Binary Phase FHDiagrams
Binary Phase FHDiagrams
Binary Phase FHDiagrams
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ABSTRACT The miscibility behavior of three binary mixtures, solvent with solvent, polymer with solvent,
and polymer with polymer, was studied by use of a combinationof the Flory-Huggins theory and molecular
simulation techniques. Fundamental parameters in the Flory-Huggins theory, including the heat of mixing
associatedwith pairwise interactions(Aw12)and the number of possible interactionpartners, i.e., coordination
number, z, are calculated from molecular simulations. The pair energies ( ~ 1 1 ,w22, ~ 1 2 )are obtained by
averaging a large number of c o n f i a t i o n sgenerated by a Monte Carlo approach which includes the constraints
associated with excluded volume. The temperature dependence of the interaction parameter x is obtained
with the formalism developed in this study. In all cases, the calculated upper critical solution temperatures
compare favorably with experimental values. This approach provides an opportunity to test the Flory-
Huggins theory for a number of model binary systems and to characterize their miscibility behavior. This
combined approach also facilitatesstudy of the thermodynamicbehavior of a binary mixture without possessing
specific knowledge or experimental data of the system under investigation.
2 7 7 2
step 2 step 3
cos 8 = l-2(rand2)
y = h(rand3) (5)
-I 0 I
Figure 5. Calculation of translation vector m (n is determined
in step 4) for a two-atom system: (a) Geometric relationship
between different positions before and after the translation. The
large sphere (i) represents the fixed atom and the small sphere
(j)represents the movable atom. The shaded sphere is the
position of j after the translation. (b) Two possible solutions for
the translation vector rn, r+n and r-n, and two corresponding
new positions of atom j, j + and j-.
two atoms, located near the origin, overlap. The positions
of the two atoms are defined by vectors ri and rj,
respectively. Suppose atom j is moved in the n direction
(chosen in step 4) to avoid any overlap between the two;
the new position of atom j, represented by the shaded
sphere, is at the distance determined by vector rn. The
geometric relationships between vectors defined in Figure
5a yield the equations
rij= rj - r,
rn + rij= R
uniformity of the distribution of these vectors in all r* = -(rij-n)f [(rij.nl2- lrii12+ (R,+ R ~ ) ~ (10)
I ~ / ~
directions (the density becomes higher outward due to The two roots indicate that atom j can be translated in
the direction of projection). This uniform samplingmake two ways. In this specific case, r+ represents an atom
it possible for molecule 2 to access any position on the van being moved in the positive direction. r- is associated
der Waals surface of molecule 1if topologicallypermissible. with the atom being moved in the negative direction as
These data are obtained for a sampling number of 1OOO. shown in Figure 5b. If the number of atoms in molecules
Translation of Molecule 2 to the van der Waals 1and 2 are ml and m2, respectively, it is then necessary
Surface of Molecule 1. The purpose of step 5 is to to calculate all the rij's (mlX m2)between atoms of these
perform the minimum translation in the direction n, two molecules using eq 10. The maximum and minimum
determined a t step 4, necessary for molecule 2 to avoid an rijwill be the two correctsolutionsfor the translationvector
overlap of van der Waals volume with molecule 1. To rn. All the other rij's will cause some overlap. In this
demonstrate this method, we use a simplified case con- study, the maximum rij is chosen to determine the
taining only two atoms as shown in Figure 5. Initially the displacement of molecule 2.
Macromolecules, Vol. 25, No. 14, 1992 Phase Diagrams for Binary Mixtures 3671
21 28 19 M
1W 200 300 400 500 600
T (K)
Figure 9. A w , ~of n-hexane and nitrobenzene as a function of
Figure 12. Constraints in the calculation of the pair energy for
a systemcontainingpolymer. (a)A solvent-solvent system. There
are noconstraints. Allfourconfigurationsofmolecule 2 (shaded)
are possible. (b) A solvent-polymer system. The unshaded
spheres represent two dummy atoms introducedat the head and
tail positions of the polymer segment. Because of chain con-
nectivity these two positions are inaccessible to the solvent
molecules. The configurationsof molecule 2 (darklyshaded) in
contact with the dummv atoms will be reiected in thecalculation
of the pair energy. The radii of the dummy atoms are their van
der Waals radii.
14 am
. I
0 o5.m
0 0 .
. O 0 . * "6
310' * 0 0 .
0 0 .
0 0 .
0 0
T (K) 0 0
0.01! ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 1 270
0.0 0.1 0.2
100 200 300 400 500 600
T (K) 92
Figure 13. Awl2of the diisobutyl ketone and polyisobutylene Figure 14. Phase diagrams (coexistence curve) of diisobutyl
segment as a function of temperature. ketone and polyisobutylenewith three different molecular weight
polyisobutylene: ( X I 22 700, (0)285 OOO, and (+) 6 OOO OOO.
van der Waals energy) associated with the two C' atoms Table I
are not included. The sole function of these C' a t o m in Critical Temperatures of Diisobutyl Ketone and
the calculation of w12 is the use of their van der Waals Polyisobutylene
radii to reject improperconfigurationswhich violate chain
connectivity. The same approach is used to calculate w22, ~~