802 1 1 2015 Reff2020
802 1 1 2015 Reff2020
802 1 1 2015 Reff2020
( Fourth Revision )
ICS 91.080.10
© BIS 2015
This Indian Standard (Part 1/Sec 1) (Fourth Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the
draft finalized by the Structural Engineering and Structural Sections Sectional Committee had been approved by
the Civil Engineering Division Council.
Transmission towers are tall structures, usually steel lattice towers, used to support overhead power lines.
Transmission line towers are key infrastructural components. The standards under IS 802 series have been
formulated with a view to establish uniform practices for design, fabrication, inspection and testing of overhead
transmission line towers.
This standard (Part 1/Sec 1) is a part of a series of standards thus formulated and covers requirements in regard
to material, loads and design strengths apart from other relevant design provisions. The other parts in the series
Part 2 Fabrication, galvanizing, inspection and packing
Part 3 Testing
Part 4 Requirements for latticed switchyard structures (under formulation)
Part 5 Requirements for tall river crossing towers (under formulation)
This standard IS 802 (Part 1) was first published in 1967 and subsequently revised in 1973, 1977 and 1995. The
standard in its third revision was split in two sections, namely; Section 1 Materials and loads, and Section 2
Permissible stresses.
Some of the major modifications made in this standard (Part 1/Sec 1) in this revision are:
a) Provision for use of structural steel tubes has been included.
b) Material requirements for bolts and nuts have been modified.
c) Light angle towers for use in straight runs with line deviation >5° but <15° and medium angle towers
(15° to 30°) have been included.
d) Drag co-efficient for evaluating wind load on towers have been stipulated for different sections (such as
angles and circular sections).
e) Load combination for sag tension of conductor and ground wire / optical groundwire (OPGW) and for
climate loads have been modified.
f) Narrow front wind load has been identified as an applicable load for suspension towers.
g) Transverse load conditions have been modified.
h) Vertical erection loads in safety requirement have been modified.
j) Wind load consideration in longitudinal load calculation for security requirement has been redefined.
As transmission line towers are comparatively light structures and also that the maximum wind pressure is the
chief criterion for the design, the concurrence of earthquake and maximum wind pressure is unlikely to take
place. However in earthquake prone areas, the design of towers/foundations shall be checked for earthquake
forces corresponding to nil wind and minimum temperature in accordance with IS 1893 (Part 1) : 2002 ‘Criteria
for earthquake resistant design of structures: Part 1 General provisions and buildings (fifth revision)’.
Ice loadings on towers and conductors/ground wire/OPGWs for lines located in the mountainous regions of the
country subjected to snow fall, may be taken into account on the basis of available meteorological data both for
ice with wind and without wind.
While formulating the provisions of this Code, it has been assumed that structural connections are through bolts
(Continued on third cover)
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Indian Standard
Section 1 Materials and Loads
( Fourth Revision )
1 SCOPE electricity rules shall be applicable to such structures,
as specified by the purchaser/end user shall be complied
1.1 This standard (Part 1/Sec 1) stipulates materials
and loads to be adopted in the design of self-supporting
steel lattice towers (using angles/circular hollow 4 TERMINOLOGY
sections) for overhead transmission lines.
For the purpose of this standard the following
1.2 Design strengths and other design parameters are definitions shall apply.
covered in IS 802 (Part 1/ Sec 2).
4.1 Return Period — The number of years, reciprocal
1.3 Provisions on fabrication including galvanizing, of which gives the probability of extreme wind
inspection and packing, etc, and testing of transmission exceeding a given wind speed in any one year.
line towers have been covered in IS 802 (Part 2) and
IS 802 (Part 3), respectively. 4.2 Reliability — Reliability of a transmission system
is the probability that the system would perform its
1.4 Provisions for loads and design strengths for function/task under the designed load condi-tions for
latticed switch yard structures are covered in IS 802 a specified period. In simple terms, the reliability may
(Part 4) (under preparation). be defined as the probability that a given item will
1.5 Provisions for loads and design strengths for tall indeed survive a given service environment and loading
river crossing towers shall be covered in a separate for a prescribed period of time.
standard (under formulation). 4.3 Security — The ability of a system to be protected
1.6 This standard does not cover guyed towers. from any major collapse such as cascading effect, if a
failure is triggered in a given component. Security is a
2 REFERENCES deterministic concept as opposed to reliability, which
is probabilistic.
