Kerala PSC Mechanic Exam Previous Paper
Kerala PSC Mechanic Exam Previous Paper
Kerala PSC Mechanic Exam Previous Paper
o. If the thermal efficiency of Carnot heat engine is 50 percent, then coefficient of performance
of a refrigerator working within the same temperature limit would be :
(A) 1 (B)2
(c) 3 @)4
6. During throttling process :
(A) internal energy does noi change (B) pressure does not change
(C) volume does not change (D) enthalpy does not change
A 3
cast iron usuallv varies
'l'he ptrrcontage of yt^bonin
of carbon in:
9. Martensite is a supersaturated solution
(A) Alpha iron (B) Beta iron
(O Gamma iron (D) Delta iron
10.- Dislocation in materials is a
(A) Point (B) Line
0 15 to 0.3 m. The ratio of the new discharge
11. The head over a 90o V-notch increases from
the original discharge is :
(A) r.414
(B) 2.25
(c) 4.oo
(D) 5.657
so long as :
12. A floating body will remain in stable equilibrium
(A) the metacentre M lies below the centre of gravity
(B) the metacentre M lies above the centre of gravity
(O the metacentre antl centre of gravity remain at the same position
(D) None of these
13. Thenominajthicknessofboundarylayerrepresentsthedistancefromthesurfacetoapoint
where :
16' If two pumps identical in all respects and each capable of delivering a discharge
head H are connected in series, the resulting discharge rs :
e against a
(A) 2Q against a head 2H (B) 2Q against a head H
(C) Q against a head 2H (D) Q against a head H.
17. The power obtained from an impulse turbine is proportional to the number of nozzles
A peltorr turbine with six nozzles has a specific speerl of 8. r. The specific p* nozzle is :
(A) 1.35 (B) 2
(c) 3.3 (D) 8.1
27. In SI engines which one of the following is the correct order of the fuels with increasing
detonatiolr tenilency :
30. The emissiviw of a body is equal to absorptivity when the body remains in thermal
equilibrium. This law refers to as :
32. Which of the following processes is generaly uged in winter air conditioning?
(A) dehumidification (B) humidification
(C) cooling and dehumifification (D) heating and humidification
(A) decreases
(B) increases
(C) heat flux decreases
(D) conveition heat loss is less than conduction heat loss
34. As relative humiditv decreases the dew point will be wet bulb temperature.
(A) higher than (B) equal to
(C) Iower than (D) none of the above
35. A two stroke engine has a speed of 750 rpm. A four stroke engine having an identical cylinder
size running at 1500 rpm. The theoretical output of the two stroke engine will be :
(A) twice that ofthe four stroke engine
- (B) half that of the four stroke engine
(C) the same as that ofthe four stroke engine
(D) depend upon whether it is a CI or SI engine
36. The main reason for adopting the axial flow compressors instead of centrifugal compressors
in aircraft turbine is that :
(A) starting torque for axial flow compressor is high
@) the frontal area of axial flow compressor is considerably less
(C) the efficiency of middle speed range is higher
(D) pressure ratio per stage is high
37. Morse test measures the indicated power of:
(A) SI engine (B) CI engine
' (C) Steam engines (D) Steam turbine
39. Coriolib component of acceleration is present exists whehever a point moves along a path that
(A) tangential acceleration (B) centripetal acceleration
(C) Iinear motion (D) rotational motion
A 14712015
40. The speed of an engine is seen to fluctuate Continuously above and below mean speed. The
governor is said to be :
(A) isochronous (B) hunting
(C) over sensitive @) unstable
42. When two Bpur gears having involute profiles on their tooth engage the line of action is
tangential to :
(A) pitch circle (B) dedendum circle
(C) addendum circle (D) base circle
44. A simply supported beam of span 10 m carrying a load of 500 N at the midspan wiII have a
maximum bending moment of :
(A) 500 Nn (B) 1250 Nm
(C) 2500 Nm (D) b000 Nm
45. The diameter of shaft is increased from 50 mm to 100 mm all other conditions remaining
unchanged. How many times the torque carrying capacity increases?
