SHORE Proposal Tempelate MASCOT
SHORE Proposal Tempelate MASCOT
SHORE Proposal Tempelate MASCOT
European Union
Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the
European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held
responsible for them
SHORE – Open Call # 1
Country Türkiye
Microplastics are dangerous factor in the world oceans. It is seen a way that demineralize the
water smoothly. It is found that chemical oxidation is the best way to reach minimal level of
ionized microplastics. It is occurring with a chemical cascade that forms redox reactions. The
team made an algorithm to determine which road should be walked (Figure 1).
Also, a device that includes these steps within had to be designed. A design that was suitable
and authentic to the situation had to be created (Figure 2) and it should be called “The Bell”.
Blender design was containing familiar materials: a metal cone, electricity-transparent wall
circle, thin gold layer beneath 21 iron pyramids and electricity wire. Noble gas will have added
to a squeezed transparent wall, so that the gas will have a low volume and high pressure to
“explode”. Then, reaction is simulated by using The Powder Toy that diffusion and wondered
what happened next (Figure 3). Diffused noble gases apply pressure to iron pyramids and iron
made an electrolysis reaction with water. In that example the electrolysis causes salt forming
despite no evaporation and high solvability (Figure 4).
It could be seen the salt at the bottom, so oxidation had occurred. It could be assumed that it
will also happen in the bigger water mass, in the sea to microplastics. Like the solid salt, bigger
NOTE: max 3 pages
2.1 Please describe how your proposal is aligned with the Mission Ocean objectives,
and how you plan to contribute to increasing ocean and water literacy.
The Proposal push the people to think the oxidation principles. Because in water purification, it
is found many mechanisms to accomplish the mission but oxidation. The main goal is
expanding the both literacy and designing the most efficient system by targeting the top
problems in the Mediterranean.
2.2 Please describe the strategy for bringing in a European dimension to the project
and describe potential cooperation/twinning with other blue schools. Please explain
how the cooperation will be implemented, what will be the objectives and main
activities undertaken.
First, the project has a big potential to attract entrepreneurs with size of its target problem and
precision. It can also be built a bigger foundation with the students and teachers that have
same aim. The algorithm that established would help if an institution integrated to our work.
Besides, the European seas can be saved by our device. It is almost universal.
2.3 Please explain if and how the project activities will have a positive impact on the
environment. Please describe schools’ commitment to Climate Pact Pledge leading
to decarbonisation or at least to carbon neutrality of the project and school
activities and if the school supports the values of a European Climate Pact.
Microplastics are the worst trouble of the sea recently. By using the appliance which designed
appropriately, the oceans will have less effected by the climate change and the sea animal
deaths have decreased. Our school has “White Flag” which represents the clean and carbon-
free environment. Moreover, it accepts the European Climate Pact and one of its club strives
by creating innovative solution for Climate Change.
2.4. If you aspire to be a member of the European Network of Blue Schools please
describe how you intend to meet the prerequisites to become accredited members
by the time of completion of the project.
It can be collaborated with local partner and involving all of the pupils with environment-
integrated projects. Additionally, our school located near the sea. For that reason, it can be
done extracurricular activities by students periodically.
NOTE: max 3 pages
3.1 Project partners are crucial for the success of the project. Please describe
planned strategy for stakeholders and local community engagement in the activities
which will be performed during project implementation. Please be specific and
mention who and which organisation on the local level is crucial for the project
implementation and how you plan to reach them.
3.2 Please describe what makes your project and funded activities innovative.
Methodology is new and efficient way called chemical oxidation. That procedure is budget-
friendly and fast to get feedback. Design is also completely authentic and flexible. Otherwise,
universal and cheap components come to forefront for the modern perspective.
3.3 Please describe how the project will be promoted locally, nationally or at the
European scale.
The project already promoted by the local financier. However, proposal can accept nationally
promoting for sure. That can be occur by Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and Ministry of
National Education. Nevertheless; if the team gain more data, the project supported by more
researchers by the dependent University.
NOTE: max 4 pages
4.1 Please choose which activities will be performed during project implementation:
Activity Activity
4.3 Please describe how the project involves activities with authentic learning
experience for students through a real-life applicable approach in classroom
With The Powder Toy (TPT) game, the project design can be tested in virtual environment.
Students can experience almost impossible in seconds. Also, the simulation is valid for reality
so that education is reaching its aim.
4.4 Please describe how project development and implementation plan involve
students during the whole lifespan of the project and how the co-creation process
and leadership will be fostered among all students.
The device design is very easy to use for a student. So, it can be also
implemented them while team is observing real functioning. It can be also
redirected and develop our project to force brainstorming about its design,
function, efficiency and cost.
4.5 Please describe the strategy for involving more than one classroom of students
in the funded activities, including other members of school staff and management.
Additionally, if you plan to involve migrants or Ukrainian citizens under temporary
protection please mention it in the description.
4.6 Please summarise the expected project costs in the table below.
4.7 Please summarise the competencies of the team involved in the proposal in the
table below.
Informed consent
Research on animals
Dual use
ICT implants
If you have entered any ethics issues in the Ethics/ Security checklist, you must:
If these documents are not in English, you must also submit an English
summary of them (containing, if available, the conclusions of the committee
or authority concerned).
If you plan to request these documents specifically for the project you
are proposing, your request must contain an explicit reference to the project
The team provides its resources from eligible factors, people and foundation. The team are
aware of ethics policy. The team obeyed the rules throughout the whole process independent
from our functionality.