
(D) mass of water vapour in suspension to the mass of dry steam

o. If the thermal efficiency of Carnot heat engine is 50 percent, then coefficient of performance
of a refrigerator working within the same temperature limit would be :
(A) 1 (B)2
(c) 3 @)4
6. During throttling process :
(A) internal energy does noi change (B) pressure does not change
(C) volume does not change (D) enthalpy does not change

1 Which one of the foilowing parameter is significant to ascertain chemical equilibrium of a

(A) Clapeyron of equation (B) Maxwell relation
(c) Gibb's function (D) Helmholtz function

A 3
cast iron usuallv varies
'l'he ptrrcontage of yt^bonin

(() 1.5 to Q2-.:1!

rAi 0 1 tn
2'5elo ap) 2.s to 8.5%

of carbon in:
9. Martensite is a supersaturated solution
(A) Alpha iron (B) Beta iron
(O Gamma iron (D) Delta iron
10.- Dislocation in materials is a
(A) Point (B) Line

(C) Plane P) Volumetric

0 15 to 0.3 m. The ratio of the new discharge
11. The head over a 90o V-notch increases from
the original discharge is :
(A) r.414
(B) 2.25
(c) 4.oo
(D) 5.657

so long as :
12. A floating body will remain in stable equilibrium
(A) the metacentre M lies below the centre of gravity
(B) the metacentre M lies above the centre of gravity
(O the metacentre antl centre of gravity remain at the same position
(D) None of these

13. Thenominajthicknessofboundarylayerrepresentsthedistancefromthesurfacetoapoint
where :

(A) the flow ceases to he laminar

(B) velocity is 99 percent of its asymptotic limit
(C) the shear stress becomes maximum
(D) the flow behaves as ifit were rotational
14. A pitot-tube is an instrument for measuring :

(A) Pressure of flow (B) discharge of fluid

(C) velocitY of flow (D) total energY

pump is to be evaluated' The

15. The specific speed Iy's = (1"6)l At'i for a double suction
discharge would be taken :
(A) half the actual discharge (B) actual discharge
(C) double the actual discharge (D) square of the actual discharge

16' If two pumps identical in all respects and each capable of delivering a discharge
head H are connected in series, the resulting discharge rs :
e against a
(A) 2Q against a head 2H (B) 2Q against a head H
(C) Q against a head 2H (D) Q against a head H.

17. The power obtained from an impulse turbine is proportional to the number of nozzles
A peltorr turbine with six nozzles has a specific speerl of 8. r. The specific p* nozzle is :
(A) 1.35 (B) 2
(c) 3.3 (D) 8.1

18. During idling of a petrol engine requires :

(A) chemically correct mixture (B) variable mixture

(C) lean mixture (D) rich mixture

19. In investment castirrg the pattern :

(A) is made of wax
(B) is made of plastic
(C) is always made of the material to be cast
(D) is not used
20. In the Orsat apparatus KOH solution is used to absorb :
(A) carbon monoxide (B) carbon dioxide
(C) oxygen (D) none of the abovo
21. For the same compression ratio :
(A) thermal efficiency ofotto cycle is greater than that of diesel cycle
@) thermal efficiency of otto cycie is less than that of diesel cycle
(C) thermal efficiency of otto cycle is same as that for a diesel cycle
(D) thermal efficiency of diesel cycle cannot be predicted
The knocking in SI engine gets reduced :
(A) by increasing the compression ratio
(B) by retarding the spark advance
(C) by increasing the inlet air temperature
@) by increasing the cooling water temperature

23. Where is the Hook's joint used in an automobiie?

(A) between gearbox and propeller shaft
(B) between fl1'wheel and clutch
(C) between differential gear and wheel
(D) between clutch and gear box
A 5 r4712015
with n as index of compression :
24. Work input to the ait compressor waluc of n
\A) w!!h ir1crsasc in
(B) decrease with increase in value of n
(C) remains same whatever the value of n
(D) first increases and then decreases with value of 4

I tonne of refrigeration is equivalent to:

(A) 336 kJ/min (B) 210 kJ/min
(C) 1400 kJ/min (D) 540 kJ/min

The thermal conductivity is expressed as :

(A) WmK (B) Wm'zK

(c) WhmK (D) Wih'zmzK

27. In SI engines which one of the following is the correct order of the fuels with increasing
detonatiolr tenilency :

(A) Paraffins, Olefins, Naphthenes, Aromatics

(B) Aromatics, Naphthenes, Paraffins, Olefins
(C) Naphthenes, Olefins, Aromati0s, Paraffins
@) Aromatics, Napthenes, Olefins, Paraffins
28. The Nusselt number in natural convection is a function of Prandtl number and :

