• Evolution of the plans, requirements, and architecture, together with well defined
synchronization points
• Risk management and objective measures of progress and quality
• Evolution of system capabilities through demonstrations of increasing functionality
To achieve economies of scale and higher returns on investment, we must move toward a
software manufacturing process driven by technological improvements in process automation and
component-based development. Two stages of the life cycle are:
1. The engineering stage, driven by less predictable but smaller teams doing design and
synthesis activities
2. The production stage, driven by more predictable but larger teams doing construction, test,
and deployment activities
The transition between engineering and production is a crucial event for the various
stakeholders. The production plan has been agreed upon, and there is a good enough understanding
of the problem and the solution that all stakeholders can make a firm commitment to go ahead with
Engineering stage is decomposed into two distinct phases, inception and elaboration, and the
production stage into construction and transition. These four phases of the life-cycle process are
loosely mapped to the conceptual framework of the spiral model as shown in Figure 5-1
The overriding goal of the inception phase is to achieve concurrence among stakeholders on the life-
cycle objectives for the project.
• Establishing the project's software scope and boundary conditions, including an operational
concept, acceptance criteria, and a clear understanding of what is and is not intended to be in
the product
• Discriminating the critical use cases of the system and the primary scenarios of operation that
will drive the major design trade-offs
• Demonstrating at least one candidate architecture against some of the primary scenanos
• Estimating the cost and schedule for the entire project (including detailed estimates for the
elaboration phase)
• Estimating potential risks (sources of unpredictability)
• Formulating the scope of the project. The information repository should be sufficient to define
the problem space and derive the acceptance criteria for the end product.
• Planning and preparing a business case. Alternatives for risk management, staffing, iteration
and cost/schedule/profitability trade-offs are evaluated.
• Do all stakeholders concur on the scope definition and cost and schedule estimates?
• Are requirements understood, as evidenced by the fidelity of the critical use cases?
• Are the cost and schedule estimates, priorities, risks, and development processes credible?
• Do the depth and breadth of an architecture prototype demonstrate the preceding criteria?
(The primary value of prototyping candidate architecture is to provide a vehicle for
understanding the scope and assessing the credibility of the development group in solving the
particular technical problem.)
• Are actual resource expenditures versus planned expenditures acceptable
At the end of this phase, the "engineering" is considered complete. The elaboration phase activities
must ensure that the architecture, requirements, and plans are stable enough, and the risks
sufficiently mitigated, that the cost and schedule for the completion of the development can be
predicted within an acceptable range. During the elaboration phase, an executable architecture
prototype is built in one or more iterations, depending on the scope, size, & risk.
• Baselining the architecture as rapidly as practical (establishing a configuration-managed
snapshot in which all changes are rationalized, tracked, and maintained)
• Baselining the vision
• Baselining a high-fidelity plan for the construction phase
• Demonstrating that the baseline architecture will support the vision at a reasonable cost in a
reasonable time
• Elaborating the vision.
• Elaborating the process and infrastructure.
• Elaborating the architecture and selecting components.
During the construction phase, all remaining components and application features are integrated
into the application, and all features are thoroughly tested. Newly developed software is integrated
where required. The construction phase represents a production process, in which emphasis is placed on
managing resources and controlling operations to optimize costs, schedules, and quality.
• Minimizing development costs by optimizing resources and avoiding unnecessary scrap and
• Achieving adequate quality as rapidly as practical
• Achieving useful versions (alpha, beta, and other test releases) as rapidly as practical
The transition phase is entered when a baseline is mature enough to be deployed in the end-user
domain. This typically requires that a usable subset of the system has been achieved with
acceptable quality levels and user documentation so that transition to the user will provide positive
results. This phase could include any of the following activities:
• Achieving user self-supportability
• Achieving stakeholder concurrence that deployment baselines are complete and consistent
with the evaluation criteria of the vision
• Achieving final product baselines as rapidly and cost-effectively as practical
• Synchronization and integration of concurrent construction increments into consistent
deployment baselines
• Deployment-specific engineering (cutover, commercial packaging and production, sales rollout
kit development, field personnel training)
• Assessment of deployment baselines against the complete vision and acceptance criteria in the
requirements set
• Is the user satisfied?
• Are actual resource expenditures versus planned expenditures acceptable ?
