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FEEDBACK Refers to the grammatical

a. To Name rules and conventions
1. Noun MISTAKE – mistakes they used in the written
2. Pronoun can correct themselves. language.
b. To Describe ERROR – mistakes which
1. Adjective students can not correct – Often requires greater
2. Adverb themselves and therefore attention to details and
c. To Connect need an explanation. clarity.
1. Conjunction –
2. Preposition – in, on confirms a student’s Involves Reduction and
d. To show action, strong response correctness. Increased dependency
feelings/state of being Negative Feedback (error a. Phonetic Erosion –focus
1. Verb correction) – corrects the about the sounds of words
2. Interjection faulty language behavior changing overtime.
GRAMMAR of students.
INDIRECT/IMPILICIT Example: Going to –
• Set of rules that explains Gonna
how words are used in a STRATEGIES
language through both 1. Recast Student: DEMONSTRATIVE : I saw
writing and speaking Yesterday I go shopping. that, he went there.
Teacher: Oh yesterday I COMPLIMENTARY : I saw
also went shopping. that he went there.
1. Functional Grammar –
used for oral and written 2. Clarification: Excuse b. Phonological Reduction
social function. me? – focus about structure of
2. Descriptive Grammar– a word or phrase
layout the grammatical
elements and rules of a
language as it is usually 1. Correct answer GRAMMAR
used. feedback 1. Diagramming Sentences
- Visualizing how to fit
3. Prescriptive Grammar – 2. Guided feedback – together the different
set of rules about elicitation technique. parts of a sentence.
language based on how BASIC RULES:
people think language GRAMMAR – systems of
should be. rules consisting the 1. Identify the sentence
phonology, semantics, and elements.
4. Pedagogical Grammar – pragmatics.
a description of how to 2. Place the subject, verb,
use the grammar of a Lasser Freeman (2001) – and direct object together
language to communicate, Grammar should be seen then underlinethem.
for people wanting to as skill than purely
competence. 3. Separate the subject
learn the target language.
GRAMMARING - Fifth skill from the verb w/ a vertical
Jeffey Gitomer – your of macro skill (Lasser- line that crosses the
grammar is a reflection of Freeman) underline.
your images. Good or bad
- Process of applying 4. Separate the direct
you have made
grammatical rules object from verb w/ a
impression. And like all
SPOKEN GRAMMAR– vertical line that does not
impressions, you are in
refers to the grammatical cross the underline.
rules and conventions 5. Keep adjectives and
Becoming simpler. used in spoken language.– articles with noun they
Often more informal and modify and place them on
Example: because – cuz
allows for greater separate diagonal lines
Okay – ok
flexibility. touching the word they
modify. issues in teaching Professional
2. Inductive- retention of grammar Development- providing
grammar concepts, with workshops and resources
teachers using techniques 1. Balancing form and for teachers to improve
that are known to word function their grammar instruction
cognitively and make an -right balance between techniques
impression on students' teaching the form (rules MODES OF TEACHING
contextual memory. and structures) of GRAMMAR

Deductive- focuses on grammar and the function Linguistic mode- help

instruction before practice (how grammar is used in students learn and
communication). understand the rules,
4.Interactive teaching 2. Scaffolding Learning structures, and functions
- incorporating some - progressing from simple of language.
games and engaging to complex grammar 1. Auditory mode –
activities. concepts strategies include listening
to spoken language
5. Functional-notional 3. Handling Learner Errors 2. Visual Mode –
approach- often choose a -Addressing learner errors strategies include using
real-world situation as effectively without charts, diagrams,
their "notion," and choose discouraging students infographics, and written
corresponding functions from using the language. example.
to teach to prepare 4. Teaching Grammar in 3. Tactile/Kinesthetic
students to communicate context- integrating Mode – learning through
in that situation in the grammar lessons into physical engagement and
lesson meaningful contexts to hands-on-activities.
make learning more Ex. Using body movement
7. Situational context- engaging and relevant to demonstrate word
general knowledge that a
4. Verbal mode – learning
person has of the world. 5. Differentiated
through discussion,
8. Using texts, stories, explanation, and verbal
6. Motivating students
songs and rhymes- Gap sentence translation.
fills or close texts, Focus 7. Formative vs ex. Group discussion,
questions, True-false Summative Assessment - debates
statements, Put these formative assessment (to
5. Interactive Mode –
lines into the correct monitor progress) and
encourages learners to
sequence, Dictation, Add a summative assessment (to
actively engage with
final verse, Circle the evaluate overall
others to practice and
antonyms/synonyms of understanding)
apply grammar.
the given words, Discuss 8. Technology Integration
9. Cultural Sensitivity- use Ex. Group activities, role
9. PPP appropriate words for play
Presentation- building a each students.
10.Incorporating 6. Written Mode –
situation that requires a
Authentic Materials- use learning through written
natural and logical use of a
of songs, poems and materials, exercises, and
new language. Practice-
newspaper to teach text-based learning. Ex.
testing the procedure so
grammar Journaling, grammar
students can be familiar
11. Teaching worksheets
with the language.
Metaawareness- ability to 7. Comparative Mode –
Production-"learners" to
reflect on and analyze involves comparing
becoming "users" of the
language. (Compare grammar of the target
language. (Application)
sentence structure in their language to the learners
PEDAGOGICAL ISSUES IN native language to the native language
TEACHING GRAMMAR- target language)
12. Teacher Training and
Ex. Pointing out 7. Dialogue practice-
similarities and differences integrate dialogues and
conversations between
8. Contextual Mode – characters in the story
through context and real- 8. Grammar Focus- choose
world situation specific grammar points to
Ex. Using authentic emphasize in the story
materials like text, news 9. Creative expression-
article encourage students to
9. Mnemonic – memory create their own stories
auds and mnemonic using the grammar they
devices to remember have learned
grammar rules.

10. Problem Solving Mode

–through solving puzzles
and grammatical

Story Reading Mode –

story as a vehicle for
teaching grammar rules
and concepts.

1. Contextual learning-
provide meaningful
context in which grammar
structures naturally occur.
2. Engagement- motivates
students to actively
3. Immerse learning-
students are more likely to
absorb grammar
structures subconsciously
4. Visualization-
encourages mental
imagery, which can help
students visualize the
context and meaning of
grammar rules
5. Repetition and
Reinforcement- repeated
exposure to target
grammar points helps
6. Interactive elements-
ask questions, pause for
responses, and involve
students in discussions
related to the narrative

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