Programming language:- C
Android phone
Ultrasonic ranging module HPSR04
Ultrasonicsensor: An ultrasonic sensor may be a device that may measure the space to an object by using
sound waves .It measure distance by sending out a acoustic wave at a selected frequency and listening for
that acoustic wave to restore. The ultrasonic transmitter an ultrasonic wave this wave travel in air and when it
gets object by any material it gets reflected back toward the sensor this reflected wave is The accuracy of
ultrasonic sensor is suffering from temperature and humidity of the air it's being employed. It operated in
frequency in 40 Hz. It can measure the space 2 cm to 80 cm .This sensors is extremely popular because multiple
purpose application.
Buzzer:A transducer (converts current into energy) that typically operates A buzzer is within the lower portion
of the audible frequency range of 20 Hz to twenty kHz. This is often accomplished by converting an electrical,
oscillatingsignal within the audible range, into mechanical energy, within the style of audible waves. Buzzer is
employed during this research to warn the blind man against obstacle by generating sound proportional to
distance from obstacle
All the studies which had been reviewed show that, there are variety of techniques for creating a ultrasonic
blind stick for blind people. The aim of this paper is to urge conversant in the work tired making walking stick
smarter and more helpful. The literatures associated with this subject were reviewed and analysed. As
technology improves these smart sticks must be modified. The simulation results are expected for the
ultrasonic sensors, water sensor and ESP8266 in one microcontroller. So during this paper wide survey of the
work associated with this project is completed which we have shortlisted some useful aspects from each
project. this could also help to decide on designing approach.
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