The standards listed in Annex A contains provisions,
which through reference in this text, constitute 4.4 Safety — The ability of a system not to cause
provisions of this standard. At the time of publication, human injuries or loss of life. It relates, in this standard,
the editions indicated were valid. All standards are mainly to protection of workers during construc-tion
subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on and maintenance operations.
this standard are encouraged to investigate the
4.5 Tangent Tower — Also known as ‘suspension
possibility of applying the most recent editions of the
tower’ or ‘straight line tower’. Conductors on these
standard indicated at Annex A.
towers are supported by means of I-strings, V-strings,
3 STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS or a combination of I and V strings.
3.1 Statutory requirements as laid down in the The 4.6 Angle Tower — These are used at locations where
Indian Electricity Rules, 2005 or by any other statutory there is same angle of deviation. These towers are
authority applicable to such structures as covered in further classified based on different deviation angles.
this standard shall be satisfied. However, only the These towers are also known as ‘tension tower’ as
probabilistic concept, that is, use of safety factors for conductors are generally supported with tension
loads and materials shall be adopted instead of the insulators on these towers.
factor of safety concept. 4.7 Suspension Insulator String — I, V or Y type
3.2 In addition to compliance with local and provincial insulator string suspended on tangent/suspension/
byelaws, fire and safety laws [as per the provisions of straight-run tower. On this string, conductor is
IS 5613 (Part 2/Sec 2)] and civil aviation requirements/ suspended from a cross-arm.
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4.8 Tension Insulator String — This string is used electro galvanized as per service Grade 3 of IS 1573
on tension/section/angle/dead end towers. It is provided as specified by the purchaser/end user.
on both side of tower in the direction of conductor.
5.6 Other Materials
Other materials used in the construction of the tower
5.1 Structural Steel shall conform to appropriate Indian Standards,
wherever available.
The tower members including cross arms shall be of
structural steel conforming to any of the grade, as 6 TYPES OF TOWERS
appropriate, of IS 2062 or steel tubes for structural 6.1 The selection of the most suitable types of tower
purposes of IS 1161. for transmission lines depends on the actual terrain
5.1.1 Hot rolled structural steels (cold formed only through which the line traverses. Any combination of
for hollow circular sections) with known properties the following types of towers is generally suitable for
conforming to other national and international most of the lines:
standards may also be used subject to the approval of a) Suspension towers (with I or V or Y suspension
the purchaser/end user. insulator strings):
5.1.2 In addition to structural angle sections, tubes 1) Tangent towers (0°) : To be used on straight
conforming to IS 1161 enabling other structural with suspension string runs only
sections and materials in PPP with appropriate
2) Intermediate towers (0° : To be used on straight
engineered property can also be used.
to 2°) with suspension runs and upto 2° line
NOTE — Pipes used for oil transmission shall not be used as string deviation
structural sections as per this standard.
3) Light angle towers (0° : To be used on straight
5.2 Bolts to 5°) with suspension runs and upto 5° line
string deviation
5.2.1 Bolts for tower connections shall conform to
IS 12427. NOTE — In the selection of suspension tower either (b) above
or a combination of (a) and (c) may be followed.
5.2.2 Foundation bolts shall conform to IS 5624.
b) Tension towers:
5.2.3 Step bolts shall conform to IS 10238.
1) Small angle towers (0° to : To be used for line
5.3 Nuts 15°) with tension string deviation from 0° to
Nuts shall conform to IS 14394. The mechanical
properties shall conform to property Class 5 or Class 8 2) Medium angle towers : To be used for line
as the case may be. (0° to 30°) or (15° to deviation 0° to 30° or
30°) with tension string 15° to 30°.
5.4 Washers 3) Large angle towers (30° : To be used for line
5.4.1 Washers shall conform to IS 2016 with thickness to 60°) with tension deviation from 30° to
as required based on connection details. Spring washers string 60°.
shall conform to Type B of IS 3063. Heavy washers 4) Dead-end towers with : To be used as dead-
shall conform to IS 6610. tension string end (terminal) tower
or anchor tower.