(A) 2 times CB) 4 times
(C) 8 timee (D) 16 timeg
46. If a compression coil spring of stiffness 10 N/m is cut into two equal parts and the used in
parallel the equivalent epring stiffness will be :
(A) 10 N/m (B) 20 N/m
(C) 40 N/m (D) 80 N/m
147t2015 .A
48. The engine of an aeroplane rotates in clockwise direction when seen from the tail end and the
aeroplane takes turn to left. The effect of gyroscopic couple on the aeroplane wiII be :
(A) to raise the nose and dip the tail (B) to dip the nose and raise the tail
(C) to raise the nose and tail (D) to dip the nose and tail
49. In a locomotive the ratio of the connecting rod length to crank radius is kept large in order to :
(A) minimise the effect of primary force (B) minimise the effect of secondarv force
(C) have perfect balancing (D) start the locomotive quickly
50. In order to facilitate the starting of locomotive in any position, the crank of a locomotive with
two cylinders are placed :
(A) 45" (P) e0"
(c) r20" (D) r80'
51. The ratio of maximum displacement of the forced vibration to the deflection due to static
force is known as :
(A) damping factor (B) damping coefficient
(C) logarithmicdecrement (D) magnificationfactor
A mild steel rod having 50 mm diameter and 500 mm length is to be turned on a lathe.
Determine the machining lime to reduce the rod to 45 mm in one pass when cutting speed is
30 m/min and a feed of 0.7 mm/rev is used :
(A) 1.74 min (B) 2.74 min
(C) 3.74 min (D) 4.74 min
53. For producing more accurate holes, the sequence ofoperations to be followed is :
(A) centering, drilling, boring, reaming (B) centering. boring, drilling, reaming
(C) drilling, centering, boring, reaming (D) drilling, reaming, boring, centenng
54. The main purpose of chaplets used in foundary practice are :
(A) to provide efficient venting (B) to ensure directional solidification
(C) to suppoit the core (D) to align the mould boxes
55. In oxy-acetylene gas welding the volume of oxygen required per unit volume of acetylene :
A t47t20L5
57. The angle which is found between the face of the cutting tool and the normal to the machined
surface at the cutting edge is called :
(A) rake angle (B) relief angle
(C) clearance angle @) cutting .angle
58. The hardness with which the bond holds the cutting points or abrasives in place defined by
the term :
(A) structure (B) grit size
(C) grain size (D) grade
64. In a metric thread designated by Ml2 x 1.5 specify that the thread has :
(A) cross sectional area 12 mm2 and depth 1.5
(B) nominal diameter 12 mrn and pitch 1.5
(C) nominal diameter 12 mm and number of threads per mm is 1.5
(D) Pitch 1.5 and depth 12 mm
l47l2tl5 10 A
65. In a steam engine the joint to be used for connecting the piston rod and cross-head is :
67. Annual demand for a product costing Rs. 100 is 400. Ordering cost per order is Rs. 100 and
carrying cost is Rs. 2 per unit per year. The economic lot size is then :
(A) 200 (B) 300
(c) 400 (D) 500
69. ABC analysis in materials management is a method of classifuing the inventories based on :
.A 11 L47|2015
73. In FMS the tools are identified by means of :
. (A) colour code G) bar code
(C) PLC (D) itisital coate
80. The relation between tool life (?) and cutting speed (Iz) is expressed
as :
(A) w"=c G) V+nT=C
(C) T+nV = 1}) W" =C
81' which amendment of the constitution lowering the voting age from 2r to
(A) 73 (B) 62
(c) 64 Gj) 61
82. The power to create new state or alter the boundaries of existing state vested upon
(A) Supreme Court (B) Prime Minister
(C) Parliament (D) State legisiatuie
83. The constitution prescdbe the age qualification for being appointed as Governor of the state :
84. Which article of the provides the right to protection against arrest and
' (A) Article 21 (B) Article 19
(C) Articie 20 (D) Article 22
90. The youngest person who became the Chief Minister of the State :
A 13 t47t20r5
91. Operation Protective Edge is associated with :
t47t20t5 t4 A