(A) Stanton number (B) Biot number

(C) Reynolds number (D) Grashoff number

29. Which of the following properties of a refrigerant is undesirable?

(A) high critical temperature (B) low specific heat of liquid
(C) low specific volume vapour (D) high boiling point

30. The emissiviw of a body is equal to absorptivity when the body remains in thermal
equilibrium. This law refers to as :

(A) Planck's law (B) Lambert's law

(C) Kirchoffs law @) Wien's displacement law

31. In a vapour compression cycle the condition of refrigerant is saturated liquid :

(A) before entering the compressor

(B) before passing through the cond.enser
(C) after passing through the condenser
(D) after passing through the expansion valve
147t20r5 A

32. Which of the following processes is generaly uged in winter air conditioning?
(A) dehumidification (B) humidification
(C) cooling and dehumifification (D) heating and humidification

33. Upto critical radius of insulation the heat flow :

(A) decreases
(B) increases
(C) heat flux decreases
(D) conveition heat loss is less than conduction heat loss

34. As relative humiditv decreases the dew point will be wet bulb temperature.
(A) higher than (B) equal to
(C) Iower than (D) none of the above
35. A two stroke engine has a speed of 750 rpm. A four stroke engine having an identical cylinder
size running at 1500 rpm. The theoretical output of the two stroke engine will be :
(A) twice that ofthe four stroke engine
- (B) half that of the four stroke engine
(C) the same as that ofthe four stroke engine
(D) depend upon whether it is a CI or SI engine
36. The main reason for adopting the axial flow compressors instead of centrifugal compressors
in aircraft turbine is that :
(A) starting torque for axial flow compressor is high
@) the frontal area of axial flow compressor is considerably less
(C) the efficiency of middle speed range is higher
(D) pressure ratio per stage is high
37. Morse test measures the indicated power of:
(A) SI engine (B) CI engine
' (C) Steam engines (D) Steam turbine

38. Which one of the fbliowing is a lower pair?

(A) cam and follower (B) toothed gearing
(C) shaft in a bearing (D) ball a"d race in bearing

39. Coriolib component of acceleration is present exists whehever a point moves along a path that
(A) tangential acceleration (B) centripetal acceleration
(C) Iinear motion (D) rotational motion

A 14712015

40. The speed of an engine is seen to fluctuate Continuously above and below mean speed. The
governor is said to be :
(A) isochronous (B) hunting
(C) over sensitive @) unstable

41. Which motor will be suitable for traction?

(A) DC series motor @) DC shunt constant speed
(C) DC shunt adjustable speed (D) compound motor

42. When two Bpur gears having involute profiles on their tooth engage the line of action is
tangential to :
(A) pitch circle (B) dedendum circle
(C) addendum circle (D) base circle

43. Crowning of pulleys is generally done :

(A) to reduce the belt fiction

(B) to dissipate the heat generated due to friction
(C) to perfect the belt joint so that it may not break while running
@) to prevent the belt from running of the pulley

44. A simply supported beam of span 10 m carrying a load of 500 N at the midspan wiII have a
maximum bending moment of :
(A) 500 Nn (B) 1250 Nm
(C) 2500 Nm (D) b000 Nm

45. The diameter of shaft is increased from 50 mm to 100 mm all other conditions remaining
unchanged. How many times the torque carrying capacity increases?
(A) 2 times CB) 4 times
(C) 8 timee (D) 16 timeg

46. If a compression coil spring of stiffness 10 N/m is cut into two equal parts and the used in
parallel the equivalent epring stiffness will be :
(A) 10 N/m (B) 20 N/m
(C) 40 N/m (D) 80 N/m

47. A differential gear in an automobile is :

(A) simple gear train (B) epicyclic gear train

(C) compound gear train @) none of these

147t2015 .A

48. The engine of an aeroplane rotates in clockwise direction when seen from the tail end and the
aeroplane takes turn to left. The effect of gyroscopic couple on the aeroplane wiII be :
(A) to raise the nose and dip the tail (B) to dip the nose and raise the tail
(C) to raise the nose and tail (D) to dip the nose and tail