5.4.2 Washers to be used with high strength bolts and
nuts shall conform to IS 6649. 5) Large angle and dead- : To be used for line
end towers with tension deviation from 30° to
5.5 Galvanization string 60° or for dead-ends.
5.5.1 Tower members shall be galvanized in NOTE — In the selection of tension towers either (5) or a
accordance with the provisions of IS 4759. combination of (3) and (4) may be followed.
5.5.2 Threaded fasteners shall be galvanized to 6.2 The angles of line deviation specified in 6.1 are
conform to the requirements of IS 1367 (Part 13). for the design span. The span may, however, be
increased up to an optimum limit with reducing angle
5.5.3 Spring washers shall be electro-galvanized as per
of line deviation, if adequate ground and phase
grade B of IS 1573 as and plain washers shall be hot
clearances are available.
dip galvanized as per service Grade 4 of IS 4759 or
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between 1.5 m and 10 m. NOTE — This category includes built up areas and
forest areas.
NOTE — This category includes normal country sides
with very few obstacles.
8.4 Design Wind Pressure, Pd
c) Category 3 — Terrain with numerous closely
The design wind pressure on towers, conductors and
spaced obstructions
insulators shall be obtained by the following
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in m; 1 2 3
Cdc = drag Coefficient which is 1.0 for conductor (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
and 1.2 for groundwire/OPGW; i) Up to 10 1.70 1.92 2.55
Gc = gust response factor which takes into account ii) 20 1.85 2.20 2.82
iii) 30 1.96 2.30 2.98
the turbulence of the wind and the dynamic iv) 40 2.07 2.40 3.12
response of the conductor. Values of Gc are v) 50 2.13 2.48 3.24
given in Table 7 for the three terrain categories vi) 60 2.20 2.55 3.34
vii) 70 2.26 2.63 3.46
and the average height of the conductor/ viii) 80 2.31 2.69 3.58
ground wire/OPGW above the ground; and NOTES
sin²Ω = angle between wind direction and conductor/ 1 Intermediate values may be linearly interpolated.
earthwire/OPGW. This value is to be 2 See (b) for GT in narrow front wind condition.
considered maximum of sin²Ω1, sin²Ω and
sin²Ω (see Fig. 2) and to be applied on total
wind span for calculating wind load on wire. FwiTRANS = Pd . Ai . Gi . Cdi . cosθ … in transverse
This value of sin²Ω is considering the direction,
deviation angle of tower (Maximum = Φ and FwiLONGI = Pd . Ai . Gi . Cdi . sinθ … in longitudinal
Minimum = 0°) to arrive at maximum possible direction,
wind load on wire.
9.2.1 The total effect of wind on bundle conductors
shall be taken equal to the sum of the wind load on Fwi = wind load, in N;
sub-conductors without accounting for a possible Fwi TRANS = component of wind load (F wi) in
masking effect of one of the sub-conductors on another. transverse direction, in N;
Fwi LONGI = component of wind load (F wi) in
9.3 Wind Load on Insulator Strings
longitudinal direction, in N;
9.3.1 Wind load on insulator strings shall be Pd = design wind pressure, in N/m²;
determined from the attachment point to the centre-
Ai = 50 percent area of insulator string in m²
line of the conductor in case of suspension tower and
projected on a plane which is parallel to
up to the end of clamp in case of tension tower, in the
the longitudinal axis of the insulator string;
direction of wind as follows:
Gi = gust response factor depending upon
Table 5 Drag Coefficient, Cdt for Tower terrain category and height of insulator
(Clause 9.1.1) attachment above ground. Values of Gi for
Sl Solidity Force Coefficient, Ct the three terrain categories are given in
No. Ratio Table 6;
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1 The unbalanced tension due to different angles (Φ1 and Φ2) between wind direction and conductor on both spans of tower is to be
2 The average height will be taken up to the clamping point of conductor/groundwire/OPGW on tower less two-third the sag at
minimum temperature and no wind.
are indicated on the map of India in Fig. 4 and Fig. 5, of conductor different temperature value may be
respectively. The temperatures indicated in these maps considered. The maximum temperature of ground wire/
are the air temperatures in shade. These may be used OPGW exposed to sun may be taken as 53°C.
for assessing the temperature effects.
