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(a) (b)
Figure 2a: shows external view of cane used.
Figure 2b: shows close look of the cane used.
2) Sensors used
Ultrasonic and LDR sensors were employed in this experiment. The HC-SR04, also known as standard sensor, is
an ultrasonic sensor used in this model. It recognises an object and determines the distance between the
visually impaired person and the object.
An ultrasonic sensor can detect an object from a distance of 20cm to 400cm, and many advanced ultrasonic
sensors can detect objects up to 20 metres. As a result, ultrasonic sensors provide precise findings.
An ultrasonic sensor has a frequency range of 20 kHz. When it detects an obstacle in the blind person's route, it
calculates the distance, and if the estimated distance is less than the set threshold, signals are sent to the
microcontroller, which produces the beeping sound. LDR is used to determine whether or not a blind person is
alone in a dark room, as well as whether or not it is a day.
3) RF Transmitter and Receiver
The 433MHz RF transmitter and receiver employed here has a frequency range of 3KHz to 300GHz. It is mostly
used to locate a blind person's smart cane when he or she drops it while going out. It's simply referred to as an
RF remote. When a blind person presses the RF transmitter, the signal is sent across the air to the receiver,
which is built into the smart stick. After that, it begins to beep. That person will be able to find the stick on his
own this manner.
B. Software component
Arduino IDE 1.6.8 software is used to perform programming operation. Since it is robust any user can use it and
perform code in it. USB is used for programming part and dumping that coding into the Arduino uno.
Ultrasonic sensors are used in real-time trials to test the proposed systems. Using the Arduino IDE to dump the
desired code. Testing using the ultrasonic sensor is now possible. We must first use ultrasonic to determine the @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science
e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:04/Issue:02/February-2022 Impact Factor- 6.752
estimated value, and then use some standards to determine the measured values. Then, using tabular form, we
must compare the two and identify the error. The comparison is shown in the following Table.1 between
ultrasonic sensor's observed and computed value.
Table 1: Depicts comparison of measured and calculated values.
Distance Analog value Analog value error
(cm) calculated measured
(mV) (mV)
5 25 23.8 1.2
10 50 48.1 1.9
15 75 72.3 2.7
20 100 96.3 3.7
30 150 145.8 4.2
40 200 194.3 5.7
50 250 243.6 6.4
75 375 367.0 8.0
100 500 489.8 10.2
150 750 735.3 14.7
200 1000 981.1 18.9
300 1500 1468.2 31.8
To test the ability of the smart cane, a greater number of trials were conducted in many different paths by a
greater number of people. Based on the results of this test, we can conclude that the smart cane provides great
precision and alerts visually impaired persons when an object is in front of them. The following are some of the
test photocopies:
Figure 3: (a) There is no item in front of a Person (b) An item is in the way of that person and it warns by
alarming. (c) After hearing alarm sound that individual avoids messing.
(a) (b)
Figure 4: It is observed with different people in different locations. (a) Distance between an item and an
individual is more enough (b) when target is closer and it starts alarming (c) After indicating, individual avoids
collision. @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and Science
e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:04/Issue:02/February-2022 Impact Factor- 6.752
These tests show that this stick may deliver excellent results and is suited for a wide range of users on a variety
of difficult paths. This smart cane produces precise results while also being less expensive.
This technology demonstrates that the smart cane's mobility and precision for visually impaired people has
improved. The project's major goal is to enable visually impaired to identify objects in front of them, allowing
them to walk with ease and confidence on difficult roads while also ensuring their safety.
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