49. In a locomotive the ratio of the connecting rod length to crank radius is kept large in order to :
(A) minimise the effect of primary force (B) minimise the effect of secondarv force
(C) have perfect balancing (D) start the locomotive quickly
50. In order to facilitate the starting of locomotive in any position, the crank of a locomotive with
two cylinders are placed :
(A) 45" (P) e0"
(c) r20" (D) r80'
51. The ratio of maximum displacement of the forced vibration to the deflection due to static
force is known as :
(A) damping factor (B) damping coefficient
(C) logarithmicdecrement (D) magnificationfactor
A mild steel rod having 50 mm diameter and 500 mm length is to be turned on a lathe.
Determine the machining lime to reduce the rod to 45 mm in one pass when cutting speed is
30 m/min and a feed of 0.7 mm/rev is used :
(A) 1.74 min (B) 2.74 min
(C) 3.74 min (D) 4.74 min
53. For producing more accurate holes, the sequence ofoperations to be followed is :
(A) centering, drilling, boring, reaming (B) centering. boring, drilling, reaming
(C) drilling, centering, boring, reaming (D) drilling, reaming, boring, centenng
54. The main purpose of chaplets used in foundary practice are :
(A) to provide efficient venting (B) to ensure directional solidification
(C) to suppoit the core (D) to align the mould boxes
55. In oxy-acetylene gas welding the volume of oxygen required per unit volume of acetylene :

(A) I (B) 1.5

(c) 2 (D) 2.5

56. Tempering ofhardened steel is done to increase its :

(A) grain size (B) surface coridition
(C) ductility (D) carbon content

A t47t20L5

57. The angle which is found between the face of the cutting tool and the normal to the machined
surface at the cutting edge is called :
(A) rake angle (B) relief angle
(C) clearance angle @) cutting .angle

58. The hardness with which the bond holds the cutting points or abrasives in place defined by
the term :
(A) structure (B) grit size
(C) grain size (D) grade

59. Which of the following is not a part of Capstan lathe?

(A) chuck (B) tailstock
(C) spindle (D) tool post
60. The gears manufactured on generating principle.in :

(A) hobbing (B) milling

(C) .broaching (D) shaping

61. Quick returning mechanism is used in :

(A) milling mAchine (B) broaching machine

(C) slotting machine (D) lathe machine

62. During ultrasonic machining the metal removal is achieved by :

(A) high frequency eddy currents

(B) high frequency sound waves
(C) hammering action of abrasive particles
(D) rubbing action between tool and work piece
63. According to Indian standard specifications the total.number of designated grades of
fundamental tolerances are :
(A) 18 (B) 27
(c) 24 (D) 28

64. In a metric thread designated by Ml2 x 1.5 specify that the thread has :
(A) cross sectional area 12 mm2 and depth 1.5
(B) nominal diameter 12 mrn and pitch 1.5
(C) nominal diameter 12 mm and number of threads per mm is 1.5
(D) Pitch 1.5 and depth 12 mm
l47l2tl5 10 A

65. In a steam engine the joint to be used for connecting the piston rod and cross-head is :

(A) knuclejoint (B) cotter joint

(C) oidham's coupling (D) bblted joint '

66. Creep iri a belt drive is due to :

(A) improper crowning

(B) plasticity of belt material
(C) differential elongation of belt due to difference in tension on two sides of the
(D) Change in the coefEcient of friction due to over heating

67. Annual demand for a product costing Rs. 100 is 400. Ordering cost per order is Rs. 100 and
carrying cost is Rs. 2 per unit per year. The economic lot size is then :
(A) 200 (B) 300
(c) 400 (D) 500

68. CPM and PERT techniques are used for :

(A) Iayout planning (D financial management

(C) executing a new project (D) increasing productivity

69. ABC analysis in materials management is a method of classifuing the inventories based on :

(A) the value of annual usage item G) economic order quantity

(C) volume of material consumption (D) quantity of material used
70. Break even.point is the point where :
(A) fixed and variable cost line will intersect
@) variable and total cost lines intersect
(O total cost and fixed cost lines intersect
(D) total cost and sales revenue lines intersect
71. The core product model required for any CAD/CAM system :
(A) Data model (B) Solid model
(C) Prototype (D) Geometric model
72. Group technology is suitable for production of.:
(A) medjum range variety and high range quality
(B) high range variety and hilh range quantiff
(C) medium range variety and rnedium range quantity
(D) low range variety and low range quality