10.3 Sag Tension
10.2 Temperature Variations Sag tension calculation for conductor and ground wire/
10.2.1 The absolute maximum temperature may be OPGW shall be made in accordance with the relevant
assumed as the higher adjacent isopleth temperature provisions of IS 5613 (Part 2/ Sec 1) for the following
shown in Fig. 4. combinations:
a) 100 percent design wind pressure after
10.2.2 The absolute minimum temperature may be
accounting for drag coefficient and gust
assumed as the lower adjacent isopleth temperature
response factor at everyday temperature [(Pd)
shown in Fig. 5.
for transverse wind and (Pd* sin²Ω) for oblique
10.2.3 The average everyday temperature shall be wind],
32°C anywhere in the country, except in regions b) 75 percent design wind pressure after
experiencing minimum temperature of –5°C or lower accounting for drag coefficient and gust
(see Fig. 4), where everyday temperature may be taken response factor at everyday temperature, and
as 15°C or as specified by the purchaser/end user. c) 36 percent design wind pressure after
10.2.4 The maximum conductor temperature may be accounting for drag coefficient and gust
obtained after allowing increase in temperature due to response factor at minimum temperature.
radiation and heating effect due to current, etc, over
the absolute maximum temperature given in Fig. 3.
The tower may be designed to suit the conductor 11.1 Classification of Loads
temperature of 85°C (Max) for ACSR (aluminium
Transmission lines are subjected to various loads during
conductor steel reinforced) and 95°C (Max) for AAAC
their lifetime. These loads are classified into three
(all aluminium alloy conductor). These values are only
distinct categories, namely,
for general guidelines and depending on the properties
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a) Climatic loads, related to the reliability a) 100 percent design wind pressure at everyday
requirements. temperature, [(Pd) for transverse wind and
b) Failure containment loads, related to security (Pd* sin²Ω) for oblique wind],
requirements. b) 75 percent design wind pressure at everyday
c) Construction and maintenance loads, related temperature, or
to safety requirements.
c) 36 percent design wind pressure at minimum
11.2 Climatic Loads temperature.
These are random loads imposed on tower, insulator
1 Criterion (b) is to be adopted for all towers under
string, conductor and ground wire/OPGW due to action security condition.
of wind on transmission line and do not act continuously. 2 Criterion (c) is normally not crucial for tangent tower
Climatic loads shall be determined under the following but shall be checked for angle or dead-end towers,
climatic conditions, whichever is more stringent: particularly for short spans.
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Table 7 Values of Gust Response Factor (Gc) for temperature after accounting for drag coefficient and
Conductor and Ground Wire/OPGW gust response factor.
(Clause 9.2)
11.3.3 Narrow Front Wind Loads
Sl Terrain Height Values of Gc for Ruling Span
No. Category Above Only suspension towers are to be designed under this
Up to 300 400 500 600 700 800
condition. These loads are caused by higher wind
200 mm mm mm mm mm mm velocity in narrow width acting on tower and insulator
mm and and no wind is considered acting on wires under this
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) condition.
Up to 10 1.70 1.65 1.60 1.56 1.53 1.50 1.47 11.4 Construction and Maintenance Loads
20 1.90 1.87 1.83 1.79 1 75 1.70 1.66
i) 1 40 2.10 2.04 2.00 1.95 1.90 1.85 1.80
60 2.24 2.18 2.12 2.07 2.02 1.96 1.90
These are loads imposed on towers during construction
80 2.35 2.25 2.18 2.13 2.10 2.06 2.03 and maintenance of transmission lines.
Up to 10 1.83 1.78 1.73 1.69 1.65 1.60 1.55
20 2.12 2.04 1.95 1.88 1.84 1.80 1.80 12 COMPUTATIONS OF LOADS
ii) 2 40 2.34 2.27 2.20 2.13 2.08 2.05 2.02
60 2.55 2.46 2.37 2.28 2.23 2.20 2.17
80 2.09 2.56 2.48 2.41 2.36 2.32 2.28
12.1 Transverse Loads
Up to 10 2.05 1.98 1.93 1.88 1.83 1.77 1.73 Transverse loads shall be computed for reliability,
20 2.44 2.35 2.25 2.15 2.10 2.06 2.03
iii) 3 40 2.76 2.67 2.58 2.49 2.42 2.38 2.34 security and safety requirements.
