TITLE OF COURSES CREDITS PR HEAD MAX. MIN. OBT. MAX OBT JAVA PROGRAMMING TH ESE 070 028 064 100 093 7 PA 030 000 029 PR ESE 050 020 042 100 090 PA 050 020 048 SOFTWARE ENGINEERING TH ESE 070 028 054 100 083 5 PA 030 000 029 PR ESE 025 010 024 050 048 PA 025 010 024 DATA COMMUNICATION AND COMPUTER NETWORK TH ESE 070 028 055 100 084 6 PA 030 000 029 PR ESE 025 010 024 050 048 PA 025 010 024 MICROPROCESSORS TH ESE 070 028 062 100 090 6 PA 030 000 028 PR ESE 025 010 024 050 047 PA 025 010 023 GUI APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT USING VB.NET PR ESE 050 020 047 100 096 6 PA 050 020 049
DATE : This Marksheet is Downloaded from Internet TOTAL CREDIT MARKS OBTAINED % 29/06/2024 SECRETARY 750 679 90.53 30 4/1953/CO4I MAHARASHTRA STATE BOARD OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION FIRST CLASS DIST. INSTRUCTIONS 1.Report Discrepancy in this certificate 2.This certificate of marks is issued as per prevaling rules and regulations of MSBTE at the time of this exam. to Head of the institution. 3.Eligibility for III semester is based on total 4.Candidate is eligible for admission to V/VII Semester only if he/she is fully passed in I & II /III & IV semesters & number of failure subjects in I & II availed benefit of A.T.K.T/PASS at III & IV /V & VI semesters taken together respectively. semesters taken together. 5.Class awarded for Diploma is based on aggregate marks obtained in pre-final & final semester. ABBREVATION DETAILS TH - Theory TW - Team Work AB - Absent % - Percentage of Marks WFLY - Result Withheld Due to Pending TM - Theory Test Marks PJ - Project Work EX - Exemption Lower Year PR - Practical SW - Sessional OTP - Optional PA - Progressive Assessment IT - Industrial PM - Practical Test Marks LSP - Lower Semester Pending CON - Condoned Training @ - Condoned AG - Aggregate PLY - Pending Lower Year FT - Failure But Allowed ToKeep Term Marks WFLS - Result Withheld Due To Pending AP - Additional Practical * - Failure Marks A.T.K.T - Allowed to Keep Term Lower Semester # - Carry Forward OR - Oral DIST - Distinction ESE - End Semester Exam Marks Ref:Formerly known as The board of Technical Examinations Maharashtra State of Technical Education Act 1997(Mah XXXVIII of 1997) and Maharashtra Government Gazette Notification Section IV-B issued on march 31,1999(-172/16/200/20-04:07:2007 12:00:28) Url:-https://www.msbte.org.in Result Declared On 29/06/2024 E & OE