Article 1
Article 1
Article 1
Katarzyna M. Bogdanowicz
Marta Bogdanowicz*
Abstract: Children with developmental dyslexia and at its risk have difficulties in the acquisition of foreign languages,
especially non-transparent English. The problems of such pupils concern various aspects of the language system but in
particular relate to the ability to read and spell. The research literature dedicated to effective preventative methods and
dyslexia treatment suggests that both children with dyslexia and at its risk need phonological awareness training and
multi-sensory learning. It is also known that prevention and early treatment is more effective than therapeutic intervention
used in older students. Experts in foreign language acquisition recommend that children have contact with longer oral
texts and live language (e.g., poems and songs). A recently-published report on the methods of English language teaching
in Polish primary schools shows that the lessons conducted there do not realise the majority of the aforementioned
recommendations. As a consequence, they do not serve any pupils including those with dyslexia and at its risk. A method
which meets most of the demands mentioned above is “The Good Start Method for English”. It is a new program of
teaching the English language designed for five to seven-year-olds, which at the same time ensures support for the
psychomotor development of children, leading to acceleration in learning progress.
Key words: risk of dyslexia, development’s support, prevention, therapy, early second language acquisition, English
The number of people with developmental dyslexia be assessed, for example in tasks involving phoneme or
is alarmingly high, ranging from 5% to 15% of the syllable synthesis and analysis. When these skills are
population. Studies conducted in Poland by Bogdanowicz well-developed they are the good foundation of flawless
indicate that the problem of risk of dyslexia affects decoding1 and encoding2 new words and then connecting
10%–13% of children (Bogdanowicz, 2011b). Dyslexia is them in sentences and text. Developmental dyslexia is an
a neurodevelopmental learning disorder which manifests inherited disorder which is resistant to standard teaching
itself by difficulties in reading, spelling and acquiring methods and does not pass with age. However, some
other language-related skills. These problems are often symptoms can be reduced or eliminated by remedial
unexpected in relation to other cognitive abilities of the therapy.
person affected by this disorder. The majority of scientists The term “risk of dyslexia” was introduced in Poland
are in agreement that the main cause of developmental by Bogdanowicz (2011b) in the early 1990s. It means the
dyslexia is a deficit in phonological processing and slow increased probability that this disorder will occur later
naming speed (Krasowicz-Kupis, 2008; Rose, 2009; in school time. Dyslexia risk symptoms manifest mainly
Wolff, 2014). Phonological processing refers to the in language related skills and later literacy and result in
ability to manipulate sounds, syllables and subsyllables psychomotor development disharmony. According to
(i.e. the structures of words which are smaller or larger the current Ministry of Education regulations, dyslexia
than syllables). The level of phonological processing can is a disorder diagnosed after the third class of primary
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Katarzyna M. Bogdanowicz. E-mail:
school at the earliest3. However, the risk of dyslexia can, they are non-transparent, whereas English is by far the
and even should be identified earlier – before the start of hardest of all. Scientific reports clearly show that children
formal schooling, especially before reading instruction with dyslexia and at its risk are more likely than their peers
(Bogdanowicz, 2014). to face problems with reading and spelling in the English
Both scientific research and practitioners’ reports language (Seymore, Aro, & Erskine, 2003; Wydell, 2012;
suggest that children with dyslexia and its risk have Ziegler, Perry, Ma-Wyatt, Ladner, & Schulte-Körne, 2003).
difficulties in foreign language acquisition (Bogdanowicz, A review of literature on effective methods of
2011a; Jurek, 2004; Nijakowska, 2010). These problems may dyslexia prevention and therapy clearly indicates that:
relate to any of the five language subsystems, namely: 1) both children with developmental dyslexia and at its
• phonology (a child with dyslexia and at its risk risk need phonological awareness4 training (Snowling
have difficulties in discrimination and production & Hulme; 2011, 2012; Torgesen, 2000), 2) an effective
of phonemes; similar problems may also apply to teaching method is the multisensory approach (Brooks,
different types of accent, rhythmic and intonation 2013; Snowling & Hulme, 2011), 3) prevention and early
patterns as well as understanding the meaning they treatment of reading disorders in children is more effective
bear); than therapeutic interventions used with older pupils and
• morphology (dyslexic children and at its risk may not the greatest progress is achieved before the second year of
understand the role of certain meaningful language formal teaching of reading (Griffiths & Stuart, 2013).