60 2.97 2.87 2.77 2.67 2.60 2.56 2.52
80 3.19 3.04 2.93 2.85 2.78 2.73 2.69 12.1.1 Reliability Requirements
NOTE — Intermediate values may be linearly interpolated.
These loads shall be calculated as follows:
a) Wind action on tower structures, conductors,
11.3 Failure Containment Loads ground wire/OPGWs and insulator strings
computed according to 9.1, 9.2 and 9.3
These loads comprise of, respectively for both the climatic condi-tions
a) anti-cascading loads; specified in 11.2.
b) torsional and longitudinal loads; and b) Component of mechanical tension F wd of
c) narrow front wind loads. conductor and ground wire/OPGW due to
wind computed as per
11.3.1 Anti-Cascading Loads
Thus, total transverse load
Cascade failure may be caused by failure of items such = (a) + (b) = Fwt + Fwc + Fwi + Fwd
as insulators, hardware, joints, failures of major
components such as towers, foundations, conductor where F wc , F wi and F wd are to be applied on all
due to defective material or workmanship or from conductors/ground wire/OPGW points and Fwt to be
climatic overloads or sometimes from casual events applied on tower at ground wire/OPGW peak and cross
such as misdirected aircraft, avalanches, sabotage, etc. arm levels and at any one convenient level between
The security measures adopted for containing cascade bottom cross arm and ground level for normal tower.
failures in the line is to provide angle towers at specific In case of tower with extensions, one more application
intervals which shall be checked for anti-cascading level shall be taken at top end of extension.
loads (see 14). 12.1.2 Security Requirements
11.3.2 Torsional and Longitudinal Loads These loads shall be taken as under.
These loads are caused by breakage of conductors) and/ Security requirements under broken wire
or ground wire/OPGW. All the towers shall be designed condition
for these loads for the number of conductor(s) and/or
ground wire/OPGW considered broken according a) Suspension towers:
to 16.
1) Transverse loads due to wind action on tower The mechanical tension of conductor/ground structures, conductors, ground wire/OPGWs
wire/OPGW is the tension corresponding to 100 and insulators shall be corresponding to 75
percent design wind pressure at every day temperature percent of full wind pressure at everyday
or 36 percent design wind pressure at minimum temperature.
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2) Transverse loads due to line deviation shall corresponding to 75 percent of full wind
be based on component of mechanical tension pressure at everyday temperature.
of conductors and ground wire/OPGWs
b) Tension and dead end towers:
corresponding to everyday temperature and
75 percent of full wind pressure. For broken 1) Transverse loads due to wind action on tower
wire spans the component shall be structure, conductors, ground wire/OPGWs
corresponding to 50 percent mechanical and insulators shall be computed as per
tension of conductor and 100 percent 12.1.1 (a). 60 percent wind span shall be
mechanical tension of ground wire/OPGW considered for broken wire and 100 percent
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a) For suspension towers, the longitudinal load a) For normal conditions — These loads for
corresponding to 50 percent of the mechanical tension towers and dead end towers shall be
tension of conductor and 100 percent of considered as corresponding to mechanical
mechanical tension of ground wire/OPGW shall tension of conductor/ground wire/OPGW at
be considered under everyday temperature and every day temperature and no wind.
75 percent of full wind pressure. Longitudinal loads due to unequal spans may
b) Horizontal loads in longitudinal direction due be neglected.
to component of mechanical tension of b) For broken wire conditions:
conductors and groundwire/OPGW shall be 1) Suspension towers — Longitudinal load
considered under everyday temperature and per sub-conductor and ground wire/
75 percent of full wind pressure for broken OPGW shall be considered as 10 000 N
wire(s). For intact wires these loads shall be and 5 000 N, respectively.
considered as nil. 2) Tension towers — Longitudinal load equal
c) For dead end towers, horizontal loads in to twice the sagging tension (sagging
longitudinal direction due to mechanical tension shall be taken as 50 percent of
tension of conductors and groundwire/OPGW tension at everyday temperature and no
shall be considered under everyday wind) for wires under stringing and 1.5
temperature and 75 percent of full wind times the sagging tension for all intact
pressure for intact wires. However, for broken wires (stringing completed).
wires these shall be taken as nil.