.A 11 L47|2015

73. In FMS the tools are identified by means of :
. (A) colour code G) bar code
(C) PLC (D) itisital coate

?4. Just in time manufacturing philosophy emphasizes on :

(A) man power (B) manufacturing
(C) profit (D) inventory

75. Ajoint sector undertaking :

(A) is jointly owned by several share holders

(B) is jointly owned by private parties and government
(C) is jointly managed by two directors
@ is jointly owned by state and central governments
76. C-charts are the best example of :
(A) Binomial distribution (B) poisson distribution
(C) Normal distribution (D) None of these

77. Cellular manufacturing system is designed on the basis of:

(C) cT (D) Layout
78. In linear programming the shadow prices are :
(A) the values assigned to one unit of capacity
(B) maximum cost per item
(C) cost of bought out items
@) cost of items manufactured in the plant
79. A feeler gauge ie used to check :
(A) pitch ofgears (B) shape ofscrew threads
(c) bore of discs and pulleys (D) thickness ofa crearance

80. The relation between tool life (?) and cutting speed (Iz) is expressed
as :
(A) w"=c G) V+nT=C
(C) T+nV = 1}) W" =C
81' which amendment of the constitution lowering the voting age from 2r to
(A) 73 (B) 62
(c) 64 Gj) 61

82. The power to create new state or alter the boundaries of existing state vested upon
(A) Supreme Court (B) Prime Minister
(C) Parliament (D) State legisiatuie

83. The constitution prescdbe the age qualification for being appointed as Governor of the state :

(A) 25 years (B) 35 years

(C) 45 years (D) 40 years

84. Which article of the provides the right to protection against arrest and
' (A) Article 21 (B) Article 19
(C) Articie 20 (D) Article 22

85. The chief legal advicer of the President of India

(A) Comptroller and Auditor General (B) Chief Justice of Supreme Court
(C) Attorney General (D) Division bench of Supreme Court

Sarkaria commission related to :

(A) Minorities rights (B) River water and Border disputes

(C) Backward class commission (D) Centre State relations

87. In 1975 the National Emergency Declaration signed by:

(A) V.V. Giri (B) Neelam Sanjeev Reddy
(C) ZakiHuzzain (D) Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed
88. Modern states are called "Prot'essional States" called bv :

(A) Norman D Palmer (B) Rajani Kothari

(C) S.L. Sikri (D) Frederic C. Mosher

89. Write the odd one :

t! (A) A.B. Vajpayee (B) Rajeev Gandhi
(C) ManMohan Singh (D) Jawaharlal Nehru

90. The youngest person who became the Chief Minister of the State :

(A) Omar Abdulla (B) Akhilesh Yadav

(C) Praphulla Mahanta (D) Aravind Khejriwal

A 13 t47t20r5

91. Operation Protective Edge is associated with :

(A) Egypt (B) Israel

(C) Kuwait (D) Afghanistan

92. Bachpan Bachchavo Andolan is founded by:

(A) Vinobabave (B) Baba Amte
(C) Kailesh Satyarthi (D) Aravind Khejriwal

93. Malayali poet known as 'Singing Sword of Kerala' is :

(A) T.S. Tirumumpu (B) Changampuzha

(C) Kumaranasan (D) Vailoppalli

94. The ruler of Travancore who abolished 'shucheendram Kaimukku' :

(A) Swati Tirunal (B) Utram Tirunal
(C) Sree Moolam Tirunal (D) Sree Visakham Tirunal
95. 'Jeevitha Samaram'is the autobiography of:
(A) EMS Namboothirippadu (B) C. Kesavan
(C) A.K. Gopalan (D) V.T. Bhattathirippad

96. Who was the internai Minister of Kerala in lg5??

(A) EMS Namboothirippadu (B) T.V. Thomas
(C) V.R. Krishnaiyyer (D) K.R. Gouri

97. The real name of Vagvadananta was:

(A) Kurihiraman CB) Kunhikannan
(C) Damodaran (D) BaIa Krishnan

98. The editor of the journai 'Mitavadi' was :

(A) Ramakrishnappilla (B) Vakkam Abdul Khader

(C) C. Krishnan (D) T.K. Madhavan

99. Who founded'Kochi Pulaya Mahasabha'?

(A) K.P.Karuppan (B) Aryankali
(C) Sahodaran Ayyappan (D) None ofthese

100. 'Aruvippuram Pratishta'was conducted in the year:

(A) 1878 (B) 1887
(c) 18e8 (D) 1787

t47t20t5 t4 A


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