units like affixes and have problems with creating Modern research on early second language acquisi-
new words based on the knowledge of specific word tion suggests that from the beginning of learning foreign
formation rules); language pupils should be exposed to longer forms of live
• lexical (pupils with dyslexia and its risk often experi- language (e.g. songs, poems, stories), thanks to which they
ence difficulties with remembering and reproducing deepen their knowledge of the structure of the language
vocabulary on demand); (Krasowicz-Kupis et al., 2015). However, it is worth
• syntax (dyslexic children and at its risk rarely manage ensuring that children have contact with good examples
well with grammar); of use of foreign language, which later in the learning
• stylistic (dyslexic pupils may have problems with process will be the base for development of fluency and
written expression). free expression in that language (Campfield & Murphy,
However, the basic problem of pupils with develop- 2014a, 2014b). The importance for children learning
mental dyslexia or with its risk is mastering reading and foreign languages to be exposed to the language rhythm
spelling skills (Duff & Clarke, 2011; Krasowicz-Kupis, has been shown in a study in which children learnt English
2008; Rose, 2009). This applies particularly to the English with the use of two methods: with nursery rhymes or using
language, which is orthographically non-transparent, other types of materials. The progress in two groups was
i.e. that the rules pertaining to the relationship between compared. Children learning from nursery rhymes obtained
graphemes (letters, digraphs, trigraphs) and phonemes are better results than pupils using other types of material not
inconsistent. Therefore, learning to read in the English only in terms of general command of the English language,
language is more difficult than in other language systems. but also knowledge of word order (Campfield & Murphy,
This was shown, among others, by the widely quoted 2014a, 2014b). Modern scholars have also proven that
research of Seymore, Aro, and Erskine (2003), which a sense of rhythm and language sensitivity are linked (Carr,
involved children from 14 European countries (including White-Schwoch, Tierney, Strait, & Kraus, 2014; Moritz,
some with dyslexia). As a result, in this group 14 different Yampolsky, Papadelis, Thomson, & Wolf, 2013; Tierney
mother tongues were represented. Despite the different & Kraus, 2013). In practice this means that children with
age (5–8 years old) all the children were at their first a better-developed auditory-motor timing (reflected by
year of school. The children were asked to read aloud beat synchronisation) are better in phonological processing
pseudowords and real words in their native language. tasks, which allows for the prediction of their more rapid
After a year of learning, children in most countries read progress in learning to read (Corriveau & Goswami, 2009;
the real words with a correctness of over 90% and the Hornickel & Kraus, 2013; Thomson & Goswami, 2008).
pseudowords, slightly worse. Somewhat weaker were The standard foreign language lessons in Polish
Portuguese, Danish and French pupils – their correctness schools are designed for pupils without difficulties and they
of reading real words amounted to just over 70%. By far do not prepare for learning reading and writing skills. It is
the worse results came from the Scottish children, whose assumed that children who have already mastered or are
native language is English. At the end of the first class they mastering these skills in their native language, will acquire
could flawlessly read only one third of the English words. them in a foreign language effortlessly, without problems.
The reason for this was that the Portuguese, Danish and At least such an approach is typical for English lessons in
French spelling systems are relatively difficult because Poland. The recently published report “English language
3 Resolution of the Ministry of Education, 17th Nov. 2010 – reforming conditions and methods for evaluation, classification and representation of pupils
and students plus procedures for tests and examinations in state schools (Dz.U. Nr 228, poz. 1491).