12.3.3 Safety Requirements
The loading combinations shall be chosen using the
These loads shall be taken as under: following:
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provided that the ultimate tension under everyday 17 STRENGTH FACTORS RELATED TO
temperature and 100 percent design wind pressure, or QUALITY
minimum temperature and 36 percent design wind
pressure does not exceed 70 percent of the ultimate The design of tower shall be carried out in accordance
tensile strength of the conductor/ground wire/OPGW. with the provisions covered in IS 802 (Part 1/Sec 2).
However, to account for the reduction in strength due
NOTE — For 400 kV and higher voltage lines, the final
unloaded tension or conductors at everyday temperature shall
to dimensional tolerance of the structural sections and
not exceed 22 percent of the ultimate tensile strength of yield strength of steel used, the following strength
conductors and 20 percent of the ultimate tensile strength of factors shall be considered:
ground wire/OPGW.
a) If steel with minimum guaranteed yield
16 BROKEN WIRE CONDITION strength is used for fabrication of tower, the
The following broken wire conditions shall be assumed estimated loads shall be increased by a factor
in the design of towers: of 1.02.
b) If steel with minimum guaranteed yield
a) Single circuit : Any one phase or ground wire/
strength is not used for fabrication of tower,
towers OPGW broken; whichever is
more stringent for a particular the estimated loads shall be increased by a
member. factor of 1.07.
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(Clause 2)
802 Code of practice for use of structural 3063 : 1994 Fasteners — Single coil rectangular
(Part 1/Sec 2) steel in overhead transmission line section spring lock washers —
towers and substation structures: Specification
Material, loads and design strengths, 4759 : 1996 Hot-dip zinc coatings on structural
Section 2 Design strengths (fourth steel and other allied products
revision) (under print) 5613 Code of practice for design,
802 (Part 2) : Fabrication, galvanizing, inspection installation and maintenance of
1978 and packing overhead power lines
802 (Part 3) : Testing (Part 2/ Sec 1) : Lines above 11 kV and up to and
1978 1985 including 220 kV, Section 1 Design
802 (Part 4) Requirement for lattice switchyard (Part 2/ Sec 2) : Lines above 11 kV and up to and
structures (under formulation) 1985 including 220 kV, Section 2
875 (Part 3) : Code of practice for design loads Installation and maintenance
2014 (other than earthquake) for buildings 5624 : 1993 Foundation bolts — Specification
and structures: Part 3 Wind loads (first revision)
(second revision) 6610 : 1971 Heavy washers for steel structures —
1161 : 1998 Steel tubes for structural purposes — Specification
Specification (fourth revision) 6649 : 1985 Specification for hardened and
1367 (Part 13) : Technical supply conditions for tempered washers for high strength
1983 threaded steel fasteners: Part 13 structural bolts and nuts
Hot-dip galvanized coatings on 10238 : 2001 Fasteners — Threaded steel fastener
threaded fasteners (second revision) — Step bolts for steel structures
1573 : 1986 Specification for electroplated (first revision)
coatings of zinc on iron and steel 12427 : 2001 Fasteners — Threaded steel fasteners
(second revision) — Hexagon head transmission tower
2016 : 1967 Specification for plain washers (first bolts — Specification (first revision)
revision) 14394 : 1996 Industrial fasteners — Hexagon nuts
2062 : 2011 Hot rolled medium and high tensile of product grade C — Hot-dip
structural steel — Specification galvanized — Specification (Size
(seventh revision) range M 12 to M 36)
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Structural Engineering and Structural Sections Sectional Committee, CED 7
Organization Representatives
In personal capacity (Block 2, Flat 2A, Rani Meyyammai DR V. KALYANARAMAN (Chairman)
Towers, MRC Nagar, RA Puram, Chennai – 600 028)
Bengal Engineering & Science University, Howrah DR SAIBAL KUMAR G HOSH
Bhillai Institute of Technology, Durg DR MOHAN GUPTA
C. R. Narayana Rao, Chennai DR C. N. SRINIVASAN
SHRI C. R. ARVIND (Alternate)