Requirements Set
Requirements artifacts are evaluated, assessed, and measured through a combination of the
• Analysis of changes between the current version of requirements artifacts and previous
versions (scrap, rework, and defect elimination trends)
• Subjective review of other dimensions of quality
Design Set
UML notation is used to engineer the design models for the solution. The design set contains
varying levels of abstraction that represent the components of the solution space (their identities,
attributes, static relationships, dynamic interactions). The design set is evaluated, assessed, and
measured through a combination of the following:
• Analysis of the internal consistency and quality of the design model
• Analysis of consistency with the requirements models
• Translation into implementation and deployment sets and notations (for example, traceability,
source code generation, compilation, linking) to evaluate the consistency and completeness
and the semantic balance between information in the sets
• Analysis of changes between the current version of the design model and previous versions
(scrap, rework, and defect elimination trends)
• Subjective review of other dimensions of quality
Implementation set
The implementation set includes source code (programming language notations) that represents the
tangible implementations of components (their form, interface, and dependency relationships)
Implementation sets are human-readable formats that are evaluated, assessed, and measured
through a combination of the following:
• Analysis of consistency with the design models
• Translation into deployment set notations (for example, compilation and linking) to evaluate
the consistency and completeness among artifact sets
• Assessment of component source or executable files against relevant evaluation criteria
through inspection, analysis, demonstration, or testing
• Execution of stand-alone component test cases that automatically compare expected results
with actual results
• Analysis of changes between the current version of the implementation set and previous
versions (scrap, rework, and defect elimination trends)
• Subjective review of other dimensions of quality
Deployment Set
The deployment set includes user deliverables and machine language notations, executable
software, and the build scripts, installation scripts, and executable target specific data necessary to
use the product in its target environment.
Deployment sets are evaluated, assessed, and measured through a combination of the following:
• Testing against the usage scenarios and quality attributes defined in the requirements set to
evaluate the consistency and completeness and the~ semantic balance between information in
the two sets
• Testing the partitioning, replication, and allocation strategies in mapping components of the
implementation set to physical resources of the deployment system (platform type, number,
network topology)
• Testing against the defined usage scenarios in the user manual such as installation, user-
oriented dynamic reconfiguration, mainstream usage, and anomaly management
• Analysis of changes between the current version of the deployment set and previous versions
(defect elimination trends, performance changes)
• Subjective review of other dimensions of quality
Each artifact set is the predominant development focus of one phase of the life cycle; the other sets
take on check and balance roles. As illustrated in Figure 6-2, each phase has a predominant focus:
Requirements are the focus of the inception phase; design, the elaboration phase; implementation,
the construction phase; and deployment, the transition phase. The management artifacts also
evolve, but at a fairly constant level across the life cycle.
Most of today's software development tools map closely to one of the five artifact sets.
1. Management: scheduling, workflow, defect tracking, change management, documentation,
spreadsheet, resource management, and presentation tools
2. Requirements: requirements management tools
3. Design: visual modeling tools
4. Implementation: compiler/debugger tools, code analysis tools, test coverage analysis tools,
and test management tools
5. Deployment: test coverage and test automation tools, network management tools,
commercial components (operating systems, GUIs, RDBMS, networks, middleware), and
installation tools.
Implementation Set versus Deployment Set
The separation of the implementation set (source code) from the deployment set (executable code)
is important because there are very different concerns with each set. The structure of the
information delivered to the user (and typically the test organization) is very different from the
structure of the source code information. Engineering decisions that have an impact on the quality
of the deployment set but are relatively incomprehensible in the design and implementation sets
include the following:
• Virtual machine constraints (file descriptors, garbage collection, heap size, maximum record
size, disk file rotations)
• Process-level concurrency issues (deadlock and race conditions)
• Platform-specific differences in performance or behavior
Each state of development represents a certain amount of precision in the final system
description. Early in the life cycle, precision is low and the representation is generally high.
Eventually, the precision of representation is high and everything is specified in full detail. Each
phase of development focuses on a particular artifact set. At the end of each phase, the overall
system state will have progressed on all sets, as illustrated in Figure 6-3.
The inception phase focuses mainly on critical requirements usually with a secondary focus on an
initial deployment view. During the elaboration phase, there is much greater depth in requirements,
much more breadth in the design set, and further work on implementation and deployment issues.
The main focus of the construction phase is design and implementation. The main focus of the
transition phase is on achieving consistency and completeness of the deployment set in the context
of the other sets.
• Management set. The release specifications and release descriptions capture the objectives,
evaluation criteria, and results of an intermediate milestone. These artifacts are the test plans
and test results negotiated among internal project teams. The software change orders capture
test results (defects, testability changes, requirements ambiguities, enhancements) and the
closure criteria associated with making a discrete change to a baseline.
• Requirements set. The system-level use cases capture the operational concept for the system
and the acceptance test case descriptions, including the expected behavior of the system and
its quality attributes. The entire requirement set is a test artifact because it is the basis of all
assessment activities across the life cycle.
• Design set. A test model for nondeliverable components needed to test the product baselines
is captured in the design set. These components include such design set artifacts as a seismic
event simulation for creating realistic sensor data; a "virtual operator" that can support
unattended, afterhours test cases; specific instrumentation suites for early demonstration of
resource usage; transaction rates or response times; and use case test drivers and component
stand-alone test drivers.