4 Phonological awareness is the ability to reflect on the phonological structure of words and make an intentional transformation of the structure based
on known rules. The tasks used in assessment of phonological awareness can consist of identifying rhyming words or removal of syllables in a word.
The Good Start Method for English 267
in primary school – the process and teaching effects…” do not hamper to speak English.” (Muszyński et al., 2015,
(Muszyński, Campfield, & Szpotowicz, 2015) indicates p. 84–85).
that lessons conducted in Polish schools do not fulfil any A method which realises the majority of the
of the aforementioned recommendations, which means aforementioned postulates and can be also recommended
they are of no help, not only to pupils with dyslexia and to pupils at risk of dyslexia, is “The Good Start Method
its risk but also to the others. The mentioned results show for English” (GSM) (Bogdanowicz, Bogdanowicz, &
that the teaching methods are very similar in the majority Łockiewicz, 2015). GSM belongs to the programs of “The
of schools. Communication in lessons is dominated by the Good Start Method” (MDS) by Marta Bogdanowicz, which
English teacher. What varies in schools is the proportion the author has been developing and improving for past
of time spent using the foreign and the native language by 50 years. The MDS is aimed to simultaneously stimulate
the teacher. While some teachers speak practically only in visual, auditory, touch and kinesthetic-motor functions,
English, others almost entirely use Polish. The quality of to develop the integration of all psychomotor functions
speech of the teachers using the English language leaves – the perceptual motor integration, which contribute to
a lot to be desired as they mainly use short instructions the process of learning to read and write (Bogdanowicz,
with very little variations. As a result, pupils have limited 2000). Therefore this method can be used for prevention
contact with continuous speech and are poorly familiarised and treating dyslexia and its risk. The MDS’s effectiveness
with language prosody, which adversely affects their has been confirmed in many studies (Bogdanowicz,
communication skills. The recommendations of the report 2014). It’s worth mentioning that Émile Jaques-Dalcroze’s
authors are as follows: “It is difficult to conclusively “Eurythimcs” (Bogdanowicz, 2015) and Barbara Kaja’s
determine how much English used in the classroom is best (1986, 1987) “Sound Symbol Method” belong to the same
for effective learning [...], however it was observed in the general category of methods for stimulating psychomotoric
present study that significant use of the native language development. In the “The Good Start Method for
for communication in the lessons does not serve language English” (GSM), the same rules apply as in the other
learning. One of the reasons for this may be the fact that MDS programs, namely the strict combining of language
teachers are constantly informed that communication units with visual, graphics and motor elements. This is
mainly in a foreign language is too difficult for pupils. In expressed in the form of drawing patterns while singing and
educating and training, teachers should be shown the is consistent with one of the main objectives of the method:
tools and strategies which enable the use of the taught the harmonious execution of movements in a given time
language from the earliest classes (author’s emphasis) and space. GSM is a perfect example of a good teaching
[...]. The main recommendation aimed at the rapid practice which ensures significant use of the English
improvement of education practices in terms of teaching language for communication in the lessons. However, it is
English is the introduction of [...] oral texts longer than not a classic course of learning a foreign language at least
single words, phrases or sentences (e.g. at the very for three reasons. Firstly, because it fulfils two functions
beginning of language education, children’s literature in simultaneously. On the one hand, it offers a new method of
the language taught). Motivation for learning languages teaching English intended for small children. On the other
in the youngest children should also be aroused and hand, as with each Good Start Method program, it ensures
maintained until the end of the second stage of education support for mental and motor development (e.g. cognitive,
by providing work with texts which interact with pupils’ linguistic), which raises readiness to learn, thereby
interests and present them with appropriate intellectual increasing its efficiency. It is assumed that in accordance
challenges. It is therefore worth paying particular attention with pedagogical concepts contained in the works of Jan
to the provision of such tasks as listening comprehension Amos Comenius (1592–1670) and Maria Montessori
and learning vocabulary, which would be motivating for (1870–1952) effective learning is active learning, in action,
the pupils – meaning an appropriately interesting subject involving many senses and fun activities (Bogdanowicz,
in tasks and their level of difficulty allowing for the work 2014). The second reason for which “The Good Start
within the zone of proximal development. The proportion Method for English. Teaching English to Young Learners
of authentic materials should be increased: in speech and Supporting Development” (Bogdanowicz et al., 2015)
– thus exposing the pupils to accent, rhythm and is not a typical textbook for teaching a foreign language
intonation of natural speech in the foreign language is that the language material is based on nursery rhymes.