Central Electricity Authority, New Delhi SHRI A. K. J AIN
Central Public Works Department, New Delhi SHRI A. K. GARG
Central Water Commission, New Delhi DIRECTOR , GATES (NW&S)
DIRECTOR, GATES (N&W) (Alternate)
Construma Consultancy Pvt Limited, Mumbai DR HARSHAVARDHAN SUBBARAO
Consulting Engineering Services, New Delhi SHRI S. GHOSH
CSIR-Structural Engineering Research Centre, Chennai DR S. J. MOHAN
DR G. S. PALANI (Alternate)
Directorate General of Supplies & Disposals, New Delhi SHRI R. P. SINGH
Engineer-In-Chief’s Branch, New Delhi BRIG RAJESH TYAGI
COL M. S. DEOL (Alternate)
Engineers India Limited, New Delhi SHRI VINAY KUMAR
Gammon India Limited, Mumbai SHRI VIKAS C. RANE
Garden Reach Shipbuilders & Engineers Ltd, Kolkata SHRI SOMENATH B ANERJEE
Geodesic Techniques Pvt Ltd, Bangalore SHRI M. PRADYUMNA
Hindalco Industries Limited, Mirzapur DR J. MUKHOPADYAY
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi PROF A. K. NAGPAL
DR ALOK MADAN (Alternate)
Indian Institute of Technology Chennai DR S. ARUL JAYACHANDRAN
Indian Oil Corporation, Noida SHRI T. B ANDYOPADHYAY
SHRI P. V. RAJARAM (Alternate)
Institute of Steel Development & Growth (INSDAG), Kolkata SHRI ARIJIT GUHA
SHRI P. L. RAO (Alternate)
Institution of Engineers (India), Kolkata SHRI S. H. JAIN
Larsen & Toubro Limited, Chennai SHRI T. VENKATESH R AO
SHRIMATI M. F. F EBIN (Alternate)
M. N. Dastur & Company Pvt Limited, Kolkata SHRI PRATIP BHATTACHARYA
SHRI K. K. DE (Alternate)
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Organization Representatives
Ministry of Road Transport & Highways (Representing IRC), SECRETARY G ENERAL
New Delhi DIRECTOR (Alternate)
Northern Railway, New Delhi CHIEF E NGINEER
SHRI G. BISWAS (Alternate)
Oil Industry Safety Directorate, Noida SHRI S. K. NANDY
Research, Designs & Standards Organization, Lucknow DIRECTOR (B&S)/SB-II
DIRECTOR (B&S)/SB-I (Alternate)
Steel Authority of India Limited, Bhilai SHRI P. K. DATTA
Steel Authority of India Limited, Bokaro SHRI S. K. B ANERJEE
Steel Authority of India Limited, Ranchi SHRI B. V. HANUMESH
Steel Re-Rolling Mills Association of India, Kolkata SHRI B. M. B ERIWALA
STUP Consultants Pvt Ltd, Kolkata SHRI A. GHOSHAL
Visakhapatnam Steel Project, Visakhapatnam SHRI CH ADINARAYANA MURTHY
SHRI S. GHOSH (Alternate)
BIS Directorate General SHRI J. ROY C HOWDHURY, Scientist F and Head (Civil Engg)
[Representing Director General (Ex-officio)]
Member Secretary
Scientist C (Civil Engg), BIS
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to subash kothandaraman -
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to subash kothandaraman -
While formulating this Code, practices prevailing in the country in this field have been kept in view. Assistance
has been derived from the following publications:
a) Design of Latticed Steel Transmission Structures, ASCE-10-97
b) IEC 60050-826 International Electrotechnical Vocabulary - Part 826: Electrical installations
The composition of the Committee responsible for the formulation of this standard is given in Annex B.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final value,
observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall he rounded off in accordance with IS 2 : 1960
‘Rules for rounding off numerical values (revised)’. The number of significant places retained in the rounded off
value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.
Free Standard provided by BIS via BSB Edge Private Limited to subash kothandaraman -
BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods
and attending to connected matters in the country.
BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form
without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of
implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations.
Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS.
Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed
periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are
needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian Standards
should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue of
‘BIS Catalogue’ and ‘Standards : Monthly Additions’.
This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc No.: CED 07 (7850).