• Implementation set. Self-documenting source code representations for test components and
test drivers provide the equivalent of test procedures and test scripts. These source files may
also include human-readable data files representing certain statically defined data sets that
are explicit test source files. Output files from test drivers provide the equivalent of test
• Deployment set. Executable versions of test components, test drivers, and data files are
Business Case
The business case artifact provides all the information necessary to determine whether the
project is worth investing in. It details the expected revenue, expected cost, technical and
management plans, and backup data necessary to demonstrate the risks and realism of the
plans. The main purpose is to transform the vision into economic terms so that an organization
can make an accurate ROI assessment. The financial forecasts are evolutionary, updated with
more accurate forecasts as the life cycle progresses. Figure 6-4 provides a default outline for a
business case.
Software Development Plan
The software development plan (SDP) elaborates the process framework into a fully detailed
plan. Two indications of a useful SDP are periodic updating (it is not stagnant shelfware) and
understanding and acceptance by managers and practitioners alike. Figure 6-5 provides a
default outline for a software development plan.
Work Breakdown Structure
Work breakdown structure (WBS) is the vehicle for budgeting and collecting costs. To monitor and
control a project's financial performance, the software project man1ger must have insight into
project costs and how they are expended.The structure of cost accountability is a serious project
planning constraint.
Release Specifications
The scope, plan, and objective evaluation criteria for each baseline release are derived from the
vision statement as well as many other sources (make/buy analyses, risk management concerns,
architectural considerations, shots in the dark, implementation constraints, quality thresholds).
These artifacts are intended to evolve along with the process, achieving greater fidelity as the life
cycle progresses and requirements understanding matures. Figure 6-6 provides a default outline for
a release specification
Release Descriptions
Release description documents describe the results of each release, including performance against
each of the evaluation criteria in the corresponding release specification. Release baselines should
be accompanied by a release description document that describes the evaluation criteria for that
configuration baseline and provides substantiation (through demonstration, testing, inspection, or
analysis) that each criterion has been addressed in an acceptable manner.Figure 6-7 provides a
default outline for a release description.
Status Assessments
Status assessments provide periodic snapshots of project health and status, including the software
project manager's risk assessment, quality indicators, and management indicators.Typical status
assessments should include a review of resources, personnel staffing, financial data (cost and
revenue), top 10 risks, technical progress (metrics snapshots), major milestone plans and results,
total project or product scope & action items
An important emphasis of a modern approach is to define the development and maintenance
environment as a first-class artifact of the process. A robust, integrated development environment
must support automation of the development process. This environment should include
requirements management, visual modeling, document automation, host and target programming
tools, automated regression testing, and continuous and integrated change management, and
feature and defect tracking.
A deployment document can take many forms. Depending on the project, it could include several
document subsets for transitioning the product into operational status. In big contractual efforts in
which the system is delivered to a separate maintenance organization, deployment artifacts may
include computer system operations manuals, software installation manuals, plans and procedures
for cutover (from a legacy system), site surveys, and so forth. For commercial software products,
deployment artifacts may include marketing plans, sales rollout kits, and training courses.
Management Artifact Sequences
In each phase of the life cycle, new artifacts are produced and previously developed artifacts are
updated to incorporate lessons learned and to capture further depth and breadth of the solution.
Figure 6-8 identifies a typical sequence of artifacts across the life-cycle phases.
Most of the engineering artifacts are captured in rigorous engineering notations such as UML,
programming languages, or executable machine codes. Three engineering artifacts are explicitly
intended for more general review, and they deserve further elaboration .
Vision Document
The vision document provides a complete vision for the software system under development and.
supports the contract between the funding authority and the development organization. A project
vision is meant to be changeable as understanding evolves of the requirements, architecture, plans,
and technology. A good vision document should change slowly. Figure 6-9 provides a default outline
for a vision document.
Architecture Description
The architecture description provides an organized view of the software architecture under
development. It is extracted largely from the design model and includes views of the design,
implementation, and deployment sets sufficient to understand how the operational concept of the
requirements set will be achieved. The breadth of the architecture description will vary from project
to project depending on many factors.Figure 6-10 provides a default outline for an architecture
Software User Manual
The software user manual provides the user with the reference documentation necessary to support
the delivered software. Although content is highly variable across application domains, the user
manual should include installation procedures, usage procedures and guidance, operational
constraints, and a user interface description, at a minimum. For software products with a user
interface, this manual should be developed early in the life cycle because it is a necessary
mechanism for communicating and stabilizing an important subset of requirements.The user manual
should be written by members of the test team, who are more likely to understand the user's
perspective than the development team.