[...]. One should also bear in mind that students should They come from a rich set of traditional songs and poems
be given opportunities to make longer statements as often intended for small children from the UK and USA. A great
as possible. This can be achieved already in the earliest advantage of these songs is that they belong to a canon
grades through their activation with the use of songs, of English language children’s literature and at the same
rhymes, nursery rhymes, dialogues, theatre plays or time it is a sample of authentic language material full of
other tasks that involve role-playing. Encouraging students rhymes and rhythm. For many Polish children, learning
to produce longer messages may result in these skills’ nursery rhymes will be their first opportunity to become
improvement in the whole class. Developing speaking acquainted with British and American culture. The
skills in this language from an early age leads to the melodies are pleasant to the ear, happy and the texts – full
situation when speaking a foreign language is an integral of humour. The nursery rhymes selected by the authors
part of the pupil’s own image. As a result, older students touch on subjects of interest to children, associated with
268 Katarzyna M. Bogdanowicz, Marta Bogdanowicz
their surroundings (e.g., jelly on a plate, sailing on a boat, i.e. children in kindergarden or first and second graders
rainfall, animals). The songs are therefore attractive to who are starting to learn a foreign language. It can also be
pupils and motivate them to participate in the lessons. For used for teaching English to children at risk of dyslexia.
the GSM program, songs with a simple language structure These pupils, due to their language deficits, not only have
were chosen, containing multiple repetition of simple difficulties in mastering their mother tongue, but also in
words, syllables, including onomatopoeic elements, making learning foreign languages. Children with below normal
it easy to remember and sing songs (saying the words). intelligence can also benefit from GSM. However, it should
Thirdly, GSM differs from traditional foreign language be significantly simplified and adapted to their special
learning courses in that graphic patterns are matched with needs. The exercises should be regularly revised. This
the nursery rhymes and the order of the songs is decided by program can be incorporated into remedial classes or used
the pattern’s complexity. Therefore, the language material with children who have difficulties in learning English,
has not been sorted in accordance with the principle of regardless of their cause. It is also worth noting that the
a gradual increase in the level of difficulty and each lesson method in its present form does not account for learning
is not related to the previous one in accordance with the to read and write in English but includes preparation to
spiral approach in curriculum. acquire these skills.
The organisation of lessons based on GSM foresees To sum up, GSM lessons, in which nursery rhymes
for the carrying out of approximately one 45-minute are used, should be effective not only as a tool for learning
class a week. However, the classes can be shortened or a foreign language in oral form, but also as a method of
lengthened if the children show the desire to continue preparing children for the subsequent learning to read and
drawing and it does not exceed the possibility of the write in that language through the exercise of attention
participating pupils. Occasionally it is recommended to and auditory-verbal memory, developing phonological
omit certain forms of exercises, for example when the awareness and drawing letter-like patterns. Some songs
activity is in the air or on the table. Children should be additionally contain proposals for physical activities,
encouraged to submit their own proposals and implement illustrating the content of the song. The children can
them, even though they were not included in the script. perform them while singing. This ensures that during
Most often this is by embellishing the graphic design the the lessons larger areas of the brain are engaged as well
pupil had drawn or creative transformation of a pattern as other parts of the central nervous system, therefore
into an picture by giving the pattern a particular shape and more mental functions are involved and interact during
adding humorous elements. the realisation of these tasks. This approach to learning
Given the fact that nursery rhymes are difficult to facilitates the memorizing of verbal material, as in any case
remember during one lesson for Polish young learners when there is multisensory learning.
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