English Asl
English Asl
English Asl
Subject: English
Topic: Journey to the end of the Earth
Name of School: PM SHRI KV ASC Centre
Name: V. Sonika
Class: XII C
This is to cer fy that V. Sonika, studying in Class
12, Sec ‘C’, has successfully completed her ALS
based Project Por olio for the academic session
2024-25 under the guidance of Mrs. Sophia
Laishram. She had adhered the meline specified
by the Board for the planning, prepara on and
submi ed the project por olio within the
s pulated me.
Namita Balodi
1. Certificate
2. Acknowledgement
3. About the Author
4. Summary of the chapter
5. Sample questions
6. Bibliography
About the Author
Tishani Doshi
Summary of the chapter
the ozone layer keeps deple ng at the present rate, it will impact
the lives of the inhabitants of the area like the sea-animals and
birds. It will also impact the global carbon cycle.
We learn about the contributors to climate change, like the
burning of fossil fuels and more. All this is damaging the quality of
Antarc ca and this may cause immense danger to human life. We
also learn about it through examples of phytoplankton. Finally, the
story ends with the author observing some seals sunbathing on
ice. It makes her wonder whether this beauty will be reserved for
the years to come, or will the future be catastrophic.
To sum up, in Journey to End of the Earth we learn in detail about
climate change and how it is impac ng our lives and of other living
beings dangerously, it serves as a wakeup call to start working to
make the planet a healthier place.
Sample Questions
Extract based question
Q. Read the given extract and answer the ques ons that follow:
By the me I actually set foot on the Antarc c con nent I had been travelling over 100
hours in combina on of a car, an aeroplane and a ship; so, my first emo on on facing
Antarc ca’s expansive white landscape and uninterrupted blue horizon was relief,
followed up with an immediate and profound wonder. Wonder at its immensity, its
isola on, but mainly at how there could ever have been a me when India and
Antarc ca were part of the same landmass.
1. What do you mean by the horizon?
A The apparent boundary between the sky and the earth
B The apparent boundary between the sky and the solar system
C Both A and B
D None of these
Ans A the apparent boundary between the sky and the earth
2. How much me did it take to get to Antarc ca?
A 100 Hours
B 150 Hours
C 200 Hours
D 250 Hours
Ans A 100 Hours
3. As they arrived in Antarc ca, what feelings did the narrator experience?
A Stressed
B Distressed
C Relieved
D Baffled
Ans C Relieved
4. Find out the synonym of the word ‘Immense’ from the following?
A Tiny
B Monstrous
C Lagged
D None of these
Ans B Monstrous
Short Question Answers
Long Question Answers
Q. On returning home, Tishani Doshi writes her thoughts
reflec ng on how her decision to enrol for the Students on Ice
programme has been the single most important decision of her
life that has completely transformed her. Imagine yourself to be
Tishani and express these thoughts. You may begin like this: I
can’t thank my stars enough for having cashed in on the
opportunity of………. (CBSE SAMPLE QUESTION PAPER 2022-23)
Ans- I’m really grateful that I took advantage of the chance to sign
up for the “Students on Ice” programme. It was a significant event
in my life. Visits to islands without human habita on were en rely
apart from all previous experiences. The landscape’s rela ve
pris neness and lack of human tampering gave visitors a glimpse
into the past, present, and future of the planet. Because all life is
interconnected, I became aware of the threat to the environment
and all living beings as a result of the mel ng glaciers brought on
by human ac vity. The en re Earth’s ecology may be impacted by
global warming. Through a thorough inves ga on of this island, I
discovered Antarc ca to be s ll unaffected by humans and sought
to understand where we have come from and might be going. I
think that without addressing the rapidly escala ng global
warming, we won’t be able to stop the mel ng of ice, par cularly
glaciers, and that maintaining Antarc ca, which accounts for 90%
of the world’s ice, is extremely essen al.