Journey To The End of The World
Journey To The End of The World
Journey To The End of The World
The narrator says if we want to understand the earth's past, present and
future, Antarctica is the place to go. The study of this region is useful to
us because the world's geological history is trapped in Antarctica.
Reading the text
Now that you have watched the video and are
captivated by the beauty of Antarctica, let us
open our English textbooks and read lesson no. 3
from Vistas ‘Journey to the end of the Earth’ by
Tishani Doshi. You have 30 minutes to read the
text. Refer next slides for word meanings for your
better understanding
Vocabulary build up
Very cold
9. Frigid Isolate
10. Desolate
Small two-winged flies
11. Midges
12. Austral
Coming from south
Build up your vocabulary
13. Ubiquitous
Breaking of ice mass from an iceberg
14. Calving
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